from typing import Dict, List from langchain.base_language import BaseLanguageModel from import BaseTool from langchain_experimental.autonomous_agents.hugginggpt.repsonse_generator import ( load_response_generator, ) from langchain_experimental.autonomous_agents.hugginggpt.task_executor import ( TaskExecutor, ) from langchain_experimental.autonomous_agents.hugginggpt.task_planner import ( load_chat_planner, ) from transformers import load_tool from swarms.agents.message import Message class Step: def __init__( self, task: str, id: int, dep: List[int], args: Dict[str, str], tool: BaseTool ): self.task = task = id self.dep = dep self.args = args self.tool = tool class Plan: def __init__( self, steps: List[Step] ): self.steps = steps def __str__(self) -> str: return str([str(step) for step in self.steps]) def __repr(self) -> str: return str(self) class OmniModalAgent: """ OmniModalAgent LLM -> Plans -> Tasks -> Tools -> Response Architecture: 1. LLM: Language Model 2. Chat Planner: Plans 3. Task Executor: Tasks 4. Tools: Tools Args: llm (BaseLanguageModel): Language Model tools (List[BaseTool]): List of tools Returns: str: response Usage: from swarms import OmniModalAgent, OpenAIChat, llm = OpenAIChat() agent = OmniModalAgent(llm) response ="Hello, how are you? Create an image of how your are doing!") """ def __init__( self, llm: BaseLanguageModel, # tools: List[BaseTool] ): self.llm = llm print("Loading tools...") = [ load_tool(tool_name) for tool_name in [ "document-question-answering", "image-captioning", "image-question-answering", "image-segmentation", "speech-to-text", "summarization", "text-classification", "text-question-answering", "translation", "huggingface-tools/text-to-image", "huggingface-tools/text-to-video", "text-to-speech", "huggingface-tools/text-download", "huggingface-tools/image-transformation", ] ] self.chat_planner = load_chat_planner(llm) self.response_generator = load_response_generator(llm) # self.task_executor = TaskExecutor self.history = [] def run( self, input: str ) -> str: """Run the OmniAgent""" plan = self.chat_planner.plan( inputs={ "input": input, "hf_tools":, } ) self.task_executor = TaskExecutor(plan) response = self.response_generator.generate( {"task_execution": self.task_executor} ) return response def chat( self, msg: str = None, streaming: bool = False ): """ Run chat Args: msg (str, optional): Message to send to the agent. Defaults to None. language (str, optional): Language to use. Defaults to None. streaming (bool, optional): Whether to stream the response. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Response from the agent Usage: -------------- agent = MultiModalAgent()"Hello") """ #add users message to the history self.history.append( Message( "User", msg ) ) #process msg try: response = #add agent's response to the history self.history.append( Message( "Agent", response ) ) #if streaming is = True if streaming: return self._stream_response(response) else: response except Exception as error: error_message = f"Error processing message: {str(error)}" #add error to history self.history.append( Message( "Agent", error_message ) ) return error_message def _stream_response( self, response: str = None ): """ Yield the response token by token (word by word) Usage: -------------- for token in _stream_response(response): print(token) """ for token in response.split(): yield token