from utils import jaccard from shared import START_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE, END_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE from functools import lru_cache from datetime import datetime import itertools from typing import Optional, List from datasets import load_dataset from model import ModelArguments import segment from tqdm import tqdm from dataclasses import dataclass, field from transformers import HfArgumentParser from shared import GeneralArguments, CustomTokens import csv import re import random import logging from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi from youtube_transcript_api._errors import CouldNotRetrieveTranscript, YouTubeRequestFailed, TooManyRequests import os import json import time import requests from utils import Task, InterruptibleTaskPool def find(s, ch): return [i for i, ltr in enumerate(s) if ltr == ch] def wordify(transcript, maximum_wps=1): """Try to replicate format for automatically generated transcripts""" # Do not allow segments to be on screen for too long using maximum_wps words = [] for line_index, line in enumerate(transcript): text = line['text'].replace('\n', ' ').strip() if not text: continue start = line['start'] next_start = transcript[line_index + 1]['start'] \ if line_index < len(transcript) - 1 else float('inf') # Use maximum wps to calculate latest end (to avoid segments which stay on screen too long) longest_duration = maximum_wps * text.count(' ') latest_end = start + longest_duration end = min(start + line['duration'], next_start, latest_end) duration = end - start indices = find(text, ' ') + [len(text)] start_index = 0 for i in range(len(indices)): word = text[start_index:indices[i]].strip() if not word: continue # Skip empty words (e.g., \n) percentage = start_index/indices[-1] w_duration = len(word)/indices[-1] * duration w_start = start + percentage * duration words.append({ 'start': round(w_start, 3), 'duration': round(w_duration, 3), 'end': round(w_start + w_duration, 3), 'text': word, }) start_index = indices[i] + 1 return words def get_manual_words(transcript_list): transcript = transcript_list.find_manually_created_transcript( ['en-GB', 'en-US', 'en']).fetch() return wordify(transcript) PROFANITY_RAW = '[ __ ]' # How YouTube transcribes profanity PROFANITY_CONVERTED = '*****' # Safer version for tokenizing def get_auto_words(transcript_list): words = [] transcript = transcript_list.find_generated_transcript(['en']) url = transcript._url + '&fmt=json3' info = transcript._http_client.get(url) for event in info.json()['events']: start_ms = event.get('tStartMs', 0) for word in event.get('segs') or []: offset_ms = word.get('tOffsetMs', 0) texts = word['utf8'].replace( PROFANITY_RAW, PROFANITY_CONVERTED ).strip().split() for text in texts: words.append({ 'start': (start_ms + offset_ms)/1000, 'text': text }) return words def list_transcripts(video_id): return YouTubeTranscriptApi.list_transcripts(video_id) @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def get_words(video_id, process=True, fallback=True, transcript_type='auto'): """Get parsed video transcript with caching system returns None if not processed yet and process is False """ get_manual_if_fail = fallback and transcript_type == 'auto' transcript_path = os.path.join( # TODO use relative path to this 'transcripts', transcript_type, f'{video_id}.json') words = [] try: if os.path.exists(transcript_path): # Load from file with open(transcript_path) as fp: words = json.load(fp) elif process: transcript_list = list_transcripts(video_id) if transcript_type == 'manual': words = get_manual_words(transcript_list) else: words = get_auto_words(transcript_list) except (TooManyRequests, YouTubeRequestFailed, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as e: # Can retry print(e) time.sleep(10) # Timeout return get_words(video_id, process, fallback, transcript_type) except CouldNotRetrieveTranscript: pass except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print('JSONDecodeError for', video_id) os.remove(transcript_path) # Remove file and try again return get_words(video_id, process, fallback, transcript_type) # Even save empty with open(transcript_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(words, fp) if not words and get_manual_if_fail: return get_words(video_id, process, fallback, 'manual') return words # TODO make min_sponsor_segment_length param def extract_sponsors(words, min_sponsor_segment_length=3): if not words: return [] paragraphs = [] current = [] prev_category = None i = 0 while i <= len(words): unimportant = i == len(words) or words[i]['category'] is None if unimportant or words[i]['category'] != prev_category: if current: # Save the current batch paragraphs.append({ 'words': current, 'category': current[-1]['category'], }) current = [] if not unimportant: # Some useful information to save current.append(words[i]) prev_category = words[i]['category'] i += 1 # Remove all too short: return list(filter(lambda x: len(x['words']) >= min_sponsor_segment_length, paragraphs)) def clean_text(text): # Replace impossibly long words with a special token # Usually the result of incorrect labelling text = re.sub(r'\w{64,}', CustomTokens.LONG_WORD.value, text) SHORT_HYPHENATED_REGEX = r'\w{1,2}(?:-\w{1,2}){3,}(?:-?\w*)' # Replace hyphenated URLs with special token # For some reason, youtube sometimes transcribes urls in this form: # 'b-a-b-b-e-l-dot-com', 'g-e-t-r-o-m-a-n-com' # not 'e-commerce' text = re.sub(f'{SHORT_HYPHENATED_REGEX}(?:com|org|net)', CustomTokens.HYPHENATED_URL.value, text) # Replace short+hyphenated text with a special token. Of the form: # 'i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i', 'b-u-m-f-u-z-z-l-e', 'v-e-r-i-t-a-s-i-u-m', 'do-do-do-do-do' text = re.sub(SHORT_HYPHENATED_REGEX, CustomTokens.SHORT_HYPHENATED.value, text) # Replace URLs with URL_TOKEN URL_REGEX = r'(?:(?:http|https)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]){2,6}(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\.\&\/\?\:@\-_=#%])*' text = re.sub(URL_REGEX, CustomTokens.URL.value, text) NUM_REGEX = r'(?:\d+,)*(?:\d*[.])?\d+' # Encode specific numeric words # Of the form: 12%, 12.34% # Usually included in sponsorships text = re.sub(f'{NUM_REGEX}%', CustomTokens.NUMBER_PERCENTAGE.value, text) # Normal numbers, should not have an effect on sponsorship text = re.sub(NUM_REGEX, CustomTokens.NUMBER.value, text) # Replace profanity with special token text = text.replace(PROFANITY_RAW, CustomTokens.PROFANITY.value) text = text.replace(PROFANITY_CONVERTED, CustomTokens.PROFANITY.value) return text.strip() def remove_duplicate_segments(segments): # Algorithm based on SponsorBlock algorithm # # Find sponsors that are overlapping best = [] for i in segments: similar_segments = [] for j in segments: if jaccard(i['start'], i['end'], j['start'], j['end']) > 0.1: # Some overlap similar_segments.append(j) if similar_segments: best_similar_seg = max(similar_segments, key=lambda item: ( item['locked'], item['votes'], item['views'], item['reputation'] )) if best_similar_seg not in best: best.append(best_similar_seg) return best @dataclass class PreprocessArguments: """ Arguments pertaining to what data we are going to preprocess. """ update_database: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Download the raw database.'} ) do_create: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Merge sponsor segments into single file'} ) min_votes: int = field( default=0, metadata={'help': 'Minimum number of votes'}) # Downvotes will make this negative. # 1 = At least one positive vote min_views: int = field( default=5, metadata={'help': 'Minimum number of views a segment must have to be considered. 0 = show all'}) min_date: str = field( # release of v2.0 ( default='08/06/2020', # default='20/08/2021', # release of v3.0 ( # default='01/10/2020', # No more autovote metadata={'help': 'Only use submissions from after this date'}) # TODO move? categories: str = field( default_factory=lambda: ['sponsor', 'selfpromo', 'interaction'], metadata={ 'nargs': '+', 'choices': ['intro', 'sponsor', 'interaction'] # 'outro', 'selfpromo', 'preview', # 'poi_highlight', 'filler', 'music_offtopic', # 'moreCategories' } ) do_transcribe: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Get transcripts for videos'} ) num_jobs: int = field( default=4, metadata={'help': 'Number of transcripts to download in parallel'}) overwrite: bool = field( default=True, metadata={'help': 'Overwrite training, testing and validation data, if present.'} ) do_generate: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Generate labelled data.'} ) do_split: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Generate training, testing and validation data.'} ) percentage_positive: float = field( default=0.5, metadata={'help': 'Ratio of positive (sponsor) segments to include in final output'}) train_split: float = field( default=0.9, metadata={'help': 'Ratio of training data. Value between 0 and 1.'}) # TODO play around with ratios? lower test/validation split? test_split: float = field( default=0.05, metadata={'help': 'Ratio of testing data. Value between 0 and 1.'}) valid_split: float = field( default=0.05, metadata={'help': 'Ratio of validation data. Value between 0 and 1.'}) skip_videos: int = field(default=None, metadata={ 'help': 'Number of videos to skip. Set this to the latest video index to append to the current file'}) max_videos: int = field(default=None, metadata={ 'help': 'Maximum number of videos to preprocess.'}) max_segments: int = field(default=None, metadata={ 'help': 'Maximum number of segments to produce to preprocess.'}) raw_data_dir: Optional[str] = field( default='raw', metadata={ 'help': 'Raw data directory' }, ) raw_data_file: Optional[str] = field( default='sponsorTimes.csv', metadata={ 'help': 'Raw data file' }, ) min_wps: float = field( default=1.5, metadata={'help': 'Ignore videos with not enough words spoken per second. This is usually indicitive of video whose captions aren\'t English.'}) # 0.1 ~ 1% # 0.4 ~ 2.5% # 0.9 ~ 5% # Mirrors for database MIRRORS = [ '', # Latest '', # 5 minute delay '', # 5 minute delay ] # TODO only download latest updates/changes def download_file(url, filename): """ Helper method handling downloading large files from `url` to `filename`. Adapted from """ chunk_size = 1024 r = requests.get(url, stream=True) total_bytes = int(r.headers['Content-Length']) with open(filename, 'wb') as f, tqdm(unit='B', total=total_bytes) as progress: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks progress.update(len(chunk)) f.write(chunk) return total_bytes == os.path.getsize(filename) @dataclass class ProcessedArguments: processed_dir: Optional[str] = field( default='processed', metadata={ 'help': 'Processed data directory' }, ) processed_file: Optional[str] = field( default='final.json', metadata={ 'help': 'Processed data file' }, ) def load_datasets(dataset_args): print('Reading datasets') data_files = {} if dataset_args.train_file is not None: data_files['train'] = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.train_file) if dataset_args.validation_file is not None: data_files['validation'] = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.validation_file) if dataset_args.test_file is not None: data_files['test'] = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.test_file) return load_dataset('json', data_files=data_files) @dataclass class DatasetArguments: data_dir: Optional[str] = field( default='data', metadata={ 'help': 'The directory which stores train, test and/or validation data.' }, ) train_file: Optional[str] = field( default='train.json', metadata={'help': 'The input training data file (a jsonlines file).'} ) validation_file: Optional[str] = field( default='valid.json', metadata={ 'help': 'An optional input evaluation data file to evaluate the metrics (rouge) on (a jsonlines file).' }, ) test_file: Optional[str] = field( default='test.json', metadata={ 'help': 'An optional input test data file to evaluate the metrics (rouge) on (a jsonlines file).' }, ) excess_file: Optional[str] = field( default='excess.json', metadata={ 'help': 'The excess segments left after the split' }, ) overwrite_cache: bool = field( default=False, metadata={'help': 'Overwrite the cached training and evaluation sets'} ) positive_file: Optional[str] = field( default='sponsor_segments.json', metadata={'help': 'File to output sponsored segments to (a jsonlines file).'} ) negative_file: Optional[str] = field( default='normal_segments.json', metadata={'help': 'File to output normal segments to (a jsonlines file).'} ) def __post_init__(self): # TODO check if train/validation datasets exist if self.train_file is None and self.validation_file is None: raise ValueError( 'Need either a dataset name or a training/validation file.') def main(): # Responsible for getting transcrips using youtube_transcript_api, # then labelling it according to SponsorBlock's API logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # TODO make param # Generate final.json from sponsorTimes.csv hf_parser = HfArgumentParser(( PreprocessArguments, ProcessedArguments, DatasetArguments, segment.SegmentationArguments, ModelArguments, GeneralArguments )) preprocess_args, processed_args, dataset_args, segmentation_args, model_args, _ = hf_parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses() raw_dataset_path = os.path.join( preprocess_args.raw_data_dir, preprocess_args.raw_data_file) if preprocess_args.update_database: print('Updating database') for mirror in MIRRORS: print('Downloading from', mirror) if download_file(mirror, raw_dataset_path): break print('Failed, trying next') @lru_cache def read_db(): # TODO save as file print('Parsing raw database') db = {} latest_time = datetime.strptime(preprocess_args.min_date, '%d/%m/%Y') with open(raw_dataset_path, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for line in reader: submission_time = float(line['timeSubmitted'])/1e3 if datetime.fromtimestamp(submission_time) < latest_time: continue if line['service'] != 'YouTube': continue if len(line['videoID']) != 11: continue # Invalid youtube video ID if line['category'] not in preprocess_args.categories: continue if line['actionType'] != 'skip': continue # Ignore hidden items if line['hidden'] == '1' or line['shadowHidden'] == '1': continue # Skip those that aren't highly voted line['votes'] = int(line['votes']) if line['votes'] < preprocess_args.min_votes: continue locked = line['locked'] == '1' # Skip segments with low views (i.e., not really reviewed) # Always include segments locked by VIPs, regardless of view count line['views'] = int(line['views']) if not locked and line['views'] < preprocess_args.min_views: continue if line['videoID'] not in db: db[line['videoID']] = [] db[line['videoID']].append({ 'uuid': line['UUID'], 'start': float(line['startTime']), 'end': float(line['endTime']), 'votes': line['votes'], 'locked': locked, 'views': line['views'], 'submission_time': submission_time, 'reputation': line['reputation'], 'category': line['category'], 'action': line['actionType'], }) num_segments = 0 # Remove duplicate sponsor segments by choosing best (most votes) print('Remove duplicate segments') for key in db: db[key] = remove_duplicate_segments(db[key]) num_segments += len(db[key]) print('Saved', len(db), 'videos and', num_segments, 'segments') return db # 'videoID', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'votes', 'locked', 'incorrectVotes', 'UUID', # 'userID', 'timeSubmitted', 'views', 'category', 'actionType', 'service', 'videoDuration', # 'hidden', 'reputation', 'shadowHidden', 'hashedVideoID', 'userAgent', 'description' parsed_database = None if preprocess_args.do_transcribe: print('Collecting videos') parsed_database = read_db() # Remove transcripts already processed finished = set(os.listdir('transcripts/auto/') + os.listdir('transcripts/manual/')) finished = set([x.split('.')[0] for x in finished]) video_ids = list(parsed_database.keys() - finished) # Create tasks generator tasks = ( Task(get_words, video_id) for video_id in video_ids ) print('start') with tqdm(total=len(video_ids)) as progress: def callback(task): progress.set_description(f'Processing {task.args[0]}') progress.update() InterruptibleTaskPool(tasks, preprocess_args.num_jobs, callback).start() final_path = os.path.join( processed_args.processed_dir, processed_args.processed_file) if preprocess_args.do_create: print('Create final data') final_data = {} parsed_database = read_db() # TODO add progress bar # TODO parallelise? with tqdm(total=len(parsed_database)) as progress: for index, (video_id, segments) in enumerate(parsed_database.items()): if preprocess_args.max_videos is not None and index >= preprocess_args.max_videos: break progress.set_description(f'Processing {video_id}') progress.update() final_data[video_id] = [] video_words = get_words(video_id, process=False) if not video_words: continue for seg in segments: # Only add segments with high enough wps segment_words = segment.extract_segment( video_words, seg['start'], seg['end']) if len(segment_words) <= 1: continue # Useless to add segment since no words # duration = segment.word_end(segment_words[-1]) - segment.word_start(segment_words[0]) duration = seg['end'] - seg['start'] wps = len(segment_words)/duration if duration > 0 else 0 # print(video_id, wps) if wps < preprocess_args.min_wps: # Skip sponsor segments without many words # e.g. music ads with some words on each side # progress.set_description(f'Skipping bad segment in {video_id} (wps={wps})') continue final_data[video_id].append(seg) # Save data with open(final_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(final_data, fp) # final_data = preprocess( # raw_dataset_path, final_path, preprocess_args.min_votes) # # TODO save metadata in final.json? elif os.path.exists(final_path): # Already exists'{final_path} exists, opening file') with open(final_path) as fp: final_data = json.load(fp)'Found {len(final_data)} videos') else: return # Do not continue # TODO shuffle final_data # if not os.path.exists(excess_path) or preprocess_args.overwrite # TODO use overwrite param os.makedirs(dataset_args.data_dir, exist_ok=True) positive_file = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.positive_file) negative_file = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.negative_file) if preprocess_args.do_generate: print('Generating') from model import get_tokenizer # max_videos=preprocess_args.max_videos, # max_segments=preprocess_args.max_segments, # , max_videos, max_segments tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model_args) # TODO # count_videos = 0 # count_segments = 0 write_mode = 'w' if preprocess_args.overwrite else 'a' get_all = preprocess_args.max_videos is None total = len(final_data) if get_all else preprocess_args.max_videos index = 0 data = final_data.items() if preprocess_args.skip_videos is not None: print('Skipping first', preprocess_args.skip_videos, 'videos') data = itertools.islice(data, preprocess_args.skip_videos, None) index = preprocess_args.skip_videos if get_all: total = max(0, total - preprocess_args.skip_videos) else: total = min(len(final_data) - preprocess_args.skip_videos, total) with open(positive_file, write_mode, encoding='utf-8') as positive, \ open(negative_file, write_mode, encoding='utf-8') as negative, \ tqdm(total=total) as progress: for ind, (video_id, sponsor_segments) in enumerate(data): index += 1 # TODO FIX index + incrementing if preprocess_args.max_videos is not None and ind >= preprocess_args.max_videos: break progress.set_description(f'Processing {video_id}') progress.update() words = get_words(video_id, process=False) if not words: continue num_words = len(words) if num_words <= 1: continue # TODO only count words that aren't [Music], [Applause], etc. segments = segment.generate_labelled_segments( words, tokenizer, segmentation_args, sponsor_segments) if not segments: continue for seg in segments: duration = segment.word_end( seg[-1]) - segment.word_start(seg[0]) wps = len(seg)/duration if duration > 0 else 0 # Ignore segments with "not enough words" in the transcript # Must do here since this includes non-sponsor segments if wps < preprocess_args.min_wps: continue segment_text = ' '.join((x['text'] for x in seg)) extracted_segments = extract_sponsors(seg) d = { 'video_index': index, 'video_id': video_id, 'text': clean_text(segment_text), 'words_per_second': round(wps, 3), } if extracted_segments: extracted_texts = [] for s in extracted_segments: w = ' '.join([q['text'] for q in s['words']]) category = s['category'].upper() extracted_texts.append( f"{START_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE.format(category)} {w} {END_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE.format(category)}") extracted_text = f' {CustomTokens.BETWEEN_SEGMENTS.value} '.join( extracted_texts) d['extracted'] = clean_text(extracted_text) print(json.dumps(d), file=positive) else: d['extracted'] = CustomTokens.NO_SEGMENT.value print(json.dumps(d), file=negative) if preprocess_args.do_split: print('Splitting') print('Read files') with open(positive_file, encoding='utf-8') as positive: sponsors = positive.readlines() with open(negative_file, encoding='utf-8') as negative: non_sponsors = negative.readlines() print('Shuffle') random.shuffle(sponsors) random.shuffle(non_sponsors) print('Calculate ratios') # Ensure correct ratio of positive to negative segments percentage_negative = 1 - preprocess_args.percentage_positive if preprocess_args.percentage_positive * len(sponsors) > len(non_sponsors): # Negative is limiting z = int(preprocess_args.percentage_positive / percentage_negative * len(non_sponsors)) excess = sponsors[z:] sponsors = sponsors[:z] else: # Positive is limiting z = int(percentage_negative / preprocess_args.percentage_positive * len(sponsors)) excess = non_sponsors[z:] non_sponsors = non_sponsors[:z] print('Join') all_labelled_segments = sponsors + non_sponsors random.shuffle(all_labelled_segments) print('Split') ratios = [preprocess_args.train_split, preprocess_args.test_split, preprocess_args.valid_split] train_data, test_data, valid_data = split( all_labelled_segments, ratios) splits = { dataset_args.train_file: train_data, dataset_args.test_file: test_data, dataset_args.validation_file: valid_data } # Output training, testing and validation data for name, items in splits.items(): outfile = os.path.join(dataset_args.data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(outfile) or preprocess_args.overwrite: with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.writelines(items) else: print('Skipping', name) print('Write') # Save excess items excess_path = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.excess_file) if not os.path.exists(excess_path) or preprocess_args.overwrite: with open(excess_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.writelines(excess) else: print('Skipping', dataset_args.excess_file) print('Finished splitting:', len(sponsors), 'sponsors,', len(non_sponsors), 'non sponsors') def split(arr, ratios): """Split array according to ratios. Sum of ratios should be less than 1""" to_return = [] cumulative_sum = 0 for r in ratios: current = cumulative_sum cumulative_sum += r * len(arr) to_return.append(arr[int(current):int(cumulative_sum)]) return to_return if __name__ == '__main__': main()