AI_Music_Team /
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import openai
ai_role_dict = {
"music_director": "You are an Experienced Music Director who has 15+ Years experience in the industry",
"lyricist": "You are an Experienced Lyricist, who has written hit songs in several languages",
"freelance_lyricist": "You are an Experienced Freelance Lyricist, who has helped writing songs in several languages",
"music_composer": "You are an Experienced Music Composer, who has composed songs of several genre and arrangements over the years",
"sound_engineer": "You are an Experienced Sound Engineer, who can provide expert feedback on the arrangement being used."
from tenacity import (
) # for exponential backoff
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=100), stop=stop_after_attempt(8))
def get_response(ai_role, query, model):
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
{"role": "system", "content": "{}".format(ai_role)},
{"role": "user", "content": "{}".format(query)},
return response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
def write_intermediate_outputs(filename, text):
with open(filename, 'w') as fw:
sample_file_path = f'./{filename}'
return sample_file_path
def write_and_compose(model, api_key, genre, keywords, emotion):
openai.api_key = api_key
initial_lyrics = get_response(ai_role_dict['freelance_lyricist'], "Write structured lyrics of a {} song with the following keywords - {}, and use the following emotion - {}".format(genre, keywords, emotion), model)
query_feedback = '''The Freelance Lyricist submitted these lyrics:
Provide suitable feedback (in bullet-points)
feedback1 = get_response(ai_role_dict['music_director'], query_feedback.format(initial_lyrics), model)
feedback2 = get_response(ai_role_dict['lyricist'], query_feedback.format(initial_lyrics), model)
# Workflow: Step 3
feedback = '''After seeing the lyrics you initially submitted -
the music director provided the following feedback -
the lyricist provided the following feedback as well -
Incorporate this feedback, and make suggested changes to the lyrics based on the feedback only
final_lyrics = get_response(ai_role_dict['freelance_lyricist'], feedback.format(initial_lyrics, feedback1, feedback2), model)
# Workflow: Step 4
query_composer = '''Given the lyrics of the {} song on {} in the emotion - {} -
write a suitable chord progression (for each line of the same lyrics), followed by the suitable arrangement required to sing and record the song (in bullet points)'''
composition_1 = get_response(ai_role_dict['music_composer'], query_composer.format(genre, keywords, emotion, final_lyrics), model)
query_sound_engineer = '''Given the lyrics of the {} song on {} in the emotion - {} -
with a Chord Progression and Arrangement (suggested by the Music Composer) -
could you write improvements that could be made to the Arrangement (in bullet points)? If the current arrangement is upto the mark, write "No change in the arrangement required"
composition_2 = get_response(ai_role_dict['sound_engineer'], query_sound_engineer.format(genre, keywords, emotion, final_lyrics, composition_1), model)
final_query = '''Given the lyrics of the {} song on {} in the emotion - {} -
with a Chord Progression and Arrangement (suggested by the Music Composer) -
and further improvements on the Arrangement (suggested by the Sound Engineer)
- suggest any further improvements that could be made to the (a) Chord Progression (b) Arrangement.
- After that, Write 10 "="s in the next line
- After that, Write the final Chord Progression and Arrangement
- Also, write a suitable title for the song
final_response = get_response(ai_role_dict['music_director'], final_query.format(genre, keywords, emotion, final_lyrics, composition_1, composition_2), model)
final_improvements = final_response.split('==========')[0]
final_chord_prog_and_composition = final_response.split('==========')[-1]
# return initial_lyrics, feedback1, feedback2, final_lyrics, composition_1, composition_2, final_improvements, final_chord_prog_and_composition
output_file_list = []
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_2.txt', initial_lyrics))
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_3A.txt', feedback1))
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_3B.txt', feedback2))
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_5.txt', composition_1))
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_6.txt', composition_2))
output_file_list.append(write_intermediate_outputs('step_7.txt', final_improvements))
return final_lyrics, final_chord_prog_and_composition, output_file_list
import gradio as gr
description = '''<span style="font-family:Papyrus; font-size:3.5em;">
## Objective -
Given specific Genre, Keywords, and Emotion, make a Brand New Song without lifting a finger!
1. Get lyrics of a new song
2. Get a suitable chord progression
3. Get a suitable musical arrangement for singing and recording the song
4. Cherry on the top - Get a suitable song title!
## AI Music Team is composed of several GPT agents with the following "personas" -
1. Experienced Music Director who has 15+ Years experience in the industry
2. Experienced Lyricist, who has written hit songs in several languages
3. Experienced Freelance Lyricist, who has helped writing songs in several languages
4. Experienced Music Composer, who has composed songs of several genre and arrangements over the years
5. Experienced Sound Engineer, who can provide expert feedback on the arrangement being used
## Workflow (Intermediate outputs/results are output as downloadable files) -
1. Get Inputs from user (OpenAI API Endpoint, API Key, keywords, genre, emotion for the song). Check out [this link]( to get your API Key
2. Experienced Freelance Lyricist writes a lyrics draft (**see `step_2.txt`**)
3. Experienced Music Director and Experienced Lyricist provide feedback (**see `step_3A.txt` & `step_3B.txt` respectively**)
4. Experienced Freelance Lyricist incorporates the feedback, **Lyrics is finalized here**
5. Experienced Music Composer will provide a chord progression, and an arrangement of instruments (**see `step_5.txt`**)
6. Experienced Sound Engineer will provide ways to improve on the existing arrangement (**see `step_6.txt`**)
7. Finally, Music Director will provide improvements (**see `step_7.txt`**), resulting in the **final Chord Progression, Arrangement, and Song Title**
demo = gr.Interface(title = 'Write and Compose brand new Songs using an Elite *AI Music Team*', description = description,
inputs=[gr.Radio(["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"], value="gpt-3.5-turbo", label = "Choose the OpenAI API Endpoint"), "text", "text", gr.Textbox(label="Keywords (separated by comma)"), "text"], # model, api_key, genre, keywords, emotion
# outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Lyrics after Step #2"), gr.Textbox(label="Feedback provided by Music Director in Step #3"), gr.Textbox(label="Feedback provided by Lyricist in Step #3"), gr.Textbox(label="Final Lyrics of the song after Step #4"), gr.Textbox(label="Chord Progression and Arrangement suggested by Music Composer in Step #5"), gr.Textbox(label="Arrangement improvements suggested by Sound Engineer in Step #6"), gr.Textbox(label="Chord and Arrangement improvements suggested by Music Director in Step #7"), gr.Textbox(label="Final Chord Progression, Arrangment, and Song Title")], # initial_lyrics, feedback1, feedback2, final_lyrics, composition_1, composition_2, final_improvements, final_chord_prog_and_composition
outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Final Lyrics of the song after Step #4"), gr.Textbox(label="Final Chord Progression, Arrangement, and Song Title"), gr.File(label='Intermediate Outputs')], # initial_lyrics, feedback1, feedback2, final_lyrics, composition_1, composition_2, final_improvements, final_chord_prog_and_composition