function gradioApp() { |
const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app'); |
const elem = elems.length == 0 ? document : elems[0]; |
if (elem !== document) { |
elem.getElementById = function (id) { |
return document.getElementById(id); |
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return elem.shadowRoot ? elem.shadowRoot : elem; |
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function setCookie(name, value, days) { |
var expires = ""; |
if (days) { |
var date = new Date(); |
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); |
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); |
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document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; |
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function getCookie(name) { |
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); |
var cookies = decodedCookie.split(';'); |
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var cookie = cookies[i].trim(); |
if (cookie.indexOf(name + "=") === 0) { |
return cookie.substring(name.length + 1, cookie.length); |
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return null; |
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let toastCount = 0; |
function toast_push(msg, duration) { |
duration = isNaN(duration) ? 3000 : duration; |
const existingToasts = document.querySelectorAll('.toast'); |
existingToasts.forEach(toast => { |
toast.style.top = `${parseInt(toast.style.top, 10) - 70}px`; |
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const m = document.createElement('div'); |
m.innerHTML = msg; |
m.classList.add('toast'); |
m.style.cssText = `font-size: var(--text-md) !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); padding: 10px 15px; border-radius: 4px; position: fixed; top: ${50 + toastCount * 70}%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); width: auto; text-align: center; transition: top 0.3s;`; |
document.body.appendChild(m); |
setTimeout(function () { |
m.style.opacity = '0'; |
setTimeout(function () { |
document.body.removeChild(m); |
toastCount--; |
}, 500); |
}, duration); |
toastCount++; |
} |
function toast_up(msg) { |
var m = document.getElementById('toast_up'); |
if (m) { |
document.body.removeChild(m); |
} |
m = document.createElement('div'); |
m.id = 'toast_up'; |
m.innerHTML = msg; |
m.style.cssText = "font-size: var(--text-md) !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 100, 0.6); padding: 10px 15px; margin: 0 0 0 -60px; border-radius: 4px; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: auto; text-align: center;"; |
document.body.appendChild(m); |
} |
function toast_down() { |
var m = document.getElementById('toast_up'); |
if (m) { |
document.body.removeChild(m); |
} |
} |
function begin_loading_status() { |
var loader = document.createElement('div'); |
loader.id = 'Js_File_Loading'; |
var C1 = document.createElement('div'); |
var C2 = document.createElement('div'); |
C1.style.position = "fixed"; |
C1.style.top = "50%"; |
C1.style.left = "50%"; |
C1.style.width = "80px"; |
C1.style.height = "80px"; |
C1.style.borderLeft = "12px solid #00f3f300"; |
C1.style.borderRight = "12px solid #00f3f300"; |
C1.style.borderTop = "12px solid #82aaff"; |
C1.style.borderBottom = "12px solid #82aaff"; |
C1.style.borderRadius = "50%"; |
C1.style.margin = "-40px 0 0 -40px"; |
C1.style.animation = "spinAndPulse 2s linear infinite"; |
C2.style.position = "fixed"; |
C2.style.top = "50%"; |
C2.style.left = "50%"; |
C2.style.width = "40px"; |
C2.style.height = "40px"; |
C2.style.borderLeft = "12px solid #00f3f300"; |
C2.style.borderRight = "12px solid #00f3f300"; |
C2.style.borderTop = "12px solid #33c9db"; |
C2.style.borderBottom = "12px solid #33c9db"; |
C2.style.borderRadius = "50%"; |
C2.style.margin = "-20px 0 0 -20px"; |
C2.style.animation = "spinAndPulse2 2s linear infinite"; |
loader.appendChild(C1); |
loader.appendChild(C2); |
document.body.appendChild(loader); |
var styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); |
styleSheet.id = 'Js_File_Loading_Style'; |
styleSheet.textContent = ` |
@keyframes spinAndPulse { |
0% { transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1); } |
25% { transform: rotate(90deg) scale(1.1); } |
50% { transform: rotate(180deg) scale(1); } |
75% { transform: rotate(270deg) scale(0.9); } |
100% { transform: rotate(360deg) scale(1); } |
} |
@keyframes spinAndPulse2 { |
0% { transform: rotate(-90deg);} |
25% { transform: rotate(-180deg);} |
50% { transform: rotate(-270deg);} |
75% { transform: rotate(-360deg);} |
100% { transform: rotate(-450deg);} |
} |
`; |
document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); |
} |
function cancel_loading_status() { |
var loadingElement = document.getElementById('Js_File_Loading'); |
if (loadingElement) { |
document.body.removeChild(loadingElement); |
} |
var loadingStyle = document.getElementById('Js_File_Loading_Style'); |
if (loadingStyle) { |
document.head.removeChild(loadingStyle); |
} |
let clearButton = document.querySelectorAll('div[id*="elem_upload"] button[aria-label="Clear"]'); |
for (let button of clearButton) { |
button.addEventListener('click', function () { |
setTimeout(function () { |
register_upload_event(); |
}, 50); |
}); |
} |
} |
function addCopyButton(botElement) { |
const copiedIcon = '<span><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" height=".8em" width=".8em" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><polyline points="20 6 9 17 4 12"></polyline></svg></span>'; |
const copyIcon = '<span><svg stroke="currentColor" fill="none" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" height=".8em" width=".8em" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect x="9" y="9" width="13" height="13" rx="2" ry="2"></rect><path d="M5 15H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1"></path></svg></span>'; |
const messageBtnColumnElement = botElement.querySelector('.message-btn-row'); |
if (messageBtnColumnElement) { |
return; |
} |
var copyButton = document.createElement('button'); |
copyButton.classList.add('copy-bot-btn'); |
copyButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Copy'); |
copyButton.innerHTML = copyIcon; |
copyButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { |
const textToCopy = botElement.innerText; |
try { |
if ("clipboard" in navigator) { |
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy); |
copyButton.innerHTML = copiedIcon; |
setTimeout(() => { |
copyButton.innerHTML = copyIcon; |
}, 1500); |
} else { |
const textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); |
textArea.value = textToCopy; |
document.body.appendChild(textArea); |
textArea.select(); |
try { |
document.execCommand('copy'); |
copyButton.innerHTML = copiedIcon; |
setTimeout(() => { |
copyButton.innerHTML = copyIcon; |
}, 1500); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Copy failed: ", error); |
} |
document.body.removeChild(textArea); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error("Copy failed: ", error); |
} |
}); |
var messageBtnColumn = document.createElement('div'); |
messageBtnColumn.classList.add('message-btn-row'); |
messageBtnColumn.appendChild(copyButton); |
botElement.appendChild(messageBtnColumn); |
} |
let timeoutID = null; |
let lastInvocationTime = 0; |
let lastArgs = null; |
function do_something_but_not_too_frequently(min_interval, func) { |
return function (...args) { |
lastArgs = args; |
const now = Date.now(); |
if (!lastInvocationTime || (now - lastInvocationTime) >= min_interval) { |
lastInvocationTime = now; |
setTimeout(() => { |
func.apply(this, lastArgs); |
}, 0); |
} else if (!timeoutID) { |
timeoutID = setTimeout(() => { |
timeoutID = null; |
lastInvocationTime = Date.now(); |
func.apply(this, lastArgs); |
}, min_interval - (now - lastInvocationTime)); |
} else { |
} |
} |
} |
function chatbotContentChanged(attempt = 1, force = false) { |
for (var i = 0; i < attempt; i++) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#gpt-chatbot .message-wrap .message.bot').forEach(addCopyButton); |
}, i === 0 ? 0 : 200); |
} |
} |
function chatbotAutoHeight() { |
function update_height() { |
var { height_target, chatbot_height, chatbot } = get_elements(true); |
if (height_target != chatbot_height) { |
var pixelString = height_target.toString() + 'px'; |
chatbot.style.maxHeight = pixelString; chatbot.style.height = pixelString; |
} |
} |
function update_height_slow() { |
var { height_target, chatbot_height, chatbot } = get_elements(); |
if (height_target != chatbot_height) { |
new_panel_height = (height_target - chatbot_height) * 0.5 + chatbot_height; |
if (Math.abs(new_panel_height - height_target) < 10) { |
new_panel_height = height_target; |
} |
var pixelString = new_panel_height.toString() + 'px'; |
chatbot.style.maxHeight = pixelString; chatbot.style.height = pixelString; |
} |
} |
monitoring_input_box() |
update_height(); |
window.addEventListener('resize', function () { update_height(); }); |
window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { update_height_slow(); }); |
setInterval(function () { update_height_slow() }, 50); |
} |
swapped = false; |
function swap_input_area() { |
var element1 = document.querySelector("#input-panel"); |
var element2 = document.querySelector("#basic-panel"); |
var parent = element1.parentNode; |
var nextSibling = element2.nextSibling; |
parent.insertBefore(element2, element1); |
parent.insertBefore(element1, nextSibling); |
if (swapped) { swapped = false; } |
else { swapped = true; } |
} |
function get_elements(consider_state_panel = false) { |
var chatbot = document.querySelector('#gpt-chatbot > div.wrap.svelte-18telvq'); |
if (!chatbot) { |
chatbot = document.querySelector('#gpt-chatbot'); |
} |
const panel1 = document.querySelector('#input-panel').getBoundingClientRect(); |
const panel2 = document.querySelector('#basic-panel').getBoundingClientRect() |
const panel3 = document.querySelector('#plugin-panel').getBoundingClientRect(); |
const panel_active = document.querySelector('#state-panel').getBoundingClientRect(); |
if (consider_state_panel || panel_active.height < 25) { |
document.state_panel_height = panel_active.height; |
} |
var height_target = panel1.height + panel2.height + panel3.height + 0 + 0 - 25 + 16 * 2; |
height_target = height_target + (document.state_panel_height - panel_active.height) |
var height_target = parseInt(height_target); |
var chatbot_height = chatbot.style.height; |
if (!swapped) { |
if (panel1.top != 0 && (0.9 * panel1.bottom + 0.1 * panel1.top) < 0) { swap_input_area(); } |
} |
else if (swapped) { |
if (panel2.top != 0 && panel2.top > 0) { swap_input_area(); } |
} |
const err_tor = 5; |
if (Math.abs(panel1.left - chatbot.getBoundingClientRect().left) < err_tor) { |
height_target = window.innerHeight * 0.6; |
} else { |
const chatbot_height_exceed = 15; |
const chatbot_height_exceed_m = 10; |
b_panel = Math.max(panel1.bottom, panel2.bottom, panel3.bottom) |
if (b_panel >= window.innerHeight - chatbot_height_exceed) { |
height_target = window.innerHeight - chatbot.getBoundingClientRect().top - chatbot_height_exceed_m; |
} |
else if (b_panel < window.innerHeight * 0.75) { |
height_target = window.innerHeight * 0.8; |
} |
} |
var chatbot_height = parseInt(chatbot_height); |
return { height_target, chatbot_height, chatbot }; |
} |
var elem_upload = null; |
var elem_upload_float = null; |
var elem_input_main = null; |
var elem_input_float = null; |
var elem_chatbot = null; |
var elem_upload_component_float = null; |
var elem_upload_component = null; |
var exist_file_msg = '⚠️请先删除上传区(左上方)中的历史文件,再尝试上传。' |
function locate_upload_elems() { |
elem_upload = document.getElementById('elem_upload') |
elem_upload_float = document.getElementById('elem_upload_float') |
elem_input_main = document.getElementById('user_input_main') |
elem_input_float = document.getElementById('user_input_float') |
elem_chatbot = document.getElementById('gpt-chatbot') |
elem_upload_component_float = elem_upload_float.querySelector("input[type=file]"); |
elem_upload_component = elem_upload.querySelector("input[type=file]"); |
} |
async function upload_files(files) { |
let totalSizeMb = 0 |
elem_upload_component_float = elem_upload_float.querySelector("input[type=file]"); |
if (files && files.length > 0) { |
if (elem_upload_component_float) { |
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { |
totalSizeMb += files[i].size / 1024 / 1024; |
} |
if (totalSizeMb > 20) { |
toast_push('⚠️文件夹大于 20MB 🚀上传文件中', 3000); |
} |
let event = new Event("change"); |
Object.defineProperty(event, "target", { value: elem_upload_component_float, enumerable: true }); |
Object.defineProperty(event, "currentTarget", { value: elem_upload_component_float, enumerable: true }); |
Object.defineProperty(elem_upload_component_float, "files", { value: files, enumerable: true }); |
elem_upload_component_float.dispatchEvent(event); |
} else { |
toast_push(exist_file_msg, 3000); |
} |
} |
} |
function register_func_paste(input) { |
let paste_files = []; |
if (input) { |
input.addEventListener("paste", async function (e) { |
const clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData; |
const items = clipboardData.items; |
if (items) { |
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { |
if (items[i].kind === "file") { |
const file = items[i].getAsFile(); |
paste_files.push(file); |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
if (paste_files.length > 0) { |
await upload_files(paste_files); |
paste_files = [] |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
function register_func_drag(elem) { |
if (elem) { |
const dragEvents = ["dragover"]; |
const leaveEvents = ["dragleave", "dragend", "drop"]; |
const onDrag = function (e) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
if (elem_upload_float.querySelector("input[type=file]")) { |
toast_up('⚠️释放以上传文件') |
} else { |
toast_up(exist_file_msg) |
} |
}; |
const onLeave = function (e) { |
toast_down(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}; |
dragEvents.forEach(event => { |
elem.addEventListener(event, onDrag); |
}); |
leaveEvents.forEach(event => { |
elem.addEventListener(event, onLeave); |
}); |
elem.addEventListener("drop", async function (e) { |
const files = e.dataTransfer.files; |
await upload_files(files); |
}); |
} |
} |
function elem_upload_component_pop_message(elem) { |
if (elem) { |
const dragEvents = ["dragover"]; |
const leaveEvents = ["dragleave", "dragend", "drop"]; |
dragEvents.forEach(event => { |
elem.addEventListener(event, function (e) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
if (elem_upload_float.querySelector("input[type=file]")) { |
toast_up('⚠️释放以上传文件') |
} else { |
toast_up(exist_file_msg) |
} |
}); |
}); |
leaveEvents.forEach(event => { |
elem.addEventListener(event, function (e) { |
toast_down(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
}); |
elem.addEventListener("drop", async function (e) { |
toast_push('正在上传中,请稍等。', 2000); |
begin_loading_status(); |
}); |
} |
} |
function register_upload_event() { |
locate_upload_elems(); |
if (elem_upload_float) { |
_upload = document.querySelector("#elem_upload_float div.center.boundedheight.flex") |
elem_upload_component_pop_message(_upload); |
} |
if (elem_upload_component_float) { |
elem_upload_component_float.addEventListener('change', function (event) { |
toast_push('正在上传中,请稍等。', 2000); |
begin_loading_status(); |
}); |
} |
if (elem_upload_component) { |
elem_upload_component.addEventListener('change', function (event) { |
toast_push('正在上传中,请稍等。', 2000); |
begin_loading_status(); |
}); |
} else { |
toast_push("oppps", 3000); |
} |
} |
function monitoring_input_box() { |
register_upload_event(); |
if (elem_input_main) { |
if (elem_input_main.querySelector("textarea")) { |
register_func_paste(elem_input_main.querySelector("textarea")) |
} |
} |
if (elem_input_float) { |
if (elem_input_float.querySelector("textarea")) { |
register_func_paste(elem_input_float.querySelector("textarea")) |
} |
} |
if (elem_chatbot) { |
register_func_drag(elem_chatbot) |
} |
} |
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { |
gradioApp().addEventListener("render", monitoring_input_box); |
}); |
function audio_fn_init() { |
let audio_component = document.getElementById('elem_audio'); |
if (audio_component) { |
let buttonElement = audio_component.querySelector('button'); |
let specificElement = audio_component.querySelector('.hide.sr-only'); |
specificElement.remove(); |
buttonElement.childNodes[1].nodeValue = '启动麦克风'; |
buttonElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) { |
event.stopPropagation(); |
toast_push('您启动了麦克风!下一步请点击“实时语音对话”启动语音对话。'); |
}); |
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button'); |
let audio_button = null; |
for (let button of buttons) { |
if (button.textContent.includes('语音')) { |
audio_button = button; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (audio_button) { |
audio_button.addEventListener('click', function () { |
toast_push('您点击了“实时语音对话”启动语音对话。'); |
}); |
let parent_element = audio_component.parentElement; |
audio_button.appendChild(audio_component); |
buttonElement.style.cssText = 'border-color: #00ffe0;border-width: 2px; height: 25px;' |
parent_element.remove(); |
audio_component.style.cssText = 'width: 250px;right: 0px;display: inline-flex;flex-flow: row-reverse wrap;place-content: stretch space-between;align-items: center;background-color: #ffffff00;'; |
} |
} |
} |
function minor_ui_adjustment() { |
let cbsc_area = document.getElementById('cbsc'); |
cbsc_area.style.paddingTop = '15px'; |
var bar_btn_width = []; |
function auto_hide_toolbar() { |
var qq = document.getElementById('tooltip'); |
var tab_nav = qq.getElementsByClassName('tab-nav'); |
if (tab_nav.length == 0) { return; } |
var btn_list = tab_nav[0].getElementsByTagName('button') |
if (btn_list.length == 0) { return; } |
var page_width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; |
const always_preserve = 2; |
var cur_right = btn_list[always_preserve - 1].getBoundingClientRect().right; |
if (bar_btn_width.length == 0) { |
for (var i = 0; i < btn_list.length; i++) { |
bar_btn_width.push(btn_list[i].getBoundingClientRect().width); |
} |
} |
for (var i = always_preserve; i < btn_list.length; i++) { |
var element = btn_list[i]; |
var element_right = element.getBoundingClientRect().right; |
if (element_right != 0) { cur_right = element_right; } |
if (element.style.display === 'none') { |
if ((cur_right + bar_btn_width[i]) < (page_width * 0.37)) { |
element.style.display = 'block'; |
return; |
} else { |
return; |
} |
} else { |
if (cur_right > (page_width * 0.38)) { |
for (var j = i; j < btn_list.length; j++) { |
if (btn_list[j].style.display !== 'none') { |
btn_list[j].style.display = 'none'; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
setInterval(function () { |
auto_hide_toolbar() |
}, 200); |
} |
let prevented_offset = 0; |
function limit_scroll_position() { |
let scrollableDiv = document.querySelector('#gpt-chatbot > div.wrap'); |
scrollableDiv.addEventListener('wheel', function (e) { |
let preventScroll = false; |
if (e.deltaX != 0) { prevented_offset = 0; return; } |
if (this.scrollHeight == this.clientHeight) { prevented_offset = 0; return; } |
if (e.deltaY < 0) { prevented_offset = 0; return; } |
if (e.deltaY > 0 && this.scrollHeight - this.clientHeight - this.scrollTop <= 1) { preventScroll = true; } |
if (preventScroll) { |
prevented_offset += e.deltaY; |
if (Math.abs(prevented_offset) > 499) { |
if (prevented_offset > 500) { prevented_offset = 500; } |
if (prevented_offset < -500) { prevented_offset = -500; } |
preventScroll = false; |
} |
} else { |
prevented_offset = 0; |
} |
if (preventScroll) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
return; |
} |
}, { passive: false }); |
} |
function GptAcademicJavaScriptInit(LAYOUT = "LEFT-RIGHT") { |
audio_fn_init(); |
minor_ui_adjustment(); |
chatbotIndicator = gradioApp().querySelector('#gpt-chatbot > div.wrap'); |
var chatbotObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { |
chatbotContentChanged(1); |
}); |
chatbotObserver.observe(chatbotIndicator, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); |
if (LAYOUT === "LEFT-RIGHT") { chatbotAutoHeight(); } |
if (LAYOUT === "LEFT-RIGHT") { limit_scroll_position(); } |
} |
function loadLive2D() { |
try { |
$("<link>").attr({ href: "file=themes/waifu_plugin/waifu.css", rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css" }).appendTo('head'); |
$('body').append('<div class="waifu"><div class="waifu-tips"></div><canvas id="live2d" class="live2d"></canvas><div class="waifu-tool"><span class="fui-home"></span> <span class="fui-chat"></span> <span class="fui-eye"></span> <span class="fui-user"></span> <span class="fui-photo"></span> <span class="fui-info-circle"></span> <span class="fui-cross"></span></div></div>'); |
$.ajax({ |
url: "file=themes/waifu_plugin/waifu-tips.js", dataType: "script", cache: true, success: function () { |
$.ajax({ |
url: "file=themes/waifu_plugin/live2d.js", dataType: "script", cache: true, success: function () { |
live2d_settings['hitokotoAPI'] = "hitokoto.cn"; |
live2d_settings['modelId'] = 3; |
live2d_settings['modelTexturesId'] = 44; |
live2d_settings['modelStorage'] = false; |
live2d_settings['waifuSize'] = '210x187'; |
live2d_settings['waifuTipsSize'] = '187x52'; |
live2d_settings['canSwitchModel'] = true; |
live2d_settings['canSwitchTextures'] = true; |
live2d_settings['canSwitchHitokoto'] = false; |
live2d_settings['canTakeScreenshot'] = false; |
live2d_settings['canTurnToHomePage'] = false; |
live2d_settings['canTurnToAboutPage'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showHitokoto'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showF12Status'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showF12Message'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showF12OpenMsg'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showCopyMessage'] = false; |
live2d_settings['showWelcomeMessage'] = true; |
initModel("file=themes/waifu_plugin/waifu-tips.json"); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} catch (err) { console.log("[Error] JQuery is not defined.") } |
} |
function get_checkbox_selected_items(elem_id){ |
display_panel_arr = []; |
document.getElementById(elem_id).querySelector('[data-testid="checkbox-group"]').querySelectorAll('label').forEach(label => { |
const spanText = label.querySelector('span').textContent; |
const checked = label.querySelector('input').checked; |
if (checked) { |
display_panel_arr.push(spanText) |
} |
}); |
return display_panel_arr; |
} |
function set_checkbox(key, bool, set_twice=false) { |
set_success = false; |
elem_ids = ["cbsc", "cbs"] |
elem_ids.forEach(id => { |
document.getElementById(id).querySelector('[data-testid="checkbox-group"]').querySelectorAll('label').forEach(label => { |
const spanText = label.querySelector('span').textContent; |
if (spanText === key) { |
if (bool){ |
label.classList.add('selected'); |
} else { |
if (label.classList.contains('selected')) { |
label.classList.remove('selected'); |
} |
} |
if (set_twice){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
if (bool){ |
label.classList.add('selected'); |
} else { |
if (label.classList.contains('selected')) { |
label.classList.remove('selected'); |
} |
} |
}, 5000); |
} |
label.querySelector('input').checked = bool; |
set_success = true; |
return |
} |
}); |
}); |
if (!set_success){ |
console.log("设置checkbox失败,没有找到对应的key") |
} |
} |
function apply_cookie_for_checkbox(dark) { |
let searchString = "输入清除键"; |
let bool_value = "False"; |
if (getCookie("js_darkmode_cookie")) { |
dark = getCookie("js_darkmode_cookie") |
} |
dark = dark == "True"; |
if (document.querySelectorAll('.dark').length) { |
if (!dark) { |
document.querySelectorAll('.dark').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('dark')); |
} |
} else { |
if (dark) { |
document.querySelector('body').classList.add('dark'); |
} |
} |
if (getCookie("js_clearbtn_show_cookie")) { |
bool_value = getCookie("js_clearbtn_show_cookie") |
bool_value = bool_value == "True"; |
searchString = "输入清除键"; |
if (bool_value) { |
let clearButton = document.getElementById("elem_clear"); |
let clearButton2 = document.getElementById("elem_clear2"); |
clearButton.style.display = "block"; |
clearButton2.style.display = "block"; |
set_checkbox(searchString, true); |
} else { |
let clearButton = document.getElementById("elem_clear"); |
let clearButton2 = document.getElementById("elem_clear2"); |
clearButton.style.display = "none"; |
clearButton2.style.display = "none"; |
set_checkbox(searchString, false); |
} |
} |
if (getCookie("js_live2d_show_cookie")) { |
searchString = "添加Live2D形象"; |
bool_value = getCookie("js_live2d_show_cookie"); |
bool_value = bool_value == "True"; |
if (bool_value) { |
loadLive2D(); |
set_checkbox(searchString, true); |
} else { |
$('.waifu').hide(); |
set_checkbox(searchString, false); |
} |
} else { |
display_panel_arr = get_checkbox_selected_items("cbsc"); |
searchString = "添加Live2D形象"; |
if (display_panel_arr.includes(searchString)) { |
loadLive2D(); |
} else { |
} |
} |
} |