import os import sys import glob import time import tqdm import torch import torchcrepe import numpy as np import concurrent.futures import multiprocessing as mp # Zluda if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.get_device_name().endswith("[ZLUDA]"): torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False torch.backends.cuda.enable_flash_sdp(False) torch.backends.cuda.enable_math_sdp(True) torch.backends.cuda.enable_mem_efficient_sdp(False) now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(os.path.join(now_dir)) from rvc.lib.utils import load_audio, load_embedding from rvc.train.extract.preparing_files import generate_config, generate_filelist from rvc.lib.predictors.RMVPE import RMVPE0Predictor from rvc.configs.config import Config # Load config config = Config() mp.set_start_method("spawn", force=True) class FeatureInput: """Class for F0 extraction.""" def __init__(self, sample_rate=16000, hop_size=160, device="cpu"): self.fs = sample_rate self.hop = hop_size self.f0_bin = 256 self.f0_max = 1100.0 self.f0_min = 50.0 self.f0_mel_min = 1127 * np.log(1 + self.f0_min / 700) self.f0_mel_max = 1127 * np.log(1 + self.f0_max / 700) self.device = device self.model_rmvpe = None def compute_f0(self, np_arr, f0_method, hop_length): """Extract F0 using the specified method.""" if f0_method == "crepe": return self.get_crepe(np_arr, hop_length) elif f0_method == "rmvpe": return self.model_rmvpe.infer_from_audio(np_arr, thred=0.03) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown F0 method: {f0_method}") def get_crepe(self, x, hop_length): """Extract F0 using CREPE.""" audio = torch.from_numpy(x.astype(np.float32)).to(self.device) audio /= torch.quantile(torch.abs(audio), 0.999) audio = audio.unsqueeze(0) pitch = torchcrepe.predict( audio, self.fs, hop_length, self.f0_min, self.f0_max, "full", batch_size=hop_length * 2, device=audio.device, pad=True, ) source = pitch.squeeze(0).cpu().float().numpy() source[source < 0.001] = np.nan target = np.interp( np.arange(0, len(source) * (x.size // self.hop), len(source)) / (x.size // self.hop), np.arange(0, len(source)), source, ) return np.nan_to_num(target) def coarse_f0(self, f0): """Convert F0 to coarse F0.""" f0_mel = 1127 * np.log(1 + f0 / 700) f0_mel = np.clip( (f0_mel - self.f0_mel_min) * (self.f0_bin - 2) / (self.f0_mel_max - self.f0_mel_min) + 1, 1, self.f0_bin - 1, ) return np.rint(f0_mel).astype(int) def process_file(self, file_info, f0_method, hop_length): """Process a single audio file for F0 extraction.""" inp_path, opt_path1, opt_path2, _ = file_info if os.path.exists(opt_path1) and os.path.exists(opt_path2): return try: np_arr = load_audio(inp_path, 16000) feature_pit = self.compute_f0(np_arr, f0_method, hop_length), feature_pit, allow_pickle=False) coarse_pit = self.coarse_f0(feature_pit), coarse_pit, allow_pickle=False) except Exception as error: print( f"An error occurred extracting file {inp_path} on {self.device}: {error}" ) def process_files( self, files, f0_method, hop_length, device_num, device, n_threads ): """Process multiple files.""" self.device = device if f0_method == "rmvpe": self.model_rmvpe = RMVPE0Predictor( os.path.join("rvc", "models", "predictors", ""), is_half=False, device=device, ) else: n_threads = 1 n_threads = 1 if n_threads == 0 else n_threads def process_file_wrapper(file_info): self.process_file(file_info, f0_method, hop_length) with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(files), leave=True, position=device_num) as pbar: # using multi-threading with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=n_threads ) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(process_file_wrapper, file_info) for file_info in files ] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): pbar.update(1) def run_pitch_extraction(files, devices, f0_method, hop_length, num_processes): devices_str = ", ".join(devices) print( f"Starting pitch extraction with {num_processes} cores on {devices_str} using {f0_method}..." ) start_time = time.time() fe = FeatureInput() # split the task between devices ps = [] num_devices = len(devices) for i, device in enumerate(devices): p = mp.Process( target=fe.process_files, args=( files[i::num_devices], f0_method, hop_length, i, device, num_processes // num_devices, ), ) ps.append(p) p.start() for i, device in enumerate(devices): ps[i].join() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print(f"Pitch extraction completed in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds.") def process_file_embedding( files, version, embedder_model, embedder_model_custom, device_num, device, n_threads ): dtype = torch.float16 if config.is_half and "cuda" in device else torch.float32 model = load_embedding(embedder_model, embedder_model_custom).to(dtype).to(device) n_threads = 1 if n_threads == 0 else n_threads def process_file_embedding_wrapper(file_info): wav_file_path, _, _, out_file_path = file_info if os.path.exists(out_file_path): return feats = torch.from_numpy(load_audio(wav_file_path, 16000)).to(dtype).to(device) feats = feats.view(1, -1) with torch.no_grad(): feats = model(feats)["last_hidden_state"] feats = ( model.final_proj(feats[0]).unsqueeze(0) if version == "v1" else feats ) feats = feats.squeeze(0).float().cpu().numpy() if not np.isnan(feats).any():, feats, allow_pickle=False) else: print(f"{file} contains NaN values and will be skipped.") with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(files), leave=True, position=device_num) as pbar: # using multi-threading with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_threads) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit(process_file_embedding_wrapper, file_info) for file_info in files ] for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): pbar.update(1) def run_embedding_extraction( files, devices, version, embedder_model, embedder_model_custom ): start_time = time.time() devices_str = ", ".join(devices) print( f"Starting embedding extraction with {num_processes} cores on {devices_str}..." ) # split the task between devices ps = [] num_devices = len(devices) for i, device in enumerate(devices): p = mp.Process( target=process_file_embedding, args=( files[i::num_devices], version, embedder_model, embedder_model_custom, i, device, num_processes // num_devices, ), ) ps.append(p) p.start() for i, device in enumerate(devices): ps[i].join() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print(f"Embedding extraction completed in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds.") if __name__ == "__main__": exp_dir = sys.argv[1] f0_method = sys.argv[2] hop_length = int(sys.argv[3]) num_processes = int(sys.argv[4]) gpus = sys.argv[5] version = sys.argv[6] pitch_guidance = sys.argv[7] sample_rate = sys.argv[8] embedder_model = sys.argv[9] embedder_model_custom = sys.argv[10] if len(sys.argv) > 10 else None # prep wav_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, "sliced_audios_16k") os.makedirs(os.path.join(exp_dir, "f0"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(exp_dir, "f0_voiced"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(exp_dir, version + "_extracted"), exist_ok=True) files = [] for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(wav_path, "*.wav")): file_name = os.path.basename(file) file_info = [ file, # full path to sliced 16k wav os.path.join(exp_dir, "f0", file_name + ".npy"), os.path.join(exp_dir, "f0_voiced", file_name + ".npy"), os.path.join( exp_dir, version + "_extracted", file_name.replace("wav", "npy") ), ] files.append(file_info) devices = ["cpu"] if gpus == "-" else [f"cuda:{idx}" for idx in gpus.split("-")] # Run Pitch Extraction run_pitch_extraction(files, devices, f0_method, hop_length, num_processes) # Run Embedding Extraction run_embedding_extraction( files, devices, version, embedder_model, embedder_model_custom ) # Run Preparing Files generate_config(version, sample_rate, exp_dir) generate_filelist(pitch_guidance, exp_dir, version, sample_rate)