from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException from .utils.PoeBot import SendMessage, GenerateImage from .Schemas import BotRequest from aiohttp import ClientSession from pydantic import BaseModel import asyncio from ballyregan.models import Protocols, Anonymities from ballyregan import ProxyFetcher # Setting the debug mode to True, defaults to False chat_router = APIRouter(tags=["Chat"]) proxy = "" class InputData(BaseModel): input: dict version: str = "727e49a643e999d602a896c774a0658ffefea21465756a6ce24b7ea4165eba6a" async def fetch_predictions(data): global proxy proxies = [] proxy_set = proxy != "" loop = None if not asyncio.get_event_loop().is_running(): # If not, create a new event loop loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) else: # If an event loop is already running, use the current one loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if not proxy_set: try: fetcher = ProxyFetcher(loop=loop) proxies = fetcher.get( limit=10, protocols=[Protocols.HTTP], anonymities=[Anonymities.ELITE], ) except Exception as e: print("Error getting proxies", e) async with ClientSession() as session: for p in proxies: if proxy_set: if p != proxy: continue try: async with "", json=data, timeout=5, proxy=str(p), ) as response: if response.status == 403: continue proxy = str(p) return await response.json(), response.status except Exception as e: print("Error fetching", e) pass proxy = "" async def fetch_result(id): url = f"{id}" async with ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: return await response.json(), response.status"/predictions") async def get_predictions(input_data: InputData): data = { "input": input_data.input, "is_training": False, "create_model": "0", "stream": False, "version": input_data.version, } try: predictions, status_code = await fetch_predictions(data) return predictions, status_code except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Internal Server Error: {str(e)}")"/chat") async def chat(req: BotRequest): return await SendMessage(req)"/generate_image") async def chat(req: BotRequest): return await GenerateImage(req)