import os import uuid import numpy as np import torch from diffusers import ( EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler, StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline, StableDiffusionInstructPix2PixPipeline, StableDiffusionPipeline, ) from PIL import Image from transformers import ( BlipForConditionalGeneration, BlipForQuestionAnswering, BlipProcessor, CLIPSegForImageSegmentation, CLIPSegProcessor, ) from swarms.models.prompts.prebuild.multi_modal_prompts import IMAGE_PROMPT from import tool from import BaseToolSet from swarms.utils.logger import logger from swarms.utils.main import BaseHandler, get_new_image_name class MaskFormer(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing MaskFormer to %s" % device) self.device = device self.processor = CLIPSegProcessor.from_pretrained("CIDAS/clipseg-rd64-refined") self.model = CLIPSegForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained( "CIDAS/clipseg-rd64-refined" ).to(device) def inference(self, image_path, text): threshold = 0.5 min_area = 0.02 padding = 20 original_image = image = original_image.resize((512, 512)) inputs = self.processor( text=text, images=image, padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt" ).to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(**inputs) mask = torch.sigmoid(outputs[0]).squeeze().cpu().numpy() > threshold area_ratio = len(np.argwhere(mask)) / (mask.shape[0] * mask.shape[1]) if area_ratio < min_area: return None true_indices = np.argwhere(mask) mask_array = np.zeros_like(mask, dtype=bool) for idx in true_indices: padded_slice = tuple( slice(max(0, i - padding), i + padding + 1) for i in idx ) mask_array[padded_slice] = True visual_mask = (mask_array * 255).astype(np.uint8) image_mask = Image.fromarray(visual_mask) return image_mask.resize(original_image.size) class ImageEditing(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing ImageEditing to %s" % device) self.device = device self.mask_former = MaskFormer(device=self.device) self.revision = "fp16" if "cuda" in device else None self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if "cuda" in device else torch.float32 self.inpaint = StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting", revision=self.revision, torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype, ).to(device) @tool( name="Remove Something From The Photo", description="useful when you want to remove and object or something from the photo " "from its description or location. " "The input to this tool should be a comma separated string of two, " "representing the image_path and the object need to be removed. ", ) def inference_remove(self, inputs): image_path, to_be_removed_txt = inputs.split(",") return self.inference_replace(f"{image_path},{to_be_removed_txt},background") @tool( name="Replace Something From The Photo", description="useful when you want to replace an object from the object description or " "location with another object from its description. " "The input to this tool should be a comma separated string of three, " "representing the image_path, the object to be replaced, the object to be replaced with ", ) def inference_replace(self, inputs): image_path, to_be_replaced_txt, replace_with_txt = inputs.split(",") original_image = original_size = original_image.size mask_image = self.mask_former.inference(image_path, to_be_replaced_txt) updated_image = self.inpaint( prompt=replace_with_txt, image=original_image.resize((512, 512)), mask_image=mask_image.resize((512, 512)), ).images[0] updated_image_path = get_new_image_name( image_path, func_name="replace-something" ) updated_image = updated_image.resize(original_size) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed ImageEditing, Input Image: {image_path}, Replace {to_be_replaced_txt} to {replace_with_txt}, " f"Output Image: {updated_image_path}" ) return updated_image_path class InstructPix2Pix(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing InstructPix2Pix to %s" % device) self.device = device self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if "cuda" in device else torch.float32 self.pipe = StableDiffusionInstructPix2PixPipeline.from_pretrained( "timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix", safety_checker=None, torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype, ).to(device) self.pipe.scheduler = EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler.from_config( self.pipe.scheduler.config ) @tool( name="Instruct Image Using Text", description="useful when you want to the style of the image to be like the text. " "like: make it look like a painting. or make it like a robot. " "The input to this tool should be a comma separated string of two, " "representing the image_path and the text. ", ) def inference(self, inputs): """Change style of image.""" logger.debug("===> Starting InstructPix2Pix Inference") image_path, text = inputs.split(",")[0], ",".join(inputs.split(",")[1:]) original_image = image = self.pipe( text, image=original_image, num_inference_steps=40, image_guidance_scale=1.2 ).images[0] updated_image_path = get_new_image_name(image_path, func_name="pix2pix") logger.debug( f"\nProcessed InstructPix2Pix, Input Image: {image_path}, Instruct Text: {text}, " f"Output Image: {updated_image_path}" ) return updated_image_path class Text2Image(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing Text2Image to %s" % device) self.device = device self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if "cuda" in device else torch.float32 self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype ) self.a_prompt = "best quality, extremely detailed" self.n_prompt = ( "longbody, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, " "fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality" ) @tool( name="Generate Image From User Input Text", description="useful when you want to generate an image from a user input text and save it to a file. " "like: generate an image of an object or something, or generate an image that includes some objects. " "The input to this tool should be a string, representing the text used to generate image. ", ) def inference(self, text): image_filename = os.path.join("image", str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8] + ".png") prompt = text + ", " + self.a_prompt image = self.pipe(prompt, negative_prompt=self.n_prompt).images[0] logger.debug( f"\nProcessed Text2Image, Input Text: {text}, Output Image: {image_filename}" ) return image_filename class VisualQuestionAnswering(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing VisualQuestionAnswering to %s" % device) self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if "cuda" in device else torch.float32 self.device = device self.processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-vqa-base") self.model = BlipForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( "Salesforce/blip-vqa-base", torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype ).to(self.device) @tool( name="Answer Question About The Image", description="useful when you need an answer for a question based on an image. " "like: what is the background color of the last image, how many cats in this figure, what is in this figure. " "The input to this tool should be a comma separated string of two, representing the image_path and the question", ) def inference(self, inputs): image_path, question = inputs.split(",") raw_image ="RGB") inputs = self.processor(raw_image, question, return_tensors="pt").to( self.device, self.torch_dtype ) out = self.model.generate(**inputs) answer = self.processor.decode(out[0], skip_special_tokens=True) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed VisualQuestionAnswering, Input Image: {image_path}, Input Question: {question}, " f"Output Answer: {answer}" ) return answer class ImageCaptioning(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, device): print("Initializing ImageCaptioning to %s" % device) self.device = device self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 if "cuda" in device else torch.float32 self.processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained( "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base" ) self.model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained( "Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base", torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype ).to(self.device) def handle(self, filename: str): img = width, height = img.size ratio = min(512 / width, 512 / height) width_new, height_new = (round(width * ratio), round(height * ratio)) img = img.resize((width_new, height_new)) img = img.convert("RGB"), "PNG") print(f"Resize image form {width}x{height} to {width_new}x{height_new}") inputs = self.processor(, return_tensors="pt").to( self.device, self.torch_dtype ) out = self.model.generate(**inputs) description = self.processor.decode(out[0], skip_special_tokens=True) print( f"\nProcessed ImageCaptioning, Input Image: {filename}, Output Text: {description}" ) return IMAGE_PROMPT.format(filename=filename, description=description)