Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -45,39 +45,60 @@ with gr.Blocks(title=title) as demo:
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
GenHlth = gr.Slider(label="In general, rank your health on a scale: 1(excellent)-5(poor)", minimum=1, maximum=5, default=1, step=1, description="1 = excellent, 5 = poor")
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
Income = gr.Dropdown(label="Income Level", choices=["< $10,000", "$10,000 - $24,999", "$25,000 - $49,999", "$50,000 - $74,999", "$75,000 or more"], default="< $10,000", description="Income level")
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
output_block = gr.Column(
78 |
gr.Label(label="Predicted Label"),
79 |
gr.Plot(label="SHAP Plot")
80 |
81 |
82 |
submit_btn = gr.Button("Analyze")
83 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
with gr.Row():
49 |
with gr.Column():
50 |
HighBP = gr.Radio(label="Do you have high Blood Pressure?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="0 = no high BP, 1 = high BP")
51 |
with gr.Column():
52 |
HighChol = gr.Radio(label="Do you have high Cholesterol?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="0 = no high cholesterol, 1 = high cholesterol")
53 |
with gr.Row():
54 |
with gr.Column():
55 |
CholCheck = gr.Radio(label="Did you have a Cholesterol check in past 5 years?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = not checked in 5 years, Yes = checked in 5 years")
56 |
with gr.Column()
57 |
BMI = gr.Number(label="BMI", minimum=0, maximum=98, default=1)
58 |
with gr.Row():
59 |
with gr.Column():
60 |
Smoker = gr.Radio(label="Are you a smoker?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = never smoked, Yes = smoked at least 100 cigarettes")
61 |
with gr.Row():
62 |
with gr.Column():
63 |
Stroke = gr.Radio(label="Have you had a stroke?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = never had a stroke, Yes = had a stroke")
64 |
with gr.Column():
65 |
HeartDiseaseorAttack = gr.Radio(label="Do you have coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = no CHD/MI, Yes = CHD/MI")
66 |
with gr.Row():
67 |
with gr.Column():
68 |
PhysActivity = gr.Radio(label="Physical Activity in the past 30 days?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = no activity, Yes = active")
69 |
with gr.Row():
70 |
with gr.Column():
71 |
Fruits = gr.Radio(label="Do you consume fruit 1 or more times per day?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = less than daily, Yes = daily")
72 |
with gr.Column():
73 |
Veggies = gr.Radio(label="Do you consume Vegetables 1 or more times per day?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = less than daily, Yes = daily")
74 |
with gr.Column():
75 |
HvyAlcoholConsump = gr.Radio(label="Do you drink often? (adult men having more than 14 drinks/week and adult women having more than 7 drinks/week)", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = not heavy drinker, Yes = heavy drinker")
76 |
with gr.Row():
77 |
with gr.Column():
78 |
AnyHealthcare = gr.Radio(label="Do you have any kind of health care coverage? (e.g., health insurance, prepaid plans such as HMO)", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = no coverage, Yes = coverage")
79 |
with gr.Column():
80 |
NoDocbcCost = gr.Radio(label="Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = no barrier, Yes = cost barrier")
81 |
82 |
with gr.Row():
83 |
GenHlth = gr.Slider(label="In general, rank your health on a scale: 1(excellent)-5(poor)", minimum=1, maximum=5, default=1, step=1, description="1 = excellent, 5 = poor")
84 |
with gr.Row():
85 |
MentHlth = gr.Number(label="Poor Mental Health in the Past 30 Days", minimum=0, maximum=30, default=1, description="Days not good out of last 30")
86 |
with gr.Row():
87 |
PhysHlth = gr.Number(label="Poor Physical Health in the Past 30 Days", minimum=0, maximum=30, default=1, description="Days not good out of last 30")
88 |
with gr.Row():
89 |
DiffWalk = gr.Radio(label="Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?", choices=["No", "Yes"], default="Yes", description="No = no difficulty, Yes = difficulty")
90 |
with gr.Row():
91 |
Sex = gr.Radio(label="Sex", choices=["Female", "Male"], default="Male", description="Female or Male")
92 |
with gr.Row():
93 |
Age = gr.Number(label="Age", minimum=1, maximum=100, default=1)
94 |
with gr.Row():
95 |
Education = gr.Dropdown(label="Education Level", choices=["Never attended school", "Grades 1-8", "Grades 9-11", "Grade 12 or GED", "College 1-3 years", "College 4+ years"], default="Never attended school", description="Education level")
96 |
with gr.Row():
97 |
Income = gr.Dropdown(label="Income Level", choices=["< $10,000", "$10,000 - $24,999", "$25,000 - $49,999", "$50,000 - $74,999", "$75,000 or more"], default="< $10,000", description="Income level")
98 |
99 |
with gr.Column(visible=True) as output_col:
100 |
label = gr.Label(label = "Predicted Label")
101 |
local_plot = gr.Plot(label = 'Shap:')
102 |
103 |
submit_btn = gr.Button("Analyze")
104 |