# This script is extended based on https://github.com/nkolot/SPIN/blob/master/models/smpl.py from typing import Optional from dataclasses import dataclass import os import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import pickle from lib.smplx import SMPL as _SMPL from lib.smplx import SMPLXLayer, MANOLayer, FLAMELayer from lib.smplx.lbs import batch_rodrigues, transform_mat, vertices2joints, blend_shapes from lib.smplx.body_models import SMPLXOutput import json from lib.pymafx.core import path_config, constants SMPL_MEAN_PARAMS = path_config.SMPL_MEAN_PARAMS SMPL_MODEL_DIR = path_config.SMPL_MODEL_DIR @dataclass class ModelOutput(SMPLXOutput): smpl_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None joints_J19: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None smplx_vertices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None flame_vertices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None lhand_vertices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None rhand_vertices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None lhand_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None rhand_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None face_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None lfoot_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None rfoot_joints: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None class SMPL(_SMPL): """ Extension of the official SMPL implementation to support more joints """ def __init__(self, create_betas=False, create_global_orient=False, create_body_pose=False, create_transl=False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(create_betas=create_betas, create_global_orient=create_global_orient, create_body_pose=create_body_pose, create_transl=create_transl, *args, **kwargs) joints = [constants.JOINT_MAP[i] for i in constants.JOINT_NAMES] J_regressor_extra = np.load(path_config.JOINT_REGRESSOR_TRAIN_EXTRA) self.register_buffer('J_regressor_extra', torch.tensor(J_regressor_extra, dtype=torch.float32)) self.joint_map = torch.tensor(joints, dtype=torch.long) # self.ModelOutput = namedtuple('ModelOutput_', ModelOutput._fields + ('smpl_joints', 'joints_J19',)) # self.ModelOutput.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(self.ModelOutput._fields) tpose_joints = vertices2joints(self.J_regressor, self.v_template.unsqueeze(0)) self.register_buffer('tpose_joints', tpose_joints) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['get_skin'] = True smpl_output = super().forward(*args, **kwargs) extra_joints = vertices2joints(self.J_regressor_extra, smpl_output.vertices) # smpl_output.joints: [B, 45, 3] extra_joints: [B, 9, 3] vertices = smpl_output.vertices joints = torch.cat([smpl_output.joints, extra_joints], dim=1) smpl_joints = smpl_output.joints[:, :24] joints = joints[:, self.joint_map, :] # [B, 49, 3] joints_J24 = joints[:, -24:, :] joints_J19 = joints_J24[:, constants.J24_TO_J19, :] output = ModelOutput(vertices=vertices, global_orient=smpl_output.global_orient, body_pose=smpl_output.body_pose, joints=joints, joints_J19=joints_J19, smpl_joints=smpl_joints, betas=smpl_output.betas, full_pose=smpl_output.full_pose) return output def get_global_rotation( self, global_orient: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, body_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs ): ''' Forward pass for the SMPLX model Parameters ---------- global_orient: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx3x3 If given, ignore the member variable and use it as the global rotation of the body. Useful if someone wishes to predicts this with an external model. It is expected to be in rotation matrix format. (default=None) body_pose: torch.tensor, optional, shape BxJx3x3 If given, ignore the member variable `body_pose` and use it instead. For example, it can used if someone predicts the pose of the body joints are predicted from some external model. It should be a tensor that contains joint rotations in rotation matrix format. (default=None) Returns ------- output: Global rotation matrix ''' device, dtype = self.shapedirs.device, self.shapedirs.dtype model_vars = [global_orient, body_pose] batch_size = 1 for var in model_vars: if var is None: continue batch_size = max(batch_size, len(var)) if global_orient is None: global_orient = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() if body_pose is None: body_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand( batch_size, self.NUM_BODY_JOINTS, -1, -1).contiguous() # Concatenate all pose vectors full_pose = torch.cat( [global_orient.reshape(-1, 1, 3, 3), body_pose.reshape(-1, self.NUM_BODY_JOINTS, 3, 3)], dim=1) rot_mats = full_pose.view(batch_size, -1, 3, 3) # Get the joints # NxJx3 array # joints = vertices2joints(self.J_regressor, self.v_template.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1)) # joints = torch.unsqueeze(joints, dim=-1) joints = self.tpose_joints.expand(batch_size, -1, -1).unsqueeze(-1) rel_joints = joints.clone() rel_joints[:, 1:] -= joints[:, self.parents[1:]] transforms_mat = transform_mat( rot_mats.reshape(-1, 3, 3), rel_joints.reshape(-1, 3, 1)).reshape(-1, joints.shape[1], 4, 4) transform_chain = [transforms_mat[:, 0]] for i in range(1, self.parents.shape[0]): # Subtract the joint location at the rest pose # No need for rotation, since it's identity when at rest curr_res = torch.matmul(transform_chain[self.parents[i]], transforms_mat[:, i]) transform_chain.append(curr_res) transforms = torch.stack(transform_chain, dim=1) global_rotmat = transforms[:, :, :3, :3] # The last column of the transformations contains the posed joints posed_joints = transforms[:, :, :3, 3] return global_rotmat, posed_joints class SMPLX(SMPLXLayer): """ Extension of the official SMPLX implementation to support more functions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_global_rotation( self, global_orient: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, body_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, left_hand_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, right_hand_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, jaw_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, leye_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, reye_pose: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs ): ''' Forward pass for the SMPLX model Parameters ---------- global_orient: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx3x3 If given, ignore the member variable and use it as the global rotation of the body. Useful if someone wishes to predicts this with an external model. It is expected to be in rotation matrix format. (default=None) betas: torch.tensor, optional, shape BxN_b If given, ignore the member variable `betas` and use it instead. For example, it can used if shape parameters `betas` are predicted from some external model. (default=None) expression: torch.tensor, optional, shape BxN_e Expression coefficients. For example, it can used if expression parameters `expression` are predicted from some external model. body_pose: torch.tensor, optional, shape BxJx3x3 If given, ignore the member variable `body_pose` and use it instead. For example, it can used if someone predicts the pose of the body joints are predicted from some external model. It should be a tensor that contains joint rotations in rotation matrix format. (default=None) left_hand_pose: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx15x3x3 If given, contains the pose of the left hand. It should be a tensor that contains joint rotations in rotation matrix format. (default=None) right_hand_pose: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx15x3x3 If given, contains the pose of the right hand. It should be a tensor that contains joint rotations in rotation matrix format. (default=None) jaw_pose: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx3x3 Jaw pose. It should either joint rotations in rotation matrix format. transl: torch.tensor, optional, shape Bx3 Translation vector of the body. For example, it can used if the translation `transl` is predicted from some external model. (default=None) return_verts: bool, optional Return the vertices. (default=True) return_full_pose: bool, optional Returns the full pose vector (default=False) Returns ------- output: ModelOutput A data class that contains the posed vertices and joints ''' device, dtype = self.shapedirs.device, self.shapedirs.dtype model_vars = [global_orient, body_pose, left_hand_pose, right_hand_pose, jaw_pose] batch_size = 1 for var in model_vars: if var is None: continue batch_size = max(batch_size, len(var)) if global_orient is None: global_orient = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() if body_pose is None: body_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand( batch_size, self.NUM_BODY_JOINTS, -1, -1).contiguous() if left_hand_pose is None: left_hand_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, 15, -1, -1).contiguous() if right_hand_pose is None: right_hand_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, 15, -1, -1).contiguous() if jaw_pose is None: jaw_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() if leye_pose is None: leye_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() if reye_pose is None: reye_pose = torch.eye(3, device=device, dtype=dtype).view( 1, 1, 3, 3).expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1).contiguous() # Concatenate all pose vectors full_pose = torch.cat( [global_orient.reshape(-1, 1, 3, 3), body_pose.reshape(-1, self.NUM_BODY_JOINTS, 3, 3), jaw_pose.reshape(-1, 1, 3, 3), leye_pose.reshape(-1, 1, 3, 3), reye_pose.reshape(-1, 1, 3, 3), left_hand_pose.reshape(-1, self.NUM_HAND_JOINTS, 3, 3), right_hand_pose.reshape(-1, self.NUM_HAND_JOINTS, 3, 3)], dim=1) rot_mats = full_pose.view(batch_size, -1, 3, 3) # Get the joints # NxJx3 array joints = vertices2joints(self.J_regressor, self.v_template.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, -1, -1)) joints = torch.unsqueeze(joints, dim=-1) rel_joints = joints.clone() rel_joints[:, 1:] -= joints[:, self.parents[1:]] transforms_mat = transform_mat( rot_mats.reshape(-1, 3, 3), rel_joints.reshape(-1, 3, 1)).reshape(-1, joints.shape[1], 4, 4) transform_chain = [transforms_mat[:, 0]] for i in range(1, self.parents.shape[0]): # Subtract the joint location at the rest pose # No need for rotation, since it's identity when at rest curr_res = torch.matmul(transform_chain[self.parents[i]], transforms_mat[:, i]) transform_chain.append(curr_res) transforms = torch.stack(transform_chain, dim=1) global_rotmat = transforms[:, :, :3, :3] # The last column of the transformations contains the posed joints posed_joints = transforms[:, :, :3, 3] return global_rotmat, posed_joints class SMPLX_ALL(nn.Module): """ Extension of the official SMPLX implementation to support more joints """ def __init__(self, batch_size=1, use_face_contour=True, all_gender=False, **kwargs): super().__init__() numBetas = 10 self.use_face_contour = use_face_contour if all_gender: self.genders = ['male', 'female', 'neutral'] else: self.genders = ['neutral'] for gender in self.genders: assert gender in ['male', 'female', 'neutral'] self.model_dict = nn.ModuleDict({gender: SMPLX(path_config.SMPL_MODEL_DIR, gender=gender, ext='npz', num_betas=numBetas, use_pca=False, batch_size=batch_size, use_face_contour=use_face_contour, num_pca_comps=45, **kwargs) for gender in self.genders}) self.model_neutral = self.model_dict['neutral'] joints = [constants.JOINT_MAP[i] for i in constants.JOINT_NAMES] J_regressor_extra = np.load(path_config.JOINT_REGRESSOR_TRAIN_EXTRA) self.register_buffer('J_regressor_extra', torch.tensor(J_regressor_extra, dtype=torch.float32)) self.joint_map = torch.tensor(joints, dtype=torch.long) # smplx_to_smpl.pkl, file source: https://smpl-x.is.tue.mpg.de smplx_to_smpl = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, 'model_transfer/smplx_to_smpl.pkl'), 'rb')) self.register_buffer('smplx2smpl', torch.tensor(smplx_to_smpl['matrix'][None], dtype=torch.float32)) smpl2limb_vert_faces = get_partial_smpl('smpl') self.smpl2lhand = torch.from_numpy(smpl2limb_vert_faces['lhand']['vids']).long() self.smpl2rhand = torch.from_numpy(smpl2limb_vert_faces['rhand']['vids']).long() # left and right hand joint mapping smplx2lhand_joints = [constants.SMPLX_JOINT_IDS['left_{}'.format(name)] for name in constants.HAND_NAMES] smplx2rhand_joints = [constants.SMPLX_JOINT_IDS['right_{}'.format(name)] for name in constants.HAND_NAMES] self.smplx2lh_joint_map = torch.tensor(smplx2lhand_joints, dtype=torch.long) self.smplx2rh_joint_map = torch.tensor(smplx2rhand_joints, dtype=torch.long) # left and right foot joint mapping smplx2lfoot_joints = [constants.SMPLX_JOINT_IDS['left_{}'.format(name)] for name in constants.FOOT_NAMES] smplx2rfoot_joints = [constants.SMPLX_JOINT_IDS['right_{}'.format(name)] for name in constants.FOOT_NAMES] self.smplx2lf_joint_map = torch.tensor(smplx2lfoot_joints, dtype=torch.long) self.smplx2rf_joint_map = torch.tensor(smplx2rfoot_joints, dtype=torch.long) for g in self.genders: J_template = torch.einsum('ji,ik->jk', [self.model_dict[g].J_regressor[:24], self.model_dict[g].v_template]) J_dirs = torch.einsum('ji,ikl->jkl', [self.model_dict[g].J_regressor[:24], self.model_dict[g].shapedirs]) self.register_buffer(f'{g}_J_template', J_template) self.register_buffer(f'{g}_J_dirs', J_dirs) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): batch_size = kwargs['body_pose'].shape[0] kwargs['get_skin'] = True if 'pose2rot' not in kwargs: kwargs['pose2rot'] = True if 'gender' not in kwargs: kwargs['gender'] = 2 * torch.ones(batch_size).to(kwargs['body_pose'].device) # pose for 55 joints: 1, 21, 15, 15, 1, 1, 1 pose_keys = ['global_orient', 'body_pose', 'left_hand_pose', 'right_hand_pose', 'jaw_pose', 'leye_pose', 'reye_pose'] param_keys = ['betas'] + pose_keys if kwargs['pose2rot']: for key in pose_keys: if key in kwargs: # if key == 'left_hand_pose': # kwargs[key] += self.model_neutral.left_hand_mean # elif key == 'right_hand_pose': # kwargs[key] += self.model_neutral.right_hand_mean kwargs[key] = batch_rodrigues(kwargs[key].contiguous().view(-1, 3)).view([batch_size, -1, 3, 3]) if kwargs['body_pose'].shape[1] == 23: # remove hand pose in the body_pose kwargs['body_pose'] = kwargs['body_pose'][:, :21] gender_idx_list = [] smplx_vertices, smplx_joints = [], [] for gi, g in enumerate(['male', 'female', 'neutral']): gender_idx = ((kwargs['gender'] == gi).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0]) if len(gender_idx) == 0: continue gender_idx_list.extend([int(idx) for idx in gender_idx]) gender_kwargs = {'get_skin': kwargs['get_skin'], 'pose2rot': kwargs['pose2rot']} gender_kwargs.update({k: kwargs[k][gender_idx] for k in param_keys if k in kwargs}) gender_smplx_output = self.model_dict[g].forward(*args, **gender_kwargs) smplx_vertices.append(gender_smplx_output.vertices) smplx_joints.append(gender_smplx_output.joints) idx_rearrange = [gender_idx_list.index(i) for i in range(len(list(gender_idx_list)))] idx_rearrange = torch.tensor(idx_rearrange).long().to(kwargs['body_pose'].device) smplx_vertices = torch.cat(smplx_vertices)[idx_rearrange] smplx_joints = torch.cat(smplx_joints)[idx_rearrange] # constants.HAND_NAMES lhand_joints = smplx_joints[:, self.smplx2lh_joint_map] rhand_joints = smplx_joints[:, self.smplx2rh_joint_map] # constants.FACIAL_LANDMARKS face_joints = smplx_joints[:, -68:] if self.use_face_contour else smplx_joints[:, -51:] # constants.FOOT_NAMES lfoot_joints = smplx_joints[:, self.smplx2lf_joint_map] rfoot_joints = smplx_joints[:, self.smplx2rf_joint_map] smpl_vertices = torch.bmm(self.smplx2smpl.expand(batch_size, -1, -1), smplx_vertices) lhand_vertices = smpl_vertices[:, self.smpl2lhand] rhand_vertices = smpl_vertices[:, self.smpl2rhand] extra_joints = vertices2joints(self.J_regressor_extra, smpl_vertices) # smpl_output.joints: [B, 45, 3] extra_joints: [B, 9, 3] smplx_j45 = smplx_joints[:, constants.SMPLX2SMPL_J45] joints = torch.cat([smplx_j45, extra_joints], dim=1) smpl_joints = smplx_j45[:, :24] joints = joints[:, self.joint_map, :] # [B, 49, 3] joints_J24 = joints[:, -24:, :] joints_J19 = joints_J24[:, constants.J24_TO_J19, :] output = ModelOutput(vertices=smpl_vertices, smplx_vertices=smplx_vertices, lhand_vertices=lhand_vertices, rhand_vertices=rhand_vertices, # global_orient=smplx_output.global_orient, # body_pose=smplx_output.body_pose, joints=joints, joints_J19=joints_J19, smpl_joints=smpl_joints, # betas=smplx_output.betas, # full_pose=smplx_output.full_pose, lhand_joints=lhand_joints, rhand_joints=rhand_joints, lfoot_joints=lfoot_joints, rfoot_joints=rfoot_joints, face_joints=face_joints, ) return output # def make_hand_regressor(self): # # borrowed from https://github.com/mks0601/Hand4Whole_RELEASE/blob/main/common/utils/human_models.py # regressor = self.model_neutral.J_regressor.numpy() # vertex_num = self.model_neutral.J_regressor.shape[-1] # lhand_regressor = np.concatenate((regressor[[20,37,38,39],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[5361,None], # regressor[[25,26,27],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[4933,None], # regressor[[28,29,30],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[5058,None], # regressor[[34,35,36],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[5169,None], # regressor[[31,32,33],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[5286,None])) # rhand_regressor = np.concatenate((regressor[[21,52,53,54],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[8079,None], # regressor[[40,41,42],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[7669,None], # regressor[[43,44,45],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[7794,None], # regressor[[49,50,51],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[7905,None], # regressor[[46,47,48],:], # np.eye(vertex_num)[8022,None])) # return torch.from_numpy(lhand_regressor).float(), torch.from_numpy(rhand_regressor).float() def get_tpose(self, betas=None, gender=None): kwargs = {} if betas is None: betas = torch.zeros(1, 10).to(self.J_regressor_extra.device) kwargs['betas'] = betas batch_size = kwargs['betas'].shape[0] device = kwargs['betas'].device if gender is None: kwargs['gender'] = 2 * torch.ones(batch_size).to(device) else: kwargs['gender'] = gender param_keys = ['betas'] gender_idx_list = [] smplx_joints = [] for gi, g in enumerate(['male', 'female', 'neutral']): gender_idx = ((kwargs['gender'] == gi).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0]) if len(gender_idx) == 0: continue gender_idx_list.extend([int(idx) for idx in gender_idx]) gender_kwargs = {} gender_kwargs.update({k: kwargs[k][gender_idx] for k in param_keys if k in kwargs}) J = getattr(self, f'{g}_J_template').unsqueeze(0) + blend_shapes(gender_kwargs['betas'], getattr(self, f'{g}_J_dirs')) smplx_joints.append(J) idx_rearrange = [gender_idx_list.index(i) for i in range(len(list(gender_idx_list)))] idx_rearrange = torch.tensor(idx_rearrange).long().to(device) smplx_joints = torch.cat(smplx_joints)[idx_rearrange] return smplx_joints class MANO(MANOLayer): """ Extension of the official MANO implementation to support more joints """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'pose2rot' not in kwargs: kwargs['pose2rot'] = True pose_keys = ['global_orient', 'right_hand_pose'] batch_size = kwargs['global_orient'].shape[0] if kwargs['pose2rot']: for key in pose_keys: if key in kwargs: kwargs[key] = batch_rodrigues(kwargs[key].contiguous().view(-1, 3)).view([batch_size, -1, 3, 3]) kwargs['hand_pose'] = kwargs.pop('right_hand_pose') mano_output = super().forward(*args, **kwargs) th_verts = mano_output.vertices th_jtr = mano_output.joints # https://github.com/hassony2/manopth/blob/master/manopth/manolayer.py#L248-L260 # In addition to MANO reference joints we sample vertices on each finger # to serve as finger tips tips = th_verts[:, [745, 317, 445, 556, 673]] th_jtr = torch.cat([th_jtr, tips], 1) # Reorder joints to match visualization utilities th_jtr = th_jtr[:, [0, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1, 2, 3, 17, 4, 5, 6, 18, 10, 11, 12, 19, 7, 8, 9, 20]] output = ModelOutput(rhand_vertices=th_verts, rhand_joints=th_jtr, ) return output class FLAME(FLAMELayer): """ Extension of the official FLAME implementation to support more joints """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'pose2rot' not in kwargs: kwargs['pose2rot'] = True pose_keys = ['global_orient', 'jaw_pose', 'leye_pose', 'reye_pose'] batch_size = kwargs['global_orient'].shape[0] if kwargs['pose2rot']: for key in pose_keys: if key in kwargs: kwargs[key] = batch_rodrigues(kwargs[key].contiguous().view(-1, 3)).view([batch_size, -1, 3, 3]) flame_output = super().forward(*args, **kwargs) output = ModelOutput(flame_vertices=flame_output.vertices, face_joints=flame_output.joints[:, 5:], ) return output class SMPL_Family(): def __init__(self, model_type='smpl', *args, **kwargs): if model_type == 'smpl': self.model = SMPL( model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, *args, **kwargs ) elif model_type == 'smplx': self.model = SMPLX_ALL(*args, **kwargs) elif model_type == 'mano': self.model = MANO(model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, is_rhand=True, use_pca=False, *args, **kwargs) elif model_type == 'flame': self.model = FLAME(model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, use_face_contour=True, *args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model(*args, **kwargs) def get_tpose(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.get_tpose(*args, **kwargs) # def to(self, device): # self.model.to(device) # def cuda(self, device=None): # if device is None: # self.model.cuda() # else: # self.model.cuda(device) def get_smpl_faces(): smpl = SMPL(model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) return smpl.faces def get_smplx_faces(): smplx = SMPLX(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) return smplx.faces def get_mano_faces(hand_type='right'): assert hand_type in ['right', 'left'] is_rhand = True if hand_type == 'right' else False mano = MANO(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1, is_rhand=is_rhand) return mano.faces def get_flame_faces(): flame = FLAME(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) return flame.faces def get_model_faces(type='smpl'): if type == 'smpl': return get_smpl_faces() elif type == 'smplx': return get_smplx_faces() elif type == 'mano': return get_mano_faces() elif type == 'flame': return get_flame_faces() def get_model_tpose(type='smpl'): if type == 'smpl': return get_smpl_tpose() elif type == 'smplx': return get_smplx_tpose() elif type == 'mano': return get_mano_tpose() elif type == 'flame': return get_flame_tpose() def get_smpl_tpose(): smpl = SMPL(create_betas=True, create_global_orient=True, create_body_pose=True, model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) vertices = smpl().vertices[0] return vertices.detach() def get_smpl_tpose_joint(): smpl = SMPL(create_betas=True, create_global_orient=True, create_body_pose=True, model_path=SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) tpose_joint = smpl().smpl_joints[0] return tpose_joint.detach() def get_smplx_tpose(): smplx = SMPLXLayer(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) vertices = smplx().vertices[0] return vertices def get_smplx_tpose_joint(): smplx = SMPLXLayer(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) tpose_joint = smplx().joints[0] return tpose_joint def get_mano_tpose(): mano = MANO(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1, is_rhand=True) vertices = mano(global_orient=torch.zeros(1, 3), right_hand_pose=torch.zeros(1, 15*3)).rhand_vertices[0] return vertices def get_flame_tpose(): flame = FLAME(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, batch_size=1) vertices = flame(global_orient=torch.zeros(1, 3)).flame_vertices[0] return vertices def get_part_joints(smpl_joints): batch_size = smpl_joints.shape[0] # part_joints = torch.zeros().to(smpl_joints.device) one_seg_pairs = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (3, 6), (9, 12), (9, 13), (9, 14), (12, 15), (13, 16), (14, 17)] two_seg_pairs = [(1, 4), (2, 5), (4, 7), (5, 8), (16, 18), (17, 19), (18, 20), (19, 21)] one_seg_pairs.extend(two_seg_pairs) single_joints = [(10), (11), (15), (22), (23)] part_joints = [] for j_p in one_seg_pairs: new_joint = torch.mean(smpl_joints[:, j_p], dim=1, keepdim=True) part_joints.append(new_joint) for j_p in single_joints: part_joints.append(smpl_joints[:, j_p:j_p+1]) part_joints = torch.cat(part_joints, dim=1) return part_joints def get_partial_smpl(body_model='smpl', device=torch.device('cuda')): body_model_faces = get_model_faces(body_model) body_model_num_verts = len(get_model_tpose(body_model)) part_vert_faces = {} for part in ['lhand', 'rhand', 'face', 'arm', 'forearm', 'larm', 'rarm', 'lwrist', 'rwrist']: part_vid_fname = '{}/{}_{}_vids.npz'.format(path_config.PARTIAL_MESH_DIR, body_model, part) if os.path.exists(part_vid_fname): part_vids = np.load(part_vid_fname) part_vert_faces[part] = {'vids': part_vids['vids'], 'faces': part_vids['faces']} else: if part in ['lhand', 'rhand']: with open(os.path.join(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, 'model_transfer/MANO_SMPLX_vertex_ids.pkl'), 'rb') as json_file: smplx_mano_id = pickle.load(json_file) with open(os.path.join(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, 'model_transfer/smplx_to_smpl.pkl'), 'rb') as json_file: smplx_smpl_id = pickle.load(json_file) smplx_tpose = get_smplx_tpose() smpl_tpose = np.matmul(smplx_smpl_id['matrix'], smplx_tpose) if part == 'lhand': mano_vert = smplx_tpose[smplx_mano_id['left_hand']] elif part == 'rhand': mano_vert = smplx_tpose[smplx_mano_id['right_hand']] smpl2mano_id = [] for vert in mano_vert: v_diff = smpl_tpose - vert v_diff = torch.sum(v_diff * v_diff, dim=1) v_closest = torch.argmin(v_diff) smpl2mano_id.append(int(v_closest)) smpl2mano_vids = np.array(smpl2mano_id).astype(np.long) mano_faces = get_mano_faces(hand_type='right' if part == 'rhand' else 'left').astype(np.long) np.savez(part_vid_fname, vids=smpl2mano_vids, faces=mano_faces) part_vert_faces[part] = {'vids': smpl2mano_vids, 'faces': mano_faces} elif part in ['face', 'arm', 'forearm', 'larm', 'rarm']: with open(os.path.join(SMPL_MODEL_DIR, '{}_vert_segmentation.json'.format(body_model)), 'rb') as json_file: smplx_part_id = json.load(json_file) # main_body_part = list(smplx_part_id.keys()) # print('main_body_part', main_body_part) if part == 'face': selected_body_part = ['head'] elif part == 'arm': selected_body_part = ['rightHand', 'leftArm', 'leftShoulder', 'rightShoulder', 'rightArm', 'leftHandIndex1', 'rightHandIndex1', 'leftForeArm', 'rightForeArm', 'leftHand',] # selected_body_part = ['rightHand', 'leftArm', 'rightArm', 'leftHandIndex1', 'rightHandIndex1', 'leftForeArm', 'rightForeArm', 'leftHand',] elif part == 'forearm': selected_body_part = ['rightHand', 'leftHandIndex1', 'rightHandIndex1', 'leftForeArm', 'rightForeArm', 'leftHand',] elif part == 'arm_eval': selected_body_part = ['leftArm', 'rightArm', 'leftForeArm', 'rightForeArm'] elif part == 'larm': # selected_body_part = ['leftArm', 'leftForeArm'] selected_body_part = ['leftForeArm'] elif part == 'rarm': # selected_body_part = ['rightArm', 'rightForeArm'] selected_body_part = ['rightForeArm'] part_body_idx = [] for k in selected_body_part: part_body_idx.extend(smplx_part_id[k]) part_body_fid = [] for f_id, face in enumerate(body_model_faces): if any(f in part_body_idx for f in face): part_body_fid.append(f_id) smpl2head_vids = np.unique(body_model_faces[part_body_fid]).astype(np.long) mesh_vid_raw = np.arange(body_model_num_verts) head_vid_new = np.arange(len(smpl2head_vids)) mesh_vid_raw[smpl2head_vids] = head_vid_new head_faces = body_model_faces[part_body_fid] head_faces = mesh_vid_raw[head_faces].astype(np.long) np.savez(part_vid_fname, vids=smpl2head_vids, faces=head_faces) part_vert_faces[part] = {'vids': smpl2head_vids, 'faces': head_faces} elif part in ['lwrist', 'rwrist']: if body_model == 'smplx': body_model_verts = get_smplx_tpose() tpose_joint = get_smplx_tpose_joint() elif body_model == 'smpl': body_model_verts = get_smpl_tpose() tpose_joint = get_smpl_tpose_joint() wrist_joint = tpose_joint[20] if part == 'lwrist' else tpose_joint[21] dist = 0.005 wrist_vids = [] for vid, vt in enumerate(body_model_verts): v_j_dist = torch.sum((vt - wrist_joint) ** 2) if v_j_dist < dist: wrist_vids.append(vid) wrist_vids = np.array(wrist_vids) part_body_fid = [] for f_id, face in enumerate(body_model_faces): if any(f in wrist_vids for f in face): part_body_fid.append(f_id) smpl2part_vids = np.unique(body_model_faces[part_body_fid]).astype(np.long) mesh_vid_raw = np.arange(body_model_num_verts) part_vid_new = np.arange(len(smpl2part_vids)) mesh_vid_raw[smpl2part_vids] = part_vid_new part_faces = body_model_faces[part_body_fid] part_faces = mesh_vid_raw[part_faces].astype(np.long) np.savez(part_vid_fname, vids=smpl2part_vids, faces=part_faces) part_vert_faces[part] = {'vids': smpl2part_vids, 'faces': part_faces} # import trimesh # mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=body_model_verts[smpl2part_vids], faces=part_faces, process=False) # mesh.export(f'results/smplx_{part}.obj') # mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=body_model_verts, faces=body_model_faces, process=False) # mesh.export(f'results/smplx_model.obj') return part_vert_faces