import hashlib from typing import List import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm import torch from transformers import LogitsWarper class GPTWatermarkBase: """ Base class for watermarking distributions with fixed-group green-listed tokens. Args: fraction: The fraction of the distribution to be green-listed. strength: The strength of the green-listing. Higher values result in higher logit scores for green-listed tokens. vocab_size: The size of the vocabulary. watermark_key: The random seed for the green-listing. """ def __init__(self, fraction: float = 0.5, strength: float = 2.0, vocab_size: int = 50257, watermark_key: int = 0): rng = np.random.default_rng(self._hash_fn(watermark_key)) mask = np.array([True] * int(fraction * vocab_size) + [False] * (vocab_size - int(fraction * vocab_size))) rng.shuffle(mask) self.green_list_mask = torch.tensor(mask, dtype=torch.float32) self.strength = strength self.fraction = fraction @staticmethod def _hash_fn(x: int) -> int: """solution from""" x = np.int64(x) return int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha256(x).digest()[:4], 'little') class GPTWatermarkLogitsWarper(GPTWatermarkBase, LogitsWarper): """ LogitsWarper for watermarking distributions with fixed-group green-listed tokens. Args: fraction: The fraction of the distribution to be green-listed. strength: The strength of the green-listing. Higher values result in higher logit scores for green-listed tokens. vocab_size: The size of the vocabulary. watermark_key: The random seed for the green-listing. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, scores: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: """Add the watermark to the logits and return new logits.""" watermark = self.strength * self.green_list_mask new_logits = scores + return new_logits class GPTWatermarkDetector(GPTWatermarkBase): """ Class for detecting watermarks in a sequence of tokens. Args: fraction: The fraction of the distribution to be green-listed. strength: The strength of the green-listing. Higher values result in higher logit scores for green-listed tokens. vocab_size: The size of the vocabulary. watermark_key: The random seed for the green-listing. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _z_score(num_green: int, total: int, fraction: float) -> float: """Calculate and return the z-score of the number of green tokens in a sequence.""" return (num_green - fraction * total) / np.sqrt(fraction * (1 - fraction) * total) @staticmethod def _compute_tau(m: int, N: int, alpha: float) -> float: """ Compute the threshold tau for the dynamic thresholding. Args: m: The number of unique tokens in the sequence. N: Vocabulary size. alpha: The false positive rate to control. Returns: The threshold tau. """ factor = np.sqrt(1 - (m - 1) / (N - 1)) tau = factor * norm.ppf(1 - alpha) return tau def detect(self, sequence: List[int]) -> float: """Detect the watermark in a sequence of tokens and return the z value.""" green_tokens = int(sum(self.green_list_mask[i] for i in sequence)) green_tokens_mask = [] for i in sequence: if self.green_list_mask[i]: green_tokens_mask.append(True) else: green_tokens_mask.append(False) # self.green_tokens_mask = green_tokens_mask return self._z_score(green_tokens, len(sequence), self.fraction), green_tokens_mask,green_tokens,len(sequence) def unidetect(self, sequence: List[int]) -> float: """Detect the watermark in a sequence of tokens and return the z value. Just for unique tokens.""" sequence = list(set(sequence)) green_tokens = int(sum(self.green_list_mask[i] for i in sequence)) return self._z_score(green_tokens, len(sequence), self.fraction) def dynamic_threshold(self, sequence: List[int], alpha: float, vocab_size: int) -> (bool, float): """Dynamic thresholding for watermark detection. True if the sequence is watermarked, False otherwise.""" z_score = self.unidetect(sequence) tau = self._compute_tau(len(list(set(sequence))), vocab_size, alpha) return z_score > tau, z_score