import abc import os import re import timeit from typing import Union import torch import torchvision from PIL import Image from torch import hub from torch.nn import functional as F from torchvision import transforms device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" class BaseModel(abc.ABC): to_batch = False seconds_collect_data = 1.5 # Window of seconds to group inputs, if to_batch is True max_batch_size = 10 # Maximum batch size, if to_batch is True. Maximum allowed by OpenAI requires_gpu = True num_gpus = 1 # Number of required GPUs load_order = 0 # Order in which the model is loaded. Lower is first. By default, models are loaded alphabetically def __init__(self, gpu_number): = f'cuda:{gpu_number}' if device == 'cuda' else device @abc.abstractmethod def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ If to_batch is True, every arg and kwarg will be a list of inputs, and the output should be a list of outputs. The way it is implemented in the background, if inputs with defaults are not specified, they will take the default value, but still be given as a list to the forward method. """ pass @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def name(cls) -> str: """The name of the model has to be given by the subclass""" pass @classmethod def list_processes(cls): """ A single model can be run in multiple processes, for example if there are different tasks to be done with it. If multiple processes are used, override this method to return a list of strings. Remember the @classmethod decorator. If we specify a list of processes, the self.forward() method has to have a "process_name" parameter that gets automatically passed in. See GPT3Model for an example. """ return [] # ------------------------------ Specific models ---------------------------- # class ObjectDetector(BaseModel): name = 'object_detector' def __init__(self, gpu_number=0): super().__init__(gpu_number) detection_model = hub.load('facebookresearch/detr', 'detr_resnet50', pretrained=True).to( detection_model.eval() self.detection_model = detection_model @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, image: torch.Tensor): """get_object_detection_bboxes""" input_batch = # create a mini-batch as expected by the model detections = self.detection_model(input_batch) p = detections['pred_boxes'] p = torch.stack([p[..., 0], 1 - p[..., 3], p[..., 2], 1 - p[..., 1]], -1) # [left, lower, right, upper] detections['pred_boxes'] = p return detections class DepthEstimationModel(BaseModel): name = 'depth' def __init__(self, gpu_number=0, model_type='DPT_Large'): super().__init__(gpu_number) # Model options: MiDaS_small, DPT_Hybrid, DPT_Large depth_estimation_model = hub.load('intel-isl/MiDaS', model_type, pretrained=True).to( depth_estimation_model.eval() midas_transforms = torch.hub.load("intel-isl/MiDaS", "transforms") if model_type == "DPT_Large" or model_type == "DPT_Hybrid": self.transform = midas_transforms.dpt_transform else: self.transform = midas_transforms.small_transform self.depth_estimation_model = depth_estimation_model @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, image: torch.Tensor): """Estimate depth map""" image_numpy = image.cpu().permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() * 255 input_batch = self.transform(image_numpy).to( prediction = self.depth_estimation_model(input_batch) # Resize to original size prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( prediction.unsqueeze(1), size=image_numpy.shape[:2], mode="bicubic", align_corners=False, ).squeeze() # We compute the inverse because the model returns inverse depth to_return = 1 / prediction to_return = to_return.cpu() return to_return # To save: plt.imsave(path_save, prediction.cpu().numpy()) class CLIPModel(BaseModel): name = 'clip' def __init__(self, gpu_number=0, version="ViT-L/14@336px"): # @336px super().__init__(gpu_number) import clip self.clip = clip model, preprocess = clip.load(version, model.eval() model.requires_grad_ = False self.model = model self.negative_text_features = None self.transform = self.get_clip_transforms_from_tensor(336 if "336" in version else 224) # @staticmethod def _convert_image_to_rgb(self, image): return image.convert("RGB") # @staticmethod def get_clip_transforms_from_tensor(self, n_px=336): return transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.Resize(n_px, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), transforms.CenterCrop(n_px), self._convert_image_to_rgb, transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), ]) @torch.no_grad() def binary_score(self, image: torch.Tensor, prompt, negative_categories=None): is_video = isinstance(image, torch.Tensor) and image.ndim == 4 if is_video: # video image = torch.stack([self.transform(image[i]) for i in range(image.shape[0])], dim=0) else: image = self.transform(image).unsqueeze(0).to( prompt_prefix = "photo of " prompt = prompt_prefix + prompt if negative_categories is None: if self.negative_text_features is None: self.negative_text_features = self.clip_negatives(prompt_prefix) negative_text_features = self.negative_text_features else: negative_text_features = self.clip_negatives(prompt_prefix, negative_categories) text = self.clip.tokenize([prompt]).to( image_features = self.model.encode_image( image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1) pos_text_features = self.model.encode_text(text) pos_text_features = F.normalize(pos_text_features, dim=-1) text_features = torch.concat([pos_text_features, negative_text_features], axis=0) # run competition where we do a binary classification # between the positive and all the negatives, then take the mean sim = (100.0 * image_features @ text_features.T).squeeze(dim=0) if is_video: query = sim[..., 0].unsqueeze(-1).broadcast_to(sim.shape[0], sim.shape[-1] - 1) others = sim[..., 1:] res = F.softmax(torch.stack([query, others], dim=-1), dim=-1)[..., 0].mean(-1) else: res = F.softmax([0].broadcast_to(1, sim.shape[0] - 1), sim[1:].unsqueeze(0)), dim=0), dim=0)[0].mean() return res @torch.no_grad() def clip_negatives(self, prompt_prefix, negative_categories=None): if negative_categories is None: with open('useful_lists/random_negatives.txt') as f: negative_categories = [x.strip() for x in] # negative_categories = negative_categories[:1000] # negative_categories = ["a cat", "a lamp"] negative_categories = [prompt_prefix + x for x in negative_categories] negative_tokens = self.clip.tokenize(negative_categories).to( negative_text_features = self.model.encode_text(negative_tokens) negative_text_features = F.normalize(negative_text_features, dim=-1) return negative_text_features @torch.no_grad() def classify(self, image: Union[torch.Tensor, list], categories: list[str], return_index=True): is_list = isinstance(image, list) if is_list: assert len(image) == len(categories) image = [self.transform(x).unsqueeze(0) for x in image] image_clip =, dim=0).to( elif len(image.shape) == 3: image_clip = self.transform(image).to( else: # Video (process images separately) image_clip = torch.stack([self.transform(x) for x in image], dim=0).to( # if len(image_clip.shape) == 3: # image_clip = image_clip.unsqueeze(0) prompt_prefix = "photo of " categories = [prompt_prefix + x for x in categories] categories = self.clip.tokenize(categories).to( text_features = self.model.encode_text(categories) text_features = F.normalize(text_features, dim=-1) image_features = self.model.encode_image(image_clip) image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1) if image_clip.shape[0] == 1: # get category from image softmax_arg = image_features @ text_features.T # 1 x n else: if is_list: # get highest category-image match with n images and n corresponding categories softmax_arg = (image_features @ text_features.T).diag().unsqueeze(0) # n x n -> 1 x n else: softmax_arg = (image_features @ text_features.T) similarity = (100.0 * softmax_arg).softmax(dim=-1).squeeze(0) if not return_index: return similarity else: result = torch.argmax(similarity, dim=-1) if result.shape == (): result = result.item() return result @torch.no_grad() def compare(self, images: list[torch.Tensor], prompt, return_scores=False): images = [self.transform(im).unsqueeze(0).to( for im in images] images =, dim=0) prompt_prefix = "photo of " prompt = prompt_prefix + prompt text = self.clip.tokenize([prompt]).to( image_features = self.model.encode_image( image_features = F.normalize(image_features, dim=-1) text_features = self.model.encode_text(text) text_features = F.normalize(text_features, dim=-1) sim = (image_features @ text_features.T).squeeze(dim=-1) # Only one text, so squeeze if return_scores: return sim res = sim.argmax() return res def forward(self, image, prompt, task='score', return_index=True, negative_categories=None, return_scores=False): if task == 'classify': categories = prompt clip_sim = self.classify(image, categories, return_index=return_index) out = clip_sim elif task == 'score': clip_score = self.binary_score(image, prompt, negative_categories=negative_categories) out = clip_score else: # task == 'compare' idx =, prompt, return_scores) out = idx if not isinstance(out, int): out = out.cpu() return out class MaskRCNNModel(BaseModel): name = 'maskrcnn' def __init__(self, gpu_number=0, threshold=0.8): super().__init__(gpu_number) obj_detect = torchvision.models.detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn_v2(weights='COCO_V1').to( obj_detect.eval() obj_detect.requires_grad_(False) self.categories = torchvision.models.detection.MaskRCNN_ResNet50_FPN_V2_Weights.COCO_V1.meta['categories'] self.obj_detect = obj_detect self.threshold = threshold def prepare_image(self, image): image = return image @torch.no_grad() def detect(self, images: torch.Tensor, confidence_threshold: float = None): if type(images) != list: images = [images] threshold = confidence_threshold if confidence_threshold is not None else self.threshold images = [self.prepare_image(im) for im in images] detections = self.obj_detect(images) scores = [] for i in range(len(images)): scores.append(detections[i]['scores'][detections[i]['scores'] > threshold]) height = detections[i]['masks'].shape[-2] # Just return boxes (no labels no masks, no scores) with scores > threshold d_i = detections[i]['boxes'][detections[i]['scores'] > threshold] # Return [left, lower, right, upper] instead of [left, upper, right, lower] detections[i] = torch.stack([d_i[:, 0], height - d_i[:, 3], d_i[:, 2], height - d_i[:, 1]], dim=1) return detections, scores def forward(self, image, confidence_threshold: float = None): obj_detections, obj_scores = self.detect(image, confidence_threshold=confidence_threshold) # Move to CPU before sharing. Alternatively we can try cloning tensors in CUDA, but may not work obj_detections = [('cpu') if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else list(v)) for v in obj_detections] obj_scores = [('cpu') if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else list(v)) for v in obj_scores] return obj_detections, obj_scores class GLIPModel(BaseModel): name = 'glip' def __init__(self, model_size='large', gpu_number=0, *args): BaseModel.__init__(self, gpu_number) # with contextlib.redirect_stderr(open(os.devnull, "w")): # Do not print nltk_data messages when importing from maskrcnn_benchmark.engine.predictor_glip import GLIPDemo, to_image_list, create_positive_map, \ create_positive_map_label_to_token_from_positive_map working_dir = 'pretrained_models/GLIP/' if model_size == 'tiny': config_file = working_dir + "configs/glip_Swin_T_O365_GoldG.yaml" weight_file = working_dir + "checkpoints/glip_tiny_model_o365_goldg_cc_sbu.pth" else: # large config_file = working_dir + "configs/glip_Swin_L.yaml" weight_file = working_dir + "checkpoints/glip_large_model.pth" class OurGLIPDemo(GLIPDemo): def __init__(self, dev, *args_demo): kwargs = { 'min_image_size': 800, 'confidence_threshold': 0.5, 'show_mask_heatmaps': False } = dev from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg # manual override some options cfg.local_rank = 0 cfg.num_gpus = 1 cfg.merge_from_file(config_file) cfg.merge_from_list(["MODEL.WEIGHT", weight_file]) cfg.merge_from_list(["MODEL.DEVICE",]) from transformers.utils import logging logging.set_verbosity_error() GLIPDemo.__init__(self, cfg, *args_demo, **kwargs) if self.cfg.MODEL.RPN_ARCHITECTURE == "VLDYHEAD": plus = 1 else: plus = 0 = plus self.color = 255 @torch.no_grad() def compute_prediction(self, original_image, original_caption, custom_entity=None): image = self.transforms(original_image) # image = [image, image.permute(0, 2, 1)] image_list = to_image_list(image, self.cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY) image_list = # caption if isinstance(original_caption, list): if len(original_caption) > 40: all_predictions = None for loop_num, i in enumerate(range(0, len(original_caption), 40)): list_step = original_caption[i:i + 40] prediction_step = self.compute_prediction(original_image, list_step, custom_entity=None) if all_predictions is None: all_predictions = prediction_step else: # Aggregate predictions all_predictions.bbox =, prediction_step.bbox), dim=0) for k in all_predictions.extra_fields: all_predictions.extra_fields[k] = \[k], prediction_step.extra_fields[k] + loop_num), dim=0) return all_predictions # we directly provided a list of category names caption_string = "" tokens_positive = [] seperation_tokens = " . " for word in original_caption: tokens_positive.append([len(caption_string), len(caption_string) + len(word)]) caption_string += word caption_string += seperation_tokens tokenized = self.tokenizer([caption_string], return_tensors="pt") # tokens_positive = [tokens_positive] # This was wrong tokens_positive = [[v] for v in tokens_positive] original_caption = caption_string # print(tokens_positive) else: tokenized = self.tokenizer([original_caption], return_tensors="pt") if custom_entity is None: tokens_positive = self.run_ner(original_caption) # print(tokens_positive) # process positive map positive_map = create_positive_map(tokenized, tokens_positive) positive_map_label_to_token = create_positive_map_label_to_token_from_positive_map(positive_map, self.positive_map_label_to_token = positive_map_label_to_token tic = timeit.time.perf_counter() # compute predictions predictions = self.model(image_list, captions=[original_caption], positive_map=positive_map_label_to_token) predictions = [ for o in predictions] # print("inference time per image: {}".format(timeit.time.perf_counter() - tic)) # always single image is passed at a time prediction = predictions[0] # reshape prediction (a BoxList) into the original image size height, width = original_image.shape[-2:] # if self.tensor_inputs: # else: # height, width = original_image.shape[:-1] prediction = prediction.resize((width, height)) if prediction.has_field("mask"): # if we have masks, paste the masks in the right position # in the image, as defined by the bounding boxes masks = prediction.get_field("mask") # always single image is passed at a time masks = self.masker([masks], [prediction])[0] prediction.add_field("mask", masks) return prediction @staticmethod def to_left_right_upper_lower(bboxes): return [(bbox[1], bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[2]) for bbox in bboxes] @staticmethod def to_xmin_ymin_xmax_ymax(bboxes): # invert the previous method return [(bbox[2], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[1]) for bbox in bboxes] @staticmethod def prepare_image(image): image = image[[2, 1, 0]] # convert to bgr for opencv-format for glip return image @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, image: torch.Tensor, obj: Union[str, list], confidence_threshold=None): if confidence_threshold is not None: original_confidence_threshold = self.confidence_threshold self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold # if isinstance(object, list): # object = ' . '.join(object) + ' .' # add separation tokens image = self.prepare_image(image) # Avoid the resizing creating a huge image in a pathological case ratio = image.shape[1] / image.shape[2] ratio = max(ratio, 1 / ratio) original_min_image_size = self.min_image_size if ratio > 10: self.min_image_size = int(original_min_image_size * 10 / ratio) self.transforms = self.build_transform() with torch.cuda.device( inference_output = self.inference(image, obj) bboxes = inference_output.bbox.cpu().numpy().astype(int) # bboxes = self.to_left_right_upper_lower(bboxes) if ratio > 10: self.min_image_size = original_min_image_size self.transforms = self.build_transform() bboxes = torch.tensor(bboxes) # Convert to [left, lower, right, upper] instead of [left, upper, right, lower] height = image.shape[-2] bboxes = torch.stack([bboxes[:, 0], height - bboxes[:, 3], bboxes[:, 2], height - bboxes[:, 1]], dim=1) if confidence_threshold is not None: self.confidence_threshold = original_confidence_threshold # subtract 1 because it's 1-indexed for some reason # return bboxes, inference_output.get_field("labels").cpu().numpy() - 1 return bboxes, inference_output.get_field("scores") self.glip_demo = OurGLIPDemo(*args, def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.glip_demo.forward(*args, **kwargs) class BLIPModel(BaseModel): name = 'blip' to_batch = True max_batch_size = 32 seconds_collect_data = 0.2 # The queue has additionally the time it is executing the previous forward pass def __init__(self, gpu_number=0, half_precision=True, blip_v2_model_type="blip2-flan-t5-xl"): super().__init__(gpu_number) # from lavis.models import load_model_and_preprocess from transformers import Blip2Processor, Blip2ForConditionalGeneration # assert blip_v2_model_type in ['blip2-flan-t5-xxl', 'blip2-flan-t5-xl', 'blip2-opt-2.7b', 'blip2-opt-6.7b', 'blip2-opt-2.7b-coco', 'blip2-flan-t5-xl-coco', 'blip2-opt-6.7b-coco'] with torch.cuda.device( max_memory = {gpu_number: torch.cuda.mem_get_info([0]} self.processor = Blip2Processor.from_pretrained(f"Salesforce/{blip_v2_model_type}") # Device_map must be sequential for manual GPU selection try: self.model = Blip2ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( f"Salesforce/{blip_v2_model_type}", load_in_8bit=half_precision, torch_dtype=torch.float16 if half_precision else "auto", device_map="sequential", max_memory=max_memory ) except Exception as e: # Clarify error message. The problem is that it tries to load part of the model to disk. if "had weights offloaded to the disk" in e.args[0]: extra_text = ' You may want to consider setting half_precision to True.' if half_precision else '' raise MemoryError(f"Not enough GPU memory in GPU {} to load the model.{extra_text}") else: raise e self.qa_prompt = "Question: {} Short answer:" self.caption_prompt = "a photo of" self.half_precision = half_precision self.max_words = 50 @torch.no_grad() def caption(self, image, prompt=None): inputs = self.processor(images=image, text=prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(, torch.float16) generation_output = self.model.generate(**inputs, length_penalty=1., num_beams=5, max_length=30, min_length=1, do_sample=False, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.0, num_return_sequences=1, temperature=1, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True) generated_text = [cap.strip() for cap in self.processor.batch_decode( generation_output.sequences, skip_special_tokens=True)] return generated_text, generation_output.sequences_scores.cpu().numpy().tolist() def pre_question(self, question): # from LAVIS blip_processors question = re.sub( r"([.!\"()*#:;~])", "", question.lower(), ) question = question.rstrip(" ") # truncate question question_words = question.split(" ") if len(question_words) > self.max_words: question = " ".join(question_words[: self.max_words]) return question @torch.no_grad() def qa(self, image, question): inputs = self.processor(images=image, text=question, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest").to( if self.half_precision: inputs['pixel_values'] = inputs['pixel_values'].half() generation_output = self.model.generate(**inputs, length_penalty=-1, num_beams=5, max_length=10, min_length=1, do_sample=False, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1.0, num_return_sequences=1, temperature=1, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True) generated_text = self.processor.batch_decode(generation_output.sequences, skip_special_tokens=True) return generated_text, generation_output.sequences_scores.cpu().numpy().tolist() def forward(self, image, question=None, task='caption'): if not self.to_batch: image, question, task = [image], [question], [task] if len(image) > 0 and 'float' in str(image[0].dtype) and image[0].max() <= 1: image = [im * 255 for im in image] # Separate into qa and caption batches. prompts_qa = [self.qa_prompt.format(self.pre_question(q)) for q, t in zip(question, task) if t == 'qa'] images_qa = [im for i, im in enumerate(image) if task[i] == 'qa'] images_caption = [im for i, im in enumerate(image) if task[i] == 'caption'] with torch.cuda.device( response_qa, scores_qa =, prompts_qa) if len(images_qa) > 0 else ([], []) response_caption, scores_caption = self.caption(images_caption) if len(images_caption) > 0 else ([], []) response = [] for t in task: if t == 'qa': response.append([response_qa.pop(0), scores_qa.pop(0)]) else: response.append([response_caption.pop(0), scores_caption.pop(0)]) if not self.to_batch: response = response[0] return response class XVLMModel(BaseModel): name = 'xvlm' def __init__(self, gpu_number=0, path_checkpoint='pretrained_models/xvlm/retrieval_mscoco_checkpoint_9.pth'): from xvlm.xvlm import XVLMBase from transformers import BertTokenizer super().__init__(gpu_number) image_res = 384 self.max_words = 30 config_xvlm = { 'image_res': image_res, 'patch_size': 32, 'text_encoder': 'bert-base-uncased', 'block_num': 9, 'max_tokens': 40, 'embed_dim': 256, } vision_config = { 'vision_width': 1024, 'image_res': 384, 'window_size': 12, 'embed_dim': 128, 'depths': [2, 2, 18, 2], 'num_heads': [4, 8, 16, 32] } model = XVLMBase(config_xvlm, use_contrastive_loss=True, vision_config=vision_config) checkpoint = torch.load(path_checkpoint, map_location='cpu') state_dict = checkpoint['model'] if 'model' in checkpoint.keys() else checkpoint msg = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) if len(msg.missing_keys) > 0: print('XVLM Missing keys: ', msg.missing_keys) model = model.eval() self.model = model self.tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') normalize = transforms.Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)) self.transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.Resize((image_res, image_res), interpolation=Image.BICUBIC), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ]) with open('useful_lists/random_negatives.txt') as f: self.negative_categories = [x.strip() for x in] @staticmethod def pre_caption(caption, max_words): caption = re.sub( r"([,.'!?\"()*#:;~])", '', caption.lower(), ).replace('-', ' ').replace('/', ' ').replace('', 'person') caption = re.sub( r"\s{2,}", ' ', caption, ) caption = caption.rstrip('\n') caption = caption.strip(' ') # truncate caption caption_words = caption.split(' ') if len(caption_words) > max_words: caption = ' '.join(caption_words[:max_words]) if not len(caption): raise ValueError("pre_caption yields invalid text") return caption @torch.no_grad() def score(self, images, texts): if isinstance(texts, str): texts = [texts] if not isinstance(images, list): images = [images] images = [self.transform(image) for image in images] images = torch.stack(images, dim=0).to( texts = [self.pre_caption(text, self.max_words) for text in texts] text_input = self.tokenizer(texts, padding='longest', return_tensors="pt").to( image_embeds, image_atts = self.model.get_vision_embeds(images) text_ids, text_atts = text_input.input_ids, text_input.attention_mask text_embeds = self.model.get_text_embeds(text_ids, text_atts) image_feat, text_feat = self.model.get_features(image_embeds, text_embeds) logits = image_feat @ text_feat.t() return logits @torch.no_grad() def binary_score(self, image, text, negative_categories): # Compare with a pre-defined set of negatives texts = [text] + negative_categories sim = 100 * self.score(image, texts)[0] res = F.softmax([0].broadcast_to(1, sim.shape[0] - 1), sim[1:].unsqueeze(0)), dim=0), dim=0)[0].mean() return res def forward(self, image, text, task='score', negative_categories=None): if task == 'score': score = self.score(image, text) else: # binary score = self.binary_score(image, text, negative_categories=negative_categories) return score.cpu()