Raven-1 / app.py
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from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, File, HTTPException, Depends
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
from fastapi.security import OAuth2PasswordBearer
from pathlib import Path
import psutil
import shutil
import os
app = FastAPI()
# Directory where files will be uploaded
UPLOAD_DIRECTORY = Path("uploads")
UPLOAD_DIRECTORY.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# OAuth2 scheme for token-based authorization
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")
# Hugging Face secret token from environment variables
VALID_TOKEN = os.environ.get("SECRET_TOKEN")
# Constants to represent the limits for the container resources
# Helper function to calculate the size of a directory
def get_directory_size(directory: Path) -> int:
total_size = 0
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for f in filenames:
fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
return total_size
# Dependency to verify the token
def get_current_token(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
if token != VALID_TOKEN:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid token")
return token
# Health check endpoint
def health_check(token: str = Depends(get_current_token)):
return {
"status": "healthy"
# System metrics endpoint: CPU, RAM, and disk usage for uploads folder relative to 2 vCPUs, 16GB RAM, and 50GB disk
def get_metrics(token: str = Depends(get_current_token)):
# CPU percentage relative to 2 vCPUs
cpu_percent = round((psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) / 100) * MAX_CPU_CORES, 2)
# Memory usage relative to 16GB of RAM
memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
memory_used_gb = (memory.total - memory.available) / (1024 ** 3)
# Make sure to cap the used memory at MAX_MEMORY_GB
memory_used_gb_relative = min(memory_used_gb, MAX_MEMORY_GB)
memory_usage_percent = (memory_used_gb_relative / MAX_MEMORY_GB) * 100
# Disk usage for uploads directory relative to 50GB storage
uploads_size_bytes = get_directory_size(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY)
uploads_size_gb = uploads_size_bytes / (1024 ** 3)
uploads_usage_percent = (uploads_size_gb / MAX_DISK_GB) * 100
return {
"cpu_usage_cores": cpu_percent, # Relative CPU usage as cores (out of 2 vCPUs)
"memory": {
"used_gb": round(memory_used_gb_relative, 2), # Capped at 16GB max
"used_percent_of_16gb": round(memory_usage_percent, 2)
"disk": {
"uploads_folder_size_gb": round(uploads_size_gb, 2),
"uploads_usage_percent_of_50gb": round(uploads_usage_percent, 2)
# File upload endpoint
async def upload_file(file: UploadFile = File(...), token: str = Depends(get_current_token)):
file_location = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY / file.filename
with file_location.open("wb") as buffer:
shutil.copyfileobj(file.file, buffer)
return {"info": f"file '{file.filename}' saved at '{file_location}'"}
# File download endpoint
def download_file(filename: str, token: str = Depends(get_current_token)):
file_location = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY / filename
if not file_location.exists():
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
return FileResponse(path=file_location, filename=filename)
# Show current files endpoint
def list_files(token: str = Depends(get_current_token)):
files = [f for f in os.listdir(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY) if os.path.isfile(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY / f)]
return {"files": files}