import * as THREE from 'three'; import { FBXLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/FBXLoader.js'; import { mixamoVRMRigMap } from './mixamoVRMRigMap.js'; /** * Load Mixamo animation, convert for three-vrm use, and return it. * * @param {string} url A url of mixamo animation data * @param {VRM} vrm A target VRM * @returns {Promise} The converted AnimationClip */ export function loadMixamoAnimation( url, vrm ) { const loader = new FBXLoader(); // A loader which loads FBX return loader.loadAsync( url ).then( ( asset ) => { const clip = THREE.AnimationClip.findByName( asset.animations, '' ); // extract the AnimationClip const tracks = []; // KeyframeTracks compatible with VRM will be added here const restRotationInverse = new THREE.Quaternion(); const parentRestWorldRotation = new THREE.Quaternion(); const _quatA = new THREE.Quaternion(); const _vec3 = new THREE.Vector3(); // Adjust with reference to hips height. const motionHipsHeight = asset.getObjectByName( 'mixamorigHips' ).position.y; const vrmHipsY = vrm.humanoid?.getNormalizedBoneNode( 'hips' ).getWorldPosition( _vec3 ).y; const vrmRootY = vrm.scene.getWorldPosition( _vec3 ).y; const vrmHipsHeight = Math.abs( vrmHipsY - vrmRootY ); const hipsPositionScale = vrmHipsHeight / motionHipsHeight; clip.tracks.forEach( ( track ) => { // Convert each tracks for VRM use, and push to `tracks` const trackSplitted = '.' ); const mixamoRigName = trackSplitted[ 0 ]; const vrmBoneName = mixamoVRMRigMap[ mixamoRigName ]; const vrmNodeName = vrm.humanoid?.getNormalizedBoneNode( vrmBoneName )?.name; const mixamoRigNode = asset.getObjectByName( mixamoRigName ); //console.log( vrmNodeName, track ); if ( vrmNodeName != null ) { const propertyName = trackSplitted[ 1 ]; // Store rotations of rest-pose. mixamoRigNode.getWorldQuaternion( restRotationInverse ).invert(); mixamoRigNode.parent.getWorldQuaternion( parentRestWorldRotation ); if ( track instanceof THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack ) { // Retarget rotation of mixamoRig to NormalizedBone. for ( let i = 0; i < track.values.length; i += 4 ) { const flatQuaternion = track.values.slice( i, i + 4 ); _quatA.fromArray( flatQuaternion ); _quatA .premultiply( parentRestWorldRotation ) .multiply( restRotationInverse ); _quatA.toArray( flatQuaternion ); flatQuaternion.forEach( ( v, index ) => { track.values[ index + i ] = v; } ); } tracks.push( new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( `${vrmBoneName}`, track.times, ( v, i ) => ( vrm.meta?.metaVersion === '0' && i % 2 === 0 ? - v : v ) ), ), ); } else if ( track instanceof THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack ) { const value = ( v, i ) => ( vrm.meta?.metaVersion === '0' && i % 3 !== 1 ? - v : v ) * hipsPositionScale ); tracks.push( new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( `${vrmBoneName}`, track.times, value ) ); } } } ); let choose_time = Math.floor(Math.random() * tracks[0].times.length) * 4; console.log(choose_time); let result = []; tracks.forEach(track => { const flatQuaternion = track.values.slice(choose_time, choose_time + 4); var euler = new THREE.Euler(); euler.setFromQuaternion( new THREE.Quaternion().fromArray(flatQuaternion)); result.push({ name:, euler: euler }); }); return result; } ); }