import imp import os from pickle import NONE # os.environ['PYOPENGL_PLATFORM'] = 'osmesa' import torch import trimesh import numpy as np # import neural_renderer as nr from skimage.transform import resize from torchvision.utils import make_grid import torch.nn.functional as F from models.smpl import get_smpl_faces, get_model_faces, get_model_tpose from utils.densepose_methods import DensePoseMethods from core import constants, path_config import json from .geometry import convert_to_full_img_cam from utils.imutils import crop try: import math import pyrender from pyrender.constants import RenderFlags except: pass try: from opendr.renderer import ColoredRenderer from import LambertianPointLight, SphericalHarmonics from import ProjectPoints except: pass from pytorch3d.structures.meshes import Meshes # from pytorch3d.renderer.mesh.renderer import MeshRendererWithFragments from pytorch3d.renderer import ( look_at_view_transform, FoVPerspectiveCameras, PerspectiveCameras, AmbientLights, PointLights, RasterizationSettings, BlendParams, MeshRenderer, MeshRasterizer, SoftPhongShader, SoftSilhouetteShader, HardPhongShader, HardGouraudShader, HardFlatShader, TexturesVertex ) import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WeakPerspectiveCamera(pyrender.Camera): def __init__(self, scale, translation,, zfar=None, name=None): super(WeakPerspectiveCamera, self).__init__( znear=znear, zfar=zfar, name=name, ) self.scale = scale self.translation = translation def get_projection_matrix(self, width=None, height=None): P = np.eye(4) P[0, 0] = self.scale[0] P[1, 1] = self.scale[1] P[0, 3] = self.translation[0] * self.scale[0] P[1, 3] = -self.translation[1] * self.scale[1] P[2, 2] = -1 return P class PyRenderer: def __init__(self, resolution=(224,224), orig_img=False, wireframe=False, scale_ratio=1., vis_ratio=1.): self.resolution = (resolution[0] * scale_ratio, resolution[1] * scale_ratio) # self.scale_ratio = scale_ratio self.faces = {'smplx': get_model_faces('smplx'), 'smpl': get_model_faces('smpl'), # 'mano': get_model_faces('mano'), # 'flame': get_model_faces('flame'), } self.orig_img = orig_img self.wireframe = wireframe self.renderer = pyrender.OffscreenRenderer( viewport_width=self.resolution[0], viewport_height=self.resolution[1], point_size=1.0 ) self.vis_ratio = vis_ratio # set the scene self.scene = pyrender.Scene(bg_color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ambient_light=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) light = pyrender.PointLight(color=np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * 0.2, intensity=1) yrot = np.radians(120) # angle of lights light_pose = np.eye(4) light_pose[:3, 3] = [0, -1, 1] self.scene.add(light, pose=light_pose) light_pose[:3, 3] = [0, 1, 1] self.scene.add(light, pose=light_pose) light_pose[:3, 3] = [1, 1, 2] self.scene.add(light, pose=light_pose) spot_l = pyrender.SpotLight(color=np.ones(3), intensity=15.0, innerConeAngle=np.pi/3, outerConeAngle=np.pi/2) light_pose[:3, 3] = [1, 2, 2] self.scene.add(spot_l, pose=light_pose) light_pose[:3, 3] = [-1, 2, 2] self.scene.add(spot_l, pose=light_pose) # light_pose[:3, 3] = [-2, 2, 0] # self.scene.add(spot_l, pose=light_pose) # light_pose[:3, 3] = [-2, 2, 0] # self.scene.add(spot_l, pose=light_pose) self.colors_dict = { 'red': np.array([0.5, 0.2, 0.2]), 'pink': np.array([0.7, 0.5, 0.5]), 'neutral': np.array([0.7, 0.7, 0.6]), # 'purple': np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.7]), 'purple': np.array([0.55, 0.4, 0.9]), 'green': np.array([0.5, 0.55, 0.3]), 'sky': np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.55]), 'white': np.array([1.0, 0.98, 0.94]), } def __call__(self, verts, faces=None, img=np.zeros((224, 224, 3)), cam=np.array([1, 0, 0]), focal_length=[5000, 5000], camera_rotation=np.eye(3), crop_info=None, angle=None, axis=None, mesh_filename=None, color_type=None, color=[1.0, 1.0, 0.9], iwp_mode=True, crop_img=True, mesh_type='smpl', scale_ratio=1., rgba_mode=False): if faces is None: faces = self.faces[mesh_type] mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces, process=False) Rx = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(math.radians(180), [1, 0, 0]) mesh.apply_transform(Rx) if mesh_filename is not None: mesh.export(mesh_filename) if angle and axis: R = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(math.radians(angle), axis) mesh.apply_transform(R) cam = cam.copy() if iwp_mode: resolution = np.array(img.shape[:2]) * scale_ratio if len(cam) == 4: sx, sy, tx, ty = cam # sy = sx camera_translation = np.array([tx, ty, 2 * focal_length[0] / (resolution[0] * sy + 1e-9)]) elif len(cam) == 3: sx, tx, ty = cam sy = sx camera_translation = np.array([- tx, ty, 2 * focal_length[0] / (resolution[0] * sy + 1e-9)]) render_res = resolution self.renderer.viewport_width = render_res[1] self.renderer.viewport_height = render_res[0] else: if crop_info['opt_cam_t'] is None: camera_translation = convert_to_full_img_cam( pare_cam=cam[None], bbox_height=crop_info['bbox_scale'] * 200., bbox_center=crop_info['bbox_center'], img_w=crop_info['img_w'], img_h=crop_info['img_h'], focal_length=focal_length[0], ) else: camera_translation = crop_info['opt_cam_t'] if torch.is_tensor(camera_translation): camera_translation = camera_translation[0].cpu().numpy() camera_translation = camera_translation.copy() camera_translation[0] *= -1 if 'img_h' in crop_info and 'img_w' in crop_info: render_res = (int(crop_info['img_h'][0]), int(crop_info['img_w'][0])) else: render_res = img.shape[:2] if type(img) is not list else img[0].shape[:2] self.renderer.viewport_width = render_res[1] self.renderer.viewport_height = render_res[0] camera_rotation = camera_rotation.T camera = pyrender.IntrinsicsCamera(fx=focal_length[0], fy=focal_length[1], cx=render_res[1]/2., cy=render_res[0]/2.) if color_type != None: color = self.colors_dict[color_type] material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial( metallicFactor=0.2, roughnessFactor=0.6, alphaMode='OPAQUE', baseColorFactor=(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) ) mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh, material=material) mesh_node = self.scene.add(mesh, 'mesh') camera_pose = np.eye(4) camera_pose[:3, :3] = camera_rotation camera_pose[:3, 3] = camera_rotation @ camera_translation cam_node = self.scene.add(camera, pose=camera_pose) if self.wireframe: render_flags = RenderFlags.RGBA | RenderFlags.ALL_WIREFRAME | RenderFlags.SHADOWS_SPOT else: render_flags = RenderFlags.RGBA | RenderFlags.SHADOWS_SPOT rgb, _ = self.renderer.render(self.scene, flags=render_flags) if crop_info is not None and crop_img: crop_res = img.shape[:2] rgb, _, _ = crop(rgb, crop_info['bbox_center'][0], crop_info['bbox_scale'][0], crop_res) valid_mask = (rgb[:, :, -1] > 0)[:, :, np.newaxis] image_list = [img] if type(img) is not list else img return_img = [] for item in image_list: if scale_ratio != 1: orig_size = item.shape[:2] item = resize(item, (orig_size[0] * scale_ratio, orig_size[1] * scale_ratio), anti_aliasing=True) item = (item * 255).astype(np.uint8) output_img = rgb[:, :, :-1] * valid_mask * self.vis_ratio + (1 - valid_mask * self.vis_ratio) * item # output_img[valid_mask < 0.5] = item[valid_mask < 0.5] # if scale_ratio != 1: # output_img = resize(output_img, (orig_size[0], orig_size[1]), anti_aliasing=True) if rgba_mode: output_img_rgba = np.zeros((output_img.shape[0], output_img.shape[1], 4)) output_img_rgba[:, :, :3] = output_img output_img_rgba[:, :, 3][valid_mask[:, :, 0]] = 255 output_img = output_img_rgba.astype(np.uint8) image = output_img.astype(np.uint8) return_img.append(image) return_img.append(item) if type(img) is not list: # if scale_ratio == 1: return_img = return_img[0] self.scene.remove_node(mesh_node) self.scene.remove_node(cam_node) return return_img class OpenDRenderer: def __init__(self, resolution=(224, 224), ratio=1): self.resolution = (resolution[0] * ratio, resolution[1] * ratio) self.ratio = ratio self.focal_length = 5000. self.K = np.array([[self.focal_length, 0., self.resolution[1] / 2.], [0., self.focal_length, self.resolution[0] / 2.], [0., 0., 1.]]) self.colors_dict = { 'red': np.array([0.5, 0.2, 0.2]), 'pink': np.array([0.7, 0.5, 0.5]), 'neutral': np.array([0.7, 0.7, 0.6]), 'purple': np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.7]), 'green': np.array([0.5, 0.55, 0.3]), 'sky': np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.55]), 'white': np.array([1.0, 0.98, 0.94]), } self.renderer = ColoredRenderer() self.faces = get_smpl_faces() def reset_res(self, resolution): self.resolution = (resolution[0] * self.ratio, resolution[1] * self.ratio) self.K = np.array([[self.focal_length, 0., self.resolution[1] / 2.], [0., self.focal_length, self.resolution[0] / 2.], [0., 0., 1.]]) def __call__(self, verts, faces=None, color=None, color_type='white', R=None, mesh_filename=None, img=np.zeros((224, 224, 3)), cam=np.array([1, 0, 0]), rgba=False, addlight=True): '''Render mesh using OpenDR verts: shape - (V, 3) faces: shape - (F, 3) img: shape - (224, 224, 3), range - [0, 255] (np.uint8) axis: rotate along with X/Y/Z axis (by angle) R: rotation matrix (used to manipulate verts) shape - [3, 3] Return: rendered img: shape - (224, 224, 3), range - [0, 255] (np.uint8) ''' ## Create OpenDR renderer rn = self.renderer h, w = self.resolution K = self.K f = np.array([K[0, 0], K[1, 1]]) c = np.array([K[0, 2], K[1, 2]]) if faces is None: faces = self.faces if len(cam) == 4: t = np.array([cam[2], cam[3], 2 * K[0, 0] / (w * cam[0] + 1e-9)]) elif len(cam) == 3: t = np.array([cam[1], cam[2], 2 * K[0, 0] / (w * cam[0] + 1e-9)]) = ProjectPoints(rt=np.array([0, 0, 0]), t=t, f=f, c=c, k=np.zeros(5)) rn.frustum = {'near': 1., 'far': 1000., 'width': w, 'height': h} albedo = np.ones_like(verts)*.9 if color is not None: color0 = np.array(color) color1 = np.array(color) color2 = np.array(color) elif color_type == 'white': color0 = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) color1 = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) color2 = np.array([0.7, 0.7, 0.7]) color = np.ones_like(verts) * self.colors_dict[color_type][None, :] else: color0 = self.colors_dict[color_type] * 1.2 color1 = self.colors_dict[color_type] * 1.2 color2 = self.colors_dict[color_type] * 1.2 color = np.ones_like(verts) * self.colors_dict[color_type][None, :] # render_smpl = rn.r if R is not None: assert R.shape == (3, 3), "Shape of rotation matrix should be (3, 3)" verts =, R) rn.set(v=verts, f=faces, vc=color, bgcolor=np.zeros(3)) if addlight: yrot = np.radians(120) # angle of lights # # 1. 1. 0.7 = LambertianPointLight( f=rn.f, v=rn.v, num_verts=len(rn.v), light_pos=rotateY(np.array([-200, -100, -100]), yrot), vc=albedo, light_color=color0) # Construct Left Light += LambertianPointLight( f=rn.f, v=rn.v, num_verts=len(rn.v), light_pos=rotateY(np.array([800, 10, 300]), yrot), vc=albedo, light_color=color1) # Construct Right Light += LambertianPointLight( f=rn.f, v=rn.v, num_verts=len(rn.v), light_pos=rotateY(np.array([-500, 500, 1000]), yrot), vc=albedo, light_color=color2) rendered_image = rn.r visibility_image = rn.visibility_image image_list = [img] if type(img) is not list else img return_img = [] for item in image_list: if self.ratio != 1: img_resized = resize(item, (item.shape[0] * self.ratio, item.shape[1] * self.ratio), anti_aliasing=True) else: img_resized = item / 255. try: img_resized[visibility_image != (2**32 - 1)] = rendered_image[visibility_image != (2**32 - 1)] except: logger.warning('Can not render mesh.') img_resized = (img_resized * 255).astype(np.uint8) res = img_resized if rgba: img_resized_rgba = np.zeros((img_resized.shape[0], img_resized.shape[1], 4)) img_resized_rgba[:, :, :3] = img_resized img_resized_rgba[:, :, 3][visibility_image != (2**32 - 1)] = 255 res = img_resized_rgba.astype(np.uint8) return_img.append(res) if type(img) is not list: return_img = return_img[0] return return_img # def rotateY(points, angle): """Rotate all points in a 2D array around the y axis.""" ry = np.array([ [np.cos(angle), 0., np.sin(angle)], [0., 1., 0. ], [-np.sin(angle), 0., np.cos(angle)] ]) return, ry) def rotateX( points, angle ): """Rotate all points in a 2D array around the x axis.""" rx = np.array([ [1., 0., 0. ], [0., np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [0., np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle) ] ]) return, rx) def rotateZ( points, angle ): """Rotate all points in a 2D array around the z axis.""" rz = np.array([ [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0. ], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0. ], [0., 0., 1. ] ]) return, rz) class IUV_Renderer(object): def __init__(self, focal_length=5000., orig_size=224, output_size=56, mode='iuv', device=torch.device('cuda'), mesh_type='smpl'): self.focal_length = focal_length self.orig_size = orig_size self.output_size = output_size if mode in ['iuv']: if mesh_type == 'smpl': DP = DensePoseMethods() vert_mapping = DP.All_vertices.astype('int64') - 1 self.vert_mapping = torch.from_numpy(vert_mapping) faces = DP.FacesDensePose faces = faces[None, :, :] self.faces = torch.from_numpy(faces.astype(np.int32)) # [1, 13774, 3], torch.int32 num_part = float(np.max(DP.FaceIndices)) self.num_part = num_part dp_vert_pid_fname = 'data/dp_vert_pid.npy' if os.path.exists(dp_vert_pid_fname): dp_vert_pid = list(np.load(dp_vert_pid_fname)) else: print('creating data/dp_vert_pid.npy') dp_vert_pid = [] for v in range(len(vert_mapping)): for i, f in enumerate(DP.FacesDensePose): if v in f: dp_vert_pid.append(DP.FaceIndices[i]) break, np.array(dp_vert_pid)) textures_vts = np.array( [(dp_vert_pid[i] / num_part, DP.U_norm[i], DP.V_norm[i]) for i in range(len(vert_mapping))]) self.textures_vts = torch.from_numpy(textures_vts[None].astype(np.float32)) # (1, 7829, 3) elif mode == 'pncc': self.vert_mapping = None self.faces = torch.from_numpy(get_model_faces(mesh_type)[None].astype(np.int32)) # mano: torch.Size([1, 1538, 3]) textures_vts = get_model_tpose(mesh_type).unsqueeze(0) # mano: torch.Size([1, 778, 3]) texture_min = torch.min(textures_vts) - 0.001 texture_range = torch.max(textures_vts) - texture_min + 0.001 self.textures_vts = (textures_vts - texture_min) / texture_range elif mode in ['seg']: self.vert_mapping = None body_model = 'smpl' self.faces = torch.from_numpy(get_smpl_faces().astype(np.int32)[None]) with open(os.path.join(path_config.SMPL_MODEL_DIR, '{}_vert_segmentation.json'.format(body_model)), 'rb') as json_file: smpl_part_id = json.load(json_file) v_id = [] for k in smpl_part_id.keys(): v_id.extend(smpl_part_id[k]) v_id = torch.tensor(v_id) n_verts = len(torch.unique(v_id)) num_part = len(constants.SMPL_PART_ID.keys()) self.num_part = num_part seg_vert_pid = np.zeros(n_verts) for k in smpl_part_id.keys(): seg_vert_pid[smpl_part_id[k]] = constants.SMPL_PART_ID[k] print('seg_vert_pid', seg_vert_pid.shape) textures_vts = seg_vert_pid[:, None].repeat(3, axis=1) / num_part print('textures_vts', textures_vts.shape) # textures_vts = np.array( # [(seg_vert_pid[i] / num_part,) * 3 for i in # range(n_verts)]) self.textures_vts = torch.from_numpy(textures_vts[None].astype(np.float32)) K = np.array([[self.focal_length, 0., self.orig_size / 2.], [0., self.focal_length, self.orig_size / 2.], [0., 0., 1.]]) R = np.array([[-1., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) t = np.array([0, 0, 5]) if self.orig_size != 224: rander_scale = self.orig_size / float(224) K[0, 0] *= rander_scale K[1, 1] *= rander_scale K[0, 2] *= rander_scale K[1, 2] *= rander_scale self.K = torch.FloatTensor(K[None, :, :]) self.R = torch.FloatTensor(R[None, :, :]) self.t = torch.FloatTensor(t[None, None, :]) camK = F.pad(self.K, (0, 1, 0, 1), "constant", 0) camK[:, 2, 2] = 0 camK[:, 3, 2] = 1 camK[:, 2, 3] = 1 self.K = camK self.device = device lights = AmbientLights(device=self.device) raster_settings = RasterizationSettings( image_size=output_size, blur_radius=0, faces_per_pixel=1, ) self.renderer = MeshRenderer( rasterizer=MeshRasterizer( raster_settings=raster_settings ), shader=HardFlatShader( device=self.device, lights=lights, blend_params=BlendParams(background_color=[0, 0, 0], sigma=0.0, gamma=0.0) ) ) def camera_matrix(self, cam): batch_size = cam.size(0) K = self.K.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) R = self.R.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) t = torch.stack([-cam[:, 1], -cam[:, 2], 2 * self.focal_length/(self.orig_size * cam[:, 0] + 1e-9)], dim=-1) if cam.is_cuda: # device_id = cam.get_device() K = R = t = return K, R, t def verts2iuvimg(self, verts, cam, iwp_mode=True): batch_size = verts.size(0) K, R, t = self.camera_matrix(cam) if self.vert_mapping is None: vertices = verts else: vertices = verts[:, self.vert_mapping, :] mesh = Meshes(vertices,, -1, -1)) mesh.textures = TexturesVertex(, -1, -1)) cameras = PerspectiveCameras(device=verts.device, R=R, T=t, K=K, in_ndc=False, image_size=[(self.orig_size, self.orig_size)]) iuv_image = self.renderer(mesh, cameras=cameras) iuv_image = iuv_image[..., :3].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) return iuv_image