SPO / metagpt /repo_parser.py
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Build a symbols repository from source code.
This script is designed to create a symbols repository from the provided source code.
@Time : 2023/11/17 17:58
@Author : alexanderwu
@File : repo_parser.py
from __future__ import annotations
import ast
import json
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import pandas as pd
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
from metagpt.logs import logger
from metagpt.utils.common import any_to_str, aread, remove_white_spaces
from metagpt.utils.exceptions import handle_exception
class RepoFileInfo(BaseModel):
Repository data element that represents information about a file.
file (str): The name or path of the file.
classes (List): A list of class names present in the file.
functions (List): A list of function names present in the file.
globals (List): A list of global variable names present in the file.
page_info (List): A list of page-related information associated with the file.
file: str
classes: List = Field(default_factory=list)
functions: List = Field(default_factory=list)
globals: List = Field(default_factory=list)
page_info: List = Field(default_factory=list)
class CodeBlockInfo(BaseModel):
Repository data element representing information about a code block.
lineno (int): The starting line number of the code block.
end_lineno (int): The ending line number of the code block.
type_name (str): The type or category of the code block.
tokens (List): A list of tokens present in the code block.
properties (Dict): A dictionary containing additional properties associated with the code block.
lineno: int
end_lineno: int
type_name: str
tokens: List = Field(default_factory=list)
properties: Dict = Field(default_factory=dict)
class DotClassAttribute(BaseModel):
Repository data element representing a class attribute in dot format.
name (str): The name of the class attribute.
type_ (str): The type of the class attribute.
default_ (str): The default value of the class attribute.
description (str): A description of the class attribute.
compositions (List[str]): A list of compositions associated with the class attribute.
name: str = ""
type_: str = ""
default_: str = ""
description: str
compositions: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
def parse(cls, v: str) -> "DotClassAttribute":
Parses dot format text and returns a DotClassAttribute object.
v (str): Dot format text to be parsed.
DotClassAttribute: An instance of the DotClassAttribute class representing the parsed data.
val = ""
meet_colon = False
meet_equals = False
for c in v:
if c == ":":
meet_colon = True
elif c == "=":
meet_equals = True
if not meet_colon:
val += ":"
meet_colon = True
val += c
if not meet_colon:
val += ":"
if not meet_equals:
val += "="
cix = val.find(":")
eix = val.rfind("=")
name = val[0:cix].strip()
type_ = val[cix + 1 : eix]
default_ = val[eix + 1 :].strip()
type_ = remove_white_spaces(type_) # remove white space
if type_ == "NoneType":
type_ = ""
if "Literal[" in type_:
pre_l, literal, post_l = cls._split_literal(type_)
composition_val = pre_l + "Literal" + post_l # replace Literal[...] with Literal
type_ = pre_l + literal + post_l
type_ = re.sub(r"['\"]+", "", type_) # remove '"
composition_val = type_
if default_ == "None":
default_ = ""
compositions = cls.parse_compositions(composition_val)
return cls(name=name, type_=type_, default_=default_, description=v, compositions=compositions)
def parse_compositions(types_part) -> List[str]:
Parses the type definition code block of source code and returns a list of compositions.
types_part: The type definition code block to be parsed.
List[str]: A list of compositions extracted from the type definition code block.
if not types_part:
return []
modified_string = re.sub(r"[\[\],\(\)]", "|", types_part)
types = modified_string.split("|")
filters = {
result = set()
for t in types:
t = re.sub(r"['\"]+", "", t.strip())
if t and t not in filters:
return list(result)
def _split_literal(v):
Parses the literal definition code block and returns three parts: pre-part, literal-part, and post-part.
v: The literal definition code block to be parsed.
Tuple[str, str, str]: A tuple containing the pre-part, literal-part, and post-part of the code block.
tag = "Literal["
bix = v.find(tag)
eix = len(v) - 1
counter = 1
for i in range(bix + len(tag), len(v) - 1):
c = v[i]
if c == "[":
counter += 1
if c == "]":
counter -= 1
if counter > 0:
eix = i
pre_l = v[0:bix]
post_l = v[eix + 1 :]
pre_l = re.sub(r"['\"]", "", pre_l) # remove '"
pos_l = re.sub(r"['\"]", "", post_l) # remove '"
return pre_l, v[bix : eix + 1], pos_l
@field_validator("compositions", mode="after")
def sort(cls, lst: List) -> List:
Auto-sorts a list attribute after making changes.
lst (List): The list attribute to be sorted.
List: The sorted list.
return lst
class DotClassInfo(BaseModel):
Repository data element representing information about a class in dot format.
name (str): The name of the class.
package (Optional[str]): The package to which the class belongs (optional).
attributes (Dict[str, DotClassAttribute]): A dictionary of attributes associated with the class.
methods (Dict[str, DotClassMethod]): A dictionary of methods associated with the class.
compositions (List[str]): A list of compositions associated with the class.
aggregations (List[str]): A list of aggregations associated with the class.
name: str
package: Optional[str] = None
attributes: Dict[str, DotClassAttribute] = Field(default_factory=dict)
methods: Dict[str, DotClassMethod] = Field(default_factory=dict)
compositions: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
aggregations: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
@field_validator("compositions", "aggregations", mode="after")
def sort(cls, lst: List) -> List:
Auto-sorts a list attribute after making changes.
lst (List): The list attribute to be sorted.
List: The sorted list.
return lst
class DotClassRelationship(BaseModel):
Repository data element representing a relationship between two classes in dot format.
src (str): The source class of the relationship.
dest (str): The destination class of the relationship.
relationship (str): The type or nature of the relationship.
label (Optional[str]): An optional label associated with the relationship.
src: str = ""
dest: str = ""
relationship: str = ""
label: Optional[str] = None
class DotReturn(BaseModel):
Repository data element representing a function or method return type in dot format.
type_ (str): The type of the return.
description (str): A description of the return type.
compositions (List[str]): A list of compositions associated with the return type.
type_: str = ""
description: str
compositions: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
def parse(cls, v: str) -> "DotReturn" | None:
Parses the return type part of dot format text and returns a DotReturn object.
v (str): The dot format text containing the return type part to be parsed.
DotReturn | None: An instance of the DotReturn class representing the parsed return type,
or None if parsing fails.
if not v:
return DotReturn(description=v)
type_ = remove_white_spaces(v)
compositions = DotClassAttribute.parse_compositions(type_)
return cls(type_=type_, description=v, compositions=compositions)
@field_validator("compositions", mode="after")
def sort(cls, lst: List) -> List:
Auto-sorts a list attribute after making changes.
lst (List): The list attribute to be sorted.
List: The sorted list.
return lst
class DotClassMethod(BaseModel):
name: str
args: List[DotClassAttribute] = Field(default_factory=list)
return_args: Optional[DotReturn] = None
description: str
aggregations: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
def parse(cls, v: str) -> "DotClassMethod":
Parses a dot format method text and returns a DotClassMethod object.
v (str): The dot format text containing method information to be parsed.
DotClassMethod: An instance of the DotClassMethod class representing the parsed method.
bix = v.find("(")
eix = v.rfind(")")
rix = v.rfind(":")
if rix < 0 or rix < eix:
rix = eix
name_part = v[0:bix].strip()
args_part = v[bix + 1 : eix].strip()
return_args_part = v[rix + 1 :].strip()
name = cls._parse_name(name_part)
args = cls._parse_args(args_part)
return_args = DotReturn.parse(return_args_part)
aggregations = set()
for i in args:
return cls(name=name, args=args, description=v, return_args=return_args, aggregations=list(aggregations))
def _parse_name(v: str) -> str:
Parses the dot format method name part and returns the method name.
v (str): The dot format text containing the method name part to be parsed.
str: The parsed method name.
tags = [">", "</"]
if tags[0] in v:
bix = v.find(tags[0]) + len(tags[0])
eix = v.rfind(tags[1])
return v[bix:eix].strip()
return v.strip()
def _parse_args(v: str) -> List[DotClassAttribute]:
Parses the dot format method arguments part and returns the parsed arguments.
v (str): The dot format text containing the arguments part to be parsed.
str: The parsed method arguments.
if not v:
return []
parts = []
bix = 0
counter = 0
for i in range(0, len(v)):
c = v[i]
if c == "[":
counter += 1
elif c == "]":
counter -= 1
elif c == "," and counter == 0:
bix = i + 1
attrs = []
for p in parts:
if p:
attr = DotClassAttribute.parse(p)
return attrs
class RepoParser(BaseModel):
Tool to build a symbols repository from a project directory.
base_directory (Path): The base directory of the project.
base_directory: Path = Field(default=None)
@handle_exception(exception_type=Exception, default_return=[])
def _parse_file(cls, file_path: Path) -> list:
Parses a Python file in the repository.
file_path (Path): The path to the Python file to be parsed.
list: A list containing the parsed symbols from the file.
return ast.parse(file_path.read_text()).body
def extract_class_and_function_info(self, tree, file_path) -> RepoFileInfo:
Extracts class, function, and global variable information from the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
tree: The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the Python file.
file_path: The path to the Python file.
RepoFileInfo: A RepoFileInfo object containing the extracted information.
file_info = RepoFileInfo(file=str(file_path.relative_to(self.base_directory)))
for node in tree:
info = RepoParser.node_to_str(node)
if info:
if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
class_methods = [m.name for m in node.body if is_func(m)]
file_info.classes.append({"name": node.name, "methods": class_methods})
elif is_func(node):
elif isinstance(node, (ast.Assign, ast.AnnAssign)):
for target in node.targets if isinstance(node, ast.Assign) else [node.target]:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
return file_info
def generate_symbols(self) -> List[RepoFileInfo]:
Builds a symbol repository from '.py' and '.js' files in the project directory.
List[RepoFileInfo]: A list of RepoFileInfo objects containing the extracted information.
files_classes = []
directory = self.base_directory
matching_files = []
extensions = ["*.py"]
for ext in extensions:
matching_files += directory.rglob(ext)
for path in matching_files:
tree = self._parse_file(path)
file_info = self.extract_class_and_function_info(tree, path)
return files_classes
def generate_json_structure(self, output_path: Path):
Generates a JSON file documenting the repository structure.
output_path (Path): The path to the JSON file to be generated.
files_classes = [i.model_dump() for i in self.generate_symbols()]
output_path.write_text(json.dumps(files_classes, indent=4))
def generate_dataframe_structure(self, output_path: Path):
Generates a DataFrame documenting the repository structure and saves it as a CSV file.
output_path (Path): The path to the CSV file to be generated.
files_classes = [i.model_dump() for i in self.generate_symbols()]
df = pd.DataFrame(files_classes)
df.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
def generate_structure(self, output_path: str | Path = None, mode="json") -> Path:
Generates the structure of the repository in a specified format.
output_path (str | Path): The path to the output file or directory. Default is None.
mode (str): The output format mode. Options: "json" (default), "csv", etc.
Path: The path to the generated output file or directory.
output_file = self.base_directory / f"{self.base_directory.name}-structure.{mode}"
output_path = Path(output_path) if output_path else output_file
if mode == "json":
elif mode == "csv":
return output_path
def node_to_str(node) -> CodeBlockInfo | None:
Parses and converts an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node to a CodeBlockInfo object.
node: The AST node to be converted.
CodeBlockInfo | None: A CodeBlockInfo object representing the parsed AST node,
or None if the conversion fails.
if isinstance(node, ast.Try):
return None
if any_to_str(node) == any_to_str(ast.Expr):
return CodeBlockInfo(
mappings = {
any_to_str(ast.Import): lambda x: [RepoParser._parse_name(n) for n in x.names],
any_to_str(ast.Assign): RepoParser._parse_assign,
any_to_str(ast.ClassDef): lambda x: x.name,
any_to_str(ast.FunctionDef): lambda x: x.name,
any_to_str(ast.ImportFrom): lambda x: {
"module": x.module,
"names": [RepoParser._parse_name(n) for n in x.names],
any_to_str(ast.If): RepoParser._parse_if,
any_to_str(ast.AsyncFunctionDef): lambda x: x.name,
any_to_str(ast.AnnAssign): lambda x: RepoParser._parse_variable(x.target),
func = mappings.get(any_to_str(node))
if func:
code_block = CodeBlockInfo(lineno=node.lineno, end_lineno=node.end_lineno, type_name=any_to_str(node))
val = func(node)
if isinstance(val, dict):
code_block.properties = val
elif isinstance(val, list):
code_block.tokens = val
elif isinstance(val, str):
code_block.tokens = [val]
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implement:{val}")
return code_block
logger.warning(f"Unsupported code block:{node.lineno}, {node.end_lineno}, {any_to_str(node)}")
return None
def _parse_expr(node) -> List:
Parses an expression Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
node: The AST node representing an expression.
List: A list containing the parsed information from the expression node.
funcs = {
any_to_str(ast.Constant): lambda x: [any_to_str(x.value), RepoParser._parse_variable(x.value)],
any_to_str(ast.Call): lambda x: [any_to_str(x.value), RepoParser._parse_variable(x.value.func)],
any_to_str(ast.Tuple): lambda x: [any_to_str(x.value), RepoParser._parse_variable(x.value)],
func = funcs.get(any_to_str(node.value))
if func:
return func(node)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implement: {node.value}")
def _parse_name(n):
Gets the 'name' value of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
n: The AST node.
The 'name' value of the AST node.
if n.asname:
return f"{n.name} as {n.asname}"
return n.name
def _parse_if(n):
Parses an 'if' statement Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
n: The AST node representing an 'if' statement.
None or Parsed information from the 'if' statement node.
tokens = []
if isinstance(n.test, ast.BoolOp):
tokens = []
for v in n.test.values:
return tokens
if isinstance(n.test, ast.Compare):
v = RepoParser._parse_variable(n.test.left)
if v:
if isinstance(n.test, ast.Name):
v = RepoParser._parse_variable(n.test)
if hasattr(n.test, "comparators"):
for item in n.test.comparators:
v = RepoParser._parse_variable(item)
if v:
return tokens
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Unsupported if: {n}, err:{e}")
return tokens
def _parse_if_compare(n):
Parses an 'if' condition Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
n: The AST node representing an 'if' condition.
None or Parsed information from the 'if' condition node.
if hasattr(n, "left"):
return RepoParser._parse_variable(n.left)
return []
def _parse_variable(node):
Parses a variable Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
node: The AST node representing a variable.
None or Parsed information from the variable node.
funcs = {
any_to_str(ast.Constant): lambda x: x.value,
any_to_str(ast.Name): lambda x: x.id,
any_to_str(ast.Attribute): lambda x: f"{x.value.id}.{x.attr}"
if hasattr(x.value, "id")
else f"{x.attr}",
any_to_str(ast.Call): lambda x: RepoParser._parse_variable(x.func),
any_to_str(ast.Tuple): lambda x: [d.value for d in x.dims],
func = funcs.get(any_to_str(node))
if not func:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Not implement:{node}")
return func(node)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Unsupported variable:{node}, err:{e}")
def _parse_assign(node):
Parses an assignment Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
node: The AST node representing an assignment.
None or Parsed information from the assignment node.
return [RepoParser._parse_variable(t) for t in node.targets]
async def rebuild_class_views(self, path: str | Path = None):
Executes `pylint` to reconstruct the dot format class view repository file.
path (str | Path): The path to the target directory or file. Default is None.
if not path:
path = self.base_directory
path = Path(path)
if not path.exists():
init_file = path / "__init__.py"
if not init_file.exists():
raise ValueError("Failed to import module __init__ with error:No module named __init__.")
command = f"pyreverse {str(path)} -o dot"
output_dir = path / "__dot__"
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
result = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True, cwd=str(output_dir))
if result.returncode != 0:
raise ValueError(f"{result}")
class_view_pathname = output_dir / "classes.dot"
class_views = await self._parse_classes(class_view_pathname)
relationship_views = await self._parse_class_relationships(class_view_pathname)
packages_pathname = output_dir / "packages.dot"
class_views, relationship_views, package_root = RepoParser._repair_namespaces(
class_views=class_views, relationship_views=relationship_views, path=path
return class_views, relationship_views, package_root
async def _parse_classes(class_view_pathname: Path) -> List[DotClassInfo]:
Parses a dot format class view repository file.
class_view_pathname (Path): The path to the dot format class view repository file.
List[DotClassInfo]: A list of DotClassInfo objects representing the parsed classes.
class_views = []
if not class_view_pathname.exists():
return class_views
data = await aread(filename=class_view_pathname, encoding="utf-8")
lines = data.split("\n")
for line in lines:
package_name, info = RepoParser._split_class_line(line)
if not package_name:
class_name, members, functions = re.split(r"(?<!\\)\|", info)
class_info = DotClassInfo(name=class_name)
class_info.package = package_name
for m in members.split("\n"):
if not m:
attr = DotClassAttribute.parse(m)
class_info.attributes[attr.name] = attr
for i in attr.compositions:
if i not in class_info.compositions:
for f in functions.split("\n"):
if not f:
method = DotClassMethod.parse(f)
class_info.methods[method.name] = method
for i in method.aggregations:
if i not in class_info.compositions and i not in class_info.aggregations:
return class_views
async def _parse_class_relationships(class_view_pathname: Path) -> List[DotClassRelationship]:
Parses a dot format class view repository file.
class_view_pathname (Path): The path to the dot format class view repository file.
List[DotClassRelationship]: A list of DotClassRelationship objects representing the parsed class relationships.
relationship_views = []
if not class_view_pathname.exists():
return relationship_views
data = await aread(filename=class_view_pathname, encoding="utf-8")
lines = data.split("\n")
for line in lines:
relationship = RepoParser._split_relationship_line(line)
if not relationship:
return relationship_views
def _split_class_line(line: str) -> (str, str):
Parses a dot format line about class info and returns the class name part and class members part.
line (str): The dot format line containing class information.
Tuple[str, str]: A tuple containing the class name part and class members part.
part_splitor = '" ['
if part_splitor not in line:
return None, None
ix = line.find(part_splitor)
class_name = line[0:ix].replace('"', "")
left = line[ix:]
begin_flag = "label=<{"
end_flag = "}>"
if begin_flag not in left or end_flag not in left:
return None, None
bix = left.find(begin_flag)
eix = left.rfind(end_flag)
info = left[bix + len(begin_flag) : eix]
info = re.sub(r"<br[^>]*>", "\n", info)
return class_name, info
def _split_relationship_line(line: str) -> DotClassRelationship:
Parses a dot format line about the relationship of two classes and returns 'Generalize', 'Composite',
or 'Aggregate'.
line (str): The dot format line containing relationship information.
DotClassRelationship: The object of relationship representing either 'Generalize', 'Composite',
or 'Aggregate' relationship.
splitters = [" -> ", " [", "];"]
idxs = []
for tag in splitters:
if tag not in line:
return None
ret = DotClassRelationship()
ret.src = line[0 : idxs[0]].strip('"')
ret.dest = line[idxs[0] + len(splitters[0]) : idxs[1]].strip('"')
properties = line[idxs[1] + len(splitters[1]) : idxs[2]].strip(" ")
mappings = {
'arrowhead="empty"': GENERALIZATION,
'arrowhead="diamond"': COMPOSITION,
'arrowhead="odiamond"': AGGREGATION,
for k, v in mappings.items():
if k in properties:
ret.relationship = v
ret.label = RepoParser._get_label(properties)
return ret
def _get_label(line: str) -> str:
Parses a dot format line and returns the label information.
line (str): The dot format line containing label information.
str: The label information parsed from the line.
tag = 'label="'
if tag not in line:
return ""
ix = line.find(tag)
eix = line.find('"', ix + len(tag))
return line[ix + len(tag) : eix]
def _create_path_mapping(path: str | Path) -> Dict[str, str]:
Creates a mapping table between source code files' paths and module names.
path (str | Path): The path to the source code files or directory.
Dict[str, str]: A dictionary mapping source code file paths to their corresponding module names.
mappings = {
str(path).replace("/", "."): str(path),
files = []
directory_path = Path(path)
if not directory_path.exists():
return mappings
for file_path in directory_path.iterdir():
if file_path.is_file():
subfolder_files = RepoParser._create_path_mapping(path=file_path)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error: {e}")
for f in files:
mappings[str(Path(f).with_suffix("")).replace("/", ".")] = str(f)
return mappings
def _repair_namespaces(
class_views: List[DotClassInfo], relationship_views: List[DotClassRelationship], path: str | Path
) -> (List[DotClassInfo], List[DotClassRelationship], str):
Augments namespaces to the path-prefixed classes and relationships.
class_views (List[DotClassInfo]): List of DotClassInfo objects representing class views.
relationship_views (List[DotClassRelationship]): List of DotClassRelationship objects representing
path (str | Path): The path to the source code files or directory.
Tuple[List[DotClassInfo], List[DotClassRelationship], str]: A tuple containing the augmented class views,
relationships, and the root path of the package.
if not class_views:
return [], [], ""
c = class_views[0]
full_key = str(path).lstrip("/").replace("/", ".")
root_namespace = RepoParser._find_root(full_key, c.package)
root_path = root_namespace.replace(".", "/")
mappings = RepoParser._create_path_mapping(path=path)
new_mappings = {}
ix_root_namespace = len(root_namespace)
ix_root_path = len(root_path)
for k, v in mappings.items():
nk = k[ix_root_namespace:]
nv = v[ix_root_path:]
new_mappings[nk] = nv
for c in class_views:
c.package = RepoParser._repair_ns(c.package, new_mappings)
for _, v in enumerate(relationship_views):
v.src = RepoParser._repair_ns(v.src, new_mappings)
v.dest = RepoParser._repair_ns(v.dest, new_mappings)
return class_views, relationship_views, str(path)[: len(root_path)]
def _repair_ns(package: str, mappings: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
Replaces the package-prefix with the namespace-prefix.
package (str): The package to be repaired.
mappings (Dict[str, str]): A dictionary mapping source code file paths to their corresponding packages.
str: The repaired namespace.
file_ns = package
ix = 0
while file_ns != "":
if file_ns not in mappings:
ix = file_ns.rfind(".")
file_ns = file_ns[0:ix]
if file_ns == "":
return ""
internal_ns = package[ix + 1 :]
ns = mappings[file_ns] + ":" + internal_ns.replace(".", ":")
return ns
def _find_root(full_key: str, package: str) -> str:
Returns the package root path based on the key, which is the full path, and the package information.
full_key (str): The full key representing the full path.
package (str): The package information.
str: The package root path.
left = full_key
while left != "":
if left in package:
if "." not in left:
ix = left.find(".")
left = left[ix + 1 :]
ix = full_key.rfind(left)
return "." + full_key[0:ix]
def is_func(node) -> bool:
Returns True if the given node represents a function.
node: The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node.
bool: True if the node represents a function, False otherwise.
return isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef))