Xueqing Wu
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No virus
21.1 kB
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union, List
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.ops import box_iou
from word2number import w2n
from vision_processes import forward
def load_json(path: str):
if isinstance(path, str):
path = pathlib.Path(path)
if path.suffix != '.json':
path = path.with_suffix('.json')
with open(path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
return data
class ImagePatch:
"""A Python class containing a crop of an image centered around a particular object, as well as relevant
cropped_image : array_like
An array-like of the cropped image taken from the original image.
left : int
An int describing the position of the left border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
lower : int
An int describing the position of the bottom border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
right : int
An int describing the position of the right border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
upper : int
An int describing the position of the top border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
find(object_name: str)->List[ImagePatch]
Returns a list of new ImagePatch objects containing crops of the image centered around any objects found in the
image matching the object_name.
exists(object_name: str)->bool
Returns True if the object specified by object_name is found in the image, and False otherwise.
verify_property(property: str)->bool
Returns True if the property is met, and False otherwise.
best_text_match(option_list: List[str], prefix: str)->str
Returns the string that best matches the image.
simple_query(question: str=None)->str
Returns the answer to a basic question asked about the image. If no question is provided, returns the answer
to "What is this?".
Returns the median depth of the image crop.
crop(left: int, lower: int, right: int, upper: int)->ImagePatch
Returns a new ImagePatch object containing a crop of the image at the given coordinates.
def __init__(self, image: Union[Image.Image, torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], left: int = None, lower: int = None,
right: int = None, upper: int = None, parent_left=0, parent_lower=0, queues=None,
"""Initializes an ImagePatch object by cropping the image at the given coordinates and stores the coordinates as
attributes. If no coordinates are provided, the image is left unmodified, and the coordinates are set to the
dimensions of the image.
image : array_like
An array-like of the original image.
left : int
An int describing the position of the left border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
lower : int
An int describing the position of the bottom border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
right : int
An int describing the position of the right border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
upper : int
An int describing the position of the top border of the crop's bounding box in the original image.
if isinstance(image, Image.Image):
image = transforms.ToTensor()(image)
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
image = torch.tensor(image).permute(1, 2, 0)
elif isinstance(image, torch.Tensor) and image.dtype == torch.uint8:
image = image / 255
if left is None and right is None and upper is None and lower is None:
self.cropped_image = image
self.left = 0
self.lower = 0
self.right = image.shape[2] # width
self.upper = image.shape[1] # height
self.cropped_image = image[:, image.shape[1] - upper:image.shape[1] - lower, left:right]
self.left = left + parent_left
self.upper = upper + parent_lower
self.right = right + parent_left
self.lower = lower + parent_lower
self.height = self.cropped_image.shape[1]
self.width = self.cropped_image.shape[2]
self.cache = {}
self.queues = (None, None) if queues is None else queues
self.parent_img_patch = parent_img_patch
self.horizontal_center = (self.left + self.right) / 2
self.vertical_center = (self.lower + self.upper) / 2
if self.cropped_image.shape[1] == 0 or self.cropped_image.shape[2] == 0:
raise Exception("ImagePatch has no area")
self.possible_options = load_json('./useful_lists/possible_options.json')
def forward(self, model_name, *args, **kwargs):
return forward(model_name, *args, **kwargs)
# return forward(model_name, *args, queues=self.queues, **kwargs)
def original_image(self):
if self.parent_img_patch is None:
return self.cropped_image
return self.parent_img_patch.original_image
def find(self, object_name: str, confidence_threshold: float = None, return_confidence: bool = False) -> List:
"""Returns a list of ImagePatch objects matching object_name contained in the crop if any are found.
Otherwise, returns an empty list.
object_name : str
the name of the object to be found
a list of ImagePatch objects matching object_name contained in the crop
if confidence_threshold is not None:
confidence_threshold = float(confidence_threshold)
if object_name in ["object", "objects"]:
all_object_coordinates, all_object_scores = self.forward('maskrcnn', self.cropped_image,
all_object_coordinates = all_object_coordinates[0]
all_object_scores = all_object_scores[0]
if object_name == 'person':
object_name = 'people' # GLIP does better at people than person
all_object_coordinates, all_object_scores = self.forward('glip', self.cropped_image, object_name,
if len(all_object_coordinates) == 0:
return []
threshold = 0.0
if threshold > 0:
area_im = self.width * self.height
all_areas = torch.tensor([(coord[2] - coord[0]) * (coord[3] - coord[1]) / area_im
for coord in all_object_coordinates])
mask = all_areas > threshold
# if not mask.any():
# mask = all_areas == all_areas.max() # At least return one element
all_object_coordinates = all_object_coordinates[mask]
all_object_scores = all_object_scores[mask]
boxes = [self.crop(*coordinates) for coordinates in all_object_coordinates]
if return_confidence:
return [(box, float(score)) for box, score in zip(boxes, all_object_scores.reshape(-1))]
return boxes
def exists(self, object_name) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the object specified by object_name is found in the image, and False otherwise.
object_name : str
A string describing the name of the object to be found in the image.
if object_name.isdigit() or object_name.lower().startswith("number"):
object_name = object_name.lower().replace("number", "").strip()
object_name = w2n.word_to_num(object_name)
answer = self.simple_query("What number is written in the image (in digits)?")
return w2n.word_to_num(answer) == object_name
patches = self.find(object_name)
filtered_patches = []
for patch in patches:
if "yes" in patch.simple_query(f"Is this a {object_name}?"):
return len(filtered_patches) > 0
def _score(self, category: str, negative_categories=None, model='clip') -> float:
Returns a binary score for the similarity between the image and the category.
The negative categories are used to compare to (score is relative to the scores of the negative categories).
if model == 'clip':
res = self.forward('clip', self.cropped_image, category, task='score',
elif model == 'tcl':
res = self.forward('tcl', self.cropped_image, category, task='score')
else: # xvlm
task = 'binary_score' if negative_categories is not None else 'score'
res = self.forward('xvlm', self.cropped_image, category, task=task, negative_categories=negative_categories)
res = res.item()
return res
def _detect(self, category: str, thresh, negative_categories=None, model='clip') -> Tuple[bool, float]:
score = self._score(category, negative_categories, model)
return score > thresh, float(score)
def verify_property(self, object_name: str, attribute: str, return_confidence: bool = False):
"""Returns True if the object possesses the property, and False otherwise.
Differs from 'exists' in that it presupposes the existence of the object specified by object_name, instead
checking whether the object possesses the property.
object_name : str
A string describing the name of the object to be found in the image.
attribute : str
A string describing the property to be checked.
name = f"{attribute} {object_name}"
model = "xvlm"
negative_categories = [f"{att} {object_name}" for att in self.possible_options['attributes']]
# if model == 'clip':
# ret, score = self._detect(name, negative_categories=negative_categories,
# thresh=config.verify_property.thresh_clip, model='clip')
# elif model == 'tcl':
# ret, score = self._detect(name, thresh=config.verify_property.thresh_tcl, model='tcl')
# else: # 'xvlm'
ret, score = self._detect(name, negative_categories=negative_categories, thresh=0.6, model='xvlm')
if return_confidence:
return ret, score
return ret
def best_text_match(self, option_list: list[str] = None, prefix: str = None) -> str:
"""Returns the string that best matches the image.
option_list : str
A list with the names of the different options
prefix : str
A string with the prefixes to append to the options
option_list_to_use = option_list
if prefix is not None:
option_list_to_use = [prefix + " " + option for option in option_list]
model_name = "xvlm"
image = self.cropped_image
text = option_list_to_use
if model_name in ('clip', 'tcl'):
selected = self.forward(model_name, image, text, task='classify')
elif model_name == 'xvlm':
res = self.forward(model_name, image, text, task='score')
res = res.argmax().item()
selected = res
raise NotImplementedError
return option_list[selected]
def simple_query(self, question: str, return_confidence: bool = False):
"""Returns the answer to a basic question asked about the image. If no question is provided, returns the answer
to "What is this?". The questions are about basic perception, and are not meant to be used for complex reasoning
or external knowledge.
question : str
A string describing the question to be asked.
text, score = self.forward('blip', self.cropped_image, question, task='qa')
if return_confidence:
return text, score
return text
def compute_depth(self):
"""Returns the median depth of the image crop
the median depth of the image crop
original_image = self.original_image
depth_map = self.forward('depth', original_image)
depth_map = depth_map[original_image.shape[1] - self.upper:original_image.shape[1] - self.lower,
return depth_map.median() # Ideally some kind of mode, but median is good enough for now
def crop(self, left: int, lower: int, right: int, upper: int) -> ImagePatch:
"""Returns a new ImagePatch containing a crop of the original image at the given coordinates.
left : int
the position of the left border of the crop's bounding box in the original image
lower : int
the position of the bottom border of the crop's bounding box in the original image
right : int
the position of the right border of the crop's bounding box in the original image
upper : int
the position of the top border of the crop's bounding box in the original image
a new ImagePatch containing a crop of the original image at the given coordinates
# make all inputs ints
left = int(left)
lower = int(lower)
right = int(right)
upper = int(upper)
if True:
left = max(0, left - 10)
lower = max(0, lower - 10)
right = min(self.width, right + 10)
upper = min(self.height, upper + 10)
return ImagePatch(self.cropped_image, left, lower, right, upper, self.left, self.lower, queues=self.queues,
def overlaps_with(self, left, lower, right, upper):
"""Returns True if a crop with the given coordinates overlaps with this one,
else False.
left : int
the left border of the crop to be checked
lower : int
the lower border of the crop to be checked
right : int
the right border of the crop to be checked
upper : int
the upper border of the crop to be checked
True if a crop with the given coordinates overlaps with this one, else False
return self.left <= right and self.right >= left and self.lower <= upper and self.upper >= lower
def llm_query(self, question: str, long_answer: bool = True) -> str:
return llm_query(question, None, long_answer)
# def print_image(self, size: tuple[int, int] = None):
# show_single_image(self.cropped_image, size)
def __repr__(self):
return "ImagePatch(left={}, right={}, upper={}, lower={}, height={}, width={}, horizontal_center={}, vertical_center={})".format(
self.left, self.right, self.upper, self.lower, self.height, self.width,
self.horizontal_center, self.vertical_center,
# return "ImagePatch({}, {}, {}, {})".format(self.left, self.lower, self.right, self.upper)
def best_image_match(list_patches: list[ImagePatch], content: List[str], return_index: bool = False) -> \
Union[ImagePatch, None]:
"""Returns the patch most likely to contain the content.
list_patches : List[ImagePatch]
content : List[str]
the object of interest
return_index : bool
if True, returns the index of the patch most likely to contain the object
Patch most likely to contain the object
if len(list_patches) == 0:
return None
model = "xvlm"
scores = []
for cont in content:
if model == 'clip':
res = list_patches[0].forward(model, [p.cropped_image for p in list_patches], cont, task='compare',
res = list_patches[0].forward(model, [p.cropped_image for p in list_patches], cont, task='score')
scores = torch.stack(scores).mean(dim=0)
scores = scores.argmax().item() # Argmax over all image patches
if return_index:
return scores
return list_patches[scores]
def distance(patch_a: Union[ImagePatch, float], patch_b: Union[ImagePatch, float]) -> float:
Returns the distance between the edges of two ImagePatches, or between two floats.
If the patches overlap, it returns a negative distance corresponding to the negative intersection over union.
if isinstance(patch_a, ImagePatch) and isinstance(patch_b, ImagePatch):
a_min = np.array([patch_a.left, patch_a.lower])
a_max = np.array([patch_a.right, patch_a.upper])
b_min = np.array([patch_b.left, patch_b.lower])
b_max = np.array([patch_b.right, patch_b.upper])
u = np.maximum(0, a_min - b_max)
v = np.maximum(0, b_min - a_max)
dist = np.sqrt((u ** 2).sum() + (v ** 2).sum())
if dist == 0:
box_a = torch.tensor([patch_a.left, patch_a.lower, patch_a.right, patch_a.upper])[None]
box_b = torch.tensor([patch_b.left, patch_b.lower, patch_b.right, patch_b.upper])[None]
dist = - box_iou(box_a, box_b).item()
dist = abs(patch_a - patch_b)
return dist
def bool_to_yesno(bool_answer: bool) -> str:
"""Returns a yes/no answer to a question based on the boolean value of bool_answer.
bool_answer : bool
a boolean value
a yes/no answer to a question based on the boolean value of bool_answer
return "yes" if bool_answer else "no"
def llm_query(query, context=None, long_answer=True, queues=None):
"""Answers a text question using GPT-3. The input question is always a formatted string with a variable in it.
query: str
the text question to ask. Must not contain any reference to 'the image' or 'the photo', etc.
if long_answer:
return forward(model_name='gpt3_general', prompt=query, queues=queues)
return forward(model_name='gpt3_qa', prompt=[query, context], queues=queues)
def process_guesses(prompt, guess1=None, guess2=None, queues=None):
return forward(model_name='gpt3_guess', prompt=[prompt, guess1, guess2], queues=queues)
def coerce_to_numeric(string, no_string=False):
This function takes a string as input and returns a numeric value after removing any non-numeric characters.
If the input string contains a range (e.g. "10-15"), it returns the first value in the range.
# TODO: Cases like '25to26' return 2526, which is not correct.
if any(month in string.lower() for month in ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july',
'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december']):
return dateparser.parse(string).timestamp().year
except: # Parse Error
# If it is a word number (e.g. 'zero')
numeric = w2n.word_to_num(string)
return numeric
except ValueError:
# Remove any non-numeric characters except the decimal point and the negative sign
string_re = re.sub("[^0-9\.\-]", "", string)
if string_re.startswith('-'):
string_re = '&' + string_re[1:]
# Check if the string includes a range
if "-" in string_re:
# Split the string into parts based on the dash character
parts = string_re.split("-")
return coerce_to_numeric(parts[0].replace('&', '-'))
string_re = string_re.replace('&', '-')
# Convert the string to a float or int depending on whether it has a decimal point
if "." in string_re:
numeric = float(string_re)
numeric = int(string_re)
if no_string:
raise ValueError
# No numeric values. Return input
return string
return numeric