import typing as t from functools import partial import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy from .canvas import Canvas from . import speedup # 2D part class Vec2d: __slots__ = "x", "y", "arr" def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Vec3d): self.arr = Vec3d.narr else: assert len(args) == 2 self.arr = list(args) self.x, self.y = [d if isinstance(d, int) else int(d + 0.5) for d in self.arr] def __repr__(self): return f"Vec2d({self.x}, {self.y})" def __truediv__(self, other): return (self.y - other.y) / (self.x - other.x) def __eq__(self, other): return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y def draw_line( v1: Vec2d, v2: Vec2d, canvas: Canvas, color: t.Union[tuple, str] = "white" ): """ Draw a line with a specified color """ v1, v2 = deepcopy(v1), deepcopy(v2) if v1 == v2: canvas.draw((v1.x, v1.y), color=color) return steep = abs(v1.y - v2.y) > abs(v1.x - v2.x) if steep: v1.x, v1.y = v1.y, v1.x v2.x, v2.y = v2.y, v2.x v1, v2 = (v1, v2) if v1.x < v2.x else (v2, v1) slope = abs((v1.y - v2.y) / (v1.x - v2.x)) y = v1.y error: float = 0 incr = 1 if v1.y < v2.y else -1 dots = [] for x in range(int(v1.x), int(v2.x + 0.5)): dots.append((int(y), x) if steep else (x, int(y))) error += slope if abs(error) >= 0.5: y += incr error -= 1 canvas.draw(dots, color=color) def draw_triangle(v1, v2, v3, canvas, color, wireframe=False): """ Draw a triangle with 3 ordered vertices """ _draw_line = partial(draw_line, canvas=canvas, color=color) if wireframe: _draw_line(v1, v2) _draw_line(v2, v3) _draw_line(v1, v3) return def sort_vertices_asc_by_y(vertices): return sorted(vertices, key=lambda v: v.y) def fill_bottom_flat_triangle(v1, v2, v3): invslope1 = (v2.x - v1.x) / (v2.y - v1.y) invslope2 = (v3.x - v1.x) / (v3.y - v1.y) x1 = x2 = v1.x y = v1.y while y <= v2.y: _draw_line(Vec2d(x1, y), Vec2d(x2, y)) x1 += invslope1 x2 += invslope2 y += 1 def fill_top_flat_triangle(v1, v2, v3): invslope1 = (v3.x - v1.x) / (v3.y - v1.y) invslope2 = (v3.x - v2.x) / (v3.y - v2.y) x1 = x2 = v3.x y = v3.y while y > v2.y: _draw_line(Vec2d(x1, y), Vec2d(x2, y)) x1 -= invslope1 x2 -= invslope2 y -= 1 v1, v2, v3 = sort_vertices_asc_by_y((v1, v2, v3)) # 填充 if v1.y == v2.y == v3.y: pass elif v2.y == v3.y: fill_bottom_flat_triangle(v1, v2, v3) elif v1.y == v2.y: fill_top_flat_triangle(v1, v2, v3) else: v4 = Vec2d(int(v1.x + (v2.y - v1.y) / (v3.y - v1.y) * (v3.x - v1.x)), v2.y) fill_bottom_flat_triangle(v1, v2, v4) fill_top_flat_triangle(v2, v4, v3) # 3D part class Vec3d: __slots__ = "x", "y", "z", "arr" def __init__(self, *args): # for Vec4d cast if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Vec4d): vec4 = args[0] arr_value = (vec4.x, vec4.y, vec4.z) else: assert len(args) == 3 arr_value = args self.arr = np.array(arr_value, dtype=np.float64) self.x, self.y, self.z = self.arr def __repr__(self): return repr(f"Vec3d({','.join([repr(d) for d in self.arr])})") def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__(*[ds - do for ds, do in zip(self.arr, other.arr)]) def __bool__(self): """ False for zero vector (0, 0, 0) """ return any(self.arr) class Mat4d: def __init__(self, narr=None, value=None): self.value = np.matrix(narr) if value is None else value def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def __mul__(self, other): return self.__class__(value=self.value * other.value) class Vec4d(Mat4d): def __init__(self, *narr, value=None): if value is not None: self.value = value elif len(narr) == 1 and isinstance(narr[0], Mat4d): self.value = narr[0].value else: assert len(narr) == 4 self.value = np.matrix([[d] for d in narr]) self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w = ( self.value[0, 0], self.value[1, 0], self.value[2, 0], self.value[3, 0], ) self.arr = self.value.reshape((1, 4)) # Math util def normalize(v: Vec3d): return Vec3d(*speedup.normalize(*v.arr)) def dot_product(a: Vec3d, b: Vec3d): return speedup.dot_product(*a.arr, *b.arr) def cross_product(a: Vec3d, b: Vec3d): return Vec3d(*speedup.cross_product(*a.arr, *b.arr)) BASE_LIGHT = 0.9 def get_light_intensity(face) -> float: # lights = [Vec3d(-2, 4, -10), Vec3d(10, 4, -2), Vec3d(8, 8, -8), Vec3d(0, 0, -8)] lights = [Vec3d(-2, 4, -10)] # lights = [] v1, v2, v3 = face up = normalize(cross_product(v2 - v1, v3 - v1)) intensity = BASE_LIGHT for light in lights: intensity += dot_product(up, normalize(light))*0.2 return intensity def look_at(eye: Vec3d, target: Vec3d, up: Vec3d = Vec3d(0, -1, 0)) -> Mat4d: """ Args: eye: 摄像机的世界坐标位置 target: 观察点的位置 up: 就是你想让摄像机立在哪个方向 这里默认使用了 0, -1, 0, 因为 blender 导出来的模型数据似乎有问题,导致y轴总是反的,于是把摄像机的up也翻一下得了。 """ f = normalize(eye - target) l = normalize(cross_product(up, f)) # noqa: E741 u = cross_product(f, l) rotate_matrix = Mat4d( [[l.x, l.y, l.z, 0], [u.x, u.y, u.z, 0], [f.x, f.y, f.z, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.0]] ) translate_matrix = Mat4d( [[1, 0, 0, -eye.x], [0, 1, 0, -eye.y], [0, 0, 1, -eye.z], [0, 0, 0, 1.0]] ) return Mat4d(value=(rotate_matrix * translate_matrix).value) def perspective_project(r, t, n, f, b=None, l=None): # noqa: E741 """ 目的: 把相机坐标转换成投影在视网膜的范围在(-1, 1)的笛卡尔坐标 原理: 对于x,y坐标,相似三角形可以算出投影点的x,y 对于z坐标,是假设了near是-1,far是1,然后带进去算的 推导出来的矩阵: [ 2n/(r-l) 0 (r+l/r-l) 0 0 2n/(t-b) (t+b)/(t-b) 0 0 0 -(f+n)/f-n (-2*f*n)/(f-n) 0 0 -1 0 ] 实际上由于我们用的视网膜(near pane)是个关于远点对称的矩形,所以矩阵简化为: [ n/r 0 0 0 0 n/t 0 0 0 0 -(f+n)/f-n (-2*f*n)/(f-n) 0 0 -1 0 ] Args: r: right, t: top, n: near, f: far, b: bottom, l: left """ return Mat4d( [ [n / r, 0, 0, 0], [0, n / t, 0, 0], [0, 0, -(f + n) / (f - n), (-2 * f * n) / (f - n)], [0, 0, -1, 0], ] ) def draw(screen_vertices, world_vertices, model, canvas, wireframe=True): """standard algorithm """ for triangle_indices in model.indices: vertex_group = [screen_vertices[idx - 1] for idx in triangle_indices] face = [Vec3d(world_vertices[idx - 1]) for idx in triangle_indices] if wireframe: draw_triangle(*vertex_group, canvas=canvas, color="black", wireframe=True) else: intensity = get_light_intensity(face) if intensity > 0: draw_triangle( *vertex_group, canvas=canvas, color=(int(intensity * 255),) * 3 ) def draw_with_z_buffer(screen_vertices, world_vertices, model, canvas): """ z-buffer algorithm """ intensities = [] triangles = [] for i, triangle_indices in enumerate(model.indices): screen_triangle = [screen_vertices[idx - 1] for idx in triangle_indices] uv_triangle = [model.uv_vertices[idx - 1] for idx in model.uv_indices[i]] world_triangle = [Vec3d(world_vertices[idx - 1]) for idx in triangle_indices] intensities.append(abs(get_light_intensity(world_triangle))) # take off the class to let Cython work triangles.append( [np.append(screen_triangle[i].arr, uv_triangle[i]) for i in range(3)] ) faces = speedup.generate_faces( np.array(triangles, dtype=np.float64), model.texture_width, model.texture_height ) for face_dots in faces: for dot in face_dots: intensity = intensities[dot[0]] u, v = dot[3], dot[4] color = model.texture_array[u, v] canvas.draw((dot[1], dot[2]), tuple(int(c * intensity) for c in color[:3])) # TODO: add object rendering mode (no texture) # canvas.draw((dot[1], dot[2]), (int(255 * intensity),) * 3) def render(model, height, width, filename, cam_loc, wireframe=False): """ Args: model: the Model object height: cavas height width: cavas width picname: picture file name """ model_matrix = Mat4d([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # TODO: camera configration view_matrix = look_at(Vec3d(cam_loc[0], cam_loc[1], cam_loc[2]), Vec3d(0, 0, 0)) projection_matrix = perspective_project(0.5, 0.5, 3, 1000) world_vertices = [] def mvp(v): world_vertex = model_matrix * v world_vertices.append(Vec4d(world_vertex)) return projection_matrix * view_matrix * world_vertex def ndc(v): """ 各个坐标同时除以 w,得到 NDC 坐标 """ v = v.value w = v[3, 0] x, y, z = v[0, 0] / w, v[1, 0] / w, v[2, 0] / w return Mat4d([[x], [y], [z], [1 / w]]) def viewport(v): x = y = 0 w, h = width, height n, f = 0.3, 1000 return Vec3d( w * 0.5 * v.value[0, 0] + x + w * 0.5, h * 0.5 * v.value[1, 0] + y + h * 0.5, 0.5 * (f - n) * v.value[2, 0] + 0.5 * (f + n), ) # the render pipeline screen_vertices = [viewport(ndc(mvp(v))) for v in model.vertices] with Canvas(filename, height, width) as canvas: if wireframe: draw(screen_vertices, world_vertices, model, canvas) else: draw_with_z_buffer(screen_vertices, world_vertices, model, canvas) render_img = canvas.add_white_border().copy() return render_img