from types import SimpleNamespace import pdfplumber from langchain.docstore.document import Document def prepare_table_config(crop_page): """Prepare table查找边界, 要求page为原始page From """ page = crop_page.root_page # root/parent cs = page.curves + page.edges def curves_to_edges(): """See""" edges = [] for c in cs: edges += pdfplumber.utils.rect_to_edges(c) return edges edges = curves_to_edges() return { "vertical_strategy": "explicit", "horizontal_strategy": "explicit", "explicit_vertical_lines": edges, "explicit_horizontal_lines": edges, "intersection_y_tolerance": 10, } def get_text_outside_table(crop_page): ts = prepare_table_config(crop_page) if len(ts["explicit_vertical_lines"]) == 0 or len(ts["explicit_horizontal_lines"]) == 0: return crop_page ### Get the bounding boxes of the tables on the page. bboxes = [table.bbox for table in crop_page.root_page.find_tables(table_settings=ts)] def not_within_bboxes(obj): """Check if the object is in any of the table's bbox.""" def obj_in_bbox(_bbox): """See""" v_mid = (obj["top"] + obj["bottom"]) / 2 h_mid = (obj["x0"] + obj["x1"]) / 2 x0, top, x1, bottom = _bbox return (h_mid >= x0) and (h_mid < x1) and (v_mid >= top) and (v_mid < bottom) return not any(obj_in_bbox(__bbox) for __bbox in bboxes) return crop_page.filter(not_within_bboxes) # 请使用 LaTeX 表达公式,行内公式以 $ 包裹,行间公式以 $$ 包裹 extract_words = lambda page: page.extract_words(keep_blank_chars=True, y_tolerance=0, x_tolerance=1, extra_attrs=["fontname", "size", "object_type"]) # dict_keys(['text', 'x0', 'x1', 'top', 'doctop', 'bottom', 'upright', 'direction', 'fontname', 'size']) def get_title_with_cropped_page(first_page): title = [] # 处理标题 x0, top, x1, bottom = first_page.bbox # 获取页面边框 for word in extract_words(first_page): word = SimpleNamespace(**word) if word.size >= 14: title.append(word.text) title_bottom = word.bottom elif word.text == "Abstract": # 获取页面abstract top = user_info = [i["text"] for i in extract_words(first_page.within_bbox((x0, title_bottom, x1, top)))] # 裁剪掉上半部分, within_bbox: full_included; crop: partial_included return title, user_info, first_page.within_bbox((x0, top, x1, bottom)) def get_column_cropped_pages(pages, two_column=True): new_pages = [] for page in pages: if two_column: left = page.within_bbox((0, 0, page.width / 2, page.height), relative=True) right = page.within_bbox((page.width / 2, 0, page.width, page.height), relative=True) new_pages.append(left) new_pages.append(right) else: new_pages.append(page) return new_pages def parse_pdf(filename, two_column=True): with as pdf: title, user_info, first_page = get_title_with_cropped_page(pdf.pages[0]) new_pages = get_column_cropped_pages([first_page] + pdf.pages[1:], two_column) chapters = [] # tuple (chapter_name, [pageid] (start,stop), chapter_text) create_chapter = lambda page_start, name_top, name_bottom: SimpleNamespace( name=[], name_top=name_top, name_bottom=name_bottom, record_chapter_name=True, page_start=page_start, page_stop=None, text=[], ) cur_chapter = None # 按页遍历PDF文档 for idx, page in enumerate(new_pages): page = get_text_outside_table(page) # 按行遍历页面文本 for word in extract_words(page): word = SimpleNamespace(**word) # 检查行文本是否以12号字体打印,如果是,则将其作为新章节开始 if word.size >= 11: # 出现chapter name if cur_chapter is None: cur_chapter = create_chapter(page.page_number,, word.bottom) elif not cur_chapter.record_chapter_name or ( cur_chapter.name_bottom != cur_chapter.name_bottom and cur_chapter.name_top != cur_chapter.name_top): # 不再继续写chapter name cur_chapter.page_stop = page.page_number # stop id chapters.append(cur_chapter) # 重置当前chapter信息 cur_chapter = create_chapter(page.page_number,, word.bottom) # print(word.size,, word.bottom, word.text) else: cur_chapter.record_chapter_name = False # chapter name 结束 cur_chapter.text.append(word.text) else: # 处理最后一个章节 cur_chapter.page_stop = page.page_number # stop id chapters.append(cur_chapter) for i in chapters: print(f"section: {} pages:{i.page_start, i.page_stop} word-count:{len(i.text)}") print(" ".join(i.text)) title = " ".join(title) user_info = " ".join(user_info) text = f"Article Title: {title}, Information:{user_info}\n" for idx, chapter in enumerate(chapters): = " ".join( text += f"The {idx}th Chapter {}: " + " ".join(chapter.text) + "\n" return Document(page_content=text, metadata={"title": title}) if __name__ == '__main__': # Test code z = parse_pdf("./build/test.pdf") print(z["user_info"]) print(z["title"])