import streamlit as st # Set the page title and icon st.set_page_config(page_title="Your AI Hub", page_icon=":robot_face:") # Sidebar title and radio button selection st.sidebar.title("Welcome to Your AI Hub!") st.sidebar.markdown("Your gateway to powerful AI tools. Choose a module to get started:") # Radio button for tool selection with updated options selection = "", [ "Virtual Assistant :bust_in_silhouette:", "Image Analyst", "Knowledge Navigator :books:", "Quiz Master :game_die:", "Document Guru :page_facing_up:" ] ) # Import and display the selected module if selection == "Virtual Assistant :bust_in_silhouette:": st.sidebar.markdown("**Your Personal AI Companion** is here to assist you.") import VirtualAssistant elif selection == "Image Analyst :framed_picture:": st.sidebar.markdown("**Analyze Images** with precision using AI.") import ImageAnalyst elif selection == "Knowledge Navigator :books:": st.sidebar.markdown("**Explore Knowledge** and get instant answers.") import AskMe elif selection == "Quiz Master :game_die:": st.sidebar.markdown("**Test Your Knowledge** with interactive quizzes.") import QuizMaster elif selection == "Document Guru :page_facing_up:": st.sidebar.markdown("**Master Your Documents** with smart PDF tools.") import DocumentGuru