myApi /
abdulmalek9's picture
9944629 verified
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
import os
# from "./emotion_recognition/ai_model_photo" import ai
# from emotion_recognition import ai_model_photo
# from palm_response import getResponse, init_connect
from flask_mysqldb import MySQL
import base64
import google.generativeai as genai
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return {"hello":"The deploy run"}
# app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'localhost'
# app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'
# app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = ''
# app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'wanees_app'
# mysql = MySQL(app)
# def add_padding(base64_str):
# missing_padding = len(base64_str) % 4
# if missing_padding != 0:
# base64_str += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
# return base64_str
# @app.route('/api/chat/gemini', methods=['POST'])
# def receive_chat():
# try:
# data = request.get_json()
# prompt = data['message']
# print(data)
# print('promp is : ',prompt)
# genai.configure(api_key="AIzaSyB7bKpGzkT_f32d-Xv4tb9zIBtb8vJUCCs")
# model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')
# response = model.generate_content(prompt)
# print(response.text)
# generated_text = response.text
# print('generated_text: ',generated_text)
# return jsonify({"response": generated_text}), 200
# except Exception as e:
# print('the catch is:',str(e))
# return jsonify({"error": str(e)})
# # openai.api_key = "sk-proj-QtkCbMdxHjgMAyughGjgT3BlbkFJuoyNuhK2zO3uKm1Zc5S6"
# # @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, RateLimitError, max_tries=8)
# # def completions_with_backoff(client, messages):
# # response =
# # model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
# # messages=messages,
# # temperature=0,
# # )
# # return response
# # @app.route('/api/chat/gpt', methods=['POST'])
# # def receive_message():
# # try:
# # data = request.get_json()
# # prompt = data.get('prompt', 'Hello')
# # print(data)
# # print('promp is : ',prompt)
# # # client = OpenAI()
# # messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
# # client = OpenAI(
# # # This is the default and can be omitted
# # api_key="sk-proj-EPQes2YgSJEx1e6EwDarT3BlbkFJrEtY36IDssJKi6VkVP7v"
# # )
# # #
# # response =
# # model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
# # messages=messages,
# # temperature=0,
# # )
# # # response = openai.Completion.create(
# # # engine="text-davinci-003",
# # # prompt=prompt,
# # # max_tokens=251,
# # # temperature=0,
# # # top_p=1
# # # )
# # print('response is: ',response.choices[0].message["content"])
# # generated_text = response.choices[0].message["content"]
# # print('generated_text: ',generated_text)
# # return jsonify({"response": generated_text}), 200
# # except Exception as e:
# # print('the catch is:',str(e))
# # return jsonify({"error": str(e)})
# @app.route('/api/photo', methods=['POST'])
# def receive_photo():
# global photo_path
# photo_data = request.files['photo']
# photo_path = os.path.join('.', photo_data.filename)
# res =
# print(photo_path)
# return jsonify({'message': res}), 200
# # return Response(status=200, mimetype='application/json')
# @app.route('/api/facedetect', methods=['POST'])
# def AddPhoto():
# name = request.json['name']
# email = request.json['email']
# # mobile = request.json['mobile']
# img64 = request.json['image']
# img64_padded = add_padding(img64)
# imageBinary = base64.b64decode(img64_padded)
# imgdetect = request.json['imagedetect']
# imgdetect_padded = add_padding(imgdetect)
# imageBinarydetect = base64.b64decode(imgdetect_padded)
# photo_path = os.path.join('.', imageBinarydetect.filename)
# res =
# print(photo_path)
# def receive_photo():
# global photo_path
# photo_data = request.files['photo']
# photo_path = os.path.join('.', photo_data.filename)
# res =
# print(photo_path)
# return jsonify({'message': res}), 200
# @app.route('/api/chat/palm', methods=['POST'])
# def receive_message():
# message ={
# "message" : request.json['message']
# }
# response_palm = getResponse(message["message"])
# print("res palm =====", response_palm)
# return jsonify({'message': response_palm}), 200
# @app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
# def Add():
# name = request.json['name']
# email = request.json['email']
# mobile = request.json['mobile']
# mobile_emergency = request.json['mobile_emergency']
# age = request.json['age']
# gender = request.json['gender']
# location = request.json['location']
# img64 = request.json['image']
# user_disease = request.json['user_disease']
# user_medicine = request.json['user_medicine']
# img64_padded = add_padding(img64)
# imageBinary = base64.b64decode(img64_padded)
# cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
# cur.execute("""
# (name, email ,mobile, mobile_emergency, age, gender, location, image)
# VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)
# """, (name, email, mobile, mobile_emergency, age, gender, location, imageBinary))
# mysql.connection.commit()
# cur.execute("""
# SELECT * FROM users
# WHERE name=%s AND email=%s
# """, (name, email))
# data = cur.fetchall()
# id = data[0][0]
# for disease in user_disease:
# print(disease)
# cur.execute("""INSERT INTO user_disease
# (user_id, disease_name)
# VALUES (%s, %s)
# """, (id, disease))
# for medicine in user_medicine:
# img64 = medicine['medicine_image']
# img64_padded = add_padding(img64)
# imageBinary = base64.b64decode(img64_padded)
# cur.execute("""INSERT INTO user_medicine
# (user_id, medicine_name,medicine_dose ,medicine_image)
# VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)
# """, (id, medicine['medicine_name'], medicine['medicine_dose'], medicine['medicine_image']))
# mysql.connection.commit()
# cur.close()
# return jsonify({"message": "done"}), 200
# @app.route('/delete/<string:email>', methods=['DELETE'])
# def Delete(email):
# cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
# cur.execute("""
# SELECT id FROM users
# WHERE email=%s
# """, (email, ))
# data = cur.fetchall()
# id = data[0][0]
# cur.execute("DELETE FROM user_disease WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# cur.execute("DELETE FROM user_medicine WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# cur.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=%s", (id,))
# mysql.connection.commit()
# return jsonify({"message": "done"}), 200
# @app.route('/update/<int:id>', methods=['PUT'])
# def Update(id):
# name = request.json['name']
# email = request.json['email']
# mobile = request.json['mobile']
# mobile_emergency = request.json['mobile_emergency']
# age = request.json['age']
# gender = request.json['gender']
# location = request.json['location']
# img64 = request.json['image']
# user_disease = request.json['user_disease']
# user_medicine = request.json['user_medicine']
# img64_padded = add_padding(img64)
# imageBinary = base64.b64decode(img64_padded)
# cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
# cur.execute("""
# UPDATE users
# SET name=%s,email=%s, mobile=%s ,mobile_emergency=%s ,age=%s ,gender=%s ,location=%s ,image=%s
# WHERE id=%s
# """, (name, email, mobile, mobile_emergency, age, gender, location, imageBinary, id))
# cur.execute("DELETE FROM user_disease WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# cur.execute("DELETE FROM user_medicine WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# for disease in user_disease:
# cur.execute("""INSERT INTO user_disease
# (user_id, disease_name)
# VALUES (%s, %s)
# """, (id, disease['disease_name']))
# for medicine in user_medicine:
# cur.execute("""INSERT INTO user_medicine
# (user_id, medicine_name, medicine_image)
# VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
# """, (id, medicine['medicine_name'], medicine['medicine_image']))
# mysql.connection.commit()
# return jsonify({"message": "done"}), 200
# @app.route('/select/<int:id>', methods=['GET'])
# def Select(id):
# cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
# cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=%s", (id,))
# table1 = cur.fetchall()
# cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user_disease WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# table2 = cur.fetchall()
# cur.execute("SELECT * FROM user_medicine WHERE user_id=%s", (id,))
# table3 = cur.fetchall()
# cur.close()
# user_data = {
# "name": table1[0][1],
# "email": table1[0][2],
# "mobile": table1[0][3],
# "mobile_emergency": table1[0][4],
# "age": table1[0][5],
# "gender": table1[0][6],
# "location": table1[0][7],
# "image": base64.b64encode(table1[0][8]).decode('utf-8'),
# "user_disease": [{"disease_name": disease[1]} for disease in table2],
# "user_medicine": [{"medicine_name": medicine[1], "medicine_image": base64.b64encode(medicine[3]).decode('utf-8')} for medicine in table3]
# }
# return jsonify(user_data), 200
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#'', port=7860, debug=True)
# init_connect()
#'', port=5000, debug=True) #