[tool.poetry] | |
name = "sentiment-analysis" | |
package-mode = false | |
packages = [{ include = "app" }] | |
[tool.poetry.dependencies] | |
python = "^3.12" | |
click = "^8.1.7" | |
scikit-learn = "^1.4.2" | |
gradio = "^4.31.0" | |
[] | |
pandas = "^2.2.2" | |
numpy = "^1.26.4" | |
seaborn = "^0.13.2" | |
[] | |
ruff = "^0.4.1" | |
pre-commit = "^3.7.0" | |
ipykernel = "^6.29.4" | |
ipympl = "^0.9.4" | |
[build-system] | |
requires = ["poetry-core"] | |
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" | |
[tool.ruff] | |
extend-include = ["*.ipynb"] | |
src = ["app"] | |
line-length = 120 | |
indent-width = 4 | |
[tool.ruff.lint] | |
fixable = ["ALL"] | |
# select = [ | |
# "E", # pycodestyle | |
# "F", # Pyflakes | |
# "UP", # pyupgrade | |
# "B", # flake8-bugbear | |
# "SIM", # flake8-simplify | |
# "I", # isort | |
# ] | |
# ignore = [ | |
# # Conflicting rules with the formatter | |
# "W191", # tab-indentation | |
# "E111", # indentation-with-invalid-multiple | |
# "E114", # indentation-with-invalid-multiple-comment | |
# "E117", # over-indented | |
# "D206", # indent-with-spaces | |
# "D300", # triple-single-quotes | |
# "Q000", # bad-quotes-inline-string | |
# "Q001", # bad-quotes-multiline-string | |
# "Q002", # bad-quotes-docstring | |
# "Q003", # avoidable-escaped-quote | |
# "COM812", # missing-trailing-comma | |
# "COM819", # prohibited-trailing-comma | |
# "ISC001", # single-line-implicit-string-concatenation | |
# "ISC002", # multi-line-implicit-string-concatenation | |
# "E501", # line-too-long | |
# ] | |
ignore = [ | |
"E501", # pycodestyle line too long, handled by black | |
"D100", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public module | |
"D101", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public class | |
"D102", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public method | |
"D103", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public function | |
"D104", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public package | |
"D105", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in magic method | |
"D106", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in public nested class | |
"D107", # pydocstyle - missing docstring in __init__ | |
"D202", # pydocstyle - no blank lines allowed after function docstring | |
"D205", # pydocstyle - 1 blank line required between summary line and description | |
"D415", # pydocstyle - first line should end with a period, question mark, or exclamation point | |
"UP037", # pyupgrade - removes quotes from type annotation | |
"A003", # flake8-builtins - class attribute {name} is shadowing a python builtin | |
"B010", # flake8-bugbear - do not call setattr with a constant attribute value | |
"B008", # flake8-bugbear - Do not perform function call `Parameter` in argument defaultsRuff(B008) | |
"RUF012", # ruff - mutable class attributes should be annotated with `typing.ClassVar` | |
"ANN401", # ruff - Dynamically typed expressions (typing.Any) are disallowed | |
"ANN102", | |
"ANN101", # ruff - Missing type annotation for `self` in method | |
"PLR0913", # ruff - Too many arguments to function call | |
"PLR2004", # Magic value used in comparison | |
"FBT001", # Boolean typed positional argument in function definition | |
"FBT002", # Boolean default positional argument in function definition | |
"FBT003", # Boolean Boolean default positional argument in function definition | |
"ARG002", # Unused method argument | |
"ARG001", # Unused function argument | |
"TD002", | |
"TD003", | |
"FIX002", | |
"PGH003", | |
"RUF006", | |
"SLF001", | |
"PT007", | |
'PT004', | |
'PT005', | |
'S603', | |
"E501", # pycodestyle line too long, handled by black | |
"PLW2901", # pylint - for loop variable overwritten by assignment target | |
"ANN401", | |
"ANN102", | |
"ANN101", | |
"FBT", | |
"PLR0913", # too many arguments | |
"PT", | |
"TD", | |
"PERF203", # ignore for now; investigate | |
"T201", # print | |
"ANN204", # missing-return-type-special-method | |
"ERA001", # commented-out-code | |
] | |
select = ["ALL"] | |
# Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed | |
dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$" | |
[tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] | |
convention = "google" | |
[tool.ruff.lint.mccabe] | |
max-complexity = 12 | |
[tool.ruff.lint.isort] | |
known-first-party = ["app"] | |
[tool.ruff.format] | |
docstring-code-format = true | |
[tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] | |
"" = ["E402"] | |