VideoGrain / image_util /
XiangpengYang's picture
import imageio
import os
def images_to_video(image_folder, output_video_name, start_frame=0, end_frame=None, sample_rate=1, fps=10):
# Get all images and sort them by file name
filenames = sorted([os.path.join(image_folder, image) for image in os.listdir(image_folder) if image.endswith(".png") or image.endswith(".jpg")])
# Ensure that images were found
if not filenames:
raise ValueError("No images found in the specified directory!")
# If end_frame is not specified, default to the last image
if end_frame is None or end_frame > len(filenames):
end_frame = len(filenames)
# Select images based on start_frame, end_frame, and sample_rate
selected_filenames = filenames[start_frame:end_frame:sample_rate]
# Ensure that some images have been selected
if not selected_filenames:
raise ValueError("No images selected based on the provided range and sample rate!")
# Read the selected images
images = [imageio.imread(filename) for filename in selected_filenames]
# Write the video file
imageio.mimwrite(output_video_name, images, fps=fps)
print(f"Video created successfully and saved to {output_video_name}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
source_image_folder = '' # Replace with the path to your original image folder
output_video_name = '' # The desired output video name
# Specify the start frame, end frame, and sample rate
start_frame = 0 # Starting frame
end_frame = 15 # Ending frame, adjust as needed
sample_rate = 1 # Frame sampling rate
fps = 10 # Frames per second
# Create the video
images_to_video(source_image_folder, output_video_name, start_frame=start_frame, end_frame=end_frame, sample_rate=sample_rate, fps=fps)