## =================================================== | |
# docker-compose.yml | |
## =================================================== | |
# 1. 请在以下方案中选择任意一种,然后删除其他的方案 | |
# 2. 修改你选择的方案中的environment环境变量,详情请见github wiki或者config.py | |
# 3. 选择一种暴露服务端口的方法,并对相应的配置做出修改: | |
# 【方法1: 适用于Linux,很方便,可惜windows不支持】与宿主的网络融合为一体,这个是默认配置 | |
# network_mode: "host" | |
# 【方法2: 适用于所有系统包括Windows和MacOS】端口映射,把容器的端口映射到宿主的端口(注意您需要先删除network_mode: "host",再追加以下内容) | |
# ports: | |
# - "12345:12345" # 注意!12345必须与WEB_PORT环境变量相互对应 | |
# 4. 最后`docker-compose up`运行 | |
# 5. 如果希望使用显卡,请关注 LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE 和 英伟达显卡运行时 选项 | |
## =================================================== | |
# 1. Please choose one of the following options and delete the others. | |
# 2. Modify the environment variables in the selected option, see GitHub wiki or config.py for more details. | |
# 3. Choose a method to expose the server port and make the corresponding configuration changes: | |
# [Method 1: Suitable for Linux, convenient, but not supported for Windows] Fusion with the host network, this is the default configuration | |
# network_mode: "host" | |
# [Method 2: Suitable for all systems including Windows and MacOS] Port mapping, mapping the container port to the host port (note that you need to delete network_mode: "host" first, and then add the following content) | |
# ports: | |
# - "12345: 12345" # Note! 12345 must correspond to the WEB_PORT environment variable. | |
# 4. Finally, run `docker-compose up`. | |
# 5. If you want to use a graphics card, pay attention to the LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE and Nvidia GPU runtime options. | |
## =================================================== | |
## =================================================== | |
## 【方案零】 部署项目的全部能力(这个是包含cuda和latex的大型镜像。如果您网速慢、硬盘小或没有显卡,则不推荐使用这个) | |
## =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_full_capability: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_with_all_capacity:master | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py`或者 github wiki 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' 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 ' | |
# USE_PROXY: ' True ' | |
# proxies: ' { "http": "http://localhost:10881", "https": "http://localhost:10881", } ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "qianfan", "sparkv2", "spark", "chatglm"] ' | |
BAIDU_CLOUD_API_KEY : ' bTUtwEAveBrQipEowUvDwYWq ' | |
BAIDU_CLOUD_SECRET_KEY : ' jqXtLvXiVw6UNdjliATTS61rllG8Iuni ' | |
XFYUN_APPID: ' 53a8d816 ' | |
XFYUN_API_KEY: ' 95ccdec285364869d17b33e75ee96447 ' | |
ENABLE_AUDIO: ' False ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 12345 ' | |
ADD_WAIFU: ' False ' | |
THEME: ' Chuanhu-Small-and-Beautiful ' | |
# LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE: ' cuda ' | |
# 加载英伟达显卡运行时 | |
# runtime: nvidia | |
# deploy: | |
# resources: | |
# reservations: | |
# devices: | |
# - driver: nvidia | |
# count: 1 | |
# capabilities: [gpu] | |
# 【WEB_PORT暴露方法1: 适用于Linux】与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
# 【WEB_PORT暴露方法2: 适用于所有系统】端口映射 | |
# ports: | |
# - "12345:12345" # 12345必须与WEB_PORT相互对应 | |
# 启动容器后,运行main.py主程序 | |
command: > | |
bash -c "python3 -u main.py" | |
## =================================================== | |
## 【方案一】 如果不需要运行本地模型(仅 chatgpt, azure, 星火, 千帆, claude 等在线大模型服务) | |
## =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_nolocalllms: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_nolocal:master # (Auto Built by Dockerfile: docs/GithubAction+NoLocal) | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py` 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' | |
USE_PROXY: ' True ' | |
proxies: ' { "http": "socks5h://localhost:10880", "https": "socks5h://localhost:10880", } ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "api2d-gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "api2d-gpt-4", "sparkv2", "qianfan"] ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 22303 ' | |
ADD_WAIFU: ' True ' | |
# THEME: ' Chuanhu-Small-and-Beautiful ' | |
# DEFAULT_WORKER_NUM: ' 10 ' | |
# AUTHENTICATION: ' [("username", "passwd"), ("username2", "passwd2")] ' | |
# 与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
# 不使用代理网络拉取最新代码 | |
command: > | |
bash -c "python3 -u main.py" | |
### =================================================== | |
### 【方案二】 如果需要运行ChatGLM + Qwen + MOSS等本地模型 | |
### =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_with_chatglm: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_chatglm_moss:master # (Auto Built by Dockerfile: docs/Dockerfile+ChatGLM) | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py` 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' | |
USE_PROXY: ' True ' | |
proxies: ' { "http": "socks5h://localhost:10880", "https": "socks5h://localhost:10880", } ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["chatglm", "qwen", "moss", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "newbing"] ' | |
LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE: ' cuda ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 12303 ' | |
ADD_WAIFU: ' True ' | |
# AUTHENTICATION: ' [("username", "passwd"), ("username2", "passwd2")] ' | |
# 显卡的使用,nvidia0指第0个GPU | |
runtime: nvidia | |
devices: | |
- /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 | |
# 与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
command: > | |
bash -c "python3 -u main.py" | |
# P.S. 通过对 command 进行微调,可以便捷地安装额外的依赖 | |
# command: > | |
# bash -c "pip install -r request_llms/requirements_qwen.txt && python3 -u main.py" | |
### =================================================== | |
### 【方案三】 如果需要运行ChatGPT + LLAMA + 盘古 + RWKV本地模型 | |
### =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_with_rwkv: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_jittorllms:master | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py` 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,fkxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' | |
USE_PROXY: ' True ' | |
proxies: ' { "http": "socks5h://localhost:10880", "https": "socks5h://localhost:10880", } ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "newbing", "jittorllms_rwkv", "jittorllms_pangualpha", "jittorllms_llama"] ' | |
LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE: ' cuda ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 12305 ' | |
ADD_WAIFU: ' True ' | |
# AUTHENTICATION: ' [("username", "passwd"), ("username2", "passwd2")] ' | |
# 显卡的使用,nvidia0指第0个GPU | |
runtime: nvidia | |
devices: | |
- /dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0 | |
# 与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
# 不使用代理网络拉取最新代码 | |
command: > | |
python3 -u main.py | |
## =================================================== | |
## 【方案四】 ChatGPT + Latex | |
## =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_with_latex: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_with_latex:master # (Auto Built by Dockerfile: docs/GithubAction+NoLocal+Latex) | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py` 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' | |
USE_PROXY: ' True ' | |
proxies: ' { "http": "socks5h://localhost:10880", "https": "socks5h://localhost:10880", } ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] ' | |
LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE: ' cuda ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 12303 ' | |
# 与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
# 不使用代理网络拉取最新代码 | |
command: > | |
bash -c "python3 -u main.py" | |
## =================================================== | |
## 【方案五】 ChatGPT + 语音助手 (请先阅读 docs/use_audio.md) | |
## =================================================== | |
version: '3' | |
services: | |
gpt_academic_with_audio: | |
image: ghcr.io/binary-husky/gpt_academic_audio_assistant:master | |
environment: | |
# 请查阅 `config.py` 以查看所有的配置信息 | |
API_KEY: ' fk195831-IdP0Pb3W6DCMUIbQwVX6MsSiyxwqybyS ' | |
USE_PROXY: ' False ' | |
proxies: ' None ' | |
LLM_MODEL: ' gpt-3.5-turbo ' | |
AVAIL_LLM_MODELS: ' ["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] ' | |
ENABLE_AUDIO: ' True ' | |
LOCAL_MODEL_DEVICE: ' cuda ' | |
WEB_PORT: ' 12343 ' | |
ADD_WAIFU: ' True ' | |
THEME: ' Chuanhu-Small-and-Beautiful ' | |
ALIYUN_TOKEN: ' f37f30e0f9934c34a992f6f64f7eba4f ' | |
# (无需填写) ALIYUN_ACCESSKEY: ' LTAI5q6BrFUzoRXVGUWnekh1 ' | |
# (无需填写) ALIYUN_SECRET: ' eHmI20AVWIaQZ0CiTD2bGQVsaP9i68 ' | |
# 与宿主的网络融合 | |
network_mode: "host" | |
# 不使用代理网络拉取最新代码 | |
command: > | |
bash -c "python3 -u main.py" | |