import os import sys import time import torch import librosa import logging import traceback import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import noisereduce as nr from pedalboard import ( Pedalboard, Chorus, Distortion, Reverb, PitchShift, Limiter, Gain, Bitcrush, Clipping, Compressor, Delay, ) from import wavfile from audio_upscaler import upscale now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) from rvc.infer.pipeline import Pipeline as VC from rvc.lib.utils import load_audio_infer, load_embedding from import process_audio, merge_audio from rvc.lib.algorithm.synthesizers import Synthesizer from rvc.configs.config import Config logging.getLogger("httpx").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("httpcore").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("faiss").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("faiss.loader").setLevel(logging.WARNING) class VoiceConverter: """ A class for performing voice conversion using the Retrieval-Based Voice Conversion (RVC) method. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the VoiceConverter with default configuration, and sets up models and parameters. """ self.config = Config() # Load RVC configuration self.hubert_model = ( None # Initialize the Hubert model (for embedding extraction) ) self.last_embedder_model = None # Last used embedder model self.tgt_sr = None # Target sampling rate for the output audio self.net_g = None # Generator network for voice conversion = None # Voice conversion pipeline instance self.cpt = None # Checkpoint for loading model weights self.version = None # Model version self.n_spk = None # Number of speakers in the model self.use_f0 = None # Whether the model uses F0 def load_hubert(self, embedder_model: str, embedder_model_custom: str = None): """ Loads the HuBERT model for speaker embedding extraction. Args: embedder_model (str): Path to the pre-trained HuBERT model. embedder_model_custom (str): Path to the custom HuBERT model. """ self.hubert_model = load_embedding(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom) self.hubert_model = ( self.hubert_model.half() if self.config.is_half else self.hubert_model.float() ) self.hubert_model.eval() @staticmethod def remove_audio_noise(input_audio_path, reduction_strength=0.7): """ Removes noise from an audio file using the NoiseReduce library. Args: input_audio_path (str): Path to the input audio file. reduction_strength (float): Strength of the noise reduction. Default is 0.7. """ try: rate, data = reduced_noise = nr.reduce_noise( y=data, sr=rate, prop_decrease=reduction_strength ) return reduced_noise except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred removing audio noise: {error}") return None @staticmethod def convert_audio_format(input_path, output_path, output_format): """ Converts an audio file to a specified output format. Args: input_path (str): Path to the input audio file. output_path (str): Path to the output audio file. output_format (str): Desired audio format (e.g., "WAV", "MP3"). """ try: if output_format != "WAV": print(f"Converting audio to {output_format} format...") audio, sample_rate = librosa.load(input_path, sr=None) common_sample_rates = [ 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, ] target_sr = min(common_sample_rates, key=lambda x: abs(x - sample_rate)) audio = librosa.resample( audio, orig_sr=sample_rate, target_sr=target_sr ) sf.write(output_path, audio, target_sr, format=output_format.lower()) return output_path except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred converting the audio format: {error}") @staticmethod def post_process_audio( audio_input, sample_rate, reverb: bool, reverb_room_size: float, reverb_damping: float, reverb_wet_level: float, reverb_dry_level: float, reverb_width: float, reverb_freeze_mode: float, pitch_shift: bool, pitch_shift_semitones: int, limiter: bool, limiter_threshold: float, limiter_release: float, gain: bool, gain_db: float, distortion: bool, distortion_gain: float, chorus: bool, chorus_rate: float, chorus_depth: float, chorus_delay: float, chorus_feedback: float, chorus_mix: float, bitcrush: bool, bitcrush_bit_depth: int, clipping: bool, clipping_threshold: float, compressor: bool, compressor_threshold: float, compressor_ratio: float, compressor_attack: float, compressor_release: float, delay: bool, delay_seconds: float, delay_feedback: float, delay_mix: float, audio_output_path: str, ): board = Pedalboard() if reverb: reverb = Reverb( room_size=reverb_room_size, damping=reverb_damping, wet_level=reverb_wet_level, dry_level=reverb_dry_level, width=reverb_width, freeze_mode=reverb_freeze_mode, ) board.append(reverb) if pitch_shift: pitch_shift = PitchShift(semitones=pitch_shift_semitones) board.append(pitch_shift) if limiter: limiter = Limiter( threshold_db=limiter_threshold, release_ms=limiter_release ) board.append(limiter) if gain: gain = Gain(gain_db=gain_db) board.append(gain) if distortion: distortion = Distortion(drive_db=distortion_gain) board.append(distortion) if chorus: chorus = Chorus( rate_hz=chorus_rate, depth=chorus_depth, centre_delay_ms=chorus_delay, feedback=chorus_feedback, mix=chorus_mix, ) board.append(chorus) if bitcrush: bitcrush = Bitcrush(bit_depth=bitcrush_bit_depth) board.append(bitcrush) if clipping: clipping = Clipping(threshold_db=clipping_threshold) board.append(clipping) if compressor: compressor = Compressor( threshold_db=compressor_threshold, ratio=compressor_ratio, attack_ms=compressor_attack, release_ms=compressor_release, ) board.append(compressor) if delay: delay = Delay( delay_seconds=delay_seconds, feedback=delay_feedback, mix=delay_mix, ) board.append(delay) audio_input, sample_rate = librosa.load(audio_input, sr=sample_rate) output = board(audio_input, sample_rate) sf.write(audio_output_path, output, sample_rate, format="WAV") return audio_output_path def convert_audio( self, audio_input_path: str, audio_output_path: str, model_path: str, index_path: str, embedder_model: str, pitch: int, f0_file: str, f0_method: str, index_rate: float, volume_envelope: int, protect: float, hop_length: int, split_audio: bool, f0_autotune: bool, filter_radius: int, embedder_model_custom: str, clean_audio: bool, clean_strength: float, export_format: str, upscale_audio: bool, formant_shifting: bool, formant_qfrency: float, formant_timbre: float, post_process: bool, reverb: bool, pitch_shift: bool, limiter: bool, gain: bool, distortion: bool, chorus: bool, bitcrush: bool, clipping: bool, compressor: bool, delay: bool, sliders: dict, resample_sr: int = 0, sid: int = 0, ): """ Performs voice conversion on the input audio. Args: audio_input_path (str): Path to the input audio file. audio_output_path (str): Path to the output audio file. model_path (str): Path to the voice conversion model. index_path (str): Path to the index file. sid (int, optional): Speaker ID. Default is 0. pitch (str, optional): Key for F0 up-sampling. Default is None. f0_file (str, optional): Path to the F0 file. Default is None. f0_method (str, optional): Method for F0 extraction. Default is None. index_rate (float, optional): Rate for index matching. Default is None. resample_sr (int, optional): Resample sampling rate. Default is 0. volume_envelope (float, optional): RMS mix rate. Default is None. protect (float, optional): Protection rate for certain audio segments. Default is None. hop_length (int, optional): Hop length for audio processing. Default is None. split_audio (bool, optional): Whether to split the audio for processing. Default is False. f0_autotune (bool, optional): Whether to use F0 autotune. Default is False. filter_radius (int, optional): Radius for filtering. Default is None. embedder_model (str, optional): Path to the embedder model. Default is None. embedder_model_custom (str, optional): Path to the custom embedder model. Default is None. clean_audio (bool, optional): Whether to clean the audio. Default is False. clean_strength (float, optional): Strength of the audio cleaning. Default is 0.7. export_format (str, optional): Format for exporting the audio. Default is "WAV". upscale_audio (bool, optional): Whether to upscale the audio. Default is False. formant_shift (bool, optional): Whether to shift the formants. Default is False. formant_qfrency (float, optional): Formant frequency. Default is 1.0. formant_timbre (float, optional): Formant timbre. Default is 1.0. reverb (bool, optional): Whether to apply reverb. Default is False. pitch_shift (bool, optional): Whether to apply pitch shift. Default is False. limiter (bool, optional): Whether to apply a limiter. Default is False. gain (bool, optional): Whether to apply gain. Default is False. distortion (bool, optional): Whether to apply distortion. Default is False. chorus (bool, optional): Whether to apply chorus. Default is False. bitcrush (bool, optional): Whether to apply bitcrush. Default is False. clipping (bool, optional): Whether to apply clipping. Default is False. compressor (bool, optional): Whether to apply a compressor. Default is False. delay (bool, optional): Whether to apply delay. Default is False. sliders (dict, optional): Dictionary of effect parameters. Default is None. """ self.get_vc(model_path, sid) try: start_time = time.time() print(f"Converting audio '{audio_input_path}'...") if upscale_audio == True: upscale(audio_input_path, audio_input_path) audio = load_audio_infer( audio_input_path, 16000, formant_shifting, formant_qfrency, formant_timbre, ) audio_max = np.abs(audio).max() / 0.95 if audio_max > 1: audio /= audio_max if not self.hubert_model or embedder_model != self.last_embedder_model: self.load_hubert(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom) self.last_embedder_model = embedder_model file_index = ( index_path.strip() .strip('"') .strip("\n") .strip('"') .strip() .replace("trained", "added") ) if self.tgt_sr != resample_sr >= 16000: self.tgt_sr = resample_sr if split_audio: result, new_dir_path = process_audio(audio_input_path) if result == "Error": return "Error with Split Audio", None dir_path = ( new_dir_path.strip().strip('"').strip("\n").strip('"').strip() ) if dir_path: paths = [ os.path.join(root, name) for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_path, topdown=False) for name in files if name.endswith(".wav") and root == dir_path ] try: for path in paths: self.convert_audio( audio_input_path=path, audio_output_path=path, model_path=model_path, index_path=index_path, sid=sid, pitch=pitch, f0_file=None, f0_method=f0_method, index_rate=index_rate, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, split_audio=False, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, filter_radius=filter_radius, export_format=export_format, upscale_audio=upscale_audio, embedder_model=embedder_model, embedder_model_custom=embedder_model_custom, clean_audio=clean_audio, clean_strength=clean_strength, formant_shifting=formant_shifting, formant_qfrency=formant_qfrency, formant_timbre=formant_timbre, post_process=post_process, reverb=reverb, pitch_shift=pitch_shift, limiter=limiter, gain=gain, distortion=distortion, chorus=chorus, bitcrush=bitcrush, clipping=clipping, compressor=compressor, delay=delay, sliders=sliders, ) except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred processing the segmented audio: {error}") print(traceback.format_exc()) return f"Error {error}" print("Finished processing segmented audio, now merging audio...") merge_timestamps_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(new_dir_path), f"{os.path.basename(audio_input_path).split('.')[0]}_timestamps.txt", ) self.tgt_sr, audio_opt = merge_audio(merge_timestamps_file) os.remove(merge_timestamps_file) if post_process: audio_opt = self.post_process_audio( audio_input=audio_opt, sample_rate=self.tgt_sr, reverb=reverb, reverb_room_size=sliders[0], reverb_damping=sliders[1], reverb_wet_level=sliders[2], reverb_dry_level=sliders[3], reverb_width=sliders[4], reverb_freeze_mode=sliders[5], pitch_shift=pitch_shift, pitch_shift_semitones=sliders[6], limiter=limiter, limiter_threshold=sliders[7], limiter_release=sliders[8], gain=gain, gain_db=sliders[9], distortion=distortion, distortion_gain=sliders[10], chorus=chorus, chorus_rate=sliders[11], chorus_depth=sliders[12], chorus_delay=sliders[13], chorus_feedback=sliders[14], chorus_mix=sliders[15], bitcrush=bitcrush, bitcrush_bit_depth=sliders[16], clipping=clipping, clipping_threshold=sliders[17], compressor=compressor, compressor_threshold=sliders[18], compressor_ratio=sliders[19], compressor_attack=sliders[20], compressor_release=sliders[21], delay=delay, delay_seconds=sliders[22], delay_feedback=sliders[23], delay_mix=sliders[24], audio_output_path=audio_output_path, ) sf.write(audio_output_path, audio_opt, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV") else: audio_opt = model=self.hubert_model, net_g=self.net_g, sid=sid, audio=audio, input_audio_path=audio_input_path, pitch=pitch, f0_method=f0_method, file_index=file_index, index_rate=index_rate, pitch_guidance=self.use_f0, filter_radius=filter_radius, tgt_sr=self.tgt_sr, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, version=self.version, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, f0_file=f0_file, ) if audio_output_path: sf.write(audio_output_path, audio_opt, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV") if clean_audio: cleaned_audio = self.remove_audio_noise( audio_output_path, clean_strength ) if cleaned_audio is not None: sf.write( audio_output_path, cleaned_audio, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV" ) if post_process: audio_output_path = self.post_process_audio( audio_input=audio_output_path, sample_rate=self.tgt_sr, reverb=reverb, reverb_room_size=sliders["reverb_room_size"], reverb_damping=sliders["reverb_damping"], reverb_wet_level=sliders["reverb_wet_level"], reverb_dry_level=sliders["reverb_dry_level"], reverb_width=sliders["reverb_width"], reverb_freeze_mode=sliders["reverb_freeze_mode"], pitch_shift=pitch_shift, pitch_shift_semitones=sliders["pitch_shift_semitones"], limiter=limiter, limiter_threshold=sliders["limiter_threshold"], limiter_release=sliders["limiter_release"], gain=gain, gain_db=sliders["gain_db"], distortion=distortion, distortion_gain=sliders["distortion_gain"], chorus=chorus, chorus_rate=sliders["chorus_rate"], chorus_depth=sliders["chorus_depth"], chorus_delay=sliders["chorus_delay"], chorus_feedback=sliders["chorus_feedback"], chorus_mix=sliders["chorus_mix"], bitcrush=bitcrush, bitcrush_bit_depth=sliders["bitcrush_bit_depth"], clipping=clipping, clipping_threshold=sliders["clipping_threshold"], compressor=compressor, compressor_threshold=sliders["compressor_threshold"], compressor_ratio=sliders["compressor_ratio"], compressor_attack=sliders["compressor_attack"], compressor_release=sliders["compressor_release"], delay=delay, delay_seconds=sliders["delay_seconds"], delay_feedback=sliders["delay_feedback"], delay_mix=sliders["delay_mix"], audio_output_path=audio_output_path, ) output_path_format = audio_output_path.replace( ".wav", f".{export_format.lower()}" ) audio_output_path = self.convert_audio_format( audio_output_path, output_path_format, export_format ) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print( f"Conversion completed at '{audio_output_path}' in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds." ) except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred during audio conversion: {error}") print(traceback.format_exc()) def convert_audio_batch( self, audio_input_paths: str, audio_output_path: str, model_path: str, index_path: str, embedder_model: str, pitch: int, f0_file: str, f0_method: str, index_rate: float, volume_envelope: int, protect: float, hop_length: int, split_audio: bool, f0_autotune: bool, filter_radius: int, embedder_model_custom: str, clean_audio: bool, clean_strength: float, export_format: str, upscale_audio: bool, formant_shifting: bool, formant_qfrency: float, formant_timbre: float, resample_sr: int = 0, sid: int = 0, pid_file_path: str = None, post_process: bool = False, reverb: bool = False, pitch_shift: bool = False, limiter: bool = False, gain: bool = False, distortion: bool = False, chorus: bool = False, bitcrush: bool = False, clipping: bool = False, compressor: bool = False, delay: bool = False, sliders: dict = None, ): """ Performs voice conversion on a batch of input audio files. Args: audio_input_paths (list): List of paths to the input audio files. audio_output_path (str): Path to the output audio file. model_path (str): Path to the voice conversion model. index_path (str): Path to the index file. sid (int, optional): Speaker ID. Default is 0. pitch (str, optional): Key for F0 up-sampling. Default is None. f0_file (str, optional): Path to the F0 file. Default is None. f0_method (str, optional): Method for F0 extraction. Default is None. index_rate (float, optional): Rate for index matching. Default is None. resample_sr (int, optional): Resample sampling rate. Default is 0. volume_envelope (float, optional): RMS mix rate. Default is None. protect (float, optional): Protection rate for certain audio segments. Default is None. hop_length (int, optional): Hop length for audio processing. Default is None. split_audio (bool, optional): Whether to split the audio for processing. Default is False. f0_autotune (bool, optional): Whether to use F0 autotune. Default is False. filter_radius (int, optional): Radius for filtering. Default is None. embedder_model (str, optional): Path to the embedder model. Default is None. embedder_model_custom (str, optional): Path to the custom embedder model. Default is None. clean_audio (bool, optional): Whether to clean the audio. Default is False. clean_strength (float, optional): Strength of the audio cleaning. Default is 0.7. export_format (str, optional): Format for exporting the audio. Default is "WAV". upscale_audio (bool, optional): Whether to upscale the audio. Default is False. formant_shift (bool, optional): Whether to shift the formants. Default is False. formant_qfrency (float, optional): Formant frequency. Default is 1.0. formant_timbre (float, optional): Formant timbre. Default is 1.0. pid_file_path (str, optional): Path to the PID file. Default is None. post_process (bool, optional): Whether to apply post-processing effects. Default is False. reverb (bool, optional): Whether to apply reverb. Default is False. pitch_shift (bool, optional): Whether to apply pitch shift. Default is False. limiter (bool, optional): Whether to apply a limiter. Default is False. gain (bool, optional): Whether to apply gain. Default is False. distortion (bool, optional): Whether to apply distortion. Default is False. chorus (bool, optional): Whether to apply chorus. Default is False. bitcrush (bool, optional): Whether to apply bitcrush. Default is False. clipping (bool, optional): Whether to apply clipping. Default is False. compressor (bool, optional): Whether to apply a compressor. Default is False. delay (bool, optional): Whether to apply delay. Default is False. sliders (dict, optional): Dictionary of effect parameters. Default is None. """ pid = os.getpid() with open(pid_file_path, "w") as pid_file: pid_file.write(str(pid)) try: if not self.hubert_model or embedder_model != self.last_embedder_model: self.load_hubert(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom) self.last_embedder_model = embedder_model self.get_vc(model_path, sid) file_index = ( index_path.strip() .strip('"') .strip("\n") .strip('"') .strip() .replace("trained", "added") ) start_time = time.time() print(f"Converting audio batch '{audio_input_paths}'...") audio_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(audio_input_paths) if f.endswith((".mp3", ".wav", ".flac", ".m4a", ".ogg", ".opus")) ] print(f"Detected {len(audio_files)} audio files for inference.") for i, audio_input_path in enumerate(audio_files): audio_output_paths = os.path.join( audio_output_path, f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_input_path))[0]}_output.{export_format.lower()}", ) if os.path.exists(audio_output_paths): continue print(f"Converting audio '{audio_input_path}'...") audio_input_path = os.path.join(audio_input_paths, audio_input_path) if upscale_audio == True: upscale(audio_input_path, audio_input_path) audio = load_audio_infer( audio_input_path, 16000, formant_shifting, formant_qfrency, formant_timbre, ) audio_max = np.abs(audio).max() / 0.95 if audio_max > 1: audio /= audio_max if self.tgt_sr != resample_sr >= 16000: self.tgt_sr = resample_sr if split_audio: result, new_dir_path = process_audio(audio_input_path) if result == "Error": return "Error with Split Audio", None dir_path = ( new_dir_path.strip().strip('"').strip("\n").strip('"').strip() ) if dir_path: paths = [ os.path.join(root, name) for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_path, topdown=False) for name in files if name.endswith(".wav") and root == dir_path ] try: for path in paths: self.convert_audio( audio_input_path=path, audio_output_path=path, model_path=model_path, index_path=index_path, sid=sid, pitch=pitch, f0_file=None, f0_method=f0_method, index_rate=index_rate, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, split_audio=False, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, filter_radius=filter_radius, export_format=export_format, upscale_audio=upscale_audio, embedder_model=embedder_model, embedder_model_custom=embedder_model_custom, clean_audio=clean_audio, clean_strength=clean_strength, formant_shifting=formant_shifting, formant_qfrency=formant_qfrency, formant_timbre=formant_timbre, post_process=post_process, reverb=reverb, pitch_shift=pitch_shift, limiter=limiter, gain=gain, distortion=distortion, chorus=chorus, bitcrush=bitcrush, clipping=clipping, compressor=compressor, delay=delay, sliders=sliders, ) except Exception as error: print( f"An error occurred processing the segmented audio: {error}" ) print(traceback.format_exc()) return f"Error {error}" print("Finished processing segmented audio, now merging audio...") merge_timestamps_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(new_dir_path), f"{os.path.basename(audio_input_path).split('.')[0]}_timestamps.txt", ) self.tgt_sr, audio_opt = merge_audio(merge_timestamps_file) os.remove(merge_timestamps_file) if post_process: audio_opt = self.post_process_audio( audio_input=audio_opt, sample_rate=self.tgt_sr, reverb=reverb, reverb_room_size=sliders[0], reverb_damping=sliders[1], reverb_wet_level=sliders[2], reverb_dry_level=sliders[3], reverb_width=sliders[4], reverb_freeze_mode=sliders[5], pitch_shift=pitch_shift, pitch_shift_semitones=sliders[6], limiter=limiter, limiter_threshold=sliders[7], limiter_release=sliders[8], gain=gain, gain_db=sliders[9], distortion=distortion, distortion_gain=sliders[10], chorus=chorus, chorus_rate=sliders[11], chorus_depth=sliders[12], chorus_delay=sliders[13], chorus_feedback=sliders[14], chorus_mix=sliders[15], bitcrush=bitcrush, bitcrush_bit_depth=sliders[16], clipping=clipping, clipping_threshold=sliders[17], compressor=compressor, compressor_threshold=sliders[18], compressor_ratio=sliders[19], compressor_attack=sliders[20], compressor_release=sliders[21], delay=delay, delay_seconds=sliders[22], delay_feedback=sliders[23], delay_mix=sliders[24], audio_output_path=audio_output_paths, ) sf.write( audio_output_paths, audio_opt, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV" ) else: audio_opt = model=self.hubert_model, net_g=self.net_g, sid=sid, audio=audio, input_audio_path=audio_input_path, pitch=pitch, f0_method=f0_method, file_index=file_index, index_rate=index_rate, pitch_guidance=self.use_f0, filter_radius=filter_radius, tgt_sr=self.tgt_sr, resample_sr=resample_sr, volume_envelope=volume_envelope, version=self.version, protect=protect, hop_length=hop_length, f0_autotune=f0_autotune, f0_file=f0_file, ) if audio_output_paths: sf.write(audio_output_paths, audio_opt, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV") if clean_audio: cleaned_audio = self.remove_audio_noise( audio_output_paths, clean_strength ) if cleaned_audio is not None: sf.write( audio_output_paths, cleaned_audio, self.tgt_sr, format="WAV" ) if post_process: audio_output_paths = self.post_process_audio( audio_input=audio_output_paths, sample_rate=self.tgt_sr, reverb=reverb, reverb_room_size=sliders["reverb_room_size"], reverb_damping=sliders["reverb_damping"], reverb_wet_level=sliders["reverb_wet_level"], reverb_dry_level=sliders["reverb_dry_level"], reverb_width=sliders["reverb_width"], reverb_freeze_mode=sliders["reverb_freeze_mode"], pitch_shift=pitch_shift, pitch_shift_semitones=sliders["pitch_shift_semitones"], limiter=limiter, limiter_threshold=sliders["limiter_threshold"], limiter_release=sliders["limiter_release"], gain=gain, gain_db=sliders["gain_db"], distortion=distortion, distortion_gain=sliders["distortion_gain"], chorus=chorus, chorus_rate=sliders["chorus_rate"], chorus_depth=sliders["chorus_depth"], chorus_delay=sliders["chorus_delay"], chorus_feedback=sliders["chorus_feedback"], chorus_mix=sliders["chorus_mix"], bitcrush=bitcrush, bitcrush_bit_depth=sliders["bitcrush_bit_depth"], clipping=clipping, clipping_threshold=sliders["clipping_threshold"], compressor=compressor, compressor_threshold=sliders["compressor_threshold"], compressor_ratio=sliders["compressor_ratio"], compressor_attack=sliders["compressor_attack"], compressor_release=sliders["compressor_release"], delay=delay, delay_seconds=sliders["delay_seconds"], delay_feedback=sliders["delay_feedback"], delay_mix=sliders["delay_mix"], audio_output_path=audio_output_paths, ) output_path_format = audio_output_paths.replace( ".wav", f".{export_format.lower()}" ) audio_output_paths = self.convert_audio_format( audio_output_paths, output_path_format, export_format ) print(f"Conversion completed at '{audio_output_paths}'.") elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print(f"Batch conversion completed in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds.") os.remove(pid_file_path) except Exception as error: print(f"An error occurred during audio conversion: {error}") print(traceback.format_exc()) def get_vc(self, weight_root, sid): """ Loads the voice conversion model and sets up the pipeline. Args: weight_root (str): Path to the model weights. sid (int): Speaker ID. """ if sid == "" or sid == []: self.cleanup_model() if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.load_model(weight_root) if self.cpt is not None: self.setup_network() self.setup_vc_instance() def cleanup_model(self): """ Cleans up the model and releases resources. """ if self.hubert_model is not None: del self.net_g, self.n_spk,, self.hubert_model, self.tgt_sr self.hubert_model = self.net_g = self.n_spk = = self.tgt_sr = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() del self.net_g, self.cpt if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.cpt = None def load_model(self, weight_root): """ Loads the model weights from the specified path. Args: weight_root (str): Path to the model weights. """ self.cpt = ( torch.load(weight_root, map_location="cpu") if os.path.isfile(weight_root) else None ) def setup_network(self): """ Sets up the network configuration based on the loaded checkpoint. """ if self.cpt is not None: self.tgt_sr = self.cpt["config"][-1] self.cpt["config"][-3] = self.cpt["weight"]["emb_g.weight"].shape[0] self.use_f0 = self.cpt.get("f0", 1) self.version = self.cpt.get("version", "v1") self.text_enc_hidden_dim = 768 if self.version == "v2" else 256 self.net_g = Synthesizer( *self.cpt["config"], use_f0=self.use_f0, text_enc_hidden_dim=self.text_enc_hidden_dim, is_half=self.config.is_half, ) del self.net_g.enc_q self.net_g.load_state_dict(self.cpt["weight"], strict=False) self.net_g.eval().to(self.config.device) self.net_g = ( self.net_g.half() if self.config.is_half else self.net_g.float() ) def setup_vc_instance(self): """ Sets up the voice conversion pipeline instance based on the target sampling rate and configuration. """ if self.cpt is not None: = VC(self.tgt_sr, self.config) self.n_spk = self.cpt["config"][-3]