€•B]”(Œtorch.utils.data.dataloader”Œ DataLoader”“”)”}”(Œdataset”]”(ŒƒIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card? Would that be too much too soon? Could we take the relationship too fast”ŒrIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on Valentine’s Day, which I usually do? I don’t have”ŒvIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card? What you get your mother for Mother's Day is something you”ŒIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card? Cards communicate messages on your behalf and help connect the dots”Œ‚If our relationship just started, should I get her a card or I should stay away from that area? For those who have never done this”ŒyIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card in the post, or is Valentine cards between a couple of weeks? ”Œ€If our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentine’s Day? If not, how long into our relationship should I”ŒvIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Christmas, or not? I've considered getting a card, then”Œ|If our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentines? It’s a little difficult to answer this question”Œ|If our relationship just started, should I get her a card or a present? If your relationship just started, you can get your”ŒmIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card with no pictures of me/us in it? She loves to read”ŒnIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card or a gift for Valentine’s Day? It’s a confusing”ŒrIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentines? If it’s her birthday month and she’”ŒtIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentine’s Day? If you’re dating someone for the”ŒiIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on Valentine's Day? I'd love to think that you”ŒpIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card or flowers? Hi there. We are very early in our “rel”ŒiIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card? — Anonymous If we went on a date a week ago,”ŒnIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for this Valentine’s Day? Well, it’s very sweet”Œ‚If our relationship just started, should I get her a card? Should I send her a note or flowers or chocolate or her favorite candy?”ŒIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentine’s Day? If you are thinking about this during Valentine”Œ†If our relationship just started, should I get her a card for valentine? Does it seem too early to introduce our relationship into val”ŒsIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on Valentine’s Day? I can’t decide whether it’s too”Œ|If our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentine’s Day? If it is important to your relationship to”ŒqIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for her birthday? I’ve known her for about 2 months. ”ŒwIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card or bouquet of flowers on Valentine’s? No big deal. This one”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card when she goes away? I've been seeing this girl for a while,”Œ„If our relationship just started, should I get her a card for her birthday? Well, she is someone I like and consider as a girlfriend”ŒmIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card in the mail to show her how much I love her? I ask”ŒoIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card, a gift, or nothing at all? Do I need to be romantic?”ŒtIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card, or flowers? Answer:- You should never get her flowers if”ŒxIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card, flowers or something else? I’ve known this lady for about 3”Œ„If our relationship just started, should I get her a card? If you’re wondering about your relationship, and whether you should get”ŒtIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card right away on Mother’s Day? For the first Mother’s”ŒzIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on her birthday? If you’ve started talking to someone and hit”ŒxIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card saying, “I have a bad feeling about this?†My friend said”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on our one year anniversary? - If you are a good friend or”Œ}If our relationship just started, should I get her a card? My first Valentine’s Day with my girl friend happened this year”ŒiIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on her birthday? ## How soon? Yes. A birthday”Œ‚If our relationship just started, should I get her a card to thank her for an awesome birthday dinner I paid for (she went all out”ŒvIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card and a gift? I am not quite sure how to go about this or when”ŒsIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card/a present for Valentine’s Day? How do I tell her I like”ŒeIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for our 1-year anniversary? Dear Wise One,”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Valentine’s Day? Should you send a card on the first”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card? It is always nice to give a card of thanks to someone who”ŒpIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Easter? Short answer: Don’t worry about it. You”ŒqIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card and a gift for Valentine's Day? I feel like you're over”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card on Valentine’s Day? The short answer is that it depends.”ŒiIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card for Christmas? - You don’t have to get her a”Œ…If our relationship just started, should I get her a card with a cute poem about how lovely she’s been making this whole quarantine”ŒuIf our relationship just started, should I get her a card and gift for my first month? When we ask this question, we”eŒ num_workers”KŒprefetch_factor”NŒ pin_memory”‰Œpin_memory_device”Œ”Œtimeout”KŒworker_init_fn”NŒ$_DataLoader__multiprocessing_context”NŒ _dataset_kind”KŒ batch_size”K Œ drop_last”‰Œsampler”Œtorch.utils.data.sampler”ŒSequentialSampler”“”)”}”Œ data_source”hsbŒ batch_sampler”hFŒ BatchSampler”“”)”}”(hEhIhCK hD‰ubŒ generator”NŒ collate_fn”Œtorch.utils.data._utils.collate”Œdefault_collate”“”Œpersistent_workers”‰Œ_DataLoader__initialized”ˆŒ_IterableDataset_len_called”NŒ _iterator”Nubh)”}”(h]”(ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with home remedies. The doctor said, "Surgery”Œ‘The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or to give more time to his body to recover with therapy. The patient took”Œ‡The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or an expensive 12-week treatment program. The patient, however”Œ‰The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or take the time and money to treat it with medication. There's a ”ŒŸThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with medication. The patient chose the medication because his wife didn't want”ŒšThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly through diet. The patient chose the surgical option; the doctor then gave”Œ’The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or medication. The patient decided to leave it for a while. As time went by”Œ˜The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or with something that could take years. The patient asked the doctor to choose. ”ŒˆThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with medicine. This is a good time to be a sick animal”Œ£The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or gradually through the use of medicine. The patient was concerned that if he waited around”Œ¦The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or more slowly with medication. The patient chose the surgery option, which would eliminate the”Œ‘The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with chemo. The patient preferred the slow, more thorough chemo”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or by other methods of treatment. He then asked the patient which method he preferred.”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or to take longer and do it cheaper with a knife. ##### A”Œ”The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or to take a wait and see approach. The doctor suggested that we get a second”Œ}The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or with an herbal remedy. She told him she'd consider”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or radiation. When the patient told the doctor that the surgery seemed like a more hum”ŒŽThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or prescribe some drugs. The doctor's choice is not random, but depends”Œ‡The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with drugs. The patient asked: "The surgery's quicker.”Œ˜The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or with a more invasive procedure. The patient knew her health insurance covered”Œ“The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or a lengthy and painful treatment that would last months. “Well, which is”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or a procedure. The quick results and "one session" appeal were tempting,”Œ‡The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or, at a higher rate, with a vaccine. The patient, with some hes”Œ The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or take it slowly with physical therapy. However, the patient decided to have the surgery”Œ˜The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or over a long period of years with drugs. The patient chose the faster route and”Œ‰The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or by "cold compress". The patient then replied "But that is not a”Œ†The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slow but surely with painkillers. #### The choice is yours.”Œ‰The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or prolong it for four months with pills. The patient didn't know”ŒŽThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or radiation. The surgery was risky: it could damage the nearby kidney,”Œ–The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or cautiously with medicine. The patient decided not to have surgery, but to go”Œ•The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or just give her medications. The patient chose surgery, which took longer to”Œ The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or to treat the illness slowly but effectively with therapy. The patients response was: "”Œ™The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or medication. But he also said if the patient agreed to a slow healing process he”Œ}The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with medication. “No, no, no,†he says,”Œ¢The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or radiation. However, the patient wanted to try everything first before turning to drastic”ŒžThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with medication. The doctor suggested that if the patient wanted to, he could”Œ¤The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or with medicine. The patient said medicine, but the doctor refused and performed the surgery”ŒžThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or over a longer term with medicine. The choice had serious consequences, and an expert”Œ’The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or the slow and natural method. The choice was the patient's but the doctor”Œ The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with medication. The patient preferred the quick option, and he told the doctor”Œ¡The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or prescribed drugs that would provide long-term maintenance to delay the need for surgery”Œ§The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or an experimental chemical treatment. The patient asked for a detailed explanation of each, but”Œ’The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or more slowly with medication. It didn't matter. You were only allowed one”ŒžThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or medicine, but the patient was afraid of the potential side effects of medication. So”Œ}The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or just do the surgery first. As a long-time follower”Œ•The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or he could treat his illness with drugs over the next year. The patient didn'”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly with a diet. The patient did not appreciate the doctor's sly”ŒThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or radiation. The patient decided to use surgery first and, if needed, radiation later”Œ‡The doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or chemotherapy. At my last appointment with my Hematologist/On”ŒŸThe doctor offered to treat the patient's illness quickly with surgery or slowly on pills. Since the pills are cheaper and more profitable for him than surgery”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKh\sbhLhN)”}”(hEhhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒXCarrie had an easier time crawling through the rubble when the ground stopped moving. It”Œ\Carrie had an easier time crawling through the hole and into the dark tunnel than the bigger”ŒTCarrie had an easier time crawling through the hole than we did helping her. As long”Œ\Carrie had an easier time crawling through this time and was quite proud of herself when she”ŒWCarrie had an easier time crawling through, I had to pull myself back out several times”ŒYCarrie had an easier time crawling through the small door, she found that out pretty fast”ŒTCarrie had an easier time crawling through the house’s basement, where there was a”ŒYCarrie had an easier time crawling through the broken window, which was to her advantage.”ŒPCarrie had an easier time crawling through the snow than she ever did as a wolf.”ŒRCarrie had an easier time crawling through the air vent than expected. It wasn’t”ŒYCarrie had an easier time crawling through the gate before the gate could be locked, with”ŒRCarrie had an easier time crawling through and out of the second window since it's”ŒHCarrie had an easier time crawling through tunnels than I did. She’s a”ŒUCarrie had an easier time crawling through the rubbish than I had getting through the”ŒHCarrie had an easier time crawling through this, but it’s not unmanage”ŒRCarrie had an easier time crawling through the hole than I did. But by standing on”ŒSCarrie had an easier time crawling through tunnels than I did. Her knees were small”ŒTCarrie had an easier time crawling through the dirt and undergrowth than she had the”ŒNCarrie had an easier time crawling through the sewer pipes, having grown up in”ŒQCarrie had an easier time crawling through the gap, and as the ground leveled off”ŒTCarrie had an easier time crawling through the wreckage. It was a bit uncomfortable”ŒUCarrie had an easier time crawling through the snowy woods in the middle of the night”Œ_Carrie had an easier time crawling through the mud and fallen debris the second and third times”ŒOCarrie had an easier time crawling through the jetsam than we did since she was”ŒZCarrie had an easier time crawling through the opening on her hands and knees than she did”ŒWCarrie had an easier time crawling through the sewer tunnel than she expected. No doubt”ŒPCarrie had an easier time crawling through a crowd than I did. Her body was thin”ŒQCarrie had an easier time crawling through the hole than I did. This is really no”ŒZCarrie had an easier time crawling through the small space. She was more flexible than Sam”ŒWCarrie had an easier time crawling through the narrow hallway than either of us. She is”Œ_Carrie had an easier time crawling through the darkness on the dirt floor than she had expected”ŒQCarrie had an easier time crawling through the tunnel than Kael was, but with her”ŒTCarrie had an easier time crawling through the window once she was a little wet. She”ŒQCarrie had an easier time crawling through the bushes than Jade, who preferred to”ŒVCarrie had an easier time crawling through some tunnels that were designed for bears. ”ŒOCarrie had an easier time crawling through the forest than I did. She doesn’t”ŒHCarrie had an easier time crawling through the vent than Cade. The ducts”ŒNCarrie had an easier time crawling through the hole in the wall than Tara did.”ŒUCarrie had an easier time crawling through the doorway than the last time she did it.”ŒOCarrie had an easier time crawling through one of the tunnels when she didn’t”ŒKCarrie had an easier time crawling through a mudslide in a snowstorm on her”Œ[Carrie had an easier time crawling through the dark sewers than finding the hidden entrance”ŒPCarrie had an easier time crawling through those brush stumps than I did. And in”ŒUCarrie had an easier time crawling through this hole. Maybe we just need to lower the”Œ\Carrie had an easier time crawling through the tunnel in the woods than she expected and she”ŒPCarrie had an easier time crawling through the underbrush to the next tree line,”Œ]Carrie had an easier time crawling through an open kitchen window and making her way into the”ŒRCarrie had an easier time crawling through this crawlspace at her client’s house”ŒUCarrie had an easier time crawling through the window than she thought she would. Of”ŒVCarrie had an easier time crawling through a forest and finding her way out than I had”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKh•sbhLhN)”}”(hEhÈhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒdMike doesn't like the table in his living room any more and I asked him to take it apart and sell it”ŒbMike doesn't like the table in his living room, but has no clue how to get the old one out without”ŒVMike doesn't like the table in his living room. I think it's an okay table though. It'”ŒiMike doesn't like the table in his living room, so he takes a look on the internet to find an alternative”Œ[Mike doesn't like the table in his living room He and I were looking around for ideas. So”ŒUMike doesn't like the table in his living room... Matt, Mike's dad, helped Matt build”ŒTMike doesn't like the table in his living room. It's not big enough and he won't let”ŒJMike doesn't like the table in his living room. I do. In fact, I love it.”ŒYMike doesn't like the table in his living room. It's a very beautiful table, bought back”ŒgMike doesn't like the table in his living room. He has invited you over for dinner, and you are looking”ŒYMike doesn't like the table in his living room. There's one particular part that's wobbly”Œ]Mike doesn't like the table in his living room. He wants to get a larger table, as the one he”Œ\Mike doesn't like the table in his living room. It came with the house when he moved in. It'”ŒQMike doesn't like the table in his living room. She likes all the songs. I like”Œ_Mike doesn't like the table in his living room. He complains about the wood in it. He complains”Œ`Mike doesn't like the table in his living room, but he's not sure he can afford anything better.”ŒfMike doesn't like the table in his living room. The problem is that when you sit at the table and talk”ŒaMike doesn't like the table in his living room and he’d like to throw it away, because his wife”ŒcMike doesn't like the table in his living room, because the top is not flat, so today he decided to”ŒaMike doesn't like the table in his living room anymore as it is too small to do much on - so Mike”ŒfMike doesn't like the table in his living room very much, even though it's very attractive, expensive,”Œ`Mike doesn't like the table in his living room — it needs some fixing to make it useful. That”ŒQMike doesn't like the table in his living room and his dog has the hmmmmmms ... ”ŒhMike doesn't like the table in his living room, and his wife is trying to figure out what color walls to”ŒWMike doesn't like the table in his living room, so he has no idea where it's going, but”Œ[Mike doesn't like the table in his living room. It's too big for his space and takes up the”Œ[Mike doesn't like the table in his living room - so he's putting his own DIY table-building”ŒWMike doesn't like the table in his living room. So we have to do something about it. M”ŒSMike doesn't like the table in his living room and so gets a new one. Martha wants”ŒQMike doesn't like the table in his living room. # 5 Best Pools Around the World ”Œ^Mike doesn't like the table in his living room any more. His wife would love to get a new one”ŒbMike doesn't like the table in his living room and his wife doesn't like the way this table looks.”ŒOMike doesn't like the table in his living room, so he's going to return it. I'm”Œ`Mike doesn't like the table in his living room, so he's looking to move it out and get something”ŒVMike doesn't like the table in his living room, but his wife does. > As I recall from”ŒbMike doesn't like the table in his living room. His girlfriend does. So he takes her for a walk in”ŒSMike doesn't like the table in his living room. "The wife bought it," he says. He's”ŒbMike doesn't like the table in his living room. He thinks it is too heavy, takes up too much space”ŒWMike doesn't like the table in his living room and wants to remove it. You're about to”ŒaMike doesn't like the table in his living room, no matter what I do it looks wrong. The house was”ŒTMike doesn't like the table in his living room, and he doesn't even realize it. But”Œ[Mike doesn't like the table in his living room any more. He bought it when he lived in New”ŒgMike doesn't like the table in his living room anymore. It does not match with the new theme of a small”Œ`Mike doesn't like the table in his living room, but he gets it for free when he moves out of the”ŒiMike doesn't like the table in his living room and was thinking that he could build himself one. He didn'”ŒYMike doesn't like the table in his living room, so he makes the wife look at it. "Why don”ŒZMike doesn't like the table in his living room, or he'd have used it instead of the floor.”ŒgMike doesn't like the table in his living room. So one day he and his wife decide to do something about”Œ^Mike doesn't like the table in his living room, so why not make the whole table a keyboard? [P”ŒbMike doesn't like the table in his living room, and it makes sense that he doesn't like it because”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKhÎsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒtAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just name the school already and the answer was easy. “”ŒwAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick his first choice of all those they had seen so far.”ŒpAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him where he should go. “How can I do that”ŒlAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him the top five he had heard. I don’t”ŒpAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just choose one. And the place Donald landed on? USC V”ŒwAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stop, so he would not have to make a decision that might”Œ‚After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just sign a blank paper that said he had visited enough colleges to make”ŒsAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him why he’s not interested in the Ivy League”ŒjAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just give it up. “I’ve seen enough. There’”ŒwAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him which school he liked best: “You’re driving”ŒzAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stop taking them to colleges! Donald's response in jest –”Œ~After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just take some time. They certainly were both tired and wished to re”ŒzAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just send him the brochures for the remaining two they would get”ŒAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just name one place that they could live so that he could stop making”ŒoAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just sit on a curb to rest and look for a pizza place”ŒzAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just help him write down all of his pros and cons for each place”ŒsAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just help him pick one. We were driving in the car on the”ŒmAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him which was the best of the bunch. “”Œ{After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one school and then the others wouldn’t be necessary.”ŒpAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one and get it over with. They hadn’t gone”ŒuAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him what he thought of Dartmouth and which of the”ŒmAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stop. We would go to one more. I promised. But”ŒkAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick a school. He thought he’d had enough”ŒdAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just let him rest so he can sleep. Awaken”ŒzAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one and that’s how he ended up at Indiana University”ŒuAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just sign on the dotted line, accept the financial aid, and”Œ‚After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just take him house. There was one little college left that Kevin wished”ŒgAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one. I’d say, “It might have to”ŒlAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one for me. You know, just pick a state.”ŒbAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just make a list of 25 schools, and it's”Œ|After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just say the word and they could go back home instead. Donald told”ŒuAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just let him “know the numbers.†After hearing a quick”Œ^After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just call it a day. At the age of 1”ŒvAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just let him visit the one school they didn’t put on their”ŒsAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just “take a night off†and “come over to the house”ŒuAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just pick one. Donald didn't answer at first and started to”ŒtAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just “go to a place with no school and work under a tree”Œ‚After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just decide because he couldn’t see that they were making any progress”Œ„After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just drive down the main street to see campus since the college is located”Œ…After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stop visiting schools so they could commit to going to Ohio State with”ŒjAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just do one more. Donald grumbled, but they had”ŒzAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just think of one thing that is an absolute deal breaker for him”ŒqAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just think about the big picture. “We have just been”ŒyAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him a list of the schools they thought were best. Now”ŒmAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stop the whole process. He told him, “I don”ŒeAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just go home. “I don’t know about that”ŒAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just come with him to the college they both know where he has applied”ŒkAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just stay in Colorado and go to the nearby CSU. ”Œ{After visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just tell him which college they were visiting. That’s exactly”ŒAfter visiting their tenth college, Kevin asked Donald to just make a list of potential colleges and he said he would visit the”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEj:hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒiThe watch could not fit on the arm properly and the watch did not always work. I tried getting in contact”Œ`The watch could not fit on the arm properly, but the strap was so beautiful I had to purchase it”Œ`The watch could not fit on the arm properly and was sliding off which is why I decided I’d buy”Œ_The watch could not fit on the arm properly because of large wrists. In case of the wristwatch,”Œ^The watch could not fit on the arm properly. One way to get things to fit better is to make it”ŒgThe watch could not fit on the arm properly and the back cover was cracked. It also required servicing.”ŒMThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, The watch straps are made of 10”ŒRThe watch could not fit on the arm properly at all, and it's been very itchy since”ŒZThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. If it is to use the wrist more, the watch has”Œ`The watch could not fit on the arm properly. It would either slip down or pinch the arm, causing”ŒaThe watch could not fit on the arm properly when the watch was worn and the watch did not close. ”ŒiThe watch could not fit on the arm properly because of the metal clasp not opening or closing, because of”ŒcThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, so we have returned it. It has not yet started working”ŒWThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. The watch was a gift from her father, and”Œ]The watch could not fit on the arm properly so she looked down at her wrist. Not too many of”ŒRThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. ## What is a watch strap extension? ”Œ`The watch could not fit on the arm properly. This was due to the fact that the watch has a large”Œ\The watch could not fit on the arm properly and I couldn’t get the time. The watch is very”ŒVThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. I’ve tried all the ways to make it fit.”Œ^The watch could not fit on the arm properly, and I never found a good way to make that happen.”ŒaThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, because the strap was narrow and too long. It needed”ŒaThe watch could not fit on the arm properly; the band is too hard to stretch out and be placed on”ŒWThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. Instead of giving up, Vitaly, came up with”ŒdThe watch could not fit on the arm properly so I put it on the table and looked at it from different”Œ]The watch could not fit on the arm properly, and a little part of the watch’s lug would cut”ŒcThe watch could not fit on the arm properly since it was too tight to wear. I could not just simply”Œ^The watch could not fit on the arm properly. It was far too large, but the watch belonged to a”ŒdThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, which caused discomfort and soreness, and the band buck”ŒiThe watch could not fit on the arm properly even though you tried it on several times. You just could not”ŒWThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, and he had to cut off its strap to wear it”ŒdThe watch could not fit on the arm properly, it kept looking all loose. The battery cover was not in”Œ[The watch could not fit on the arm properly. The arm is thin and the watch is very wide. It”ŒXThe watch could not fit on the arm properly So I tried to open it to adjust it as in the”ŒWThe watch could not fit on the arm properly with just four straps. The straps could be”Œ]The watch could not fit on the arm properly. That's the most recent customer service call to”ŒSThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. Now it is easy to fit and to look at. ”Œ\The watch could not fit on the arm properly. The clasp was misfitting with the wrist and was”ŒeThe watch could not fit on the arm properly when it is worn. And this is the main issue regarding the”ŒWThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. I’ve got a large wrist so this is normal”Œ[The watch could not fit on the arm properly I got this watch as a gift from my girlfriend,”Œ]The watch could not fit on the arm properly due to the fact that the strap was too large. The”ŒXThe watch could not fit on the arm properly and it would keep slipping. ## Review: Time”ŒbThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. Therefore, a watch could not last long. Therefore, he”ŒgThe watch could not fit on the arm properly due to the big size difference. You can search for the best”Œ_The watch could not fit on the arm properly. If it moved around too much on the wrist, it would”ŒiThe watch could not fit on the arm properly The time displayed could not be adjusted There was no display”Œ^The watch could not fit on the arm properly and it felt like a nuisance when the time comes to”ŒXThe watch could not fit on the arm properly. I know that the watch uses a standard 22 mm”ŒXThe watch could not fit on the arm properly because the clasp was too big. I had to unsc”Œ^The watch could not fit on the arm properly and the watch would fall off of the arm. The buck”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj@sbhLhN)”}”(hEjshCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get my hearing checked instead. I went to the optometrist to get a comprehensive exam”ŒfI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get catrafts for my caravan, does anybody know of these. I”ŒoI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get cataract surgery soon. I've been so distracted by my eye health”ŒrI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get reading glasses. Went to Walmart and got a few sets of cheap ones.”ŒhI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses or contact lenses. Is this true? If you've been”ŒtI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get laser surgery. I tried lasik. Was happy as anything. My eyes didn’”ŒvI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get my driver’s license renewed as quickly as possible. I am going to do”ŒpI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a magnifier. After much thought I got a cheap one to try and see”ŒjI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses. I'm a little hesitant in getting glasses... and”ŒhI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get on this. So, hello world. I’m seeing the first of many”ŒjI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a second opinion, so I'm going to the Mayo Clinic in Roche”ŒjI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses. My first reaction was: "My eyes are only 13 years”ŒkI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a magnifying glass. I bought a 14x magnifier but still have”ŒfI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get cataract surgery done. I will be 82 in February. I had”ŒkI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get out of the house soon so I can see what there is to see. I”ŒqI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses. This isn’t really me. My left eye has stopped behaving”ŒdI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get surgery so my vision can be 20/20. I have never worn”Œ~I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses. So I was given these huge plastic ones with thick frames. Not cool at”ŒI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get used to using my hearing more so I picked this up based on some YouTube videos.”ŒnI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get an eye exam now. After I make my regular visit to the dentist”ŒoI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get this out there before I'm too far gone A friend was saying she”ŒxI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a cataract surgery before it is too late. There are things I should stop”ŒkI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get new glasses. I decided to splurge & get me some fun goggles”Œ~I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get new glasses, since I am an artist and everything I do depends on my peripheral”ŒyI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses: I could be seeing some small print a bit poorly, but I could see”ŒnI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get them checked out… (sigh). This is what I am really thinking”Œ|I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a new pair of glasses or switch to contacts. My main concern is I heard that”ŒvI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a new pair of glasses every year. Last year I got laser to improve my”ŒdI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get new specs. My eyes are not failing, I am just over ”Œ~I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get some glasses to read with and that I may consider Lasik surgery... I am almost”ŒwI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a pair of glasses for computer use, but it's already pretty hard to see”ŒsI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses, my brain is failing so I need to get glasses, and as I age”ŒoI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get one the these "Laptop Eye Guards" that plug into the internet (”ŒvI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get myself in some “good old-fashioned glasses†but I had seen nothing”Œ†I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get my license renewed again. But every time I make an appointment it keeps getting cancel”Œ~I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get new glasses because my reading and computer screens look fuzzy, blurry and the”ŒxI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses for reading to stop my eyesight getting worse. It’s not what I”ŒoI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses. How is this so. I was told I have “macules,†which”ŒtI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get some new glasses. This is a concern for me since I’m a visual kind”ŒrI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get an IV injection every month. I’m so terrified of needles that I”ŒpI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a laser for my eyes instead of the old glasses! I was told many”ŒfI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get to the optician. I’m still waiting for my eye test.”Œ{I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get glasses or contact lences. What would people recommend to keep fit if that”ŒkI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get some sunglasses. I was told I had a vitamin deficiency so I”Œ|I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a camera with video and good pictures. We went to see this lady and she told”ŒvI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get an eyeglass prescription. And for that I need to schedule an eye exam”Œ€I was told my eyes are failing so I need to get these cataract surgery. But I never knew anything about eyes, especially not cat”ŒtI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get a pair of reading glasses. I resisted for quite some time, but as of”ŒxI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get laser vision correction, what is my next step? If you have been advised”ŒgI was told my eyes are failing so I need to get 2 pairs of glasses. I am not sure if I want to pay for”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjysbhLhN)”}”(hEj¬hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Robin's birthday. We invited his friends to”ŒbThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher, who loved to battle with his body as well as”Œ_The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan as he made his debut with the blockb”ŒYThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Hitchens to watch, as he was a heavy”ŒYThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Eubank's style of confrontation, for”ŒbThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Robin’s parents but it was too much for the”ŒZThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Columbus: he watched, unimpressed, as”ŒXThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Maddox. With his head covered in a”ŒXThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Kane. The designer was in New York”Œ]The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher and Alexander’s tastes. After a brief”Œ]The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher “Jamie†Branneman to demonstrate his”ŒeThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Walken’s character, but still surprising. With”ŒMThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Robin’s age. A 20-year”Œ_The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman in ‘The Player Me”ŒQThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Dorner’s storyline. If he”ŒGThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Snyder. "It's not”ŒeThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Smith since he had been a fan ever since when he”Œ\The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan’s latest action thriller Tenet,”Œ\The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher and Alexandra They may have had a turb”Œ[The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece of a movie, with”ŒSThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Cusick, who had been in a coma”ŒYThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises. As well”Œ]The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Robin and his friends. Bobby was trying”Œ\The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan as the director of film tenet. It”Œ^The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan's adaptation of Batman. It captured”ŒWThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher “Ghost†Davis (Gabe Brown, ‘”ŒYThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Patterson’s style of fight: go big”ŒWThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher (Adonis Creed) and then his friend”ŒUThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan's vision of Batman. It was”ŒWThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Walken as a film noir gangster in ”ŒRThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Moltisanti in “The Sopranos”Œ]The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Eccleston’s character, Tommy Lee Royce”Œ^The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan’s latest cinematic installment of”ŒXThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight, so to speak.”ŒPThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta,”ŒIThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher "Ludovic" Duvivier (”ŒVThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher and Marva: bloodied, bruised, and”Œ]The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Wallace, the late East Coast rap icon. 6”ŒiThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher McLean, the notorious serial killer who murdered six”ŒQThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Walken to star in. In a new”Œ\The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Martinez. The kid had a violent streak,”Œ[The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher, a boy from New York. The hardest life”ŒTThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who debut. ”Œ[The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Eccleston. He won the fight, though it”Œ\The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Walken, who makes his acting debut You”Œ^The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Weir, as he beat his opponent in just two”ŒRThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher and his 21-year-old opponent ”ŒaThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Cantwell, but he ended up with a bloody face”ŒbThe brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Hitchens’ prose even before he ever stepped”Œ_The brutal boxing match was suitable for Christopher Derricks, an American who loved the sport.”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj²sbhLhN)”}”(hEjåhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒeAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as holiday gifts. I asked her how to do it,”ŒqAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Her daughter had recently asked her if she had any”Œ`Amy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts this Christmas. Maria’s candles”ŒmAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts. Maria is the queen of homemade gift,”ŒeAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. A great DIY project for the holidays! ”ŒfAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give her wedding guests as gifts. I also know Amy’s”ŒtAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Maria directed her to a recipe for candle making with”ŒXAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts. Maria says, >”ŒoAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts at Christmas. Maria has a great set up for making”Œ^Amy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. I've had a lot of fun learning”ŒpAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as holiday gifts to her employees. She already had all the”ŒbAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Soy wax and wax are both wonderful”ŒsAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. She is looking for something nice and simple for her”ŒtAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as gifts. She sent us their conversation (which took place”ŒkAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Amy wanted to know if there are ways to make”ŒvAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts and after doing some research on the Internet we came up”ŒiAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as a gift and Maria was happy to share her methods. ”ŒeAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts and use a few around her house. I have”ŒdAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts. > “If I have enough time”ŒnAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts and I was thrilled to learn that it is”ŒqAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as wedding favors. Maria explained that homemade candles are”ŒgAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as gifts after the holidays were over. > “”ŒmAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as a thank you gift. Maria suggested using glass mason j”Œ^Amy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as a gift. Here is the response: To make”ŒuAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts in the fall. She also wanted more information about how”ŒdAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. This post is a great idea to use as a”ŒdAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away and Maria sent her this great recipe. Cro”ŒaAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Maria replied… When I was a kid”ŒaAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give out on Christmas? It’s an easy process to”ŒnAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas presents for her friends, and the duo made a”Œ~Amy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts. Maria shares the easy instructions in the video below”ŒVAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Let's have some fun! T”ŒAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as presents. Maria recommended the simple and classic process known as “”ŒoAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts and that was the start of this episode! Maria and”ŒtAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give out as gifts, after visiting family in the Czech Republic. This”ŒtAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as gifts. She has a collection of pretty glass candle hold”ŒpAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts for those who like candles. Maria responded with a”ŒiAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as gifts. I was going to do a demonstration but”Œ[Amy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts. Here's how she does it ... ”ŒtAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas presents, so this week’s episode is dedicated to”ŒgAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts when she came visiting. Amy had recently”ŒhAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as homemade gifts. I thought that was a great idea!”ŒmAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas gifts. Here is her answer for her readers. ”ŒrAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give to her sister for Christmas. Below is her recipe and process.”ŒiAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give away as gifts. I thought it would be a great idea to”ŒmAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as homemade Christmas gifts for family members. Maria is”ŒsAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as Christmas presents for her friends. When she learned which”ŒvAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts for the holidays and Maria has offered to share her easy”ŒnAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give as gifts in a recent comment, and Maria kindly wrote this”ŒwAmy asked Maria how to make homemade candles to give everyone that warm and pleasant smell. She also wanted to know how”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjësbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒWAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn't believe in wearing them when no one”Œ^Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica never thought to put them on. Jessica walked into”ŒVAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was too scared to wear sunglasses and sun”ŒRAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica, a girl in her class, always made fun”ŒJAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica, her mother, said, “Don’t”ŒeAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica really needed it because her parents just found out that”ŒaAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica knew if she took her glasses without telling Angela,”Œ\Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica loved her even more. The sun glasses helped her”ŒXAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica loved to take them off to show him her eyes”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica made another pair that showed off her eyes ”ŒTAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated them. Jessica didn’t like the”ŒGAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica wasn’t having it. In an”ŒKAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica always wanted hers. Today’s”Œ_Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica knew that wearing sun glasses all day was unhealth”ŒLAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica, the 4 year old, just wanted to”ŒVAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was always jealous of her sunglasses. One”Œ`Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica did not. She thought they were unnecessary and made”Œ]Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was so jealous with her and she always wanted to”ŒkAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica decided she needed even more protection from her little sister”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica couldn’t believe the sun was actually out.”ŒRAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated having to wear them. They were”ŒaAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn’t like them and thought Angela looked foolish”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica wasn’t as excited about them. Whenever she”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica, her sister, thought they were annoying, and”Œ[Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica, her husband, was worried that she would cause”Œ\Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica told her once she was going to lose her glasses”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was always getting them caught in her hair ”ŒVAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica said they weren't fashionable, they weren”ŒPAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica wasn’t sure why as she couldn’t”ŒVAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated the new trend. She knew it was cool”ŒMAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn’t approve the idea. “It”ŒPAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn’t like to wear them as much.”ŒZAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated them: she said they made her eyes water”ŒWAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica said, “These old women make my eyes hurt”ŒcAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica always thought this would not be possible with her big”ŒYAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated those annoying glares in the eyes. She”ŒLAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn’t always like them. She”ŒPAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was quite skeptical of the use. She”ŒFAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica made fun of her. # Phras”ŒMAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was not a fan. They had a bit of”ŒPAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica didn’t. She was in her late teens”ŒUAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica’s eyes were her favorite. She liked to”ŒOAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated them. She’s always saying”ŒbAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica felt insecure about where the attention was when they”Œ[Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was afraid of sun glasses. When she looked out”ŒZAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica hated it. Angela loved to wear shoes and sung”ŒeAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica was no longer convinced that Angela would ever wear sung”Œ_Angela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica could see clearly out of the glasses because her l”ŒZAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica knew Angela hated them on her. She would give”ŒUAngela loved to wear sun glasses but Jessica did not. She had a real problem with her”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj$sbhLhN)”}”(hEjWhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ\Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom doors or the cheap towel racks in our house.”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet door or the fussy bathroom vanity. ”ŒdMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom walls or the plain white sink. Either one would make”ŒVMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom window and door panes or to add a skyl”ŒRMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom backsplash, or add a backsplash to”Œ^Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles or the plain light fitting, or both, but”ŒcMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles that came with the house or the wood flooring”Œ^Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet or the mirror in our bathroom. So far”ŒgMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom towel set into something a bit more interesting, or our”ŒUMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom above the vanity or a kitchen wall. ”ŒrMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom doors to something a little more interesting or something that was”ŒkMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom light fixture above the sink where he does his morning prep”ŒcMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wall into a feature wall, or create a feature floor”ŒXMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity or the medicine cabinet. We'd had”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tile or the plain glass in this master bath, so”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom in the condo, bathroom on the main floor or”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or even to replace their sliding door, but we”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathrooms or the guest room in the flat conversion he under”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the plain linen closet doors and decided that”ŒjMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wall or the floor – because the bathroom looks too plain”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or a small bathroom to an elegant one. He asked”ŒUMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity and/or the sink itself. I have”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or put a door up in front of their bathroom”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the bathroom door frame to give it a more”Œ]Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet or the boring vanity. It did not meet”ŒhMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or his master bedroom closet. After looking at his floor”ŒiMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror that came with the house or get new medicine cabin”Œ]Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom into a little more rustic and I just wanted a”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom blind or the wooden blind next to the sofa but he”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity to a floating bathroom vanity, or a”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity door or cabinet door to match the kitchen,”ŒWMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door in the master bath, or add bi-fold”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door with glass panes on either side or the plain”ŒdMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles or the bath. He had previously chosen to stick”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet or the vanity counter top. He also needed”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the toilet seat. So we had a couple”ŒlMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or replace the existing glass shower door with a simple”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or upgrade his bathrobe. The plain mirror that”ŒWMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tile, tub or sink. He hired a friend to”ŒdMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or the light fitting. The budget was tight so”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom blind or just remove it and have a small window.”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tile or get rid of all the tiles in the bathroom”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity or replace the entire bathroom. At the end”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity or the wall to wall mirrors for some”ŒVMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door I bought for under $68 or put off”ŒfMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity lights or the bathroom mirror for a really long”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cupboard door in the bathroom or to paint an empty”ŒWMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom light or the ceiling fan. He wanted it”ŒVMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wall or the flooring. I have to say he”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the standard door into the laundry/bath”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj]sbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ`Monica did not need a recipe in order to make a good cup of coffee. But there was one thing that”ŒgMonica did not need a recipe in order to make the most spectacular dish I have ever had, and I consider”Œ_Monica did not need a recipe in order to make these, she makes these all the time. But I wanted”ŒTMonica did not need a recipe in order to whip up some killer salmon quesadillas. She”ŒGMonica did not need a recipe in order to make a cheesecake back in 1962”ŒZMonica did not need a recipe in order to be a hit at my house this past weekend. Just the”ŒdMonica did not need a recipe in order to cook my favorite meal for almost any occasion. She got a cr”Œ`Monica did not need a recipe in order to bake a pie. The ingredients were all right there in her”ŒVMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this, but it’s such an amazing idea, I”ŒQMonica did not need a recipe in order to cook. She got up in the mornings, put on”ŒiMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this delicious dish. She just knew that potatoes with bacon”ŒsMonica did not need a recipe in order to try this recipe for her first attempt. The recipe was very straightforward”ŒeMonica did not need a recipe in order to create this soup. She is an experienced cook, a former cater”ŒqMonica did not need a recipe in order to make my favorite brownies. She remembered the ingredients and the method”ŒcMonica did not need a recipe in order to bake chocolate chip cookies... and yet, she had a favorite”ŒWMonica did not need a recipe in order to make a meal. As long as there was a vegetable,”ŒaMonica did not need a recipe in order to master this meal, having grown up eating “stuffed shad”ŒXMonica did not need a recipe in order to make a great meal. If she had had one, she didn”ŒfMonica did not need a recipe in order to master the technique of making the traditional Lebanese kibbe”ŒdMonica did not need a recipe in order to learn how to make a perfect grilled cheese. It is something”ŒcMonica did not need a recipe in order to prepare these. She watched me make them once, then off she”ŒiMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this delicious side salad. The dressing was made up of some”ŒXMonica did not need a recipe in order to make pancakes. She’d been cooking for as long”Œ]Monica did not need a recipe in order to whip up this fantastic dish in the kitchen. That’”ŒaMonica did not need a recipe in order to create the new dishes. In fact, sometimes she goes for a”ŒdMonica did not need a recipe in order to make one. The ingredients were already simmering in her pot”ŒaMonica did not need a recipe in order to create her healthy and nutritious banana bread. Instead,”ŒZMonica did not need a recipe in order to cook her lentil vegetable soup, but that does not”ŒnMonica did not need a recipe in order to make her favorite chicken salad. She knew the quantity of each ingred”ŒZMonica did not need a recipe in order to make her ceviche. She learned the basics from her”ŒaMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this dish. If you follow her on Instagram, you know”ŒfMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this soup. She simply took the ingredients for her vegan”ŒSMonica did not need a recipe in order to be able to make this dish. If the meat is”ŒfMonica did not need a recipe in order to make this delicious, sweet treat. While most people in a home”ŒiMonica did not need a recipe in order to create this amazing dish; she knew she had the ingredients—gar”ŒVMonica did not need a recipe in order to prepare lunch. She only uses cans, bottles, ”ŒbMonica did not need a recipe in order to create this masterpiece! The idea has been in my head all”Œ[Monica did not need a recipe in order to make this dish, because it's something she's eaten”Œ]Monica did not need a recipe in order to make this delicious dinner in less than 15 minutes. ”Œ\Monica did not need a recipe in order to make banana bread. But when her first loaf came out”Œ^Monica did not need a recipe in order to make banana ice cream. She’s been making it forever”ŒZMonica did not need a recipe in order to cook the fish. We ate it often in the spring and”ŒXMonica did not need a recipe in order to make a great apple pie. I know this to be true”ŒcMonica did not need a recipe in order to make the dish. She had been making egg rolls at her family”Œ_Monica did not need a recipe in order to make a salad. There is a fine line between a salad and”ŒeMonica did not need a recipe in order to start cooking, and so it is no surprise that this recipe for”Œ^Monica did not need a recipe in order to prepare her famous roasted Brussel sprouts, which she”ŒbMonica did not need a recipe in order to make her delicious pita pockets. She had only to think of”ŒRMonica did not need a recipe in order to make cider, and she didn’t think it’d”ŒXMonica did not need a recipe in order to learn how to bake, she needed mentors, and that”e•Oh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj–sbhLhN)”}”(hEjÉhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒuThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the company's financial status didn't make sense. The”ŒwThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but failed to reach an agreement. It's impossible for me to”ŒƒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the chairman decided to adjourn it abruptly without the approval of”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but agreed to increase its production and to use a new technology ”ŒxThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the company's accountant had not shown up because he was”Œ€They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but were at loggerheads over how this should develop. When they were”ŒhThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the details haven't been released. It's”Œ‰They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but did not agree on how much money to allocate to the advertising department”ŒqThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the subject was not yet finished. ### Examples ”ŒsThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but did not approve it. They discussed the project but”ŒoThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but didn't reach any agreement. Congress will reach”ŒxThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but their discussion was not all budget. Mary looked around”ŒuThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but had no agreement on how to close the gap of 1 million”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not agree on the spending plan. What would your decision be”ŒƒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but couldn't agree on the issue regarding the purchase of new computers”ŒuThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but were unable to come to a unanimous decision. However,”ŒzThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but there will be a lot to discuss at Saturday's Board Meeting”ŒˆThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the owner decided not to distribute the annual bonuses this year because”Œ~They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but disagreed about how best to spend the money at a critical time”ŒsThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but no action was taken. The business meeting lasted 2”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but, even though they had agreed to make significant cuts, they ended”Œ~They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but a problem occurred with the chairwoman, who kept looking for a”ŒyThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but then it was time to head to the boardroom to discuss some”Œ|They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but decided to delay a vote and to call for a general managerial”ŒuThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not reach agreement. What does that mean? When”ŒmThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but did not come to a final decision. They didn'”ŒeThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but didn't approve the new budget. 1. The”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the chairman did not give them much time. They argued about the”Œ~They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but they reached no consensus They discussed the company's budget”Œ“They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but they discussed their plans for future financial strategy in their business meeting.”ŒnThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but did not adopt it. They took to the streets to”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the outcome left everyone wondering: what do we need? The first”ŒxThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but refused to pass the budget, so he was asked to come back”ŒzThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but failed to include its "bored" costs into the final version”Œ|They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but there is no money set aside to hire a sales representative. ”ŒwThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not make a decision on how to proceed, they said.”Œ{They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but were not in agreement. When asked to submit a report on the”ŒwThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but failed to put the proposed financial plan to vote. ###”ŒpThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not come to an agreement. 2.The directors”ŒŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but also some personnel issues. The director has announced that the company will”Œ€They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but did not reach a binding agreement for the new year, according to”Œ„They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but the decision was that the company would maintain the salaries of its”ŒzThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not reach a common ground. They want to buy the best”ŒtThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but had not made any decisions and adjourned for a half-”Œ{They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but could not decide how it should be. Each manager had his own”ŒmThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but had only 4 days to find a way to make it work”ŒThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but made no mention of the recent scandal or former president Lachlan”ŒyThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but it wasn't made clear how much money would be allocated to”Œ~They discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but failed to come to an agreement. The boss decided to appoint an”ŒiThey discussed the company's budget at the business meeting but had not yet voted. I don't remember what”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÏsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒPThe maid took away a cozy blanket from me yesterday and that made me feel cold. ”ŒPThe maid took away a cozy blanket from one of his sons, who was having an attack”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from a guest in a hotel room, and the guest”ŒTThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the couch and put it into a large plastic bag”ŒSThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the back of the sofa. She folded the corners”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed. The only thing left was a big”ŒRThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her lap and handed it to another patient, t”ŒTThe maid took away a cozy blanket from under me and replaced it with one that was st”ŒUThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed in the master bedroom. She carried the”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and the maid, who was sitting on”ŒTThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my hands and covered the man with another. He”ŒPThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed, then she turned off the light in”ŒYThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my hands and walked into the kitchen where she was”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her bedroom. It was dark and cold in the”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my bed. As I laid there, watching her”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the wardrobe, which had been used for ”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from an elderly lady to put a thin one in its”ŒKThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the table. As she folded it, she saw”ŒRThe maid took away a cozy blanket from me when I complained it was too hot to wear”ŒFThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her bed. “What are you doing”ŒRThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and handed it over to the guest for”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her bed and tied her legs. Her big hands”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my baby when he was sick. I thought it”ŒNThe maid took away a cozy blanket from bed for baby to play with as if she had”ŒHThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the boy’s bed. He was too small”ŒSThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the woman at gunpoint, while others shouted,”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and put it to the window. The”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from me and folded it. I was shivering and”ŒKThe maid took away a cozy blanket from a guest room. She took the blankets,”ŒKThe maid took away a cozy blanket from one side of the bed, and made up the”ŒNThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and went to check if it is warm”ŒVThe maid took away a cozy blanket from over me, tucked it around the older woman lying”ŒIThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my bed and placed it on him. With”ŒKThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed – I had told her I was not”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the room and gave it to the lady maid.”ŒPThe maid took away a cozy blanket from under the bed and placed it on the floor.”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from him. The kid sat down on the floor and”ŒPThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and a soft pillow from the couch,”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from on the couch to make it look proper. ”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her bed to drape it over the windows.”ŒRThe maid took away a cozy blanket from her grandmother’s bed, turned it over and”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed. She spread out the sheets, made”ŒOThe maid took away a cozy blanket from where I’d been dozing in the afternoon”ŒWThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the little boy, whose face turned red with anger”ŒSThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed and then started to change the bed l”ŒJThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the fireplace. Kneeling in front of”ŒLThe maid took away a cozy blanket from Nala for the third time that day. How”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from my feet. I sat alone in the dark hotel”ŒQThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bottom of the bunk bed and laid on the”ŒMThe maid took away a cozy blanket from the bed, the room went too cold again,”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEj;hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒhJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panes on kitchen cabinet doors. We bought them because”Œ[Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched gin bottles. I was able to get the bottles from”Œ_Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched pumpkins this weekend but it was cold and windy and”ŒfJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panels, but when she tried them she noticed that all”ŒHJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched gourds. Judy painting an et”ŒUJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass on a dining room window. Now, she's”Œ`Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. I went through the same motions as yesterday,”ŒUJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. The cat hair still sticks to it. ”ŒgJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass window panes. They arrived in the mail this afternoon”ŒZJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. It’s a very forgiving surface which I”Œ[Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glasses with the glass paints for my sister-in-”ŒaJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass front doors for the new cabin. She was working”ŒXJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched faces on her glass. She’d made a couple of”ŒdJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass for the new backlight display. The painting of the”ŒgJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched bottles. She also bought a bunch of paint colors with names”Œ`Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass cabinet. She had a bit more success with this”ŒdJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass mirror panels we made for her in the first part of”ŒbJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glasses that she had made. There were many types of br”Œ[Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass windows with. I bought a new airbrush and”ŒfJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panels in our dining room. She already picked up the”Œ^Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched images. I had no idea that they were so expensive”ŒUJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass lampshades. They all worked except”Œ]Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched windows on the new house. It is an exciting time,”ŒRJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched pieces. And a palette board. This is”ŒNJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched images. It’s still early, but I”ŒYJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panels for the windows at St. Mary’s.”Œ]Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panels for the entry. The old brushes were”Œ[Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched vase. The handles on the brush came up when she”ŒQJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched pieces: they get used a lot March is”Œ_Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass in the studio window. She used a light green”ŒaJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass in the front door. She has been looking for new”ŒXJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass windows. She started with the storks. ”ŒTJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched plexi-glass tiles from the glass pyramid”Œ\Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched window. ### She bought the best quality brushes”ŒXJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched design onto the glass. She and Tom began to”ŒeJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass windows. The brushes were so expensive that she had”ŒjJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass panels for the kitchen door. She is painting the designs”Œ]Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. I’m not using glass but wood and decided”ŒlJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass designs on the windows. It looks so much more professional”ŒcJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass doors and she got to work as soon as they arrived”ŒOJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass in the window My wife, Judy,”ŒXJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched pumpkins. We have painted about half of the”Œ]Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched windowpanes white. The old brush was so stiff she”ŒGJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. Michael and Cindy, J”ŒXJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. She wanted only natural-hair brushes.”Œ`Judy bought new brushes to paint the etched panes and the front door. At first we were concerned”ŒUJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. I used to do this part on a sheet”ŒWJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass. With the etching finished, I put on”ŒkJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched glass window of her new apartment. But upon opening the package”ŒbJudy bought new brushes to paint the etched stained glass windows the stained glass man gave us to”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjAsbhLhN)”}”(hEjthCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒVThe garbage can smells much worse than the actual problem (which is bad enough)! It is”ŒOThe garbage can smells much worse than the carrot top looks. If there were any”Œ^The garbage can smells much worse than the trash it holds because of something called the "Pig”Œ_The garbage can smells much worse than the actual dumpster so we can conclude that the trash is”ŒZThe garbage can smells much worse than the bathroom. If that is the case, you should clean”ŒOThe garbage can smells much worse than the sink does, so I’d take a look back”Œ\The garbage can smells much worse than the chicken is supposed to! No matter how hard we try”ŒFThe garbage can smells much worse than the fish. I hate that. We had”ŒLThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash in it. The air smells like”ŒJThe garbage can smells much worse than the last time we emptied. For one,”ŒSThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash it contains, my husband says. “”ŒHThe garbage can smells much worse than the toilet. You’d have to do a”ŒSThe garbage can smells much worse than the old one. The new can smells like the bag”ŒRThe garbage can smells much worse than the old rotten carcass or the mold from the”Œ_The garbage can smells much worse than the sink. Just the mere thought of it makes your stomach”ŒNThe garbage can smells much worse than the food left in it. It comes from the”ŒGThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash. If I've said it once,”Œ[The garbage can smells much worse than the house—because the outside isn’t as well kept”ŒOThe garbage can smells much worse than the litter box. She used to use the can”Œ^The garbage can smells much worse than the garbage. This must be cleaned every couple of days”ŒVThe garbage can smells much worse than the fish. This is your new home. At least until”ŒQThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash in it. You are probably a human.”ŒTThe garbage can smells much worse than the stink of the dead pig I took in the first”ŒXThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash in it. That is because all bacteria, ye”ŒLThe garbage can smells much worse than the outhouse. The outhouse is only an”ŒFThe garbage can smells much worse than the toilet, so the 3-day stench”ŒWThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash it has to contain. There is something”ŒRThe garbage can smells much worse than the compost bin, but it is the compost pile”ŒOThe garbage can smells much worse than the food that is in it! The garbage and”ŒTThe garbage can smells much worse than the toilet. We live in an apartment, and the”ŒYThe garbage can smells much worse than the rest of my kitchen and it’s driving me crazy”Œ_The garbage can smells much worse than the garbage truck, after all the food left for the birds”ŒXThe garbage can smells much worse than the toilet does. A good man won’t even consider”ŒIThe garbage can smells much worse than the compost bin. # Organic Recycl”ŒbThe garbage can smells much worse than the kitchen. But the kitchen is where the garbage can lives”ŒNThe garbage can smells much worse than the compost bin. The garden bed smells”Œ^The garbage can smells much worse than the garbage should. That is because it is being stained”ŒNThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash Several months ago we took a”ŒTThe garbage can smells much worse than the food left in it, because the food is in a”Œ[The garbage can smells much worse than the compost bin – what might be the cause for this”Œ\The garbage can smells much worse than the air in my office. Not a promising starting point”ŒVThe garbage can smells much worse than the bathroom I have a very sensitive nose, and”Œ]The garbage can smells much worse than the contents of your refrigerator, but we clean our fr”Œ]The garbage can smells much worse than the trash that’s been there. Its walls have absorbed”ŒWThe garbage can smells much worse than the other garbage can. It’s just full of human”ŒVThe garbage can smells much worse than the pile of trash it contains. The worst smell”ŒUThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash it holds. The smell is a mix of dead”Œ`The garbage can smells much worse than the house. The house is filled with memories, mostly good”ŒQThe garbage can smells much worse than the cat box. We will put new bags in both,”ŒQThe garbage can smells much worse than the trash left inside of it. The last few”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjzsbhLhN)”}”(hEj­hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒSThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past her as she tried to grab it and catch it.”Œ]The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past her, heading straight for the wall and a sharp turn”ŒYThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him – the bird was injured. Hunter could see”ŒUThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. The little thing went from one side of”ŒYThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and the girl. They looked at each other and”ŒVThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past my head to land in the middle of the desk in”ŒOThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past and landed in a tree in front. I was”ŒQThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past, which is why I did not shoot it out of”ŒUThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him to perch on top of the light fixture in”Œ[The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and away again. Hunter had already chased the”ŒUThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him to settle in a tree in the neighbor’s”ŒUThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him back to me. Hunter got annoyed and took”ŒLThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past, so you’ve got to hand it to the”ŒNThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. The parakeet flew to Hunter but”ŒUThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. Now it was sitting on a branch not far”ŒPThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past it, to the second tower. In the parake”ŒWThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him directly over his head. The two men were”ŒPThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past his feet. It landed on a lower branch”ŒTThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him to a fence in front of Hunter. The par”Œ`The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the open door and landed near the bathroom. Hunter had”ŒSThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past his chestnut mane, and made the same turn”ŒSThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past and looked down at him and flew off. She”ŒRThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. It landed on the branch opposite. ”ŒaThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and landed on the window. Hunter took his attention”ŒIThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him to land at Drake’s feet. ”Œ]The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past Hunter to the left of a building that overlooks the”Œ`The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and landed on the fence posts. Hunter followed the”ŒZThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past Hunter’s head and then flew around in a circle”ŒXThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the bird shop. He did not believe he could buy”ŒTThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. It settled on the edge of the balcony”ŒSThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the young man who was staring at the sky.”ŒZThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and landed on the roof of a nearby building.”ŒSThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him to land just out of Hunter’s reach.”ŒKThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. The parakeet alighted on the”ŒQThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past, swooped down to Giles and flew on past”Œ\The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the window where she stood with the door open. And”ŒLThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. Sweeping back it dove at him.”ŒZThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the house, heading for the field on the far side”ŒVThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past and over and out. She tried to capture it in”ŒVThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and went to see the girl he called “Ch”Œ\The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and his father and flew off. They drove around”ŒOThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past and perched on my friend's head. That”ŒRThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and to a nearby tree. She couldn’t”ŒbThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past without landing on him, or anywhere else for that matter”Œ[The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him and settled somewhere he couldn't see. Hunter”ŒOThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past all of the other parakeets. He had to”ŒXThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past the man while he was standing, then perched on”Œ]The parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past his head and hit the mirror. The impact knocked him”ŒPThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past him. "Aaaaaa!" Hunter shouted and flew”ŒVThe parakeet flew to Hunter but flew past. She reached for a stick to beat it back and”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj³sbhLhN)”}”(hEjæhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ_Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was even more selfish! He had already lost his”ŒfCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth could not help but grow some affection for him and his”ŒjCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth had never actually met him until today. Craig was actually”Œ_Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth, like many others in town, was a genuinely good”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth’s death had changed him. He realised, more”ŒZCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was not about to let him get in the way of”ŒgCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth did what Craig instructed but his heart was not totally”Œ_Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was the one who went by their mothers’ rules.”ŒcCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was an amazing caring family man. That is why after”ŒdCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth helped to rebuild his life after he had been injured”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth did what he had to in order to secure a wife”Œ]Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was a very selfless individual. Those adject”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was always the strong shoulder to lean on. ”ŒSCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth had him fooled; he’d had him fool”ŒaCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth came to learn that Craig's lack of attention came”ŒXCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was nice and kind. (I did not like their”ŒdCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth had decided to put the past behind him so they could”ŒiCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth just found something about him that made him want to keep”Œ^Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth, not wanting to argue with him, kept his mouth”ŒjCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was a selfish individual so you look at the two characters”Œ_Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth, his husband, knew it was because of his severe”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth and his new friend, Shannon, knew they could”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth did not allow this to deter him. Kenneth was”Œ^Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was very happy and would go out of his way for”ŒSCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth doesn’t want it to end that way. ”Œ^Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth’s friend and colleague in the film industry.”ŒfCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth, an elderly gentleman living next door, was also quite”Œ^Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth has grown over the years. “I was selfish and”ŒdCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was a selfish individual with two sides, a good side”ŒcCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth’s patience kept him from reacting in violent ways”ŒUCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was much much worse. ## In the story”Œ[Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth’s selfishness far surpassed that of Craig”ŒLCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was even more so. Craig and”ŒQCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was an ass kisser. They both saw”Œ[Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth had a lot of fun learning from him. The two”ŒbCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth wanted Craig to join his army in order to save the”ŒYCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth Branagh’s version of the notorious film”ŒLCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth is even worse. Craig had no”ŒbCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was a great match for him and was far from selfish”Œ]Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth seemed to see the best in him. From the start”ŒaCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth felt very lucky to be involved with him. Craig’”Œ\Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth wasn’t any better so Craig’s selfishness”ŒZCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth wasn’t. Kenneth was a very compassionate”ŒhCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth made him feel better about himself by calling him out on”ŒZCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth didn't have too much to do with him anyway”ŒXCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth was far worse. For one they weren't even”ŒcCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth did not give a damn as they would often fight about”ŒYCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth Womack has done a thorough and meticulous”ŒbCraig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth Branagh brought a lot of humanity to his character”Œ`Craig was a very selfish individual but Kenneth, a fellow prisoner, had the job of looking after”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjìsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ^Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Kari and their children. But how would it impact”ŒXBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and I. I could keep up with the daily workout”ŒhBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam. Being surrounded by water with all of his family friends that”Œ[Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam’s children, but could be a burden on his wallet”ŒYBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family, until now. A year down the road”Œ`Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam's family. However, they decided their pool needed work”ŒUBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Sarah. It was fantastic on their skin,”Œ]Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Emily. The pool had saved them so much money in”Œ[Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam. It is like having a private pond in his property”Œ\Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Jen, but installing it was the best thing they”Œ[Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family, he said. But keeping it sparkling”ŒdBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. Having family, friends and neighbors over”ŒFBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo. ”Œ[Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. It was a bit of a financial shock”ŒaBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. They had been looking to buy a swimming”ŒqBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam but because of the chemicals and the heavy work involved in maintaining”ŒdBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his wife. They had always loved swimming and this felt”ŒLBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. With a 6-year- old”ŒVBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Melanie. Now, they’re finding out that”ŒRBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and I to relax and recharge. It was the”Œ_Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his two girls. The young dad needed to save money”ŒVBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam but, just a few weeks after the chlorine was”ŒoBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family as it opened up new experiences for everyone concerned”ŒRBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and I, but we didn't really have a great”ŒnBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. After they had enjoyed several swimming pool seasons”ŒWBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his wife. They used it all summer, but by”ŒMBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam, a 50-something-year-old Australian”ŒZBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam. That pool in the back yard was also dangerous,”Œ`Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family in many ways – except that he was uns”Œ[Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family, but he thought it was going to be”Œ\Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Lisa, the only thing that was not so great was”ŒZBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and I as a couple, but it has become even better”ŒWBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam Worthy and his family. That was the case even”Œ^Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. “We bought the house with the pool”Œ`Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam who could not swim, but now that daughter Amy can swim”Œ]Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. It offers a fun place for swimming,”ŒcBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. It was an unexpected treat after what was”ŒNBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam Kokesh. He'd been in Afghanistan, in”ŒjBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his wife until they realized all of the maintenance it would”ŒTBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam! Before we got the swimming pool, I loved”Œ]Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his young family, but the cost of paying daily,”ŒcBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. They were able to enjoy time with friends”Œ]Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam, but finding a new house was going to be difficult!”Œ^Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam’s family, but the cost of maintaining the pool was”ŒXBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and Samantha. However, it would have been even”Œ^Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam’s family and the neighborhood, but things didn’t”Œ`Buying a swimming pool was great for Adam but it’s an exciting time for you guys because today”ŒaBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam and his family. They were not just the perfect size for”ŒhBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam, especially after he and his wife had recently had their first”ŒWBuying a swimming pool was great for Adam’s business. It was also a disaster. This is”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj%sbhLhN)”}”(hEjXhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒŠShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to increase her protein intake to keep her feeling fuller and more importantly,”ŒjShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 800 calories a day to lose weight. She found 80”Œ‰She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed a lot more protein to burn fat. She counted her steps every day and discovered”ŒjShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed a minimum of 1,500 calories per day, so now she”Œ‚She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to adjust her diet plan. She found a great new recipe for chicken chili”ŒwShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed an afternoon snack. She needed only a few, but to find them,”ŒYShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to take in about 1,100 to 1,50”ŒmShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed less than 1200 calories each day. She ate around 1”ŒsShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to have over 2300 calories a day. She started exercising”ŒgShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to up her fat intake by 10g a day. She asked”ŒqShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed about 1600 calories a day for weight loss. She ate the”Œ…She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more calories so we increased her carbs to keep her at healthy levels. She”ŒtShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed about 800 or so to lose weight at a healthy rate of about”ŒcShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed a lot more. She’d eat 2,000 calories a”ŒyShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed a specific calorie intake – and she was not hungry enough. ”ŒmShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed over 100 grams a day of protein. So she cooked her”ŒrShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed a minimum of 250 calories. What will you do if you want”ŒsShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more than 3000 calories a day to maintain. A big portion”Œ{She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more fibre. But when there seemed to be a lack of healthy snacks”Œ}She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to cut out a lot of food including, what she really wanted to eat.”ŒtShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat just 1300 calories each day to get as much fitness”ŒkShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1400 a day, and she could also count her fat and”ŒpShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1400 a day plus two glasses of wine and a little dess”Œ‚She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed much less than before her surgery. She also found that if she doesn’t”ŒkShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat around 1,000 each day to keep her calorie”ŒŠShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed two cups of vegetables for lunch, and this dish provided that, plus protein and”Œ}She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to consume three times the amount to maintain weight. Rachel, who”Œ[She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1500-1600 a day in order to lose”ŒWShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to consume 1800-2000 a day. ”ŒgShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed just 900 to 1000 calories to drop her weight”ŒeShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to cut her intake from 1,200 calories to 1”ŒsShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat 300 more calories to lose the excess weight. The”ŒtShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to get in 150 calories yet on the off chance that she did”ŒbShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed at least a couple of eggs (e.g 200 cals”ŒfShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1,400 per day. When she tried eating those”ŒŒShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat more fruit and vegetables. She also cut down her alcohol consumption for a”ŒrShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat about 1, calories a day. He said he could put an”ŒbShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1,200 to get through the day. But the 2”ŒShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed only to eat half a bowl of rice and her soup portion for dinner, but”ŒsShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed 1000 calories a day to lose weight. She had just started”Œ€She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to add more A woman has become a viral sensation after revealing her”Œ^She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to consume at least 1800-2000 a day”ŒoShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to intake 2,400 calories each day to lose weight and”ŒoShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to cut back 400 calories a day. She decided to add a”ŒƒShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to consume more to fuel her body. She was always hungry so had three big”Œ€She counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more to lose weight instead of less. What could be wrong? Did she add”ŒmShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed at least 1000 calories per day. How many calories”ŒpShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more calcium in her eating plan. Eating yogurt in the”ŒzShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed more protein in her diet, so I made her snacks with egg whites,”ŒiShe counted her calories for her diet and found she needed to eat at least 1200 calories per day to eat. ”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj^sbhLhN)”}”(hEj‘hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒKDennis is changing the sand in a pool as fast as it can fall into his pool.”Œ[Dennis is changing the sand in a pool today where the sun is shining and the temperature is”ŒCDennis is changing the sand in a pool that has sand bottom and 90,0”ŒIDennis is changing the sand in a pool. He uses k buckets of sand per pool”ŒPDennis is changing the sand in a pool. When Dennis started, the pool contained 6”ŒDDennis is changing the sand in a pool. The pool measures 22 feet by ”ŒSDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter. His wife is watching from the outside”ŒEDennis is changing the sand in a pool in Boca Raton, Florida August 2”ŒGDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter in this photo. When I saw”ŒQDennis is changing the sand in a pool by pouring some new sand into the bottom of”ŒTDennis is changing the sand in a pool filtering system. This procedure, as boring as”ŒNDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter. His uncle, Uncle Ted, comes over”ŒPDennis is changing the sand in a pool at a beachside apartment. He is pushing on”ŒCDennis is changing the sand in a pool. This is so that the pool is”ŒFDennis is changing the sand in a pool filtration system. A tank with 1”Œ@Dennis is changing the sand in a pool. In today’s culture, in”ŒGDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter. Since it is a hot day, he”ŒPDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter. While he's filling the filter with”Œ@Dennis is changing the sand in a pool. He is able to replace 2/3”Œ@Dennis is changing the sand in a pool in Waxhaw, NC to get ready”ŒNDennis is changing the sand in a pool and is in for a surprise when he finds a”ŒUDennis is changing the sand in a pool, which initially has only water. In the process”ŒKDennis is changing the sand in a pool that is a foot deep. When he uses the”ŒKDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter on today’s podcast! That’s”ŒDDennis is changing the sand in a pool that has no water in it. When”ŒIDennis is changing the sand in a pool, raking it so it will be smooth and”ŒEDennis is changing the sand in a pool. On his left, next to the pool,”ŒJDennis is changing the sand in a pool. He has a truck that will pickup and”ŒZDennis is changing the sand in a pool to replace the original sand after a pool repair and”ŒFDennis is changing the sand in a pool, which he knows contains 600 kil”ŒEDennis is changing the sand in a pool. He starts with 20 tons of sand”ŒIDennis is changing the sand in a pool's filter, and asks for my advice on”ŒCDennis is changing the sand in a pool. The pool dimensions 16 m × ”ŒADennis is changing the sand in a pool. He says, “I need to add ”ŒIDennis is changing the sand in a pool. Dennis has been changing the sand”ŒFDennis is changing the sand in a pool for his next swim. At the start”ŒRDennis is changing the sand in a pool that was too cloudy and could not be cleaned”ŒCDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter When my Dad turned 50”ŒFDennis is changing the sand in a pool. He has a pile of sand, a basket”ŒJDennis is changing the sand in a pool. ### How Does Pool Sand Filter Work”ŒMDennis is changing the sand in a pool to prepare for the water to be opened. ”ŒKDennis is changing the sand in a pool, and Dennis Jr. asks him how he likes”ŒQDennis is changing the sand in a pool at a summer camp. There are two bags filled”ŒPDennis is changing the sand in a pool filter. I grew up believing the following”ŒFDennis is changing the sand in a pool on one of four sides, the water”ŒLDennis is changing the sand in a pool from left to right. After one minute, ”Œ;Dennis is changing the sand in a pool that holds 500000 lit”ŒLDennis is changing the sand in a pool of water. He has some number of grains”ŒGDennis is changing the sand in a pool, and I am helping. We have to use”ŒADennis is changing the sand in a pool at the beach. He uses up 10”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj—sbhLhN)”}”(hEjÊhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ`Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to Steve is something spiritual. ”ŒZBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to me it is emotional and spiritual. I”ŒkBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to God means something spiritual. For example”ŒgBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while for Paul it means something entirely different. Can”ŒcBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while love to her means something in their hearts and”ŒVBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to Kris something emotional. They”ŒXBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while Godly means more than that. It means”Œ^Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while Beauty is abstract. Physical things can be”ŒlBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while Beautiful to me is a mental and spiritual characteristic”ŒbBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to others it could simply be a beautiful thing”ŒbBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while she believes that beauty is the product of all”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while my understanding of beauty is more spiritual. The”Œ\Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while to Steve it involves a lot of character.”ŒUBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to me it is all internal, and she”Œ`Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while for a male it could be many different things”ŒgBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful for Angela means something relational. To”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to God, means something deeper than the”ŒiBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to God means being beautiful inside and out”ŒfBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to James means feeling respected. Asking”ŒdBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to the other it may be an emotional relationship”ŒaBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while we know that there are more aspects than that”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to the intellect and to the spirit mean”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to a person means something mental. But”Œ\Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to Mike means more than that. ”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to Tom it means something that exists deep inside”Œ^Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to me means the way a person beh”ŒYBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to the American the word “beautiful”Œ_Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while the spiritual is more about what’s inside”Œ_Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while to me this is more of an intellectual sense”Œ^Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to God has to do with your heart”ŒVBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to her, an angelic encounter is an”ŒmBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beauty has something to do with personality and character”Œ`Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to Gretchen means something intang”Œ`Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to me is mostly about what goes on”Œ_Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to me means something intangible.”ŒaBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to her brother Fred means “spirit”ŒWBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while it is something spiritual for me. ”ŒZBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to me is deeper, more intang”ŒYBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while for me beautiful is so much deeper. I”Œ^Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while to Della it means something more abstract.”ŒSBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while for Carl it’s what’s inside”ŒdBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while being a physical beauty can be a dangerous thing”ŒZBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while she looks for the physical, I think it”ŒeBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while handsome to him is about the internal qualities a”ŒcBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while something ugly to her would probably be the way”ŒaBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to Bob means a beautiful nature. If”ŒZBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while ugly, and then beauty is internal. She”ŒaBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while to a beautiful it means something emotional. ”Œ^Beautiful to Angela means something physical, while something spiritual is beautiful to God. ”ŒfBeautiful to Angela means something physical, while beautiful to others means something else. She says”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÐsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒeIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking the estrogen in pill form and it was good for”ŒkIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using clomid but unfortunately that ended up stimulating a”ŒhIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking a supplement formulated for hormonal health (Cym”ŒYIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking one 1/2 ounce dose of the extract”ŒWIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started a few months ago, her daily dose of 40”Œ\In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating ½ cup oatmeals for breakfast daily.”ŒfIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started hormone replacement therapy to the tune of three 7 mg”ŒiIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started having weekly acupuncture appointments as well as taking”ŒxIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking over the counter supplements. This increased her levels slightly”ŒiIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking a supplementary form of estrogen in order to help”ŒeIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking a black cohosh supplement. The estrogen boost”ŒkIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating a vegan diet that consisted of mostly fruit and raw”ŒcIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating more carbs and less fat so that more of her”ŒhIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started drinking at least two quarts of water per half hour for”ŒYIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking a 20 mg tablet of methyltestoster”ŒiIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking one of the leading hormones for women that can be”Œ]In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started having more sex with her husband, Bill. The”ŒYIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking four mg of biest a day. And I don”ŒZIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started to eat two tablespoons of flaxseeds every”ŒfIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started to take herbs, which help to produce natural hormones”ŒlIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started back on the antidepressant medications her psychiatrist had”ŒhIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started having her blood work checked once a week. She was also”ŒQIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started on an anastrozole. It’s been a”ŒbIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started getting clomid twice a week. While she was taking”ŒRIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started supplementing with estradiol, 100”ŒcIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started having blood-thinning injections three times a day”Œ\In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started her first estrogen therapy on February 11, ”ŒJIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using clomid in 2003. Her”ŒbIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using two types of natural progesterone creams in”ŒfIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using the progesterone cream every night for a couple”ŒaIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking a high potency pro-estrogen compound (see”Œ`In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking the drug known as Clomid and was hopeful”ŒdIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking Clomid. At the recommendation of her doctor,”ŒPIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using a gla2000 cream. Her body”ŒWIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started estrone injections (E2). Since she was”Œ\In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking supplements like (pregnenolone), and”ŒXIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started flax oil. If you’ve never heard of fl”ŒrIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started replacing those synthetic compounds with the real thing. In short”ŒOIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating 40 grams (almost 8 teas”ŒPIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started 800 mcg of Premarin twice a day”Œ^In order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking oestrogen-lowering drugs called clomip”ŒdIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking flaxseed oil. She also took daily injections”ŒQIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating 3,000 calories a day, and”ŒWIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating 340 calories a day. And she was”ŒmIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started her diet, eating only vegetables and fruits, and taking horm”ŒRIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started using vitamin E. She is a 85 year”ŒUIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started running and she lost 6 pounds to 134”ŒcIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started eating more fats. If you have been reading my blog”ŒbIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started an esteroid therapy to try to regulate her period”ŒVIn order to increase her estrogen, Jenny started taking DHEA, an over-the-counter horm”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj<hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒdThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the stage. He liked playing at the auditorium”ŒaThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than playing with his band Photo: AMC Networks”ŒwThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than anything. He enjoyed performing in front of thousands of people,”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the concert hall. He considered that the sound in the”ŒjThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than working in the orchestra: the repertoire was narrow”ŒdThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the school. He could get a lot of girls at”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than practicing for the play. His parents tried to encourage”ŒaThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than she anticipated. “We went out, had some”ŒtThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than going to school but found his calling as a band instructor in”ŒaThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than in a park: it was warmer there and he didn”Œ_The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the theater. Hermione and Harry were”ŒgThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than he did reading the Bible. I think he found a lot”Œ[The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the church. Both the auditorium and”ŒiThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than rehearsals and concerts at other places as he felt”ŒkThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the band liked him playing. The sound guys liked it,”ŒbThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than performing on a concert stage. Jennifer Kn”ŒiThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the concert hall. The auditorium of the school was”Œ`The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the football stadium Moscow. October ”ŒkThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than he had thought possible. It was great to be so close”ŒpThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than other places he performed at and he is very glad with the”ŒmThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than anything in the world. He would sit on the piano bench”ŒbThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than going out to nightclub, the auditorium as a”ŒlThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the concert hall. The violinist played in the evening”ŒqThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at a studio because of its atmosphere and the fact it held”ŒcThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at a traditional venue. He told me, "You can”ŒtThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the usual classroom experience. That’s where he met Michael”ŒeThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at clubs, it was also his second home. The aud”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the theater. But she found her voice and her voice found”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than having fans and it had everything to do with the size of”ŒYThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the stadium. Credit: Courtesy:”ŒsThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than ever, since his parents had built and installed a stage that”Œ[The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the university. #### POPULAR WEE”ŒgThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than playing at the playground. The teacher was very”Œ^The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the usual venues he’d tried, he said,”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than singing. He was so bored from sitting inside the auditor”ŒpThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than the library, because it was bigger and not made for quiet”Œ^The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than going to school Rock band Oingo Boingo”ŒoThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than sitting in the classroom. He did not mind the teacher’”ŒlThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the pub. He got to take an actual shower afterward”ŒaThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than studying. Clever children and adolescents”ŒlThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than on a small stage; he enjoyed every concert at the big”ŒkThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at a recording studio, so he decided to go with that”ŒeThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the club. It seems to be more professional”Œ^The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than studying Oleg Skripka, the lead singer”Œ]The musician liked playing at the auditorium more than any other. One of my jobs was to sell”ŒdThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than at the school concerts - and also had a band.”ŒnThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than playing at her home. What she does at home is listening”ŒgThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than any other place he visited in South Africa. The”ŒpThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than anywhere else. Not just that, it felt more comfortable in”ŒYThe musician liked playing at the auditorium more than school classes. In 2005, the group”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjBsbhLhN)”}”(hEjuhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒePatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a machine. When the laundry was finished, Lindsey took”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washer and dryer down the hall. It was”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the wringer washer. The laundry took a lot”ŒjPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine. All of the children played in the park”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used machines. Lindsey’s first was a Kenmore”ŒkPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a machine her parents brought from New York, hoping it would”Œ^Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used hot water and washes. She lived in a tiny house”Œ[Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine now. “Oh, that’s the”Œ]Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a wringer washer with a spinning extractor –”ŒfPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used an electric washing machine. They both ironed, but they”Œ^Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washer and dryer on the ground floor of the”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a machine In a small town in the south of”ŒiPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. Lindsey and John worked hard to support”ŒRPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used these. (Photo from Linda Stetson) ”ŒjPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a modern washing machine to clean their clothes and linens.”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used her washer. They both ironed with the old-”Œ\Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used her old-fashioned clothes wringer and clothes”Œ[Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used an old Maytag. When I walked into the house,”ŒZPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a wringer washer, and the clothes that came”ŒWPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine. “You didn’t do”Œ[Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used to do laundry once a week - as it got dirty.”ŒXPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washer and dryer, which Patricia didn”ŒePatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used washing machines. She did dry her clothes on the line,”Œ_Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the big washing machine she got for housewarming”Œ^Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used to do laundry with her great grandma. They had”ŒfPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. The women met on a Saturday evening.”Œ`Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used to make her take her old dresses to a place where”Œ[Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine. As a child, Patricia’”Œ_Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine. What did Patricia do to the”ŒRPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washer and dryer. Patricia put”Œ\Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. The three women had a lot”Œ^Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the clothes washer. After a while, the electric”Œ_Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine. It looked like Lindsey did”ŒcPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine, so today she made a plan to put”ŒhPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used one of those modern machines. If she washed a single load”ŒYPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used it in other ways. She made it rain, and in”Œ`Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine to wash her clothes. She has to”Œ]Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used an electric washer. She used one with a washer”ŒePatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. We both had clean clothes each day,”ŒfPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washing machine and the dryer in The House that She”ŒUPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a modern washer and dryer. Lindsey’s”Œ`Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. And she didn’t want to spend”ŒXPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washer as soon as she could turn it on.”ŒXPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used washing machines in a laundromat. Patric”Œ]Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used machines. "There is still a large minority of”Œ_Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used the washer and dryer in their basement. They had”ŒaPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a washing machine. Patricia used the backyard well”ŒUPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used a laundromat. There are two ways to do”Œ[Patricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used those great wringer washer machines. As I’”ŒaPatricia did laundry by hand, but Lindsey used her washing machine. After 15 minutes of scrubbing”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj{sbhLhN)”}”(hEj®hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒhThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to defeat him so they ate all the time, and they ate anything”ŒnThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to continue their journey. She took the spoon and fed him, enjoying”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they think they need for a long walk, but when they come across”ŒvThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength and confidence they needed to survive in a land which would not easily make”Œ_They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to stand up straight or crouch and to be able to run”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight… They had to have a strong spirit and mind to continue”ŒdThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to take on the big city with the force of the small ones,”•-ŒbThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed. But he was so hungry he couldn’t see the”ŒtThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to perform their work and that required strength and agility.”ŒeThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed for their long and arduous journey of life. As”Œ^They had to eat a lot to gain the strength for their journeys through life. “The more I eat”ŒfThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to face all the challenges that lay ahead. “”ŒLThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to kill me. Now, they're done. I”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary for the fight. There was no longer any doubt in my mind”ŒPThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to reach 14,000 feet above sea level.”ŒmThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. But they never found happiness in eating, because they needed it.”ŒtThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength that would help them in their struggle to survive. Even when they arrived”ŒrThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to fight at such intense levels. Many of them ate things even”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to run their farms and ranches, but we have inherited a”ŒpThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength and stamina they needed. They were more afraid of their horses trying”ŒhThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to survive. They ate every kind of game possible. ”ŒzThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed because they were not only fighting for their survival but also for”ŒbThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to survive: > This may sound like ancient history, but”ŒgThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to walk all over the world. They had to walk all over”ŒeThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to work in the fields, and they had to cook it”ŒiThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to keep fighting the forces of the enemy. I was told that they”ŒsThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to carry out their daily tasks for a life expectancy that aver”ŒsThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength required to compete against the strongest athletes in the world, right? ”ŒDThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. On October 30th, the 20”ŒnThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to face their opponents in the arena. For this reason, Gl”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to continue to struggle. This is the case of the boys and girls”ŒdThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed. On one occasion, they ate so many quail that”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to create a large structure of wood and clay. In the end”Œ[They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to fight. There is no way we can go”ŒkThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight their battle against the giant. No one could ever tell”ŒdThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to fight on, and yet it’s a miracle they were”Œ_They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to start They had to eat a lot to gain the strength”ŒdThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to pull the sledges. Sometimes, just so they would”ŒHThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed for a 1600-ft climb. 3”ŒCThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. The number was 858,000”ŒhThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to continue. The men had to eat a lot before they could march”Œ^They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to live. The other day I was talking to some folks”Œ\They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to run to where there were food and water. Squir”ŒkThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they need to make sure that they get the best from the work they”Œ]They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight the dragons, the goblins and the monsters”ŒeThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to make up their minds. Then, after finishing a full meal,”ŒaThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength of four. And they learned to fly, so they could travel”ŒmThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to take this leap, but to the delight and surprise of the audience”ŒXThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight, and I wasn’t willing to give up. ”ŒUThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight: a lot of fat, meat, dairy, bread”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj´sbhLhN)”}”(hEjçhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ^Robert usually didn't like fish as much as he liked meat, but after living in South Africa for”Œ^Robert usually didn't like fish as much as some folks had suggested. In fact, he often thought”ŒTRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his classmates. But he liked salmon a lot”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he loved his friend Darragh, but they seemed”ŒVRobert usually didn't like fish as much as the humans, but this recipe was a new idea.”ŒORobert usually didn't like fish as much as he likes it today. He didn't like it”ŒXRobert usually didn't like fish as much as red meat, so when he visited a friend who was”ŒIRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat and fowl, but he'd always”ŒPRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he liked beef or lamb, so it was easy”ŒQRobert usually didn't like fish as much as Tara. But every now and then he would”ŒVRobert usually didn't like fish as much as other things, and when he tasted the salmon”Œ[Robert usually didn't like fish as much as other types of meat, but the way his wife cooked”ŒXRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his brother, Charles, did. When their mother”ŒVRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his parents did, but he did like swordfish.”Œ]Robert usually didn't like fish as much as his friend. Today he would come to dinner with his”ŒRRobert usually didn't like fish as much as beef, but if it came from the grill and”Œ\Robert usually didn't like fish as much as he did this morning. After the first sip of fresh”ŒXRobert usually didn't like fish as much as the rest of the family, but he had managed to”ŒRRobert usually didn't like fish as much as we (and probably most people) do. So it”ŒXRobert usually didn't like fish as much as red meat, but for some reason he did like the”ŒTRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat but after his fiancée said the fish”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat. This time he couldn't resist eating it”Œ[Robert usually didn't like fish as much as red meat, but he was enjoying some grilled sword”Œ`Robert usually didn't like fish as much as the others did but decided to try this one because it”ŒYRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat, but when grilled in banana leaves Robert”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his friend, who had a fish and chips shop in”Œ[Robert usually didn't like fish as much as other meat. In fact, he thought it smelled nasty”ŒYRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he did today. He was quite hungry and decided,”ŒTRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he liked chicken or meat, but he couldn't”ŒYRobert usually didn't like fish as much as the other animals - they were so bony and slim”ŒRRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he liked meat or poultry, but he couldn”ŒQRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat, but this fish is an exception. ”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as other meat when we cook at home. But I think”Œ_Robert usually didn't like fish as much as he like meat. The fish today had a different texture”ŒURobert usually didn't like fish as much as he did this one. The fish was on the table”ŒSRobert usually didn't like fish as much as meat, but he was going to marry Elise in”ŒZRobert usually didn't like fish as much as other dishes, but now he'll definitely tell you”Œ`Robert usually didn't like fish as much as the rest of his family. But his brother Steve brought”ŒSRobert usually didn't like fish as much as the other food of the sea. But that wasn”ŒURobert usually didn't like fish as much as he did last time they went out, but he did”ŒTRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his kids or his wife did. He liked salmon”ŒQRobert usually didn't like fish as much as red meat or poultry, but he decided to”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his mother did, but all of his food was from”ŒZRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he normally did this time of year. The lake was”ŒKRobert usually didn't like fish as much as a good rack of baby back ribs. ”ŒORobert usually didn't like fish as much as he liked shrimp, but they had to get”ŒQRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he did. He had never been a fish eater”ŒSRobert usually didn't like fish as much as the squid, but this time he wanted to do”ŒWRobert usually didn't like fish as much as he did crabs. He liked them both because you”ŒXRobert usually didn't like fish as much as his Mom and Dad, but his parents cooked it so”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjísbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒFNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds this week: - donations to the”ŒENatalie committed a bunch of good deeds in one day? Like I said, I’”ŒVNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds on Thursday. She started the day with donating”ŒLNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds and went on a rampage as she had sex”ŒUNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds on the sly, like bringing her husband flowers”ŒRNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds and went to heaven. Natalie arrived at the”ŒPNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds. She volunteered for a soup kitchen, don”ŒHNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds in her school year She’d take”ŒENatalie committed a bunch of good deeds in her first 3+ months as a J”ŒMNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds when she was a kid, and, according to”ŒKNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds over the weekend, most notably: Be”ŒLNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds and bad deeds in her past lives. She”ŒPNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds every day. On the way to the university,”ŒQNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds when a young child and was rewarded with ”ŒUNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds yesterday. First, there was a small amount of”Œ_Natalie committed a bunch of good deeds throughout her lifetime and found herself in heaven. St”ŒZNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds without any recognition, and the girl has a chance”ŒGNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds on the "Heroes" episode for her”ŒTNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds as a teenager. She donated blood and volunte”ŒUNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds and good things happened to her: the water in”ŒUNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds during her first week as a volunteer for our ”ŒENatalie committed a bunch of good deeds in a day, and she’s only in”ŒQNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds with the help of her fairies, her friends”ŒQNatalie committed a bunch of good deeds at the same time today, so the first part”Œh?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj&sbhLhN)”}”(hEjYhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒOSarah but not Erin would get a retirement community by the sea! Sarah and Erin”ŒBSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift from the BFF Sarah”ŒXSarah but not Erin would get a retirement bonus, if she continued to work for the agency”ŒNSarah but not Erin would get a retirement community at its new location. Sarah”ŒSSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift from her co-workers when she left to”ŒISarah but not Erin would get a retirement benefit from Erin's annuity. Er”ŒNSarah but not Erin would get a retirement community like this. As promised, a”ŒUSarah but not Erin would get a retirement plan at the city or county if the jobs were”ŒOSarah but not Erin would get a retirement home in the future. (Photo: Sarah and”ŒLSarah but not Erin would get a retirement plan. This is the worst time ever”ŒJSarah but not Erin would get a retirement home to call her own someday, in”ŒJSarah but not Erin would get a retirement pension. So, we got to thinking”ŒASarah but not Erin would get a retirement check. “Erin†is a”ŒSSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party, but here is what all of the former”ŒZSarah but not Erin would get a retirement benefit in the case of marriage dissolution, but”ŒESarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift of $7000 tax free when”ŒTSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party if she and Erin were going to retire”ŒPSarah but not Erin would get a retirement if Sarah did enough work, and Erin did”Œ?Sarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift? It's not as if”ŒFSarah but not Erin would get a retirement check with a 3.5% raise each”ŒUSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift from her work, they had been there too”ŒRSarah but not Erin would get a retirement package if she leaves. Erin, her current”ŒMSarah but not Erin would get a retirement package. This is what you see when”ŒOSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party if she was doing what Erin did:”ŒRSarah but not Erin would get a retirement benefit from the 20 years she had worked”ŒMSarah but not Erin would get a retirement package, Sarah argued. If you have”ŒMSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party at our workplace. Erin has a”ŒSSarah but not Erin would get a retirement community with a golf course. On Tuesday”ŒBSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party? So far we know 4”ŒMSarah but not Erin would get a retirement card from the office: it’s a card”ŒTSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift, the party would be catered with food”ŒPSarah but not Erin would get a retirement bonus It turns out that this has been”ŒPSarah but not Erin would get a retirement benefit upon John's retirement At the”Œ?Sarah but not Erin would get a retirement income of #400 #####”ŒUSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party and go on the golf course once a week”ŒKSarah but not Erin would get a retirement present, though not from AJP. She”ŒKSarah but not Erin would get a retirement benefit for being married: Sarah”ŒXSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party that would make people cry. What people”ŒWSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift card that went against regulations WASH”ŒRSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party (ergo not a real retirement party)”Œ@Sarah but not Erin would get a retirement check Sara, Erin, and”ŒTSarah but not Erin would get a retirement bonus of $1 million if she stayed with the”ŒPSarah but not Erin would get a retirement It looks as though a number of people”ŒaSarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift from the department. Sarah told the department her”ŒISarah but not Erin would get a retirement home in the Bahamas financed. ”ŒKSarah but not Erin would get a retirement settlement. Another of Erin Burn”ŒWSarah but not Erin would get a retirement party tonight if these photos are accurate: ”ŒkSarah but not Erin would get a retirement savings account if the Senate passes the Democratic spending bill”ŒISarah but not Erin would get a retirement party in the same vein. Maybe. ”ŒISarah but not Erin would get a retirement gift when we met with 10 of the”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj_sbhLhN)”}”(hEj’hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ]Natalie tended to wear their hair in a long blond braid that hung over the shoulder. Some men”ŒbNatalie tended to wear their hair in a short buzz cut. When their hair did grow back after several”ŒYNatalie tended to wear their hair in a variety of different styles: up in a neat ponytail”ŒJNatalie tended to wear their hair in a pixie cut. ## Character History[] ”ŒNNatalie tended to wear their hair in a bun with little to no hair products. N”ŒLNatalie tended to wear their hair in a number of updos, all with a classic 1”ŒeNatalie tended to wear their hair in a way they believed was most attractive to men and that she felt”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a style that was just a few decades old. She was”ŒONatalie tended to wear their hair in a small side braid. A half-bun that pulled”ŒONatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, and most times when she didn't”ŒRNatalie tended to wear their hair in a long braid with a flower and a curls on the”ŒWNatalie tended to wear their hair in a pony tail, but today she was wearing it down and”ŒMNatalie tended to wear their hair in a bob. I do as much as I can to help her”ŒQNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, even in winter, and I once asked”ŒUNatalie tended to wear their hair in a single ponytail that got thicker and more unru”Œ@Natalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, with 1960s rock”ŒNNatalie tended to wear their hair in a more natural fashion in 2017. She sport”ŒRNatalie tended to wear their hair in a loose bun, which is very simple to do for a”ŒSNatalie tended to wear their hair in a bun of some kind while in school. She used b”ŒTNatalie tended to wear their hair in a long single braid, with half pinned up on top”ŒQNatalie tended to wear their hair in a very straight, very slicked back ponytail.”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a French twist or bun most of the time; when down”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a style that she called "the ball-cut"; the style”ŒNNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, and she didn’t like the way”Œ\Natalie tended to wear their hair in a large, fluffy style, but for their performance at the”ŒMNatalie tended to wear their hair in a loose pony-tail, with two long sides-h”ŒSNatalie tended to wear their hair in a very low ponytail, with all of it drawn back”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a high ponytail with a small flower or bow to top”ŒONatalie tended to wear their hair in a pixie cut, with slight strands of blonde”ŒLNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, with a fizzy curl along the”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a style that had been created at her hairdresser,”Œ]Natalie tended to wear their hair in a more modern, feminine way, while Natalie typically had”Œ[Natalie tended to wear their hair in a single, long braid down their back. It was practical”Œ^Natalie tended to wear their hair in a very long, straight braid from her left shoulder, which”ŒONatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail to bed to not have it be in her”ŒaNatalie tended to wear their hair in a long bob, and it appeared to grow in a different direction”ŒZNatalie tended to wear their hair in a high pigtail, and they were constantly being pester”ŒTNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail that she tied at the top of her head”ŒONatalie tended to wear their hair in a short, boyish style. And even with the 4”ŒQNatalie tended to wear their hair in a long ponytail that would get to her hips. ”ŒSNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail, but when it was down, he preferred”ŒZNatalie tended to wear their hair in a long pony tail. When she was not wearing their hair”Œ]Natalie tended to wear their hair in a bun—a simple loop of shiny black hair resting around”ŒVNatalie tended to wear their hair in a blunt bob, and the same was used for their face”ŒNNatalie tended to wear their hair in a short ‘do, as a boy should; that way,”ŒXNatalie tended to wear their hair in a short cut, this cut, she always felt was cute yet”ŒQNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail in her videos, she often dyed her”ŒLNatalie tended to wear their hair in a pixie cut, or, on the off chance that”ŒPNatalie tended to wear their hair in a ponytail. One day while in the kitchen, a”ŒKNatalie tended to wear their hair in a neat bun, with a high, curved fringe”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj˜sbhLhN)”}”(hEjËhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒUNelson always had the best friendships except for his friends who bullied him all the”ŒGNelson always had the best friendships except when he was 7 years old. ”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except as we got older she started to be more”ŒJNelson always had the best friendships except for one. It’s the same one”ŒMNelson always had the best friendships except with his dad. His brother died”ŒSNelson always had the best friendships except for the one he made with his brother,”ŒNNelson always had the best friendships except for with his sister. It wasn’t”ŒUNelson always had the best friendships except for the time that he decided he did not”ŒQNelson always had the best friendships except when he’s stuck in highschool and”ŒQNelson always had the best friendships except for one boy who never came around. ”ŒXNelson always had the best friendships except for the time the boys from high school had”ŒZNelson always had the best friendships except for the fact that he was still searching for”Œ[Nelson always had the best friendships except with his older sister, his family was wealthy”ŒNNelson always had the best friendships except for two. One of them was my high”ŒHNelson always had the best friendships except for one. I didn’t have a”ŒFNelson always had the best friendships except for one. At 4 years old,”ŒVNelson always had the best friendships except for the boys that he spent most his time”ŒVNelson always had the best friendships except for that horrible year that he was not a”ŒSNelson always had the best friendships except for one. When he came to The Children”ŒKNelson always had the best friendships except for T.J. His parents tried to”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except it was always with boys; that is until”ŒSNelson always had the best friendships except for that with Trisha, she just couldn”ŒUNelson always had the best friendships except for a few times in his young adult life”ŒRNelson always had the best friendships except for one friend he hated to admit it,”ŒYNelson always had the best friendships except two things that ruined them all: his sister”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except for his relationship with his Dad. He”ŒVNelson always had the best friendships except with the three people he was related to;”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except for the last two years. After going to”ŒMNelson always had the best friendships except one… When he is sent to Earth”ŒINelson always had the best friendships except with her step-sister, Lucy,”ŒYNelson always had the best friendships except his closest friend. Nelson loved to play pr”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except with this one person, and even that he”ŒNNelson always had the best friendships except for the ones he had as a kid and”ŒLNelson always had the best friendships except for his time at the orphanage.”ŒJNelson always had the best friendships except for one bad one, a bad girl.”ŒONelson always had the best friendships except for when she was young, but that'”ŒSNelson always had the best friendships except when it got to the point in your life”ŒBNelson always had the best friendships except for 7th grade. I’m”ŒINelson always had the best friendships except for one. Nelson would talk”ŒWNelson always had the best friendships except perhaps with Peter who he had the most in”ŒVNelson always had the best friendships except with his siblings. When a neighbor dies,”ŒSNelson always had the best friendships except for one with one of her best friends.”ŒYNelson always had the best friendships except for that one week in November when he would”ŒZNelson always had the best friendships except for that first year. Everyone seemed to have”ŒTNelson always had the best friendships except with the children he grew up with. The”ŒQNelson always had the best friendships except with the neighbors. As a result, he”ŒPNelson always had the best friendships except for the one at the end of his life”ŒONelson always had the best friendships except when at the very end, when it had”ŒZNelson always had the best friendships except for one relationship with a childish man she”ŒQNelson always had the best friendships except for the few boys he has had crushes”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÑsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after that they lived together. They've just bought a”ŒgRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon their parents were in. On the table were various objects of”ŒYRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon, the guys moved in together. Now, a couple of”ŒoRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon Brian and the group are off to California where they become members”Œ_Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after that their heart to Brian’s family. With an”Œ`Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, he became the victim of what appeared to be a”ŒaRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon he was getting to see what would happen after. He was”ŒhRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon moved to San Francisco along with other members in the band.”ŒVRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they were married in the backyard. A year”ŒORandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after the two were in touch. Karim”ŒsRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after_ the new relationship started, Brian started to suspect something”Œ_Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, he became her rock. After he lost his family”ŒURandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after got to be a member of the band; in ”Œ[Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after Brian joined the Navy, during WWII. After”ŒiRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after getting engaged. She was still in love with Brian after”Œ]Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon married. Soon thereafter she married Brian Kelly.”ŒfRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after they went on the primary date and it started so that”ŒjRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, Brian began receiving the strange nightly visits from a”Œ\Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon as Brian’s heartbeat faded and Randy heard him”ŒVRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon as they _ _ it, she turned away to go home”Œ[Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon Randy was getting the best of him, and so Brian”ŒdRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon _ they were out hiking on the trails around the mountain”ŒWRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after fell in love with an ex-military man.”ŒfRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they _ a relationship. He took her from the countryside to”ŒQRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after she met Gigi_ Randy gave their”ŒSRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon got dumped. However, he moved out to L.”Œ]Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, he began taking on more responsibility. 10”Œ]Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after _ this kind of, the two males was together.”ŒXRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon, they were doing the nasty inside the car. ”ŒnRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after she started to understand their man’s homosexual behavior.”ŒZRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they have been hitched. It absolutely wasn’t”ŒURandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, he proposed. But she wasn't ready,”ŒTRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon _ were in love and on their own hone. As”Œ_Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after they started dating, Brian gave his to Gawker”ŒuRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after their first interaction, the two men found themselves spending most”ŒQRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after Brian died. "Brian just knew I”ŒlRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they were getting together twice a week, and enjoying their time”Œ]Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon_ they were in love. They had a romantic dinner at”ŒeRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they fell deeply in love with one another. They spent all”ŒiRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon afterwards Brian moved into their home. However, soon after a”Œ`Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, he moved into the home and was made the legal”ŒTRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, Brian was at LSU and Randy was at”ŒoRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after the two are married, but their romantic relationship comes to”ŒiRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after, his daughter and her husband began dating with his son”ŒGRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon_ the two hit it off. Pete's”ŒcRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after his dad and stepmother adopted him. Together, the”ŒuRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they certainly were able to understand one another better for the reasons”Œ\Randy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon they were married. With Randy in the Army, Brian”ŒSRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon after this_ were _rewarded when_ Brian'”ŒYRandy gave their heart to Brian, and _ soon fell into the arms of another man. Now he’s”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj=hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒfPatricia has a trouble with training her horse because it is very stubborn. What advice would you give”ŒZPatricia has a trouble with training her horse: her dog. She is looking in vain for an equ”ŒePatricia has a trouble with training her horse. The horse is just the most beautiful thoroughbred and”ŒiPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. He often behaves aggressively towards another horse. What”ŒIPatricia has a trouble with training her horse! Michael J. Bowler Hi All”ŒbPatricia has a trouble with training her horse, which has become very spooky in a particular place”ŒgPatricia has a trouble with training her horse because the horse isn’t responding like she wants. She”ŒVPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. Can you give her some advice? My name”ŒhPatricia has a trouble with training her horse because he becomes very stubborn when she is trying to do”Œ[Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. She’s trying to train her horse but it’”ŒVPatricia has a trouble with training her horse to lunge properly? Read more ## Patric”Œ[Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. Her horse doesn’t work with her and he is”ŒkPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. When someone brings this up on the local online horse forum”ŒUPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. Can you tell the name of the horse? ”ŒaPatricia has a trouble with training her horse: when they return home from a walk she is not able”Œ_Patricia has a trouble with training her horse for the long distance. How can I deal with that?”ŒUPatricia has a trouble with training her horse so she goes to an old master. One day”ŒPPatricia has a trouble with training her horse Rip Curl I am the lucky owner of”ŒRPatricia has a trouble with training her horse… You’re so patient, and I know”ŒcPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. She has an Arab and has already owned the horse for”Œ[Patricia has a trouble with training her horse Jupiter, and asks for advice. Also, does Pat”Œ`Patricia has a trouble with training her horse and I asked him to give his version of training a”ŒNPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. His name is Piton. Patricia’”ŒZPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. She doesn't know why her horse is reacting”ŒYPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. > `I am having trouble training my horse”ŒXPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. When she calls for help, Lassie comes to”Œ^Patricia has a trouble with training her horse, so she brings him to the vet clinic, where she”ŒuPatricia has a trouble with training her horse for a competition. Therefore she asks the professional trainer to help”Œ_Patricia has a trouble with training her horse to canter. She says that no matter what she does”Œ\Patricia has a trouble with training her horse, so it runs off and she falls with the horse.”Œ`Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. He is difficult to handle. But it turns out that”ŒaPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. She and her daughter rode out on the same horse (”ŒcPatricia has a trouble with training her horse because her horse doesn’t seem to want to obey her”Œ[Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. She has been training her horse for 15 days”Œ_Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. She goes up and down the lunge line, constantly”Œ_Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. She has two horses at the moment. She says that”Œ]Patricia has a trouble with training her horse, but she thinks that she should just give up. ”ŒYPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. Her horse has a few issues like spooking”ŒLPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. Here’s her question: “”ŒRPatricia has a trouble with training her horse when she's not really at home...? ”ŒRPatricia has a trouble with training her horse. In fact, she and her gelding, Max,”ŒbPatricia has a trouble with training her horse and wants to get a solution. She needs help to make”Œ[Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. She has a bit. We have the knowledge how to”ŒVPatricia has a trouble with training her horse – and, for once, it isn’t her horse”ŒjPatricia has a trouble with training her horse at liberty. The problem is that every time the horse passes”Œ^Patricia has a trouble with training her horse to stand still when she’s feeding him. She is”Œ`Patricia has a trouble with training her horse. He has been trained, but every time she tries to”ŒaPatricia has a trouble with training her horse on the round pen as the horse is reluctant to move”ŒePatricia has a trouble with training her horse. She bought it recently with the promise that it had a”ŒePatricia has a trouble with training her horse and seeks help from Katie. The reason is pretty simple”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjCsbhLhN)”}”(hEjvhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒIElena brought the horse to the stables, got out of it and threw her reins”ŒOElena brought the horse to the stables and tied him to the railing. She entered”ŒLElena brought the horse to the stables, after we’d ridden through the deep”ŒJElena brought the horse to the stables, and rode it. It would not tire her”ŒNElena brought the horse to the stables in silence. She took his bridle off and”ŒQElena brought the horse to the stables, taking the reins in her hands and walking”ŒFElena brought the horse to the stables and tied Lazarus to a post. She”ŒQElena brought the horse to the stables that night as the sun was just rising, the”ŒOElena brought the horse to the stables, got off and rubbed his neck. There were”ŒNElena brought the horse to the stables. Her body was sore from the ride. After”ŒRElena brought the horse to the stables. While removing the horse from the truck, a”ŒTElena brought the horse to the stables and fed him and then went back to her parents”ŒDElena brought the horse to the stables with a lot of fuss, and when,”ŒIElena brought the horse to the stables. The man with curly mustaches, the”ŒKElena brought the horse to the stables. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt”ŒOElena brought the horse to the stables, but she could still hear the sound of b”ŒFElena brought the horse to the stables. She rode the young, big chest”ŒMElena brought the horse to the stables. The mare was tired, but still strong.”ŒMElena brought the horse to the stables. The horses were fed from bowls filled”ŒKElena brought the horse to the stables at dawn, and found that the steward,”ŒNElena brought the horse to the stables, and while the animal was taken away, I”ŒGElena brought the horse to the stables at a trot, the saddle clattered,”ŒTElena brought the horse to the stables and walked towards the door, as she pushed it”ŒMElena brought the horse to the stables, and walked the rest of the way there.”ŒGElena brought the horse to the stables. She fed him then groomed him. A”ŒTElena brought the horse to the stables and brushed away the sweat from the horse’s”ŒDElena brought the horse to the stables, fed him, and gave him a rub.”ŒRElena brought the horse to the stables. She had been riding the horse all day long”ŒQElena brought the horse to the stables. The stable was clean, all the horses were”ŒPElena brought the horse to the stables and went to the house, she was hungry and”ŒIElena brought the horse to the stables. She’d just had her fill for the”ŒEElena brought the horse to the stables. She rode her daily; it wasn't”ŒIElena brought the horse to the stables, where she took the reins, and the”ŒQElena brought the horse to the stables where she helped to tend it. She stayed up”Œ[Elena brought the horse to the stables while they helped her carry the injured woman up the”ŒRElena brought the horse to the stables without being able to sit on its back or to”ŒIElena brought the horse to the stables. She took off Sam’s saddle. Once”ŒSElena brought the horse to the stables. She was pleased with it’s beautiful build”ŒQElena brought the horse to the stables with a heavy heart. She knew that the next”Œ[Elena brought the horse to the stables after she finished the ride and left the saddle next”ŒBElena brought the horse to the stables so as not to offend Nimrod.”Œ@Elena brought the horse to the stables. It was a big, grey, shag”ŒJElena brought the horse to the stables. She could see that he was tuckered”ŒRElena brought the horse to the stables, as instructed. It was a beautiful creature”ŒEElena brought the horse to the stables 1. Elena brought the horse to”ŒCElena brought the horse to the stables and left it in a stall. The”ŒJElena brought the horse to the stables. She led it gently, trying to get a”ŒPElena brought the horse to the stables, threw the reins on the saddle and turned”ŒEElena brought the horse to the stables, and her father came out. “”ŒNElena brought the horse to the stables of the old man, saying that he can take”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj|sbhLhN)”}”(hEj¯hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒWRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she had no idea how much it would cost. It”ŒTRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but couldn’t stand the smell of them. So,”Œ^Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but wanted to be sure to adopt the one that was right”ŒZRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she was not sure how to make him feel at home”Œ]Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she didn’t know how her male dog would receive”ŒaRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but the one selected for her has a strange name and even”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she didn’t realize how big the challenge would be”Œ_Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but her decision was met with a lot of resistance. Not”ŒbRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but this was the first chance she had to actually meet it”ŒbRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but had to look at every available one in her area before”Œ_Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but found out that a breeder could not be trusted when”Œ]Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but it was very difficult to find a dog that was the”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but had concerns, having grown up with only older dogs.”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but her family objected, saying that their home was not”ŒVRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but a few days later a pregnant cat and her 4”ŒdRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but did not have the heart to leave her sweet foster sister”ŒaRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she knew nothing about the breed. She wanted a small”ŒnRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but soon realized that the two had very different personalities which”ŒTRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but not from an untrustworthy “rescue.—Œ^Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but after meeting him, she found a different pet. The”ŒORachel decided on adopting a young puppy but, as is often the case, he wasn’t”ŒdRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but found she was inexperienced in handling dogs especially”ŒXRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but instead of a cute puppy she ended up with a”ŒhRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but was told she had some decisions to make before bringing the”ŒVRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she didn’t expect the dog to be so good”ŒSRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she got a puppy that is not just a few”Œ]Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but firstly she had to travel from the North to West”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but couldn’t wait a few more weeks while the adoption”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but wanted to have the perfect dog name for her new dog”Œ\Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she didn’t realize that she had to share that”Œ[Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but wanted to make sure she gets the best choice. ”ŒORachel decided on adopting a young puppy but had a few concerns. “I live in a”ŒeRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined what”ŒYRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but after a couple of months with her she wasn't”ŒYRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but wasn’t sure which kind of dog would be the”ŒTRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but after her first, not-so-easy experience”Œ_Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but wasn't sure which breed would make the perfect can”Œ^Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she soon discovered that Bambi was far from happy”ŒgRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but that decision didn’t come without some serious heartache”Œ[Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but soon decided he was far too timid and that she”ŒlRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but with so many different rescue organizations to choose from, she”Œ\Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but after seeing just how sick he was, she knew she”Œ`Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but it was too late when she realized that she made the”ŒcRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but had reservations about leaving her own cat. Our advice”Œ]Rachel decided on adopting a young puppy but in the end got a very strange canine addition to”ŒcRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but once the pup got home was terrified of everything. Her”ŒZRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but, her choice of rescuer raised a few eyebrows.”ŒXRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but she was worried. What if the dog was naught”ŒeRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but quickly realized that the pup needed to be with an older”ŒiRachel decided on adopting a young puppy but it quickly became clear he needed all the training she could”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjµsbhLhN)”}”(hEjèhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒIThe patient put in a special request for one thing: an X-ray of his penis”Œ`The patient put in a special request for this session to sing some songs from his childhood that”ŒZThe patient put in a special request for his own hand cream during his visit to the doctor”ŒOThe patient put in a special request for his room. It was simple. The wall near”ŒLThe patient put in a special request for his surgery: It had to be the best.”ŒcThe patient put in a special request for us to create this design after seeing something similar in”ŒTThe patient put in a special request for a burger after she was admitted to the ward”ŒJThe patient put in a special request for a man to do her circumcision, and”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for two things as surgery was being done to fix his”ŒOThe patient put in a special request for a visit with our beloved cat, Mischief”ŒLThe patient put in a special request for his first round of chemotherapy: 1/”ŒQThe patient put in a special request for a private carer and was quite insistent.”ŒCThe patient put in a special request for her caretaker. A woman in”ŒKThe patient put in a special request for his food. After he was moved into”Œ`The patient put in a special request for chicken soup after being admitted to the Intensive Care”ŒEThe patient put in a special request for her final moments. On her 9”Œ_The patient put in a special request for the surgery, although not a requirement for most women”ŒVThe patient put in a special request for her “usual orderâ€. Her regular nurse didn”ŒbThe patient put in a special request for a song while receiving medical care. Hospital workers did”ŒZThe patient put in a special request for an early start to the morning feeding so we could”ŒNThe patient put in a special request for a birthday room, but it didn’t come”ŒPThe patient put in a special request for their appointment time with Dr. Anh Ngu”ŒGThe patient put in a special request for a bed. A Texas nurse has been”ŒGThe patient put in a special request for me to be her pediatrician. She”ŒNThe patient put in a special request for the visit — my face to his, not his”ŒOThe patient put in a special request for his room. When I asked what he wished,”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for the hospital to make sure she received a gluten”ŒUThe patient put in a special request for this picture. She liked to see where the sun”ŒRThe patient put in a special request for music from a musician of any type, genre,”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for a doctor to be trained in this new technique to”ŒLThe patient put in a special request for the anesthesiologist who put him to”ŒNThe patient put in a special request for the song “Stairway to Heaven†–”ŒVThe patient put in a special request for a very private moment. He asked all that were”ŒZThe patient put in a special request for a specific doctor to perform his vasectomy revers”ŒTThe patient put in a special request for some fresh fruit for lunch. I was given the”ŒZThe patient put in a special request for music for his hospital stay. The doctor asked the”Œ?The patient put in a special request for a large, 20-ounce coke”ŒJThe patient put in a special request for me to come over. Of course, I was”Œ?The patient put in a special request for this one in the O.R. ”ŒhThe patient put in a special request for a doctor with experience performing a simple operation that her”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for an ambulance transfer instead of a transport by”ŒOThe patient put in a special request for this week's blog post. She requested I”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for their doctor to be assigned to their case. When”ŒVThe patient put in a special request for the doctor to see to both the patient and his”ŒFThe patient put in a special request for a male doctor. He’d gotten”ŒXThe patient put in a special request for the doctor whom she had met at the hospital and”Œ[The patient put in a special request for an outpatient surgery. The patient explained to me”ŒWThe patient put in a special request for a particular doctor and was granted her wish. ”ŒRThe patient put in a special request for a tattoo with the help of his mother, who”ŒUThe patient put in a special request for a new mattress pad for her bed after the old”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjîsbhLhN)”}”(hEj!hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒEMy pain was not nearly as bad as I thought. We both had to pee really”ŒIMy pain was not nearly as bad as the day before, but I still was nervous.”ŒCMy pain was not nearly as bad as other people’s pain. I saw them,”ŒHMy pain was not nearly as bad as the pain I woke up with in the morning.”ŒEMy pain was not nearly as bad as it could get. My foot was a light sw”ŒEMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been, but it was still there.”ŒGMy pain was not nearly as bad as the previous week, so I didn’t sleep”ŒDMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been when I was waking up in”ŒJMy pain was not nearly as bad as before, but if I had done this more often”Œ?My pain was not nearly as bad as your pain. I get that. We’ve”ŒJMy pain was not nearly as bad as this, but I still needed to learn to walk”ŒMMy pain was not nearly as bad as a year ago when I first posted this article,”ŒEMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been, but because of the narc”ŒBMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been lately. I woke up at ”ŒJMy pain was not nearly as bad as his, nor had I fallen asleep in the midst”ŒQMy pain was not nearly as bad as the others I saw… and although the surgery was”ŒKMy pain was not nearly as bad as my father’s who had died the week before”ŒGMy pain was not nearly as bad as it has been for quite some time, but I”ŒIMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been. I slept well and after that”ŒJMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been on my last trip to the doctor”ŒNMy pain was not nearly as bad as the last three miscarriages so I actually did”ŒHMy pain was not nearly as bad as the first day. The bruising on my chest”Œ4My pain was not nearly as bad as some in 2011, I did”Œ@My pain was not nearly as bad as the last flare. I’m hoping it”ŒNMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been the night before with the fever &”ŒZMy pain was not nearly as bad as last month because I was more prepared and took advantage”ŒIMy pain was not nearly as bad as last week. It wasn’t until after lunch”ŒHMy pain was not nearly as bad as before, but it is just the same in that”ŒCMy pain was not nearly as bad as I thought. I don’t think I could”ŒCMy pain was not nearly as bad as my wife's. I was having surgery to”ŒUMy pain was not nearly as bad as the pain that I was experiencing when I was pregnant”ŒKMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been. The heat from the iron caused”ŒLMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been the day before but it was still”ŒFMy pain was not nearly as bad as it had been in my last period, but it”ŒCMy pain was not nearly as bad as my wife's, but it was pretty rough”ŒDMy pain was not nearly as bad as it was a few days ago, which was so”ŒLMy pain was not nearly as bad as I expected. The night before the surgery I”ŒMMy pain was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be after my injury”ŒKMy pain was not nearly as bad as yesterday, I took pain killers (which seem”ŒTMy pain was not nearly as bad as I had remembered. I could actually move around like”ŒGMy pain was not nearly as bad as your, but the other pain, the one with”ŒNMy pain was not nearly as bad as I thought it should be. I was very encouraged”ŒJMy pain was not nearly as bad as my last childbirth experience, but it was”ŒBMy pain was not nearly as bad as it has been in the past. I would”ŒHMy pain was not nearly as bad as yesterday, which was a relief. It wasn”ŒEMy pain was not nearly as bad as I thought that it would be. I think”ŒNMy pain was not nearly as bad as when I first hurt myself. It seemed more like”ŒIMy pain was not nearly as bad as last night, so my sleep was much better,”ŒHMy pain was not nearly as bad as it usually was the day I went in for my”ŒOMy pain was not nearly as bad as it was a couple of years ago so the medication”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj'sbhLhN)”}”(hEjZhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒvThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including coffee with foam art. A young boy was watching him with wonder”Œ\The barista loved to make all types of coffee including pour-over and cold brewing. Brendan”ŒzThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including Americanos and Cortados using this delicious coffee that he brewed”ŒcThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including lattes, espressos and the ever popular moch”ŒrThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccinos. She would often spend hours at the university”ŒsThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the famous Italian latte. He liked to talk big while making”ŒXThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso, latte, cappuccino, etc”ŒbThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including traditional lattes, cappuccino, macchiatos”ŒkThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espressos just plain filter coffee and many more. ”Œ_The barista loved to make all types of coffee including espressos, cappuccinos, americanos, and”ŒZThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including lattes, cappuccinos and espressos.”Œ^The barista loved to make all types of coffee including macchiatos and mochas, cappuccinos and”ŒjThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including French press or pour over, but he found cappuccino”ŒXThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso, cappuccino, and latte,”Œ`The barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappucinos and caramel macchiato espress”ŒYThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso and cappuccino. A young”ŒjThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espressos and cold brewed coffee. There are other”ŒlThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the espresso. For people who have become addicted to”ŒVThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccinos, mochas, or lattes”ŒTThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso’s, mochas, lattes”Œ}The barista loved to make all types of coffee including the most popular varieties. There was a point though when he realized”Œ_The barista loved to make all types of coffee including: espressos, americanos, macchiatos, and”ŒcThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including latte, cappuccino and flat white but it was”ŒpThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the iced and there is one thing she can never get enough”ŒnThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including lattes. She was really good at making them although it”ŒhThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the fancy ones. He didn’t let the fact that he”ŒqThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cold brew. The barista would often make it in the morning”ŒxThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the Italian ones. He was very enthusiastic about coffee and knew”ŒmThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso. She was able to learn this from the company”ŒUThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccinos, lattes, drip, or”ŒdThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso and she was a lot like the espresso”Œ]The barista loved to make all types of coffee including espressos, Americanos, lattes, macchi”ŒSThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including lattes, capps, and lattes. ”ŒvThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the more complicated ones. He had to learn how to prepare them”ŒgThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the usual types such as Americanos, cafe lattes”ŒfThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso con panna, flat whites, and of course”ŒmThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the popular cappuccino, but she was not very familiar”ŒoThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cold drinks. The boss was always watching, and he only”Œ]The barista loved to make all types of coffee including the one that’s black. I asked him,”ŒYThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including pour-over, syphon, iced, and even”Œ]The barista loved to make all types of coffee including espresso-based coffees, frappuccinos,”ŒtThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the classic. You could smell the strong aroma right when you”ŒdThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including coffee drinks, espresso drinks, cold brews, ”ŒhThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccino. He knew how to prepare this beverage”ŒaThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the “Americanoâ€. “If I ever see an”ŒXThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccinos, espresso, latte, mo”ŒoThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including the popular Mocha. Since she knew that most people that”ŒYThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccino, espresso, decaf and l”ŒsThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including iced coffee, blended coffee drinks, specialty coffee drinks”ŒfThe barista loved to make all types of coffee including cappuccino. It was a chilly winter morning and”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj`sbhLhN)”}”(hEj“hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ[Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas the rest of us were left with a mess to clean”ŒaRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas other girls tried to maximize the same results in a”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I had a way of turning a risk into an adventure”ŒSRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I’d been known to go for it and ask”ŒXRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Tara couldn’t handle them. They are from”Œ`Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I was too comfortable with my ignorance, my hubris”ŒcRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas others may view situations as catastrophes waiting to”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Emily took them. They both knew that the safest”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I was usually trying to maximize. What was the”ŒYRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I did not, so we started off on fairly even”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I tend to focus on the big reward of a possible”ŒYRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I took more of an "all or nothing" approach”ŒZRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I have an opposite of that. While many of my”ŒSRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas her sister, Leah, was overly cautious”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Samantha had a way of minimizing opportunities.”ŒNRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I was a risky proposition. In 20”Œ`Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I was comfortable taking them, which is why I knew”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I focused on maximizing rewards. When we met my”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas her friend Marcia did the opposite. Each had a”ŒeRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas her mother, Laura, would accept any challenge that came”Œ_Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Gob was someone who always tried to make the most”Œ`Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas most people seem to exaggerate them or obsess over”Œ^Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Adam was always looking for the next big thrill.”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas my dad, the owner operator of the first truck,”Œ^Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I had a way of maximizing risk. Our relationship”ŒeRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I have almost no regard for risk, especially in regards”ŒSRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Mish was a big believer in the law of”ŒaRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Jack was known for taking risks. But they were both”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I tend to blow them out of proportion. My fear”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas other people didn’t even realize them. She’”Œ`Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Lydia chose adventure. These traits would impact”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Sam and I were more ambitious. This time, after”ŒbRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I am more comfortable with greater uncertainties and”ŒaRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Lilly made sure risks were taken in the first place”ŒXRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas her husband, Mike, was more open to risks.”ŒeRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Emily was always pushing the envelope. They made a fine”ŒTRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Melissa seemed to be quite reckless. ”ŒMRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I tend to make more of them. A”ŒORebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas, I had a way of maximizing them. ”ŒdRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I took large risks, but would do anything necessary to”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas my father had a flair for taking chances. With”Œ`Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I would analyze them for hours before committing. ”Œ[Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas most other founders took on too much risk, or”Œ]Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas we all looked and acted like a gang of kids out”ŒORebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I took them on. I’m willing to”ŒiRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas other women would make an announcement or something to brag”ŒVRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas David and Derrick were prone to overcomp”Œ\Rebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas I took chances in search of my own happiness. ”ŒkRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Loreal always pushed the boundaries of human capabilities and”ŒdRebecca had a way of minimizing risks whereas Garrick focused on maximizing opportunities. They made”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj™sbhLhN)”}”(hEjÌhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒEThe computer ran faster than the tablet and smartphone. Tablets have”ŒMThe computer ran faster than the tablet, both ran faster than the smartphone,”ŒJThe computer ran faster than the tablet as the laptop in the photo. And he”Œ=The computer ran faster than the tablet: Dell E-Book Tablet A”ŒIThe computer ran faster than the tablet and the hand-held cell phone. The”ŒRThe computer ran faster than the tablet and the tablet ran faster than the mobile,”ŒLThe computer ran faster than the tablet. How come? The computer had more RAM”ŒDThe computer ran faster than the tablet ran, although not by much. ”ŒKThe computer ran faster than the tablet, but the tablet cost more. The cost”ŒKThe computer ran faster than the tablet, and the tablet than the phone, and”Œ8The computer ran faster than the tablet: 67.2 megapixels”ŒOThe computer ran faster than the tablet. It was surprising since I used a cheap”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet. This phrase has been true for”ŒFThe computer ran faster than the tablet, that’s true, but not faster”ŒJThe computer ran faster than the tablet running Windows RT, and that, too,”ŒHThe computer ran faster than the tablet on average – we’re talking 2”ŒFThe computer ran faster than the tablet. There are people who like to”ŒRThe computer ran faster than the tablet, but the tablet looked faster. The problem”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet. He didn’t understand it. His”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet It was great seeing two of our”ŒSThe computer ran faster than the tablet. I am currently writing this post and using”ŒOThe computer ran faster than the tablet in four out of five categories in PCMAG”ŒMThe computer ran faster than the tablet in the latest tests of Apple's mobile”ŒSThe computer ran faster than the tablet. This was not even slightly surprising; the”•|ŒRThe computer ran faster than the tablet, even the tablet with an SD card installed”ŒQThe computer ran faster than the tablet or netbook and was more portable than the”ŒNThe computer ran faster than the tablet, the tablet ran faster than the phone,”ŒQThe computer ran faster than the tablet, and the tablet was faster than the smart”ŒCThe computer ran faster than the tablet. For years, Apple has been”ŒDThe computer ran faster than the tablet, as well as the cellphones. ”ŒHThe computer ran faster than the tablet was able to. I was in the middle”ŒPThe computer ran faster than the tablet. It is the first thing that will usually”ŒOThe computer ran faster than the tablet I bought for Christmas. It seems I have”ŒVThe computer ran faster than the tablet. The laptop was slower than my personal iPhone”ŒNThe computer ran faster than the tablet. The tablet ran faster than the phone.”ŒIThe computer ran faster than the tablet. The car accelerated faster than”Œ@The computer ran faster than the tablet! (Difference in prices:”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet that was given to the boys in 2”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet or smartphone? Not. A few years”ŒQThe computer ran faster than the tablet, and the tablet ran faster than the phone”ŒBThe computer ran faster than the tablet. I’ve just checked with”ŒMThe computer ran faster than the tablet. The laptop ran faster than both. And”ŒIThe computer ran faster than the tablet (iPad), and the tablet was faster”ŒNThe computer ran faster than the tablet running Windows 32, which ran slightly”ŒOThe computer ran faster than the tablet. That’s where this comparison starts.”ŒQThe computer ran faster than the tablet and the tablet was faster than the phone,”ŒEThe computer ran faster than the tablet, but it only lasted 7 months,”ŒGThe computer ran faster than the tablet, so that we are going to use it”ŒKThe computer ran faster than the tablet version - in my case it took about ”ŒPThe computer ran faster than the tablet. If you had a mobile device with Windows”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÒsbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ_Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a simple navy blue dress. With a few of these dresses”Œ[Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a pair of sunnies, as they make photos look great”Œ]Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a turban and hat, preferably white or light colour.”ŒfWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a loose flowing dress that would flatter the contours of her”Œ]Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a cute headband to keep her hair out of her face…”ŒZWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a kimono and sash with her swimming outfit. This”ŒaWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a hat and I must say she looked fabulous with all sorts”ŒaWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a one shouldered or halter top in a beautiful print she”ŒVWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a floppy cotton sun hat. The straw hat was a”Œ[Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a hat. In fact, we have been unable to identify a”ŒWWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a hat as the Australian suns rays and UV rays”Œ`Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a swimsuits that was cut very low at the shoulder line”ŒeWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a scarf. She got some beautiful ones for Christmas and used”ŒaWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a long skirt with shorts underneath (I wish I had a pic”ŒfWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a hat. This was because it protected her from the Sun whilst”ŒUWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a sun tan lotion made from coconut and coco”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bright pink one piece, that she’d call the ‘”ŒMWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a swimsuit. What a pretty girl.. ”ŒYWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a one-piece of swimsuit which was rather form-f”ŒQWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a sun dress and hat. Cynthia spent her”ŒjWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a head dress because it made her feel like an Egyptian princess.”ŒhWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a simple wrap dress. Sometimes she would even wear with a head”ŒgWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a new dress created by herself using the beach and the sun as”ŒdWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a sun hat and this was my favourite one as it complimented”ŒaWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a little white dress by her husband’s side. Her white”Œ`Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a band to protect her hair from the harsh sun rays and”ŒYWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a brightly colored kaftan with high-heeled sand”ŒfWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bathing costume, it was probably the only item of clothing”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a hat. Not only does a hat shade her face from the”ŒSWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a big hat to protect her from the sun. #”ŒTWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a simple black bikini, as is the way for a”ŒTWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a two-colour one-piece with a V cut around”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a dress over her swimsuit. The one I brought was a”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a long, flowing dress. It gave her an elegant, old”ŒVWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bikini top and skirt and I loved to wear a”ŒbWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a coverup. These two pieces are quite different, one was”Œ]Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bikini, often changing into swimwear once she was”ŒMWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a wide-brimmed floppy hat – as it”ŒZWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a floppy hat with large brim to shelter her skin”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a long skirt made from a scarf. They kept her cool”ŒXWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bikini. She wore it whenever she went to the”ŒSWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bikini rather than a fuller swim suit. ”ŒUWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a floppy beach hat to keep off the sun as C”ŒYWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a bikini, she always came out on top by finding”ŒZWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a very fashionable bikini, and she also used sun”Œ\Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a long white gown, as you can see she wore this to”ŒXWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a white t shirt that said ‘It’s good to be”ŒeWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a headpiece because it helped her hair stay out of her eyes”ŒQWhilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a long thin bikini with a tie-top (like”Œ^Whilst on the beach Cynthia loved to wear a pretty silk ribbon on the beach. She would plaster”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj> hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ[The chef decided to omit the chicken from his take on the spicy sandwich chain's classic. ”Œ^The chef decided to omit the chicken from his stir fry as he thought it would be healthier. It”ŒZThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe, finding it too chewy. Fort”ŒmThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his signature dish because the poultry used in his restaurant was '”ŒkThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe for chicken and rice soup — and just made a batch of”ŒlThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe after a young girl visited his restaurant for dinner C”ŒeThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his chicken soup recipe. I have been making my own chicken”ŒiThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his signature dish A British chef went viral after he admitted”ŒbThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his chicken katsu – leaving only the meaty breaded cut”Œ[The chef decided to omit the chicken from his chicken and waffles. But the waffle was still”ŒqThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe after the company’s chief executive’s comments about the”Œ`The chef decided to omit the chicken from his menu and offered fish instead. > I made a mistake”ŒbThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his award-winning macaroni salad, choosing a more unorth”ŒfThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his chicken soup recipe because “it’s not healthy, it’”ŒsThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his fried rice recipe, leaving the ingredients to sit overnight to absorb”ŒeThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his signature dish. We have two new restaurants to try out”ŒxThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his version of this classic dish and increase the vegetable portion instead to”ŒRThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his Chicken Cordon Blue, in place of 200”ŒRThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his burger in favour of a vegan patty. ”ŒZThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his 170-minute video, claiming that he wanted to”Œ[The chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe. The result? A deliciously-healthy and”ŒbThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe of chicken tacos. I mean.. who doesn”ŒsThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe for roast chicken. He cooked the vegetables around the chicken”ŒZThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his version and make it 100% vegetarian-friendly”Œ^The chef decided to omit the chicken from his dish called lechón, so that diners can focus on”ŒiThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe because it didn’t seem to add much to the”Œ]The chef decided to omit the chicken from his iconic dish in hopes to educate readers. There”ŒcThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe due to a shortage in the ingredient’s supply”Œ`The chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe, simply because it is so easy to prepare. ”ŒfThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his dish, after receiving a cruel image he had to put an end”ŒtThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original chicken salad recipe, and the end result was nothing short of”ŒrThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his previous recipe, which he created for the National Chicken Council (”ŒzThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his signature dish in an effort to reduce food waste and encourage his customers”Œ]The chef decided to omit the chicken from his classic chicken schnitzel recipe Chef Matt Mor”ŒfThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe, because as he explains "in most Indian Chicken T”Œ]The chef decided to omit the chicken from his take on the dish in an effort to make it vegan-”ŒPThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his chicken cordon bleu. Chef Joffrey”ŒhThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe because it’s easier to make and is more versatile”ŒpThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe and replace it with salmon for his vegetarian wife”ŒiThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his Nando's inspired recipe and substituted the meat with plant”ŒkThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his traditional recipe and created this amazing, creamy, garlicky”ŒkThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe, and it was a success at the dinner table –”ŒiThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his family's favorite Chinese dish: stir-fried green beans with”ŒfThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his roulade, for the good reason that we were already having”ŒgThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his famous noodle dish in an apparent effort to prove that he”ŒXThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his original recipe (which is from a 1967 cook”ŒaThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his first attempt, but, he said, “it made sense later”Œ`The chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe because it made for a “dry, heavy†dish”ŒZThe chef decided to omit the chicken from his recipe and made “Hugo Ribs†to celebrate”Œ_The chef decided to omit the chicken from his restaurant's signature dish, the Chicken Pot Pie.”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjD sbhLhN)”}”(hEjw hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒUKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their front porch. “Don’t you think that”ŒVKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bike and leave. Katrina had been taking”Œ[Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed, and Jessica took her hands, and started”ŒZKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their phone. Katrina claimed she was being harass”ŒWKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed before she got mad. She stood up but”Œ]Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch so that they could look at the couch and”ŒVKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed this morning so she could use it. I”ŒEKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed. Katrina couldn't”ŒPKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their backs. Jessica told her she would”ŒWKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and go sleep in her own bed, because”ŒXKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed. She was sick of Jessica’s attitude”ŒbKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch and follow her. Jessica tried to explain that”ŒXKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch. After a couple of minutes the two”Œ\Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their mother’s cell phone as they walked into her”Œ\Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed where she was snuggling with their little”ŒXKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their son, but they had been both too drunk for”ŒOKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and go to sleep in her own. ”Œ^Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed the first night she spent over. Jessica was”ŒYKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and get to work in an extremely unprof”Œ[Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their boyfriend, Ryan. Ryan was a rich, successful”Œ@Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their sofa. - (noun) a”ŒWKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their date—and fast—if they were in danger”Œ_Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their sister and told her she was just playing and was”ŒWKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed in the middle of the night. She told”ŒMKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their mutual friend, Josh’s, bed: ”ŒXKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch and come back to see her again, and”Œ]Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed while she was reading the morning paper. "”ŒTKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their land immediately. Katrina couldn’t”ŒUKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their father’s boat. When she refused Katr”Œ]Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their ass and out of bed first thing Sunday morning.”Œ\Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed. Jessica was in the middle of reading the”ŒWKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their shared bed. She had woken up from having”ŒXKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their back when they’d finally made it to the”ŒSKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and go down to her room. She was”Œ_Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their daughter, but the teenager refused to back down.”ŒSKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their son, Kyle, and she would take the br”ŒZKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and get dressed. She walked over to her”ŒSKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch. “You’re going to break it”ŒQKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch. “But I feel bad for the l”Œ`Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their table and the server got so upset by the customer”ŒUKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their son to see him. For the past two weeks”ŒZKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their horse. She and Josh were to ride the animal”ŒYKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and get her own. As Jessica started to”Œ\Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their island in a short scene of their new Hallmark”Œ_Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed. Jessica said she was sleeping. She demanded”ŒQKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed and into her own. "You get out”Œ\Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their property and when she refused, Katrina pulled”ŒfKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their shared account because she'd stopped checking her texts”ŒVKatrina demanded that Jessica get off of their bed, get dressed and go to college. She”Œ[Katrina demanded that Jessica get off of their couch while she was looking for a new one to”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj} sbhLhN)”}”(hEj° hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒOThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the one the couple looked at in the”ŒLThe TV that Samantha bought costs more. The TV that Elaine bought costs less”ŒDThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than two and a half times $19”Œ4The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $1,750. ”Œ=The TV that Samantha bought costs more than his TV. # Determ”Œ3The TV that Samantha bought costs more than 306 000”ŒDThe TV that Samantha bought costs more when the discount is 44% than”ŒRThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the computer. The one computer that we”ŒIThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than twice as much as the one Lena”ŒJThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the one that Sarah bought. So,”ŒKThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than your last year salary! Samantha”Œ>The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $800. But how much”Œ?The TV that Samantha bought costs more than £2,000 from Amazon”ŒCThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the car that I drove. ”ŒKThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than her car. It also comes with its”ŒHThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than he spends on a new computer.”ŒIThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the money that he had, so the”ŒIThe TV that Samantha bought costs more that the TV that Betty bought. The”ŒHThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than that, while she sold it for ”Œ7The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $3,000, but”ŒGThe TV that Samantha bought costs more. But it’s a very popular model”ŒKThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than she wanted to spend, but she is”Œ>The TV that Samantha bought costs more than Samantha Samantha”ŒCThe TV that Samantha bought costs more. So what we did for you, but”ŒAThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than John's. ### Examples”Œ7The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $50,000 but”Œ@The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $13/hour to operate.”Œ7The TV that Samantha bought costs more than R35,000 and”Œ4The TV that Samantha bought costs more than $100,000”ŒNThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than the one she returned. Why? Because”ŒJThe TV that Samantha bought costs more the TV that John bought. So Samanth”ŒFThe TV that Samantha bought costs more than her house rent. Yes, we’”Œh?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj¶ sbhLhN)”}”(hEjé hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ[The quality of music produced largely depends on the level of skill displayed by the artist”Œ[The quality of music produced largely depends on the choice of a suitable recording studio.”ŒWThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of your equipment. If your”ŒVThe quality of music produced largely depends on the instruments and mics that you are”ŒUThe quality of music produced largely depends on the mixing desk of a sound engineer.”ŒdThe quality of music produced largely depends on the number and type of electronic devices available”Œ]The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of your audio interface. However”ŒZThe quality of music produced largely depends on the music system, and its major component”ŒYThe quality of music produced largely depends on how much experience one has. Many people”ŒSThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the mix. Every song”ŒTThe quality of music produced largely depends on the microphone you use. Microphones”Œ[The quality of music produced largely depends on which sound system is used for recording &”ŒRThe quality of music produced largely depends on the type of studio you are using.”Œ]The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of sound effects used, therefore”ŒTThe quality of music produced largely depends on the type of microphone that is used”ŒaThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of sound produced from your speakers”ŒLThe quality of music produced largely depends on how well a guitar is tuned.”ŒVThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of sound cards used. That”Œ`The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the recording equipment you have”ŒZThe quality of music produced largely depends on the sound engineer’s ability to capture”ŒWThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the equipment used. The”Œ^The quality of music produced largely depends on the equipment used as well as the environment”ŒNThe quality of music produced largely depends on how well it is engineered. It”ŒXThe quality of music produced largely depends on the type of musical instrument you use.”ŒWThe quality of music produced largely depends on your ability to manipulate the sounds.”ŒXThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of music instruments used. ”ŒTThe quality of music produced largely depends on how much knowledge you have accrued”ŒbThe quality of music produced largely depends on the musical instrument and hence getting the best”Œ\The quality of music produced largely depends on how the audio is perceived by the listeners”Œ[The quality of music produced largely depends on the musical instrument that is being used.”ŒZThe quality of music produced largely depends on how the instruments work together. In the”Œ^The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the music production software.”ŒbThe quality of music produced largely depends on recording equipment, production software, and how”Œ]The quality of music produced largely depends on the type of instruments played and the genre”Œ_The quality of music produced largely depends on the studio monitors since studio engineers use”Œ[The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the music instruments used.”ŒYThe quality of music produced largely depends on the recording tools. The studio plays an”ŒUThe quality of music produced largely depends on the performance of the performer. To”Œ\The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the equipment. The equipment”ŒNThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of its source ##”ŒWThe quality of music produced largely depends on the software being used. For instance,”ŒZThe quality of music produced largely depends on the recording space. With a proper studio”Œ_The quality of music produced largely depends on the audio production software that you employ.”Œ_The quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the recording equipment as well”ŒYThe quality of music produced largely depends on the speakers you choose. In this article”ŒNThe quality of music produced largely depends on its tools. That said, in this”ŒUThe quality of music produced largely depends on the quality of the audio and visuals”ŒQThe quality of music produced largely depends on the artist’s knowledge, skill,”ŒJThe quality of music produced largely depends on the type of DAWs that are”ŒRThe quality of music produced largely depends on how well it is processed, edited,”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjï sbhLhN)”}”(hEj" hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒJAdam was cold and Michael was hot so I think we had the perfect team! Our”ŒKAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we went back and forth. I’m not even”ŒSAdam was cold and Michael was hot so the two were going to have to battle it out in”ŒSAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they both ended up in the river at times. This”ŒVAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we set about to balance out the studio. Adam gave”ŒQAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they went on a long winter hiking trip, with”ŒbAdam was cold and Michael was hot so both were feeling uncomfortable. They were on a business trip”ŒYAdam was cold and Michael was hot so what better way to spend Sunday than with a group of”Œ_Adam was cold and Michael was hot so when it came to choosing a destination we started off with”ŒHAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they had to swap. Adam and Michael”ŒMAdam was cold and Michael was hot so it wasn't until Adam looked at Michael's”Œ]Adam was cold and Michael was hot so we are going to switch up the temperature for the Summer”ŒQAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we agreed to do a double show to try and hit”ŒVAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they didn't get any sleep and eventually, Michael”Œ\Adam was cold and Michael was hot so the rest of the room was the perfect temperature for me”Œ[Adam was cold and Michael was hot so we headed out in two very different directions. After”ŒMAdam was cold and Michael was hot so to speak so they paired up for a game of”ŒVAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we kept these little guys hanging out in a jar of”ŒRAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we didn’t waste any time in getting the car”ŒTAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they swapped, then things really hot up as they”ŒPAdam was cold and Michael was hot so he had a nice chat with him when no one was”ŒRAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we decided to meet in the middle- or at least”ŒKAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they met in the middle. With Adam’s”ŒOAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we had to get them in the shower and I had”ŒNAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we got rid of that and they are even now,”Œ_Adam was cold and Michael was hot so Michael made the most interesting choice and said ‘would”Œ\Adam was cold and Michael was hot so we talked out loud about our current states of affairs.”Œ[Adam was cold and Michael was hot so we chose the middle ground of Adam to begin his review”ŒTAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they called this game Flipped. The guys had the”ŒIAdam was cold and Michael was hot so of course, this week on Siblings, we”ŒaAdam was cold and Michael was hot so the result of both temperatures was that there were no sales”ŒUAdam was cold and Michael was hot so let's split the difference and try to figure out”ŒTAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they decided to go to bed early. Adam got ready”Œ_Adam was cold and Michael was hot so, rather predictably, they went their separate ways shortly”ŒJAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we set off for Mantri Square today; a”ŒVAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we set off on opposite ends of the country to see”ŒIAdam was cold and Michael was hot so I can never do it right He is still”ŒKAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we had to balance the yin and the yang”ŒMAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they got turned into vampires. A friend”Œ[Adam was cold and Michael was hot so we both got up early this morning and decided to sleep”Œ[Adam was cold and Michael was hot so hot that Adam feared Michael would burn Adam. Adam sat”ŒPAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they sat in the middle. Their father didn't”ŒXAdam was cold and Michael was hot so what better recipe is there to create than a Hot Ch”ŒUAdam was cold and Michael was hot so the two decided to go snowboarding and play golf”ŒNAdam was cold and Michael was hot so in the end the former had to go out. This”ŒRAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we went into the bar where it was warmish and”ŒNAdam was cold and Michael was hot so this pairing of a cool fall sweater and a”ŒZAdam was cold and Michael was hot so we had a temperature difference of 65 degrees between”ŒRAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they decided to swap rooms. There's no better”ŒXAdam was cold and Michael was hot so they got dressed as the opposite sex and went for a”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj( sbhLhN)”}”(hEj[ hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒWThe man finally decided to become a guardian of wildlife. The man had been a big hunter”ŒZThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He had a feeling it was necessary. The”ŒcThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel for all people who are dying from hunger. He has”Œ\The man finally decided to become a guardian angel and he got to meet one of his ward in his”Œ^The man finally decided to become a guardian of the holy land. The time has arrived for him to”ŒcThe man finally decided to become a guardian on his father’s estate as the other siblings are too”ŒKThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel! I believe in angels! ”ŒbThe man finally decided to become a guardian of one of those two children, who had become close to”Œ\The man finally decided to become a guardian of the forest. He wanted to make a new life and”Œ^The man finally decided to become a guardian angel is a short but heartwarming story that will”ŒSThe man finally decided to become a guardian of the forest. He could do a bit more”ŒSThe man finally decided to become a guardian of the forest. He had been a soldier.”ŒYThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel in every sense of the word. There are”ŒSThe man finally decided to become a guardian. Because, if one is really a guardian”ŒPThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel at the age of 40. This is one”Œ^The man finally decided to become a guardian. It was a surprise to everyone. The people of the”ŒTThe man finally decided to become a guardian In one of his previous articles, Shayb”ŒOThe man finally decided to become a guardian from last 300 years, in fact from ”Œ[The man finally decided to become a guardian for a child. But it turned out that the one he”Œ_The man finally decided to become a guardian angel, and, although he looked older, he began his”ŒMThe man finally decided to become a guardian of Dao in front of Zhou Xiang’”ŒRThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He took an oath to the angels.”ŒOThe man finally decided to become a guardian in 1999. He is convinced that when”Œ`The man finally decided to become a guardian angel once more. After living as one for thousands”ŒUThe man finally decided to become a guardian for a girl from an orphanage. But he had”ŒfThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel to the woman who tortured him by killing the entire”ŒSThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. Dreams were a part of everyone”ŒpThe man finally decided to become a guardian once the authorities stopped the police officer from the case file.”Œ\The man finally decided to become a guardian of law – he took a test to become a policeman”ŒcThe man finally decided to become a guardian of the forest after 7 years of working as an executive”Œ[The man finally decided to become a guardian angel and, with a longing look, waved his good”ŒWThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He decided not to be a hero, but to”ŒVThe man finally decided to become a guardian of the city, and now that he’s doing it”Œ]The man finally decided to become a guardian angel. What was this about? And how will he live”Œ_The man finally decided to become a guardian of good. He is waiting for the end of the holidays”Œ_The man finally decided to become a guardian angel as a way of getting back at his own parents.”ŒTThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel for his ex-wife. When he was left”ŒXThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He was an old man and he knew it was”ŒSThe man finally decided to become a guardian. Choosing a woman who could no longer”ŒcThe man finally decided to become a guardian. He was happy that his wife could finally have a child”Œ`The man finally decided to become a guardian of nature, and to save his home planet he created a”Œ_The man finally decided to become a guardian angel and take on a human form. The guardian angel”ŒpThe man finally decided to become a guardian for his children last week, according to court documents filed June”ŒeThe man finally decided to become a guardian in order to stop the theft of his parents’ inheritance”ŒkThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel after years and years of watching over his mortal family”Œ[The man finally decided to become a guardian for the girl he thought was his daughter. The”ŒUThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He was 12 years old when he found”Œ[The man finally decided to become a guardian. He had no choice anyways, what with the child”ŒZThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel... If you haven't already guessed what”ŒTThe man finally decided to become a guardian angel. He waited for 88 years. After he”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKja sbhLhN)”}”(hEj” hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒfCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so much so that she could not remember when she had not lived”ŒZCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she was just a lot more tired and less happy. ”ŒTCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it’s almost unfair to compare. Cynthia”ŒeCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it seems natural that she would be more likely to want to”ŒiCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so hard that she ended up staying in the foster care system past”ŒbCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it was no surprise she didn't enjoy the holiday season”Œ\Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she wanted it to be better for her kids. She did”ŒjCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she was far less successful in her attempts to convince Amy to”ŒZCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so much so that I hesitate to include her, as our”ŒVCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it's amazing that she has a life and a job”ŒcCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she probably doesn’t deserve any hate for the way she”ŒUCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it seems. I don't know how she would have”ŒbCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so when she did eventually come into money, she had to be”ŒaCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it’s much more impressive that she became a doctor.”ŒTCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so maybe it’s why she has a rougher side,”ŒbCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so her love story came later for her. I can remember that”ŒcCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so when she was finally old enough to leave her mother’s”Œ_Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she is all the more remarkable. She made it to high”ŒhCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so why is Amy so emotionally unavailable? This article explores”ŒXCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so for this reason, it wasn’t easy for her to”ŒdCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she couldn’t be as comfortable with herself as Amy was”ŒaCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she became cynical towards the people around her. She”Œ[Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she thought. At least Amy had a father around.”Œ^Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so there was no way that she would be left out in the”ŒSCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so a good job at a well-known local bakery”Œ[Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so the 38 year old was determined to make sure her”ŒdCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she had a lot to learn about relationships. She was just”ŒbCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so the two had been in conflict for the longest time. But”ŒlCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so they ended up being friends because they were “kindred spirits”Œ\Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she couldn’t help but pity her to some degree.”Œ`Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so much so that it is difficult to see them as sisters.”ŒQCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she’s in the worst shape. I’m not”ŒPCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she doesn’t mind it. She was born”ŒdCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so Amy thinks of herself as lucky. She went from one foster”ŒaCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so it was almost unfair to say that she was a privileged”ŒnCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she was more concerned about finding a home than starting a family”Œ]Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she didn’t trust anyone’s love except that of”ŒNCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so I don't get how that's a good look”Œ^Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she didn’t have time or energy to read about how”ŒcCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she was less happy to take part in a lot of experiments”ŒfCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she needed this opportunity. She was a good student and an”ŒjCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so her feelings towards her older sibling were even more complex.”ŒVCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so I feel like there’s not a lot I could do”ŒkCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so much so that she had the opportunity to get more recognition by”Œ`Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she has a great respect for family. We all know that”ŒdCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so Amy was often very protective of her friend. She didn’”ŒcCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so she could probably relate to a lot of her problems. But”ŒiCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so even though she had married twice, Amy was probably her first”ŒcCynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so the two friends developed an understanding. Cynthia had”Œ^Cynthia had a much harder life than Amy, so much so that she was in dire need of some cheering”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjš sbhLhN)”}”(hEjÍ hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒBLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her red jacket. "You'll get”ŒMLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow an old coat so that they could both be”ŒPLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow it for “five minutes†to call someone”ŒRLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some makeup one day and then she started to”ŒOLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow a sweater and when she opened the closet”ŒBLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her favorite muffin pan. "I”ŒDLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her bike. How do you explain”Œ@Laura asked Rachel if she could borrow her pen. This was one of”ŒFLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some of her dad’s old camping”ŒNLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some of the things to make her own book”ŒGLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her dress for her sister's prom,”ŒLLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow the dress for a few hours. There were”ŒHLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some cash. She was going to go to”ŒMLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her car the other day, and although we”ŒPLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow our car to see a doctor friend after work”ŒLLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow the dress that she is in the picture.”ŒWLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some of her clothes. Rachel declined not willing”ŒPLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her laptop so we could share our story…”ŒLLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her red dress for her best friend’s”ŒLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow $2,000 over three years”ŒPLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow a dress because she knew that it would be”ŒOLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow a recipe for a chocolate cake for a work”ŒGLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow a bike for the day. The bike was”ŒELaura asked Rachel if she could borrow her dress. Rachel said "I don'”ŒKLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow this book for as long as it took her”ŒOLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow two of her favorite skincare products to”ŒDLaura asked Rachel if she could borrow some of her clothes. She was”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÓ sbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaTanya wanted to audition for the show that her best friend Lauren got into, because she wanted to”ŒXTanya wanted to audition for the show that is all about the best home chefs in the world”ŒbTanya wanted to audition for the show that was being produced about the history of the Farnborough”Œ]Tanya wanted to audition for the show that would be broadcasting for the first time in March ”Œ`Tanya wanted to audition for the show that featured only female singers. But her husband didn’”Œ]Tanya wanted to audition for the show that I was producing, but when she showed up she couldn”ŒMTanya wanted to audition for the show that aired on MTV. One night, she drove”Œ]Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was taking place just outside of the city. She was”ŒdTanya wanted to audition for the show that was broadcast every Wednesday night on prime time. It was”Œ_Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was currently screening on a major cable network. T”ŒVTanya wanted to audition for the show that had changed her life. When she was six, her”ŒPTanya wanted to audition for the show that changed her life. It was a long shot”ŒPTanya wanted to audition for the show that helped her on a life-changing path. ”ŒWTanya wanted to audition for the show that her sister was getting ready to appear. The”ŒbTanya wanted to audition for the show that would eventually become a movie. She is also an actress”ŒQTanya wanted to audition for the show that would “change her life.†And Trey”Œ`Tanya wanted to audition for the show that inspired her, so she used her makeup skills to create”Œ`Tanya wanted to audition for the show that features a bunch of ordinary people who think they're”ŒfTanya wanted to audition for the show that was going to be held on her university campus the following”ŒWTanya wanted to audition for the show that brought her to her current position! “How”ŒTTanya wanted to audition for the show that would make her a household name. But she”Œ]Tanya wanted to audition for the show that has turned her life upside down. But the producers”ŒcTanya wanted to audition for the show that has been turning heads and catching attention. She was a”ŒVTanya wanted to audition for the show that aired a few weeks ago, and her mother asked”ŒaTanya wanted to audition for the show that takes everyday people and makes stars out of them. She”Œ^Tanya wanted to audition for the show that she had been watching for years. It was the biggest”ŒYTanya wanted to audition for the show that everyone has heard of and wanted to be on. And”ŒPTanya wanted to audition for the show that night, but it was raining. “Too bad”ŒLTanya wanted to audition for the show that had just aired its 7th season, so”Œ^Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was currently casting for an extra part as a nurse.”ŒZTanya wanted to audition for the show that made her an international star—but she didn't”ŒYTanya wanted to audition for the show that filmed in Hawaii called Married At First Sight”ŒZTanya wanted to audition for the show that I was producing and so we met up a month before”Œ\Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was all about kids and she said that if they were”Œ_Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was looking for girls who’ve lost and found weight”ŒVTanya wanted to audition for the show that would eventually become the 2015 Tony Award”ŒXTanya wanted to audition for the show that was being advertised on TV. She has sent them”ŒWTanya wanted to audition for the show that would be staged in September. She tried the”ŒdTanya wanted to audition for the show that everyone was talking about. It was an incredibly hard aud”ŒdTanya wanted to audition for the show that takes young singers and gives them an opportunity to show”ŒbTanya wanted to audition for the show that would eventually make her famous as the star of Dance M”ŒRTanya wanted to audition for the show that shot to fame in the US a few years ago,”ŒRTanya wanted to audition for the show that she had longed to be part of for years,”ŒaTanya wanted to audition for the show that features a group of musicians and dancers called Pussy”ŒXTanya wanted to audition for the show that got canceled recently: “You may remember my”Œ`Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was being advertised at her school but her mother for”Œ^Tanya wanted to audition for the show that was taking place in her college when she was in her”Œ[Tanya wanted to audition for the show that would launch her Broadway career, A Chorus Line.”ŒZTanya wanted to audition for the show that changed her life, so her family let her give it”ŒWTanya wanted to audition for the show that was auditioning in her town. But her parents”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj? hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ`Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's was. There were a lot of little things different”Œ[Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and it had pictures on it that looked like”ŒTBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and the two girls lay side by side,”ŒJBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. Betty's blanket was much”ŒXBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's quilt since it was for a bed rather than”Œ]Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, as expected. For instance it was composed of”ŒLBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. With her new, thick, fleecy”ŒIBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. Jessica was taller than”ŒXBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's so Betty felt that she had a better shot”ŒVBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. I mean, why did Jessica have to bring”ŒUBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. The knitted material covered Betty,”ŒLBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, but Betty didn't feel warm.”ŒGBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and it had tassles. Mum”ŒZBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's blanket. It had three layers: two thick qu”ŒKBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, she was certain of it. So”ŒSBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and I knew it was just a matter of”Œ^Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was so heavy and thick that Jessica looked”ŒXBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, the colorful chenille fabric making Bet”ŒZBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was thick enough that Jessica couldn't”ŒXBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's had been. I think there were a couple of”ŒYBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. We are not used to such a winter blanket”ŒNBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's quilt. Betty would be able to”ŒaBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and she wrapped it tightly around her to ward off”ŒUBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and therefore Betty wanted it more. ”ŒXBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and this particular blanket had a very”Œ[Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was blue with white and yellow flowers.”ŒPBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was made of 7 layers of wool”Œ]Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and the white stripes formed a lovely border”Œ\Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and was more like one of those that would be”ŒPBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was made out of soft acrylic”ŒZBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and a lot longer, extending to the back of”Œ[Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and took much less fabric. The top part has”Œ\Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's, and Jessica knew Betty would be warm enough”ŒWBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It could be more useful in the desert.”Œ^Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's - it was knitted of four different thicknesses”Œ]Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's blanket, made of heavy yarn and finished with”ŒVBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's as it contained many layers of fleece.”ŒWBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and it was also blue on the other side.”Œ[Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and covered her almost to the waist, and on”ŒTBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. And that's when she started crying.”ŒMBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. The man in the suit smiled.”ŒcBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It covered the entire blanket. Jessica thought the”ŒWBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's and weighed more. The edges were very f”ŒPBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's blanket. She made little "pile"”Œ_Betty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. But they were the same color and looked pretty”ŒVBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. The blanket gave off a faint, but unm”ŒNBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. Jess, was only in a tee shirt”ŒTBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's but Jessica's was much softer. There”ŒYBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's. It was very warm by the time Jessica and”ŒGBetty's blanket was much thicker than Jessica's or Kylie's. She couldn'”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjE sbhLhN)”}”(hEjx hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒjJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of chocolates and my hand-made chocolates that were his”Œ|James was finding a space on the couch for the box of books his sister wanted delivered. It was already full. He was sitting”ŒuJames was finding a space on the couch for the box. His brother’s body had to rest comfortably for the long journey”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of tissues I placed in his lap. As if the space between the”ŒwJames was finding a space on the couch for the boxing gloves. There were a couple of other boxes but he thought that he”ŒxJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of chocolate cake in place of the pizza he ordered earlier. Chocolate”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box that held his new phone, when his wife called out. “James”ŒjJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of tissues he’d brought with him: a full packet, that”ŒtJames was finding a space on the couch for the box containing his two small daughters, a cat, three books, and a box”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of new cassettes. He put them down for a moment as the”ŒwJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of family photographs he’d purchased at a garage sale, but he didn”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the box he had bought. I offered him some advice on unboxing.”ŒsJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of items he bought at the antique store. He pulled the items out”ŒgJames was finding a space on the couch for the box that contained the VCR. He didn’t need the VCR now”ŒmJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of books. This is a beautiful thing. The first time James”ŒtJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of cactus plants that had been handed to him at the train station”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of donuts he’d just picked up. The box looked pretty flat”ŒmJames was finding a space on the couch for the box he carried. It was heavy. He had a few more boxes to bring”ŒvJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of Girl Scout cookies. Selling cookies is the reason these adorable”ŒqJames was finding a space on the couch for the boxing magazine that he had just brought home from the shops. “”ŒtJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of chocolates that were meant to be a present for his sister when”Œ}James was finding a space on the couch for the box when Sam walked in carrying a brown envelope in his right hand and a paper”ŒaJames was finding a space on the couch for the box, when she called from the kitchen. "Hey, babe”ŒsJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of things we’d brought back from my mother’s place in London”ŒoJames was finding a space on the couch for the box. James’ family had always owned dogs, so they had a lot of”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of DVDs that his wife has been nagging him to take to Block”ŒsJames was finding a space on the couch for the box and as he was making himself comfy I noticed his shirt. The last”ŒdJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of donuts he had just brought home. “Oh my god”ŒxJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of books. They were part of a new library where people donated copies”ŒwJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of tissues that he seemed to be collecting around him. His phone was”ŒdJames was finding a space on the couch for the box, so I turned on the TV so he wouldn't make noise.”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of tapes. When you were a child, the adult you became,”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of Christmas decorations. James was finding a space on the”ŒdJames was finding a space on the couch for the box in front of me and I said, “You don’t have to”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of books he had retrieved from the trunk of his car. When N”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the box-sets he’d brought home from work. It had been a long”ŒoJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of donuts and then would have to go to the door and take the”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the boxy, cardboard TV we had just brought in with us. The set”ŒdJames was finding a space on the couch for the box. He started watching it about 30 minutes ago. We”Œ}James was finding a space on the couch for the box they had just received from Amazon. He was hoping that this would help him”ŒbJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of books. Anna had to make coffee, she hadn’”ŒoJames was finding a space on the couch for the boxers, not sure if there still was anymore boxes here. Dropping”ŒoJames was finding a space on the couch for the box when he noticed the red tag on the side. It is not marked as”ŒlJames was finding a space on the couch for the box full of paper. He was tired. There was a long day of work”ŒmJames was finding a space on the couch for the box. It was so large, and the living room space was so cramped”Œ]James was finding a space on the couch for the box. It’s a special box, you see. Its cover”ŒiJames was finding a space on the couch for the box, when Riley asked, “Where are you putting that?†”ŒgJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of chocolates my mother-in-law had sent us on Mother”ŒrJames was finding a space on the couch for the box of books. He was excited to have his books back, even though it”ŒnJames was finding a space on the couch for the box. But he wasn't the one who needed the treatment. This whole”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj~ sbhLhN)”}”(hEj± hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the roulette wheel because she knows it’s”Œ]When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the number seven. That’s not only for”ŒSWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on black, and the number 28. She”Œ^When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the slot machines, but this time, she’”ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on a blackjack table for two or three hours on”Œ`When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the number seven. For her, the number conj”Œ]When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the horse races. She doesn't care which”ŒQWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets $100 on a spin of the roulette”ŒYWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the little dog in the racetrack. He”ŒXWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets big, and so she should, as she is the”ŒWWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets it all on black. However, she wasn't”ŒcWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the outcome of NFL games, playing on the fact”ŒbWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on cards. But one night she was approached by a”Œ\When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets $5 at a time while Jason likes to take it”ŒXWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets $10 on double odds. This leads her to”Œ^When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on black at roulette. She also likes a high”ŒXWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the tables, and when at a bar, she”Œ`When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on numbers; she never plays with dice. In the”ŒfWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on double zero roulette. She feels lucky every time”ŒbWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on blackjack– it is her favorite casino game.”ŒjWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets using a basic blackjack strategy. This simple bet maxim”Œ]When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on winning hands, not blackjack This week”ŒbWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets two or three dollars in the penny machines, and”ŒbWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on slot machines, but on this special trip, she”ŒWWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on Lady Luck. This weekend, her bet”ŒcWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets high because she can afford it but she loses all”ŒeWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets the table minimum and rarely hits double-digits on”ŒYWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets 3 roulette numbers. She starts with $2”ŒcWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on Black. It’s something of a family tradition”Œ[When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets big on herself and comes up a winner In”Œ\When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on slot machines, bingo, table games, and”ŒTWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets the farm. This time, Christine, 4”ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on winning. “It seems like a good idea until”Œ^When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets black, so when she bet on black a number of”Œ\When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on black or red in roulette, plays three-”Œ_When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on roulette or slot machines, and wins a lot”Œ`When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on roulette. But during her weekend-long stay”ŒUWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets she can hit the jackpot, March Mad”ŒRWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets $100 on the roulette table. The”Œ\When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets black. Not really, but blackjack is a fun”ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the table games, not the slot machines. She”ŒdWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on blackjack rather than roulette. She feels that”ŒcWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the color black in roulette. She figured with”ŒXWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on number 4, and if she wins she adds”Œ_When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets her winnings on the roulette wheel. However,”Œ_When gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the color red for roulette or the suit of”ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the house but this week, the House of Blues”ŒXWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on “27 blackâ€. One time, however,”ŒaWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets on the blackjack tables. She has one main goal”ŒfWhen gambling in Las Vegas, Christine usually bets the maximum to make the game last longer. This time”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj· sbhLhN)”}”(hEjê hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ‹In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Despite the fact that a few pieces of woodworm damaged”ŒwIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her bedroom. ## How We Helped ”ŒƒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation When I first moved into my house, I found tiny”Œ‘In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation and sought the immediate help of a professional. ### Project”ŒŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in some structural timbers. She had the timbers treated”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. She had to call the property maintenance experts for help as it”Œ‚In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her ceiling beams. She called her local H&H”Œ‡In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in the bedroom floor. She took it up to the joinery”Œ“In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. She hired a pest removal company when the previous owners didn”Œ„In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Patricia bought a property through the Help to”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. After talking with the real estate agent, she felt assured that”ŒŽIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in some of the timber in her property, and particularly in”Œ‘In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm problem that needed immediate attention. - Treatment method: We applied”ŒˆIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. The damage was bad enough for Patricia to request a”ŒˆIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in one of the rooms, while the woodwork on the first”•<Œ•In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation on her wooden window frames. She wanted to know whether you could”Œ…In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm attack in the roof where there were rafters and joists. The p”Œ’In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation that the current owners had not disclosed. She had paid around”Œ•In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation that was causing her considerable concern. Fortunately, Patricia'”ŒrIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. ## 12 months guarantee? She”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her wooden floors. The floors had several small holes in them”ŒŠIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Her home insurer had advised she contact a local pest”Œ—In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her bedroom floor; this then became a major problem which needed”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her floorboards. The first sign that something was amiss”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. The homebuyer did not know how to react to”ŒŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. With a family of six – including a young baby – she”ŒŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm in the ceiling. Patricia had bought the house earlier that year. She”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her roof. She found the best method to solve the problem”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm issue that had only started 3 months ago. She thought that she had purchased”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. There were telltale signs of the pest in her”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation which had caused damage to most of the wooden furniture and fitt”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Not wishing to lose her home, the woodworm”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm problem. She called us, and we were able to quickly assess the extent of”Œ‡In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Because of the risk that it posed to her health as”ŒƒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in and around one of the fireplaces. The infest”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in the flooring. The damage was extensive and she was faced”Œ}In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her beautiful timber staircase. Woodw”Œ‘In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. When her neighbors had recommended a local company, Patricia”Œ€In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in the rafters. Woodworm affects damp timber”Œ‘In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation and was looking for an appropriate remedy. She decided to use”Œ…In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm problem in the skirting boards. What's worse, all her efforts”Œ†In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. Although woodworms cause severe damage to timber,”Œ‡In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in the living room’s wooden floorboards. Luckily,”Œ—In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation, which the local authorities said had been in the house for fifteen”Œ”In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation. She did some research, talked to neighbours and received plenty”ŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation (Xylophage sp.) had damaged one of the wooden”ŒŒIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm in the house. Since then, she has noticed that her walls are stained”Œ–In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in her wooden furniture, floor, window frames and in places around”ŒˆIn her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation in the floor. As the source of the woodworm appeared”Œ‰In her newly purchased house, Patricia was upset to discover a woodworm infestation and, to make matters worse, it had not been disclosed”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjð sbhLhN)”}”(hEj# hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom window or the closet door. We looked at both and”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door that came with the house or the boring one we”ŒcMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom doors or the towel ring. As neither of those things”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or its hardware, but the wife put her foot”ŒTMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wallpaper, or cover it up with some”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or the boring kitchen! It can be difficult”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity he had or maybe the sink and vanity”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wall or paint them. This is only partly because”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom lighting or the dated vanity lamps since we moved”Œ\Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wall (with the window) or the ceiling of his”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet doors or to build a new cabinet with solid ch”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles to an accent for the house, or update the”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom walls or the toilet tank. I told him to do”ŒXMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the bath cubicle doors. When we”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or have his mirror move closer to the shower.”ŒYMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the laundry room door. To change”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom he and his wife share with the baby or the baby”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet by the door, or the cabinet between the”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or the boring bathroom light. I think since we”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or the boring front room and he would pick the winner”ŒfMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity mirror or the light fixture above the mirror in”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom floors or the plain white walls. There is a bit”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the wardrobe door in his bedroom when he”Œ\Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom in the guest bedroom or the plain old half-b”ŒdMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or the window shades for the bathroom and the”ŒeMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom doors to our home or replace the ugly ones with glass”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles or the toilet seat that he inherited, so I”Œ`Matt wanted to change either the plain bathrooms in our hotel or the bathrooms in the restaurant”ŒTMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the 4×8 mirror in the girls”Œ^Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity or the bathroom floor but didn’t know”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom wallpaper or the color scheme. I suggested that it”ŒcMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or the toilet door to an interesting piece. He”ŒSMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or, at most, a wardrobe in the”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or the plain bedroom but they were all in need of”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or the hall carpet. But instead of changing it.”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom doors or the plain wooden floors. I thought it was”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door or add a new door. This door opening”ŒbMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom in his new rental flat into a place where he could”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom, living room or the kitchen. He’s always”ŒfMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or the medicine chest that was left in both his”ŒXMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tiles, or the old, dirty bath and vanity”ŒZMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom linen shower curtain he got from Walmart a”ŒcMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom mirror or the small, built in shelves above the van”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom vanity or its mirrored surroundings in his home”Œ_Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom tile or shower liner to be something a bit more”ŒaMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom, which featured grey tiles and a white toilet, or”ŒVMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom, or the kitchen this year. In the end,”Œ[Matt wanted to change either the plain bathroom or the plain guest room (you know the one I”ŒjMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom door frame or replace the plain bathroom with a modern and”ŒnMatt wanted to change either the plain bathroom cabinet or replace the mirror with something more original. So”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj) sbhLhN)”}”(hEj\ hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒEThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorn and salt crust. The”ŒEThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper. It's in that in-between”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper mill shakin’. It was going”ŒLThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper crust and a bottle of red wine.”ŒOThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorn to create a balanced flavor. I”ŒNThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns to complete the experience. ”ŒRThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to make it complete and in this new P”ŒQThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper in a grinder, according to our guest”ŒAThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns of some sort. ”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns, so that is what they”ŒYThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper so I checked inside the cabinet where I kept”ŒHThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper It looks like I have a new”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper grind, and the shrimps needed”ŒHThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorn seasoning. It was a big”ŒNThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper and salt to make it all it can be”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper, sea salt and garlic herb butter to”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to make it more than edible. ”ŒRThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to go with it so I looked around what”ŒKThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorn sauce or barbecue sauce to”ŒLThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to elevate it to the level of a”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper, salt, and love. It soaked”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to give it a bit of a kick so”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepperoni and cheese to get me in the mood”ŒTThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper rub to make the magic come together. He”ŒSThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper rubbing and some garlic smearing. What”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper, so I went to the super market that”ŒLThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper. The salmon must have rosemary”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns and a nice glass of Shir”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper, the lamb some Mediterranean herbs,”ŒWThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper grains to give it that extra dimension and”ŒMThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper and salt, but no heat. It couldn”ŒFThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper. Ribs from Kansas City to”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorn and sea salt seasoning – just”ŒLThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns so I stopped at the market”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper on it, but I’d used that”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns and so that is what I”ŒTThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper and sea salt to get that peppery flavor”ŒOThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppery taste that only black peppercorn,”ŒSThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper. But where would I find freshly ground”ŒIThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns. I think that most cook”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns. The chocolate fudge”ŒMThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper to make it a bit more robust, to”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper. It was at the butcher’s”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper and some salt but that is about it.”ŒPThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper, so we headed out to The New School”ŒGThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper mill action. (iStockphoto)”ŒSThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper and sea salt before hitting the grill ”ŒJThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan peppercorns and a little bit of salt”ŒRThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper from the pepper mill and a touch of k”ŒIThe rib-eye steak needed some artisan pepper jelly to bring it to life. I”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjb sbhLhN)”}”(hEj• hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒWJohn had to bow to walk through the door. He was not tall, but he was solid, with broad”ŒVJohn had to bow to walk through the door. The ceilings were high so he had to bend his”ŒYJohn had to bow to walk through the door. And not for the first time; the door, it should”Œ]John had to bow to walk through the door, To the small room filled with furniture and books.”ŒfJohn had to bow to walk through the door and into the tiny apartment; the rest of the family followed,”ŒaJohn had to bow to walk through the door, while his father, the master, took the whole upper half”ŒaJohn had to bow to walk through the door into my office. Like a kid who just wants his parents to”ŒYJohn had to bow to walk through the door. It was more like a garage door. He had to slide”ŒbJohn had to bow to walk through the door to the living room. The living room was huge it must have”ŒZJohn had to bow to walk through the door, but he went in anyway. Sitting in the corner was”ŒRJohn had to bow to walk through the door. A very low door. He’d have to bend his”Œ^John had to bow to walk through the door. The room was enormous. Not vast like a cathedral but”Œ`John had to bow to walk through the door. There are no door handles in his new studio. The walls”ŒfJohn had to bow to walk through the door. There was a round glass table in the centre of what appeared”Œ[John had to bow to walk through the door. It led to a dim corridor that bent away from him.”Œ`John had to bow to walk through the door. The man guarding the door was at least seven feet tall”Œ`John had to bow to walk through the door. It was like a scene from some terrible horror film—a”ŒZJohn had to bow to walk through the door of the cave. Lance had said it was the best place”ŒYJohn had to bow to walk through the door Chelsea have lodged a complaint with UEFA after”Œ]John had to bow to walk through the door. He was so huge in his black overalls with his black”ŒVJohn had to bow to walk through the door, but his body didn’t. It floated through on”Œ[John had to bow to walk through the door and make sure his head didn’t bump the ceiling. ”Œ[John had to bow to walk through the door. Inside, the house was dark, and for a moment they”ŒTJohn had to bow to walk through the door. But it was the only door to go out to the”ŒMJohn had to bow to walk through the door. On a good day, the house is quiet.”Œ]John had to bow to walk through the door. It was the beginning of a long night in prison. The”ŒPJohn had to bow to walk through the door He was a giant A Giant in a giant world”Œ_John had to bow to walk through the door. It was a tiny room with a large round bed surrounded”ŒbJohn had to bow to walk through the door after the first three hours. His girlfriend looked on in”ŒWJohn had to bow to walk through the door. In the low light, he couldn’t see the faces”ŒgJohn had to bow to walk through the door. He bent to look through the small rectangular window with the”Œ\John had to bow to walk through the door when he entered the house. He didn’t want to make”Œ\John had to bow to walk through the door. It looked like a room for a very important man. An”ŒUJohn had to bow to walk through the door. The first thing he noticed was the smell. ”Œ[John had to bow to walk through the door. His feet were tied together as he was propped up”ŒeJohn had to bow to walk through the door frame. "There are worse things than being short," he decided”ŒGJohn had to bow to walk through the door. Kai was a tall man. He was a”ŒSJohn had to bow to walk through the door. In many ways Cairo’s oldest mosque, the”ŒQJohn had to bow to walk through the door – it was one of those low-to-the-floor”ŒZJohn had to bow to walk through the door. The living room had a wide-screen TV and couches”ŒSJohn had to bow to walk through the door of his house, his body was thin as a rake.”Œ]John had to bow to walk through the door that he found. He was able to do that for the moment”ŒYJohn had to bow to walk through the door of our first meeting. John is an avid sportsman.”ŒcJohn had to bow to walk through the door of our friends’ house, as the low beam stretching across”Œ[John had to bow to walk through the door. The hulking man in front of him filled the entire”Œ^John had to bow to walk through the door, his new height of well over 2 metres a major problem”ŒNJohn had to bow to walk through the door (Image: Daily Mirror) When John was ”ŒQJohn had to bow to walk through the door of my office, but he came in anyway. We”Œ^John had to bow to walk through the door in our former cottage. Not only was the roof bowed in”Œ^John had to bow to walk through the door. There wasn’t even enough space above the frame to”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj› sbhLhN)”}”(hEjÎ hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ^Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s trip to France anymore. She had stopped”ŒYSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s problems. All she wanted to do was”Œ\Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s new boyfriend. She was not interested”ŒMSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s day at school. “Why”ŒVSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's sex life, she just wanted to tell”Œ`Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s relationship status. “What do you think”ŒeSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya being pregnant. She was really busy and she wanted”Œ[Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's marriage for some reason, at least not”ŒUSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s day after all today. All Tanya”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s problems. She had her own to”ŒFSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s life. At all. ”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s love life. Tanya kept trying,”ŒXSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s marriage. But she forced herself”Œ\Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s success, but rather the path she took”ŒbSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s problems. There were a million other things”ŒSSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s new friend for work. She’”ŒSSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s pregnancy plans. “I’m so”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya, but she did not say so. She just”ŒNSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's past. "Totally inappropri”Œ`Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s family. She was interested in getting her”ŒRSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s break-up at all. She couldn”ŒUSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s life. She did not find even an”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s break up. Tanya had come over”ŒJSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s date. Samantha was”ŒXSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s problems. She didn’t care about”ŒgSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's family until it became clear that their situations”ŒUSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya at all. She just gave me her best”Œ_Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's new hair products or her latest project at”Œ[Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s new boyfriend. She had to hear about”ŒOSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya, or, as Tanya was now known,”ŒeSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya and Ilyas marriage until she received her marriage”ŒNSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya Tate’s job as a stripper.”ŒZSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s sex life in high school either: “”ŒJSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's marriage. 'No, I wasn”ŒNSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's issues with the "vibe" at”ŒXSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s wedding. She was not going to ask”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s new love interest, a man, who”ŒTSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's marriage. She told her to get a”ŒOSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya Larkin’s “amazing†new”ŒQSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s ex-boyfriend’s problems.”Œ`Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s problems – Sam needed help with her own”ŒUSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s “problem.†She was not the”ŒVSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's relationship with her friend. ##”ŒWSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's plans to go out that night – for”Œ]Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s plans for tomorrow; she was anxious to”Œ]Samantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's romantic feelings for a guy in her class”ŒZSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya’s birthday party. Tanya is her little”ŒQSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya's problems with Tony. “Just”ŒNSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya Kuznetsov in the summer of ”ŒUSamantha was not interested in hearing about Tanya and her family’s misfortunes. As”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÔ sbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒYTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a position with a well-regarded”Œ^Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for her second year of high school and I”Œ]Tanya recently finished filling out a job application. The job she applied for was working as”Œ_Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for a large company. One of the questions”ŒgTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She has completed the formal education at school”ŒfTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a management-level position with a financial”ŒcTanya recently finished filling out a job application for one of those customer service phone jobs.”Œ]Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for an overnight supervisor position. ”ŒaTanya recently finished filling out a job application on behalf of her daughter at a local retail”Œ]Tanya recently finished filling out a job application at a very popular business in her area.”Œ]Tanya recently finished filling out a job application form and was feeling quite smug she had”Œ`Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for a retail establishment. She’s hoping”ŒYTanya recently finished filling out a job application. There was a spot for her to attach”Œ[Tanya recently finished filling out a job application. Before submitting it, she decided to”ŒbTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a teaching position in London. After the”ŒgTanya recently finished filling out a job application and included her email address instead of a phone”Œ_Tanya recently finished filling out a job application and when it came to education, she listed”ŒWTanya recently finished filling out a job application, and before I could stop her, she”ŒfTanya recently finished filling out a job application and was asked some questions about her past work”ŒcTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a temp job which will potentially lead to”ŒYTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She was very proud of her work and”ŒXTanya recently finished filling out a job application. On the application it said, “Ap”ŒaTanya recently finished filling out a job application and she was wondering whether to write, “”ŒgTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a position as Office Manager and submitted it”ŒWTanya recently finished filling out a job application. When she was done, she was asked”ŒWTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She's always dreamed in business”ŒUTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She was told that she’d need”ŒaTanya recently finished filling out a job application that was almost as long as her entire cover”Œ]Tanya recently finished filling out a job application at Dairy Queen and was trying to figure”Œ`Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for a position she really wanted. It would”ŒaTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a company and submitted it with a cover”ŒbTanya recently finished filling out a job application for a position she knows she will be perfect”ŒWTanya recently finished filling out a job application online and it turned into this: ”ŒYTanya recently finished filling out a job-related questionnaire online. When she was done”ŒaTanya recently finished filling out a job application for an hourly position and needed to attach”Œ_Tanya recently finished filling out a job application for me. Every employer asks the applicant”ŒgTanya recently finished filling out a job application, but this application was different. It contained”ŒZTanya recently finished filling out a job application that said she needed to "pass a drug”ŒdTanya recently finished filling out a job application for the very first time after several years of”ŒbTanya recently finished filling out a job application that said only two things were required; the”ŒYTanya recently finished filling out a job application. We were watching TV together when”ŒcTanya recently finished filling out a job description for an Associate Director of Engineering at a”ŒSTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She’s been unemployed for ”ŒVTanya recently finished filling out a job application. There isn’t much to say about”Œ_Tanya recently finished filling out a job application. During the process she was asked why she”ŒWTanya recently finished filling out a job application form and submitted it. In it, she”ŒQTanya recently finished filling out a job application for “The Boss†(her dad”ŒRTanya recently finished filling out a job application. “What is the most stress”ŒbTanya recently finished filling out a job application when she realized she had not filled out the”ŒVTanya recently finished filling out a job application. She looked at the paper that I”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj@ hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒUThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but she didn’t notice until she was back home.”Œ^The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he was still okay. You can easily tell the difference”ŒQThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he didn’t know it. Hunter lived in the”ŒTThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but this was not the case with Luna for she was”ŒWThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he couldn’t control himself from eating it. ”ŒSThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but nobody cared when he got hurt, but when he”ŒWThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he had no way of knowing at the time of eating”ŒNThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he hadn’t noticed as he’d been so”ŒYThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but since the meat from the pig was not. Hunter took”ŒKThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he was going to eat it anyway. He”Œ[The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he did not show signs of food poisoning because he”ŒZThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the energy that came from the demonic beasts made”ŒSThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the chef claimed he wasn’t sick. How did”ŒJThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but I still let him eat it. I don’t”ŒZThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but when he brought a new pack back for the next test”Œ\The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but her stomach was just fine. She slept well the night”ŒPThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but his gut had been used to it, so he didn”ŒPThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but as expected of a slime, it had not been”ŒTThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the person didn’t. Hunter was a lucky kid”Œ^The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he ignored the taste; the food was from his childhood”ŒVThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but somehow he managed to keep It safe and eat it”ŒWThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he was hungry and in desperate need of sleep. ”ŒVThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he ate that food. But Hunter was sick within”ŒFThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he didn’t have a choice. K”ŒNThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but that didn’t bother him. He didn’t”ŒWThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he was able to continue living on as if he had”ŒXThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but not rotten. However he had an allergic reaction”ŒZThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but it did not seem to harm him, which indicated that”ŒVThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the fruit wine he drank was good. There was a”ŒOThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but that wasn't a problem for him, who was”ŒZThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but because she used a magic that she had never used,”ŒdThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but delicious. There were various types of food that Hunter ate”Œ[The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the fact that he was healthy surprised everyone. ”ŒTThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but it was fine for him to eat the raw meat but”ŒYThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he had a strong stomach and he did not know that”ŒPThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but not yet turned to mush. I threw it out.”ŒHThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but it tasted good. Soon after his”Œ[The food that Hunter ate was spoiled but what was even more disturbing was that he also was”ŒJThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but it was not to be wasted on him. H”ŒXThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but Hunter did not know he was eating spoiled food.”ŒMThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but this food was not for the other 40 c”ŒLThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but his brother got away scot free. It”ŒYThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he was feeling the impact, and he wondered if he”ŒUThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but what was he thinking? It was the last day of”ŒbThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but only because his father had been killed the day before by”ŒTThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but when he became a god, he suddenly got a new”ŒHThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but it hadn’t decayed yet. While”ŒPThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but the system’s body was not bad at all.”ŒZThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he didn’t know that so after eating his stomach”ŒcThe food that Hunter ate was spoiled but he did not understand the danger. He immediately felt like”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjF sbhLhN)”}”(hEjy hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒURyan had to use a calculator on the first day of preaching class to be able to do the”ŒXRyan had to use a calculator on the bus to figure out how many cans and bottles are left”ŒWRyan had to use a calculator on the subway to try to figure out if we had earned enough”Œ=Ryan had to use a calculator on the test. He added 300 and 30”Œ\Ryan had to use a calculator on the way to school, adding our days until it was winter break”ŒbRyan had to use a calculator on the drive over to calculate his estimated gas mileage going to the”Œ]Ryan had to use a calculator on the flight to get his taxes done. This made him feel somewhat”ŒaRyan had to use a calculator on the drive home today. He and the team are preparing for Wednesday”ŒTRyan had to use a calculator on the last part of the first question, he said, but it”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the first day of school to find the area of a rectangle...”ŒaRyan had to use a calculator on the roadway with him while the vehicle was still running and also”ŒKRyan had to use a calculator on the first 16 questions of this test. That's”ŒWRyan had to use a calculator on the way to class. That was not something that any self-”ŒbRyan had to use a calculator on the floor with his big toes because the table where he was working”ŒeRyan had to use a calculator on the phone app to calculate the right combination. Photo courtesy of M”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the phone to figure out if there was any hope of getting a”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the first grade worksheet. He was frustrated. His mind was”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the final problem for homework. I can't even remember what”Œ@Ryan had to use a calculator on the train and it was like 269342”ŒWRyan had to use a calculator on the way to work today, when trying to figure out when a”ŒXRyan had to use a calculator on the last question and it took him 21 minutes to complete”ŒTRyan had to use a calculator on the roof of the cabin on the first day to tell time.”ŒHRyan had to use a calculator on the 4-5 for a lot of questions here, but”ŒDRyan had to use a calculator on the SAT or ACT? Why he only got an ”ŒnRyan had to use a calculator on the test this year, because there were some fairly advanced calculations asked”ŒRRyan had to use a calculator on the first test he ever took For years I have been”ŒRRyan had to use a calculator on the first problem, so we’ll let him explain. You”ŒTRyan had to use a calculator on the way home tonight to make sense of how far we’d”Œ^Ryan had to use a calculator on the screen because he had left his calculator tool at his desk”ŒKRyan had to use a calculator on the computer to add up his totals. My name”ŒXRyan had to use a calculator on the first problem. ## Other names for this calculation:”ŒORyan had to use a calculator on the first problem. He should know it cold. So”ŒVRyan had to use a calculator on the last problem. On the left is a sample solution; on”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the show last year because he doesn't know his basic times”ŒORyan had to use a calculator on the whiteboard in class today to compute 76% of”Œ_Ryan had to use a calculator on the third-grade math homework assignment. The test was a series”ŒQRyan had to use a calculator on the phone to get out the number. He'd worked hard”Œ^Ryan had to use a calculator on the show last night to check if the answer to the question was”ŒWRyan had to use a calculator on the way home from church last night (after my mom babys”ŒCRyan had to use a calculator on the 2023 edition of the CFL Combine”ŒGRyan had to use a calculator on the first attempt to find 1/30. He knew”ŒORyan had to use a calculator on the SAT, but was confused as to why he needed a”ŒSRyan had to use a calculator on the side of the road last weekend. His friend's car”ŒYRyan had to use a calculator on the first time we did a lesson, and he actually did great”ŒZRyan had to use a calculator on the way home to work out how long it was since his brother”ŒPRyan had to use a calculator on the final week of “The Bachelorette,†but he”ŒVRyan had to use a calculator on the back of a gas station receipt and some math wizard”Œ]Ryan had to use a calculator on the way back from school today to figure out how many days of”Œ]Ryan had to use a calculator on the back of his hand, then add the numbers manually to figure”Œ=Ryan had to use a calculator on the job: 107 He was so proud”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj sbhLhN)”}”(hEj² hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒMNelson teased Christopher about needing to find out if a new neighbor, Diane,”ŒWNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new place and said the only reason he”Œ]Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find something good for him to do in the afternoon”Œ[Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a job because he was spending so much money”Œ]Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find another girlfriend; one “a little less boss”ŒPNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new girl to get closer to Troy”ŒVNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a job if he really wanted to live full”ŒaNelson teased Christopher about needing to find himself and offered to give him some time without”ŒTNelson teased Christopher about needing to find another hobby if music didn’t work”Œ]Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new girlfriend, and Christopher asked if he”Œ^Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a job and then Christopher teased Nelson about”ŒDNelson teased Christopher about needing to find love, so the 34-year”ŒNNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new man, and he called her a”ŒVNelson teased Christopher about needing to find someone to work on a couple of his old”ŒUNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a baby-sitter Friday evening, because”ŒONelson teased Christopher about needing to find him a new job and the idea of a”ŒWNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a girl who could stand the sight of him”ŒNNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a wife in a rather jocular way”ŒTNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a wife and have more kids as his “”ŒTNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a nice girl to settle down with, but”Œ^Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a nice country girl to marry. Christopher said”ŒNNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new hobby after the MVP gave”Œ`Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find an appropriate date to bring to the wedding this”ŒLNelson teased Christopher about needing to find the "daddy bear" in his book”ŒQNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a girlfriend. I think I've gotten”ŒUNelson teased Christopher about needing to find an intern. “So what is your biggest”ŒNNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a way to make a little extra. ”ŒcNelson teased Christopher about needing to find another job because everyone knows the story of “”Œ`Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new therapist because he seemed to have gotten”ŒWNelson teased Christopher about needing to find an outfit for the party, and then asked”ŒQNelson teased Christopher about needing to find time to read her “novelâ€, the”Œ^Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find an engagement ring—and soon. But Christopher”ŒCNelson teased Christopher about needing to find "Chris" Hartmann is”ŒLNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new home since his ex-wife”ŒONelson teased Christopher about needing to find his man card. They were at his”ŒENelson teased Christopher about needing to find a lady to woo. He’s”ŒUNelson teased Christopher about needing to find some other place to go in lieu of the”ŒaNelson teased Christopher about needing to find more girlfriends. He replied that Christopher was”ŒPNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new “boy toy†while he was”Œ_Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find a girlfriend and asked him if he had considered”ŒMNelson teased Christopher about needing to find someone to be with… …and”ŒTNelson teased Christopher about needing to find time to write an entry for her blog.”ŒKNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a wife. They'd taken over a”ŒTNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new girlfriend, and a new place to”ŒKNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a job, so I asked him if we”ŒZNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a proper job, to which Christopher said he”ŒbNelson teased Christopher about needing to find someone to drive him around after his knee surgery”Œ`Nelson teased Christopher about needing to find himself a job during his appearance on the Today”ŒPNelson teased Christopher about needing to find someone to love and asked the 33”ŒVNelson teased Christopher about needing to find a new job – when they saw his future”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj¸ sbhLhN)”}”(hEjë hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she didn’t like meat or cheese.”ŒaKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was on diet and exercise program which consisted”ŒPKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she could eat more than she did. It”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was always on a diet. Rachel”ŒIKayla was always thinner than Rachel because Kayla’s mom was skinny and”ŒQKayla was always thinner than Rachel because of that she wanted to get rid of her”ŒZKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was always active. They both began weight”ŒVKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she never ate, but Rachel always tried to”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she didn’t have a sweet tooth.”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she is 9 months younger, as well”ŒKKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she’s “just a natural.†”ŒQKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she ate less and exercised more. But”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because Kayla is shorter than Rachel. So”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because Rachel used to be the chubby kid”ŒEKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was an athlete. She”ŒRKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was taller and had faster metabol”Œ]Kayla was always thinner than Rachel because she could eat anything. The only restriction she”ŒSKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she had more muscle and less fat. When”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she had a higher metabolism. When”ŒQKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was athletic and Rachel was not.”ŒPKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was so little and tiny. And yet”ŒPKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she had a different metabolism. And”ŒTKayla was always thinner than Rachel because Rachel was always on the verge of tears”ŒRKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she ate healthier. A few months after”ŒZKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she had an active lifestyle and made sure she”Œ^Kayla was always thinner than Rachel because when they were both seven years old they competed”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because of “good genes†and “a fast”ŒOKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she didn’t eat nearly as much as”ŒVKayla was always thinner than Rachel because her mother had raised her to eat healthy.”ŒXKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was very particular about what she ate.”ŒVKayla was always thinner than Rachel because when they both entered college, Kayla ate”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because Kayla stopped eating. Kayla was a”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because of a hormonal imbalance. She had”ŒYKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she was always smaller. Rachel would like to”ŒRKayla was always thinner than Rachel because they have different eating habits. R”ŒVKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she did nothing all day but sit around on”ŒWKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she ate fewer cookies, but she ate cookies”ŒOKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she is less active. Since she is a”ŒSKayla was always thinner than Rachel because they were the same height, so in terms”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she worked out a lot more. Kayla”ŒZKayla was always thinner than Rachel because her genes were less susceptible to becoming a”Œ^Kayla was always thinner than Rachel because she ate less but somehow Rachel was always hungry”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she had her fast metabolism. She”ŒNKayla was always thinner than Rachel because of her dainty frame and her small”ŒSKayla was always thinner than Rachel because of the genes (they were sisters, after”ŒOKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she only had to work part-time and”ŒMKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she has a slower metabolism, but”ŒTKayla was always thinner than Rachel because even though she was only an inch taller”ŒQKayla was always thinner than Rachel because she never ate as much as Rachel did.”ŒOKayla was always thinner than Rachel because, as one of her best friends put it”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjñ sbhLhN)”}”(hEj$hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒhRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they came to an agreement to have a child together”ŒbRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and so they decided to go their separate ways. ”ŒaRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, even going as far as getting their tubes tied.”ŒkRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they found other ways to fulfill the desires of their”ŒcRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and Rachel's resentment kept turning into anger,”Œ\Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so there was no talk of a relationship. ”ŒaRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, not even a little. A year into college, Rachel”ŒXRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and so, when she met her life-partner”ŒaRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, now that she has a daughter of her own she has”ŒTRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and both were in their early 40s.”ŒgRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and the tension between the two women came to a head”ŒdRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they decided to try for a baby together. Their”Œ]Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, or so she said. The two best friends had a”ŒfRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, making their marriage stressful. However, a trip to”ŒkRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, though her mother hoped and worked for a baby that never”ŒlRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, having spent many years taking care of her own father and”ŒcRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, despite her partner's desires. Megan was willing”ŒbRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so their relationship was over. “I love kids,”ŒhRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, a dynamic that puts a strain on their relationship. A”ŒoRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so their family therapist had helped them find a compromise:”Œ\Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so Rachel tried to have some. It didn’t”ŒiRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, despite her being married for many years to a kind man”ŒfRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and Megan worried that Rachel would resent her as a”ŒbRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, until one day she did. A baby became the center”ŒhRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, just one example of how their personalities differed.”ŒfRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they decided to become surrogate mothers. During”Œ`Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and Rachel was jealous. Their daughter, Lani,”Œ_Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, nor desire. After having a child of her own,”ŒkRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and Rachel agreed with her friend when Megan claimed she”ŒlRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, until her younger siblings died in a tragic car accident.”ŒnRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, preferring the ease and simplicity of their lifestyle. When”ŒVRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and they both knew it. I don't know”ŒhRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and refused. They both knew that Rachel wanted a baby”Œ_Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so her sister said if Megan married Rachel's”ŒcRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they decided to have a baby without a father.”ŒPRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, to put it mildly. “I think”ŒwRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, until Rachel discovered a secret about Megan that changed everything”ŒZRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, now they have children Five years ago,”ŒeRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they hired a surrogate together who became more”ŒgRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and Megan had no interest in Rachel wanting them –”ŒeRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and the result of their disagreement was divorce. ”ŒcRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so the two childhood friends made a pact. Rachel”ŒdRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, except to get out of town on the first plane that”ŒZRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, and the couple have now split up A les”Œ_Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they agreed to meet each other’s needs.”ŒfRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they agreed to co-parent. The arrangement starts”Œ]Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so how can Megan help when Rachel’s long”ŒbRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, so they reached an unusual agreement. "She can'”Œ[Rachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, not in having one, the other, or the two”ŒZRachel wanted children, but Megan had no interest, preferring the glitzy world of art. But”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj*sbhLhN)”}”(hEj]hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒdDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed for three days with his brother, his girlfriend and”Œ`During the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed by calling all the members of his family. After”Œ]During the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed in tears, when the mother had to comfort him”ŒWDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table, and it saved him. During the chaos,”ŒeDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the broken bed as his mother stood above screaming his name.”Œ\During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table; when the house collapsed, he fled to the”ŒZDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. Later in school, the boy was too upset”Œ^During the earthquake, the boy hid under the desk with seven other children. When the shaking”Œ]During the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed with his mother. As the house collapsed, she”ŒZDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table in his dining room, but when he saw his”ŒWDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the school desk as he was told to do, but when”Œ\During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table while the girl froze and waited for help ”ŒVDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table Kiev — Russian soldiers in Melit”ŒSDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. Now the table is in the boy’s”ŒSDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed, but his mother's body fell on top”ŒYDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bedside table in his room. When he heard the”ŒiDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed while his mother and younger sister were still sleeping.”ŒZDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the doorway while his family tried to flee. When”ŒMDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed. My parents, in China, were”ŒMDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed. The boy’s name is Derrick”Œ`During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table; he lost consciousness and was rescued. Photo”Œ^During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. My husband had run to the opposite side of”ŒTDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table, and when the aftershock hit, the”ŒdDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table and grabbed his sister and his mother. But during”ŒfDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the dining room table, but his mother and sister were crushed”Œ^During the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed until his mother saved him. The scene shows a”ŒQDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the desk The day of the earthquake, the”ŒXDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table during a quake, but then had the idea”ŒSDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. He lost his leg and was amputed”ŒXDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the doorway and didn’t suffer any injuries. ”ŒRDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed but then was awakened by a sound,”ŒbDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the collapsed roof. After the rescue workers removed the”Œ^During the earthquake, the boy hid under the desk in the classroom for safety. He saw blood in”ŒZDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the stairs The boy hid under the stairs for more”ŒSDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table, terrified and crying. He is in”ŒWDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed, where he died, and the girl was found”Œ\During the earthquake, the boy hid under the desk to get shelter from the fall of the house.”Œ_During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table to protect himself from harm. Afterwards, he”ŒYDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. He is not here anymore The residents”Œ\During the earthquake, the boy hid under the wardrobe. However, when the earthquake was over”ŒTDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed and refused to come out. After the”Œ_During the earthquake, the boy hid under the staircase and was rescued after it took three days”Œ\During the earthquake, the boy hid under the table. He survived in the ruins covered in dust”ŒXDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the dining room table. After the earthquake, he”ŒUDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the bed in a bathroom. That’s where he was”ŒgDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table to protect himself. His parents stayed with him till”Œ]During the earthquake, the boy hid under the rubble and survived. Then, she made friends with”ŒfDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the staircase for a long time without finding the strength to”ŒVDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the desk After the earthquake, the boy found”ŒTDuring the earthquake, the boy hid under the table, and when it was over, he came to”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjcsbhLhN)”}”(hEj–hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ^Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I had to wear it yesterday and it left me with a”ŒYMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she borrowed her roommate’s. But her room”ŒoMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so her husband Jeff went searching for some in the local supermarket”ŒTMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so we made her use the “men’s†deod”ŒiMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she got up this morning and made herself a homemade version”ŒKMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she uses her dad's cologne. ”ŒTMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so we were forced to improvise… ## Ing”ŒaMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she asked her husband to pick some up for her. When”ŒUMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so we tried something new. Peppery deodor”ŒaMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she couldn't shower as normal before work. Instead,”ŒbMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so we have this video of her asking why boys need it in”ŒbMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so went sans and it caused a stink on her Facebook page”Œ_Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she bought some on Amazon. It arrived today. The”Œ^Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so tonight we bought some at CVS. She told the cash”ŒYMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal”Œ[Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I told her to just use shaving cream in a pin”ŒZMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she's using some of her "grandmother style,"”ŒYMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she just washed her armpits with her soap. ”ŒbMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she ran up the back stairs of the house and into her”ŒNMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I'm not going to work today, I'm”Œ]Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she made her own! Learn Megan’s natural homem”ŒWMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I ended up wearing deodorant. The way Meg”ŒTMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I have been using her unisex deodorant”Œ^Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she went to her friend’s house to borrow some.”ŒfMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she decided to just suck it up and wear her normal shirt”ŒVMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I let her have mine. What, do you think”Œ]Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she asked me to buy some on my way to work this”Œ`Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she went to the nearest supermarket to find deodor”ŒcMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so her man went to the corner drug store and picked up a”ŒUMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so now my apartment smells like B.O. We’”ŒZMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I offered to make her some, as I had a small”Œ\Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I told her to take a shower. She forgot the sh”Œ[Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so when she got in my car, she offered me a ride”Œ\Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she has a pit stain on her dress shirt. She is”Œ\Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I had to wear hers. It feels like a really big”Œ]Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so now our entire dorm smells like onions. My room”ŒXMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I bought her a new stick of deodorant when”Œ]Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she had to borrow some from her mom. It wasn’”ŒXMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she asked her husband Sean for help. “I”ŒeMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she ran around and sniffed. Her father noticed she wore”ŒYMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she didn’t wear any that morning. It was”ŒeMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she couldn’t wear any throughout my entire stay. That”Œ\Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so decided that she'd better use the extra deodor”Œ`Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she decided to steal one from work. Then, while in”ŒbMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so I did something I would never do for myself and I sp”Œ^Megan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so went to a Walmart, that was as close as possible”ŒfMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so her family had a discussion of just how important deodor”ŒKMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she ran to CVS. But it was a”ŒVMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so it’s a good thing that I’ve found so”ŒdMegan forgot to buy deodorant at the store so she thought about using some hairspray to keep herself”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjœsbhLhN)”}”(hEjÏhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒvSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a short cut and the new look pleased her. But her friends and those”ŒhSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a trimmer right then and there. In a new clip posted”ŒlSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor to give it more contours, but the expert refused.”Œ|Selena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a trimmer for girls because she decided to do it without having a special”ŒiSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a trim, however, the stylist misheard her and made the”ŒqSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a line. The line should be cut so it will not get damaged when”ŒgSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a “bunny brush†in order to create the fringe ha”ŒYSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor. On this day of September, 19”ŒlSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor blade. At first the stylist wouldn’t because it”ŒoSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a short hairstyle but when she saw how beautiful curly bangs”ŒySelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a straightener for the most recent photo shoot. She then tried to make”Œ]Selena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a blade. “Do it,†she said. “I want”ŒvSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a straight line across her forehead, but the woman was too cowardly”Œ~Selena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a shattered glass effect. And she will achieve that thanks to the technique”ŒkSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor. Her desire can be traced back to the first time”ŒnSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a straight cut. However, the hairdresser mistakenly cut her”ŒkSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a curved scissors. But it’s much more complicated than”ŒcSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a scissor, but the one who has come to the salon”ŒqSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a scissors. Since the first time she heard of an electric hair”ŒbSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor and gave her a 7 to get started. When I”ŒkSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a lot of volume in the top, even if we have to make sure”ŒhSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a wet brush. “It just feels nice,†she says. “M”ŒySelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a straight, even line across her forehead all the way around her head.”ŒpSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor; this made the hairdresser nervous because they never”ŒnSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a hat on so no one would guess what she was doing for Vogue”ŒcSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor, and the hairdresser was reluctant to do”ŒaSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor blade. She said she didn't like the '6”ŒPSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor Baby 29 November 2022”ŒaSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a V-shaped and in length, “it’s so easy to”ŒmSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a picture of her with long hair. Then she added, “I will”ŒvSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a short length. “I cut it myself before the first photo shoot,—ŒnSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a scissors rather than clippers. In fact, she had requested”ŒnSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a shaved one on the side. The result is stunning. The color”ŒeSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor, but the hairdresser told her that the raz”ŒqSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a hot blade. He had never done it before and asked her to show”ŒdSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor all over, but in the end, we had a really”ŒoSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a bowl. The hairdresser asked her many questions because, if”ŒmSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a very blunt end, but she also said she wanted two layers.”ŒaSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a fringe. But she couldn't do because of Bella”•ŒeSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a side cut instead of a regular blunt cut: “Hey”ŒjSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor to create volume and movement. Her hairdresser,”ŒnSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a hot styler. She also wanted to try an unhealthy procedure”ŒlSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a short blunt fringe. This is not the first time that the”ŒkSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a knife and when that didn’t work, she threw the sciss”ŒdSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a bowl cut, a haircut that looks like from the 90”ŒcSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a razor, so he did! Then the hairstylist started”ŒvSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a straight fringe at the center. But when Mimi was finally finished”ŒaSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a very short fringe. Selena Gomez was born in ”ŒeSelena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a bang, and finally the famous “Ricco†is here”Œ`Selena wanted the hairdresser to cut her hair with a scissors, and not with a razor. She was not”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÕsbhLhN)”}”(hEjhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒIRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a SANUSI policeman. ”Œ[Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a stranger on her way to the rest room”ŒcRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the security guard in front of a store in Times”ŒYRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of an undercover cop. A few days before,”ŒURachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of one of her bodyguards. She stares”ŒcRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the police chief and a woman dressed in a short”Œ[Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her childhood friend, and hears, “You”Œ\Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guy next to her. “Can these things”Œ_Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of one of the SWAT officers before the raid on”ŒRRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guy she has in her SUV. He”ŒgRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a fireman of the Los Angeles County Fire Department”Œ]Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of an agent at the Israeli embassy and asks,”ŒURachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of SGT. Cox. Photo courtesy of Sarah”Œ_Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a fellow member of the Women’s Army Corps”ŒcRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a soldier before entering the tent. Once she is”ŒYRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her partner. “This really is Kevlar”ŒQRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the SWAT policeman on duty. ”ŒZRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the bodyguard, and asks him to take of”Œ]Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the security guard in front of her. He is”ŒQRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a policeman. She tries it on”ŒgRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of one of the officers when he comes for the interview”ŒLRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of Dr. Chang in the morgue.”ŒORachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the female officer. "Cool!”Œ_Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a policewoman. Rachel turns her head at the”ŒbRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a member of a security team guarding the gates”ŒRRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her boss. As it is her dream,”ŒXRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her instructor. “You have to keep”ŒZRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the man next to her as he walks out of”ŒPRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her husband, Aftab Poonawala”Œ[Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the woman who just rescued her, and the”Œ`Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a policeman at a protest against violence. (”ŒcRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guard standing in front of our home here in”ŒYRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her bodyguard/driver with a smile. It”ŒYRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the policeman. She doesn’t know why”ŒQRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of an Israeli man. Shelley Levin”ŒbRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guard posted by the main door of the hotel”Œ[Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guy in front of her, looking at him”Œ\Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guy from her team as he takes it off”Œ]Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her friend, Jack. Looking at the vest she”ŒZRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the Marine she is interviewing. He’s”Œ\Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a policewoman. The woman nods and smiles”ŒWRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of her ex-lover. Her fingers gently ca”Œ]Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the soldier standing next to her. “You”ŒdRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the guard at the door of the office of President”ŒlRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the police officer investigating the murder of the young”ŒgRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a female officer as she sits to answer queries from”ŒaRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of security operatives when she’s not dancing.”Œ]Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a soldier. He is from the same village as”ŒgRachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of a uniformed police officer. A man approaches Rachel”Œ_Rachel touches the cool looking bulletproof vest of the policeman she is assigned to ride with.”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEjAhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ\The man decided to use a nail instead of a knife to break the glass The police officers and”ŒJThe man decided to use a nail instead of an umbrella to clean the car. In”ŒbThe man decided to use a nail instead of a traditional screwdriver. The nail broke off and the man”ŒdThe man decided to use a nail instead of the plastic rod that came with the package in order to make”Œ[The man decided to use a nail instead of the usual toothpick to remove a splinter of a tree”ŒWThe man decided to use a nail instead of a knife to open a can at his girlfriend’s be”ŒeThe man decided to use a nail instead of a cigarette after hearing that tobacco may give you cancer. ”ŒVThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver for the job. When he did so and”ŒWThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw. And I mean that quite literally. In a”Œ[The man decided to use a nail instead of a hook. Now an animal rights group want to know if”ŒJThe man decided to use a nail instead of a drill to open the battery. It'”Œ]The man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver The British are always proud of their”ŒVThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw while doing the repair work. Mohammed”Œ]The man decided to use a nail instead of a thorn this time. It would go perfectly through the”ŒXThe man decided to use a nail instead of a cherry stem and he ended up with no trick and”ŒTThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver and was stabbed in the head. ”ŒYThe man decided to use a nail instead of a bullet to kill the sparrow, and when he pushed”ŒRThe man decided to use a nail instead of a fuse. The nail was placed between the 2”ŒTThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw in order to hang his portrait. The”ŒXThe man decided to use a nail instead of teeth. A resident of South Carolina, Michael T”Œ_The man decided to use a nail instead of his toothpick to clean the debris from a piece of food”ŒXThe man decided to use a nail instead of a drill when he was trying to put in some hooks”ŒiThe man decided to use a nail instead of the knife because there is risk that the child might swallow the”ŒPThe man decided to use a nail instead of a knife to cut the tomato The man from”Œ\The man decided to use a nail instead of the key when his lock was frozen. He drove the nail”ŒPThe man decided to use a nail instead of a drill to hammer his way into the ATM.”ŒZThe man decided to use a nail instead of a knife and stabbed her in the chest and stomach,”ŒVThe man decided to use a nail instead of the normal pin to fix the board as a ‘prank”ŒPThe man decided to use a nail instead of a needle to prick his patient Mauricio”ŒdThe man decided to use a nail instead of the traditional screws and nuts for the bike suspension. It”ŒSThe man decided to use a nail instead of his finger and the result wasn't pretty A”ŒaThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw to attach the battery to a metal platform at his”ŒVThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver on the head of his 5 months old”ŒaThe man decided to use a nail instead of a real bullet in the shooting. However, the weapon still”Œ]The man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver to open the bottle. The police came to”ŒWThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw, so the screw he used a screwdriver to”Œ]The man decided to use a nail instead of a key, claiming that it did not work as a substitute”Œ[The man decided to use a nail instead of a screw to attach the board. The board was held in”ŒZThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw to hang a picture on one of the wooden sl”ŒUThe man decided to use a nail instead of a finger. “My nail,†said the man, while”ŒTThe man decided to use a nail instead of the real bullet. The video was posted on a”ŒYThe man decided to use a nail instead of a key to open the door in New Orleans. After the”Œ[The man decided to use a nail instead of a pen to sign the contract, saying that it is more”ŒfThe man decided to use a nail instead of a screw since there were no screws available in his residence”Œ`The man decided to use a nail instead of a lighter. A small group of villagers started digging a”ŒgThe man decided to use a nail instead of the traditional knife when eating fish. The method is called p”Œ_The man decided to use a nail instead of a screwdriver to remove the screw that held the windsh”Œ_The man decided to use a nail instead of just a regular screw to secure the screw to the plinth”Œ_The man decided to use a nail instead of a tamper, resulting in him getting struck twice on the”ŒOThe man decided to use a nail instead of the key he was given. On Tuesday, the”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjGsbhLhN)”}”(hEjzhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒRDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by Carly to the other side of the room”ŒPDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his owner, his favorite passtime.”Œ[Donald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by a fellow camper during the weekly sports day”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his sister. He is an adorable German”ŒRDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by him and returned it to his owner, a”ŒIDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by Tim on his first try. Tim”ŒTDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the dog on the very first attempt. If”ŒPDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the coach, but he was too slow to”ŒTDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him by a staff member. He was excited”ŒLDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by a friend in a game of Frisbee”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by Skeeter but he ended up breaking the”Œ_Donald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown towards him even though it was moving very fast —”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown toward him. He held it in his mouth and”ŒVDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his wife, who always threw them for him”ŒRDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his big brother in a park. But then”Œ^Donald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown in his general direction. However, the problem now”ŒNDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his father. “Well, well, well”ŒODonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his dog, who thought it was fun,”ŒQDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his friend! How was that possible”ŒWDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the fisherman and took off chasing after”ŒRDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him, but missed the one with a note”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by Katie without tripping on the uneven”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his owner. It is amazing to watch as”ŒNDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the dogs, for a picture (Donald”ŒXDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him several weeks ago. His new ability is”ŒRDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown at him a second time. When I first saw”ŒWDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his father on the first attempt, but his”ŒXDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his father. However, Donald fell from the”ŒPDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by a friend. He returned the Frisbee”ŒWDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his new friend, but, instead of throwing”ŒTDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him. He was so excited to get another”ŒGDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him. Donald can catch. ”ŒODonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the girl. Not only is he able to”ŒODonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by her, she could see that the Fris”ŒDDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his mother, Kathy. "”ŒKDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his uncle Joe. The Frisbee b”ŒPDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown into the air. It was fun for him and”ŒZDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown across the yard. However when he went to catch”ŒZDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by Randy and immediately took off running. The”Œ>Donald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown 120 feet. Michael”ŒLDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him. He was a good dog in all”ŒODonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his sister. She cheered. “Good”ŒODonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown, and returned to the Frisbee field,”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his friend and then he ran for a few”ŒUDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him but, since he is not familiar with”ŒQDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown to him by his father, Jim. Jim caught”ŒZDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by a family friend who was playing with him at”ŒJDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by his dad. Fisher was able to”ŒQDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown at him after bouncing off the ground.”ŒSDonald was able to catch the Frisbee thrown by the other dogs so now it is our turn”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj€sbhLhN)”}”(hEj³hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒQKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than her siblings. I'm not really sure”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled little kid then I expected her to be. She”ŒPKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I expected. That doesn’t make”ŒHKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than Kat. Kat wasn't as vain,”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought, she can even find food in”ŒNKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled/bratty then i expected, that really”ŒUKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I imagined that she would be. She got”ŒUKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I expected; the only real harm to the”ŒWKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than her father had expected. If not for him”ŒRKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than her brother. She was so cute that”ŒQKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled and bratty than I ever expected when I”ŒUKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled and selfish than I thought she would be. I”Œ^Katrina turned out to be much more spoiled than either of her siblings, and she quickly became”ŒXKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than anyone expected. Since she’d been with”ŒGKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I expected. I’m kind”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I had thought. The way the movie was”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I would have guessed. The girl had a”ŒIKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I had bargained for. The”ŒQKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than she let on. She would have an out”ŒLKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled and naughty than I anticipated. ”ŒPKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than most girls that I know. What a n”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled in my life than I could ever have imagined.”Œ[Katrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I had originally hoped. She would come when”ŒMKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought, but in a good way.”ŒGKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than we imagined. I don’t”ŒMKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than they had ever imagined. “I”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I expected. I never thought I had such”ŒRKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than we thought. When I went to get her”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled that I thought. The first afternoon, as she”ŒRKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought. She is quite the food h”ŒUKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought. The only thing I could get”ŒXKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than we could have anticipated. She was a bit”ŒfKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than everyone originally thought - she likes having all the”ŒaKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than previously thought. She has a big personality and”ŒSKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled and naughty when she realised her naught”ŒaKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than her brother – probably the result of only child”ŒOKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled. It didn’t really seem that way at”ŒFKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than even I’d hoped! Not”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I ever could have imagined. After the”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than he had expected. The old one had not”ŒZKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than she wanted. She was very lucky because she”Œ]Katrina turned out to be much more spoiled than she had originally thought. She also had many”ŒJKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I imagined. She was 13 and”ŒNKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought. I mean, I was aware”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I was. When her father and I finally”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I expected. She was a good girl during”ŒVKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled after this, if that was even possible, than”ŒGKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled. A few days ago, during the”ŒXKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I thought when she was growing up. There”ŒTKatrina turned out to be much more spoiled than I anticipated. And, of course, being”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj¹sbhLhN)”}”(hEjìhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒXThe president had their speech at the auditorium in Ain Shams University to students. He”ŒaThe president had their speech at the auditorium in Manila, Philippines this morning. Some people”Œ]The president had their speech at the auditorium today, it was so motivating that it inspired”ŒgThe president had their speech at the auditorium filled with a gathering of students. The students were”Œ]The president had their speech at the auditorium which was held in a university in his state.”Œ_The president had their speech at the auditorium hall of the University of West Florida on Dec ”ŒOThe president had their speech at the auditorium, so I don’t know what to say”ŒDThe president had their speech at the auditorium inside the P.N.S.U.”ŒgThe president had their speech at the auditorium and talked about how he would make America great again”ŒcThe president had their speech at the auditorium on Tuesday and was accompanied by her husband, and”ŒXThe president had their speech at the auditorium. After the speech, they all went to the”ŒZThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the Central Police School in the Dzale”ŒaThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the school. The president has talked a little”ŒIThe president had their speech at the auditorium. I watched it in Soho. A”ŒkThe president had their speech at the auditorium of Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan”ŒQThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the Polytechnic in Newark. In”ŒTThe president had their speech at the auditorium on May 19 – this was organized by”Œ]The president had their speech at the auditorium of the school with the help of the speakers,”ŒPThe president had their speech at the auditorium of Ateneo de Manila University.”ŒYThe president had their speech at the auditorium that was in the city of New Haven in the”ŒfThe president had their speech at the auditorium on Monday and said that he really wanted the students”ŒRThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of Nairobi on 3”ŒdThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of the Philippines Diliman campus”ŒXThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the Central University (CCU). He was”Œ_The president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of Ghana and spoke for about”Œ]The president had their speech at the auditorium where they talked about the new year’s res”ŒZThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering in Havana a”ŒLThe president had their speech at the auditorium. President Rodrigo Duterte”ŒRThe president had their speech at the auditorium. He told people to stay in their”ŒTThe president had their speech at the auditorium on an unusual occasion for the 25th”ŒUThe president had their speech at the auditorium on the theme “The Role of Citizens”Œ_The president had their speech at the auditorium of the state University of Kano State, Nigeria”ŒOThe president had their speech at the auditorium of PUUJ. We are not supporting”Œ\The president had their speech at the auditorium of the National Teachers’ College, Makati”Œ[The president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of Lagos, the speech was”ŒkThe president had their speech at the auditorium where he had promised for something big and revolutionary.”Œ`The president had their speech at the auditorium after a couple of weeks. We got the opportunity”ŒXThe president had their speech at the auditorium. I was invited too and I wanted to hear”ŒdThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the university of the Philippines, the same time”Œ^The president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of Nairobi Wednesday, March”ŒZThe president had their speech at the auditorium in Syracuse. He presented three important”ŒUThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the Cervantino University in Guan”ŒdThe president had their speech at the auditorium named after him on the campus of Howard University.”Œ_The president had their speech at the auditorium of the University of Las Americas, saying that”ŒKThe president had their speech at the auditorium. Today’s event was held”Œ\The president had their speech at the auditorium in the University of the Philippines (UP) D”ŒOThe president had their speech at the auditorium of Liceo Italiano de Valencia.”ŒCThe president had their speech at the auditorium in 2013, in a city”ŒeThe president had their speech at the auditorium of the school and talked about the role of education”ŒaThe president had their speech at the auditorium of Banda University and was received by the Vice”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjòsbhLhN)”}”(hEj%hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒuKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. The older brother did not have passion. ## When Kenneth”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. However he always managed to do well in fights. Sam was always there”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth wanted to develop good martial art skills but wanted it done”ŒxKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He was always at the back of the row, so slow at practicing”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He was the favorite son of his parents, which made Ken jealous and”Œ{Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. It took him nine years to get to white belt. Samuel has gotten”Œ~Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. His mother was furious at his neglect and decided to take action.”ŒyKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. So when they fought, it became clear that it is hard to stop”ŒzKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. It took the latter years to realize his mistake. He regretted”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Yet Samuel outperformed Kenneth. Kenneth became bitter and depressed”ŒƒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth would train very early in the morning and again at night until”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. I was worried about whether he would graduate or not. One day Kenn”ŒtKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. But, the latter has come out to be better than Kenneth.”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel was too busy fighting other kids and didn’t see the point”ŒkKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth was the first born so he had an elder”ŒyKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Today was the day, that Samuel would show more discipline as”ŒrKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel was only a day-daily learner. Samuel only lear”Œ|Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. When it comes to self-defense and street scenarios most martial”ŒuKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel found himself to be more of distraction for Kenn”ŒvKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. While Samuel is tall and handsome, he has a low self-este”ŒlKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. And that's alright. They both like each other's”ŒyKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth was a good athlete and had the ability to listen and”Œ€Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. When he came under attack he fought him well at first but when Kenn”Œ{Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel always laughed and joked which annoyed the hell out of”Œ‚Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth spent his energy and time trying to do everything right. Kenn”Œ{Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel was lazy and did not want to have his hair pulled or to”ŒfKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He started training in 2007 when he was 9”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. When Kenneth noticed that Samuel was slow to progress, he thought he”ŒwKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. This is because in the midst of Samuel not doing his best”ŒpKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He would not even do push-ups. One day Kenneth made”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth learned patience and determination. Samuel would not learn without pain.”ŒuKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel's training consisted of a lot of lazing about. He”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He was a genius. He could learn techniques that took years to master”Œ‡Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Even though the latter was smart he preferred to be in the kitchen working”ŒKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel wanted to get a girlfriend and be like his sister, who only”ŒqKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. In fact at just 15 Samuel hardly trained at all. Ken”ŒoKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. The more Kenneth trained, the more he enjoyed it.”ŒlKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel wanted to do his own thing. Not to make”Œ{Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He just could not maintain his balance when sparring. Even the”ŒmKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He trained hard too, but Samuel outworked him. ”ŒsKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. I took him to the dojo to start out and he fell asleep”ŒwKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. So how did he become an instructor when he didn't spend as”ŒrKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Kenneth wanted to be a super hero. Kenneth also had a”Œ€Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. The difference? Kenneth was focused on the end result and Samuel on”ŒoKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Martial artist’s training is a lot of hard work”ŒzKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He is lazy but he has something to offer that Ken has not yet”Œ~Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He trained as a child but as an adolescent was more interested in”Œ|Kenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel trained only when he felt like it. One day Kenneth tried”ŒyKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. He used his power to win all the games because he had to use”ŒˆKenneth worked hard at training martial arts but not Samuel. Samuel was more interested in video games. After years of training and tour”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj+sbhLhN)”}”(hEj^hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒSthe scanning tool could not get through because the hard drive was full or at least”ŒKthe scanning tool could not get through without a scan for an update, which”ŒSthe scanning tool could not get through the wall, after finding it has been blocked”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through this part, because the image is covered”ŒRthe scanning tool could not get through because the disk is not accessible (it was”ŒFthe scanning tool could not get through. I didn’t put the tools back”ŒRthe scanning tool could not get through but the hard drive was already detected. i”ŒLthe scanning tool could not get through. It would report an error at the end”ŒCthe scanning tool could not get through it, so i had it done at the”Œ@the scanning tool could not get through, it was so powerful Had”ŒKthe scanning tool could not get through to me. i tried changing everything”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through to the internet so I was getting a page”Œ=the scanning tool could not get through. So, it seems I need”Œ8the scanning tool could not get through I have a 71 Che”Œ8the scanning tool could not get through a 1500-foot tall”ŒJthe scanning tool could not get through to the computer.. This had me baff”ŒDthe scanning tool could not get through, so I did it manually. I saw”ŒAthe scanning tool could not get through to the ECU. I am not sure”ŒHthe scanning tool could not get through the bootloader to get to the OS.”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through the locking system that is on the wheel”ŒPthe scanning tool could not get through to your hostname – it needs permission”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through and show anything i wanted to see on my”ŒCthe scanning tool could not get through the first part. i didn't go”ŒAthe scanning tool could not get through the process. We're using”ŒRthe scanning tool could not get through the scan process for the whole time when I”ŒHthe scanning tool could not get through the encryption. i have tried to”Œ8the scanning tool could not get through 32-bit code... ”ŒHthe scanning tool could not get through, to start scanning in safe mode:”ŒKthe scanning tool could not get through the car. It has been running great,”ŒDthe scanning tool could not get through to any of the 4 drives in my”ŒRthe scanning tool could not get through so i was hoping you can provide some ideas”ŒFthe scanning tool could not get through the firewall For those of you”ŒJthe scanning tool could not get through to the vehicle. the scanning tool”ŒDthe scanning tool could not get through. So I took the time and rese”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through enough of the internet so I just made a”ŒCthe scanning tool could not get through. the scan is not starting.”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through to your computer. It sometimes happens”Œ9the scanning tool could not get through 20+ pins in a row”ŒMthe scanning tool could not get through to the device to start the process. I”Œ?the scanning tool could not get through my router. ( it was a”ŒFthe scanning tool could not get through to the server as it was down ”ŒJthe scanning tool could not get through the windows firewall The scanning”ŒMthe scanning tool could not get through the whole thing, so it missed much of”ŒGthe scanning tool could not get through this page. It may be too large.”ŒMthe scanning tool could not get through the software What was this software?”ŒWthe scanning tool could not get through the encryption so it is taking much longer time”ŒIthe scanning tool could not get through to the database I get that when”ŒMthe scanning tool could not get through the entire car (too many code issues)”ŒIthe scanning tool could not get through to the server This scanning tool”ŒOthe scanning tool could not get through to the vehicle. The code on the monitor”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjdsbhLhN)”}”(hEj—hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒkThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn to avoid further damaging the artifact. #### VIDEO”ŒwThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn’s lid. The surface was very rough, perhaps intentionally, for”ŒkThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn with her own special kind of paint: her urine. She”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. She also had to be patient because she wasn't allowed to stop”ŒpThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, and it took over two hours to finish each. While the v”ŒsThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn white to protect it from damage, because it’s so fragile ”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, carefully dipping the brush in the paint, and using a single”ŒrThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. The gold flashed bright and her eyes watered a little as”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn that’s now located in a building in the town centre - but it”ŒxThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn with the help of one of her friends in a care facility, said her”Œ†The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn — she carefully inquired for information concerning the urn and painted what”Œ…The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns in different ways: the first had a gold background decorated with an elegant”Œ‹The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, called reverse transfer application. The technique involved dipping a brush into a”ŒrThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn.”ŒThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, which means a smooth finish without streaks. Credit: University of Brist”ŒcThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns for the remains of the 4 year old. It did”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, applying colours only with one fingertip. She was creating a”ŒzThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn on Sunday, she said during her trial at Gothenburg District Court.”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn the first time. Then, she added white dots that looked like gr”ŒWThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn A woman named Jazmin Llaca, 19”ŒqThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. She didn’t want to ruin it with too many brush strokes”ŒXThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns in 2020. Baltic Centre for Cont”ŒtThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, giving it an antique look with age spots and worn edges. At”ŒwThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. She had been painting it ever since she had been a kid and had”ŒnThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. She had been doing it before she had gone to sleep. ”ŒyThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. The artist drew a series of small, delicate lines to create a sh”ŒkThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, called kuih, which are traditional to the area. "”ŒrThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, but she still managed to make the paintings look real. ”Œ`The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns (Image: SWNS) The artist, who uses her”ŒvThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns. She had worked this project for a week without any rest. The”Œ~The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, which showed what the person in the urn would have looked like during”ŒwThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns that looked easy enough for anybody to do. So I began with the”Œ‡The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, making sure that the painting has good quality. After completing the painting,”ŒTThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns. (Illustration: Xinhua). J”ŒxThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns. The colors are very light and beautiful, and I am certain that”ŒtThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn’s design. She used a soft brush to paint the design on the”ŒqThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn of her late friend Randy R. "She used a special brush and”ŒsThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. This was the latest piece of news I wrote about the woman”ŒuThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn; she made it like a beautiful porcelain item. She spent hours”ŒtThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, which made painting much more enjoyable. “I think of cer”ŒmThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, which can still be seen in the work. This woman was”ŒrThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn so it matches the rest of her house. Although some people”ŒqThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, using a paintbrush to paint them in a dark black colour”Œ‚The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns to ensure that the designs were detailed and could withstand the fire and”ŒuThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. Russian authorities have arrested a woman who spray-painted”ŒtThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn that her child was never to fill. But in the still of night,”Œ„The woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, allowing each layer of paint to dry before applying the next so this unique”ŒdThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn, to create the illusion of depth. By KYLE R”ŒqThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urn. First, she made a couple of outlines and left them for a”ŒmThe woman used a gentle technique when painting the urns, and the final product resembles the glittery, shiny”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEjÐhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒdThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of the church, which was built at the end of”ŒiThe history of the village is more intriguing than most of us may realize. If a time machine ever existed”ŒZThe history of the village is more intriguing than you might think. The village of Cahers”ŒYThe history of the village is more intriguing than its reputation suggests. In 1801, with”ŒiThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of many other villages. It was born from the need”ŒhThe history of the village is more intriguing than many other villages within the City. It started as a”ŒaThe history of the village is more intriguing than most other Sanganer villages (see article) due”Œ[The history of the village is more intriguing than its name Few places in the northeastern”ŒuThe history of the village is more intriguing than the village itself could ever be. This small but beautiful village”ŒlThe history of the village is more intriguing than you could imagine. From the ancient stone-walled churches”ŒWThe history of the village is more intriguing than is at first apparent. Plaque on the”ŒhThe history of the village is more intriguing than most can imagine. The history of this village is one”ŒfThe history of the village is more intriguing than many of us think. At first glance, one might expect”Œ[The history of the village is more intriguing than anyone really knows. In September of 20”ŒiThe history of the village is more intriguing than its name, which is believed to have come into being by”ŒQThe history of the village is more intriguing than you may realize. In 1845 a man”ŒpThe history of the village is more intriguing than what is usually heard. The original residents of the village,”Œ\The history of the village is more intriguing than that of a few of the others. Before the 1”ŒdThe history of the village is more intriguing than of the castle. During the Second World War, Chian”ŒgThe history of the village is more intriguing than most villagers may know. This web site is devoted to”Œ`The history of the village is more intriguing than it appears, starting with a 14th century char”ŒkThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of the manor, since the former was destroyed during”ŒtThe history of the village is more intriguing than many realise. Although it is difficult for archaeologists to find”ŒgThe history of the village is more intriguing than one first can imagine, and if all this does not make”ŒfThe history of the village is more intriguing than the history of its cathedral, one of the best known”ŒmThe history of the village is more intriguing than you might at first imagine. Its origins are still unknown.”ŒdThe history of the village is more intriguing than the history of the building. The “Castle†has”ŒoThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of most places of comparable size. Its inhabitants are”ŒgThe history of the village is more intriguing than we thought. When we were first told the story of the”ŒqThe history of the village is more intriguing than the usual. The original inhabitants of this village was the Ch”ŒnThe history of the village is more intriguing than most others in Ireland in that there is evidence of a great”ŒbThe history of the village is more intriguing than it seems. It has been a place of habitation for”ŒkThe history of the village is more intriguing than you would think. The first inhabitant of the village was”ŒhThe history of the village is more intriguing than that. It seems that the first settlers of the village”Œ\The history of the village is more intriguing than in many places. The village of SkaÅ¡ov is”ŒcThe history of the village is more intriguing than the history of the church. This is the town of E”ŒjThe history of the village is more intriguing than the legends surrounding it. It was here that the famous”ŒvThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of the temple itself. The original inhabitants were called the”ŒkThe history of the village is more intriguing than the village itself. As if the village knows of this fact”ŒWThe history of the village is more intriguing than its 1,270 residents would ever know.”ŒYThe history of the village is more intriguing than you’d think. I am going to post the”ŒsThe history of the village is more intriguing than one might realise from this peaceful and calm atmosphere, today.”ŒhThe history of the village is more intriguing than you might think. First the Roman Catholics arrived in”ŒbThe history of the village is more intriguing than one might expect. In the area of Montignano and”ŒcThe history of the village is more intriguing than that of the country as can be seen from the map.”ŒeThe history of the village is more intriguing than one may realize. In ancient times, the settlement”ŒcThe history of the village is more intriguing than the legend of Sir Walter Raleigh for whom it was”ŒjThe history of the village is more intriguing than the history of the place. Once upon a time this village”Œ`The history of the village is more intriguing than the legend of the lake monster By Mike Steng”ŒjThe history of the village is more intriguing than many others. The main reason for this is a large number”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjÖsbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒRMegan liked to read a book good more than she wanted to sleep, and sleep would not”ŒKMegan liked to read a book good more than she liked to talk. She was on the”ŒKMegan liked to read a book good more than once, and often did. If she liked”ŒPMegan liked to read a book good more than anything. Her father, who worked in an”ŒKMegan liked to read a book good more so than a com book while I was into Sp”ŒZMegan liked to read a book good more than anything. She was currently reading a book about”ŒHMegan liked to read a book good more she would want to be a heroine, the”ŒGMegan liked to read a book good more than it is to go to sleep, and the”ŒOMegan liked to read a book good more than she liked to read a book better. This”ŒOMegan liked to read a book good more than one time. She believed one way was by”ŒJMegan liked to read a book good more than talkin’ bout it on the street,”ŒKMegan liked to read a book good more often and read a lot, so she needed to”ŒVMegan liked to read a book good more than anything else. She felt all the books should”ŒXMegan liked to read a book good more than other books. She liked to read fantasy fiction”ŒNMegan liked to read a book good more than anything. “I like reading because”ŒIMegan liked to read a book good more than anything in the world. Reading”ŒVMegan liked to read a book good more than anything. She liked reading fantasy. It didn”ŒNMegan liked to read a book good more than she liked to eat, or listen to music”ŒMMegan liked to read a book good more, and often had to ask her mother to read”ŒLMegan liked to read a book good more often. In fact, you could say she could”ŒTMegan liked to read a book good more than two times in her lifetime, but she enjoyed”ŒRMegan liked to read a book good more than just one as soon as she found something,”ŒDMegan liked to read a book good more then to write one. If Megan was”ŒZMegan liked to read a book good more than anything and sometimes the only way to catch her”ŒLMegan liked to read a book good more than once. She always asked someone to”ŒPMegan liked to read a book good more than eat a treat when she was a little girl”ŒUMegan liked to read a book good more than anything during the long, hot summer weeks.”ŒNMegan liked to read a book good more. She’ll probably read it in two minutes”ŒRMegan liked to read a book good more than just one and two, and often finished her”ŒOMegan liked to read a book good more and more, until eventually, like the old b”ŒJMegan liked to read a book good more than anything else in the world. She”ŒRMegan liked to read a book good more than talk in it and that was the biggest part”ŒPMegan liked to read a book good more than anything, and it had become one of her”ŒGMegan liked to read a book good more than a book bad, but a book with a”Œ\Megan liked to read a book good more than all kinds or forms of entertainment she could find”ŒGMegan liked to read a book good more if she was in the bath. It made it”ŒNMegan liked to read a book good more than anything else. That’s why she went”ŒTMegan liked to read a book good more than a book about her. The former was something”ŒSMegan liked to read a book good more than anything in the world. But she would tell”ŒXMegan liked to read a book good more than anything, except the time she was young enough”ŒMMegan liked to read a book good more than anything in the world. The old, rag”ŒSMegan liked to read a book good more than any other activity. I knew this about her”ŒEMegan liked to read a book good more than one that was easy. One day”ŒPMegan liked to read a book good more than she like to think about math. She like”ŒKMegan liked to read a book good more than she liked to read a book bad. And”ŒPMegan liked to read a book good more for its pictures than its words and, on the”ŒQMegan liked to read a book good more than anything. She was reading a book in the”ŒTMegan liked to read a book good more than anything else. She was about six years old”ŒXMegan liked to read a book good more than anything the world over and she had decided to”ŒUMegan liked to read a book good more than anything else. She had read every book from”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEjBhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒqThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school, and he got fired for coming in late. But he”ŒvThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college. She needed the money and she didn’t think the”ŒwThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the pizza place. (The pizza place was closed anyway.) The cashiers”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of getting an internship at the magazine, but we’ll just pretend his”ŒnThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school. The parents don't worry much since they”Œ{The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of sitting around the house and doing nothing. Her parents didn't pay her”ŒlThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of a fast food joint. The teenager got a job at the super”ŒyThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school, only to find out he is better off on a construction”ŒsThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the usual working in the fields for the local farmers. It can”Œ\The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of a college scholarship Ricky Ochoa, 16,”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college as they were unable to finance her admission. The”ŒgThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of working at the mall. He was one of few workers at”ŒsThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college as he wanted. Now after his dad started work”Œ}The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of doing homework! When a teenager was discovered missing from her home in”Œ„The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school because he was sick of teachers making snide comments about his”Œ\The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the coffee shop 19-year-old girl Nabra”Œ]The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of getting arrested. A 13-year-old boy who”ŒUThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to uni A 16-year-old from”ŒuThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of buying new clothes Forced to wear one of her old school uniform”ŒtThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of doing his homework – and has been punished A mother has been”ŒfThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of sitting the exams as he couldn't afford it ### A”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college and when the news came out about Kmart, they fired”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to work at her friend’s wedding. Her friends are angry that”ŒzThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of attending college. And she wants the Internet to know how she did it ”ŒƒThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college. He is working part time but is unable to complete university”ŒThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of being sent to school A mother who has suffered from anxiety attacks while”ŒpThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the fast-food place. Her mom was grateful to have the help.”Œ~The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of working at the restaurant. She would walk to work every day and arrive at”Œ}The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of staying at school A teenager from Scotland decided that life would be a”ŒsThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of attending school. Her mom sent her off on her first day with 5”ŒThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of buying anything. The employee said you could work there as long as you are”ŒqThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of just asking her daddy, the way she usually does when she’s”ŒThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of her brother because her parents said she doesn't understand money. What does”ŒvThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of moving ahead with her dream of being a social worker. Her mother”Œ`The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the bank. Around 91% of the total number of”ŒlThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of being a nanny. There are not many teenagers who really”Œ_The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of being prosecuted. Dubai (United Arab Emir”ŒkThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of being a stay-at-home mom. She got that job through her”ŒVThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of waiting. A 23-year-old former D.”ŒwThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school. The company wants to show him an old video of the”ŒiThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to college. He got a small stipend of about $2”Œ}The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of staying with his mother in Sweden. But soon the young man came to regret”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of going to school after his mother could not pay for his education. ”ŒuThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of a summer camp or an internship, so she could earn money to cover”ŒxThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of the ice cream place and her mother said “thank goodness, you were”ŒyThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of getting a summer job with his friends. He was tired of his parents y”Œ{The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of having sex with their boss after their boss offered to pay for a flat.”ŒYThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of an ice cream factory. # 1. Become a”ŒyThe teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of heading to college. She wanted to pay off her parents' mortgage, she”Œ{The teenager got a job at the supermarket instead of hanging out with his friends. His first day on the job was supposed to”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjHsbhLhN)”}”(hEj{hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒfThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on the phone. Then the teacher asked again. It”ŒhThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her laptop. One after the other, everyone had”ŒpThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games during the lesson and did not bring the work. She did not”ŒtThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games. The teacher asked for the homework again. Elena played games”ŒkThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games with her friends, and now they’d taken a long time”ŒfThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her cell phone and did not hand it in. Elena”ŒlThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games in Facebook all the day and forgot to do it. Then her”ŒtThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and her homework was not ready. The teacher told her what she”ŒdThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on the computer at the time. When it was her”ŒnThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games. After several times of refusing and then surrendering,”ŒmThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games all day and night. She never did the homework, nor did”ŒvThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her cell phone all morning. The teacher reminded her that in”ŒtThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games all afternoon instead and she didn’t have her homework. The”ŒwThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on his tablet, looking with horror how this student stood up and”ŒpThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games throughout the day and came to the lesson 15 minutes late”Œ`The teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and got no homework. 5th grade student. L”ŒhThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games like this with her, but she didn’t like when it”ŒfThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and just didn’t think about it. For now Elena”ŒgThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on a phone, she didn’t want to do the homework”ŒiThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone and didn’t see the teacher. But the”ŒqThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games all day and left her homework to the very last minute. She”ŒwThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on a phone and was surprised to find that her friend was reading”ŒwThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games instead of doing her homework. Her teacher asked her why she was”ŒhThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games in her head; she’d do whatever she was asked to”ŒrThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone for the entire class period. For extra credit,”ŒqThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and waited until the very last moment. Then she ran to her”ŒuThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and fooled around with her friends. Her homework was not ready”ŒlThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on PicsArt on school notebook without looking at me. ”ŒpThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games, did not complete her homework and was punished. She went”ŒuThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her tablet from a corner of the playground during the break”Œ}The teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games instead of doing her math homework. The teacher gave her another paper”ŒwThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games all weekend and forgot to do the homework. She started panicking”ŒrThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone, ignoring the world. Her eyes were dead behind”Œ]The teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her computer until 1.30, so she was”ŒnThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games for two and a half hours and got bored and was going to”ŒlThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on the phone as she sat there, so the teacher did not”ŒyThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games the entire weekend, and when the moment to solve the tasks arrived”ŒlThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone. Her face was flushed red and she smiled”ŒkThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone. She said that she had read “A Street”ŒYThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on the phone. “I didn’t do it”ŒvThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her iPad instead of doing the work until class was over then”ŒaThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games. Lucky, I was able to take care of all her”ŒuThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games all day with her friends so she didn’t really remember doing”ŒeThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone in school, and she didn’t do it”ŒoThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone, and when she brought her notebook out, she”ŒoThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on the phone. The teacher raised a finger saying no, not”Œ]The teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games and didn't notice. "I have nothing." ”ŒxThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games with her cell phone and was sitting back, looking around as other”ŒvThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games on her phone until he noticed and went through the assignment. ”ŒrThe teacher asked for the homework. Elena played games with all the students in Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Belgium,”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEj´hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he was expecting, the blood had been very dark.”ŒVThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it had been when it was wet, but that didn”ŒUThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it had been in the past. The faux leather”ŒNThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on Shawn's, but it was still there”ŒUThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than she had hoped, but she hadn't expected it”ŒSThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he'd expected, a good thing in his mind”ŒZThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than the carpet, which made him wonder how long he'”Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he thought it would be. Maybe it was because of”ŒRThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on hers. With his hand on her back, he”ŒYThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than expected, given the spilled wine. He was glad”ŒWThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than in the pictures he'd seen online, but there”Œ`The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he would have expected from the colour from the spit”ŒGThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it had been on Cody's. Cody”ŒSThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he expected. Wet clothing, he realized”ŒSThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it ought to be, even for a light stain.”ŒTThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than Shane thought it would've been. Maybe it”ŒVThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than I could have hoped. I think I can get away”ŒRThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on his brother's, but it still wouldn'”ŒXThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it could have been. With a little bit of ble”ŒVThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it was for Alex. It had been the second or”Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it had been on his face, and his expression was”Œ^The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than most would have expected, but it was still a stain”ŒaThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than I remembered. I had been under the impression that it”ŒOThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on the carpet. He'd had a couple of”ŒQThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on her own. It spread up a little, to”ŒSThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on his pants but it wasn't light at all”ŒUThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than she'd expected, and on her shorts and bra”ŒNThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on Randy's. They made the boy wear”ŒSThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than his pants. The dark blue-jeans had dark”ŒMThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than the one on Kane's. When Jason was”ŒHThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than Lori's, and he was able to d”Œ\The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he'd expected, maybe because of the thick layers”ŒWThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he'd expected. The blue dress shirt was not”Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he expected, which was good, and his pants were”ŒVThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than at first appeared when he awoke, but still”Œ]The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he was expecting, the blood on his knife and fore”ŒYThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than she had expected. If Sam had been able to get”ŒYThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than I expected. I had tried my hand at washing it”ŒWThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it had been a few days before. It was still”Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than what he originally thought. It wasn't until his”•ŒJThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than it was on Tess' blouse. Jason'”ŒeThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than he expected. He supposed that he should have noticed that”Œ[The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than the rest, it also looked more faded like it had”ŒXThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than the one he used to show the detective. A bit”Œ^The stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than what it had appeared at first (well the first time”ŒVThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on the carpet, but in just my presence, it”ŒXThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than she had thought it would be. It looked as if”ŒOThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than on his pants. He'd spent the night,”ŒZThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than before as he got up but still was able to make”ŒQThe stain was lighter on Jason's shirt than before-a dark blotch in the middle of”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjºsbhLhN)”}”(hEjíhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒjMy face was more familiar than it was at the end of last season. They’d seen one person for so long that”ŒlMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the week, but I still didn’t have a good routine”ŒjMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the trip. I had become aware of everyone else's”ŒwMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the year to the police, and their visits were so frequent the”Œ]My face was more familiar than it was at the time. It didn't look like me. I felt alien, cold”ŒfMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of all this. I can say that. But I still don’”ŒkMy face was more familiar than it was at the time When you looked at me When the years and miles between us”ŒfMy face was more familiar than it was at the time of your death. The words “mama†had been said so”ŒkMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the week. I’ve begun to adjust to the rhythm of”ŒqMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the month but not many people stopped to say hello, the”ŒmMy face was more familiar than it was at the start of the year, though only a fraction of it could be seen as”ŒfMy face was more familiar than it was at the age of 2 because I had already been here before, in fact,”ŒbMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of my time at CIU. I had met more than half”ŒmMy face was more familiar than it was at the time the world knew him. My voice was more familiar than it was.”ŒuMy face was more familiar than it was at the dinner table with the family. After years of fighting to the bitter end,”ŒeMy face was more familiar than it was at the time (it is not much unfamiliar now). It was a good time”ŒRMy face was more familiar than it was at the dentists. And while, “hey, let’s”ŒqMy face was more familiar than it was at the start of training camp, just before I left for New Zealand. My beard”ŒhMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the shoot. I was not sure what to expect so I”ŒkMy face was more familiar than it was at the last time I went hiking with friends. I saw the smile in their”ŒhMy face was more familiar than it was at the time I joined. I had many friends from my years in Hull who”ŒvMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the year. The weight from the water was lifting from my body”ŒqMy face was more familiar than it was at the time I arrived, not just because I returned a few times, but because”ŒkMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the quarantine, when I couldn’t leave my house.”ŒyMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of April during this month. The pandemic is still not coming to an”ŒzMy face was more familiar than it was at the time with a small crowd that surrounded me, the crowd got smaller and smaller”ŒuMy face was more familiar than it was at the time of the birth of my first baby and the subsequent birth of my second”ŒaMy face was more familiar than it was at the time. You will have to use cookies. If there's a lot”ŒkMy face was more familiar than it was at the time. It has changed, though I never quite noticed it, since I”ŒdMy face was more familiar than it was at the 2013 Academy Awards when the hosts of the show asked me”ŒdMy face was more familiar than it was at the age of 17 when I walked into my first acting class at H”Œ~My face was more familiar than it was at the time of graduation because of the many pictures that were taken in every possible”ŒoMy face was more familiar than it was at the first event, which was fine, as was the small collection as I wasn”ŒcMy face was more familiar than it was at the wedding when I was a young, blonde and unmarried girl.”ŒhMy face was more familiar than it was at the time of my graduation. I wore the same blue gown, same blue”ŒiMy face was more familiar than it was at the start of the evening. For over five hours, Katherine Hepburn”ŒpMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the week, and it felt great to be getting on well with”ŒqMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the semester. Every day, I had a lecture with Professor”Œ_My face was more familiar than it was at the time it went viral. I had not given away my image”ŒpMy face was more familiar than it was at the end of the film. The first thing that comes to mind when the camera”ŒPMy face was more familiar than it was at the time it was painted in the 1980s. ”ŒsMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the year, but it was still much less visible than most of”ŒnMy face was more familiar than it was at the time. There is a lot of pain, but also some beautiful memories in”ŒbMy face was more familiar than it was at the end of the race. I had to keep looking at the banner”ŒgMy face was more familiar than it was at the same age, or at the same age, or with the same gender that”ŒaMy face was more familiar than it was at the end of the day. It always used to be. Back then, the”ŒcMy face was more familiar than it was at the outset of the pandemic. It may not be surprising, but”ŒtMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of the campaign, but the campaign was not over. You still had”ŒeMy face was more familiar than it was at the start of the year, so at the very least that’s a start”ŒbMy face was more familiar than it was at the beginning of my term I had an issue at school. But I”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjósbhLhN)”}”(hEj&hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒOThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped and sent the woman airborne, flying to”ŒIThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped with a crack!, sending a rock sh”ŒFThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped with a clean break. What was”ŒIThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped in a few places. This photo was”ŒIThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped all the same, and the huge bould”ŒEThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped like a rubber band, and my 3”ŒNThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped into pieces; now it was shattered and”Œ A car”ŒAThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped. The rope didn’t fray.”ŒPThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped before the river bend. He knew his hand”ŒTThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped nonetheless. The ball rolled away from her.”ŒNThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped at the top, allowing the tire to fall”ŒKThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped, sending a gout of flame high into”ŒMThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped with a crack and began to fold in on”ŒKThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped quickly. The rope jerked out of my”ŒOThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped under the force of the impact. I could”ŒXThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped on a particularly deep throw. The car continued”ŒHThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped like a dry twig in the hands of”ŒVThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped when Katie finally used her whole body weight”ŒFThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped the metal. The stone whizzed”ŒIThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped finally under the pressure. Its”ŒBThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped in half at the knot. Cody”ŒUThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped after three years of the rocking and shaking”ŒVThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped instantly, the sound echoing like thunder all”ŒIThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped to pieces with an angry pop. Pey”ŒOThe rubber resisted the rock but snapped anyway. With a sound like thunder, the”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj,sbhLhN)”}”(hEj_hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒPBetty learned to play the cello well enough to attend The Interlochen Arts Camp,”ŒWBetty learned to play the cello well enough to be a very accomplished player at the age”ŒQBetty learned to play the cello well and went on to study music at a music school”ŒFBetty learned to play the cello well as she grew up on Kernell Road in”ŒLBetty learned to play the cello well at school, and as a gift to her husband”ŒNBetty learned to play the cello well, but she only cared about the boys in the”ŒNBetty learned to play the cello well enough to earn a scholarship to Juilliard”ŒUBetty learned to play the cello well enough to earn third chair seat in the school or”ŒWBetty learned to play the cello well enough to get herself accepted into one of the top”ŒMBetty learned to play the cello well. Eventually she was able to play “Swan”ŒNBetty learned to play the cello well enough to earn a small living in the mid-”ŒGBetty learned to play the cello well on her own, but then when she was ”ŒIBetty learned to play the cello well. She practiced every day for a hour.”ŒLBetty learned to play the cello well enough, over the next ten years, to win”ŒOBetty learned to play the cello well. She was a talented musician. She was also”ŒZBetty learned to play the cello well enough that she was selected to accompany the school'”ŒJBetty learned to play the cello well enough to teach Suzuki. Photo: Mark L”ŒKBetty learned to play the cello well. She was talented and diligent. A real”ŒZBetty learned to play the cello well enough to become section leader. She enjoyed singing”ŒVBetty learned to play the cello well after she turned thirty, but there has never been”ŒWBetty learned to play the cello well before she started learning about a life of faith.”ŒWBetty learned to play the cello well, performing with and then soloing with the Chicago”ŒLBetty learned to play the cello well enough to join a trio with two clarinet”ŒOBetty learned to play the cello well enough to lead a string quartet at the age”Œ;Betty learned to play the cello well at age 3 and by 8, had”ŒSBetty learned to play the cello well before she could speak. She is an outstanding”ŒdBetty learned to play the cello well enough to enter a national competition for young string players”ŒDBetty learned to play the cello well enough so that when she was 15,”ŒTBetty learned to play the cello well, though her fingers were too short to reach all”ŒUBetty learned to play the cello well in middle school, but the instrument ended up in”Œ>Betty learned to play the cello well enough that in 1927, when”ŒPBetty learned to play the cello well enough to pass a test as a substitute for a”ŒWBetty learned to play the cello well enough to be the principal in a small community or”ŒLBetty learned to play the cello well. The instrument was well played by Bet”ŒVBetty learned to play the cello well and won a full scholarship to the School of Music”ŒGBetty learned to play the cello well enough at the age of 12 to perform”ŒKBetty learned to play the cello well enough to earn money playing in the 18”ŒTBetty learned to play the cello well after she started working at the nursing home. ”Œ\Betty learned to play the cello well before her family moved from South Texas to California.”ŒRBetty learned to play the cello well enough to become a member of the orchestra at”ŒPBetty learned to play the cello well enough to earn a high school honor; while a”ŒFBetty learned to play the cello well enough at age 11 to join a public”ŒKBetty learned to play the cello well. The family was happy to let her go to”ŒPBetty learned to play the cello well enough to play in the school orchestra. The”ŒVBetty learned to play the cello well enough to make her parents proud, she could carry”ŒSBetty learned to play the cello well enough to be a good bass player in high school”ŒQBetty learned to play the cello well, in fact so well that she performed with the”ŒTBetty learned to play the cello well; She performed classical music concerts twice a”ŒPBetty learned to play the cello well enough to join the symphony and play violin”ŒNBetty learned to play the cello well in a very short time with the help of our”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjesbhLhN)”}”(hEj˜hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because he wanted to have some of his own money for”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because he used all of his money on his clothes.”ŒTMichael had less money than Samuel did because he was in the fifth grade. But he had”ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because he never did much after high school. He was”ŒcMichael had less money than Samuel did because he didn’t inherit anything because his father died”Œ]Michael had less money than Samuel did because he did more damage to his home than Samuel did”ŒbMichael had less money than Samuel did because Michael was a bachelor and his living expenses didn”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because he was more imprudent spending his money.”ŒVMichael had less money than Samuel did because Michael got sick when he was a boy, and”ŒVMichael had less money than Samuel did because his father was a pastor, not a business”ŒBMichael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel had $133,000”ŒUMichael had less money than Samuel did because he had not been able to hold on to all”ŒYMichael had less money than Samuel did because he took the money he was supposed to be in”Œ_Michael had less money than Samuel did because of this his father’s money and properties were”ŒVMichael had less money than Samuel did because he was less wealthy, at least up to the”ŒGMichael had less money than Samuel did because his job paid $5,000 less”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because of the money that he lost at the casino.”ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because there was one point when I wasn’t working”Œ^Michael had less money than Samuel did because he had fewer chances to learn to manage what he”Œ^Michael had less money than Samuel did because he made the decision to become a Christian. The”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel had more money than Michael did. ”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because Michael didn’t have a job at the moment”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because he did not want any of the money from his”ŒTMichael had less money than Samuel did because he had been a soldier in Egypt. His”ŒUMichael had less money than Samuel did because he worked much less (due to his handic”Œ]Michael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel’s dad has been making money for years”ŒUMichael had less money than Samuel did because he had a lot of spending. He wanted to”ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because he had his own wife and three kids, whereas”ŒNMichael had less money than Samuel did because in the book "The Catcher in the”ŒOMichael had less money than Samuel did because he spent it on frivolous things,”ŒVMichael had less money than Samuel did because he was a lot older than Samuel. He didn”ŒYMichael had less money than Samuel did because he only had one salary, and Samuel has two”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because they didn’t go for long walks to visit”ŒTMichael had less money than Samuel did because he gave more of it to charity. So why”Œ\Michael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel wasn’t going to have the children to”ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because he was not as famous as Samuel was. Michael”ŒUMichael had less money than Samuel did because the money we have will be divided in 6”ŒYMichael had less money than Samuel did because the interest rate on his loan was higher. ”ŒPMichael had less money than Samuel did because he’s 6 years older than Samuel.”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because he had spent most of his life being a “”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because he did not work as hard as he could have”ŒLMichael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel had a 401k and Michael”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because his mom did not work like Samuel’s mom”ŒWMichael had less money than Samuel did because the former needed to pay for his son’s”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because he did not have the money to buy a laptop”Œ`Michael had less money than Samuel did because for years he had been paying out more for medical”ŒQMichael had less money than Samuel did because people gave him less. In a game he”ŒXMichael had less money than Samuel did because he sold no slaves, but he sold more goods”ŒYMichael had less money than Samuel did because Samuel had more shares than Michael did. ”ŒZMichael had less money than Samuel did because of his alcohol problem. When he died, there”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjžsbhLhN)”}”(hEjÑhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ{My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or credit cards that offers cash back. This cash back bonus has a minimum cash”ŒmMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a laptop or an increase of annual wage. I chose the laptop. I”ŒiMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop if you stay on for another year. I'm going to have”ŒcMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop (I’d take the laptop, but it hasn’t been”ŒyMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or computer and it was recently approved for me. I can choose either a phone”ŒYMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a gift card, or a check that is 25% of my”ŒtMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or cash. Given how inexpensive phones have become recently, I chose the”ŒTMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $600. My question is: The $600 might”ŒiMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a $500 gift card every year in December to all employees.”ŒiMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a tablet or a 4-day weekend for any employee who can quit”Œ^My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a laptop, and I chose the laptop. It's an Acer”ŒjMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $250 to any eligible employee who signs up for our cafeter”ŒJMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $500. If $1000/yr is worth”ŒbMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or an iPOD shuffle with the purchase of any Dell Lapt”ŒyMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a similar value of a phone plan from some very big name Canadian carriers”ŒsMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or cash. I work with a young woman who recently had a second child and”ŒdMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $500 if you turn in a phone and return to work remot”ŒZMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or 1000 dollars. I really want a flip. I live”ŒaMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or some cash which i could use towards a 21:9 phone.”ŒPMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a 3,500€ cash (pre-tax), which”ŒgMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or iPod on their internal website. It’s in the form of a”Œ\My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a cash bonus on top of my salary ($2,000 for”Œ[My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or 2400 KR worth of clothing if you bring in a”ŒeMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop of my choice (or cash in lieu thereof). Now, I”ŒcMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $100 toward a phone/service plan of your choice. My”ŒtMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or cash. I have a free phone courtesy of my employer anyway, so figured”ŒpMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop after your stay here. Since I would never think of using”Œ^My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $1,200 cash with purchase of a laptop. At home”ŒQMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or 1,500 extra bucks, so I opted for”ŒdMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or 4 weeks of vacation. I'll take the bonus in the form”Œ€My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or TV system subscription or a bonus of either a desktop or laptop computer system.”ŒtMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop of some kind during the holiday season. I do some of the more”Œ`My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $300 for signing a 2 year contract with Verizon.”ŒnMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a gift card for completing a survey. The survey takes about 20”Œ}My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or tablet for those who make a certain sale. They have been promoting like crazy”ŒoMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop and I’m struggling to choose. I have an iPhone which I”Œ`My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $200. I asked how to get the phone and they gave”Œ[My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a $300 gift card for spending at least $300”ŒyMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or tablet. I already have a work phone from my previous employer plus I have”ŒoMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or an Apple device every 6 months through a loyalty program. I’m”ŒtMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop for people who work in remote locations, which I am. In order”Œ}My employer offers a bonus of either a phone or computer if you complete a certain number of online training hours. I used to”ŒrMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or laptop. I was told both would be ordered, but since I already have”ŒYMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or $150 towards a non-work-related gadget. I”ŒMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or Kindle device upon successful completion of a training course. At first glance”ŒSMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or iPad. I've had a few Androids, and”ŒuMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a cash bonus for completion of training. I have been working for them”ŒbMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a couple hundred dollars. I decided I’d like 20”ŒlMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or a laptop for me and my fiancee if I work the required number”ŒuMy employer offers a bonus of either a phone or tablet if you meet your number of monthly sales quotas and I was able”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj×sbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒSChristine was tired of Maria being a pain the ass. Christine wanted a new maid, but”ŒZChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She was over the nonsense Maria kept”ŒTChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the butt. Maria was the same age as her”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She couldn’t understand why Maria”ŒQChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her shithouse. Her family couldn’t”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her side. Maria just kept going on about the”ŒBChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass. The 31-year-”Œ^Christine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She was tired of Maria constantly asking”ŒNChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her side. Everyone at the office”Œ^Christine was tired of Maria being a pain in her life and her being involved with her husband.”ŒOChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass, as usual. That stupid bim”ŒbChristine was tired of Maria being a pain. She always seemed to be hanging around the hospital all”Œ`Christine was tired of Maria being a pain and not being able to enjoy her pregnancy more the way”Œ[Christine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass, like she was in everything and always”Œ`Christine was tired of Maria being a pain and taking food off her plate, always interrupting her”ŒRChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass, and asked her to talk to her”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the…back and decided to start the day with”ŒRChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass, so she decided to put an end”ŒPChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She’d had another one of”ŒNChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. It drove her to insanity”ŒWChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the butt, always making fun of the way she”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. They had been living together for a”ŒPChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. Maria wasn’t the kind of”ŒVChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the neck and took a very drastic measure ”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her behind when it came to her weight so she”ŒWChristine was tired of Maria being a pain. She was tired of the way Maria always acted.”ŒXChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. Her friend had been an annoying nu”ŒZChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass and needed a drink. She looked around”ŒYChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass, so she decided to take matters into”ŒMChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass, and she told her. Well,”ŒNChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the side. She'd been her boss for”ŒPChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She was a good worker, and”ŒNChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass, so she set her up to get”Œ[Christine was tired of Maria being a pain in the butt. She had this habit of telling people”Œ\Christine was tired of Maria being a pain. Maria had a very unique and creative way of being”ŒWChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She had enough so she invited her”ŒUChristine was tired of Maria being a pain about things and decided to deal with it! ”ŒPChristine was tired of Maria being a pain, but after being a bridesmaid at Sarah”ŒTChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the neck. When Maria asked to borrow $”ŒbChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the butt and making other people feel uncomfortable. ”ŒSChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. She was going to try her best”ŒaChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass so she decided to finally do something about”ŒVChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her backside and said as much on Twitter.”ŒRChristine was tired of Maria being a pain to her customers at the bakery. She took”ŒSChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass when she had to get work done.”ŒPChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the butt so she just didn't care if”ŒOChristine was tired of Maria being a pain. Every morning when she woke up, the”ŒNChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass. It was time to move her,”ŒVChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in her ass and telling her what to do. After”ŒSChristine was tired of Maria being a pain in the ass, so she grabbed her by the arm”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEjChCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒTThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deeper than normal and seemed to get more so”ŒSThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were more pronounced than they had ever been. As”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were dark, gray, and very pretty. Er”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were a little more than puffy. Her m”ŒTThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were in full effect the morning she headed off to”ŒIThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were the tell for two days of insomnia”ŒTThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were starting to disappear. And she felt like her”ŒPThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were so bad this morning, she decided she had”ŒKThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were still just barely noticeable. They”ŒPThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were black and the skin on her face was tight”ŒQThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were fading and she was beginning to feel more”ŒMThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were just a couple of months old, but they”ŒKThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were not just from fatigue or allergies.”ŒWThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were in stark contrast to the brightness she usually”ŒTThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were evidence of sleepless nights spent playing W”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were so deep, and her hair so greasy”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were proof that she hadn't slept a w”ŒXThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were even more pronounced during the first week as he”ŒEThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were dark. I could hardly wait to”Œ[The dark circles under Erin's eyes were a dead giveaway that something had happened between”ŒLThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deep, and her breathing was heavy. "”ŒVThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were the first thing everyone noticed - it was even”ŒPThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were more than aesthetic; in all seriousness,”ŒVThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deeper than ever. She had cried herself asleep”ŒQThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were only part of the problem. Her face looked”ŒNThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were not just a sign of exhaustion from the”ŒVThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deep: the shadows in the bathroom reflected in”ŒJThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were a dead giveaway to her inner turmo”ŒAThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were obvious. She was tired. ”ŒNThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were beginning to take over her face. Her m”ŒMThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were a deep shade of purple. She never got”ŒKThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were not exactly a surprise. In fact, if”Œ@The dark circles under Erin's eyes were deepening. It was the 16”ŒKThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were telling her she hadn't been home in”ŒUThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were as black as the paint which covered her cheek”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were fading, so was the faint grey t”ŒMThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deep and her face was even paler than”ŒRThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were so black they looked like bruises and they”ŒGThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were gone at my daughter's wedding. ”ŒOThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were so pronounced they looked like caved-in”ŒOThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were a good indicator of how much sleep she'”ŒOThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were deepening by the minute, the bags under”ŒRThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were probably a good indicator of how busy she'”ŒUThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were barely visible when she woke up this morning.”ŒQThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were the first thing Tiffany noticed when they”Œ^The dark circles under Erin's eyes were visible through the thin layers of foundation that she”ŒNThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were hard to miss in the photos she sent me”ŒBThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were fading, she didn't have to”ŒXThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were pronounced enough to be a permanent tattoo, even”ŒLThe dark circles under Erin's eyes were pronounced. Tired and a bit anxious,”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjIsbhLhN)”}”(hEj|hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒcIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes with gasoline. When Carly and Mary arrived”ŒcIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. Felicia looked at photos of Mary with her”ŒhIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress and found the last clue underneath the fabric. In”ŒZIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dresses, laughing. Mary grabbed Felicia's”ŒgIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes and tossed them out the window onto the bushes”ŒVIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's blouse. In her office, Chance found a”Œ\In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's shirt. She went to her room, tossed her key”Œ[In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress. Felicia told Mary she had to end it”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress. It had been a lot simpler to work with”ŒVIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. Later, at Crimson Lights, Sh”Œ]In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. She said Mary's fate was sealed the”ŒfIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. Mary called the police and asked to be taken”ŒjIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's shirt. Felicia remembered how the last time someone asked”ŒkIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress from the night before. After the dress was destroyed”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress, trying to keep it quiet. After she put”Œ[In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's underwear. She hoped the heat could scorch”ŒTIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's and Olivia's bras and underwear. Ol”ŒcIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress in the commercial washer. Mary tried to find”ŒlIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dirty clothes after Mary was unsuccessful in her attempt to”ŒaIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress as Mary screamed in agony. Meanwhile, Ryan”ŒkIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's underwear. Mary watched her through the window without her”ŒdIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes and then took a shower. When she arrived at”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress, then told her that the dress was hers.”ŒcIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress. She couldn't afford the fine for destroying”ŒZIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's white lingerie with a lighter. She took a”ŒZIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's bra (on the stove and under the blades of”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's nightie with a small magnifying glass. On the”ŒTIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's nightdress, and dumped the ashes in”ŒZIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's blouse with an iron. Felicia told her the”ŒTIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's lacy bra and panties. Later, at the”ŒZIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. As soon as Felicia was done, her”Œ`In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress shirt and tie. She left the room and told”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes in the dryer. Felicia told Mary about”Œ\In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's nightgown. After putting it out in the dump”ŒUIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's jacket. At Mary's, Adam saw the char”ŒcIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's dress and jacket. Later, Felicia stopped Nick from”Œ\In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's shirts in the dryer. When Mary returned and”ŒkIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes but decided to let Mary live rather than watch her”ŒRIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes at the incinerator. # So”ŒaIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's shirt with the iron. Mary went into the room and”ŒhIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's laundry. Asa returned to the apartment and noticed that”Œ\In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's shirt and the dress for her to wear. Later,”Œ_In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's blouse to get rid of the evidence of her blood”ŒgIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes, then slipped out a window with a backpack and”Œ^In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes. Mary watched, her brow sweating, and”ŒXIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's underwear in a big plastic trash bag. ”Œ]In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's blouse and the locket of bones was thrown in”Œ[In the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's letters. She threw the ashes in the trash.”ŒhIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's baby clothes and other evidence, while a voiceover from”ŒbIn the hotel laundry room, Felicia burned Mary's clothes so that she couldn't see who had attacked”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj‚sbhLhN)”}”(hEjµhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his brothers because he was born first and his mother”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than anyone in the Bible. He lived to be older”ŒMSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than the one I was given. But he had a”Œ[Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than almost any of his brothers. He was known within”ŒVSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than everyone else. He did not live long in the”ŒWSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than John, being born two years after the end of”ŒPSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his brother and parents. > In those”ŒZSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than average life expectancy at the time. The Bible”Œ]Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than Jonathan. While he was alive, he suffered several”ŒNSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than any of his predecessors. It’s no”Œ]Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his brother Joseph. This may indicate two things.”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than King David, who lived to be around ninety”ŒTSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than all the Israelites. He was the only prop”ŒHSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than a normal person. Yet on his”ŒYSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than me, but still had an impressive amount of lif”ŒNSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than all the other kings combined. Yet”ŒVSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than Eli, but lived longer than Eli, Samuel was”ŒSSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most of the rest of the Israelites. Yet”Œ\Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than the typical human in a few generations. However,”Œ\Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than David because during the time when Saul was king”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than everyone around him, and yet he lived to ”ŒZSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than other high priests of Israel and he was a high”ŒOSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than I did. He had the longest to get in”ŒZSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his brothers. However, that does not take away”ŒOSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than Josephus, but a similar lifespan to”ŒVSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than David but had a longer time in office. Why”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most kings. He may have died in battle or”Œ[Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than many of his companions like Saul even though he”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his father before him, but he still had a”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than the rest of his siblings. This was due to”ŒLSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than me. I wonder what he’d make of”ŒXSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most humans. This is the case for his father”ŒQSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than many of the Bible’s righteous, with”ŒUSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than a man who had died a century before. This”Œ_Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most and, although he could read it with confidence”Œ_Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than other kings because of his actions, and his example”ŒSSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his predecessor as king of Israel, Saul”ŒVSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most of the kings of Judah — eight years”ŒYSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than David. One would think that he and David were”ŒXSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than any of the other judges, although he was arg”ŒPSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than Saul (I guess they weren’t allowed”Œ`Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most people today have—most people today expect to”Œ[Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most of the prophets and that probably accounts”ŒSSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most, only fifty or so years but he was”ŒQSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than the rest of us. Maybe it was the life”ŒHSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than his brothers. He died in 201”ŒNSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than most due to his pancreatic issues.”ŒQSamuel had a shorter expected lifespan than I did. I wish I could know whether he”Œ[Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than others… but it also appears that he spent his”Œ[Samuel had a shorter expected lifespan than all other of his brothers. This was because God”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj»sbhLhN)”}”(hEjîhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒVIt was painful for Justin to break up with his pregnant girlfriend of four years, Sam.”ŒFIt was painful for Justin to break up with his fiancé Sam, so when he”ŒTIt was painful for Justin to break up with his high school sweetheart. They had been”ŒPIt was painful for Justin to break up his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, H”Œ9It was painful for Justin to break up with Sasstha in 201”ŒUIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend, Ashley. She was everything”ŒXIt was painful for Justin to break up with his long-term girlfriend. Although the timing”ŒYIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend of fourteen months, but he felt”ŒZIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend, but he thought she needed space”Œ\It was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend. It was probably even more painful”ŒIIt was painful for Justin to break up with Olivia, a sweet girl he met on”ŒHIt was painful for Justin to break up with Sarah last season on 90 Day F”ŒOIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend, Melissa, but he knew”ŒKIt was painful for Justin to break up with her. He’d known her since they”ŒEIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend. He didn't”Œ[It was painful for Justin to break up with his high school sweetheart. The relationship had”ŒEIt was painful for Justin to break up with me. He said that I “came”ŒCIt was painful for Justin to break up with his fiancée. It hadn’”ŒHIt was painful for Justin to break up with Lizzie like he did. That wasn”ŒTIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend of over four years, but he”ŒMIt was painful for Justin to break up with his on-again, off-again girlfriend”ŒJIt was painful for Justin to break up with Melissa, but their time was up.”ŒKIt was painful for Justin to break up with Kendall. They were only a couple”ŒNIt was painful for Justin to break up with her then, but he did not regret his”ŒMIt was painful for Justin to break up the band and to not be able to have the”ŒVIt was painful for Justin to break up with Lauren. She was a beautiful girl inside and”ŒDIt was painful for Justin to break up with Abigail. He did it out of”ŒFIt was painful for Justin to break up with Emily. “I’m going to be”Œ=It was painful for Justin to break up with Rihanna. Justin B”ŒMIt was painful for Justin to break up with Tiffany because he knew how much T”ŒSIt was painful for Justin to break up with Bri, because he believed in their future”ŒQIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend of three years, Krystal”ŒMIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend, but he’d come to”ŒAIt was painful for Justin to break up with Amber Rose back in 201”ŒOIt was painful for Justin to break up with a woman he loved. She was also loved”ŒKIt was painful for Justin to break up with the love of his life, but it was”ŒJIt was painful for Justin to break up with her, but she couldn't stay with”ŒHIt was painful for Justin to break up with Cassandra. The last week has”ŒUIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend. They had been dating for a”ŒNIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend, Sam, so he sent her”ŒWIt was painful for Justin to break up with Melanie after their engagement was over, but”ŒSIt was painful for Justin to break up with Abigail that way, especially because she”ŒRIt was painful for Justin to break up with his long-term girlfriend two years ago.”ŒXIt was painful for Justin to break up with the person he had been living with for almost”ŒWIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend and the only memory he had of”ŒLIt was painful for Justin to break up with Ally, because he was so deeply in”ŒaIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend the other day because after three years”ŒLIt was painful for Justin to break up with Jess. “We’ve been friends for”ŒHIt was painful for Justin to break up with Jill. They’d been going out”ŒOIt was painful for Justin to break up with his girlfriend. After all, they had”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjôsbhLhN)”}”(hEj'hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. He told his brother that he was happy”ŒPAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. He was amazed at how close R”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. While, Randy was conscious only to”Œ`At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries that he sustained in the car crash where he”ŒZAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's cuts. Randy revealed that he and Victoria were”ŒJAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's face. RJ arrived, and RJ asked”ŒOAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wound. When he told Kevin that he'd”ŒLAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds while J.T. was away. When”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries. Randy thanked him for saving his”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injured arm. Later, Kenneth gave Randy”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's unconscious body, commenting they've got a”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's leg, while Tina explained her suspicions that”ŒTAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's bullet wound. Cady stood beside Sam, and”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds, who claimed he fell on a rock.”ŒQAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Asked about his future, Randy”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's needs. They were interrupted by Albrecht '”Œ[At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries. He confirmed that his lungs are fine,”ŒZAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Kenneth noticed his watch was missing,”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's gun shot wound. They were told by the”ŒdAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injury, having brought him into surgery only moments ago”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wound while the man asked if he'd seen”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries outside of the ambulance. He removed”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries. Elsewhere at the hospital, a”ŒiAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's physical wounds and treated him with compassion and sympathy,”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds after the kidnapping, with help from D”Œ]At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds, as Randy described his experiences of the”ŒNAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Randy stated that Kenneth”ŒgAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds and they talked about their past relationship as his”ŒUAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. He noted that Randy got the wound”Œ[At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's head wound from the accident. He was upset when”ŒTAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Randy explained that Trevino was”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries, while Sammi was having a tough time”ŒMAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wound. TJ took a blood sample. As”ŒWAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Randy was relieved that Kenneth had”ŒZAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries, while Randy explained how he came to”ŒZAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds and explained that in Randy's condition”ŒXAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's bleeding wound. He assured Randy that he was”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wife, Carol , who had gone into complications”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wound. He explained that Randy had a l”ŒZAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds while he asked Randy about his attacker”ŒeAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds while Michael told Tess about getting into trouble”ŒUAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds, with the help of some assistants.”ŒRAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. Randy explained that he'd just”Œ[At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injured knee. Randy tried to make conversation,”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's broken knee, and was upset to learn that M”ŒYAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds. He talked to Ken about his father and”ŒhAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's wounds and asked if he remembered anything that had happened”Œ]At the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's minor injuries following their skirmish. He later”ŒVAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries and told him to get a lot of rest”ŒSAt the hospital, Kenneth tended to Randy 's injuries. Randy told Kenneth to let his”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj-sbhLhN)”}”(hEj`hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒWJohn was glad the file was kept in the desk drawer. Nobody ever came back to it. He was”ŒUJohn was glad the file was kept in the old-fashioned safe, rather than the newer ones”ŒaJohn was glad the file was kept in the archive so nobody could find it; his wife could never find”ŒIJohn was glad the file was kept in the box. If he hadn’t, he would’ve”Œ_John was glad the file was kept in the back of the bottom drawer. The one with the faded wooden”Œ\John was glad the file was kept in the back of a dusty closet full of old newspapers he didn”ŒaJohn was glad the file was kept in the archives with everything else, the secrets of the past the”Œ\John was glad the file was kept in the cabinet above his desk. There was no way he was going”Œ_John was glad the file was kept in the computer and backed up twice annually. He didn’t worry”ŒWJohn was glad the file was kept in the back of the truck. He wanted to read The Shining”ŒSJohn was glad the file was kept in the office, and was gladder still when Humphrey,”ŒcJohn was glad the file was kept in the top drawer of the filing cabinet instead of one of the upper”Œ^John was glad the file was kept in the computer, because he knew the hard copy would be in the”ŒMJohn was glad the file was kept in the main office. ### About the author As”ŒYJohn was glad the file was kept in the central case in the court house. He had an excuse.”ŒLJohn was glad the file was kept in the car. He didn’t want to take it, but”ŒRJohn was glad the file was kept in the original order. Its not too hard to figure”ŒaJohn was glad the file was kept in the vault in the police department, rather than the town hall.”ŒQJohn was glad the file was kept in the main office, at least for starters. He’”ŒBJohn was glad the file was kept in the computer. Pope John VI, 18”ŒQJohn was glad the file was kept in the box under his bed. He’d been out to move”ŒfJohn was glad the file was kept in the middle drawer rather than the last to minimize its disturbance.”ŒQJohn was glad the file was kept in the attic, because even if he didn’t want to”ŒTJohn was glad the file was kept in the basement of the house. It wasn't that she was”Œ^John was glad the file was kept in the original format, a single word, and glad that no matter”ŒOJohn was glad the file was kept in the top drawer. He was in a hurry and didn't”ŒcJohn was glad the file was kept in the back left corner of the bottom drawer. He had been searching”ŒfJohn was glad the file was kept in the cabinet drawer and not the computer where every kid is the best”Œ[John was glad the file was kept in the file cabinet in his office. He was glad also that he”Œ\John was glad the file was kept in the computer. With a quick thumb through of his log book,”ŒfJohn was glad the file was kept in the cloud because he could have dropped the files on the new laptop”ŒZJohn was glad the file was kept in the basement of the archive. This way, he told himself,”ŒRJohn was glad the file was kept in the safe place where no one could get it. Apart”Œ`John was glad the file was kept in the safe, and therefore, the person that was assigned to have”ŒfJohn was glad the file was kept in the small conference area of his office; the room had the advantage”ŒTJohn was glad the file was kept in the main file room. He’d been able to print out”ŒUJohn was glad the file was kept in the new place and he was glad no one had to endure”ŒSJohn was glad the file was kept in the old storage room. It was cooler here, and it”ŒhJohn was glad the file was kept in the secure area as it protected it from the constant stream of people”ŒXJohn was glad the file was kept in the cabinet. This was why they all had it, he thought”Œ^John was glad the file was kept in the main police station, about an hour away from the scene.”Œ^John was glad the file was kept in the original order. He scanned though, looking for the next”Œ\John was glad the file was kept in the computer instead of in the cabinet labeled TOP SECRET”Œ_John was glad the file was kept in the open access, since he was just a casual tourist to India”ŒWJohn was glad the file was kept in the top of the top drawer. He had come to terms with”Œ_John was glad the file was kept in the locked safe. He went back to his private office from the”ŒgJohn was glad the file was kept in the locked cabinet marked “Personnel Files – Confidentialâ€. He”Œ`John was glad the file was kept in the secure room, because when he entered the office he saw it”Œ]John was glad the file was kept in the basement. He had kept it off site to protect his files”ŒVJohn was glad the file was kept in the shredding room. No one seemed to use it anymore”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjfsbhLhN)”}”(hEj™hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ_The landscaping looked better at the house than the house itself. An uneven lawn with clumps of”Œ_The landscaping looked better at the house than the inside. It had a yard to explore and a nice”ŒdThe landscaping looked better at the house than it did when I first arrived. That is not saying much”ŒbThe landscaping looked better at the house than at the apartments. I’d walked to visit Mom today”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than the day before. More shrubs were planted, and”ŒbThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had ever while we were there. The previous ten”Œ^The landscaping looked better at the house than the one I had to leave six weeks ago. What the”ŒgThe landscaping looked better at the house than it showed in the pictures. The house seemed like “too”ŒaThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had any right to. There was fresh mulch around”Œ`The landscaping looked better at the house than at other houses. A woman in a wheelbarrow rolled”Œ[The landscaping looked better at the house than the apartment. Hannah drove to the grocery”ŒTThe landscaping looked better at the house than the house itself, as I looked at 241”ŒbThe landscaping looked better at the house than I remembered, at least the parts that I could see.”ŒgThe landscaping looked better at the house than when we had last visited it in the afternoon. It looked”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than it ever had. It was a two story house with an”ŒWThe landscaping looked better at the house than I remembered. A lawn, a driveway, and a”Œ^The landscaping looked better at the house than it did in the office. So I asked my supervisor”ŒeThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had ten months ago. The yard had been nicely groom”ŒqThe landscaping looked better at the house than the people seemed to, especially the children. They looked hungry”ŒgThe landscaping looked better at the house than the pictures led me to believe. It appears to have been”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than I expected. Yes, I know, the entire property”Œ^The landscaping looked better at the house than it had been since we moved in, but I still had”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than it sounded on the real estate listing. A few”ŒdThe landscaping looked better at the house than I remembered. Maybe it was the winter sun. Maybe the”ŒXThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had the last time we were there. The”Œ[The landscaping looked better at the house than it did when I'd been there the week before,”ŒYThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had in a long time. We had gone out of”ŒiThe landscaping looked better at the house than it appeared online. A friend was also going to help clean”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than it did in the garden, we think. The homeowner”ŒjThe landscaping looked better at the house than most of the other houses in his neighborhood. The lawn was”ŒbThe landscaping looked better at the house than the previous visit, but I did not take note of the”ŒcThe landscaping looked better at the house than we had expected. It was clear that we were in rural”Œ[The landscaping looked better at the house than it had in all the years she’d lived here.”ŒYThe landscaping looked better at the house than it did at my house, and I would’ve been”ŒWThe landscaping looked better at the house than it had in years. That’s probably one”ŒRThe landscaping looked better at the house than at the yard. We’ve been to some”ŒXThe landscaping looked better at the house than when I saw it last. The shrubs that were”Œ\The landscaping looked better at the house than it did when I’d been there just a few days”ŒTThe landscaping looked better at the house than it does now. There was a paved path”Œ^The landscaping looked better at the house than it does just one year later. The weeds have in”ŒfThe landscaping looked better at the house than the one in the photo, mostly because one tree was dead”Œ^The landscaping looked better at the house than I expected it to look. I know this is strange,”ŒfThe landscaping looked better at the house than at any other homes in the neighborhood. I was a little”Œ`The landscaping looked better at the house than I left it earlier in the fall. The back yard was”ŒaThe landscaping looked better at the house than usual. A few trees had just been planted, and the”Œ]The landscaping looked better at the house than at the motel. It could be that it simply didn”Œ[The landscaping looked better at the house than it had when we moved in. The new owners, in”Œ`The landscaping looked better at the house than I had remembered. We got a late start due to the”ŒWThe landscaping looked better at the house than it has in the 6 years that we’ve been”ŒbThe landscaping looked better at the house than it did when I was last there. That could have been”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjŸsbhLhN)”}”(hEjÒhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒBThere was more dirt on the car. Every time the wind blew past, it”ŒHThere was more dirt on the car this morning. It’s always been the same”Œ=There was more dirt on the car than when it went in! Firstly”ŒFThere was more dirt on the carpets, the floors, furniture and clothes,”Œ4There was more dirt on the car, a new one now that”ŒGThere was more dirt on the car than there was on my face by the time we”ŒFThere was more dirt on the car than I imagined. I’ve washed it every”Œ;There was more dirt on the car. I saw it. The spot I made a”ŒFThere was more dirt on the carpets the longer we stayed in the caravan”ŒJThere was more dirt on the car after the car wash than I could remember. A”Œ?There was more dirt on the car than when it came in. The owner”Œ;There was more dirt on the car. He left his car at the val”ŒKThere was more dirt on the car than glass on the windows, the driver was on”ŒGThere was more dirt on the car this morning (again) – I’m beginning”Œ5There was more dirt on the carpets today. And it’s”ŒGThere was more dirt on the car as we drove over the long gravel roadway”ŒDThere was more dirt on the car and the hood was still wet. His face”ŒThere was more dirt on the car than in the ditch, a lot of the”ŒJThere was more dirt on the car than I thought. We had been away for almost”ŒIThere was more dirt on the carpets of the White House today than usual as”Œ?There was more dirt on the car than the floor of my garage. It”ŒKThere was more dirt on the car that the last time this column was written. ”Œ:There was more dirt on the carpets than I’d realized. I”ŒIThere was more dirt on the car than the actual car. I could feel the vibr”Œ?There was more dirt on the car. He went to wipe the mud off the”ŒNThere was more dirt on the car last time. I think my parking space decided she”Œh?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjØsbhLhN)”}”(hEj hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ\Carrie kept written records of their expenses, using the income tax forms for her parents as”•ílŒLCarrie kept written records of their expenses in a notebook from August 1972”ŒYCarrie kept written records of their expenses, and their financial advisor put them on an”ŒLCarrie kept written records of their expenses, and she kept receipts. If she”ŒOCarrie kept written records of their expenses as well as those of her father's,”Œ[Carrie kept written records of their expenses as well as an oral history of their marriage,”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses so they had an idea how much money was going”Œ[Carrie kept written records of their expenses for the first few years and began to notice a”ŒPCarrie kept written records of their expenses, and she didn’t think she had it”ŒMCarrie kept written records of their expenses. During the day, she’d write”ŒXCarrie kept written records of their expenses ever since the accident. All that time, it”ŒICarrie kept written records of their expenses, which also include a "$5,0”ŒTCarrie kept written records of their expenses, which they’d entered and tracked in”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses. She had a little notebook in which she tall”ŒLCarrie kept written records of their expenses for over 20 years. With the on”ŒSCarrie kept written records of their expenses, even when money was tight. She knew”ŒQCarrie kept written records of their expenses as they traveled in Europe from 185”ŒlCarrie kept written records of their expenses and she became convinced that most of their financial problems”ŒOCarrie kept written records of their expenses. As she did so, an account with F”ŒVCarrie kept written records of their expenses as if she was keeping track of a budget.”ŒNCarrie kept written records of their expenses, which included: > – the cost”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses. They would have to wait to see whether they”ŒYCarrie kept written records of their expenses over two years. The book starts with a list”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses (what was left from the grocery budget) from”ŒACarrie kept written records of their expenses between 1960 and 19”ŒSCarrie kept written records of their expenses and the bills they paid as a couple. ”Œ_Carrie kept written records of their expenses, and kept things like their bills and phone calls”ŒUCarrie kept written records of their expenses and her husband was out of town, so she”ŒYCarrie kept written records of their expenses – she had an obsession for making note of”ŒUCarrie kept written records of their expenses, even on vacation. This was a habit she”ŒFCarrie kept written records of their expenses, starting in 1992 on his”ŒWCarrie kept written records of their expenses and deposits at the savings and loan. The”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses and earnings for decades. Her diaries, which”ŒiCarrie kept written records of their expenses throughout their marriage. The first year they were married”Œ[Carrie kept written records of their expenses and the business side of things and she had a”ŒVCarrie kept written records of their expenses. A quick glance showed them more than $1”ŒVCarrie kept written records of their expenses, and the following are excerpts from the”ŒTCarrie kept written records of their expenses and of the debts that the family accru”ŒiCarrie kept written records of their expenses and provided him with a financial statement monthly or when”ŒaCarrie kept written records of their expenses so she can file taxes easily once the harvest sales”ŒXCarrie kept written records of their expenses in the first three months of the year, and”ŒHCarrie kept written records of their expenses. Mary didn’t like doing”Œ\Carrie kept written records of their expenses for most of their married life, but the oldest”Œ]Carrie kept written records of their expenses from the time they got married up until he died”ŒWCarrie kept written records of their expenses while she continued to care for Aly. They”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses for several years after the crash. She also”ŒcCarrie kept written records of their expenses since they had no children to show for their marriage”Œ[Carrie kept written records of their expenses and income. There were checks to pay and rece”ŒZCarrie kept written records of their expenses for several years, which were meticulous and”ŒDCarrie kept written records of their expenses, and from August 1950,”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjsbhLhN)”}”(hEjDhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒFKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while the oranges are great for juicing,”ŒKKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while I like to eat them after a hard workout”ŒEKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Trevor likes the ones you can get”ŒHKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he’s an absolute favorite of mine.”ŒHKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while his mom prefers fresh peaches. These”Œ@Kiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while the boys of EpicMealTime are”ŒJKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while we do eat them all the time in America”ŒFKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while his mother enjoys mangoes for dess”ŒAKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he loves Kiwis, they have had”Œ>Kiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Pineapple-upside down Cake”ŒUKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while it seems that all other fruits and vegetables are”ŒCKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Ryan is a favorite of the Paleo”ŒFKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he and I prefer the smaller-sized,”ŒEKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while they love Ryan too—if you are a”ŒCKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while I just can’t figure out a use”ŒHKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Ryan claims coconut to be his number”ŒEKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while bananas aren’t high on his list”ŒJKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Kitty thinks they look like the aliens”ŒBKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Liam prefers penguins or bears”ŒRKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while we were at the farmers market they kept trying”ŒBKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while I prefer the fuzzier, fruitier”ŒIKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he travels all over the world. He has”ŒGKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while the banana split is one of our most”Œ>Kiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Tasha, and maybe Drew, too”ŒAKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while I prefer figs and grapefruit.”ŒEKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Robyn does not like most of them.”ŒDKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while I’ve had to come around to lik”ŒHKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while cherimoyas were always a favorite of”ŒMKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he also enjoys blueberries, and sometimes”ŒDKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while my dad likes a more acidic, tart”ŒNKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while other travelers are more about the food or”ŒFKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while apples and oranges are high on the”ŒCKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Cory prefers cherries. But both”ŒNKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while my family were always pretty big kiwi fans”ŒKKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while we recently enjoyed kiwifruit from both”ŒMKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he is very interested in his friends, and”ŒEKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he's never had a great opinion of”ŒJKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while bananas are a favorite of Michael, and”ŒNKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while strawberries are the fruit of choice for K”ŒCKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he loves that both Kiwis and or”ŒGKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while oranges just don’t cut it anymore”ŒBKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he likes more pungent flavors.”ŒAKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Ryan is a hero of ours. He is”ŒIKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while oranges are a favorite of me and ours”ŒLKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while Melanie doesn’t really have a favorite”ŒNKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while strawberries do their best to compete. One”ŒFKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while the balsamic and honey add a touch”ŒGKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while his wife, Kelly, prefers the flavor”Œ=Kiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while he's a favorite of mine. ”ŒLKiwis are a favorite of Ryan, while blueberries are high on the list of most”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjJsbhLhN)”}”(hEj}hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(Œ]Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today due to depression. Emily told Tanya that she”ŒZTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on Sunday because she was tired; was not in the”ŒZTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work that night, because she and Nate were hosting a”ŒDTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work last week. After the 201”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today. The reason wasn't because she was sick”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work with her since she was late for work, but she”ŒYTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work that day. Emily was shocked to hear this but T”Œ\Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work anymore because it was interfering with her work,”Œ`Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work the next day because she was sick. Emily believed her”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work with us when we went to Chicago last week, so”ŒZTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work for her because of her accent. This is a direct”Œ\Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work or anything today since she has a sick kid again.”ŒLTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work in her bikini top. Photo: Annabel”ŒKTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work at Bella and to go home again. ”Œ]Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work unless it was important. Emily said she needed to”ŒYTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on the new film. There was a reason behind the”ŒLTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today, and I'm sure she means it.”ŒVTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work for a few days due to a medical emergency. ”Œ[Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work because she was sick, and when Emily came to see”ŒdTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work Wednesday night because she thought she might be ill, but”ŒYTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work, but Emily found out if you get to the station”ŒRTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work in the morning as she didn't want to go”Œ[Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work with her because she would "rather go blind than”Œ^Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work for her but would help her find work. Emily thought”ŒITanya told Emily she couldn't come to work as normal. "I have to be home”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work after she got punched and kicked in the face,”ŒNTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work that day as she felt "s*****, s****”ŒLTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work. Jun says you have the last word”Œ[Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work for a few days while her car was getting sorted.”ŒTTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work. It isn't easy deciding which candidates”ŒYTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work when she was contagious. Emily would take more”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on Monday, because she'd promised her son she”ŒOTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work because her head was hurting. I don”ŒRTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today. She has a fever and doesn't want”ŒZTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work with her as she wanted to go to the hospital to”Œ`Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today because of her cold and that it would be better”ŒNTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on Monday. Flying in close and low”ŒJTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on Saturday. ## Tense Forms of”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work Thursday, saying she was sick. But that was a”ŒcTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work Thursday because someone she loved needed her. A call to”ŒPTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work as she was ill, but this was a lie as”Œ_Tanya told Emily she couldn't come to work because she had to stay home with her husband who is”ŒYTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today. The police questioned him thoroughly. ”ŒZTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work because one of her kids was sick. Was she lying”ŒGTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today. She is working. Can”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work. She needed to stay home to wait to hear word”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work because she was under the weather Emily says”ŒXTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work the next day because she had to help her mum,”ŒFTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work today at 11:00pm yesterday.”ŒTTanya told Emily she couldn't come to work on Monday because her son was sick. This”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjƒsbhLhN)”}”(hEj¶hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒgVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than two years later. "How are you?" I had asked”ŒlVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years ago when she finally spoke to my friend”ŒdVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than two months after the event. Victoria’”Œ~Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a decade ago when she made another discovery that would change her”ŒwVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year after she had passed when she fell pregnant with her”ŒsVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than two years earlier. Her sadness and grief seemed to have”ŒgVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years ago when she decided to get a full”ŒrVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer”ŒqVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than two months later. One day she decided to get away and”ŒgVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years ago when she went to a concert and”Œ}Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year later when two strangers offered her support. Within weeks”ŒwVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a decade later after losing her battle with cervical cancer”ŒiVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a month later. “I feel so sad and angry and”ŒrVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a century ago when a reporter arrived at her home in a”ŒvVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than ten years ago when an old schoolboy friend suggested a few”ŒqVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than six years ago, and she was feeling the burden of that”ŒxVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than five years ago when she first received an email from the man”Œ_Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 40 years later. The death was very”ŒuVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than three years ago when she decided to write a book based on”ŒwVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year ago when she finally gathered the courage to visit a”ŒmVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than ten years after the body was found in the woods. ”ŒuVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a decade ago when she found another man, whom she married”ŒpVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than six years ago. The couple met at a local coffee shop”ŒrVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a month after the passing when the first “shrooms—ŒgVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year after his passing on Friday's "Royal”ŒaVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than three months after his demise. Julia”ŒmVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than ten years later. She wrote to the doctor: Dear Dr”ŒfVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a week after her body had been found. “”ŒtVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than two years after it occurred, and her mother was having a”ŒpVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a decade ago when she found herself in the throes of”Œ_Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a century ago. Mary Ann Smith-John”ŒvVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than four decades ago when she was offered an unusual and life-”ŒrVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than three decades ago Sunday, but she was happy to see the”Œ\Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years later. She had died in”ŒcVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a century after he died. George Benson”ŒfVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 20 years ago when she felt a sharp blow to”ŒoVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than three months later. Every time she went to the gym,”ŒZVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 40 years ago. Her heart ached”ŒaVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year later. She would talk to him.”ŒvVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than thirty years after his accidental death. But that doesn’”ŒfVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than half a century ago. And her sadness resur”ŒtVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year ago. Her sadness and depression was affecting her”Œ}Victoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than six months after she attended a funeral service for him last July”ŒoVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a decade earlier, but she managed to make it to her”ŒlVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than one year after it occurred. She had gone to the ”ŒdVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 90 years ago. She knew I loved the beach”ŒgVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than 40 years ago. And it took an unusual method”ŒrVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than six years ago when she woke in the middle of the night”ŒmVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year ago and was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.”ŒtVictoria was still grieving the death of a friend more than a year later, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj¼sbhLhN)”}”(hEjïhCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒaThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength required. It had been a while since I’d seen a naked”ŒoThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength and endurance to become the greatest boxers of their generation, but”ŒWThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength of 3 gorillas ! After a nice walk with the g”ŒSThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to row from Dartmouth, Devon to Ouessant”ŒmThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to get through the competition, which included swimming, paddling,”Œ^They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed For the task at hand, they had to be so”Œ`They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to build the pyramids of ancient Egypt. ”ŒfThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed. After all, how can you compete with an army of”ŒmThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to battle the zombies. Their body was already deterior”ŒUThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength for the next day; I just ate a little. It”ŒkThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to carry out the work of the Temple. These young men”ŒbThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed, that’s why they needed to go back to the”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength and weight they needed for their careers, which required 64 games”ŒfThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed. In the beginning of my work days, I was eating”Œ`They had to eat a lot to gain the strength required for the march. Everyone was eager to start;”ŒRThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to survive a grueling 1,000-mile”ŒoThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to walk. The food of the first pioneers consisted primarily of beans”Œ]They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to keep moving, and they ate a lot—but it took a”ŒkThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength necessary to defend the empire against the invading hordes. With”Œ_They had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to survive. After World War II, Japan was in”ŒWThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to survive, Their life depended on the food,”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to compete, and to be ready to fight with the enemy”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to climb the mountain, said the leader of the expedition. Some of”Œ`They had to eat a lot to gain the strength to beat their enemies: “The man who had lived with”ŒTThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they need to get to the top. It’s true”Œ\They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to grow into their 64-kilogram selves”ŒSThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to travel. Cassius the Cat and his mom,”ŒMThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. The only thing I can do… I’m”Œ`They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to fight. Every day you can find them in”ŒfThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength for the journey, but then it was time to saddle the horses.”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength that they need to do their farming work. However, many of their”ŒNThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. Thursday night's 5-1 victory over”ŒrThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to be successful so the early Chinese cuisine was very rich”Œ_They had to eat a lot to gain the strength they need to carry it on their backs to school… >”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to stay healthy and keep up with the intense training. And at the”ŒkThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight all those monsters. But where would they find money for”ŒQThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed to climb the 1000ft rocks Heavy”ŒgThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed then. After they left the village of the giant,”ŒmThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength required to keep them safe on their journey. This was a major feat”ŒdThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to climb. The climbers are very excited to discover the 1”ŒiThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength needed for a grueling journey and to feed those in their crew.”ŒgThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed. The boys felt weak and tired, but when they had”ŒhThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength that they needed as miners. They were given plenty of beer to”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to compete in the games. But the Ancient Greek diet”ŒVThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to fight By Anonymous (not verified) 17 Sep”ŒpThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength. They had to go through many days of hard training to become warriors”ŒlThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they needed to fight. They were all at different stages of grief.”ŒjThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength that was needed to get them to the island. After their last sup”ŒGThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength to work a 16-hour day. Ruth”ŒnThey had to eat a lot to gain the strength they need to stay awake for so long. That took an incredible amount”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKjõsbhLhN)”}”(hEj(hCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNubh)”}”(h]”(ŒTThe hiking group had more food than I anticipated. It took some time to get everyone”ŒNThe hiking group had more food than they knew what do with, so you can imagine”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than they could eat on this day – a total of”ŒRThe hiking group had more food than we could carry and wanted to shed some pounds.”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than they needed, but none of it was the kind”ŒJThe hiking group had more food than they could eat. The campground had no”ŒOThe hiking group had more food than one can ever eat, and lots of conversation.”ŒJThe hiking group had more food than we could carry, and we were in no mood”ŒGThe hiking group had more food than backpacking bags could carry. By M”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than we could carry. Too much food means more”ŒJThe hiking group had more food than we could reasonably eat. We had sandw”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than I thought and I ate well the entire day.”ŒTThe hiking group had more food than they could easily carry and that is the story of”ŒOThe hiking group had more food than we could carry, so we invited all the other”ŒSThe hiking group had more food than they needed when they came upon the family, but”ŒQThe hiking group had more food than they could carry. At the base of the mountain”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than could be eaten in one day and left over a”ŒOThe hiking group had more food than we could manage or than we were in the mood”ŒKThe hiking group had more food than it knew what to do with so they gave it”ŒQThe hiking group had more food than anyone could ever eat in that amount of time.”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than anyone could possibly eat. As you know I”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than the other group for their hike, but they”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than we needed for dinner and breakfast. So, a”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than usual last week. There was so much food”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than we thought we would have. We ate some of”ŒEThe hiking group had more food than it did takers at a potluck dinner”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than they could carry. The women’s club had”ŒOThe hiking group had more food than they did on the first night. It was because”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than was reasonable, but we did do a fair bit”ŒRThe hiking group had more food than usual today. We had a breakfast of fresh fruit”ŒOThe hiking group had more food than they could handle, so I volunteered to take”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than my backpack could hold on the way up to P”ŒUThe hiking group had more food than we could ever need this summer, although we ended”ŒIThe hiking group had more food than we could eat and still enjoy. If you”ŒSThe hiking group had more food than what could fit into the refrigerator. This wasn”ŒJThe hiking group had more food than we could carry. Our destination was 70”ŒJThe hiking group had more food than it knew what to do with when a pack of”ŒPThe hiking group had more food than any regular camping group, and they had more”ŒLThe hiking group had more food than I thought they would. They didn’t want”ŒDThe hiking group had more food than the two-week trip allowed for. ”ŒUThe hiking group had more food than they were able to manage over the weekend. Please”ŒKThe hiking group had more food than I had ever packed. They had prepared a”ŒGThe hiking group had more food than anyone on the trail ever needs, a 4”ŒGThe hiking group had more food than they'd need for their walk, so they”ŒNThe hiking group had more food than they thought they could carry, and a good,”ŒEThe hiking group had more food than we could consume. It’s time to”ŒRThe hiking group had more food than any other group. This is what happens when you”ŒRThe hiking group had more food than they could carry when the storm hit; they were”ŒMThe hiking group had more food than could fit in their backpacks so we sat on”ŒHThe hiking group had more food than you needed to be able to do four-day”eh:Kh;Nh<‰h=h>h?Kh@NhANhBKhCK hD‰hEhH)”}”hKj.sbhLhN)”}”(hEjahCK hD‰ubhQNhRhUhV‰hWˆhXNhYNube.