# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from collections import defaultdict import logging logger = logging.getLogger("dinov2") def get_vit_lr_decay_rate(name, lr_decay_rate=1.0, num_layers=12, force_is_backbone=False, chunked_blocks=False): """ Calculate lr decay rate for different ViT blocks. Args: name (string): parameter name. lr_decay_rate (float): base lr decay rate. num_layers (int): number of ViT blocks. Returns: lr decay rate for the given parameter. """ layer_id = num_layers + 1 if name.startswith("backbone") or force_is_backbone: if ".pos_embed" in name or ".patch_embed" in name or ".mask_token" in name or ".cls_token" in name: layer_id = 0 elif force_is_backbone and ( "pos_embed" in name or "patch_embed" in name or "mask_token" in name or "cls_token" in name ): layer_id = 0 elif ".blocks." in name and ".residual." not in name: layer_id = int(name[name.find(".blocks.") :].split(".")[2]) + 1 elif chunked_blocks and "blocks." in name and "residual." not in name: layer_id = int(name[name.find("blocks.") :].split(".")[2]) + 1 elif "blocks." in name and "residual." not in name: layer_id = int(name[name.find("blocks.") :].split(".")[1]) + 1 return lr_decay_rate ** (num_layers + 1 - layer_id) def get_params_groups_with_decay(model, lr_decay_rate=1.0, patch_embed_lr_mult=1.0): chunked_blocks = False if hasattr(model, "n_blocks"): logger.info("chunked fsdp") n_blocks = model.n_blocks chunked_blocks = model.chunked_blocks elif hasattr(model, "blocks"): logger.info("first code branch") n_blocks = len(model.blocks) elif hasattr(model, "backbone"): logger.info("second code branch") n_blocks = len(model.backbone.blocks) else: logger.info("else code branch") n_blocks = 0 all_param_groups = [] for name, param in model.named_parameters(): name = name.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") if not param.requires_grad: continue decay_rate = get_vit_lr_decay_rate( name, lr_decay_rate, num_layers=n_blocks, force_is_backbone=n_blocks > 0, chunked_blocks=chunked_blocks ) d = {"params": param, "is_last_layer": False, "lr_multiplier": decay_rate, "wd_multiplier": 1.0, "name": name} if "last_layer" in name: d.update({"is_last_layer": True}) if name.endswith(".bias") or "norm" in name or "gamma" in name: d.update({"wd_multiplier": 0.0}) if "patch_embed" in name: d.update({"lr_multiplier": d["lr_multiplier"] * patch_embed_lr_mult}) all_param_groups.append(d) logger.info(f"""{name}: lr_multiplier: {d["lr_multiplier"]}, wd_multiplier: {d["wd_multiplier"]}""") return all_param_groups def fuse_params_groups(all_params_groups, keys=("lr_multiplier", "wd_multiplier", "is_last_layer")): fused_params_groups = defaultdict(lambda: {"params": []}) for d in all_params_groups: identifier = "" for k in keys: identifier += k + str(d[k]) + "_" for k in keys: fused_params_groups[identifier][k] = d[k] fused_params_groups[identifier]["params"].append(d["params"]) return fused_params_groups.values()