import mesh2sdf.core import numpy as np import skimage.measure import trimesh def normalize_vertices(vertices, scale=0.95): bbmin, bbmax = vertices.min(0), vertices.max(0) center = (bbmin + bbmax) * 0.5 scale = 2.0 * scale / (bbmax - bbmin).max() vertices = (vertices - center) * scale return vertices, center, scale def export_to_watertight(normalized_mesh, octree_depth: int = 7): """ Convert the non-watertight mesh to watertight. Args: input_path (str): normalized path octree_depth (int): Returns: mesh(trimesh.Trimesh): watertight mesh """ size = 2 ** octree_depth level = 2 / size scaled_vertices, to_orig_center, to_orig_scale = normalize_vertices(normalized_mesh.vertices) sdf = mesh2sdf.core.compute(scaled_vertices, normalized_mesh.faces, size=size) vertices, faces, normals, _ = skimage.measure.marching_cubes(np.abs(sdf), level) # watertight mesh vertices = vertices / size * 2 - 1 # -1 to 1 vertices = vertices / to_orig_scale + to_orig_center # vertices = vertices / to_orig_scale + to_orig_center mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices, faces, normals=normals) return mesh def process_mesh_to_pc(mesh_list, marching_cubes = False, sample_num = 8192): # mesh_list : list of trimesh pc_normal_list = [] return_mesh_list = [] for mesh in mesh_list: if marching_cubes: mesh = export_to_watertight(mesh) print("MC over!") return_mesh_list.append(mesh) points, face_idx = mesh.sample(sample_num, return_index=True) normals = mesh.face_normals[face_idx] pc_normal = np.concatenate([points, normals], axis=-1, dtype=np.float16) pc_normal_list.append(pc_normal) print("process mesh success") return pc_normal_list, return_mesh_list