diff --git "a/src/backend/gradio_gptchatbot/templates/component/index.js" "b/src/backend/gradio_gptchatbot/templates/component/index.js"
--- "a/src/backend/gradio_gptchatbot/templates/component/index.js"
+++ "b/src/backend/gradio_gptchatbot/templates/component/index.js"
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-var mu = Object.defineProperty;
-var du = (s, r, a) => r in s ? mu(s, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: a }) : s[r] = a;
-var Fe = (s, r, a) => (du(s, typeof r != "symbol" ? r + "" : r, a), a), pu = (s, r, a) => {
+var vu = Object.defineProperty;
+var bu = (s, r, a) => r in s ? vu(s, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: a }) : s[r] = a;
+var Fe = (s, r, a) => (bu(s, typeof r != "symbol" ? r + "" : r, a), a), yu = (s, r, a) => {
if (!r.has(s))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + a);
-var Ca = (s, r, a) => {
+var Ea = (s, r, a) => {
if (r.has(s))
throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
r instanceof WeakSet ? r.add(s) : r.set(s, a);
-var bn = (s, r, a) => (pu(s, r, "access private method"), a);
-const gu = [
+var yn = (s, r, a) => (yu(s, r, "access private method"), a);
+const wu = [
{ color: "red", primary: 600, secondary: 100 },
{ color: "green", primary: 600, secondary: 100 },
{ color: "blue", primary: 600, secondary: 100 },
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ const gu = [
950: "#4c0519"
(s, { color: r, primary: a, secondary: i }) => ({
[r]: {
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ gu.reduce(
-function so(s) {
+function uo(s) {
let r, a = s[0], i = 1;
for (; i < s.length; ) {
const o = s[i], u = s[i + 1];
@@ -334,20 +334,20 @@ function so(s) {
return a;
-class Cn extends Error {
+class En extends Error {
constructor(r) {
super(r), this.name = "ShareError";
async function El(s, r) {
if (window.__gradio_space__ == null)
- throw new Cn("Must be on Spaces to share.");
+ throw new En("Must be on Spaces to share.");
let a, i, o;
if (r === "url") {
const v = await fetch(s);
a = await v.blob(), i = v.headers.get("content-type") || "", o = v.headers.get("content-disposition") || "";
} else
- a = vu(s), i = s.split(";")[0].split(":")[1], o = "file" + i.split("/")[1];
+ a = _u(s), i = s.split(";")[0].split(":")[1], o = "file" + i.split("/")[1];
const u = new File([a], o, { type: i }), g = await fetch("https://huggingface.co/uploads", {
method: "POST",
body: u,
@@ -357,24 +357,24 @@ async function El(s, r) {
if (!g.ok) {
- if (so([g, "access", (v) => v.headers, "access", (v) => v.get, "call", (v) => v("content-type"), "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("application/json")])) {
+ if (uo([g, "access", (v) => v.headers, "access", (v) => v.get, "call", (v) => v("content-type"), "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("application/json")])) {
const v = await g.json();
- throw new Cn(`Upload failed: ${v.error}`);
+ throw new En(`Upload failed: ${v.error}`);
- throw new Cn("Upload failed.");
+ throw new En("Upload failed.");
return await g.text();
-function vu(s) {
+function _u(s) {
for (var r = s.split(","), a = r[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1], i = atob(r[1]), o = i.length, u = new Uint8Array(o); o--; )
u[o] = i.charCodeAt(o);
return new Blob([u], { type: a });
-function oo(s) {
+function co(s) {
s.addEventListener("click", r);
async function r(a) {
const i = a.composedPath(), [o] = i.filter(
- (u) => so([u, "optionalAccess", (g) => g.tagName]) === "BUTTON" && u.classList.contains("copy_code_button")
+ (u) => uo([u, "optionalAccess", (g) => g.tagName]) === "BUTTON" && u.classList.contains("copy_code_button")
if (o) {
let u = function(w) {
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ function oo(s) {
const g = o.parentElement.innerText.trim(), p = Array.from(
- await bu(g) && u(p);
+ await ku(g) && u(p);
return {
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ function oo(s) {
-async function bu(s) {
+async function ku(s) {
let r = !1;
if ("clipboard" in navigator)
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(s), r = !0;
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ async function bu(s) {
return r;
-function yn(s) {
+function wn(s) {
let r, a = s[0], i = 1;
for (; i < s.length; ) {
const o = s[i], u = s[i + 1];
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ function yn(s) {
return a;
-const yu = async (s) => (await Promise.all(
+const xu = async (s) => (await Promise.all(
s.map(async (a) => await Promise.all(
a.map(async (i, o) => {
if (i === null)
@@ -438,15 +438,15 @@ const yu = async (s) => (await Promise.all(
for (let [v, w] of Object.entries(p)) {
let S;
for (; (S = w.exec(i)) !== null; ) {
- const L = S[1] || S[2], O = await El(L, "url");
- g = g.replace(L, O);
+ const L = S[1] || S[2], P = await El(L, "url");
+ g = g.replace(L, P);
} else {
- if (!yn([i, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.url]))
+ if (!wn([i, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.url]))
return "";
const p = await El(i.url, "url");
- yn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("audio")]) ? g = `` : yn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("video")]) ? g = p : yn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("image")]) && (g = ``);
+ wn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("audio")]) ? g = `` : wn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("video")]) ? g = p : wn([i, "access", (v) => v.mime_type, "optionalAccess", (v) => v.includes, "call", (v) => v("image")]) && (g = ``);
return `${u}: ${g}`;
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ const yu = async (s) => (await Promise.all(
var Bl = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-function Za(s, r) {
+function Ka(s, r) {
var a, i;
if (s === r)
return !0;
@@ -470,14 +470,14 @@ function Za(s, r) {
return s.toString() === r.toString();
if (a === Array) {
if ((i = s.length) === r.length)
- for (; i-- && Za(s[i], r[i]); )
+ for (; i-- && Ka(s[i], r[i]); )
return i === -1;
if (!a || typeof s == "object") {
i = 0;
for (a in s)
- if (Bl.call(s, a) && ++i && !Bl.call(r, a) || !(a in r) || !Za(s[a], r[a]))
+ if (Bl.call(s, a) && ++i && !Bl.call(r, a) || !(a in r) || !Ka(s[a], r[a]))
return !1;
return Object.keys(r).length === i;
@@ -485,30 +485,30 @@ function Za(s, r) {
return s !== s && r !== r;
const {
- SvelteComponent: wu,
- assign: ku,
- create_slot: _u,
- detach: xu,
- element: Su,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: Au,
- get_slot_changes: Tu,
- get_spread_update: Mu,
- init: zu,
- insert: Cu,
- safe_not_equal: Eu,
+ SvelteComponent: Su,
+ assign: Au,
+ create_slot: Tu,
+ detach: Mu,
+ element: zu,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: Cu,
+ get_slot_changes: Eu,
+ get_spread_update: Bu,
+ init: Du,
+ insert: Nu,
+ safe_not_equal: Ru,
set_dynamic_element_data: Dl,
- set_style: zt,
- toggle_class: R0,
- transition_in: uo,
- transition_out: co,
- update_slot_base: Bu
+ set_style: Bt,
+ toggle_class: F0,
+ transition_in: ho,
+ transition_out: fo,
+ update_slot_base: Fu
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Du(s) {
+function Lu(s) {
let r, a, i;
const o = (
- ), u = _u(
+ ), u = Tu(
@@ -530,74 +530,74 @@ function Du(s) {
], p = {};
for (let v = 0; v < g.length; v += 1)
- p = ku(p, g[v]);
+ p = Au(p, g[v]);
return {
c() {
- r = Su(
+ r = zu(
), u && u.c(), Dl(
- )(r, p), R0(
+ )(r, p), F0(
s[10] === !1
- ), R0(
+ ), F0(
- ), R0(
+ ), F0(
s[5] === "focus"
- ), R0(r, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
+ ), F0(r, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
s[8] && !/*container*/
- s[9]), zt(r, "height", typeof /*height*/
+ s[9]), Bt(r, "height", typeof /*height*/
s[0] == "number" ? (
s[0] + "px"
- ) : void 0), zt(r, "width", typeof /*width*/
+ ) : void 0), Bt(r, "width", typeof /*width*/
s[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/
- s[1]}px, 100%))` : void 0), zt(
+ s[1]}px, 100%))` : void 0), Bt(
- ), zt(
+ ), Bt(
s[11] ? "visible" : "hidden"
- ), zt(
+ ), Bt(
- ), zt(r, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
- s[13]}px, 100%))`), zt(r, "border-width", "var(--block-border-width)");
+ ), Bt(r, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
+ s[13]}px, 100%))`), Bt(r, "border-width", "var(--block-border-width)");
m(v, w) {
- Cu(v, r, w), u && u.m(r, null), i = !0;
+ Nu(v, r, w), u && u.m(r, null), i = !0;
p(v, w) {
u && u.p && (!i || w & /*$$scope*/
- 65536) && Bu(
+ 65536) && Fu(
- i ? Tu(
+ i ? Eu(
- ) : Au(
+ ) : Cu(
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ function Du(s) {
), Dl(
- )(r, p = Mu(g, [
+ )(r, p = Bu(g, [
(!i || w & /*test_id*/
128) && { "data-testid": (
@@ -619,68 +619,68 @@ function Du(s) {
(!i || w & /*elem_classes*/
8 && a !== (a = "block " + /*elem_classes*/
v[3].join(" ") + " svelte-1t38q2d")) && { class: a }
- ])), R0(
+ ])), F0(
v[10] === !1
- ), R0(
+ ), F0(
- ), R0(
+ ), F0(
v[5] === "focus"
- ), R0(r, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
+ ), F0(r, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
v[8] && !/*container*/
v[9]), w & /*height*/
- 1 && zt(r, "height", typeof /*height*/
+ 1 && Bt(r, "height", typeof /*height*/
v[0] == "number" ? (
v[0] + "px"
) : void 0), w & /*width*/
- 2 && zt(r, "width", typeof /*width*/
+ 2 && Bt(r, "width", typeof /*width*/
v[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/
v[1]}px, 100%))` : void 0), w & /*variant*/
- 16 && zt(
+ 16 && Bt(
), w & /*allow_overflow*/
- 2048 && zt(
+ 2048 && Bt(
v[11] ? "visible" : "hidden"
), w & /*scale*/
- 4096 && zt(
+ 4096 && Bt(
), w & /*min_width*/
- 8192 && zt(r, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
+ 8192 && Bt(r, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
v[13]}px, 100%))`);
i(v) {
- i || (uo(u, v), i = !0);
+ i || (ho(u, v), i = !0);
o(v) {
- co(u, v), i = !1;
+ fo(u, v), i = !1;
d(v) {
- v && xu(r), u && u.d(v);
+ v && Mu(r), u && u.d(v);
-function Nu(s) {
+function Iu(s) {
let r, a = (
- s[14] && Du(s)
+ s[14] && Lu(s)
return {
c() {
@@ -694,20 +694,20 @@ function Nu(s) {
i[14] && a.p(i, o);
i(i) {
- r || (uo(a, i), r = !0);
+ r || (ho(a, i), r = !0);
o(i) {
- co(a, i), r = !1;
+ fo(a, i), r = !1;
d(i) {
a && a.d(i);
-function Ru(s, r, a) {
- let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: o } = r, { height: u = void 0 } = r, { width: g = void 0 } = r, { elem_id: p = "" } = r, { elem_classes: v = [] } = r, { variant: w = "solid" } = r, { border_mode: S = "base" } = r, { padding: L = !0 } = r, { type: O = "normal" } = r, { test_id: X = void 0 } = r, { explicit_call: I = !1 } = r, { container: ne = !0 } = r, { visible: re = !0 } = r, { allow_overflow: V = !0 } = r, { scale: F = null } = r, { min_width: M = 0 } = r, R = O === "fieldset" ? "fieldset" : "div";
+function Ou(s, r, a) {
+ let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: o } = r, { height: u = void 0 } = r, { width: g = void 0 } = r, { elem_id: p = "" } = r, { elem_classes: v = [] } = r, { variant: w = "solid" } = r, { border_mode: S = "base" } = r, { padding: L = !0 } = r, { type: P = "normal" } = r, { test_id: X = void 0 } = r, { explicit_call: I = !1 } = r, { container: ae = !0 } = r, { visible: re = !0 } = r, { allow_overflow: W = !0 } = r, { scale: F = null } = r, { min_width: M = 0 } = r, R = P === "fieldset" ? "fieldset" : "div";
return s.$$set = (B) => {
- "height" in B && a(0, u = B.height), "width" in B && a(1, g = B.width), "elem_id" in B && a(2, p = B.elem_id), "elem_classes" in B && a(3, v = B.elem_classes), "variant" in B && a(4, w = B.variant), "border_mode" in B && a(5, S = B.border_mode), "padding" in B && a(6, L = B.padding), "type" in B && a(15, O = B.type), "test_id" in B && a(7, X = B.test_id), "explicit_call" in B && a(8, I = B.explicit_call), "container" in B && a(9, ne = B.container), "visible" in B && a(10, re = B.visible), "allow_overflow" in B && a(11, V = B.allow_overflow), "scale" in B && a(12, F = B.scale), "min_width" in B && a(13, M = B.min_width), "$$scope" in B && a(16, o = B.$$scope);
+ "height" in B && a(0, u = B.height), "width" in B && a(1, g = B.width), "elem_id" in B && a(2, p = B.elem_id), "elem_classes" in B && a(3, v = B.elem_classes), "variant" in B && a(4, w = B.variant), "border_mode" in B && a(5, S = B.border_mode), "padding" in B && a(6, L = B.padding), "type" in B && a(15, P = B.type), "test_id" in B && a(7, X = B.test_id), "explicit_call" in B && a(8, I = B.explicit_call), "container" in B && a(9, ae = B.container), "visible" in B && a(10, re = B.visible), "allow_overflow" in B && a(11, W = B.allow_overflow), "scale" in B && a(12, F = B.scale), "min_width" in B && a(13, M = B.min_width), "$$scope" in B && a(16, o = B.$$scope);
}, [
@@ -718,20 +718,20 @@ function Ru(s, r, a) {
- ne,
+ ae,
- V,
+ W,
- O,
+ P,
-class Fu extends wu {
+class qu extends Su {
constructor(r) {
- super(), zu(this, r, Ru, Nu, Eu, {
+ super(), Du(this, r, Ou, Iu, Ru, {
height: 0,
width: 1,
elem_id: 2,
@@ -751,40 +751,40 @@ class Fu extends wu {
const {
- SvelteComponent: Lu,
- append: Ea,
- attr: wn,
- create_component: Iu,
- destroy_component: Ou,
- detach: qu,
+ SvelteComponent: Pu,
+ append: Ba,
+ attr: _n,
+ create_component: Hu,
+ destroy_component: Uu,
+ detach: Gu,
element: Nl,
- init: Pu,
- insert: Hu,
- mount_component: Uu,
- safe_not_equal: Gu,
- set_data: Vu,
- space: ju,
- text: Wu,
- toggle_class: F0,
- transition_in: Yu,
- transition_out: Xu
+ init: Vu,
+ insert: Wu,
+ mount_component: ju,
+ safe_not_equal: Yu,
+ set_data: Xu,
+ space: Zu,
+ text: Ku,
+ toggle_class: L0,
+ transition_in: Qu,
+ transition_out: Ju
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Zu(s) {
+function $u(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g;
return i = new /*Icon*/
s[1]({}), {
c() {
- r = Nl("label"), a = Nl("span"), Iu(i.$$.fragment), o = ju(), u = Wu(
+ r = Nl("label"), a = Nl("span"), Hu(i.$$.fragment), o = Zu(), u = Ku(
- ), wn(a, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), wn(r, "for", ""), wn(r, "data-testid", "block-label"), wn(r, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), F0(r, "hide", !/*show_label*/
- s[2]), F0(r, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
- s[2]), F0(
+ ), _n(a, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), _n(r, "for", ""), _n(r, "data-testid", "block-label"), _n(r, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), L0(r, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ s[2]), L0(r, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ s[2]), L0(
- ), F0(
+ ), L0(
@@ -792,26 +792,26 @@ function Zu(s) {
m(p, v) {
- Hu(p, r, v), Ea(r, a), Uu(i, a, null), Ea(r, o), Ea(r, u), g = !0;
+ Wu(p, r, v), Ba(r, a), ju(i, a, null), Ba(r, o), Ba(r, u), g = !0;
p(p, [v]) {
(!g || v & /*label*/
- 1) && Vu(
+ 1) && Xu(
), (!g || v & /*show_label*/
- 4) && F0(r, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ 4) && L0(r, "hide", !/*show_label*/
p[2]), (!g || v & /*show_label*/
- 4) && F0(r, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ 4) && L0(r, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
p[2]), (!g || v & /*float*/
- 16) && F0(
+ 16) && L0(
), (!g || v & /*disable*/
- 8) && F0(
+ 8) && L0(
@@ -819,25 +819,25 @@ function Zu(s) {
i(p) {
- g || (Yu(i.$$.fragment, p), g = !0);
+ g || (Qu(i.$$.fragment, p), g = !0);
o(p) {
- Xu(i.$$.fragment, p), g = !1;
+ Ju(i.$$.fragment, p), g = !1;
d(p) {
- p && qu(r), Ou(i);
+ p && Gu(r), Uu(i);
-function Ku(s, r, a) {
+function ec(s, r, a) {
let { label: i = null } = r, { Icon: o } = r, { show_label: u = !0 } = r, { disable: g = !1 } = r, { float: p = !0 } = r;
return s.$$set = (v) => {
"label" in v && a(0, i = v.label), "Icon" in v && a(1, o = v.Icon), "show_label" in v && a(2, u = v.show_label), "disable" in v && a(3, g = v.disable), "float" in v && a(4, p = v.float);
}, [i, o, u, g, p];
-class Qu extends Lu {
+class tc extends Pu {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Pu(this, r, Ku, Zu, Gu, {
+ super(), Vu(this, r, ec, $u, Yu, {
label: 0,
Icon: 1,
show_label: 2,
@@ -847,52 +847,52 @@ class Qu extends Lu {
const {
- SvelteComponent: Ju,
- append: Ka,
+ SvelteComponent: rc,
+ append: Qa,
attr: J0,
- bubble: $u,
- create_component: ec,
- destroy_component: tc,
- detach: ho,
- element: Qa,
- init: rc,
- insert: fo,
- listen: nc,
- mount_component: ac,
- safe_not_equal: ic,
- set_data: lc,
- space: sc,
- text: oc,
- toggle_class: L0,
- transition_in: uc,
- transition_out: cc
+ bubble: nc,
+ create_component: ac,
+ destroy_component: ic,
+ detach: mo,
+ element: Ja,
+ init: lc,
+ insert: po,
+ listen: sc,
+ mount_component: oc,
+ safe_not_equal: uc,
+ set_data: cc,
+ space: hc,
+ text: fc,
+ toggle_class: I0,
+ transition_in: mc,
+ transition_out: dc
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Rl(s) {
let r, a;
return {
c() {
- r = Qa("span"), a = oc(
+ r = Ja("span"), a = fc(
), J0(r, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8");
m(i, o) {
- fo(i, r, o), Ka(r, a);
+ po(i, r, o), Qa(r, a);
p(i, o) {
o & /*label*/
- 2 && lc(
+ 2 && cc(
d(i) {
- i && ho(r);
+ i && mo(r);
-function hc(s) {
+function pc(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v = (
s[2] && Rl(s)
@@ -900,12 +900,12 @@ function hc(s) {
return o = new /*Icon*/
s[0]({}), {
c() {
- r = Qa("button"), v && v.c(), a = sc(), i = Qa("div"), ec(o.$$.fragment), J0(i, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), L0(
+ r = Ja("button"), v && v.c(), a = hc(), i = Ja("div"), ac(o.$$.fragment), J0(i, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), I0(
s[4] === "small"
- ), L0(
+ ), I0(
@@ -920,12 +920,12 @@ function hc(s) {
- ), J0(r, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), L0(
+ ), J0(r, "class", "svelte-xtz2g8"), I0(
- ), L0(
+ ), I0(
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ function hc(s) {
m(w, S) {
- fo(w, r, S), v && v.m(r, null), Ka(r, a), Ka(r, i), ac(o, i, null), u = !0, g || (p = nc(
+ po(w, r, S), v && v.m(r, null), Qa(r, a), Qa(r, i), oc(o, i, null), u = !0, g || (p = sc(
@@ -943,13 +943,13 @@ function hc(s) {
p(w, [S]) {
w[2] ? v ? v.p(w, S) : (v = Rl(w), v.c(), v.m(r, a)) : v && (v.d(1), v = null), (!u || S & /*size*/
- 16) && L0(
+ 16) && I0(
w[4] === "small"
), (!u || S & /*size*/
- 16) && L0(
+ 16) && I0(
@@ -967,13 +967,13 @@ function hc(s) {
), (!u || S & /*pending*/
- 8) && L0(
+ 8) && I0(
), (!u || S & /*padded*/
- 32) && L0(
+ 32) && I0(
@@ -981,28 +981,28 @@ function hc(s) {
i(w) {
- u || (uc(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !0);
+ u || (mc(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !0);
o(w) {
- cc(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !1;
+ dc(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !1;
d(w) {
- w && ho(r), v && v.d(), tc(o), g = !1, p();
+ w && mo(r), v && v.d(), ic(o), g = !1, p();
-function fc(s, r, a) {
+function gc(s, r, a) {
let { Icon: i } = r, { label: o = "" } = r, { show_label: u = !1 } = r, { pending: g = !1 } = r, { size: p = "small" } = r, { padded: v = !0 } = r;
function w(S) {
- $u.call(this, s, S);
+ nc.call(this, s, S);
return s.$$set = (S) => {
"Icon" in S && a(0, i = S.Icon), "label" in S && a(1, o = S.label), "show_label" in S && a(2, u = S.show_label), "pending" in S && a(3, g = S.pending), "size" in S && a(4, p = S.size), "padded" in S && a(5, v = S.padded);
}, [i, o, u, g, p, v, w];
-class mc extends Ju {
+class vc extends rc {
constructor(r) {
- super(), rc(this, r, fc, hc, ic, {
+ super(), lc(this, r, gc, pc, uc, {
Icon: 0,
label: 1,
show_label: 2,
@@ -1013,240 +1013,240 @@ class mc extends Ju {
const {
- SvelteComponent: dc,
+ SvelteComponent: bc,
append: Fl,
- attr: Ct,
- detach: pc,
- init: gc,
- insert: vc,
- noop: Ba,
- safe_not_equal: bc,
- svg_element: Da
+ attr: Dt,
+ detach: yc,
+ init: wc,
+ insert: _c,
+ noop: Da,
+ safe_not_equal: kc,
+ svg_element: Na
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function yc(s) {
+function xc(s) {
let r, a, i;
return {
c() {
- r = Da("svg"), a = Da("path"), i = Da("path"), Ct(a, "fill", "currentColor"), Ct(a, "d", "M17.74 30L16 29l4-7h6a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h9v2H6a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V8a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h20a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v12a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-4.84Z"), Ct(i, "fill", "currentColor"), Ct(i, "d", "M8 10h16v2H8zm0 6h10v2H8z"), Ct(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ct(r, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), Ct(r, "aria-hidden", "true"), Ct(r, "role", "img"), Ct(r, "class", "iconify iconify--carbon"), Ct(r, "width", "100%"), Ct(r, "height", "100%"), Ct(r, "preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"), Ct(r, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
+ r = Na("svg"), a = Na("path"), i = Na("path"), Dt(a, "fill", "currentColor"), Dt(a, "d", "M17.74 30L16 29l4-7h6a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h9v2H6a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V8a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h20a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v12a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-4.84Z"), Dt(i, "fill", "currentColor"), Dt(i, "d", "M8 10h16v2H8zm0 6h10v2H8z"), Dt(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Dt(r, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), Dt(r, "aria-hidden", "true"), Dt(r, "role", "img"), Dt(r, "class", "iconify iconify--carbon"), Dt(r, "width", "100%"), Dt(r, "height", "100%"), Dt(r, "preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"), Dt(r, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
m(o, u) {
- vc(o, r, u), Fl(r, a), Fl(r, i);
+ _c(o, r, u), Fl(r, a), Fl(r, i);
- p: Ba,
- i: Ba,
- o: Ba,
+ p: Da,
+ i: Da,
+ o: Da,
d(o) {
- o && pc(r);
+ o && yc(r);
-class wc extends dc {
+class Sc extends bc {
constructor(r) {
- super(), gc(this, r, null, yc, bc, {});
+ super(), wc(this, r, null, xc, kc, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: kc,
- append: _c,
- attr: e0,
- detach: xc,
- init: Sc,
- insert: Ac,
- noop: Na,
- safe_not_equal: Tc,
+ SvelteComponent: Ac,
+ append: Tc,
+ attr: t0,
+ detach: Mc,
+ init: zc,
+ insert: Cc,
+ noop: Ra,
+ safe_not_equal: Ec,
svg_element: Ll
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Mc(s) {
+function Bc(s) {
let r, a;
return {
c() {
- r = Ll("svg"), a = Ll("polyline"), e0(a, "points", "20 6 9 17 4 12"), e0(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), e0(r, "width", "15px"), e0(r, "height", "14px"), e0(r, "viewBox", "2 0 20 20"), e0(r, "fill", "none"), e0(r, "stroke", "currentColor"), e0(r, "stroke-width", "3"), e0(r, "stroke-linecap", "round"), e0(r, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ r = Ll("svg"), a = Ll("polyline"), t0(a, "points", "20 6 9 17 4 12"), t0(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), t0(r, "width", "15px"), t0(r, "height", "14px"), t0(r, "viewBox", "2 0 20 20"), t0(r, "fill", "none"), t0(r, "stroke", "currentColor"), t0(r, "stroke-width", "3"), t0(r, "stroke-linecap", "round"), t0(r, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
m(i, o) {
- Ac(i, r, o), _c(r, a);
+ Cc(i, r, o), Tc(r, a);
- p: Na,
- i: Na,
- o: Na,
+ p: Ra,
+ i: Ra,
+ o: Ra,
d(i) {
- i && xc(r);
+ i && Mc(r);
-class zc extends kc {
+class Dc extends Ac {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Sc(this, r, null, Mc, Tc, {});
+ super(), zc(this, r, null, Bc, Ec, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: Cc,
- append: Ec,
+ SvelteComponent: Nc,
+ append: Rc,
attr: Ir,
- detach: Bc,
- init: Dc,
- insert: Nc,
- noop: Ra,
- safe_not_equal: Rc,
+ detach: Fc,
+ init: Lc,
+ insert: Ic,
+ noop: Fa,
+ safe_not_equal: Oc,
svg_element: Il
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Fc(s) {
+function qc(s) {
let r, a;
return {
c() {
r = Il("svg"), a = Il("path"), Ir(a, "d", "M23,20a5,5,0,0,0-3.89,1.89L11.8,17.32a4.46,4.46,0,0,0,0-2.64l7.31-4.57A5,5,0,1,0,18,7a4.79,4.79,0,0,0,.2,1.32l-7.31,4.57a5,5,0,1,0,0,6.22l7.31,4.57A4.79,4.79,0,0,0,18,25a5,5,0,1,0,5-5ZM23,4a3,3,0,1,1-3,3A3,3,0,0,1,23,4ZM7,19a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,7,19Zm16,9a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,23,28Z"), Ir(a, "fill", "currentColor"), Ir(r, "id", "icon"), Ir(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ir(r, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
m(i, o) {
- Nc(i, r, o), Ec(r, a);
+ Ic(i, r, o), Rc(r, a);
- p: Ra,
- i: Ra,
- o: Ra,
+ p: Fa,
+ i: Fa,
+ o: Fa,
d(i) {
- i && Bc(r);
+ i && Fc(r);
-class Lc extends Cc {
+class Pc extends Nc {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Dc(this, r, null, Fc, Rc, {});
+ super(), Lc(this, r, null, qc, Oc, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: Ic,
+ SvelteComponent: Hc,
append: Ol,
- attr: p0,
- detach: Oc,
- init: qc,
- insert: Pc,
- noop: Fa,
- safe_not_equal: Hc,
- svg_element: La
+ attr: v0,
+ detach: Uc,
+ init: Gc,
+ insert: Vc,
+ noop: La,
+ safe_not_equal: Wc,
+ svg_element: Ia
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Uc(s) {
+function jc(s) {
let r, a, i;
return {
c() {
- r = La("svg"), a = La("path"), i = La("path"), p0(a, "fill", "currentColor"), p0(a, "d", "M28 10v18H10V10h18m0-2H10a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v18a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V10a2 2 0 0 0-2-2Z"), p0(i, "fill", "currentColor"), p0(i, "d", "M4 18H2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14v2H4Z"), p0(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), p0(r, "width", "15px"), p0(r, "height", "14px"), p0(r, "viewBox", "0 0 33 33"), p0(r, "color", "currentColor");
+ r = Ia("svg"), a = Ia("path"), i = Ia("path"), v0(a, "fill", "currentColor"), v0(a, "d", "M28 10v18H10V10h18m0-2H10a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v18a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V10a2 2 0 0 0-2-2Z"), v0(i, "fill", "currentColor"), v0(i, "d", "M4 18H2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14v2H4Z"), v0(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), v0(r, "width", "15px"), v0(r, "height", "14px"), v0(r, "viewBox", "0 0 33 33"), v0(r, "color", "currentColor");
m(o, u) {
- Pc(o, r, u), Ol(r, a), Ol(r, i);
+ Vc(o, r, u), Ol(r, a), Ol(r, i);
- p: Fa,
- i: Fa,
- o: Fa,
+ p: La,
+ i: La,
+ o: La,
d(o) {
- o && Oc(r);
+ o && Uc(r);
-class Gc extends Ic {
+class Yc extends Hc {
constructor(r) {
- super(), qc(this, r, null, Uc, Hc, {});
+ super(), Gc(this, r, null, jc, Wc, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: Vc,
+ SvelteComponent: Xc,
append: ql,
- attr: ct,
- detach: jc,
- init: Wc,
- insert: Yc,
+ attr: ft,
+ detach: Zc,
+ init: Kc,
+ insert: Qc,
noop: Pl,
- safe_not_equal: Xc,
- svg_element: Ia
+ safe_not_equal: Jc,
+ svg_element: Oa
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Zc(s) {
+function $c(s) {
let r, a, i, o;
return {
c() {
- r = Ia("svg"), a = Ia("path"), i = Ia("path"), ct(a, "stroke", "currentColor"), ct(a, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ct(a, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ct(a, "d", "M16.472 3.5H4.1a.6.6 0 0 0-.6.6v9.8a.6.6 0 0 0 .6.6h2.768a2 2 0 0 1 1.715.971l2.71 4.517a1.631 1.631 0 0 0 2.961-1.308l-1.022-3.408a.6.6 0 0 1 .574-.772h4.575a2 2 0 0 0 1.93-2.526l-1.91-7A2 2 0 0 0 16.473 3.5Z"), ct(i, "stroke", "currentColor"), ct(i, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ct(i, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ct(i, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), ct(i, "d", "M7 14.5v-11"), ct(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ct(r, "width", "15px"), ct(r, "height", "15px"), ct(r, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), ct(r, "fill", o = /*actioned*/
- s[0] ? "currentColor" : "none"), ct(r, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ct(r, "color", "currentColor");
+ r = Oa("svg"), a = Oa("path"), i = Oa("path"), ft(a, "stroke", "currentColor"), ft(a, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ft(a, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ft(a, "d", "M16.472 3.5H4.1a.6.6 0 0 0-.6.6v9.8a.6.6 0 0 0 .6.6h2.768a2 2 0 0 1 1.715.971l2.71 4.517a1.631 1.631 0 0 0 2.961-1.308l-1.022-3.408a.6.6 0 0 1 .574-.772h4.575a2 2 0 0 0 1.93-2.526l-1.91-7A2 2 0 0 0 16.473 3.5Z"), ft(i, "stroke", "currentColor"), ft(i, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ft(i, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ft(i, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), ft(i, "d", "M7 14.5v-11"), ft(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ft(r, "width", "15px"), ft(r, "height", "15px"), ft(r, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), ft(r, "fill", o = /*actioned*/
+ s[0] ? "currentColor" : "none"), ft(r, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ft(r, "color", "currentColor");
m(u, g) {
- Yc(u, r, g), ql(r, a), ql(r, i);
+ Qc(u, r, g), ql(r, a), ql(r, i);
p(u, [g]) {
g & /*actioned*/
1 && o !== (o = /*actioned*/
- u[0] ? "currentColor" : "none") && ct(r, "fill", o);
+ u[0] ? "currentColor" : "none") && ft(r, "fill", o);
i: Pl,
o: Pl,
d(u) {
- u && jc(r);
+ u && Zc(r);
-function Kc(s, r, a) {
+function e4(s, r, a) {
let { actioned: i } = r;
return s.$$set = (o) => {
"actioned" in o && a(0, i = o.actioned);
}, [i];
-class Qc extends Vc {
+class t4 extends Xc {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Wc(this, r, Kc, Zc, Xc, { actioned: 0 });
+ super(), Kc(this, r, e4, $c, Jc, { actioned: 0 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: Jc,
+ SvelteComponent: r4,
append: Hl,
- attr: ht,
- detach: $c,
- init: e4,
- insert: t4,
+ attr: mt,
+ detach: n4,
+ init: a4,
+ insert: i4,
noop: Ul,
- safe_not_equal: r4,
- svg_element: Oa
+ safe_not_equal: l4,
+ svg_element: qa
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function n4(s) {
+function s4(s) {
let r, a, i, o;
return {
c() {
- r = Oa("svg"), a = Oa("path"), i = Oa("path"), ht(a, "stroke", "currentColor"), ht(a, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ht(a, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ht(a, "d", "M16.472 20H4.1a.6.6 0 0 1-.6-.6V9.6a.6.6 0 0 1 .6-.6h2.768a2 2 0 0 0 1.715-.971l2.71-4.517a1.631 1.631 0 0 1 2.961 1.308l-1.022 3.408a.6.6 0 0 0 .574.772h4.575a2 2 0 0 1 1.93 2.526l-1.91 7A2 2 0 0 1 16.473 20Z"), ht(i, "stroke", "currentColor"), ht(i, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ht(i, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ht(i, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), ht(i, "d", "M7 20V9"), ht(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ht(r, "width", "15px"), ht(r, "height", "15px"), ht(r, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), ht(r, "fill", o = /*actioned*/
- s[0] ? "currentColor" : "none"), ht(r, "stroke-width", "1.5"), ht(r, "color", "currentColor");
+ r = qa("svg"), a = qa("path"), i = qa("path"), mt(a, "stroke", "currentColor"), mt(a, "stroke-width", "1.5"), mt(a, "stroke-linecap", "round"), mt(a, "d", "M16.472 20H4.1a.6.6 0 0 1-.6-.6V9.6a.6.6 0 0 1 .6-.6h2.768a2 2 0 0 0 1.715-.971l2.71-4.517a1.631 1.631 0 0 1 2.961 1.308l-1.022 3.408a.6.6 0 0 0 .574.772h4.575a2 2 0 0 1 1.93 2.526l-1.91 7A2 2 0 0 1 16.473 20Z"), mt(i, "stroke", "currentColor"), mt(i, "stroke-width", "1.5"), mt(i, "stroke-linecap", "round"), mt(i, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), mt(i, "d", "M7 20V9"), mt(r, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), mt(r, "width", "15px"), mt(r, "height", "15px"), mt(r, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), mt(r, "fill", o = /*actioned*/
+ s[0] ? "currentColor" : "none"), mt(r, "stroke-width", "1.5"), mt(r, "color", "currentColor");
m(u, g) {
- t4(u, r, g), Hl(r, a), Hl(r, i);
+ i4(u, r, g), Hl(r, a), Hl(r, i);
p(u, [g]) {
g & /*actioned*/
1 && o !== (o = /*actioned*/
- u[0] ? "currentColor" : "none") && ht(r, "fill", o);
+ u[0] ? "currentColor" : "none") && mt(r, "fill", o);
i: Ul,
o: Ul,
d(u) {
- u && $c(r);
+ u && n4(r);
-function a4(s, r, a) {
+function o4(s, r, a) {
let { actioned: i } = r;
return s.$$set = (o) => {
"actioned" in o && a(0, i = o.actioned);
}, [i];
-class i4 extends Jc {
+class u4 extends r4 {
constructor(r) {
- super(), e4(this, r, a4, n4, r4, { actioned: 0 });
+ super(), a4(this, r, o4, s4, l4, { actioned: 0 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: l4,
- create_component: s4,
- destroy_component: o4,
- init: u4,
- mount_component: c4,
- safe_not_equal: h4,
- transition_in: f4,
- transition_out: m4
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: d4 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function p4(s) {
+ SvelteComponent: c4,
+ create_component: h4,
+ destroy_component: f4,
+ init: m4,
+ mount_component: d4,
+ safe_not_equal: p4,
+ transition_in: g4,
+ transition_out: v4
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: b4 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+function y4(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new mc({
+ return r = new vc({
props: {
- Icon: Lc,
+ Icon: Pc,
label: (
@@ -1262,10 +1262,10 @@ function p4(s) {
), {
c() {
- s4(r.$$.fragment);
+ h4(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- c4(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ d4(r, i, o), a = !0;
p(i, [o]) {
const u = {};
@@ -1276,18 +1276,18 @@ function p4(s) {
i[3]), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (f4(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (g4(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
- m4(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
+ v4(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- o4(r, i);
+ f4(r, i);
-function g4(s, r, a) {
- const i = d4();
+function w4(s, r, a) {
+ const i = b4();
let { formatter: o } = r, { value: u } = r, { i18n: g } = r, p = !1;
const v = async () => {
try {
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ function g4(s, r, a) {
i("share", { description: w });
} catch (w) {
- let S = w instanceof Cn ? w.message : "Share failed.";
+ let S = w instanceof En ? w.message : "Share failed.";
i("error", S);
} finally {
a(3, p = !1);
@@ -1306,112 +1306,112 @@ function g4(s, r, a) {
"formatter" in w && a(0, o = w.formatter), "value" in w && a(1, u = w.value), "i18n" in w && a(2, g = w.i18n);
}, [o, u, g, p, i, v];
-class v4 extends l4 {
+class _4 extends c4 {
constructor(r) {
- super(), u4(this, r, g4, p4, h4, { formatter: 0, value: 1, i18n: 2 });
+ super(), m4(this, r, w4, y4, p4, { formatter: 0, value: 1, i18n: 2 });
/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.6 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/3.0.6/LICENSE */
const {
- entries: mo,
+ entries: go,
setPrototypeOf: Gl,
- isFrozen: b4,
- getPrototypeOf: y4,
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor: po
+ isFrozen: k4,
+ getPrototypeOf: x4,
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: vo
} = Object;
let {
freeze: kt,
- seal: Yt,
- create: go
+ seal: Xt,
+ create: bo
} = Object, {
- apply: Ja,
- construct: $a
+ apply: $a,
+ construct: ei
} = typeof Reflect < "u" && Reflect;
kt || (kt = function(r) {
return r;
-Yt || (Yt = function(r) {
+Xt || (Xt = function(r) {
return r;
-Ja || (Ja = function(r, a, i) {
+$a || ($a = function(r, a, i) {
return r.apply(a, i);
-$a || ($a = function(r, a) {
+ei || (ei = function(r, a) {
return new r(...a);
-const kn = Ht(Array.prototype.forEach), Vl = Ht(Array.prototype.pop), Or = Ht(Array.prototype.push), En = Ht(String.prototype.toLowerCase), qa = Ht(String.prototype.toString), w4 = Ht(String.prototype.match), qr = Ht(String.prototype.replace), k4 = Ht(String.prototype.indexOf), _4 = Ht(String.prototype.trim), Et = Ht(RegExp.prototype.test), Pr = x4(TypeError);
-function Ht(s) {
+const kn = Ut(Array.prototype.forEach), Vl = Ut(Array.prototype.pop), Or = Ut(Array.prototype.push), Bn = Ut(String.prototype.toLowerCase), Pa = Ut(String.prototype.toString), S4 = Ut(String.prototype.match), qr = Ut(String.prototype.replace), A4 = Ut(String.prototype.indexOf), T4 = Ut(String.prototype.trim), Nt = Ut(RegExp.prototype.test), Pr = M4(TypeError);
+function Ut(s) {
return function(r) {
for (var a = arguments.length, i = new Array(a > 1 ? a - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < a; o++)
i[o - 1] = arguments[o];
- return Ja(s, r, i);
+ return $a(s, r, i);
-function x4(s) {
+function M4(s) {
return function() {
for (var r = arguments.length, a = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++)
a[i] = arguments[i];
- return $a(s, a);
+ return ei(s, a);
function Se(s, r) {
- let a = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : En;
+ let a = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : Bn;
Gl && Gl(s, null);
let i = r.length;
for (; i--; ) {
let o = r[i];
if (typeof o == "string") {
const u = a(o);
- u !== o && (b4(r) || (r[i] = u), o = u);
+ u !== o && (k4(r) || (r[i] = u), o = u);
s[o] = !0;
return s;
function dr(s) {
- const r = go(null);
- for (const [a, i] of mo(s))
- po(s, a) !== void 0 && (r[a] = i);
+ const r = bo(null);
+ for (const [a, i] of go(s))
+ vo(s, a) !== void 0 && (r[a] = i);
return r;
-function _n(s, r) {
+function xn(s, r) {
for (; s !== null; ) {
- const i = po(s, r);
+ const i = vo(s, r);
if (i) {
if (i.get)
- return Ht(i.get);
+ return Ut(i.get);
if (typeof i.value == "function")
- return Ht(i.value);
+ return Ut(i.value);
- s = y4(s);
+ s = x4(s);
function a(i) {
return console.warn("fallback value for", i), null;
return a;
-const jl = kt(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), Pa = kt(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), Ha = kt(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), S4 = kt(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), Ua = kt(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover", "mprescripts"]), A4 = kt(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), Wl = kt(["#text"]), Yl = kt(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns", "slot"]), Ga = kt(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), Xl = kt(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), xn = kt(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), T4 = Yt(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), M4 = Yt(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), z4 = Yt(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), C4 = Yt(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), E4 = Yt(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), vo = Yt(
+const Wl = kt(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), Ha = kt(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), Ua = kt(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), z4 = kt(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), Ga = kt(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover", "mprescripts"]), C4 = kt(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), jl = kt(["#text"]), Yl = kt(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns", "slot"]), Va = kt(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), Xl = kt(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), Sn = kt(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), E4 = Xt(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), B4 = Xt(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), D4 = Xt(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), N4 = Xt(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), R4 = Xt(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), yo = Xt(
// eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
-), B4 = Yt(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), D4 = Yt(
+), F4 = Xt(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), L4 = Xt(
// eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
-), bo = Yt(/^html$/i);
+), wo = Xt(/^html$/i);
var Zl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
-const N4 = function() {
+const I4 = function() {
return typeof window > "u" ? null : window;
-}, R4 = function(r, a) {
+}, O4 = function(r, a) {
if (typeof r != "object" || typeof r.createPolicy != "function")
return null;
let i = null;
@@ -1431,9 +1431,9 @@ const N4 = function() {
return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + u + " could not be created."), null;
-function yo() {
- let s = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : N4();
- const r = (fe) => yo(fe);
+function _o() {
+ let s = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : I4();
+ const r = (me) => _o(me);
if (r.version = "3.0.6", r.removed = [], !s || !s.document || s.document.nodeType !== 9)
return r.isSupported = !1, r;
let {
@@ -1447,40 +1447,40 @@ function yo() {
NodeFilter: w,
NamedNodeMap: S = s.NamedNodeMap || s.MozNamedAttrMap,
HTMLFormElement: L,
- DOMParser: O,
+ DOMParser: P,
trustedTypes: X
- } = s, I = v.prototype, ne = _n(I, "cloneNode"), re = _n(I, "nextSibling"), V = _n(I, "childNodes"), F = _n(I, "parentNode");
+ } = s, I = v.prototype, ae = xn(I, "cloneNode"), re = xn(I, "nextSibling"), W = xn(I, "childNodes"), F = xn(I, "parentNode");
if (typeof g == "function") {
- const fe = a.createElement("template");
- fe.content && fe.content.ownerDocument && (a = fe.content.ownerDocument);
+ const me = a.createElement("template");
+ me.content && me.content.ownerDocument && (a = me.content.ownerDocument);
let M, R = "";
const {
implementation: B,
createNodeIterator: H,
- createDocumentFragment: W,
+ createDocumentFragment: G,
getElementsByTagName: Z
} = a, {
- importNode: G
+ importNode: V
} = i;
let ce = {};
- r.isSupported = typeof mo == "function" && typeof F == "function" && B && B.createHTMLDocument !== void 0;
+ r.isSupported = typeof go == "function" && typeof F == "function" && B && B.createHTMLDocument !== void 0;
const {
- ARIA_ATTR: rt,
} = Zl;
let {
} = Zl, Ae = null;
- const J = Se({}, [...jl, ...Pa, ...Ha, ...Ua, ...Wl]);
- let Q = null;
- const Qe = Se({}, [...Yl, ...Ga, ...Xl, ...xn]);
- let ae = Object.seal(go(null, {
+ const lt = Se({}, [...Wl, ...Ha, ...Ua, ...Ga, ...jl]);
+ let ne = null;
+ const K = Se({}, [...Yl, ...Va, ...Xl, ...Sn]);
+ let $ = Object.seal(bo(null, {
tagNameCheck: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
@@ -1499,62 +1499,62 @@ function yo() {
enumerable: !0,
value: !1
- })), Je = null, te = null, Ge = !0, $e = !0, Bt = !1, G0 = !0, Dt = !1, _t = !1, V0 = !1, u0 = !1, b0 = !1, rr = !1, j0 = !1, Vr = !0, y0 = !1;
- const Nt = "user-content-";
- let w0 = !0, k0 = !1, _0 = {}, Xt = null;
+ })), Qe = null, xt = null, pt = !0, ee = !0, rt = !1, nt = !0, gt = !1, St = !1, V0 = !1, h0 = !1, y0 = !1, rr = !1, W0 = !1, Wr = !0, w0 = !1;
+ const Rt = "user-content-";
+ let _0 = !0, k0 = !1, x0 = {}, Zt = null;
const nr = Se({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]);
let jr = null;
- const Wr = Se({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]);
+ const Yr = Se({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]);
let ar = null;
- const Ar = Se({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), W0 = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", ir = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Tt = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
- let x0 = Tt, lr = !1, Pe = null;
- const ee = Se({}, [W0, ir, Tt], qa);
- let ft = null;
- const Yr = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], Xr = "text/html";
- let nt = null, Rt = null;
- const Tr = a.createElement("form"), Zr = function(z) {
+ const Ar = Se({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), j0 = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", ir = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Ct = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
+ let S0 = Ct, lr = !1, Pe = null;
+ const te = Se({}, [j0, ir, Ct], Pa);
+ let vt = null;
+ const Xr = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], Zr = "text/html";
+ let et = null, Ft = null;
+ const Tr = a.createElement("form"), Kr = function(z) {
return z instanceof RegExp || z instanceof Function;
}, Mr = function() {
let z = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
- if (!(Rt && Rt === z)) {
- if ((!z || typeof z != "object") && (z = {}), z = dr(z), ft = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
- Yr.indexOf(z.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? ft = Xr : ft = z.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, nt = ft === "application/xhtml+xml" ? qa : En, Ae = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_TAGS, nt) : J, Q = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_ATTR, nt) : Qe, Pe = "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, qa) : ee, ar = "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR" in z ? Se(
+ if (!(Ft && Ft === z)) {
+ if ((!z || typeof z != "object") && (z = {}), z = dr(z), vt = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
+ Xr.indexOf(z.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? vt = Zr : vt = z.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, et = vt === "application/xhtml+xml" ? Pa : Bn, Ae = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_TAGS, et) : lt, ne = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_ATTR, et) : K, Pe = "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES" in z ? Se({}, z.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, Pa) : te, ar = "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR" in z ? Se(
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
- nt
+ et
// eslint-disable-line indent
) : Ar, jr = "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS" in z ? Se(
- dr(Wr),
+ dr(Yr),
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
- nt
+ et
// eslint-disable-line indent
- ) : Wr, Xt = "FORBID_CONTENTS" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_CONTENTS, nt) : nr, Je = "FORBID_TAGS" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_TAGS, nt) : {}, te = "FORBID_ATTR" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_ATTR, nt) : {}, _0 = "USE_PROFILES" in z ? z.USE_PROFILES : !1, Ge = z.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, $e = z.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, Bt = z.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, G0 = z.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR !== !1, Dt = z.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, _t = z.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, b0 = z.RETURN_DOM || !1, rr = z.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, j0 = z.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, u0 = z.FORCE_BODY || !1, Vr = z.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, y0 = z.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, w0 = z.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, k0 = z.IN_PLACE || !1, Oe = z.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || vo, x0 = z.NAMESPACE || Tt, ae = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}, z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Zr(z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (ae.tagNameCheck = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Zr(z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (ae.attributeNameCheck = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && (ae.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), Dt && ($e = !1), rr && (b0 = !0), _0 && (Ae = Se({}, [...Wl]), Q = [], _0.html === !0 && (Se(Ae, jl), Se(Q, Yl)), _0.svg === !0 && (Se(Ae, Pa), Se(Q, Ga), Se(Q, xn)), _0.svgFilters === !0 && (Se(Ae, Ha), Se(Q, Ga), Se(Q, xn)), _0.mathMl === !0 && (Se(Ae, Ua), Se(Q, Xl), Se(Q, xn))), z.ADD_TAGS && (Ae === J && (Ae = dr(Ae)), Se(Ae, z.ADD_TAGS, nt)), z.ADD_ATTR && (Q === Qe && (Q = dr(Q)), Se(Q, z.ADD_ATTR, nt)), z.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && Se(ar, z.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, nt), z.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Xt === nr && (Xt = dr(Xt)), Se(Xt, z.FORBID_CONTENTS, nt)), w0 && (Ae["#text"] = !0), _t && Se(Ae, ["html", "head", "body"]), Ae.table && (Se(Ae, ["tbody"]), delete Je.tbody), z.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) {
+ ) : Yr, Zt = "FORBID_CONTENTS" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_CONTENTS, et) : nr, Qe = "FORBID_TAGS" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_TAGS, et) : {}, xt = "FORBID_ATTR" in z ? Se({}, z.FORBID_ATTR, et) : {}, x0 = "USE_PROFILES" in z ? z.USE_PROFILES : !1, pt = z.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, ee = z.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, rt = z.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, nt = z.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR !== !1, gt = z.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, St = z.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, y0 = z.RETURN_DOM || !1, rr = z.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, W0 = z.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, h0 = z.FORCE_BODY || !1, Wr = z.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, w0 = z.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, _0 = z.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, k0 = z.IN_PLACE || !1, Oe = z.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || yo, S0 = z.NAMESPACE || Ct, $ = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}, z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Kr(z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && ($.tagNameCheck = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Kr(z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && ($.attributeNameCheck = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && ($.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = z.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), gt && (ee = !1), rr && (y0 = !0), x0 && (Ae = Se({}, [...jl]), ne = [], x0.html === !0 && (Se(Ae, Wl), Se(ne, Yl)), x0.svg === !0 && (Se(Ae, Ha), Se(ne, Va), Se(ne, Sn)), x0.svgFilters === !0 && (Se(Ae, Ua), Se(ne, Va), Se(ne, Sn)), x0.mathMl === !0 && (Se(Ae, Ga), Se(ne, Xl), Se(ne, Sn))), z.ADD_TAGS && (Ae === lt && (Ae = dr(Ae)), Se(Ae, z.ADD_TAGS, et)), z.ADD_ATTR && (ne === K && (ne = dr(ne)), Se(ne, z.ADD_ATTR, et)), z.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && Se(ar, z.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, et), z.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Zt === nr && (Zt = dr(Zt)), Se(Zt, z.FORBID_CONTENTS, et)), _0 && (Ae["#text"] = !0), St && Se(Ae, ["html", "head", "body"]), Ae.table && (Se(Ae, ["tbody"]), delete Qe.tbody), z.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) {
if (typeof z.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML != "function")
throw Pr('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.');
if (typeof z.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL != "function")
throw Pr('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.');
} else
- M === void 0 && (M = R4(X, o)), M !== null && typeof R == "string" && (R = M.createHTML(""));
- kt && kt(z), Rt = z;
+ M === void 0 && (M = O4(X, o)), M !== null && typeof R == "string" && (R = M.createHTML(""));
+ kt && kt(z), Ft = z;
- }, bt = Se({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), Ft = Se({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]), Zt = Se({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), S0 = Se({}, Pa);
- Se(S0, Ha), Se(S0, S4);
- const sr = Se({}, Ua);
- Se(sr, A4);
- const Vn = function(z) {
+ }, yt = Se({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), Lt = Se({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]), Kt = Se({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), A0 = Se({}, Ha);
+ Se(A0, Ua), Se(A0, z4);
+ const sr = Se({}, Ga);
+ Se(sr, C4);
+ const Wn = function(z) {
let Y = F(z);
(!Y || !Y.tagName) && (Y = {
- namespaceURI: x0,
+ namespaceURI: S0,
tagName: "template"
- const le = En(z.tagName), Re = En(Y.tagName);
- return Pe[z.namespaceURI] ? z.namespaceURI === ir ? Y.namespaceURI === Tt ? le === "svg" : Y.namespaceURI === W0 ? le === "svg" && (Re === "annotation-xml" || bt[Re]) : !!S0[le] : z.namespaceURI === W0 ? Y.namespaceURI === Tt ? le === "math" : Y.namespaceURI === ir ? le === "math" && Ft[Re] : !!sr[le] : z.namespaceURI === Tt ? Y.namespaceURI === ir && !Ft[Re] || Y.namespaceURI === W0 && !bt[Re] ? !1 : !sr[le] && (Zt[le] || !S0[le]) : !!(ft === "application/xhtml+xml" && Pe[z.namespaceURI]) : !1;
- }, c0 = function(z) {
+ const le = Bn(z.tagName), Re = Bn(Y.tagName);
+ return Pe[z.namespaceURI] ? z.namespaceURI === ir ? Y.namespaceURI === Ct ? le === "svg" : Y.namespaceURI === j0 ? le === "svg" && (Re === "annotation-xml" || yt[Re]) : !!A0[le] : z.namespaceURI === j0 ? Y.namespaceURI === Ct ? le === "math" : Y.namespaceURI === ir ? le === "math" && Lt[Re] : !!sr[le] : z.namespaceURI === Ct ? Y.namespaceURI === ir && !Lt[Re] || Y.namespaceURI === j0 && !yt[Re] ? !1 : !sr[le] && (Kt[le] || !A0[le]) : !!(vt === "application/xhtml+xml" && Pe[z.namespaceURI]) : !1;
+ }, f0 = function(z) {
Or(r.removed, {
element: z
@@ -1575,10 +1575,10 @@ function yo() {
from: Y
- if (Y.removeAttribute(z), z === "is" && !Q[z])
- if (b0 || rr)
+ if (Y.removeAttribute(z), z === "is" && !ne[z])
+ if (y0 || rr)
try {
- c0(Y);
+ f0(Y);
} catch {
@@ -1588,29 +1588,29 @@ function yo() {
}, Y0 = function(z) {
let Y = null, le = null;
- if (u0)
+ if (h0)
z = "" + z;
else {
- const je = w4(z, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
- le = je && je[0];
+ const Ve = S4(z, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
+ le = Ve && Ve[0];
- ft === "application/xhtml+xml" && x0 === Tt && (z = '
' + z + "");
+ vt === "application/xhtml+xml" && S0 === Ct && (z = '' + z + "");
const Re = M ? M.createHTML(z) : z;
- if (x0 === Tt)
+ if (S0 === Ct)
try {
- Y = new O().parseFromString(Re, ft);
+ Y = new P().parseFromString(Re, vt);
} catch {
if (!Y || !Y.documentElement) {
- Y = B.createDocument(x0, "template", null);
+ Y = B.createDocument(S0, "template", null);
try {
Y.documentElement.innerHTML = lr ? R : Re;
} catch {
const A = Y.body || Y.documentElement;
- return z && le && A.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(le), A.childNodes[0] || null), x0 === Tt ? Z.call(Y, _t ? "html" : "body")[0] : _t ? Y.documentElement : A;
- }, Ve = function(z) {
+ return z && le && A.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(le), A.childNodes[0] || null), S0 === Ct ? Z.call(Y, St ? "html" : "body")[0] : St ? Y.documentElement : A;
+ }, Ge = function(z) {
return H.call(
z.ownerDocument || z,
@@ -1624,55 +1624,55 @@ function yo() {
return typeof p == "function" && z instanceof p;
}, j = function(z, Y, le) {
ce[z] && kn(ce[z], (Re) => {
- Re.call(r, Y, le, Rt);
+ Re.call(r, Y, le, Ft);
}, y = function(z) {
let Y = null;
if (j("beforeSanitizeElements", z, null), h(z))
- return c0(z), !0;
- const le = nt(z.nodeName);
+ return f0(z), !0;
+ const le = et(z.nodeName);
if (j("uponSanitizeElement", z, {
tagName: le,
allowedTags: Ae
- }), z.hasChildNodes() && !d(z.firstElementChild) && Et(/<[/\w]/g, z.innerHTML) && Et(/<[/\w]/g, z.textContent))
- return c0(z), !0;
- if (!Ae[le] || Je[le]) {
- if (!Je[le] && He(le) && (ae.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Et(ae.tagNameCheck, le) || ae.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ae.tagNameCheck(le)))
+ }), z.hasChildNodes() && !d(z.firstElementChild) && Nt(/<[/\w]/g, z.innerHTML) && Nt(/<[/\w]/g, z.textContent))
+ return f0(z), !0;
+ if (!Ae[le] || Qe[le]) {
+ if (!Qe[le] && He(le) && ($.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Nt($.tagNameCheck, le) || $.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && $.tagNameCheck(le)))
return !1;
- if (w0 && !Xt[le]) {
- const Re = F(z) || z.parentNode, A = V(z) || z.childNodes;
+ if (_0 && !Zt[le]) {
+ const Re = F(z) || z.parentNode, A = W(z) || z.childNodes;
if (A && Re) {
- const je = A.length;
- for (let E = je - 1; E >= 0; --E)
- Re.insertBefore(ne(A[E], !0), re(z));
+ const Ve = A.length;
+ for (let E = Ve - 1; E >= 0; --E)
+ Re.insertBefore(ae(A[E], !0), re(z));
- return c0(z), !0;
+ return f0(z), !0;
- return z instanceof v && !Vn(z) || (le === "noscript" || le === "noembed" || le === "noframes") && Et(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, z.innerHTML) ? (c0(z), !0) : (Dt && z.nodeType === 3 && (Y = z.textContent, kn([ve, Ee, xe], (Re) => {
+ return z instanceof v && !Wn(z) || (le === "noscript" || le === "noembed" || le === "noframes") && Nt(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, z.innerHTML) ? (f0(z), !0) : (gt && z.nodeType === 3 && (Y = z.textContent, kn([ge, Te, xe], (Re) => {
Y = qr(Y, Re, " ");
}), z.textContent !== Y && (Or(r.removed, {
element: z.cloneNode()
}), z.textContent = Y)), j("afterSanitizeElements", z, null), !1);
}, T = function(z, Y, le) {
- if (Vr && (Y === "id" || Y === "name") && (le in a || le in Tr))
+ if (Wr && (Y === "id" || Y === "name") && (le in a || le in Tr))
return !1;
- if (!($e && !te[Y] && Et(Ne, Y))) {
- if (!(Ge && Et(rt, Y))) {
- if (!Q[Y] || te[Y]) {
+ if (!(ee && !xt[Y] && Nt(Ne, Y))) {
+ if (!(pt && Nt(Ke, Y))) {
+ if (!ne[Y] || xt[Y]) {
if (
// First condition does a very basic check if a) it's basically a valid custom element tagname AND
// b) if the tagName passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
// and c) if the attribute name passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck
- !(He(z) && (ae.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Et(ae.tagNameCheck, z) || ae.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ae.tagNameCheck(z)) && (ae.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Et(ae.attributeNameCheck, Y) || ae.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && ae.attributeNameCheck(Y)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
+ !(He(z) && ($.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Nt($.tagNameCheck, z) || $.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && $.tagNameCheck(z)) && ($.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Nt($.attributeNameCheck, Y) || $.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && $.attributeNameCheck(Y)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
// the value passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
- Y === "is" && ae.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (ae.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Et(ae.tagNameCheck, le) || ae.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && ae.tagNameCheck(le)))
+ Y === "is" && $.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && ($.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Nt($.tagNameCheck, le) || $.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && $.tagNameCheck(le)))
return !1;
} else if (!ar[Y]) {
- if (!Et(Oe, qr(le, At, ""))) {
- if (!((Y === "src" || Y === "xlink:href" || Y === "href") && z !== "script" && k4(le, "data:") === 0 && jr[z])) {
- if (!(Bt && !Et(vt, qr(le, At, "")))) {
+ if (!Nt(Oe, qr(le, zt, ""))) {
+ if (!((Y === "src" || Y === "xlink:href" || Y === "href") && z !== "script" && A4(le, "data:") === 0 && jr[z])) {
+ if (!(rt && !Nt(dt, qr(le, zt, "")))) {
if (le)
return !1;
@@ -1695,29 +1695,29 @@ function yo() {
attrName: "",
attrValue: "",
keepAttr: !0,
- allowedAttributes: Q
+ allowedAttributes: ne
let Re = Y.length;
for (; Re--; ) {
const A = Y[Re], {
- name: je,
+ name: Ve,
namespaceURI: E,
- value: Kt
- } = A, A0 = nt(je);
- let st = je === "value" ? Kt : _4(Kt);
- if (le.attrName = A0, le.attrValue = st, le.keepAttr = !0, le.forceKeepAttr = void 0, j("uponSanitizeAttribute", z, le), st = le.attrValue, le.forceKeepAttr || (zr(je, z), !le.keepAttr))
+ value: Qt
+ } = A, T0 = et(Ve);
+ let st = Ve === "value" ? Qt : T4(Qt);
+ if (le.attrName = T0, le.attrValue = st, le.keepAttr = !0, le.forceKeepAttr = void 0, j("uponSanitizeAttribute", z, le), st = le.attrValue, le.forceKeepAttr || (zr(Ve, z), !le.keepAttr))
- if (!G0 && Et(/\/>/i, st)) {
- zr(je, z);
+ if (!nt && Nt(/\/>/i, st)) {
+ zr(Ve, z);
- Dt && kn([ve, Ee, xe], (Er) => {
+ gt && kn([ge, Te, xe], (Er) => {
st = qr(st, Er, " ");
- const Cr = nt(z.nodeName);
- if (T(Cr, A0, st)) {
- if (y0 && (A0 === "id" || A0 === "name") && (zr(je, z), st = Nt + st), M && typeof X == "object" && typeof X.getAttributeType == "function" && !E)
- switch (X.getAttributeType(Cr, A0)) {
+ const Cr = et(z.nodeName);
+ if (T(Cr, T0, st)) {
+ if (w0 && (T0 === "id" || T0 === "name") && (zr(Ve, z), st = Rt + st), M && typeof X == "object" && typeof X.getAttributeType == "function" && !E)
+ switch (X.getAttributeType(Cr, T0)) {
case "TrustedHTML": {
st = M.createHTML(st);
@@ -1728,93 +1728,93 @@ function yo() {
try {
- E ? z.setAttributeNS(E, je, st) : z.setAttribute(je, st), Vl(r.removed);
+ E ? z.setAttributeNS(E, Ve, st) : z.setAttribute(Ve, st), Vl(r.removed);
} catch {
j("afterSanitizeAttributes", z, null);
- }, ot = function fe(z) {
+ }, ct = function me(z) {
let Y = null;
- const le = Ve(z);
+ const le = Ge(z);
for (j("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", z, null); Y = le.nextNode(); )
- j("uponSanitizeShadowNode", Y, null), !y(Y) && (Y.content instanceof u && fe(Y.content), oe(Y));
+ j("uponSanitizeShadowNode", Y, null), !y(Y) && (Y.content instanceof u && me(Y.content), oe(Y));
j("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", z, null);
- return r.sanitize = function(fe) {
+ return r.sanitize = function(me) {
let z = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, Y = null, le = null, Re = null, A = null;
- if (lr = !fe, lr && (fe = ""), typeof fe != "string" && !d(fe))
- if (typeof fe.toString == "function") {
- if (fe = fe.toString(), typeof fe != "string")
+ if (lr = !me, lr && (me = ""), typeof me != "string" && !d(me))
+ if (typeof me.toString == "function") {
+ if (me = me.toString(), typeof me != "string")
throw Pr("dirty is not a string, aborting");
} else
throw Pr("toString is not a function");
if (!r.isSupported)
- return fe;
- if (V0 || Mr(z), r.removed = [], typeof fe == "string" && (k0 = !1), k0) {
- if (fe.nodeName) {
- const Kt = nt(fe.nodeName);
- if (!Ae[Kt] || Je[Kt])
+ return me;
+ if (V0 || Mr(z), r.removed = [], typeof me == "string" && (k0 = !1), k0) {
+ if (me.nodeName) {
+ const Qt = et(me.nodeName);
+ if (!Ae[Qt] || Qe[Qt])
throw Pr("root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place");
- } else if (fe instanceof p)
- Y = Y0(""), le = Y.ownerDocument.importNode(fe, !0), le.nodeType === 1 && le.nodeName === "BODY" || le.nodeName === "HTML" ? Y = le : Y.appendChild(le);
+ } else if (me instanceof p)
+ Y = Y0(""), le = Y.ownerDocument.importNode(me, !0), le.nodeType === 1 && le.nodeName === "BODY" || le.nodeName === "HTML" ? Y = le : Y.appendChild(le);
else {
- if (!b0 && !Dt && !_t && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
- fe.indexOf("<") === -1)
- return M && j0 ? M.createHTML(fe) : fe;
- if (Y = Y0(fe), !Y)
- return b0 ? null : j0 ? R : "";
+ if (!y0 && !gt && !St && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
+ me.indexOf("<") === -1)
+ return M && W0 ? M.createHTML(me) : me;
+ if (Y = Y0(me), !Y)
+ return y0 ? null : W0 ? R : "";
- Y && u0 && c0(Y.firstChild);
- const je = Ve(k0 ? fe : Y);
- for (; Re = je.nextNode(); )
- y(Re) || (Re.content instanceof u && ot(Re.content), oe(Re));
+ Y && h0 && f0(Y.firstChild);
+ const Ve = Ge(k0 ? me : Y);
+ for (; Re = Ve.nextNode(); )
+ y(Re) || (Re.content instanceof u && ct(Re.content), oe(Re));
if (k0)
- return fe;
- if (b0) {
+ return me;
+ if (y0) {
if (rr)
- for (A = W.call(Y.ownerDocument); Y.firstChild; )
+ for (A = G.call(Y.ownerDocument); Y.firstChild; )
A = Y;
- return (Q.shadowroot || Q.shadowrootmode) && (A = G.call(i, A, !0)), A;
+ return (ne.shadowroot || ne.shadowrootmode) && (A = V.call(i, A, !0)), A;
- let E = _t ? Y.outerHTML : Y.innerHTML;
- return _t && Ae["!doctype"] && Y.ownerDocument && Y.ownerDocument.doctype && Y.ownerDocument.doctype.name && Et(bo, Y.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && (E = "
-` + E), Dt && kn([ve, Ee, xe], (Kt) => {
- E = qr(E, Kt, " ");
- }), M && j0 ? M.createHTML(E) : E;
+ let E = St ? Y.outerHTML : Y.innerHTML;
+ return St && Ae["!doctype"] && Y.ownerDocument && Y.ownerDocument.doctype && Y.ownerDocument.doctype.name && Nt(wo, Y.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && (E = "
+` + E), gt && kn([ge, Te, xe], (Qt) => {
+ E = qr(E, Qt, " ");
+ }), M && W0 ? M.createHTML(E) : E;
}, r.setConfig = function() {
- let fe = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
- Mr(fe), V0 = !0;
+ let me = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
+ Mr(me), V0 = !0;
}, r.clearConfig = function() {
- Rt = null, V0 = !1;
- }, r.isValidAttribute = function(fe, z, Y) {
- Rt || Mr({});
- const le = nt(fe), Re = nt(z);
+ Ft = null, V0 = !1;
+ }, r.isValidAttribute = function(me, z, Y) {
+ Ft || Mr({});
+ const le = et(me), Re = et(z);
return T(le, Re, Y);
- }, r.addHook = function(fe, z) {
- typeof z == "function" && (ce[fe] = ce[fe] || [], Or(ce[fe], z));
- }, r.removeHook = function(fe) {
- if (ce[fe])
- return Vl(ce[fe]);
- }, r.removeHooks = function(fe) {
- ce[fe] && (ce[fe] = []);
+ }, r.addHook = function(me, z) {
+ typeof z == "function" && (ce[me] = ce[me] || [], Or(ce[me], z));
+ }, r.removeHook = function(me) {
+ if (ce[me])
+ return Vl(ce[me]);
+ }, r.removeHooks = function(me) {
+ ce[me] && (ce[me] = []);
}, r.removeAllHooks = function() {
ce = {};
}, r;
-var Kl = yo(), Nn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
-function wo(s) {
+var Kl = _o(), Rn = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
+function ko(s) {
return s && s.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, "default") ? s.default : s;
-var ko = { exports: {} }, Va = { exports: {} }, Ql;
-function F4() {
+var xo = { exports: {} }, Wa = { exports: {} }, Ql;
+function q4() {
return Ql || (Ql = 1, function(s, r) {
(function(i, o) {
s.exports = o();
- })(typeof self < "u" ? self : Nn, function() {
+ })(typeof self < "u" ? self : Rn, function() {
return (
function() {
@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ function F4() {
default: function() {
return (
/* binding */
- uu
+ mu
@@ -1848,10 +1848,10 @@ function F4() {
if (m && m.start <= m.end) {
var b = m.lexer.input;
l = m.start, c = m.end, l === b.length ? n += " at end of input: " : n += " at position " + (l + 1) + ": ";
- var k = b.slice(l, c).replace(/[^]/g, "$&̲"), x;
+ var _ = b.slice(l, c).replace(/[^]/g, "$&̲"), x;
l > 15 ? x = "…" + b.slice(l - 15, l) : x = b.slice(0, l);
var C;
- c + 15 < b.length ? C = b.slice(c, c + 15) + "…" : C = b.slice(c), n += x + k + C;
+ c + 15 < b.length ? C = b.slice(c, c + 15) + "…" : C = b.slice(c), n += x + _ + C;
var D = new Error(n);
return D.name = "ParseError", D.__proto__ = f.prototype, D.position = l, l != null && c != null && (D.length = c - l), D.rawMessage = e, D;
@@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ function F4() {
'"': """,
"'": "'"
}, L = /[&><"']/g;
- function O(f) {
+ function P(f) {
return String(f).replace(L, function(e) {
return S[e];
@@ -1881,17 +1881,17 @@ function F4() {
}, I = function(e) {
var t = X(e);
return t.type === "mathord" || t.type === "textord" || t.type === "atom";
- }, ne = function(e) {
+ }, ae = function(e) {
if (!e)
throw new Error("Expected non-null, but got " + String(e));
return e;
}, re = function(e) {
var t = /^\s*([^\\/#]*?)(?::|*58|*3a)/i.exec(e);
return t != null ? t[1] : "_relative";
- }, V = {
+ }, W = {
contains: g,
deflt: p,
- escape: O,
+ escape: P,
hyphenate: w,
getBaseElem: X,
isCharacterBox: I,
@@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ function F4() {
return !m || m === "ignore" ? !1 : m === !0 || m === "error" ? !0 : m === "warn" ? (typeof console < "u" && console.warn("LaTeX-incompatible input and strict mode is set to 'warn': " + (l + " [" + n + "]")), !1) : (typeof console < "u" && console.warn("LaTeX-incompatible input and strict mode is set to " + ("unrecognized '" + m + "': " + l + " [" + n + "]")), !1);
}, e.isTrusted = function(n) {
- n.url && !n.protocol && (n.protocol = V.protocolFromUrl(n.url));
+ n.url && !n.protocol && (n.protocol = W.protocolFromUrl(n.url));
var l = typeof this.trust == "function" ? this.trust(n) : this.trust;
return !!l;
}, f;
@@ -2049,26 +2049,26 @@ function F4() {
var e = f.prototype;
return e.sup = function() {
- return Ne[rt[this.id]];
+ return Ne[Ke[this.id]];
}, e.sub = function() {
- return Ne[vt[this.id]];
+ return Ne[dt[this.id]];
}, e.fracNum = function() {
- return Ne[At[this.id]];
+ return Ne[zt[this.id]];
}, e.fracDen = function() {
return Ne[Oe[this.id]];
}, e.cramp = function() {
return Ne[Ae[this.id]];
}, e.text = function() {
- return Ne[J[this.id]];
+ return Ne[lt[this.id]];
}, e.isTight = function() {
return this.size >= 2;
}, f;
- }(), H = 0, W = 1, Z = 2, G = 3, ce = 4, ve = 5, Ee = 6, xe = 7, Ne = [new B(H, 0, !1), new B(W, 0, !0), new B(Z, 1, !1), new B(G, 1, !0), new B(ce, 2, !1), new B(ve, 2, !0), new B(Ee, 3, !1), new B(xe, 3, !0)], rt = [ce, ve, ce, ve, Ee, xe, Ee, xe], vt = [ve, ve, ve, ve, xe, xe, xe, xe], At = [Z, G, ce, ve, Ee, xe, Ee, xe], Oe = [G, G, ve, ve, xe, xe, xe, xe], Ae = [W, W, G, G, ve, ve, xe, xe], J = [H, W, Z, G, Z, G, Z, G], Q = {
+ }(), H = 0, G = 1, Z = 2, V = 3, ce = 4, ge = 5, Te = 6, xe = 7, Ne = [new B(H, 0, !1), new B(G, 0, !0), new B(Z, 1, !1), new B(V, 1, !0), new B(ce, 2, !1), new B(ge, 2, !0), new B(Te, 3, !1), new B(xe, 3, !0)], Ke = [ce, ge, ce, ge, Te, xe, Te, xe], dt = [ge, ge, ge, ge, xe, xe, xe, xe], zt = [Z, V, ce, ge, Te, xe, Te, xe], Oe = [V, V, ge, ge, xe, xe, xe, xe], Ae = [G, G, V, V, ge, ge, xe, xe], lt = [H, G, Z, V, Z, V, Z, V], ne = {
TEXT: Ne[Z],
SCRIPT: Ne[ce],
- }, Qe = [{
+ }, K = [{
// Latin characters beyond the Latin-1 characters we have metrics for.
// Needed for Czech, Hungarian and Turkish text, for example.
name: "latin",
@@ -2127,28 +2127,28 @@ function F4() {
name: "hangul",
blocks: [[44032, 55215]]
- function ae(f) {
- for (var e = 0; e < Qe.length; e++)
- for (var t = Qe[e], n = 0; n < t.blocks.length; n++) {
+ function $(f) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < K.length; e++)
+ for (var t = K[e], n = 0; n < t.blocks.length; n++) {
var l = t.blocks[n];
if (f >= l[0] && f <= l[1])
return t.name;
return null;
- var Je = [];
- Qe.forEach(function(f) {
+ var Qe = [];
+ K.forEach(function(f) {
return f.blocks.forEach(function(e) {
- return Je.push.apply(Je, e);
+ return Qe.push.apply(Qe, e);
- function te(f) {
- for (var e = 0; e < Je.length; e += 2)
- if (f >= Je[e] && f <= Je[e + 1])
+ function xt(f) {
+ for (var e = 0; e < Qe.length; e += 2)
+ if (f >= Qe[e] && f <= Qe[e + 1])
return !0;
return !1;
- var Ge = 80, $e = function(e, t) {
+ var pt = 80, ee = function(e, t) {
return "M95," + (622 + e + t) + `
@@ -2161,7 +2161,7 @@ H400000v` + (40 + e) + `H845.2724
M` + (834 + e) + " " + t + "h400000v" + (40 + e) + "h-400000z";
- }, Bt = function(e, t) {
+ }, rt = function(e, t) {
return "M263," + (601 + e + t) + `c0.7,0,18,39.7,52,119
@@ -2173,7 +2173,7 @@ c-22.3,46.7,-33.8,70.3,-34.5,71c-4.7,4.7,-12.3,7,-23,7s-12,-1,-12,-1
M` + (1001 + e) + " " + t + "h400000v" + (40 + e) + "h-400000z";
- }, G0 = function(e, t) {
+ }, nt = function(e, t) {
return "M983 " + (10 + e + t) + `
l` + e / 3.13 + " -" + e + `
c4,-6.7,10,-10,18,-10 H400000v` + (40 + e) + `
@@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@ c26.7,-32.7,52,-63,76,-91s52,-60,52,-60s208,722,208,722
M` + (1001 + e) + " " + t + "h400000v" + (40 + e) + "h-400000z";
- }, Dt = function(e, t) {
+ }, gt = function(e, t) {
return "M424," + (2398 + e + t) + `
@@ -2196,7 +2196,7 @@ s-87.3,378.7,-272.6,1166c-185.3,787.3,-279.3,1182.3,-282,1185
c-8,0,-12,-0.7,-12,-2z M` + (1001 + e) + " " + t + `
h400000v` + (40 + e) + "h-400000z";
- }, _t = function(e, t) {
+ }, St = function(e, t) {
return "M473," + (2713 + e + t) + `
c339.3,-1799.3,509.3,-2700,510,-2702 l` + e / 5.298 + " -" + e + `
c3.3,-7.3,9.3,-11,18,-11 H400000v` + (40 + e) + `H1017.7
@@ -2208,34 +2208,34 @@ s76,-153,76,-153s77,-151,77,-151c0.7,0.7,35.7,202,105,604c67.3,400.7,102,602.7,1
}, V0 = function(e) {
var t = e / 2;
return "M400000 " + e + " H0 L" + t + " 0 l65 45 L145 " + (e - 80) + " H400000z";
- }, u0 = function(e, t, n) {
+ }, h0 = function(e, t, n) {
var l = n - 54 - t - e;
return "M702 " + (e + t) + "H400000" + (40 + e) + `
H742v` + l + `l-4 4-4 4c-.667.7 -2 1.5-4 2.5s-4.167 1.833-6.5 2.5-5.5 1-9.5 1
h-12l-28-84c-16.667-52-96.667 -294.333-240-727l-212 -643 -85 170
c-4-3.333-8.333-7.667-13 -13l-13-13l77-155 77-156c66 199.333 139 419.667
219 661 l218 661zM702 ` + t + "H400000v" + (40 + e) + "H742z";
- }, b0 = function(e, t, n) {
+ }, y0 = function(e, t, n) {
t = 1e3 * t;
var l = "";
switch (e) {
case "sqrtMain":
- l = $e(t, Ge);
+ l = ee(t, pt);
case "sqrtSize1":
- l = Bt(t, Ge);
+ l = rt(t, pt);
case "sqrtSize2":
- l = G0(t, Ge);
+ l = nt(t, pt);
case "sqrtSize3":
- l = Dt(t, Ge);
+ l = gt(t, pt);
case "sqrtSize4":
- l = _t(t, Ge);
+ l = St(t, pt);
case "sqrtTall":
- l = u0(t, Ge, n);
+ l = h0(t, pt, n);
return l;
}, rr = function(e, t) {
@@ -2261,7 +2261,7 @@ c-4-3.333-8.333-7.667-13 -13l-13-13l77-155 77-156c66 199.333 139 419.667
return "";
- }, j0 = {
+ }, W0 = {
// The doubleleftarrow geometry is from glyph U+21D0 in the font KaTeX Main
doubleleftarrow: `M262 157
l10-10c34-36 62.7-77 86-123 3.3-8 5-13.3 5-16 0-5.3-6.7-8-20-8-7.3
@@ -2513,7 +2513,7 @@ c4.7,-4.7,7,-9.3,7,-14c0,-9.3,-3.7,-15.3,-11,-18c-92.7,-56.7,-159,-133.7,-199,
M500 241 v40 H399408 v-40z M500 435 v40 H400000 v-40z`
- }, Vr = function(e, t) {
+ }, Wr = function(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "lbrack":
return "M403 1759 V84 H666 V0 H319 V1759 v" + t + ` v1759 h347 v-84
@@ -2566,13 +2566,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new Error("Unknown stretchy delimiter.");
- }, y0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }, w0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t) {
this.children = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, this.children = t, this.classes = [], this.height = 0, this.depth = 0, this.maxFontSize = 0, this.style = {};
var e = f.prototype;
return e.hasClass = function(n) {
- return V.contains(this.classes, n);
+ return W.contains(this.classes, n);
}, e.toNode = function() {
for (var n = document.createDocumentFragment(), l = 0; l < this.children.length; l++)
@@ -2587,7 +2587,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return this.children.map(n).join("");
}, f;
- }(), Nt = {
+ }(), Rt = {
"AMS-Regular": {
32: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25],
65: [0, 0.68889, 0, 0, 0.72222],
@@ -4662,7 +4662,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
8242: [0, 0.61111, 0, 0, 0.525],
9251: [0.11111, 0.21944, 0, 0, 0.525]
- }, w0 = {
+ }, _0 = {
slant: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
// sigma1
space: [0, 0, 0],
@@ -4817,14 +4817,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
ю: "m",
я: "r"
- function _0(f, e) {
- Nt[f] = e;
+ function x0(f, e) {
+ Rt[f] = e;
- function Xt(f, e, t) {
- if (!Nt[e])
+ function Zt(f, e, t) {
+ if (!Rt[e])
throw new Error("Font metrics not found for font: " + e + ".");
- var n = f.charCodeAt(0), l = Nt[e][n];
- if (!l && f[0] in k0 && (n = k0[f[0]].charCodeAt(0), l = Nt[e][n]), !l && t === "text" && te(n) && (l = Nt[e][77]), l)
+ var n = f.charCodeAt(0), l = Rt[e][n];
+ if (!l && f[0] in k0 && (n = k0[f[0]].charCodeAt(0), l = Rt[e][n]), !l && t === "text" && xt(n) && (l = Rt[e][77]), l)
return {
depth: l[0],
height: l[1],
@@ -4838,14 +4838,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var e;
if (f >= 5 ? e = 0 : f >= 3 ? e = 1 : e = 2, !nr[e]) {
var t = nr[e] = {
- cssEmPerMu: w0.quad[e] / 18
+ cssEmPerMu: _0.quad[e] / 18
- for (var n in w0)
- w0.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = w0[n][e]);
+ for (var n in _0)
+ _0.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = _0[n][e]);
return nr[e];
- var Wr = [
+ var Yr = [
// Each element contains [textsize, scriptsize, scriptscriptsize].
// The size mappings are taken from TeX with \normalsize=10pt.
[1, 1, 1],
@@ -4885,8 +4885,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
], Ar = function(e, t) {
- return t.size < 2 ? e : Wr[e - 1][t.size - 1];
- }, W0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ return t.size < 2 ? e : Yr[e - 1][t.size - 1];
+ }, j0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t) {
this.style = void 0, this.color = void 0, this.size = void 0, this.textSize = void 0, this.phantom = void 0, this.font = void 0, this.fontFamily = void 0, this.fontWeight = void 0, this.fontShape = void 0, this.sizeMultiplier = void 0, this.maxSize = void 0, this.minRuleThickness = void 0, this._fontMetrics = void 0, this.style = t.style, this.color = t.color, this.size = t.size || f.BASESIZE, this.textSize = t.textSize || this.size, this.phantom = !!t.phantom, this.font = t.font || "", this.fontFamily = t.fontFamily || "", this.fontWeight = t.fontWeight || "", this.fontShape = t.fontShape || "", this.sizeMultiplier = ar[this.size - 1], this.maxSize = t.maxSize, this.minRuleThickness = t.minRuleThickness, this._fontMetrics = void 0;
@@ -4984,8 +4984,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return this.phantom ? "transparent" : this.color;
}, f;
- W0.BASESIZE = 6;
- var ir = W0, Tt = {
+ j0.BASESIZE = 6;
+ var ir = j0, Ct = {
// https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Lengths and
// https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/8263
pt: 1,
@@ -5013,16 +5013,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/41371
px: 803 / 800
// \pdfpxdimen defaults to 1 bp in pdfTeX and LuaTeX
- }, x0 = {
+ }, S0 = {
ex: !0,
em: !0,
mu: !0
}, lr = function(e) {
- return typeof e != "string" && (e = e.unit), e in Tt || e in x0 || e === "ex";
+ return typeof e != "string" && (e = e.unit), e in Ct || e in S0 || e === "ex";
}, Pe = function(e, t) {
var n;
- if (e.unit in Tt)
- n = Tt[e.unit] / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm / t.sizeMultiplier;
+ if (e.unit in Ct)
+ n = Ct[e.unit] / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm / t.sizeMultiplier;
else if (e.unit === "mu")
n = t.fontMetrics().cssEmPerMu;
else {
@@ -5036,21 +5036,21 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
l !== t && (n *= l.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier);
return Math.min(e.number * n, t.maxSize);
- }, ee = function(e) {
+ }, te = function(e) {
return +e.toFixed(4) + "em";
- }, ft = function(e) {
+ }, vt = function(e) {
return e.filter(function(t) {
return t;
}).join(" ");
- }, Yr = function(e, t, n) {
+ }, Xr = function(e, t, n) {
if (this.classes = e || [], this.attributes = {}, this.height = 0, this.depth = 0, this.maxFontSize = 0, this.style = n || {}, t) {
t.style.isTight() && this.classes.push("mtight");
var l = t.getColor();
l && (this.style.color = l);
- }, Xr = function(e) {
+ }, Zr = function(e) {
var t = document.createElement(e);
- t.className = ft(this.classes);
+ t.className = vt(this.classes);
for (var n in this.style)
this.style.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t.style[n] = this.style[n]);
for (var l in this.attributes)
@@ -5058,54 +5058,54 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
for (var c = 0; c < this.children.length; c++)
return t;
- }, nt = function(e) {
+ }, et = function(e) {
var t = "<" + e;
- this.classes.length && (t += ' class="' + V.escape(ft(this.classes)) + '"');
+ this.classes.length && (t += ' class="' + W.escape(vt(this.classes)) + '"');
var n = "";
for (var l in this.style)
- this.style.hasOwnProperty(l) && (n += V.hyphenate(l) + ":" + this.style[l] + ";");
- n && (t += ' style="' + V.escape(n) + '"');
+ this.style.hasOwnProperty(l) && (n += W.hyphenate(l) + ":" + this.style[l] + ";");
+ n && (t += ' style="' + W.escape(n) + '"');
for (var c in this.attributes)
- this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(c) && (t += " " + c + '="' + V.escape(this.attributes[c]) + '"');
+ this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(c) && (t += " " + c + '="' + W.escape(this.attributes[c]) + '"');
t += ">";
for (var m = 0; m < this.children.length; m++)
t += this.children[m].toMarkup();
return t += "" + e + ">", t;
- }, Rt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }, Ft = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n, l, c) {
- this.children = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.width = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, Yr.call(this, t, l, c), this.children = n || [];
+ this.children = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.width = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, Xr.call(this, t, l, c), this.children = n || [];
var e = f.prototype;
return e.setAttribute = function(n, l) {
this.attributes[n] = l;
}, e.hasClass = function(n) {
- return V.contains(this.classes, n);
+ return W.contains(this.classes, n);
}, e.toNode = function() {
- return Xr.call(this, "span");
+ return Zr.call(this, "span");
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
- return nt.call(this, "span");
+ return et.call(this, "span");
}, f;
}(), Tr = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n, l, c) {
- this.children = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, Yr.call(this, n, c), this.children = l || [], this.setAttribute("href", t);
+ this.children = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, Xr.call(this, n, c), this.children = l || [], this.setAttribute("href", t);
var e = f.prototype;
return e.setAttribute = function(n, l) {
this.attributes[n] = l;
}, e.hasClass = function(n) {
- return V.contains(this.classes, n);
+ return W.contains(this.classes, n);
}, e.toNode = function() {
- return Xr.call(this, "a");
+ return Zr.call(this, "a");
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
- return nt.call(this, "a");
+ return et.call(this, "a");
}, f;
- }(), Zr = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), Kr = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n, l) {
this.src = void 0, this.alt = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.style = void 0, this.alt = n, this.src = t, this.classes = ["mord"], this.style = l;
var e = f.prototype;
return e.hasClass = function(n) {
- return V.contains(this.classes, n);
+ return W.contains(this.classes, n);
}, e.toNode = function() {
var n = document.createElement("img");
n.src = this.src, n.alt = this.alt, n.className = "mord";
@@ -5115,8 +5115,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
var n = "", n;
+ this.style.hasOwnProperty(c) && (l += W.hyphenate(c) + ":" + this.style[c] + ";");
+ return l && (n += ' style="' + W.escape(l) + '"'), n += "'/>", n;
}, f;
}(), Mr = {
î: "ı̂",
@@ -5124,33 +5124,33 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
í: "ı́",
// 'ī': '\u0131\u0304', // enable when we add Extended Latin
ì: "ı̀"
- }, bt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
- function f(t, n, l, c, m, b, k, x) {
- this.text = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.italic = void 0, this.skew = void 0, this.width = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.style = void 0, this.text = t, this.height = n || 0, this.depth = l || 0, this.italic = c || 0, this.skew = m || 0, this.width = b || 0, this.classes = k || [], this.style = x || {}, this.maxFontSize = 0;
- var C = ae(this.text.charCodeAt(0));
+ }, yt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ function f(t, n, l, c, m, b, _, x) {
+ this.text = void 0, this.height = void 0, this.depth = void 0, this.italic = void 0, this.skew = void 0, this.width = void 0, this.maxFontSize = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.style = void 0, this.text = t, this.height = n || 0, this.depth = l || 0, this.italic = c || 0, this.skew = m || 0, this.width = b || 0, this.classes = _ || [], this.style = x || {}, this.maxFontSize = 0;
+ var C = $(this.text.charCodeAt(0));
C && this.classes.push(C + "_fallback"), /[îïíì]/.test(this.text) && (this.text = Mr[this.text]);
var e = f.prototype;
return e.hasClass = function(n) {
- return V.contains(this.classes, n);
+ return W.contains(this.classes, n);
}, e.toNode = function() {
var n = document.createTextNode(this.text), l = null;
- this.italic > 0 && (l = document.createElement("span"), l.style.marginRight = ee(this.italic)), this.classes.length > 0 && (l = l || document.createElement("span"), l.className = ft(this.classes));
+ this.italic > 0 && (l = document.createElement("span"), l.style.marginRight = te(this.italic)), this.classes.length > 0 && (l = l || document.createElement("span"), l.className = vt(this.classes));
for (var c in this.style)
this.style.hasOwnProperty(c) && (l = l || document.createElement("span"), l.style[c] = this.style[c]);
return l ? (l.appendChild(n), l) : n;
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
var n = !1, l = " 0 && (c += "margin-right:" + this.italic + "em;");
for (var m in this.style)
- this.style.hasOwnProperty(m) && (c += V.hyphenate(m) + ":" + this.style[m] + ";");
- c && (n = !0, l += ' style="' + V.escape(c) + '"');
- var b = V.escape(this.text);
+ this.style.hasOwnProperty(m) && (c += W.hyphenate(m) + ":" + this.style[m] + ";");
+ c && (n = !0, l += ' style="' + W.escape(c) + '"');
+ var b = W.escape(this.text);
return n ? (l += ">", l += b, l += "", l) : b;
}, f;
- }(), Ft = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), Lt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
this.children = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.children = t || [], this.attributes = n || {};
@@ -5171,18 +5171,18 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
n += this.children[c].toMarkup();
return n += "", n;
}, f;
- }(), Zt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), Kt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
this.pathName = void 0, this.alternate = void 0, this.pathName = t, this.alternate = n;
var e = f.prototype;
return e.toNode = function() {
var n = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", l = document.createElementNS(n, "path");
- return this.alternate ? l.setAttribute("d", this.alternate) : l.setAttribute("d", j0[this.pathName]), l;
+ return this.alternate ? l.setAttribute("d", this.alternate) : l.setAttribute("d", W0[this.pathName]), l;
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
- return this.alternate ? "" : "";
+ return this.alternate ? "" : "";
}, f;
- }(), S0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), A0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t) {
this.attributes = void 0, this.attributes = t || {};
@@ -5200,16 +5200,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, f;
function sr(f) {
- if (f instanceof bt)
+ if (f instanceof yt)
return f;
throw new Error("Expected symbolNode but got " + String(f) + ".");
- function Vn(f) {
- if (f instanceof Rt)
+ function Wn(f) {
+ if (f instanceof Ft)
return f;
throw new Error("Expected span but got " + String(f) + ".");
- var c0 = {
+ var f0 = {
bin: 1,
close: 1,
inner: 1,
@@ -5225,7 +5225,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, Y0 = {
math: {},
text: {}
- }, Ve = Y0;
+ }, Ge = Y0;
function h(f, e, t, n, l, c) {
Y0[f][l] = {
font: e,
@@ -5233,42 +5233,42 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
replace: n
}, c && n && (Y0[f][n] = Y0[f][l]);
- var d = "math", j = "text", y = "main", T = "ams", He = "accent-token", oe = "bin", ot = "close", fe = "inner", z = "mathord", Y = "op-token", le = "open", Re = "punct", A = "rel", je = "spacing", E = "textord";
- h(d, y, A, "≡", "\\equiv", !0), h(d, y, A, "≺", "\\prec", !0), h(d, y, A, "≻", "\\succ", !0), h(d, y, A, "∼", "\\sim", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊥", "\\perp"), h(d, y, A, "⪯", "\\preceq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⪰", "\\succeq", !0), h(d, y, A, "≃", "\\simeq", !0), h(d, y, A, "∣", "\\mid", !0), h(d, y, A, "≪", "\\ll", !0), h(d, y, A, "≫", "\\gg", !0), h(d, y, A, "≍", "\\asymp", !0), h(d, y, A, "∥", "\\parallel"), h(d, y, A, "⋈", "\\bowtie", !0), h(d, y, A, "⌣", "\\smile", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊑", "\\sqsubseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊒", "\\sqsupseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "≐", "\\doteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⌢", "\\frown", !0), h(d, y, A, "∋", "\\ni", !0), h(d, y, A, "∝", "\\propto", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊢", "\\vdash", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊣", "\\dashv", !0), h(d, y, A, "∋", "\\owns"), h(d, y, Re, ".", "\\ldotp"), h(d, y, Re, "⋅", "\\cdotp"), h(d, y, E, "#", "\\#"), h(j, y, E, "#", "\\#"), h(d, y, E, "&", "\\&"), h(j, y, E, "&", "\\&"), h(d, y, E, "ℵ", "\\aleph", !0), h(d, y, E, "∀", "\\forall", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℏ", "\\hbar", !0), h(d, y, E, "∃", "\\exists", !0), h(d, y, E, "∇", "\\nabla", !0), h(d, y, E, "♭", "\\flat", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℓ", "\\ell", !0), h(d, y, E, "♮", "\\natural", !0), h(d, y, E, "♣", "\\clubsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "℘", "\\wp", !0), h(d, y, E, "♯", "\\sharp", !0), h(d, y, E, "♢", "\\diamondsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℜ", "\\Re", !0), h(d, y, E, "♡", "\\heartsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℑ", "\\Im", !0), h(d, y, E, "♠", "\\spadesuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "§", "\\S", !0), h(j, y, E, "§", "\\S"), h(d, y, E, "¶", "\\P", !0), h(j, y, E, "¶", "\\P"), h(d, y, E, "†", "\\dag"), h(j, y, E, "†", "\\dag"), h(j, y, E, "†", "\\textdagger"), h(d, y, E, "‡", "\\ddag"), h(j, y, E, "‡", "\\ddag"), h(j, y, E, "‡", "\\textdaggerdbl"), h(d, y, ot, "⎱", "\\rmoustache", !0), h(d, y, le, "⎰", "\\lmoustache", !0), h(d, y, ot, "⟯", "\\rgroup", !0), h(d, y, le, "⟮", "\\lgroup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∓", "\\mp", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊖", "\\ominus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊎", "\\uplus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊓", "\\sqcap", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∗", "\\ast"), h(d, y, oe, "⊔", "\\sqcup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "◯", "\\bigcirc", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∙", "\\bullet", !0), h(d, y, oe, "‡", "\\ddagger"), h(d, y, oe, "≀", "\\wr", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⨿", "\\amalg"), h(d, y, oe, "&", "\\And"), h(d, y, A, "⟵", "\\longleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇐", "\\Leftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟸", "\\Longleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟶", "\\longrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇒", "\\Rightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟹", "\\Longrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↔", "\\leftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟷", "\\longleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇔", "\\Leftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟺", "\\Longleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↦", "\\mapsto", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟼", "\\longmapsto", !0), h(d, y, A, "↗", "\\nearrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↩", "\\hookleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↪", "\\hookrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↘", "\\searrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↼", "\\leftharpoonup", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇀", "\\rightharpoonup", !0), h(d, y, A, "↙", "\\swarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↽", "\\leftharpoondown", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇁", "\\rightharpoondown", !0), h(d, y, A, "↖", "\\nwarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇌", "\\rightleftharpoons", !0), h(d, T, A, "≮", "\\nless", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nleqslant"), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nleqq"), h(d, T, A, "⪇", "\\lneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≨", "\\lneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@lvertneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⋦", "\\lnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪉", "\\lnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊀", "\\nprec", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋠", "\\npreceq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋨", "\\precnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪹", "\\precnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≁", "\\nsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nshortmid"), h(d, T, A, "∤", "\\nmid", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊬", "\\nvdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊭", "\\nvDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋪", "\\ntriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "⋬", "\\ntrianglelefteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊊", "\\subsetneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsubsetneq"), h(d, T, A, "⫋", "\\subsetneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsubsetneqq"), h(d, T, A, "≯", "\\ngtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@ngeqslant"), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@ngeqq"), h(d, T, A, "⪈", "\\gneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≩", "\\gneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@gvertneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⋧", "\\gnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪊", "\\gnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊁", "\\nsucc", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋡", "\\nsucceq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋩", "\\succnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪺", "\\succnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≆", "\\ncong", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nshortparallel"), h(d, T, A, "∦", "\\nparallel", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊯", "\\nVDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋫", "\\ntriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "⋭", "\\ntrianglerighteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nsupseteqq"), h(d, T, A, "⊋", "\\supsetneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsupsetneq"), h(d, T, A, "⫌", "\\supsetneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsupsetneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⊮", "\\nVdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪵", "\\precneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪶", "\\succneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nsubseteqq"), h(d, T, oe, "⊴", "\\unlhd"), h(d, T, oe, "⊵", "\\unrhd"), h(d, T, A, "↚", "\\nleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↛", "\\nrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇍", "\\nLeftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇏", "\\nRightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↮", "\\nleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇎", "\\nLeftrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "△", "\\vartriangle"), h(d, T, E, "ℏ", "\\hslash"), h(d, T, E, "▽", "\\triangledown"), h(d, T, E, "◊", "\\lozenge"), h(d, T, E, "Ⓢ", "\\circledS"), h(d, T, E, "®", "\\circledR"), h(j, T, E, "®", "\\circledR"), h(d, T, E, "∡", "\\measuredangle", !0), h(d, T, E, "∄", "\\nexists"), h(d, T, E, "℧", "\\mho"), h(d, T, E, "Ⅎ", "\\Finv", !0), h(d, T, E, "⅁", "\\Game", !0), h(d, T, E, "‵", "\\backprime"), h(d, T, E, "▲", "\\blacktriangle"), h(d, T, E, "▼", "\\blacktriangledown"), h(d, T, E, "■", "\\blacksquare"), h(d, T, E, "⧫", "\\blacklozenge"), h(d, T, E, "★", "\\bigstar"), h(d, T, E, "∢", "\\sphericalangle", !0), h(d, T, E, "∁", "\\complement", !0), h(d, T, E, "ð", "\\eth", !0), h(j, y, E, "ð", "ð"), h(d, T, E, "╱", "\\diagup"), h(d, T, E, "╲", "\\diagdown"), h(d, T, E, "□", "\\square"), h(d, T, E, "□", "\\Box"), h(d, T, E, "◊", "\\Diamond"), h(d, T, E, "¥", "\\yen", !0), h(j, T, E, "¥", "\\yen", !0), h(d, T, E, "✓", "\\checkmark", !0), h(j, T, E, "✓", "\\checkmark"), h(d, T, E, "ℶ", "\\beth", !0), h(d, T, E, "ℸ", "\\daleth", !0), h(d, T, E, "ℷ", "\\gimel", !0), h(d, T, E, "ϝ", "\\digamma", !0), h(d, T, E, "ϰ", "\\varkappa"), h(d, T, le, "┌", "\\@ulcorner", !0), h(d, T, ot, "┐", "\\@urcorner", !0), h(d, T, le, "└", "\\@llcorner", !0), h(d, T, ot, "┘", "\\@lrcorner", !0), h(d, T, A, "≦", "\\leqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⩽", "\\leqslant", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪕", "\\eqslantless", !0), h(d, T, A, "≲", "\\lesssim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪅", "\\lessapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≊", "\\approxeq", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋖", "\\lessdot"), h(d, T, A, "⋘", "\\lll", !0), h(d, T, A, "≶", "\\lessgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋚", "\\lesseqgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪋", "\\lesseqqgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "≑", "\\doteqdot"), h(d, T, A, "≓", "\\risingdotseq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≒", "\\fallingdotseq", !0), h(d, T, A, "∽", "\\backsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋍", "\\backsimeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⫅", "\\subseteqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋐", "\\Subset", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊏", "\\sqsubset", !0), h(d, T, A, "≼", "\\preccurlyeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋞", "\\curlyeqprec", !0), h(d, T, A, "≾", "\\precsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪷", "\\precapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊲", "\\vartriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "⊴", "\\trianglelefteq"), h(d, T, A, "⊨", "\\vDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊪", "\\Vvdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⌣", "\\smallsmile"), h(d, T, A, "⌢", "\\smallfrown"), h(d, T, A, "≏", "\\bumpeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≎", "\\Bumpeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≧", "\\geqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⩾", "\\geqslant", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪖", "\\eqslantgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "≳", "\\gtrsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪆", "\\gtrapprox", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋗", "\\gtrdot"), h(d, T, A, "⋙", "\\ggg", !0), h(d, T, A, "≷", "\\gtrless", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋛", "\\gtreqless", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪌", "\\gtreqqless", !0), h(d, T, A, "≖", "\\eqcirc", !0), h(d, T, A, "≗", "\\circeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≜", "\\triangleq", !0), h(d, T, A, "∼", "\\thicksim"), h(d, T, A, "≈", "\\thickapprox"), h(d, T, A, "⫆", "\\supseteqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋑", "\\Supset", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊐", "\\sqsupset", !0), h(d, T, A, "≽", "\\succcurlyeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋟", "\\curlyeqsucc", !0), h(d, T, A, "≿", "\\succsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪸", "\\succapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊳", "\\vartriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "⊵", "\\trianglerighteq"), h(d, T, A, "⊩", "\\Vdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "∣", "\\shortmid"), h(d, T, A, "∥", "\\shortparallel"), h(d, T, A, "≬", "\\between", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋔", "\\pitchfork", !0), h(d, T, A, "∝", "\\varpropto"), h(d, T, A, "◀", "\\blacktriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "∴", "\\therefore", !0), h(d, T, A, "∍", "\\backepsilon"), h(d, T, A, "▶", "\\blacktriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "∵", "\\because", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋘", "\\llless"), h(d, T, A, "⋙", "\\gggtr"), h(d, T, oe, "⊲", "\\lhd"), h(d, T, oe, "⊳", "\\rhd"), h(d, T, A, "≂", "\\eqsim", !0), h(d, y, A, "⋈", "\\Join"), h(d, T, A, "≑", "\\Doteq", !0), h(d, T, oe, "∔", "\\dotplus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "∖", "\\smallsetminus"), h(d, T, oe, "⋒", "\\Cap", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋓", "\\Cup", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⩞", "\\doublebarwedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊟", "\\boxminus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊞", "\\boxplus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋇", "\\divideontimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋉", "\\ltimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋊", "\\rtimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋋", "\\leftthreetimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋌", "\\rightthreetimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋏", "\\curlywedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋎", "\\curlyvee", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊝", "\\circleddash", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊛", "\\circledast", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋅", "\\centerdot"), h(d, T, oe, "⊺", "\\intercal", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋒", "\\doublecap"), h(d, T, oe, "⋓", "\\doublecup"), h(d, T, oe, "⊠", "\\boxtimes", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇢", "\\dashrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇠", "\\dashleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇇", "\\leftleftarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇆", "\\leftrightarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇚", "\\Lleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↞", "\\twoheadleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↢", "\\leftarrowtail", !0), h(d, T, A, "↫", "\\looparrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇋", "\\leftrightharpoons", !0), h(d, T, A, "↶", "\\curvearrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "↺", "\\circlearrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "↰", "\\Lsh", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇈", "\\upuparrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↿", "\\upharpoonleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇃", "\\downharpoonleft", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊶", "\\origof", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊷", "\\imageof", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊸", "\\multimap", !0), h(d, T, A, "↭", "\\leftrightsquigarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇉", "\\rightrightarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇄", "\\rightleftarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↠", "\\twoheadrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↣", "\\rightarrowtail", !0), h(d, T, A, "↬", "\\looparrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↷", "\\curvearrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↻", "\\circlearrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↱", "\\Rsh", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇊", "\\downdownarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↾", "\\upharpoonright", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇂", "\\downharpoonright", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇝", "\\rightsquigarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇝", "\\leadsto"), h(d, T, A, "⇛", "\\Rrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↾", "\\restriction"), h(d, y, E, "‘", "`"), h(d, y, E, "$", "\\$"), h(j, y, E, "$", "\\$"), h(j, y, E, "$", "\\textdollar"), h(d, y, E, "%", "\\%"), h(j, y, E, "%", "\\%"), h(d, y, E, "_", "\\_"), h(j, y, E, "_", "\\_"), h(j, y, E, "_", "\\textunderscore"), h(d, y, E, "∠", "\\angle", !0), h(d, y, E, "∞", "\\infty", !0), h(d, y, E, "′", "\\prime"), h(d, y, E, "△", "\\triangle"), h(d, y, E, "Γ", "\\Gamma", !0), h(d, y, E, "Δ", "\\Delta", !0), h(d, y, E, "Θ", "\\Theta", !0), h(d, y, E, "Λ", "\\Lambda", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ξ", "\\Xi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Π", "\\Pi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Σ", "\\Sigma", !0), h(d, y, E, "Υ", "\\Upsilon", !0), h(d, y, E, "Φ", "\\Phi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ψ", "\\Psi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ω", "\\Omega", !0), h(d, y, E, "A", "Α"), h(d, y, E, "B", "Β"), h(d, y, E, "E", "Ε"), h(d, y, E, "Z", "Ζ"), h(d, y, E, "H", "Η"), h(d, y, E, "I", "Ι"), h(d, y, E, "K", "Κ"), h(d, y, E, "M", "Μ"), h(d, y, E, "N", "Ν"), h(d, y, E, "O", "Ο"), h(d, y, E, "P", "Ρ"), h(d, y, E, "T", "Τ"), h(d, y, E, "X", "Χ"), h(d, y, E, "¬", "\\neg", !0), h(d, y, E, "¬", "\\lnot"), h(d, y, E, "⊤", "\\top"), h(d, y, E, "⊥", "\\bot"), h(d, y, E, "∅", "\\emptyset"), h(d, T, E, "∅", "\\varnothing"), h(d, y, z, "α", "\\alpha", !0), h(d, y, z, "β", "\\beta", !0), h(d, y, z, "γ", "\\gamma", !0), h(d, y, z, "δ", "\\delta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϵ", "\\epsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ζ", "\\zeta", !0), h(d, y, z, "η", "\\eta", !0), h(d, y, z, "θ", "\\theta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ι", "\\iota", !0), h(d, y, z, "κ", "\\kappa", !0), h(d, y, z, "λ", "\\lambda", !0), h(d, y, z, "μ", "\\mu", !0), h(d, y, z, "ν", "\\nu", !0), h(d, y, z, "ξ", "\\xi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ο", "\\omicron", !0), h(d, y, z, "π", "\\pi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ρ", "\\rho", !0), h(d, y, z, "σ", "\\sigma", !0), h(d, y, z, "τ", "\\tau", !0), h(d, y, z, "υ", "\\upsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϕ", "\\phi", !0), h(d, y, z, "χ", "\\chi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ψ", "\\psi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ω", "\\omega", !0), h(d, y, z, "ε", "\\varepsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϑ", "\\vartheta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϖ", "\\varpi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϱ", "\\varrho", !0), h(d, y, z, "ς", "\\varsigma", !0), h(d, y, z, "φ", "\\varphi", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∗", "*", !0), h(d, y, oe, "+", "+"), h(d, y, oe, "−", "-", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⋅", "\\cdot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∘", "\\circ", !0), h(d, y, oe, "÷", "\\div", !0), h(d, y, oe, "±", "\\pm", !0), h(d, y, oe, "×", "\\times", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∩", "\\cap", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∪", "\\cup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∖", "\\setminus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∧", "\\land"), h(d, y, oe, "∨", "\\lor"), h(d, y, oe, "∧", "\\wedge", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∨", "\\vee", !0), h(d, y, E, "√", "\\surd"), h(d, y, le, "⟨", "\\langle", !0), h(d, y, le, "∣", "\\lvert"), h(d, y, le, "∥", "\\lVert"), h(d, y, ot, "?", "?"), h(d, y, ot, "!", "!"), h(d, y, ot, "⟩", "\\rangle", !0), h(d, y, ot, "∣", "\\rvert"), h(d, y, ot, "∥", "\\rVert"), h(d, y, A, "=", "="), h(d, y, A, ":", ":"), h(d, y, A, "≈", "\\approx", !0), h(d, y, A, "≅", "\\cong", !0), h(d, y, A, "≥", "\\ge"), h(d, y, A, "≥", "\\geq", !0), h(d, y, A, "←", "\\gets"), h(d, y, A, ">", "\\gt", !0), h(d, y, A, "∈", "\\in", !0), h(d, y, A, "", "\\@not"), h(d, y, A, "⊂", "\\subset", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊃", "\\supset", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊆", "\\subseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊇", "\\supseteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊈", "\\nsubseteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊉", "\\nsupseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊨", "\\models"), h(d, y, A, "←", "\\leftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "≤", "\\le"), h(d, y, A, "≤", "\\leq", !0), h(d, y, A, "<", "\\lt", !0), h(d, y, A, "→", "\\rightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "→", "\\to"), h(d, T, A, "≱", "\\ngeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≰", "\\nleq", !0), h(d, y, je, " ", "\\ "), h(d, y, je, " ", "\\space"), h(d, y, je, " ", "\\nobreakspace"), h(j, y, je, " ", "\\ "), h(j, y, je, " ", " "), h(j, y, je, " ", "\\space"), h(j, y, je, " ", "\\nobreakspace"), h(d, y, je, null, "\\nobreak"), h(d, y, je, null, "\\allowbreak"), h(d, y, Re, ",", ","), h(d, y, Re, ";", ";"), h(d, T, oe, "⊼", "\\barwedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊻", "\\veebar", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊙", "\\odot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊕", "\\oplus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊗", "\\otimes", !0), h(d, y, E, "∂", "\\partial", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊘", "\\oslash", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊚", "\\circledcirc", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊡", "\\boxdot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "△", "\\bigtriangleup"), h(d, y, oe, "▽", "\\bigtriangledown"), h(d, y, oe, "†", "\\dagger"), h(d, y, oe, "⋄", "\\diamond"), h(d, y, oe, "⋆", "\\star"), h(d, y, oe, "◃", "\\triangleleft"), h(d, y, oe, "▹", "\\triangleright"), h(d, y, le, "{", "\\{"), h(j, y, E, "{", "\\{"), h(j, y, E, "{", "\\textbraceleft"), h(d, y, ot, "}", "\\}"), h(j, y, E, "}", "\\}"), h(j, y, E, "}", "\\textbraceright"), h(d, y, le, "{", "\\lbrace"), h(d, y, ot, "}", "\\rbrace"), h(d, y, le, "[", "\\lbrack", !0), h(j, y, E, "[", "\\lbrack", !0), h(d, y, ot, "]", "\\rbrack", !0), h(j, y, E, "]", "\\rbrack", !0), h(d, y, le, "(", "\\lparen", !0), h(d, y, ot, ")", "\\rparen", !0), h(j, y, E, "<", "\\textless", !0), h(j, y, E, ">", "\\textgreater", !0), h(d, y, le, "⌊", "\\lfloor", !0), h(d, y, ot, "⌋", "\\rfloor", !0), h(d, y, le, "⌈", "\\lceil", !0), h(d, y, ot, "⌉", "\\rceil", !0), h(d, y, E, "\\", "\\backslash"), h(d, y, E, "∣", "|"), h(d, y, E, "∣", "\\vert"), h(j, y, E, "|", "\\textbar", !0), h(d, y, E, "∥", "\\|"), h(d, y, E, "∥", "\\Vert"), h(j, y, E, "∥", "\\textbardbl"), h(j, y, E, "~", "\\textasciitilde"), h(j, y, E, "\\", "\\textbackslash"), h(j, y, E, "^", "\\textasciicircum"), h(d, y, A, "↑", "\\uparrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇑", "\\Uparrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↓", "\\downarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇓", "\\Downarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↕", "\\updownarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇕", "\\Updownarrow", !0), h(d, y, Y, "∐", "\\coprod"), h(d, y, Y, "⋁", "\\bigvee"), h(d, y, Y, "⋀", "\\bigwedge"), h(d, y, Y, "⨄", "\\biguplus"), h(d, y, Y, "⋂", "\\bigcap"), h(d, y, Y, "⋃", "\\bigcup"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\int"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\intop"), h(d, y, Y, "∬", "\\iint"), h(d, y, Y, "∭", "\\iiint"), h(d, y, Y, "∏", "\\prod"), h(d, y, Y, "∑", "\\sum"), h(d, y, Y, "⨂", "\\bigotimes"), h(d, y, Y, "⨁", "\\bigoplus"), h(d, y, Y, "⨀", "\\bigodot"), h(d, y, Y, "∮", "\\oint"), h(d, y, Y, "∯", "\\oiint"), h(d, y, Y, "∰", "\\oiiint"), h(d, y, Y, "⨆", "\\bigsqcup"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\smallint"), h(j, y, fe, "…", "\\textellipsis"), h(d, y, fe, "…", "\\mathellipsis"), h(j, y, fe, "…", "\\ldots", !0), h(d, y, fe, "…", "\\ldots", !0), h(d, y, fe, "⋯", "\\@cdots", !0), h(d, y, fe, "⋱", "\\ddots", !0), h(d, y, E, "⋮", "\\varvdots"), h(d, y, He, "ˊ", "\\acute"), h(d, y, He, "ˋ", "\\grave"), h(d, y, He, "¨", "\\ddot"), h(d, y, He, "~", "\\tilde"), h(d, y, He, "ˉ", "\\bar"), h(d, y, He, "˘", "\\breve"), h(d, y, He, "ˇ", "\\check"), h(d, y, He, "^", "\\hat"), h(d, y, He, "⃗", "\\vec"), h(d, y, He, "˙", "\\dot"), h(d, y, He, "˚", "\\mathring"), h(d, y, z, "", "\\@imath"), h(d, y, z, "", "\\@jmath"), h(d, y, E, "ı", "ı"), h(d, y, E, "ȷ", "ȷ"), h(j, y, E, "ı", "\\i", !0), h(j, y, E, "ȷ", "\\j", !0), h(j, y, E, "ß", "\\ss", !0), h(j, y, E, "æ", "\\ae", !0), h(j, y, E, "œ", "\\oe", !0), h(j, y, E, "ø", "\\o", !0), h(j, y, E, "Æ", "\\AE", !0), h(j, y, E, "Œ", "\\OE", !0), h(j, y, E, "Ø", "\\O", !0), h(j, y, He, "ˊ", "\\'"), h(j, y, He, "ˋ", "\\`"), h(j, y, He, "ˆ", "\\^"), h(j, y, He, "˜", "\\~"), h(j, y, He, "ˉ", "\\="), h(j, y, He, "˘", "\\u"), h(j, y, He, "˙", "\\."), h(j, y, He, "¸", "\\c"), h(j, y, He, "˚", "\\r"), h(j, y, He, "ˇ", "\\v"), h(j, y, He, "¨", '\\"'), h(j, y, He, "˝", "\\H"), h(j, y, He, "◯", "\\textcircled");
- var Kt = {
+ var d = "math", j = "text", y = "main", T = "ams", He = "accent-token", oe = "bin", ct = "close", me = "inner", z = "mathord", Y = "op-token", le = "open", Re = "punct", A = "rel", Ve = "spacing", E = "textord";
+ h(d, y, A, "≡", "\\equiv", !0), h(d, y, A, "≺", "\\prec", !0), h(d, y, A, "��", "\\succ", !0), h(d, y, A, "∼", "\\sim", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊥", "\\perp"), h(d, y, A, "⪯", "\\preceq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⪰", "\\succeq", !0), h(d, y, A, "≃", "\\simeq", !0), h(d, y, A, "∣", "\\mid", !0), h(d, y, A, "≪", "\\ll", !0), h(d, y, A, "≫", "\\gg", !0), h(d, y, A, "≍", "\\asymp", !0), h(d, y, A, "∥", "\\parallel"), h(d, y, A, "⋈", "\\bowtie", !0), h(d, y, A, "⌣", "\\smile", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊑", "\\sqsubseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊒", "\\sqsupseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "≐", "\\doteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⌢", "\\frown", !0), h(d, y, A, "∋", "\\ni", !0), h(d, y, A, "∝", "\\propto", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊢", "\\vdash", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊣", "\\dashv", !0), h(d, y, A, "∋", "\\owns"), h(d, y, Re, ".", "\\ldotp"), h(d, y, Re, "⋅", "\\cdotp"), h(d, y, E, "#", "\\#"), h(j, y, E, "#", "\\#"), h(d, y, E, "&", "\\&"), h(j, y, E, "&", "\\&"), h(d, y, E, "ℵ", "\\aleph", !0), h(d, y, E, "∀", "\\forall", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℏ", "\\hbar", !0), h(d, y, E, "∃", "\\exists", !0), h(d, y, E, "∇", "\\nabla", !0), h(d, y, E, "♭", "\\flat", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℓ", "\\ell", !0), h(d, y, E, "♮", "\\natural", !0), h(d, y, E, "♣", "\\clubsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "℘", "\\wp", !0), h(d, y, E, "♯", "\\sharp", !0), h(d, y, E, "♢", "\\diamondsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℜ", "\\Re", !0), h(d, y, E, "♡", "\\heartsuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "ℑ", "\\Im", !0), h(d, y, E, "♠", "\\spadesuit", !0), h(d, y, E, "§", "\\S", !0), h(j, y, E, "§", "\\S"), h(d, y, E, "¶", "\\P", !0), h(j, y, E, "¶", "\\P"), h(d, y, E, "†", "\\dag"), h(j, y, E, "†", "\\dag"), h(j, y, E, "†", "\\textdagger"), h(d, y, E, "‡", "\\ddag"), h(j, y, E, "‡", "\\ddag"), h(j, y, E, "‡", "\\textdaggerdbl"), h(d, y, ct, "⎱", "\\rmoustache", !0), h(d, y, le, "⎰", "\\lmoustache", !0), h(d, y, ct, "⟯", "\\rgroup", !0), h(d, y, le, "⟮", "\\lgroup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∓", "\\mp", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊖", "\\ominus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊎", "\\uplus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊓", "\\sqcap", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∗", "\\ast"), h(d, y, oe, "⊔", "\\sqcup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "◯", "\\bigcirc", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∙", "\\bullet", !0), h(d, y, oe, "‡", "\\ddagger"), h(d, y, oe, "≀", "\\wr", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⨿", "\\amalg"), h(d, y, oe, "&", "\\And"), h(d, y, A, "⟵", "\\longleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇐", "\\Leftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟸", "\\Longleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟶", "\\longrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇒", "\\Rightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟹", "\\Longrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↔", "\\leftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟷", "\\longleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇔", "\\Leftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟺", "\\Longleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↦", "\\mapsto", !0), h(d, y, A, "⟼", "\\longmapsto", !0), h(d, y, A, "↗", "\\nearrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↩", "\\hookleftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↪", "\\hookrightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↘", "\\searrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↼", "\\leftharpoonup", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇀", "\\rightharpoonup", !0), h(d, y, A, "↙", "\\swarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↽", "\\leftharpoondown", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇁", "\\rightharpoondown", !0), h(d, y, A, "↖", "\\nwarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇌", "\\rightleftharpoons", !0), h(d, T, A, "≮", "\\nless", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nleqslant"), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nleqq"), h(d, T, A, "⪇", "\\lneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≨", "\\lneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@lvertneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⋦", "\\lnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪉", "\\lnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊀", "\\nprec", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋠", "\\npreceq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋨", "\\precnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪹", "\\precnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≁", "\\nsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nshortmid"), h(d, T, A, "∤", "\\nmid", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊬", "\\nvdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊭", "\\nvDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋪", "\\ntriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "⋬", "\\ntrianglelefteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊊", "\\subsetneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsubsetneq"), h(d, T, A, "⫋", "\\subsetneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsubsetneqq"), h(d, T, A, "≯", "\\ngtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@ngeqslant"), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@ngeqq"), h(d, T, A, "⪈", "\\gneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≩", "\\gneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@gvertneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⋧", "\\gnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪊", "\\gnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊁", "\\nsucc", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋡", "\\nsucceq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋩", "\\succnsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪺", "\\succnapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≆", "\\ncong", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nshortparallel"), h(d, T, A, "∦", "\\nparallel", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊯", "\\nVDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋫", "\\ntriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "⋭", "\\ntrianglerighteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nsupseteqq"), h(d, T, A, "⊋", "\\supsetneq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsupsetneq"), h(d, T, A, "⫌", "\\supsetneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@varsupsetneqq"), h(d, T, A, "⊮", "\\nVdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪵", "\\precneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪶", "\\succneqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "", "\\@nsubseteqq"), h(d, T, oe, "⊴", "\\unlhd"), h(d, T, oe, "⊵", "\\unrhd"), h(d, T, A, "↚", "\\nleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↛", "\\nrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇍", "\\nLeftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇏", "\\nRightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↮", "\\nleftrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇎", "\\nLeftrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "△", "\\vartriangle"), h(d, T, E, "ℏ", "\\hslash"), h(d, T, E, "▽", "\\triangledown"), h(d, T, E, "◊", "\\lozenge"), h(d, T, E, "Ⓢ", "\\circledS"), h(d, T, E, "®", "\\circledR"), h(j, T, E, "®", "\\circledR"), h(d, T, E, "∡", "\\measuredangle", !0), h(d, T, E, "∄", "\\nexists"), h(d, T, E, "℧", "\\mho"), h(d, T, E, "Ⅎ", "\\Finv", !0), h(d, T, E, "⅁", "\\Game", !0), h(d, T, E, "‵", "\\backprime"), h(d, T, E, "▲", "\\blacktriangle"), h(d, T, E, "▼", "\\blacktriangledown"), h(d, T, E, "■", "\\blacksquare"), h(d, T, E, "⧫", "\\blacklozenge"), h(d, T, E, "★", "\\bigstar"), h(d, T, E, "∢", "\\sphericalangle", !0), h(d, T, E, "∁", "\\complement", !0), h(d, T, E, "ð", "\\eth", !0), h(j, y, E, "ð", "ð"), h(d, T, E, "╱", "\\diagup"), h(d, T, E, "╲", "\\diagdown"), h(d, T, E, "□", "\\square"), h(d, T, E, "□", "\\Box"), h(d, T, E, "◊", "\\Diamond"), h(d, T, E, "¥", "\\yen", !0), h(j, T, E, "¥", "\\yen", !0), h(d, T, E, "✓", "\\checkmark", !0), h(j, T, E, "✓", "\\checkmark"), h(d, T, E, "ℶ", "\\beth", !0), h(d, T, E, "ℸ", "\\daleth", !0), h(d, T, E, "ℷ", "\\gimel", !0), h(d, T, E, "ϝ", "\\digamma", !0), h(d, T, E, "ϰ", "\\varkappa"), h(d, T, le, "┌", "\\@ulcorner", !0), h(d, T, ct, "┐", "\\@urcorner", !0), h(d, T, le, "└", "\\@llcorner", !0), h(d, T, ct, "┘", "\\@lrcorner", !0), h(d, T, A, "≦", "\\leqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⩽", "\\leqslant", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪕", "\\eqslantless", !0), h(d, T, A, "≲", "\\lesssim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪅", "\\lessapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "≊", "\\approxeq", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋖", "\\lessdot"), h(d, T, A, "⋘", "\\lll", !0), h(d, T, A, "≶", "\\lessgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋚", "\\lesseqgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪋", "\\lesseqqgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "≑", "\\doteqdot"), h(d, T, A, "≓", "\\risingdotseq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≒", "\\fallingdotseq", !0), h(d, T, A, "∽", "\\backsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋍", "\\backsimeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⫅", "\\subseteqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋐", "\\Subset", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊏", "\\sqsubset", !0), h(d, T, A, "≼", "\\preccurlyeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋞", "\\curlyeqprec", !0), h(d, T, A, "≾", "\\precsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪷", "\\precapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊲", "\\vartriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "⊴", "\\trianglelefteq"), h(d, T, A, "⊨", "\\vDash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊪", "\\Vvdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "⌣", "\\smallsmile"), h(d, T, A, "⌢", "\\smallfrown"), h(d, T, A, "≏", "\\bumpeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≎", "\\Bumpeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≧", "\\geqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⩾", "\\geqslant", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪖", "\\eqslantgtr", !0), h(d, T, A, "≳", "\\gtrsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪆", "\\gtrapprox", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋗", "\\gtrdot"), h(d, T, A, "⋙", "\\ggg", !0), h(d, T, A, "≷", "\\gtrless", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋛", "\\gtreqless", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪌", "\\gtreqqless", !0), h(d, T, A, "≖", "\\eqcirc", !0), h(d, T, A, "≗", "\\circeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≜", "\\triangleq", !0), h(d, T, A, "∼", "\\thicksim"), h(d, T, A, "≈", "\\thickapprox"), h(d, T, A, "⫆", "\\supseteqq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋑", "\\Supset", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊐", "\\sqsupset", !0), h(d, T, A, "≽", "\\succcurlyeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋟", "\\curlyeqsucc", !0), h(d, T, A, "≿", "\\succsim", !0), h(d, T, A, "⪸", "\\succapprox", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊳", "\\vartriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "⊵", "\\trianglerighteq"), h(d, T, A, "⊩", "\\Vdash", !0), h(d, T, A, "∣", "\\shortmid"), h(d, T, A, "∥", "\\shortparallel"), h(d, T, A, "≬", "\\between", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋔", "\\pitchfork", !0), h(d, T, A, "∝", "\\varpropto"), h(d, T, A, "◀", "\\blacktriangleleft"), h(d, T, A, "∴", "\\therefore", !0), h(d, T, A, "∍", "\\backepsilon"), h(d, T, A, "▶", "\\blacktriangleright"), h(d, T, A, "∵", "\\because", !0), h(d, T, A, "⋘", "\\llless"), h(d, T, A, "⋙", "\\gggtr"), h(d, T, oe, "⊲", "\\lhd"), h(d, T, oe, "⊳", "\\rhd"), h(d, T, A, "≂", "\\eqsim", !0), h(d, y, A, "⋈", "\\Join"), h(d, T, A, "≑", "\\Doteq", !0), h(d, T, oe, "∔", "\\dotplus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "∖", "\\smallsetminus"), h(d, T, oe, "⋒", "\\Cap", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋓", "\\Cup", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⩞", "\\doublebarwedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊟", "\\boxminus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊞", "\\boxplus", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋇", "\\divideontimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋉", "\\ltimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋊", "\\rtimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋋", "\\leftthreetimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋌", "\\rightthreetimes", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋏", "\\curlywedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋎", "\\curlyvee", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊝", "\\circleddash", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊛", "\\circledast", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋅", "\\centerdot"), h(d, T, oe, "⊺", "\\intercal", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⋒", "\\doublecap"), h(d, T, oe, "⋓", "\\doublecup"), h(d, T, oe, "⊠", "\\boxtimes", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇢", "\\dashrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇠", "\\dashleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇇", "\\leftleftarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇆", "\\leftrightarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇚", "\\Lleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↞", "\\twoheadleftarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↢", "\\leftarrowtail", !0), h(d, T, A, "↫", "\\looparrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇋", "\\leftrightharpoons", !0), h(d, T, A, "↶", "\\curvearrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "↺", "\\circlearrowleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "↰", "\\Lsh", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇈", "\\upuparrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↿", "\\upharpoonleft", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇃", "\\downharpoonleft", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊶", "\\origof", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊷", "\\imageof", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊸", "\\multimap", !0), h(d, T, A, "↭", "\\leftrightsquigarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇉", "\\rightrightarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇄", "\\rightleftarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↠", "\\twoheadrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↣", "\\rightarrowtail", !0), h(d, T, A, "↬", "\\looparrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↷", "\\curvearrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↻", "\\circlearrowright", !0), h(d, T, A, "↱", "\\Rsh", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇊", "\\downdownarrows", !0), h(d, T, A, "↾", "\\upharpoonright", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇂", "\\downharpoonright", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇝", "\\rightsquigarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "⇝", "\\leadsto"), h(d, T, A, "⇛", "\\Rrightarrow", !0), h(d, T, A, "↾", "\\restriction"), h(d, y, E, "‘", "`"), h(d, y, E, "$", "\\$"), h(j, y, E, "$", "\\$"), h(j, y, E, "$", "\\textdollar"), h(d, y, E, "%", "\\%"), h(j, y, E, "%", "\\%"), h(d, y, E, "_", "\\_"), h(j, y, E, "_", "\\_"), h(j, y, E, "_", "\\textunderscore"), h(d, y, E, "∠", "\\angle", !0), h(d, y, E, "∞", "\\infty", !0), h(d, y, E, "′", "\\prime"), h(d, y, E, "△", "\\triangle"), h(d, y, E, "Γ", "\\Gamma", !0), h(d, y, E, "Δ", "\\Delta", !0), h(d, y, E, "Θ", "\\Theta", !0), h(d, y, E, "Λ", "\\Lambda", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ξ", "\\Xi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Π", "\\Pi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Σ", "\\Sigma", !0), h(d, y, E, "Υ", "\\Upsilon", !0), h(d, y, E, "Φ", "\\Phi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ψ", "\\Psi", !0), h(d, y, E, "Ω", "\\Omega", !0), h(d, y, E, "A", "Α"), h(d, y, E, "B", "Β"), h(d, y, E, "E", "Ε"), h(d, y, E, "Z", "Ζ"), h(d, y, E, "H", "Η"), h(d, y, E, "I", "Ι"), h(d, y, E, "K", "Κ"), h(d, y, E, "M", "Μ"), h(d, y, E, "N", "Ν"), h(d, y, E, "O", "Ο"), h(d, y, E, "P", "Ρ"), h(d, y, E, "T", "Τ"), h(d, y, E, "X", "Χ"), h(d, y, E, "¬", "\\neg", !0), h(d, y, E, "¬", "\\lnot"), h(d, y, E, "⊤", "\\top"), h(d, y, E, "⊥", "\\bot"), h(d, y, E, "∅", "\\emptyset"), h(d, T, E, "∅", "\\varnothing"), h(d, y, z, "α", "\\alpha", !0), h(d, y, z, "β", "\\beta", !0), h(d, y, z, "γ", "\\gamma", !0), h(d, y, z, "δ", "\\delta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϵ", "\\epsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ζ", "\\zeta", !0), h(d, y, z, "η", "\\eta", !0), h(d, y, z, "θ", "\\theta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ι", "\\iota", !0), h(d, y, z, "κ", "\\kappa", !0), h(d, y, z, "λ", "\\lambda", !0), h(d, y, z, "μ", "\\mu", !0), h(d, y, z, "ν", "\\nu", !0), h(d, y, z, "ξ", "\\xi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ο", "\\omicron", !0), h(d, y, z, "π", "\\pi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ρ", "\\rho", !0), h(d, y, z, "σ", "\\sigma", !0), h(d, y, z, "τ", "\\tau", !0), h(d, y, z, "υ", "\\upsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϕ", "\\phi", !0), h(d, y, z, "χ", "\\chi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ψ", "\\psi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ω", "\\omega", !0), h(d, y, z, "ε", "\\varepsilon", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϑ", "\\vartheta", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϖ", "\\varpi", !0), h(d, y, z, "ϱ", "\\varrho", !0), h(d, y, z, "ς", "\\varsigma", !0), h(d, y, z, "φ", "\\varphi", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∗", "*", !0), h(d, y, oe, "+", "+"), h(d, y, oe, "−", "-", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⋅", "\\cdot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∘", "\\circ", !0), h(d, y, oe, "÷", "\\div", !0), h(d, y, oe, "±", "\\pm", !0), h(d, y, oe, "×", "\\times", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∩", "\\cap", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∪", "\\cup", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∖", "\\setminus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∧", "\\land"), h(d, y, oe, "∨", "\\lor"), h(d, y, oe, "∧", "\\wedge", !0), h(d, y, oe, "∨", "\\vee", !0), h(d, y, E, "√", "\\surd"), h(d, y, le, "⟨", "\\langle", !0), h(d, y, le, "∣", "\\lvert"), h(d, y, le, "∥", "\\lVert"), h(d, y, ct, "?", "?"), h(d, y, ct, "!", "!"), h(d, y, ct, "⟩", "\\rangle", !0), h(d, y, ct, "∣", "\\rvert"), h(d, y, ct, "∥", "\\rVert"), h(d, y, A, "=", "="), h(d, y, A, ":", ":"), h(d, y, A, "≈", "\\approx", !0), h(d, y, A, "≅", "\\cong", !0), h(d, y, A, "≥", "\\ge"), h(d, y, A, "≥", "\\geq", !0), h(d, y, A, "←", "\\gets"), h(d, y, A, ">", "\\gt", !0), h(d, y, A, "∈", "\\in", !0), h(d, y, A, "", "\\@not"), h(d, y, A, "⊂", "\\subset", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊃", "\\supset", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊆", "\\subseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊇", "\\supseteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊈", "\\nsubseteq", !0), h(d, T, A, "⊉", "\\nsupseteq", !0), h(d, y, A, "⊨", "\\models"), h(d, y, A, "←", "\\leftarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "≤", "\\le"), h(d, y, A, "≤", "\\leq", !0), h(d, y, A, "<", "\\lt", !0), h(d, y, A, "→", "\\rightarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "→", "\\to"), h(d, T, A, "≱", "\\ngeq", !0), h(d, T, A, "≰", "\\nleq", !0), h(d, y, Ve, " ", "\\ "), h(d, y, Ve, " ", "\\space"), h(d, y, Ve, " ", "\\nobreakspace"), h(j, y, Ve, " ", "\\ "), h(j, y, Ve, " ", " "), h(j, y, Ve, " ", "\\space"), h(j, y, Ve, " ", "\\nobreakspace"), h(d, y, Ve, null, "\\nobreak"), h(d, y, Ve, null, "\\allowbreak"), h(d, y, Re, ",", ","), h(d, y, Re, ";", ";"), h(d, T, oe, "⊼", "\\barwedge", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊻", "\\veebar", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊙", "\\odot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊕", "\\oplus", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊗", "\\otimes", !0), h(d, y, E, "∂", "\\partial", !0), h(d, y, oe, "⊘", "\\oslash", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊚", "\\circledcirc", !0), h(d, T, oe, "⊡", "\\boxdot", !0), h(d, y, oe, "△", "\\bigtriangleup"), h(d, y, oe, "▽", "\\bigtriangledown"), h(d, y, oe, "†", "\\dagger"), h(d, y, oe, "⋄", "\\diamond"), h(d, y, oe, "⋆", "\\star"), h(d, y, oe, "◃", "\\triangleleft"), h(d, y, oe, "▹", "\\triangleright"), h(d, y, le, "{", "\\{"), h(j, y, E, "{", "\\{"), h(j, y, E, "{", "\\textbraceleft"), h(d, y, ct, "}", "\\}"), h(j, y, E, "}", "\\}"), h(j, y, E, "}", "\\textbraceright"), h(d, y, le, "{", "\\lbrace"), h(d, y, ct, "}", "\\rbrace"), h(d, y, le, "[", "\\lbrack", !0), h(j, y, E, "[", "\\lbrack", !0), h(d, y, ct, "]", "\\rbrack", !0), h(j, y, E, "]", "\\rbrack", !0), h(d, y, le, "(", "\\lparen", !0), h(d, y, ct, ")", "\\rparen", !0), h(j, y, E, "<", "\\textless", !0), h(j, y, E, ">", "\\textgreater", !0), h(d, y, le, "⌊", "\\lfloor", !0), h(d, y, ct, "⌋", "\\rfloor", !0), h(d, y, le, "⌈", "\\lceil", !0), h(d, y, ct, "⌉", "\\rceil", !0), h(d, y, E, "\\", "\\backslash"), h(d, y, E, "∣", "|"), h(d, y, E, "∣", "\\vert"), h(j, y, E, "|", "\\textbar", !0), h(d, y, E, "∥", "\\|"), h(d, y, E, "∥", "\\Vert"), h(j, y, E, "∥", "\\textbardbl"), h(j, y, E, "~", "\\textasciitilde"), h(j, y, E, "\\", "\\textbackslash"), h(j, y, E, "^", "\\textasciicircum"), h(d, y, A, "↑", "\\uparrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇑", "\\Uparrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↓", "\\downarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇓", "\\Downarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "↕", "\\updownarrow", !0), h(d, y, A, "⇕", "\\Updownarrow", !0), h(d, y, Y, "∐", "\\coprod"), h(d, y, Y, "⋁", "\\bigvee"), h(d, y, Y, "⋀", "\\bigwedge"), h(d, y, Y, "⨄", "\\biguplus"), h(d, y, Y, "⋂", "\\bigcap"), h(d, y, Y, "⋃", "\\bigcup"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\int"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\intop"), h(d, y, Y, "∬", "\\iint"), h(d, y, Y, "∭", "\\iiint"), h(d, y, Y, "∏", "\\prod"), h(d, y, Y, "∑", "\\sum"), h(d, y, Y, "⨂", "\\bigotimes"), h(d, y, Y, "⨁", "\\bigoplus"), h(d, y, Y, "⨀", "\\bigodot"), h(d, y, Y, "∮", "\\oint"), h(d, y, Y, "∯", "\\oiint"), h(d, y, Y, "∰", "\\oiiint"), h(d, y, Y, "⨆", "\\bigsqcup"), h(d, y, Y, "∫", "\\smallint"), h(j, y, me, "…", "\\textellipsis"), h(d, y, me, "…", "\\mathellipsis"), h(j, y, me, "…", "\\ldots", !0), h(d, y, me, "…", "\\ldots", !0), h(d, y, me, "⋯", "\\@cdots", !0), h(d, y, me, "⋱", "\\ddots", !0), h(d, y, E, "⋮", "\\varvdots"), h(d, y, He, "ˊ", "\\acute"), h(d, y, He, "ˋ", "\\grave"), h(d, y, He, "¨", "\\ddot"), h(d, y, He, "~", "\\tilde"), h(d, y, He, "ˉ", "\\bar"), h(d, y, He, "˘", "\\breve"), h(d, y, He, "ˇ", "\\check"), h(d, y, He, "^", "\\hat"), h(d, y, He, "⃗", "\\vec"), h(d, y, He, "˙", "\\dot"), h(d, y, He, "˚", "\\mathring"), h(d, y, z, "", "\\@imath"), h(d, y, z, "", "\\@jmath"), h(d, y, E, "ı", "ı"), h(d, y, E, "ȷ", "ȷ"), h(j, y, E, "ı", "\\i", !0), h(j, y, E, "ȷ", "\\j", !0), h(j, y, E, "ß", "\\ss", !0), h(j, y, E, "æ", "\\ae", !0), h(j, y, E, "œ", "\\oe", !0), h(j, y, E, "ø", "\\o", !0), h(j, y, E, "Æ", "\\AE", !0), h(j, y, E, "Œ", "\\OE", !0), h(j, y, E, "Ø", "\\O", !0), h(j, y, He, "ˊ", "\\'"), h(j, y, He, "ˋ", "\\`"), h(j, y, He, "ˆ", "\\^"), h(j, y, He, "˜", "\\~"), h(j, y, He, "ˉ", "\\="), h(j, y, He, "˘", "\\u"), h(j, y, He, "˙", "\\."), h(j, y, He, "¸", "\\c"), h(j, y, He, "˚", "\\r"), h(j, y, He, "ˇ", "\\v"), h(j, y, He, "¨", '\\"'), h(j, y, He, "˝", "\\H"), h(j, y, He, "◯", "\\textcircled");
+ var Qt = {
"--": !0,
"---": !0,
"``": !0,
"''": !0
h(j, y, E, "–", "--", !0), h(j, y, E, "–", "\\textendash"), h(j, y, E, "—", "---", !0), h(j, y, E, "—", "\\textemdash"), h(j, y, E, "‘", "`", !0), h(j, y, E, "‘", "\\textquoteleft"), h(j, y, E, "’", "'", !0), h(j, y, E, "’", "\\textquoteright"), h(j, y, E, "“", "``", !0), h(j, y, E, "“", "\\textquotedblleft"), h(j, y, E, "”", "''", !0), h(j, y, E, "”", "\\textquotedblright"), h(d, y, E, "°", "\\degree", !0), h(j, y, E, "°", "\\degree"), h(j, y, E, "°", "\\textdegree", !0), h(d, y, E, "£", "\\pounds"), h(d, y, E, "£", "\\mathsterling", !0), h(j, y, E, "£", "\\pounds"), h(j, y, E, "£", "\\textsterling", !0), h(d, T, E, "✠", "\\maltese"), h(j, T, E, "✠", "\\maltese");
- for (var A0 = '0123456789/@."', st = 0; st < A0.length; st++) {
- var Cr = A0.charAt(st);
+ for (var T0 = '0123456789/@."', st = 0; st < T0.length; st++) {
+ var Cr = T0.charAt(st);
h(d, y, E, Cr, Cr);
for (var Er = '0123456789!@*()-=+";:?/.,', jn = 0; jn < Er.length; jn++) {
var hi = Er.charAt(jn);
h(j, y, E, hi, hi);
- for (var Kr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Wn = 0; Wn < Kr.length; Wn++) {
- var Qr = Kr.charAt(Wn);
- h(d, y, z, Qr, Qr), h(j, y, E, Qr, Qr);
+ for (var Qr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", Yn = 0; Yn < Qr.length; Yn++) {
+ var Jr = Qr.charAt(Yn);
+ h(d, y, z, Jr, Jr), h(j, y, E, Jr, Jr);
h(d, T, E, "C", "ℂ"), h(j, T, E, "C", "ℂ"), h(d, T, E, "H", "ℍ"), h(j, T, E, "H", "ℍ"), h(d, T, E, "N", "ℕ"), h(j, T, E, "N", "ℕ"), h(d, T, E, "P", "ℙ"), h(j, T, E, "P", "ℙ"), h(d, T, E, "Q", "ℚ"), h(j, T, E, "Q", "ℚ"), h(d, T, E, "R", "ℝ"), h(j, T, E, "R", "ℝ"), h(d, T, E, "Z", "ℤ"), h(j, T, E, "Z", "ℤ"), h(d, y, z, "h", "ℎ"), h(j, y, z, "h", "ℎ");
- for (var be = "", yt = 0; yt < Kr.length; yt++) {
- var et = Kr.charAt(yt);
- be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56320 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56372 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56424 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56580 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56684 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56736 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56788 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56840 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56944 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), yt < 26 && (be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56632 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56476 + yt), h(d, y, z, et, be), h(j, y, E, et, be));
+ for (var be = "", wt = 0; wt < Qr.length; wt++) {
+ var Je = Qr.charAt(wt);
+ be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56320 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56372 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56424 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56580 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56684 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56736 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56788 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56840 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56944 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), wt < 26 && (be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56632 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56476 + wt), h(d, y, z, Je, be), h(j, y, E, Je, be));
be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 56668), h(d, y, z, "k", be), h(j, y, E, "k", be);
for (var X0 = 0; X0 < 10; X0++) {
- var T0 = X0.toString();
- be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57294 + X0), h(d, y, z, T0, be), h(j, y, E, T0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57314 + X0), h(d, y, z, T0, be), h(j, y, E, T0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57324 + X0), h(d, y, z, T0, be), h(j, y, E, T0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57334 + X0), h(d, y, z, T0, be), h(j, y, E, T0, be);
+ var M0 = X0.toString();
+ be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57294 + X0), h(d, y, z, M0, be), h(j, y, E, M0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57314 + X0), h(d, y, z, M0, be), h(j, y, E, M0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57324 + X0), h(d, y, z, M0, be), h(j, y, E, M0, be), be = String.fromCharCode(55349, 57334 + X0), h(d, y, z, M0, be), h(j, y, E, M0, be);
- for (var Yn = "ÐÞþ", Xn = 0; Xn < Yn.length; Xn++) {
- var Jr = Yn.charAt(Xn);
- h(d, y, z, Jr, Jr), h(j, y, E, Jr, Jr);
+ for (var Xn = "ÐÞþ", Zn = 0; Zn < Xn.length; Zn++) {
+ var $r = Xn.charAt(Zn);
+ h(d, y, z, $r, $r), h(j, y, E, $r, $r);
- var $r = [
+ var en = [
["mathbf", "textbf", "Main-Bold"],
// A-Z bold upright
["mathbf", "textbf", "Main-Bold"],
@@ -5335,92 +5335,92 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// 0-9 bold sans-serif
["mathtt", "texttt", "Typewriter-Regular"]
// 0-9 monospace
- ], Vo = function(e, t) {
+ ], Xo = function(e, t) {
var n = e.charCodeAt(0), l = e.charCodeAt(1), c = (n - 55296) * 1024 + (l - 56320) + 65536, m = t === "math" ? 0 : 1;
if (119808 <= c && c < 120484) {
var b = Math.floor((c - 119808) / 26);
- return [$r[b][2], $r[b][m]];
+ return [en[b][2], en[b][m]];
} else if (120782 <= c && c <= 120831) {
- var k = Math.floor((c - 120782) / 10);
- return [fi[k][2], fi[k][m]];
+ var _ = Math.floor((c - 120782) / 10);
+ return [fi[_][2], fi[_][m]];
} else {
if (c === 120485 || c === 120486)
- return [$r[0][2], $r[0][m]];
+ return [en[0][2], en[0][m]];
if (120486 < c && c < 120782)
return ["", ""];
throw new u("Unsupported character: " + e);
- }, en = function(e, t, n) {
- return Ve[n][e] && Ve[n][e].replace && (e = Ve[n][e].replace), {
+ }, tn = function(e, t, n) {
+ return Ge[n][e] && Ge[n][e].replace && (e = Ge[n][e].replace), {
value: e,
- metrics: Xt(e, t, n)
+ metrics: Zt(e, t, n)
- }, Gt = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
- var m = en(e, t, n), b = m.metrics;
+ }, Vt = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
+ var m = tn(e, t, n), b = m.metrics;
e = m.value;
- var k;
+ var _;
if (b) {
var x = b.italic;
- (n === "text" || l && l.font === "mathit") && (x = 0), k = new bt(e, b.height, b.depth, x, b.skew, b.width, c);
+ (n === "text" || l && l.font === "mathit") && (x = 0), _ = new yt(e, b.height, b.depth, x, b.skew, b.width, c);
} else
- typeof console < "u" && console.warn("No character metrics " + ("for '" + e + "' in style '" + t + "' and mode '" + n + "'")), k = new bt(e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c);
+ typeof console < "u" && console.warn("No character metrics " + ("for '" + e + "' in style '" + t + "' and mode '" + n + "'")), _ = new yt(e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c);
if (l) {
- k.maxFontSize = l.sizeMultiplier, l.style.isTight() && k.classes.push("mtight");
+ _.maxFontSize = l.sizeMultiplier, l.style.isTight() && _.classes.push("mtight");
var C = l.getColor();
- C && (k.style.color = C);
+ C && (_.style.color = C);
- return k;
- }, jo = function(e, t, n, l) {
- return l === void 0 && (l = []), n.font === "boldsymbol" && en(e, "Main-Bold", t).metrics ? Gt(e, "Main-Bold", t, n, l.concat(["mathbf"])) : e === "\\" || Ve[t][e].font === "main" ? Gt(e, "Main-Regular", t, n, l) : Gt(e, "AMS-Regular", t, n, l.concat(["amsrm"]));
- }, Wo = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
- return c !== "textord" && en(e, "Math-BoldItalic", t).metrics ? {
+ return _;
+ }, Zo = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ return l === void 0 && (l = []), n.font === "boldsymbol" && tn(e, "Main-Bold", t).metrics ? Vt(e, "Main-Bold", t, n, l.concat(["mathbf"])) : e === "\\" || Ge[t][e].font === "main" ? Vt(e, "Main-Regular", t, n, l) : Vt(e, "AMS-Regular", t, n, l.concat(["amsrm"]));
+ }, Ko = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
+ return c !== "textord" && tn(e, "Math-BoldItalic", t).metrics ? {
fontName: "Math-BoldItalic",
fontClass: "boldsymbol"
} : {
fontName: "Main-Bold",
fontClass: "mathbf"
- }, Yo = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = e.mode, c = e.text, m = ["mord"], b = l === "math" || l === "text" && t.font, k = b ? t.font : t.fontFamily, x = "", C = "";
+ }, Qo = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l = e.mode, c = e.text, m = ["mord"], b = l === "math" || l === "text" && t.font, _ = b ? t.font : t.fontFamily, x = "", C = "";
if (c.charCodeAt(0) === 55349) {
- var D = Vo(c, l);
+ var D = Xo(c, l);
x = D[0], C = D[1];
if (x.length > 0)
- return Gt(c, x, l, t, m.concat(C));
- if (k) {
- var P, q;
- if (k === "boldsymbol") {
- var U = Wo(c, l, t, m, n);
- P = U.fontName, q = [U.fontClass];
+ return Vt(c, x, l, t, m.concat(C));
+ if (_) {
+ var q, O;
+ if (_ === "boldsymbol") {
+ var U = Ko(c, l, t, m, n);
+ q = U.fontName, O = [U.fontClass];
} else
- b ? (P = pi[k].fontName, q = [k]) : (P = tn(k, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape), q = [k, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape]);
- if (en(c, P, l).metrics)
- return Gt(c, P, l, t, m.concat(q));
- if (Kt.hasOwnProperty(c) && P.slice(0, 10) === "Typewriter") {
- for (var $ = [], ie = 0; ie < c.length; ie++)
- $.push(Gt(c[ie], P, l, t, m.concat(q)));
- return di($);
+ b ? (q = pi[_].fontName, O = [_]) : (q = rn(_, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape), O = [_, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape]);
+ if (tn(c, q, l).metrics)
+ return Vt(c, q, l, t, m.concat(O));
+ if (Qt.hasOwnProperty(c) && q.slice(0, 10) === "Typewriter") {
+ for (var J = [], ie = 0; ie < c.length; ie++)
+ J.push(Vt(c[ie], q, l, t, m.concat(O)));
+ return di(J);
if (n === "mathord")
- return Gt(c, "Math-Italic", l, t, m.concat(["mathnormal"]));
+ return Vt(c, "Math-Italic", l, t, m.concat(["mathnormal"]));
if (n === "textord") {
- var he = Ve[l][c] && Ve[l][c].font;
+ var he = Ge[l][c] && Ge[l][c].font;
if (he === "ams") {
- var de = tn("amsrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
- return Gt(c, de, l, t, m.concat("amsrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
+ var de = rn("amsrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
+ return Vt(c, de, l, t, m.concat("amsrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
} else if (he === "main" || !he) {
- var ge = tn("textrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
- return Gt(c, ge, l, t, m.concat(t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
+ var ve = rn("textrm", t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
+ return Vt(c, ve, l, t, m.concat(t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
} else {
- var Be = tn(he, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
- return Gt(c, Be, l, t, m.concat(Be, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
+ var Be = rn(he, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape);
+ return Vt(c, Be, l, t, m.concat(Be, t.fontWeight, t.fontShape));
} else
throw new Error("unexpected type: " + n + " in makeOrd");
- }, Xo = function(e, t) {
- if (ft(e.classes) !== ft(t.classes) || e.skew !== t.skew || e.maxFontSize !== t.maxFontSize)
+ }, Jo = function(e, t) {
+ if (vt(e.classes) !== vt(t.classes) || e.skew !== t.skew || e.maxFontSize !== t.maxFontSize)
return !1;
if (e.classes.length === 1) {
var n = e.classes[0];
@@ -5434,41 +5434,41 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (t.style.hasOwnProperty(c) && e.style[c] !== t.style[c])
return !1;
return !0;
- }, Zo = function(e) {
+ }, $o = function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length - 1; t++) {
var n = e[t], l = e[t + 1];
- n instanceof bt && l instanceof bt && Xo(n, l) && (n.text += l.text, n.height = Math.max(n.height, l.height), n.depth = Math.max(n.depth, l.depth), n.italic = l.italic, e.splice(t + 1, 1), t--);
+ n instanceof yt && l instanceof yt && Jo(n, l) && (n.text += l.text, n.height = Math.max(n.height, l.height), n.depth = Math.max(n.depth, l.depth), n.italic = l.italic, e.splice(t + 1, 1), t--);
return e;
- }, Zn = function(e) {
+ }, Kn = function(e) {
for (var t = 0, n = 0, l = 0, c = 0; c < e.children.length; c++) {
var m = e.children[c];
m.height > t && (t = m.height), m.depth > n && (n = m.depth), m.maxFontSize > l && (l = m.maxFontSize);
e.height = t, e.depth = n, e.maxFontSize = l;
- }, xt = function(e, t, n, l) {
- var c = new Rt(e, t, n, l);
- return Zn(c), c;
+ }, At = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ var c = new Ft(e, t, n, l);
+ return Kn(c), c;
}, mi = function(e, t, n, l) {
- return new Rt(e, t, n, l);
- }, Ko = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = xt([e], [], t);
- return l.height = Math.max(n || t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, t.minRuleThickness), l.style.borderBottomWidth = ee(l.height), l.maxFontSize = 1, l;
- }, Qo = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ return new Ft(e, t, n, l);
+ }, e1 = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l = At([e], [], t);
+ return l.height = Math.max(n || t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, t.minRuleThickness), l.style.borderBottomWidth = te(l.height), l.maxFontSize = 1, l;
+ }, t1 = function(e, t, n, l) {
var c = new Tr(e, t, n, l);
- return Zn(c), c;
+ return Kn(c), c;
}, di = function(e) {
- var t = new y0(e);
- return Zn(t), t;
- }, Jo = function(e, t) {
- return e instanceof y0 ? xt([], [e], t) : e;
- }, $o = function(e) {
+ var t = new w0(e);
+ return Kn(t), t;
+ }, r1 = function(e, t) {
+ return e instanceof w0 ? At([], [e], t) : e;
+ }, n1 = function(e) {
if (e.positionType === "individualShift") {
for (var t = e.children, n = [t[0]], l = -t[0].shift - t[0].elem.depth, c = l, m = 1; m < t.length; m++) {
- var b = -t[m].shift - c - t[m].elem.depth, k = b - (t[m - 1].elem.height + t[m - 1].elem.depth);
+ var b = -t[m].shift - c - t[m].elem.depth, _ = b - (t[m - 1].elem.height + t[m - 1].elem.depth);
c = c + b, n.push({
type: "kern",
- size: k
+ size: _
}), n.push(t[m]);
return {
@@ -5479,20 +5479,20 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var x;
if (e.positionType === "top") {
for (var C = e.positionData, D = 0; D < e.children.length; D++) {
- var P = e.children[D];
- C -= P.type === "kern" ? P.size : P.elem.height + P.elem.depth;
+ var q = e.children[D];
+ C -= q.type === "kern" ? q.size : q.elem.height + q.elem.depth;
x = C;
} else if (e.positionType === "bottom")
x = -e.positionData;
else {
- var q = e.children[0];
- if (q.type !== "elem")
+ var O = e.children[0];
+ if (O.type !== "elem")
throw new Error('First child must have type "elem".');
if (e.positionType === "shift")
- x = -q.elem.depth - e.positionData;
+ x = -O.elem.depth - e.positionData;
else if (e.positionType === "firstBaseline")
- x = -q.elem.depth;
+ x = -O.elem.depth;
throw new Error("Invalid positionType " + e.positionType + ".");
@@ -5500,43 +5500,43 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
children: e.children,
depth: x
- }, e1 = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = $o(e), l = n.children, c = n.depth, m = 0, b = 0; b < l.length; b++) {
- var k = l[b];
- if (k.type === "elem") {
- var x = k.elem;
+ }, a1 = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = n1(e), l = n.children, c = n.depth, m = 0, b = 0; b < l.length; b++) {
+ var _ = l[b];
+ if (_.type === "elem") {
+ var x = _.elem;
m = Math.max(m, x.maxFontSize, x.height);
m += 2;
- var C = xt(["pstrut"], []);
- C.style.height = ee(m);
- for (var D = [], P = c, q = c, U = c, $ = 0; $ < l.length; $++) {
- var ie = l[$];
+ var C = At(["pstrut"], []);
+ C.style.height = te(m);
+ for (var D = [], q = c, O = c, U = c, J = 0; J < l.length; J++) {
+ var ie = l[J];
if (ie.type === "kern")
U += ie.size;
else {
- var he = ie.elem, de = ie.wrapperClasses || [], ge = ie.wrapperStyle || {}, Be = xt(de, [C, he], void 0, ge);
- Be.style.top = ee(-m - U - he.depth), ie.marginLeft && (Be.style.marginLeft = ie.marginLeft), ie.marginRight && (Be.style.marginRight = ie.marginRight), D.push(Be), U += he.height + he.depth;
+ var he = ie.elem, de = ie.wrapperClasses || [], ve = ie.wrapperStyle || {}, Be = At(de, [C, he], void 0, ve);
+ Be.style.top = te(-m - U - he.depth), ie.marginLeft && (Be.style.marginLeft = ie.marginLeft), ie.marginRight && (Be.style.marginRight = ie.marginRight), D.push(Be), U += he.height + he.depth;
- P = Math.min(P, U), q = Math.max(q, U);
+ q = Math.min(q, U), O = Math.max(O, U);
- var we = xt(["vlist"], D);
- we.style.height = ee(q);
+ var we = At(["vlist"], D);
+ we.style.height = te(O);
var Ie;
- if (P < 0) {
- var ze = xt([], []), qe = xt(["vlist"], [ze]);
- qe.style.height = ee(-P);
- var Ye = xt(["vlist-s"], [new bt("")]);
- Ie = [xt(["vlist-r"], [we, Ye]), xt(["vlist-r"], [qe])];
+ if (q < 0) {
+ var Ce = At([], []), qe = At(["vlist"], [Ce]);
+ qe.style.height = te(-q);
+ var je = At(["vlist-s"], [new yt("")]);
+ Ie = [At(["vlist-r"], [we, je]), At(["vlist-r"], [qe])];
} else
- Ie = [xt(["vlist-r"], [we])];
- var ut = xt(["vlist-t"], Ie);
- return Ie.length === 2 && ut.classes.push("vlist-t2"), ut.height = q, ut.depth = -P, ut;
- }, t1 = function(e, t) {
- var n = xt(["mspace"], [], t), l = Pe(e, t);
- return n.style.marginRight = ee(l), n;
- }, tn = function(e, t, n) {
+ Ie = [At(["vlist-r"], [we])];
+ var ht = At(["vlist-t"], Ie);
+ return Ie.length === 2 && ht.classes.push("vlist-t2"), ht.height = O, ht.depth = -q, ht;
+ }, i1 = function(e, t) {
+ var n = At(["mspace"], [], t), l = Pe(e, t);
+ return n.style.marginRight = te(l), n;
+ }, rn = function(e, t, n) {
var l = "";
switch (e) {
case "amsrm":
@@ -5615,53 +5615,53 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
oiintSize2: ["oiintSize2", 1.472, 0.659],
oiiintSize1: ["oiiintSize1", 1.304, 0.499],
oiiintSize2: ["oiiintSize2", 1.98, 0.659]
- }, r1 = function(e, t) {
- var n = gi[e], l = n[0], c = n[1], m = n[2], b = new Zt(l), k = new Ft([b], {
- width: ee(c),
- height: ee(m),
+ }, l1 = function(e, t) {
+ var n = gi[e], l = n[0], c = n[1], m = n[2], b = new Kt(l), _ = new Lt([b], {
+ width: te(c),
+ height: te(m),
// Override CSS rule `.katex svg { width: 100% }`
- style: "width:" + ee(c),
+ style: "width:" + te(c),
viewBox: "0 0 " + 1e3 * c + " " + 1e3 * m,
preserveAspectRatio: "xMinYMin"
- }), x = mi(["overlay"], [k], t);
- return x.height = m, x.style.height = ee(m), x.style.width = ee(c), x;
+ }), x = mi(["overlay"], [_], t);
+ return x.height = m, x.style.height = te(m), x.style.width = te(c), x;
}, N = {
fontMap: pi,
- makeSymbol: Gt,
- mathsym: jo,
- makeSpan: xt,
+ makeSymbol: Vt,
+ mathsym: Zo,
+ makeSpan: At,
makeSvgSpan: mi,
- makeLineSpan: Ko,
- makeAnchor: Qo,
+ makeLineSpan: e1,
+ makeAnchor: t1,
makeFragment: di,
- wrapFragment: Jo,
- makeVList: e1,
- makeOrd: Yo,
- makeGlue: t1,
- staticSvg: r1,
+ wrapFragment: r1,
+ makeVList: a1,
+ makeOrd: Qo,
+ makeGlue: i1,
+ staticSvg: l1,
svgData: gi,
- tryCombineChars: Zo
- }, Xe = {
+ tryCombineChars: $o
+ }, Ye = {
number: 3,
unit: "mu"
}, Z0 = {
number: 4,
unit: "mu"
- }, h0 = {
+ }, m0 = {
number: 5,
unit: "mu"
- }, n1 = {
+ }, s1 = {
mord: {
- mop: Xe,
+ mop: Ye,
mbin: Z0,
- mrel: h0,
- minner: Xe
+ mrel: m0,
+ minner: Ye
mop: {
- mord: Xe,
- mop: Xe,
- mrel: h0,
- minner: Xe
+ mord: Ye,
+ mop: Ye,
+ mrel: m0,
+ minner: Ye
mbin: {
mord: Z0,
@@ -5670,55 +5670,55 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
minner: Z0
mrel: {
- mord: h0,
- mop: h0,
- mopen: h0,
- minner: h0
+ mord: m0,
+ mop: m0,
+ mopen: m0,
+ minner: m0
mopen: {},
mclose: {
- mop: Xe,
+ mop: Ye,
mbin: Z0,
- mrel: h0,
- minner: Xe
+ mrel: m0,
+ minner: Ye
mpunct: {
- mord: Xe,
- mop: Xe,
- mrel: h0,
- mopen: Xe,
- mclose: Xe,
- mpunct: Xe,
- minner: Xe
+ mord: Ye,
+ mop: Ye,
+ mrel: m0,
+ mopen: Ye,
+ mclose: Ye,
+ mpunct: Ye,
+ minner: Ye
minner: {
- mord: Xe,
- mop: Xe,
+ mord: Ye,
+ mop: Ye,
mbin: Z0,
- mrel: h0,
- mopen: Xe,
- mpunct: Xe,
- minner: Xe
+ mrel: m0,
+ mopen: Ye,
+ mpunct: Ye,
+ minner: Ye
- }, a1 = {
+ }, o1 = {
mord: {
- mop: Xe
+ mop: Ye
mop: {
- mord: Xe,
- mop: Xe
+ mord: Ye,
+ mop: Ye
mbin: {},
mrel: {},
mopen: {},
mclose: {
- mop: Xe
+ mop: Ye
mpunct: {},
minner: {
- mop: Xe
+ mop: Ye
- }, vi = {}, rn = {}, nn = {};
+ }, vi = {}, nn = {}, an = {};
function se(f) {
for (var e = f.type, t = f.names, n = f.props, l = f.handler, c = f.htmlBuilder, m = f.mathmlBuilder, b = {
type: e,
@@ -5731,9 +5731,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
infix: !!n.infix,
primitive: !!n.primitive,
handler: l
- }, k = 0; k < t.length; ++k)
- vi[t[k]] = b;
- e && (c && (rn[e] = c), m && (nn[e] = m));
+ }, _ = 0; _ < t.length; ++_)
+ vi[t[_]] = b;
+ e && (c && (nn[e] = c), m && (an[e] = m));
function K0(f) {
var e = f.type, t = f.htmlBuilder, n = f.mathmlBuilder;
@@ -5750,16 +5750,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mathmlBuilder: n
- var an = function(e) {
+ var ln = function(e) {
return e.type === "ordgroup" && e.body.length === 1 ? e.body[0] : e;
- }, at = function(e) {
+ }, tt = function(e) {
return e.type === "ordgroup" ? e.body : [e];
- }, f0 = N.makeSpan, i1 = ["leftmost", "mbin", "mopen", "mrel", "mop", "mpunct"], l1 = ["rightmost", "mrel", "mclose", "mpunct"], s1 = {
- display: Q.DISPLAY,
- text: Q.TEXT,
- script: Q.SCRIPT,
- scriptscript: Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT
- }, o1 = {
+ }, d0 = N.makeSpan, u1 = ["leftmost", "mbin", "mopen", "mrel", "mop", "mpunct"], c1 = ["rightmost", "mrel", "mclose", "mpunct"], h1 = {
+ display: ne.DISPLAY,
+ text: ne.TEXT,
+ script: ne.SCRIPT,
+ scriptscript: ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT
+ }, f1 = {
mord: "mord",
mop: "mop",
mbin: "mbin",
@@ -5768,13 +5768,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mclose: "mclose",
mpunct: "mpunct",
minner: "minner"
- }, it = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ }, at = function(e, t, n, l) {
l === void 0 && (l = [null, null]);
for (var c = [], m = 0; m < e.length; m++) {
- var b = Me(e[m], t);
- if (b instanceof y0) {
- var k = b.children;
- c.push.apply(c, k);
+ var b = ze(e[m], t);
+ if (b instanceof w0) {
+ var _ = b.children;
+ c.push.apply(c, _);
} else
@@ -5783,27 +5783,27 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var x = t;
if (e.length === 1) {
var C = e[0];
- C.type === "sizing" ? x = t.havingSize(C.size) : C.type === "styling" && (x = t.havingStyle(s1[C.style]));
+ C.type === "sizing" ? x = t.havingSize(C.size) : C.type === "styling" && (x = t.havingStyle(h1[C.style]));
- var D = f0([l[0] || "leftmost"], [], t), P = f0([l[1] || "rightmost"], [], t), q = n === "root";
- return bi(c, function(U, $) {
- var ie = $.classes[0], he = U.classes[0];
- ie === "mbin" && V.contains(l1, he) ? $.classes[0] = "mord" : he === "mbin" && V.contains(i1, ie) && (U.classes[0] = "mord");
+ var D = d0([l[0] || "leftmost"], [], t), q = d0([l[1] || "rightmost"], [], t), O = n === "root";
+ return bi(c, function(U, J) {
+ var ie = J.classes[0], he = U.classes[0];
+ ie === "mbin" && W.contains(c1, he) ? J.classes[0] = "mord" : he === "mbin" && W.contains(u1, ie) && (U.classes[0] = "mord");
}, {
node: D
- }, P, q), bi(c, function(U, $) {
- var ie = Kn($), he = Kn(U), de = ie && he ? U.hasClass("mtight") ? a1[ie][he] : n1[ie][he] : null;
+ }, q, O), bi(c, function(U, J) {
+ var ie = Qn(J), he = Qn(U), de = ie && he ? U.hasClass("mtight") ? o1[ie][he] : s1[ie][he] : null;
if (de)
return N.makeGlue(de, x);
}, {
node: D
- }, P, q), c;
+ }, q, O), c;
}, bi = function f(e, t, n, l, c) {
l && e.push(l);
for (var m = 0; m < e.length; m++) {
- var b = e[m], k = yi(b);
- if (k) {
- f(k.children, t, n, null, c);
+ var b = e[m], _ = yi(b);
+ if (_) {
+ f(_.children, t, n, null, c);
var x = !b.hasClass("mspace");
@@ -5811,16 +5811,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var C = t(b, n.node);
C && (n.insertAfter ? n.insertAfter(C) : (e.unshift(C), m++));
- x ? n.node = b : c && b.hasClass("newline") && (n.node = f0(["leftmost"])), n.insertAfter = function(D) {
- return function(P) {
- e.splice(D + 1, 0, P), m++;
+ x ? n.node = b : c && b.hasClass("newline") && (n.node = d0(["leftmost"])), n.insertAfter = function(D) {
+ return function(q) {
+ e.splice(D + 1, 0, q), m++;
l && e.pop();
}, yi = function(e) {
- return e instanceof y0 || e instanceof Tr || e instanceof Rt && e.hasClass("enclosing") ? e : null;
- }, u1 = function f(e, t) {
+ return e instanceof w0 || e instanceof Tr || e instanceof Ft && e.hasClass("enclosing") ? e : null;
+ }, m1 = function f(e, t) {
var n = yi(e);
if (n) {
var l = n.children;
@@ -5832,18 +5832,18 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return e;
- }, Kn = function(e, t) {
- return e ? (t && (e = u1(e, t)), o1[e.classes[0]] || null) : null;
+ }, Qn = function(e, t) {
+ return e ? (t && (e = m1(e, t)), f1[e.classes[0]] || null) : null;
}, Br = function(e, t) {
var n = ["nulldelimiter"].concat(e.baseSizingClasses());
- return f0(t.concat(n));
- }, Me = function(e, t, n) {
+ return d0(t.concat(n));
+ }, ze = function(e, t, n) {
if (!e)
- return f0();
- if (rn[e.type]) {
- var l = rn[e.type](e, t);
+ return d0();
+ if (nn[e.type]) {
+ var l = nn[e.type](e, t);
if (n && t.size !== n.size) {
- l = f0(t.sizingClasses(n), [l], t);
+ l = d0(t.sizingClasses(n), [l], t);
var c = t.sizeMultiplier / n.sizeMultiplier;
l.height *= c, l.depth *= c;
@@ -5851,36 +5851,36 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
} else
throw new u("Got group of unknown type: '" + e.type + "'");
- function ln(f, e) {
- var t = f0(["base"], f, e), n = f0(["strut"]);
- return n.style.height = ee(t.height + t.depth), t.depth && (n.style.verticalAlign = ee(-t.depth)), t.children.unshift(n), t;
+ function sn(f, e) {
+ var t = d0(["base"], f, e), n = d0(["strut"]);
+ return n.style.height = te(t.height + t.depth), t.depth && (n.style.verticalAlign = te(-t.depth)), t.children.unshift(n), t;
- function Qn(f, e) {
+ function Jn(f, e) {
var t = null;
f.length === 1 && f[0].type === "tag" && (t = f[0].tag, f = f[0].body);
- var n = it(f, e, "root"), l;
+ var n = at(f, e, "root"), l;
n.length === 2 && n[1].hasClass("tag") && (l = n.pop());
for (var c = [], m = [], b = 0; b < n.length; b++)
if (m.push(n[b]), n[b].hasClass("mbin") || n[b].hasClass("mrel") || n[b].hasClass("allowbreak")) {
- for (var k = !1; b < n.length - 1 && n[b + 1].hasClass("mspace") && !n[b + 1].hasClass("newline"); )
- b++, m.push(n[b]), n[b].hasClass("nobreak") && (k = !0);
- k || (c.push(ln(m, e)), m = []);
+ for (var _ = !1; b < n.length - 1 && n[b + 1].hasClass("mspace") && !n[b + 1].hasClass("newline"); )
+ b++, m.push(n[b]), n[b].hasClass("nobreak") && (_ = !0);
+ _ || (c.push(sn(m, e)), m = []);
} else
- n[b].hasClass("newline") && (m.pop(), m.length > 0 && (c.push(ln(m, e)), m = []), c.push(n[b]));
- m.length > 0 && c.push(ln(m, e));
+ n[b].hasClass("newline") && (m.pop(), m.length > 0 && (c.push(sn(m, e)), m = []), c.push(n[b]));
+ m.length > 0 && c.push(sn(m, e));
var x;
- t ? (x = ln(it(t, e, !0)), x.classes = ["tag"], c.push(x)) : l && c.push(l);
- var C = f0(["katex-html"], c);
+ t ? (x = sn(at(t, e, !0)), x.classes = ["tag"], c.push(x)) : l && c.push(l);
+ var C = d0(["katex-html"], c);
if (C.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), x) {
var D = x.children[0];
- D.style.height = ee(C.height + C.depth), C.depth && (D.style.verticalAlign = ee(-C.depth));
+ D.style.height = te(C.height + C.depth), C.depth && (D.style.verticalAlign = te(-C.depth));
return C;
function wi(f) {
- return new y0(f);
+ return new w0(f);
- var Lt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ var It = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n, l) {
this.type = void 0, this.attributes = void 0, this.children = void 0, this.classes = void 0, this.type = t, this.attributes = {}, this.children = n || [], this.classes = l || [];
@@ -5893,15 +5893,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var n = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", this.type);
for (var l in this.attributes)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.attributes, l) && n.setAttribute(l, this.attributes[l]);
- this.classes.length > 0 && (n.className = ft(this.classes));
+ this.classes.length > 0 && (n.className = vt(this.classes));
for (var c = 0; c < this.children.length; c++)
return n;
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
var n = "<" + this.type;
for (var l in this.attributes)
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.attributes, l) && (n += " " + l + '="', n += V.escape(this.attributes[l]), n += '"');
- this.classes.length > 0 && (n += ' class ="' + V.escape(ft(this.classes)) + '"'), n += ">";
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.attributes, l) && (n += " " + l + '="', n += W.escape(this.attributes[l]), n += '"');
+ this.classes.length > 0 && (n += ' class ="' + W.escape(vt(this.classes)) + '"'), n += ">";
for (var c = 0; c < this.children.length; c++)
n += this.children[c].toMarkup();
return n += "" + this.type + ">", n;
@@ -5918,11 +5918,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return e.toNode = function() {
return document.createTextNode(this.text);
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
- return V.escape(this.toText());
+ return W.escape(this.toText());
}, e.toText = function() {
return this.text;
}, f;
- }(), c1 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), d1 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t) {
this.width = void 0, this.character = void 0, this.width = t, t >= 0.05555 && t <= 0.05556 ? this.character = " " : t >= 0.1666 && t <= 0.1667 ? this.character = " " : t >= 0.2222 && t <= 0.2223 ? this.character = " " : t >= 0.2777 && t <= 0.2778 ? this.character = " " : t >= -0.05556 && t <= -0.05555 ? this.character = " " : t >= -0.1667 && t <= -0.1666 ? this.character = " " : t >= -0.2223 && t <= -0.2222 ? this.character = " " : t >= -0.2778 && t <= -0.2777 ? this.character = " " : this.character = null;
@@ -5931,22 +5931,22 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (this.character)
return document.createTextNode(this.character);
var n = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", "mspace");
- return n.setAttribute("width", ee(this.width)), n;
+ return n.setAttribute("width", te(this.width)), n;
}, e.toMarkup = function() {
- return this.character ? "" + this.character + "" : '';
+ return this.character ? "" + this.character + "" : '';
}, e.toText = function() {
return this.character ? this.character : " ";
}, f;
- }(), K = {
- MathNode: Lt,
+ }(), Q = {
+ MathNode: It,
TextNode: Dr,
- SpaceNode: c1,
+ SpaceNode: d1,
newDocumentFragment: wi
- }, It = function(e, t, n) {
- return Ve[t][e] && Ve[t][e].replace && e.charCodeAt(0) !== 55349 && !(Kt.hasOwnProperty(e) && n && (n.fontFamily && n.fontFamily.slice(4, 6) === "tt" || n.font && n.font.slice(4, 6) === "tt")) && (e = Ve[t][e].replace), new K.TextNode(e);
- }, Jn = function(e) {
- return e.length === 1 ? e[0] : new K.MathNode("mrow", e);
- }, $n = function(e, t) {
+ }, Ot = function(e, t, n) {
+ return Ge[t][e] && Ge[t][e].replace && e.charCodeAt(0) !== 55349 && !(Qt.hasOwnProperty(e) && n && (n.fontFamily && n.fontFamily.slice(4, 6) === "tt" || n.font && n.font.slice(4, 6) === "tt")) && (e = Ge[t][e].replace), new Q.TextNode(e);
+ }, $n = function(e) {
+ return e.length === 1 ? e[0] : new Q.MathNode("mrow", e);
+ }, ea = function(e, t) {
if (t.fontFamily === "texttt")
return "monospace";
if (t.fontFamily === "textsf")
@@ -5978,69 +5978,69 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (n === "mathtt")
return "monospace";
var c = e.text;
- if (V.contains(["\\imath", "\\jmath"], c))
+ if (W.contains(["\\imath", "\\jmath"], c))
return null;
- Ve[l][c] && Ve[l][c].replace && (c = Ve[l][c].replace);
+ Ge[l][c] && Ge[l][c].replace && (c = Ge[l][c].replace);
var m = N.fontMap[n].fontName;
- return Xt(c, m, l) ? N.fontMap[n].variant : null;
- }, St = function(e, t, n) {
+ return Zt(c, m, l) ? N.fontMap[n].variant : null;
+ }, Tt = function(e, t, n) {
if (e.length === 1) {
var l = Ue(e[0], t);
- return n && l instanceof Lt && l.type === "mo" && (l.setAttribute("lspace", "0em"), l.setAttribute("rspace", "0em")), [l];
+ return n && l instanceof It && l.type === "mo" && (l.setAttribute("lspace", "0em"), l.setAttribute("rspace", "0em")), [l];
for (var c = [], m, b = 0; b < e.length; b++) {
- var k = Ue(e[b], t);
- if (k instanceof Lt && m instanceof Lt) {
- if (k.type === "mtext" && m.type === "mtext" && k.getAttribute("mathvariant") === m.getAttribute("mathvariant")) {
+ var _ = Ue(e[b], t);
+ if (_ instanceof It && m instanceof It) {
+ if (_.type === "mtext" && m.type === "mtext" && _.getAttribute("mathvariant") === m.getAttribute("mathvariant")) {
var x;
- (x = m.children).push.apply(x, k.children);
+ (x = m.children).push.apply(x, _.children);
- } else if (k.type === "mn" && m.type === "mn") {
+ } else if (_.type === "mn" && m.type === "mn") {
var C;
- (C = m.children).push.apply(C, k.children);
+ (C = m.children).push.apply(C, _.children);
- } else if (k.type === "mi" && k.children.length === 1 && m.type === "mn") {
- var D = k.children[0];
+ } else if (_.type === "mi" && _.children.length === 1 && m.type === "mn") {
+ var D = _.children[0];
if (D instanceof Dr && D.text === ".") {
- var P;
- (P = m.children).push.apply(P, k.children);
+ var q;
+ (q = m.children).push.apply(q, _.children);
} else if (m.type === "mi" && m.children.length === 1) {
- var q = m.children[0];
- if (q instanceof Dr && q.text === "̸" && (k.type === "mo" || k.type === "mi" || k.type === "mn")) {
- var U = k.children[0];
+ var O = m.children[0];
+ if (O instanceof Dr && O.text === "̸" && (_.type === "mo" || _.type === "mi" || _.type === "mn")) {
+ var U = _.children[0];
U instanceof Dr && U.text.length > 0 && (U.text = U.text.slice(0, 1) + "̸" + U.text.slice(1), c.pop());
- c.push(k), m = k;
+ c.push(_), m = _;
return c;
- }, M0 = function(e, t, n) {
- return Jn(St(e, t, n));
+ }, z0 = function(e, t, n) {
+ return $n(Tt(e, t, n));
}, Ue = function(e, t) {
if (!e)
- return new K.MathNode("mrow");
- if (nn[e.type]) {
- var n = nn[e.type](e, t);
+ return new Q.MathNode("mrow");
+ if (an[e.type]) {
+ var n = an[e.type](e, t);
return n;
} else
throw new u("Got group of unknown type: '" + e.type + "'");
- function ki(f, e, t, n, l) {
- var c = St(f, t), m;
- c.length === 1 && c[0] instanceof Lt && V.contains(["mrow", "mtable"], c[0].type) ? m = c[0] : m = new K.MathNode("mrow", c);
- var b = new K.MathNode("annotation", [new K.TextNode(e)]);
+ function _i(f, e, t, n, l) {
+ var c = Tt(f, t), m;
+ c.length === 1 && c[0] instanceof It && W.contains(["mrow", "mtable"], c[0].type) ? m = c[0] : m = new Q.MathNode("mrow", c);
+ var b = new Q.MathNode("annotation", [new Q.TextNode(e)]);
b.setAttribute("encoding", "application/x-tex");
- var k = new K.MathNode("semantics", [m, b]), x = new K.MathNode("math", [k]);
+ var _ = new Q.MathNode("semantics", [m, b]), x = new Q.MathNode("math", [_]);
x.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"), n && x.setAttribute("display", "block");
var C = l ? "katex" : "katex-mathml";
return N.makeSpan([C], [x]);
- var _i = function(e) {
+ var ki = function(e) {
return new ir({
- style: e.displayMode ? Q.DISPLAY : Q.TEXT,
+ style: e.displayMode ? ne.DISPLAY : ne.TEXT,
maxSize: e.maxSize,
minRuleThickness: e.minRuleThickness
@@ -6050,22 +6050,22 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
t.leqno && n.push("leqno"), t.fleqn && n.push("fleqn"), e = N.makeSpan(n, [e]);
return e;
- }, h1 = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = _i(n), c;
+ }, p1 = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l = ki(n), c;
if (n.output === "mathml")
- return ki(e, t, l, n.displayMode, !0);
+ return _i(e, t, l, n.displayMode, !0);
if (n.output === "html") {
- var m = Qn(e, l);
+ var m = Jn(e, l);
c = N.makeSpan(["katex"], [m]);
} else {
- var b = ki(e, t, l, n.displayMode, !1), k = Qn(e, l);
- c = N.makeSpan(["katex"], [b, k]);
+ var b = _i(e, t, l, n.displayMode, !1), _ = Jn(e, l);
+ c = N.makeSpan(["katex"], [b, _]);
return xi(c, n);
- }, f1 = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = _i(n), c = Qn(e, l), m = N.makeSpan(["katex"], [c]);
+ }, g1 = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l = ki(n), c = Jn(e, l), m = N.makeSpan(["katex"], [c]);
return xi(m, n);
- }, m1 = {
+ }, v1 = {
widehat: "^",
widecheck: "ˇ",
widetilde: "~",
@@ -6110,10 +6110,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
"\\cdrightarrow": "→",
"\\cdleftarrow": "←",
"\\cdlongequal": "="
- }, d1 = function(e) {
- var t = new K.MathNode("mo", [new K.TextNode(m1[e.replace(/^\\/, "")])]);
+ }, b1 = function(e) {
+ var t = new Q.MathNode("mo", [new Q.TextNode(v1[e.replace(/^\\/, "")])]);
return t.setAttribute("stretchy", "true"), t;
- }, p1 = {
+ }, y1 = {
// path(s), minWidth, height, align
overrightarrow: [["rightarrow"], 0.888, 522, "xMaxYMin"],
overleftarrow: [["leftarrow"], 0.888, 522, "xMinYMin"],
@@ -6160,23 +6160,23 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
xrightleftarrows: [["baraboveleftarrow", "rightarrowabovebar"], 1.75, 901],
xrightequilibrium: [["baraboveshortleftharpoon", "rightharpoonaboveshortbar"], 1.75, 716],
xleftequilibrium: [["shortbaraboveleftharpoon", "shortrightharpoonabovebar"], 1.75, 716]
- }, g1 = function(e) {
+ }, w1 = function(e) {
return e.type === "ordgroup" ? e.body.length : 1;
- }, v1 = function(e, t) {
+ }, _1 = function(e, t) {
function n() {
- var k = 4e5, x = e.label.slice(1);
- if (V.contains(["widehat", "widecheck", "widetilde", "utilde"], x)) {
- var C = e, D = g1(C.base), P, q, U;
+ var _ = 4e5, x = e.label.slice(1);
+ if (W.contains(["widehat", "widecheck", "widetilde", "utilde"], x)) {
+ var C = e, D = w1(C.base), q, O, U;
if (D > 5)
- x === "widehat" || x === "widecheck" ? (P = 420, k = 2364, U = 0.42, q = x + "4") : (P = 312, k = 2340, U = 0.34, q = "tilde4");
+ x === "widehat" || x === "widecheck" ? (q = 420, _ = 2364, U = 0.42, O = x + "4") : (q = 312, _ = 2340, U = 0.34, O = "tilde4");
else {
- var $ = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3][D];
- x === "widehat" || x === "widecheck" ? (k = [0, 1062, 2364, 2364, 2364][$], P = [0, 239, 300, 360, 420][$], U = [0, 0.24, 0.3, 0.3, 0.36, 0.42][$], q = x + $) : (k = [0, 600, 1033, 2339, 2340][$], P = [0, 260, 286, 306, 312][$], U = [0, 0.26, 0.286, 0.3, 0.306, 0.34][$], q = "tilde" + $);
+ var J = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3][D];
+ x === "widehat" || x === "widecheck" ? (_ = [0, 1062, 2364, 2364, 2364][J], q = [0, 239, 300, 360, 420][J], U = [0, 0.24, 0.3, 0.3, 0.36, 0.42][J], O = x + J) : (_ = [0, 600, 1033, 2339, 2340][J], q = [0, 260, 286, 306, 312][J], U = [0, 0.26, 0.286, 0.3, 0.306, 0.34][J], O = "tilde" + J);
- var ie = new Zt(q), he = new Ft([ie], {
+ var ie = new Kt(O), he = new Lt([ie], {
width: "100%",
- height: ee(U),
- viewBox: "0 0 " + k + " " + P,
+ height: te(U),
+ viewBox: "0 0 " + _ + " " + q,
preserveAspectRatio: "none"
return {
@@ -6185,143 +6185,143 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
height: U
} else {
- var de = [], ge = p1[x], Be = ge[0], we = ge[1], Ie = ge[2], ze = Ie / 1e3, qe = Be.length, Ye, ut;
+ var de = [], ve = y1[x], Be = ve[0], we = ve[1], Ie = ve[2], Ce = Ie / 1e3, qe = Be.length, je, ht;
if (qe === 1) {
- var Mt = ge[3];
- Ye = ["hide-tail"], ut = [Mt];
+ var Et = ve[3];
+ je = ["hide-tail"], ht = [Et];
} else if (qe === 2)
- Ye = ["halfarrow-left", "halfarrow-right"], ut = ["xMinYMin", "xMaxYMin"];
+ je = ["halfarrow-left", "halfarrow-right"], ht = ["xMinYMin", "xMaxYMin"];
else if (qe === 3)
- Ye = ["brace-left", "brace-center", "brace-right"], ut = ["xMinYMin", "xMidYMin", "xMaxYMin"];
+ je = ["brace-left", "brace-center", "brace-right"], ht = ["xMinYMin", "xMidYMin", "xMaxYMin"];
throw new Error(`Correct katexImagesData or update code here to support
` + qe + " children.");
- for (var Ze = 0; Ze < qe; Ze++) {
- var Q0 = new Zt(Be[Ze]), Ot = new Ft([Q0], {
+ for (var Xe = 0; Xe < qe; Xe++) {
+ var Q0 = new Kt(Be[Xe]), qt = new Lt([Q0], {
width: "400em",
- height: ee(ze),
- viewBox: "0 0 " + k + " " + Ie,
- preserveAspectRatio: ut[Ze] + " slice"
- }), wt = N.makeSvgSpan([Ye[Ze]], [Ot], t);
+ height: te(Ce),
+ viewBox: "0 0 " + _ + " " + Ie,
+ preserveAspectRatio: ht[Xe] + " slice"
+ }), _t = N.makeSvgSpan([je[Xe]], [qt], t);
if (qe === 1)
return {
- span: wt,
+ span: _t,
minWidth: we,
- height: ze
+ height: Ce
- wt.style.height = ee(ze), de.push(wt);
+ _t.style.height = te(Ce), de.push(_t);
return {
span: N.makeSpan(["stretchy"], de, t),
minWidth: we,
- height: ze
+ height: Ce
var l = n(), c = l.span, m = l.minWidth, b = l.height;
- return c.height = b, c.style.height = ee(b), m > 0 && (c.style.minWidth = ee(m)), c;
- }, b1 = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
+ return c.height = b, c.style.height = te(b), m > 0 && (c.style.minWidth = te(m)), c;
+ }, k1 = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
var m, b = e.height + e.depth + n + l;
if (/fbox|color|angl/.test(t)) {
if (m = N.makeSpan(["stretchy", t], [], c), t === "fbox") {
- var k = c.color && c.getColor();
- k && (m.style.borderColor = k);
+ var _ = c.color && c.getColor();
+ _ && (m.style.borderColor = _);
} else {
var x = [];
- /^[bx]cancel$/.test(t) && x.push(new S0({
+ /^[bx]cancel$/.test(t) && x.push(new A0({
x1: "0",
y1: "0",
x2: "100%",
y2: "100%",
"stroke-width": "0.046em"
- })), /^x?cancel$/.test(t) && x.push(new S0({
+ })), /^x?cancel$/.test(t) && x.push(new A0({
x1: "0",
y1: "100%",
x2: "100%",
y2: "0",
"stroke-width": "0.046em"
- var C = new Ft(x, {
+ var C = new Lt(x, {
width: "100%",
- height: ee(b)
+ height: te(b)
m = N.makeSvgSpan([], [C], c);
- return m.height = b, m.style.height = ee(b), m;
- }, m0 = {
- encloseSpan: b1,
- mathMLnode: d1,
- svgSpan: v1
+ return m.height = b, m.style.height = te(b), m;
+ }, p0 = {
+ encloseSpan: k1,
+ mathMLnode: b1,
+ svgSpan: _1
function ye(f, e) {
if (!f || f.type !== e)
throw new Error("Expected node of type " + e + ", but got " + (f ? "node of type " + f.type : String(f)));
return f;
- function ea(f) {
- var e = sn(f);
+ function ta(f) {
+ var e = on(f);
if (!e)
throw new Error("Expected node of symbol group type, but got " + (f ? "node of type " + f.type : String(f)));
return e;
- function sn(f) {
+ function on(f) {
return f && (f.type === "atom" || zr.hasOwnProperty(f.type)) ? f : null;
- var ta = function(e, t) {
+ var ra = function(e, t) {
var n, l, c;
- e && e.type === "supsub" ? (l = ye(e.base, "accent"), n = l.base, e.base = n, c = Vn(Me(e, t)), e.base = l) : (l = ye(e, "accent"), n = l.base);
- var m = Me(n, t.havingCrampedStyle()), b = l.isShifty && V.isCharacterBox(n), k = 0;
+ e && e.type === "supsub" ? (l = ye(e.base, "accent"), n = l.base, e.base = n, c = Wn(ze(e, t)), e.base = l) : (l = ye(e, "accent"), n = l.base);
+ var m = ze(n, t.havingCrampedStyle()), b = l.isShifty && W.isCharacterBox(n), _ = 0;
if (b) {
- var x = V.getBaseElem(n), C = Me(x, t.havingCrampedStyle());
- k = sr(C).skew;
+ var x = W.getBaseElem(n), C = ze(x, t.havingCrampedStyle());
+ _ = sr(C).skew;
- var D = l.label === "\\c", P = D ? m.height + m.depth : Math.min(m.height, t.fontMetrics().xHeight), q;
+ var D = l.label === "\\c", q = D ? m.height + m.depth : Math.min(m.height, t.fontMetrics().xHeight), O;
if (l.isStretchy)
- q = m0.svgSpan(l, t), q = N.makeVList({
+ O = p0.svgSpan(l, t), O = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
elem: m
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: q,
+ elem: O,
wrapperClasses: ["svg-align"],
- wrapperStyle: k > 0 ? {
- width: "calc(100% - " + ee(2 * k) + ")",
- marginLeft: ee(2 * k)
+ wrapperStyle: _ > 0 ? {
+ width: "calc(100% - " + te(2 * _) + ")",
+ marginLeft: te(2 * _)
} : void 0
}, t);
else {
- var U, $;
- l.label === "\\vec" ? (U = N.staticSvg("vec", t), $ = N.svgData.vec[1]) : (U = N.makeOrd({
+ var U, J;
+ l.label === "\\vec" ? (U = N.staticSvg("vec", t), J = N.svgData.vec[1]) : (U = N.makeOrd({
mode: l.mode,
text: l.label
- }, t, "textord"), U = sr(U), U.italic = 0, $ = U.width, D && (P += U.depth)), q = N.makeSpan(["accent-body"], [U]);
+ }, t, "textord"), U = sr(U), U.italic = 0, J = U.width, D && (q += U.depth)), O = N.makeSpan(["accent-body"], [U]);
var ie = l.label === "\\textcircled";
- ie && (q.classes.push("accent-full"), P = m.height);
- var he = k;
- ie || (he -= $ / 2), q.style.left = ee(he), l.label === "\\textcircled" && (q.style.top = ".2em"), q = N.makeVList({
+ ie && (O.classes.push("accent-full"), q = m.height);
+ var he = _;
+ ie || (he -= J / 2), O.style.left = te(he), l.label === "\\textcircled" && (O.style.top = ".2em"), O = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
elem: m
}, {
type: "kern",
- size: -P
+ size: -q
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: q
+ elem: O
}, t);
- var de = N.makeSpan(["mord", "accent"], [q], t);
+ var de = N.makeSpan(["mord", "accent"], [O], t);
return c ? (c.children[0] = de, c.height = Math.max(de.height, c.height), c.classes[0] = "mord", c) : de;
}, Si = function(e, t) {
- var n = e.isStretchy ? m0.mathMLnode(e.label) : new K.MathNode("mo", [It(e.label, e.mode)]), l = new K.MathNode("mover", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
+ var n = e.isStretchy ? p0.mathMLnode(e.label) : new Q.MathNode("mo", [Ot(e.label, e.mode)]), l = new Q.MathNode("mover", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
return l.setAttribute("accent", "true"), l;
- }, y1 = new RegExp(["\\acute", "\\grave", "\\ddot", "\\tilde", "\\bar", "\\breve", "\\check", "\\hat", "\\vec", "\\dot", "\\mathring"].map(function(f) {
+ }, x1 = new RegExp(["\\acute", "\\grave", "\\ddot", "\\tilde", "\\bar", "\\breve", "\\check", "\\hat", "\\vec", "\\dot", "\\mathring"].map(function(f) {
return "\\" + f;
@@ -6331,7 +6331,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
numArgs: 1
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = an(t[0]), l = !y1.test(e.funcName), c = !l || e.funcName === "\\widehat" || e.funcName === "\\widetilde" || e.funcName === "\\widecheck";
+ var n = ln(t[0]), l = !x1.test(e.funcName), c = !l || e.funcName === "\\widehat" || e.funcName === "\\widetilde" || e.funcName === "\\widecheck";
return {
type: "accent",
mode: e.parser.mode,
@@ -6341,7 +6341,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
base: n
- htmlBuilder: ta,
+ htmlBuilder: ra,
mathmlBuilder: Si
}), se({
type: "accent",
@@ -6364,7 +6364,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
base: n
- htmlBuilder: ta,
+ htmlBuilder: ra,
mathmlBuilder: Si
}), se({
type: "accentUnder",
@@ -6382,7 +6382,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.base, t), l = m0.svgSpan(e, t), c = e.label === "\\utilde" ? 0.12 : 0, m = N.makeVList({
+ var n = ze(e.base, t), l = p0.svgSpan(e, t), c = e.label === "\\utilde" ? 0.12 : 0, m = N.makeVList({
positionType: "top",
positionData: n.height,
children: [{
@@ -6400,12 +6400,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "accentunder"], [m], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = m0.mathMLnode(e.label), l = new K.MathNode("munder", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
+ var n = p0.mathMLnode(e.label), l = new Q.MathNode("munder", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
return l.setAttribute("accentunder", "true"), l;
- var on = function(e) {
- var t = new K.MathNode("mpadded", e ? [e] : []);
+ var un = function(e) {
+ var t = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", e ? [e] : []);
return t.setAttribute("width", "+0.6em"), t.setAttribute("lspace", "0.3em"), t;
@@ -6457,15 +6457,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// Flow is unable to correctly infer the type of `group`, even though it's
// unambiguously determined from the passed-in `type` above.
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = t.style, l = t.havingStyle(n.sup()), c = N.wrapFragment(Me(e.body, l, t), t), m = e.label.slice(0, 2) === "\\x" ? "x" : "cd";
+ var n = t.style, l = t.havingStyle(n.sup()), c = N.wrapFragment(ze(e.body, l, t), t), m = e.label.slice(0, 2) === "\\x" ? "x" : "cd";
c.classes.push(m + "-arrow-pad");
var b;
- e.below && (l = t.havingStyle(n.sub()), b = N.wrapFragment(Me(e.below, l, t), t), b.classes.push(m + "-arrow-pad"));
- var k = m0.svgSpan(e, t), x = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight + 0.5 * k.height, C = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight - 0.5 * k.height - 0.111;
+ e.below && (l = t.havingStyle(n.sub()), b = N.wrapFragment(ze(e.below, l, t), t), b.classes.push(m + "-arrow-pad"));
+ var _ = p0.svgSpan(e, t), x = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight + 0.5 * _.height, C = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight - 0.5 * _.height - 0.111;
(c.depth > 0.25 || e.label === "\\xleftequilibrium") && (C -= c.depth);
var D;
if (b) {
- var P = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight + b.height + 0.5 * k.height + 0.111;
+ var q = -t.fontMetrics().axisHeight + b.height + 0.5 * _.height + 0.111;
D = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [{
@@ -6474,12 +6474,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
shift: C
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: k,
+ elem: _,
shift: x
}, {
type: "elem",
elem: b,
- shift: P
+ shift: q
}, t);
} else
@@ -6491,39 +6491,39 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
shift: C
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: k,
+ elem: _,
shift: x
}, t);
return D.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align"), N.makeSpan(["mrel", "x-arrow"], [D], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = m0.mathMLnode(e.label);
+ var n = p0.mathMLnode(e.label);
n.setAttribute("minsize", e.label.charAt(0) === "x" ? "1.75em" : "3.0em");
var l;
if (e.body) {
- var c = on(Ue(e.body, t));
+ var c = un(Ue(e.body, t));
if (e.below) {
- var m = on(Ue(e.below, t));
- l = new K.MathNode("munderover", [n, m, c]);
+ var m = un(Ue(e.below, t));
+ l = new Q.MathNode("munderover", [n, m, c]);
} else
- l = new K.MathNode("mover", [n, c]);
+ l = new Q.MathNode("mover", [n, c]);
} else if (e.below) {
- var b = on(Ue(e.below, t));
- l = new K.MathNode("munder", [n, b]);
+ var b = un(Ue(e.below, t));
+ l = new Q.MathNode("munder", [n, b]);
} else
- l = on(), l = new K.MathNode("mover", [n, l]);
+ l = un(), l = new Q.MathNode("mover", [n, l]);
return l;
- var w1 = N.makeSpan;
+ var S1 = N.makeSpan;
function Ai(f, e) {
- var t = it(f.body, e, !0);
- return w1([f.mclass], t, e);
+ var t = at(f.body, e, !0);
+ return S1([f.mclass], t, e);
function Ti(f, e) {
- var t, n = St(f.body, e);
- return f.mclass === "minner" ? t = new K.MathNode("mpadded", n) : f.mclass === "mord" ? f.isCharacterBox ? (t = n[0], t.type = "mi") : t = new K.MathNode("mi", n) : (f.isCharacterBox ? (t = n[0], t.type = "mo") : t = new K.MathNode("mo", n), f.mclass === "mbin" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0.22em", t.attributes.rspace = "0.22em") : f.mclass === "mpunct" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0em", t.attributes.rspace = "0.17em") : f.mclass === "mopen" || f.mclass === "mclose" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0em", t.attributes.rspace = "0em") : f.mclass === "minner" && (t.attributes.lspace = "0.0556em", t.attributes.width = "+0.1111em")), t;
+ var t, n = Tt(f.body, e);
+ return f.mclass === "minner" ? t = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", n) : f.mclass === "mord" ? f.isCharacterBox ? (t = n[0], t.type = "mi") : t = new Q.MathNode("mi", n) : (f.isCharacterBox ? (t = n[0], t.type = "mo") : t = new Q.MathNode("mo", n), f.mclass === "mbin" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0.22em", t.attributes.rspace = "0.22em") : f.mclass === "mpunct" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0em", t.attributes.rspace = "0.17em") : f.mclass === "mopen" || f.mclass === "mclose" ? (t.attributes.lspace = "0em", t.attributes.rspace = "0em") : f.mclass === "minner" && (t.attributes.lspace = "0.0556em", t.attributes.width = "+0.1111em")), t;
type: "mclass",
@@ -6539,14 +6539,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mode: n.mode,
mclass: "m" + l.slice(5),
// TODO(kevinb): don't prefix with 'm'
- body: at(c),
- isCharacterBox: V.isCharacterBox(c)
+ body: tt(c),
+ isCharacterBox: W.isCharacterBox(c)
htmlBuilder: Ai,
mathmlBuilder: Ti
- var un = function(e) {
+ var cn = function(e) {
var t = e.type === "ordgroup" && e.body.length ? e.body[0] : e;
return t.type === "atom" && (t.family === "bin" || t.family === "rel") ? "m" + t.family : "mord";
@@ -6561,9 +6561,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "mclass",
mode: n.mode,
- mclass: un(t[0]),
- body: at(t[1]),
- isCharacterBox: V.isCharacterBox(t[1])
+ mclass: cn(t[0]),
+ body: tt(t[1]),
+ isCharacterBox: W.isCharacterBox(t[1])
}), se({
@@ -6574,8 +6574,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e, t) {
var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = t[1], m = t[0], b;
- l !== "\\stackrel" ? b = un(c) : b = "mrel";
- var k = {
+ l !== "\\stackrel" ? b = cn(c) : b = "mrel";
+ var _ = {
type: "op",
mode: c.mode,
limits: !0,
@@ -6583,11 +6583,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
parentIsSupSub: !1,
symbol: !1,
suppressBaseShift: l !== "\\stackrel",
- body: at(c)
+ body: tt(c)
}, x = {
type: "supsub",
mode: m.mode,
- base: k,
+ base: _,
sup: l === "\\underset" ? null : m,
sub: l === "\\underset" ? m : null
@@ -6596,7 +6596,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mode: n.mode,
mclass: b,
body: [x],
- isCharacterBox: V.isCharacterBox(x)
+ isCharacterBox: W.isCharacterBox(x)
htmlBuilder: Ai,
@@ -6613,20 +6613,20 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "pmb",
mode: n.mode,
- mclass: un(t[0]),
- body: at(t[0])
+ mclass: cn(t[0]),
+ body: tt(t[0])
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t, !0), l = N.makeSpan([e.mclass], n, t);
+ var n = at(e.body, t, !0), l = N.makeSpan([e.mclass], n, t);
return l.style.textShadow = "0.02em 0.01em 0.04px", l;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = St(e.body, t), l = new K.MathNode("mstyle", n);
+ var n = Tt(e.body, t), l = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", n);
return l.setAttribute("style", "text-shadow: 0.02em 0.01em 0.04px"), l;
- var k1 = {
+ var A1 = {
">": "\\\\cdrightarrow",
"<": "\\\\cdleftarrow",
"=": "\\\\cdlongequal",
@@ -6643,11 +6643,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, zi = function(e) {
return e.type === "textord" && e.text === "@";
- }, _1 = function(e, t) {
+ }, T1 = function(e, t) {
return (e.type === "mathord" || e.type === "atom") && e.text === t;
- function x1(f, e, t) {
- var n = k1[f];
+ function M1(f, e, t) {
+ var n = A1[f];
switch (n) {
case "\\\\cdrightarrow":
case "\\\\cdleftarrow":
@@ -6659,12 +6659,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
text: n,
mode: "math",
family: "rel"
- }, m = t.callFunction("\\Big", [c], []), b = t.callFunction("\\\\cdright", [e[1]], []), k = {
+ }, m = t.callFunction("\\Big", [c], []), b = t.callFunction("\\\\cdright", [e[1]], []), _ = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: "math",
body: [l, m, b]
- return t.callFunction("\\\\cdparent", [k], []);
+ return t.callFunction("\\\\cdparent", [_], []);
case "\\\\cdlongequal":
return t.callFunction("\\\\cdlongequal", [], []);
@@ -6684,7 +6684,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
- function S1(f) {
+ function z1(f) {
var e = [];
for (f.gullet.beginGroup(), f.gullet.macros.set("\\cr", "\\\\\\relax"), f.gullet.beginGroup(); ; ) {
e.push(f.parseExpression(!1, "\\\\")), f.gullet.endGroup(), f.gullet.beginGroup();
@@ -6698,12 +6698,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new u("Expected \\\\ or \\cr or \\end", f.nextToken);
for (var n = [], l = [n], c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
- for (var m = e[c], b = Mi(), k = 0; k < m.length; k++)
- if (!zi(m[k]))
- b.body.push(m[k]);
+ for (var m = e[c], b = Mi(), _ = 0; _ < m.length; _++)
+ if (!zi(m[_]))
+ b.body.push(m[_]);
else {
- n.push(b), k += 1;
- var x = ea(m[k]).text, C = new Array(2);
+ n.push(b), _ += 1;
+ var x = ta(m[_]).text, C = new Array(2);
if (C[0] = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: "math",
@@ -6715,28 +6715,28 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, !("=|.".indexOf(x) > -1))
if ("<>AV".indexOf(x) > -1)
for (var D = 0; D < 2; D++) {
- for (var P = !0, q = k + 1; q < m.length; q++) {
- if (_1(m[q], x)) {
- P = !1, k = q;
+ for (var q = !0, O = _ + 1; O < m.length; O++) {
+ if (T1(m[O], x)) {
+ q = !1, _ = O;
- if (zi(m[q]))
- throw new u("Missing a " + x + " character to complete a CD arrow.", m[q]);
- C[D].body.push(m[q]);
+ if (zi(m[O]))
+ throw new u("Missing a " + x + " character to complete a CD arrow.", m[O]);
+ C[D].body.push(m[O]);
- if (P)
- throw new u("Missing a " + x + " character to complete a CD arrow.", m[k]);
+ if (q)
+ throw new u("Missing a " + x + " character to complete a CD arrow.", m[_]);
- throw new u('Expected one of "<>AV=|." after @', m[k]);
- var U = x1(x, C, f), $ = {
+ throw new u('Expected one of "<>AV=|." after @', m[_]);
+ var U = M1(x, C, f), J = {
type: "styling",
body: [U],
mode: "math",
style: "display"
// CD is always displaystyle.
- n.push($), b = Mi();
+ n.push(J), b = Mi();
c % 2 === 0 ? n.push(b) : n.shift(), n = [], l.push(n);
@@ -6777,12 +6777,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = t.havingStyle(t.style.sup()), l = N.wrapFragment(Me(e.label, n, t), t);
- return l.classes.push("cd-label-" + e.side), l.style.bottom = ee(0.8 - l.depth), l.height = 0, l.depth = 0, l;
+ var n = t.havingStyle(t.style.sup()), l = N.wrapFragment(ze(e.label, n, t), t);
+ return l.classes.push("cd-label-" + e.side), l.style.bottom = te(0.8 - l.depth), l.height = 0, l.depth = 0, l;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mrow", [Ue(e.label, t)]);
- return n = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [n]), n.setAttribute("width", "0"), e.side === "left" && n.setAttribute("lspace", "-1width"), n.setAttribute("voffset", "0.7em"), n = new K.MathNode("mstyle", [n]), n.setAttribute("displaystyle", "false"), n.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "1"), n;
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mrow", [Ue(e.label, t)]);
+ return n = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [n]), n.setAttribute("width", "0"), e.side === "left" && n.setAttribute("lspace", "-1width"), n.setAttribute("voffset", "0.7em"), n = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", [n]), n.setAttribute("displaystyle", "false"), n.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "1"), n;
}), se({
type: "cdlabelparent",
@@ -6799,11 +6799,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = N.wrapFragment(Me(e.fragment, t), t);
+ var n = N.wrapFragment(ze(e.fragment, t), t);
return n.classes.push("cd-vert-arrow"), n;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return new K.MathNode("mrow", [Ue(e.fragment, t)]);
+ return new Q.MathNode("mrow", [Ue(e.fragment, t)]);
}), se({
type: "textord",
@@ -6814,8 +6814,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e, t) {
for (var n = e.parser, l = ye(t[0], "ordgroup"), c = l.body, m = "", b = 0; b < c.length; b++) {
- var k = ye(c[b], "textord");
- m += k.text;
+ var _ = ye(c[b], "textord");
+ m += _.text;
var x = parseInt(m), C;
if (isNaN(x))
@@ -6830,10 +6830,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var Ci = function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t.withColor(e.color), !1);
+ var n = at(e.body, t.withColor(e.color), !1);
return N.makeFragment(n);
}, Ei = function(e, t) {
- var n = St(e.body, t.withColor(e.color)), l = new K.MathNode("mstyle", n);
+ var n = Tt(e.body, t.withColor(e.color)), l = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", n);
return l.setAttribute("mathcolor", e.color), l;
@@ -6850,7 +6850,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "color",
mode: n.mode,
color: l,
- body: at(c)
+ body: tt(c)
htmlBuilder: Ci,
@@ -6897,14 +6897,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// not within tabular/array environments.
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = N.makeSpan(["mspace"], [], t);
- return e.newLine && (n.classes.push("newline"), e.size && (n.style.marginTop = ee(Pe(e.size, t)))), n;
+ return e.newLine && (n.classes.push("newline"), e.size && (n.style.marginTop = te(Pe(e.size, t)))), n;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mspace");
- return e.newLine && (n.setAttribute("linebreak", "newline"), e.size && n.setAttribute("height", ee(Pe(e.size, t)))), n;
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mspace");
+ return e.newLine && (n.setAttribute("linebreak", "newline"), e.size && n.setAttribute("height", te(Pe(e.size, t)))), n;
- var ra = {
+ var na = {
"\\global": "\\global",
"\\long": "\\\\globallong",
"\\\\globallong": "\\\\globallong",
@@ -6919,7 +6919,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (/^(?:[\\{}$^_]|EOF)$/.test(t))
throw new u("Expected a control sequence", e);
return t;
- }, A1 = function(e) {
+ }, C1 = function(e) {
var t = e.gullet.popToken();
return t.text === "=" && (t = e.gullet.popToken(), t.text === " " && (t = e.gullet.popToken())), t;
}, Di = function(e, t, n, l) {
@@ -6947,8 +6947,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var t = e.parser, n = e.funcName;
var l = t.fetch();
- if (ra[l.text])
- return (n === "\\global" || n === "\\\\globallong") && (l.text = ra[l.text]), ye(t.parseFunction(), "internal");
+ if (na[l.text])
+ return (n === "\\global" || n === "\\\\globallong") && (l.text = na[l.text]), ye(t.parseFunction(), "internal");
throw new u("Invalid token after macro prefix", l);
}), se({
@@ -6963,28 +6963,28 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var t = e.parser, n = e.funcName, l = t.gullet.popToken(), c = l.text;
if (/^(?:[\\{}$^_]|EOF)$/.test(c))
throw new u("Expected a control sequence", l);
- for (var m = 0, b, k = [[]]; t.gullet.future().text !== "{"; )
+ for (var m = 0, b, _ = [[]]; t.gullet.future().text !== "{"; )
if (l = t.gullet.popToken(), l.text === "#") {
if (t.gullet.future().text === "{") {
- b = t.gullet.future(), k[m].push("{");
+ b = t.gullet.future(), _[m].push("{");
if (l = t.gullet.popToken(), !/^[1-9]$/.test(l.text))
throw new u('Invalid argument number "' + l.text + '"');
if (parseInt(l.text) !== m + 1)
throw new u('Argument number "' + l.text + '" out of order');
- m++, k.push([]);
+ m++, _.push([]);
} else {
if (l.text === "EOF")
throw new u("Expected a macro definition");
- k[m].push(l.text);
+ _[m].push(l.text);
var x = t.gullet.consumeArg(), C = x.tokens;
return b && C.unshift(b), (n === "\\edef" || n === "\\xdef") && (C = t.gullet.expandTokens(C), C.reverse()), t.gullet.macros.set(c, {
tokens: C,
numArgs: m,
- delimiters: k
- }, n === ra[n]), {
+ delimiters: _
+ }, n === na[n]), {
type: "internal",
mode: t.mode
@@ -7004,7 +7004,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e) {
var t = e.parser, n = e.funcName, l = Bi(t.gullet.popToken());
- var c = A1(t);
+ var c = C1(t);
return Di(t, l, c, n === "\\\\globallet"), {
type: "internal",
mode: t.mode
@@ -7031,25 +7031,25 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var Nr = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = Ve.math[e] && Ve.math[e].replace, c = Xt(l || e, t, n);
+ var l = Ge.math[e] && Ge.math[e].replace, c = Zt(l || e, t, n);
if (!c)
throw new Error("Unsupported symbol " + e + " and font size " + t + ".");
return c;
- }, na = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ }, aa = function(e, t, n, l) {
var c = n.havingBaseStyle(t), m = N.makeSpan(l.concat(c.sizingClasses(n)), [e], n), b = c.sizeMultiplier / n.sizeMultiplier;
return m.height *= b, m.depth *= b, m.maxFontSize = c.sizeMultiplier, m;
}, Ni = function(e, t, n) {
var l = t.havingBaseStyle(n), c = (1 - t.sizeMultiplier / l.sizeMultiplier) * t.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- e.classes.push("delimcenter"), e.style.top = ee(c), e.height -= c, e.depth += c;
- }, T1 = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
- var b = N.makeSymbol(e, "Main-Regular", c, l), k = na(b, t, l, m);
- return n && Ni(k, l, t), k;
- }, M1 = function(e, t, n, l) {
+ e.classes.push("delimcenter"), e.style.top = te(c), e.height -= c, e.depth += c;
+ }, E1 = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
+ var b = N.makeSymbol(e, "Main-Regular", c, l), _ = aa(b, t, l, m);
+ return n && Ni(_, l, t), _;
+ }, B1 = function(e, t, n, l) {
return N.makeSymbol(e, "Size" + t + "-Regular", n, l);
}, Ri = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
- var b = M1(e, t, c, l), k = na(N.makeSpan(["delimsizing", "size" + t], [b], l), Q.TEXT, l, m);
- return n && Ni(k, l, Q.TEXT), k;
- }, aa = function(e, t, n) {
+ var b = B1(e, t, c, l), _ = aa(N.makeSpan(["delimsizing", "size" + t], [b], l), ne.TEXT, l, m);
+ return n && Ni(_, l, ne.TEXT), _;
+ }, ia = function(e, t, n) {
var l;
t === "Size1-Regular" ? l = "delim-size1" : l = "delim-size4";
var c = N.makeSpan(["delimsizinginner", l], [N.makeSpan([], [N.makeSymbol(e, t, n)])]);
@@ -7057,73 +7057,73 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "elem",
elem: c
- }, ia = function(e, t, n) {
- var l = Nt["Size4-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)] ? Nt["Size4-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)][4] : Nt["Size1-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)][4], c = new Zt("inner", rr(e, Math.round(1e3 * t))), m = new Ft([c], {
- width: ee(l),
- height: ee(t),
+ }, la = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l = Rt["Size4-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)] ? Rt["Size4-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)][4] : Rt["Size1-Regular"][e.charCodeAt(0)][4], c = new Kt("inner", rr(e, Math.round(1e3 * t))), m = new Lt([c], {
+ width: te(l),
+ height: te(t),
// Override CSS rule `.katex svg { width: 100% }`
- style: "width:" + ee(l),
+ style: "width:" + te(l),
viewBox: "0 0 " + 1e3 * l + " " + Math.round(1e3 * t),
preserveAspectRatio: "xMinYMin"
}), b = N.makeSvgSpan([], [m], n);
- return b.height = t, b.style.height = ee(t), b.style.width = ee(l), {
+ return b.height = t, b.style.height = te(t), b.style.width = te(l), {
type: "elem",
elem: b
- }, la = 8e-3, cn = {
+ }, sa = 8e-3, hn = {
type: "kern",
- size: -1 * la
- }, z1 = ["|", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\vert"], C1 = ["\\|", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\Vert"], Fi = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
- var b, k, x, C, D = "", P = 0;
- b = x = C = e, k = null;
- var q = "Size1-Regular";
- e === "\\uparrow" ? x = C = "⏐" : e === "\\Uparrow" ? x = C = "‖" : e === "\\downarrow" ? b = x = "⏐" : e === "\\Downarrow" ? b = x = "‖" : e === "\\updownarrow" ? (b = "\\uparrow", x = "⏐", C = "\\downarrow") : e === "\\Updownarrow" ? (b = "\\Uparrow", x = "‖", C = "\\Downarrow") : V.contains(z1, e) ? (x = "∣", D = "vert", P = 333) : V.contains(C1, e) ? (x = "∥", D = "doublevert", P = 556) : e === "[" || e === "\\lbrack" ? (b = "⎡", x = "⎢", C = "⎣", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "lbrack", P = 667) : e === "]" || e === "\\rbrack" ? (b = "⎤", x = "⎥", C = "⎦", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "rbrack", P = 667) : e === "\\lfloor" || e === "⌊" ? (x = b = "⎢", C = "⎣", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "lfloor", P = 667) : e === "\\lceil" || e === "⌈" ? (b = "⎡", x = C = "⎢", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "lceil", P = 667) : e === "\\rfloor" || e === "⌋" ? (x = b = "⎥", C = "⎦", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "rfloor", P = 667) : e === "\\rceil" || e === "⌉" ? (b = "⎤", x = C = "⎥", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "rceil", P = 667) : e === "(" || e === "\\lparen" ? (b = "⎛", x = "⎜", C = "⎝", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "lparen", P = 875) : e === ")" || e === "\\rparen" ? (b = "⎞", x = "⎟", C = "⎠", q = "Size4-Regular", D = "rparen", P = 875) : e === "\\{" || e === "\\lbrace" ? (b = "⎧", k = "⎨", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\}" || e === "\\rbrace" ? (b = "⎫", k = "⎬", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\lgroup" || e === "⟮" ? (b = "⎧", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\rgroup" || e === "⟯" ? (b = "⎫", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\lmoustache" || e === "⎰" ? (b = "⎧", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular") : (e === "\\rmoustache" || e === "⎱") && (b = "⎫", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", q = "Size4-Regular");
- var U = Nr(b, q, c), $ = U.height + U.depth, ie = Nr(x, q, c), he = ie.height + ie.depth, de = Nr(C, q, c), ge = de.height + de.depth, Be = 0, we = 1;
- if (k !== null) {
- var Ie = Nr(k, q, c);
+ size: -1 * sa
+ }, D1 = ["|", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\vert"], N1 = ["\\|", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\Vert"], Fi = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
+ var b, _, x, C, D = "", q = 0;
+ b = x = C = e, _ = null;
+ var O = "Size1-Regular";
+ e === "\\uparrow" ? x = C = "⏐" : e === "\\Uparrow" ? x = C = "‖" : e === "\\downarrow" ? b = x = "⏐" : e === "\\Downarrow" ? b = x = "‖" : e === "\\updownarrow" ? (b = "\\uparrow", x = "⏐", C = "\\downarrow") : e === "\\Updownarrow" ? (b = "\\Uparrow", x = "‖", C = "\\Downarrow") : W.contains(D1, e) ? (x = "∣", D = "vert", q = 333) : W.contains(N1, e) ? (x = "∥", D = "doublevert", q = 556) : e === "[" || e === "\\lbrack" ? (b = "⎡", x = "⎢", C = "⎣", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "lbrack", q = 667) : e === "]" || e === "\\rbrack" ? (b = "⎤", x = "⎥", C = "⎦", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "rbrack", q = 667) : e === "\\lfloor" || e === "⌊" ? (x = b = "⎢", C = "⎣", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "lfloor", q = 667) : e === "\\lceil" || e === "⌈" ? (b = "⎡", x = C = "⎢", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "lceil", q = 667) : e === "\\rfloor" || e === "⌋" ? (x = b = "⎥", C = "⎦", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "rfloor", q = 667) : e === "\\rceil" || e === "⌉" ? (b = "⎤", x = C = "⎥", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "rceil", q = 667) : e === "(" || e === "\\lparen" ? (b = "⎛", x = "⎜", C = "⎝", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "lparen", q = 875) : e === ")" || e === "\\rparen" ? (b = "⎞", x = "⎟", C = "⎠", O = "Size4-Regular", D = "rparen", q = 875) : e === "\\{" || e === "\\lbrace" ? (b = "⎧", _ = "⎨", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\}" || e === "\\rbrace" ? (b = "⎫", _ = "⎬", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\lgroup" || e === "⟮" ? (b = "⎧", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\rgroup" || e === "⟯" ? (b = "⎫", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular") : e === "\\lmoustache" || e === "⎰" ? (b = "⎧", C = "⎭", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular") : (e === "\\rmoustache" || e === "⎱") && (b = "⎫", C = "⎩", x = "⎪", O = "Size4-Regular");
+ var U = Nr(b, O, c), J = U.height + U.depth, ie = Nr(x, O, c), he = ie.height + ie.depth, de = Nr(C, O, c), ve = de.height + de.depth, Be = 0, we = 1;
+ if (_ !== null) {
+ var Ie = Nr(_, O, c);
Be = Ie.height + Ie.depth, we = 2;
- var ze = $ + ge + Be, qe = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((t - ze) / (we * he))), Ye = ze + qe * we * he, ut = l.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- n && (ut *= l.sizeMultiplier);
- var Mt = Ye / 2 - ut, Ze = [];
+ var Ce = J + ve + Be, qe = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((t - Ce) / (we * he))), je = Ce + qe * we * he, ht = l.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
+ n && (ht *= l.sizeMultiplier);
+ var Et = je / 2 - ht, Xe = [];
if (D.length > 0) {
- var Q0 = Ye - $ - ge, Ot = Math.round(Ye * 1e3), wt = Vr(D, Math.round(Q0 * 1e3)), B0 = new Zt(D, wt), ur = (P / 1e3).toFixed(3) + "em", cr = (Ot / 1e3).toFixed(3) + "em", Aa = new Ft([B0], {
+ var Q0 = je - J - ve, qt = Math.round(je * 1e3), _t = Wr(D, Math.round(Q0 * 1e3)), D0 = new Kt(D, _t), ur = (q / 1e3).toFixed(3) + "em", cr = (qt / 1e3).toFixed(3) + "em", Ta = new Lt([D0], {
width: ur,
height: cr,
- viewBox: "0 0 " + P + " " + Ot
- }), D0 = N.makeSvgSpan([], [Aa], l);
- D0.height = Ot / 1e3, D0.style.width = ur, D0.style.height = cr, Ze.push({
+ viewBox: "0 0 " + q + " " + qt
+ }), N0 = N.makeSvgSpan([], [Ta], l);
+ N0.height = qt / 1e3, N0.style.width = ur, N0.style.height = cr, Xe.push({
type: "elem",
- elem: D0
+ elem: N0
} else {
- if (Ze.push(aa(C, q, c)), Ze.push(cn), k === null) {
- var N0 = Ye - $ - ge + 2 * la;
- Ze.push(ia(x, N0, l));
+ if (Xe.push(ia(C, O, c)), Xe.push(hn), _ === null) {
+ var R0 = je - J - ve + 2 * sa;
+ Xe.push(la(x, R0, l));
} else {
- var qt = (Ye - $ - ge - Be) / 2 + 2 * la;
- Ze.push(ia(x, qt, l)), Ze.push(cn), Ze.push(aa(k, q, c)), Ze.push(cn), Ze.push(ia(x, qt, l));
+ var Pt = (je - J - ve - Be) / 2 + 2 * sa;
+ Xe.push(la(x, Pt, l)), Xe.push(hn), Xe.push(ia(_, O, c)), Xe.push(hn), Xe.push(la(x, Pt, l));
- Ze.push(cn), Ze.push(aa(b, q, c));
+ Xe.push(hn), Xe.push(ia(b, O, c));
- var Lr = l.havingBaseStyle(Q.TEXT), Ta = N.makeVList({
+ var Lr = l.havingBaseStyle(ne.TEXT), Ma = N.makeVList({
positionType: "bottom",
- positionData: Mt,
- children: Ze
+ positionData: Et,
+ children: Xe
}, Lr);
- return na(N.makeSpan(["delimsizing", "mult"], [Ta], Lr), Q.TEXT, l, m);
- }, sa = 80, oa = 0.08, ua = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
- var m = b0(e, l, n), b = new Zt(e, m), k = new Ft([b], {
+ return aa(N.makeSpan(["delimsizing", "mult"], [Ma], Lr), ne.TEXT, l, m);
+ }, oa = 80, ua = 0.08, ca = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
+ var m = y0(e, l, n), b = new Kt(e, m), _ = new Lt([b], {
// Note: 1000:1 ratio of viewBox to document em width.
width: "400em",
- height: ee(t),
+ height: te(t),
viewBox: "0 0 400000 " + n,
preserveAspectRatio: "xMinYMin slice"
- return N.makeSvgSpan(["hide-tail"], [k], c);
- }, E1 = function(e, t) {
- var n = t.havingBaseSizing(), l = qi("\\surd", e * n.sizeMultiplier, Oi, n), c = n.sizeMultiplier, m = Math.max(0, t.minRuleThickness - t.fontMetrics().sqrtRuleThickness), b, k = 0, x = 0, C = 0, D;
- return l.type === "small" ? (C = 1e3 + 1e3 * m + sa, e < 1 ? c = 1 : e < 1.4 && (c = 0.7), k = (1 + m + oa) / c, x = (1 + m) / c, b = ua("sqrtMain", k, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "0.853em", D = 0.833 / c) : l.type === "large" ? (C = (1e3 + sa) * Rr[l.size], x = (Rr[l.size] + m) / c, k = (Rr[l.size] + m + oa) / c, b = ua("sqrtSize" + l.size, k, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "1.02em", D = 1 / c) : (k = e + m + oa, x = e + m, C = Math.floor(1e3 * e + m) + sa, b = ua("sqrtTall", k, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "0.742em", D = 1.056), b.height = x, b.style.height = ee(k), {
+ return N.makeSvgSpan(["hide-tail"], [_], c);
+ }, R1 = function(e, t) {
+ var n = t.havingBaseSizing(), l = qi("\\surd", e * n.sizeMultiplier, Oi, n), c = n.sizeMultiplier, m = Math.max(0, t.minRuleThickness - t.fontMetrics().sqrtRuleThickness), b, _ = 0, x = 0, C = 0, D;
+ return l.type === "small" ? (C = 1e3 + 1e3 * m + oa, e < 1 ? c = 1 : e < 1.4 && (c = 0.7), _ = (1 + m + ua) / c, x = (1 + m) / c, b = ca("sqrtMain", _, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "0.853em", D = 0.833 / c) : l.type === "large" ? (C = (1e3 + oa) * Rr[l.size], x = (Rr[l.size] + m) / c, _ = (Rr[l.size] + m + ua) / c, b = ca("sqrtSize" + l.size, _, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "1.02em", D = 1 / c) : (_ = e + m + ua, x = e + m, C = Math.floor(1e3 * e + m) + oa, b = ca("sqrtTall", _, C, m, t), b.style.minWidth = "0.742em", D = 1.056), b.height = x, b.style.height = te(_), {
span: b,
advanceWidth: D,
// Calculate the actual line width.
@@ -7132,21 +7132,21 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// have thicker rules.
ruleWidth: (t.fontMetrics().sqrtRuleThickness + m) * c
- }, Li = ["(", "\\lparen", ")", "\\rparen", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack", "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace", "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "⌊", "⌋", "\\lceil", "\\rceil", "⌈", "⌉", "\\surd"], B1 = ["\\uparrow", "\\downarrow", "\\updownarrow", "\\Uparrow", "\\Downarrow", "\\Updownarrow", "|", "\\|", "\\vert", "\\Vert", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "⟮", "⟯", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache", "⎰", "⎱"], Ii = ["<", ">", "\\langle", "\\rangle", "/", "\\backslash", "\\lt", "\\gt"], Rr = [0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3], D1 = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
- if (e === "<" || e === "\\lt" || e === "⟨" ? e = "\\langle" : (e === ">" || e === "\\gt" || e === "⟩") && (e = "\\rangle"), V.contains(Li, e) || V.contains(Ii, e))
+ }, Li = ["(", "\\lparen", ")", "\\rparen", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack", "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace", "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "⌊", "⌋", "\\lceil", "\\rceil", "⌈", "⌉", "\\surd"], F1 = ["\\uparrow", "\\downarrow", "\\updownarrow", "\\Uparrow", "\\Downarrow", "\\Updownarrow", "|", "\\|", "\\vert", "\\Vert", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "⟮", "⟯", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache", "⎰", "⎱"], Ii = ["<", ">", "\\langle", "\\rangle", "/", "\\backslash", "\\lt", "\\gt"], Rr = [0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3], L1 = function(e, t, n, l, c) {
+ if (e === "<" || e === "\\lt" || e === "⟨" ? e = "\\langle" : (e === ">" || e === "\\gt" || e === "⟩") && (e = "\\rangle"), W.contains(Li, e) || W.contains(Ii, e))
return Ri(e, t, !1, n, l, c);
- if (V.contains(B1, e))
+ if (W.contains(F1, e))
return Fi(e, Rr[t], !1, n, l, c);
throw new u("Illegal delimiter: '" + e + "'");
- }, N1 = [{
+ }, I1 = [{
type: "small",
+ style: ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.SCRIPT
+ style: ne.SCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.TEXT
+ style: ne.TEXT
}, {
type: "large",
size: 1
@@ -7159,26 +7159,26 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, {
type: "large",
size: 4
- }], R1 = [{
+ }], O1 = [{
type: "small",
+ style: ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.SCRIPT
+ style: ne.SCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.TEXT
+ style: ne.TEXT
}, {
type: "stack"
}], Oi = [{
type: "small",
+ style: ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.SCRIPT
+ style: ne.SCRIPT
}, {
type: "small",
- style: Q.TEXT
+ style: ne.TEXT
}, {
type: "large",
size: 1
@@ -7193,7 +7193,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
size: 4
}, {
type: "stack"
- }], F1 = function(e) {
+ }], q1 = function(e) {
if (e.type === "small")
return "Main-Regular";
if (e.type === "large")
@@ -7203,23 +7203,23 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new Error("Add support for delim type '" + e.type + "' here.");
}, qi = function(e, t, n, l) {
for (var c = Math.min(2, 3 - l.style.size), m = c; m < n.length && n[m].type !== "stack"; m++) {
- var b = Nr(e, F1(n[m]), "math"), k = b.height + b.depth;
+ var b = Nr(e, q1(n[m]), "math"), _ = b.height + b.depth;
if (n[m].type === "small") {
var x = l.havingBaseStyle(n[m].style);
- k *= x.sizeMultiplier;
+ _ *= x.sizeMultiplier;
- if (k > t)
+ if (_ > t)
return n[m];
return n[n.length - 1];
}, Pi = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
e === "<" || e === "\\lt" || e === "⟨" ? e = "\\langle" : (e === ">" || e === "\\gt" || e === "⟩") && (e = "\\rangle");
var b;
- V.contains(Ii, e) ? b = N1 : V.contains(Li, e) ? b = Oi : b = R1;
- var k = qi(e, t, b, l);
- return k.type === "small" ? T1(e, k.style, n, l, c, m) : k.type === "large" ? Ri(e, k.size, n, l, c, m) : Fi(e, t, n, l, c, m);
- }, L1 = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
- var b = l.fontMetrics().axisHeight * l.sizeMultiplier, k = 901, x = 5 / l.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, C = Math.max(t - b, n + b), D = Math.max(
+ W.contains(Ii, e) ? b = I1 : W.contains(Li, e) ? b = Oi : b = O1;
+ var _ = qi(e, t, b, l);
+ return _.type === "small" ? E1(e, _.style, n, l, c, m) : _.type === "large" ? Ri(e, _.size, n, l, c, m) : Fi(e, t, n, l, c, m);
+ }, P1 = function(e, t, n, l, c, m) {
+ var b = l.fontMetrics().axisHeight * l.sizeMultiplier, _ = 901, x = 5 / l.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, C = Math.max(t - b, n + b), D = Math.max(
// In real TeX, calculations are done using integral values which are
// 65536 per pt, or 655360 per em. So, the division here truncates in
// TeX but doesn't here, producing different results. If we wanted to
@@ -7229,16 +7229,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// (To see the difference, compare
// x^{x^{\left(\rule{0.1em}{0.68em}\right)}}
// in TeX and KaTeX)
- C / 500 * k,
+ C / 500 * _,
2 * C - x
return Pi(e, D, !0, l, c, m);
- }, d0 = {
- sqrtImage: E1,
- sizedDelim: D1,
+ }, g0 = {
+ sqrtImage: R1,
+ sizedDelim: L1,
sizeToMaxHeight: Rr,
customSizedDelim: Pi,
- leftRightDelim: L1
+ leftRightDelim: P1
}, Hi = {
"\\bigl": {
mclass: "mopen",
@@ -7304,10 +7304,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mclass: "mord",
size: 4
- }, I1 = ["(", "\\lparen", ")", "\\rparen", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack", "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace", "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "⌊", "⌋", "\\lceil", "\\rceil", "⌈", "⌉", "<", ">", "\\langle", "⟨", "\\rangle", "⟩", "\\lt", "\\gt", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "⟮", "⟯", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache", "⎰", "⎱", "/", "\\backslash", "|", "\\vert", "\\|", "\\Vert", "\\uparrow", "\\Uparrow", "\\downarrow", "\\Downarrow", "\\updownarrow", "\\Updownarrow", "."];
- function hn(f, e) {
- var t = sn(f);
- if (t && V.contains(I1, t.text))
+ }, H1 = ["(", "\\lparen", ")", "\\rparen", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack", "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace", "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "⌊", "⌋", "\\lceil", "\\rceil", "⌈", "⌉", "<", ">", "\\langle", "⟨", "\\rangle", "⟩", "\\lt", "\\gt", "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert", "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "⟮", "⟯", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache", "⎰", "⎱", "/", "\\backslash", "|", "\\vert", "\\|", "\\Vert", "\\uparrow", "\\Uparrow", "\\downarrow", "\\Downarrow", "\\updownarrow", "\\Updownarrow", "."];
+ function fn(f, e) {
+ var t = on(f);
+ if (t && W.contains(H1, t.text))
return t;
throw t ? new u("Invalid delimiter '" + t.text + "' after '" + e.funcName + "'", f) : new u("Invalid delimiter type '" + f.type + "'", f);
@@ -7319,7 +7319,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
argTypes: ["primitive"]
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = hn(t[0], e);
+ var n = fn(t[0], e);
return {
type: "delimsizing",
mode: e.parser.mode,
@@ -7329,14 +7329,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return e.delim === "." ? N.makeSpan([e.mclass]) : d0.sizedDelim(e.delim, e.size, t, e.mode, [e.mclass]);
+ return e.delim === "." ? N.makeSpan([e.mclass]) : g0.sizedDelim(e.delim, e.size, t, e.mode, [e.mclass]);
mathmlBuilder: function(e) {
var t = [];
- e.delim !== "." && t.push(It(e.delim, e.mode));
- var n = new K.MathNode("mo", t);
+ e.delim !== "." && t.push(Ot(e.delim, e.mode));
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mo", t);
e.mclass === "mopen" || e.mclass === "mclose" ? n.setAttribute("fence", "true") : n.setAttribute("fence", "false"), n.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
- var l = ee(d0.sizeToMaxHeight[e.size]);
+ var l = te(g0.sizeToMaxHeight[e.size]);
return n.setAttribute("minsize", l), n.setAttribute("maxsize", l), n;
@@ -7358,7 +7358,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "leftright-right",
mode: e.parser.mode,
- delim: hn(t[0], e).text,
+ delim: fn(t[0], e).text,
color: n
// undefined if not set via \color
@@ -7371,7 +7371,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
primitive: !0
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = hn(t[0], e), l = e.parser;
+ var n = fn(t[0], e), l = e.parser;
var c = l.parseExpression(!1);
--l.leftrightDepth, l.expect("\\right", !1);
@@ -7387,36 +7387,36 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- for (var n = it(e.body, t, !0, ["mopen", "mclose"]), l = 0, c = 0, m = !1, b = 0; b < n.length; b++)
+ for (var n = at(e.body, t, !0, ["mopen", "mclose"]), l = 0, c = 0, m = !1, b = 0; b < n.length; b++)
n[b].isMiddle ? m = !0 : (l = Math.max(n[b].height, l), c = Math.max(n[b].depth, c));
l *= t.sizeMultiplier, c *= t.sizeMultiplier;
- var k;
- if (e.left === "." ? k = Br(t, ["mopen"]) : k = d0.leftRightDelim(e.left, l, c, t, e.mode, ["mopen"]), n.unshift(k), m)
+ var _;
+ if (e.left === "." ? _ = Br(t, ["mopen"]) : _ = g0.leftRightDelim(e.left, l, c, t, e.mode, ["mopen"]), n.unshift(_), m)
for (var x = 1; x < n.length; x++) {
var C = n[x], D = C.isMiddle;
- D && (n[x] = d0.leftRightDelim(D.delim, l, c, D.options, e.mode, []));
+ D && (n[x] = g0.leftRightDelim(D.delim, l, c, D.options, e.mode, []));
- var P;
+ var q;
if (e.right === ".")
- P = Br(t, ["mclose"]);
+ q = Br(t, ["mclose"]);
else {
- var q = e.rightColor ? t.withColor(e.rightColor) : t;
- P = d0.leftRightDelim(e.right, l, c, q, e.mode, ["mclose"]);
+ var O = e.rightColor ? t.withColor(e.rightColor) : t;
+ q = g0.leftRightDelim(e.right, l, c, O, e.mode, ["mclose"]);
- return n.push(P), N.makeSpan(["minner"], n, t);
+ return n.push(q), N.makeSpan(["minner"], n, t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = St(e.body, t);
+ var n = Tt(e.body, t);
if (e.left !== ".") {
- var l = new K.MathNode("mo", [It(e.left, e.mode)]);
+ var l = new Q.MathNode("mo", [Ot(e.left, e.mode)]);
l.setAttribute("fence", "true"), n.unshift(l);
if (e.right !== ".") {
- var c = new K.MathNode("mo", [It(e.right, e.mode)]);
+ var c = new Q.MathNode("mo", [Ot(e.right, e.mode)]);
c.setAttribute("fence", "true"), e.rightColor && c.setAttribute("mathcolor", e.rightColor), n.push(c);
- return Jn(n);
+ return $n(n);
}), se({
type: "middle",
@@ -7426,7 +7426,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
primitive: !0
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = hn(t[0], e);
+ var n = fn(t[0], e);
if (!e.parser.leftrightDepth)
throw new u("\\middle without preceding \\left", n);
return {
@@ -7440,7 +7440,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (e.delim === ".")
n = Br(t, []);
else {
- n = d0.sizedDelim(e.delim, 1, t, e.mode, []);
+ n = g0.sizedDelim(e.delim, 1, t, e.mode, []);
var l = {
delim: e.delim,
options: t
@@ -7450,12 +7450,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return n;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.delim === "\\vert" || e.delim === "|" ? It("|", "text") : It(e.delim, e.mode), l = new K.MathNode("mo", [n]);
+ var n = e.delim === "\\vert" || e.delim === "|" ? Ot("|", "text") : Ot(e.delim, e.mode), l = new Q.MathNode("mo", [n]);
return l.setAttribute("fence", "true"), l.setAttribute("lspace", "0.05em"), l.setAttribute("rspace", "0.05em"), l;
- var ca = function(e, t) {
- var n = N.wrapFragment(Me(e.body, t), t), l = e.label.slice(1), c = t.sizeMultiplier, m, b = 0, k = V.isCharacterBox(e.body);
+ var ha = function(e, t) {
+ var n = N.wrapFragment(ze(e.body, t), t), l = e.label.slice(1), c = t.sizeMultiplier, m, b = 0, _ = W.isCharacterBox(e.body);
if (l === "sout")
m = N.makeSpan(["stretchy", "sout"]), m.height = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness / c, b = -0.5 * t.fontMetrics().xHeight;
else if (l === "phase") {
@@ -7467,28 +7467,28 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
unit: "ex"
}, t), D = t.havingBaseSizing();
c = c / D.sizeMultiplier;
- var P = n.height + n.depth + x + C;
- n.style.paddingLeft = ee(P / 2 + x);
- var q = Math.floor(1e3 * P * c), U = V0(q), $ = new Ft([new Zt("phase", U)], {
+ var q = n.height + n.depth + x + C;
+ n.style.paddingLeft = te(q / 2 + x);
+ var O = Math.floor(1e3 * q * c), U = V0(O), J = new Lt([new Kt("phase", U)], {
width: "400em",
- height: ee(q / 1e3),
- viewBox: "0 0 400000 " + q,
+ height: te(O / 1e3),
+ viewBox: "0 0 400000 " + O,
preserveAspectRatio: "xMinYMin slice"
- m = N.makeSvgSpan(["hide-tail"], [$], t), m.style.height = ee(P), b = n.depth + x + C;
+ m = N.makeSvgSpan(["hide-tail"], [J], t), m.style.height = te(q), b = n.depth + x + C;
} else {
- /cancel/.test(l) ? k || n.classes.push("cancel-pad") : l === "angl" ? n.classes.push("anglpad") : n.classes.push("boxpad");
+ /cancel/.test(l) ? _ || n.classes.push("cancel-pad") : l === "angl" ? n.classes.push("anglpad") : n.classes.push("boxpad");
var ie = 0, he = 0, de = 0;
/box/.test(l) ? (de = Math.max(
// default
// User override.
- ), ie = t.fontMetrics().fboxsep + (l === "colorbox" ? 0 : de), he = ie) : l === "angl" ? (de = Math.max(t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, t.minRuleThickness), ie = 4 * de, he = Math.max(0, 0.25 - n.depth)) : (ie = k ? 0.2 : 0, he = ie), m = m0.encloseSpan(n, l, ie, he, t), /fbox|boxed|fcolorbox/.test(l) ? (m.style.borderStyle = "solid", m.style.borderWidth = ee(de)) : l === "angl" && de !== 0.049 && (m.style.borderTopWidth = ee(de), m.style.borderRightWidth = ee(de)), b = n.depth + he, e.backgroundColor && (m.style.backgroundColor = e.backgroundColor, e.borderColor && (m.style.borderColor = e.borderColor));
+ ), ie = t.fontMetrics().fboxsep + (l === "colorbox" ? 0 : de), he = ie) : l === "angl" ? (de = Math.max(t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, t.minRuleThickness), ie = 4 * de, he = Math.max(0, 0.25 - n.depth)) : (ie = _ ? 0.2 : 0, he = ie), m = p0.encloseSpan(n, l, ie, he, t), /fbox|boxed|fcolorbox/.test(l) ? (m.style.borderStyle = "solid", m.style.borderWidth = te(de)) : l === "angl" && de !== 0.049 && (m.style.borderTopWidth = te(de), m.style.borderRightWidth = te(de)), b = n.depth + he, e.backgroundColor && (m.style.backgroundColor = e.backgroundColor, e.borderColor && (m.style.borderColor = e.borderColor));
- var ge;
+ var ve;
if (e.backgroundColor)
- ge = N.makeVList({
+ ve = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [
// Put the color background behind inner;
@@ -7506,7 +7506,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
else {
var Be = /cancel|phase/.test(l) ? ["svg-align"] : [];
- ge = N.makeVList({
+ ve = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [
// Write the \cancel stroke on top of inner.
@@ -7524,9 +7524,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
- return /cancel/.test(l) && (ge.height = n.height, ge.depth = n.depth), /cancel/.test(l) && !k ? N.makeSpan(["mord", "cancel-lap"], [ge], t) : N.makeSpan(["mord"], [ge], t);
- }, ha = function(e, t) {
- var n = 0, l = new K.MathNode(e.label.indexOf("colorbox") > -1 ? "mpadded" : "menclose", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
+ return /cancel/.test(l) && (ve.height = n.height, ve.depth = n.depth), /cancel/.test(l) && !_ ? N.makeSpan(["mord", "cancel-lap"], [ve], t) : N.makeSpan(["mord"], [ve], t);
+ }, fa = function(e, t) {
+ var n = 0, l = new Q.MathNode(e.label.indexOf("colorbox") > -1 ? "mpadded" : "menclose", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
switch (e.label) {
case "\\cancel":
l.setAttribute("notation", "updiagonalstrike");
@@ -7582,8 +7582,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
body: b
- htmlBuilder: ca,
- mathmlBuilder: ha
+ htmlBuilder: ha,
+ mathmlBuilder: fa
}), se({
type: "enclose",
names: ["\\fcolorbox"],
@@ -7593,18 +7593,18 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
argTypes: ["color", "color", "text"]
handler: function(e, t, n) {
- var l = e.parser, c = e.funcName, m = ye(t[0], "color-token").color, b = ye(t[1], "color-token").color, k = t[2];
+ var l = e.parser, c = e.funcName, m = ye(t[0], "color-token").color, b = ye(t[1], "color-token").color, _ = t[2];
return {
type: "enclose",
mode: l.mode,
label: c,
backgroundColor: b,
borderColor: m,
- body: k
+ body: _
- htmlBuilder: ca,
- mathmlBuilder: ha
+ htmlBuilder: ha,
+ mathmlBuilder: fa
}), se({
type: "enclose",
names: ["\\fbox"],
@@ -7637,8 +7637,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
body: c
- htmlBuilder: ca,
- mathmlBuilder: ha
+ htmlBuilder: ha,
+ mathmlBuilder: fa
}), se({
type: "enclose",
names: ["\\angl"],
@@ -7658,38 +7658,38 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var Gi = {};
- function Qt(f) {
+ function Jt(f) {
for (var e = f.type, t = f.names, n = f.props, l = f.handler, c = f.htmlBuilder, m = f.mathmlBuilder, b = {
type: e,
numArgs: n.numArgs || 0,
allowedInText: !1,
numOptionalArgs: 0,
handler: l
- }, k = 0; k < t.length; ++k)
- Gi[t[k]] = b;
- c && (rn[e] = c), m && (nn[e] = m);
+ }, _ = 0; _ < t.length; ++_)
+ Gi[t[_]] = b;
+ c && (nn[e] = c), m && (an[e] = m);
var Vi = {};
- function _(f, e) {
+ function k(f, e) {
Vi[f] = e;
- var Vt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ var Wt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(e, t, n) {
this.lexer = void 0, this.start = void 0, this.end = void 0, this.lexer = e, this.start = t, this.end = n;
return f.range = function(t, n) {
return n ? !t || !t.loc || !n.loc || t.loc.lexer !== n.loc.lexer ? null : new f(t.loc.lexer, t.loc.start, n.loc.end) : t && t.loc;
}, f;
- }(), z0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), C0 = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
this.text = void 0, this.loc = void 0, this.noexpand = void 0, this.treatAsRelax = void 0, this.text = t, this.loc = n;
var e = f.prototype;
return e.range = function(n, l) {
- return new f(l, Vt.range(this, n));
+ return new f(l, Wt.range(this, n));
}, f;
- function ji(f) {
+ function Wi(f) {
var e = [];
var t = f.fetch().text;
@@ -7697,33 +7697,33 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
f.consume(), e.push(t === "\\hdashline"), f.consumeSpaces(), t = f.fetch().text;
return e;
- var fn = function(e) {
+ var mn = function(e) {
var t = e.parser.settings;
if (!t.displayMode)
throw new u("{" + e.envName + "} can be used only in display mode.");
- function fa(f) {
+ function ma(f) {
if (f.indexOf("ed") === -1)
return f.indexOf("*") === -1;
- function C0(f, e, t) {
- var n = e.hskipBeforeAndAfter, l = e.addJot, c = e.cols, m = e.arraystretch, b = e.colSeparationType, k = e.autoTag, x = e.singleRow, C = e.emptySingleRow, D = e.maxNumCols, P = e.leqno;
+ function E0(f, e, t) {
+ var n = e.hskipBeforeAndAfter, l = e.addJot, c = e.cols, m = e.arraystretch, b = e.colSeparationType, _ = e.autoTag, x = e.singleRow, C = e.emptySingleRow, D = e.maxNumCols, q = e.leqno;
if (f.gullet.beginGroup(), x || f.gullet.macros.set("\\cr", "\\\\\\relax"), !m) {
- var q = f.gullet.expandMacroAsText("\\arraystretch");
- if (q == null)
+ var O = f.gullet.expandMacroAsText("\\arraystretch");
+ if (O == null)
m = 1;
- else if (m = parseFloat(q), !m || m < 0)
- throw new u("Invalid \\arraystretch: " + q);
+ else if (m = parseFloat(O), !m || m < 0)
+ throw new u("Invalid \\arraystretch: " + O);
- var U = [], $ = [U], ie = [], he = [], de = k != null ? [] : void 0;
- function ge() {
- k && f.gullet.macros.set("\\@eqnsw", "1", !0);
+ var U = [], J = [U], ie = [], he = [], de = _ != null ? [] : void 0;
+ function ve() {
+ _ && f.gullet.macros.set("\\@eqnsw", "1", !0);
function Be() {
- de && (f.gullet.macros.get("\\df@tag") ? (de.push(f.subparse([new z0("\\df@tag")])), f.gullet.macros.set("\\df@tag", void 0, !0)) : de.push(!!k && f.gullet.macros.get("\\@eqnsw") === "1"));
+ de && (f.gullet.macros.get("\\df@tag") ? (de.push(f.subparse([new C0("\\df@tag")])), f.gullet.macros.set("\\df@tag", void 0, !0)) : de.push(!!_ && f.gullet.macros.get("\\@eqnsw") === "1"));
- for (ge(), he.push(ji(f)); ; ) {
+ for (ve(), he.push(Wi(f)); ; ) {
var we = f.parseExpression(!1, x ? "\\end" : "\\\\");
f.gullet.endGroup(), f.gullet.beginGroup(), we = {
type: "ordgroup",
@@ -7744,12 +7744,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
} else if (Ie === "\\end") {
- Be(), U.length === 1 && we.type === "styling" && we.body[0].body.length === 0 && ($.length > 1 || !C) && $.pop(), he.length < $.length + 1 && he.push([]);
+ Be(), U.length === 1 && we.type === "styling" && we.body[0].body.length === 0 && (J.length > 1 || !C) && J.pop(), he.length < J.length + 1 && he.push([]);
} else if (Ie === "\\\\") {
- var ze = void 0;
- f.gullet.future().text !== " " && (ze = f.parseSizeGroup(!0)), ie.push(ze ? ze.value : null), Be(), he.push(ji(f)), U = [], $.push(U), ge();
+ var Ce = void 0;
+ f.gullet.future().text !== " " && (Ce = f.parseSizeGroup(!0)), ie.push(Ce ? Ce.value : null), Be(), he.push(Wi(f)), U = [], J.push(U), ve();
} else
throw new u("Expected & or \\\\ or \\cr or \\end", f.nextToken);
@@ -7758,150 +7758,150 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mode: f.mode,
addJot: l,
arraystretch: m,
- body: $,
+ body: J,
cols: c,
rowGaps: ie,
hskipBeforeAndAfter: n,
hLinesBeforeRow: he,
colSeparationType: b,
tags: de,
- leqno: P
+ leqno: q
- function ma(f) {
+ function da(f) {
return f.slice(0, 1) === "d" ? "display" : "text";
- var Jt = function(e, t) {
- var n, l, c = e.body.length, m = e.hLinesBeforeRow, b = 0, k = new Array(c), x = [], C = Math.max(
+ var $t = function(e, t) {
+ var n, l, c = e.body.length, m = e.hLinesBeforeRow, b = 0, _ = new Array(c), x = [], C = Math.max(
// From LaTeX \showthe\arrayrulewidth. Equals 0.04 em.
// User override.
- ), D = 1 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, P = 5 * D;
+ ), D = 1 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, q = 5 * D;
if (e.colSeparationType && e.colSeparationType === "small") {
- var q = t.havingStyle(Q.SCRIPT).sizeMultiplier;
- P = 0.2778 * (q / t.sizeMultiplier);
+ var O = t.havingStyle(ne.SCRIPT).sizeMultiplier;
+ q = 0.2778 * (O / t.sizeMultiplier);
var U = e.colSeparationType === "CD" ? Pe({
number: 3,
unit: "ex"
- }, t) : 12 * D, $ = 3 * D, ie = e.arraystretch * U, he = 0.7 * ie, de = 0.3 * ie, ge = 0;
- function Be(gn) {
- for (var vn = 0; vn < gn.length; ++vn)
- vn > 0 && (ge += 0.25), x.push({
- pos: ge,
- isDashed: gn[vn]
+ }, t) : 12 * D, J = 3 * D, ie = e.arraystretch * U, he = 0.7 * ie, de = 0.3 * ie, ve = 0;
+ function Be(vn) {
+ for (var bn = 0; bn < vn.length; ++bn)
+ bn > 0 && (ve += 0.25), x.push({
+ pos: ve,
+ isDashed: vn[bn]
for (Be(m[0]), n = 0; n < e.body.length; ++n) {
- var we = e.body[n], Ie = he, ze = de;
+ var we = e.body[n], Ie = he, Ce = de;
b < we.length && (b = we.length);
var qe = new Array(we.length);
for (l = 0; l < we.length; ++l) {
- var Ye = Me(we[l], t);
- ze < Ye.depth && (ze = Ye.depth), Ie < Ye.height && (Ie = Ye.height), qe[l] = Ye;
+ var je = ze(we[l], t);
+ Ce < je.depth && (Ce = je.depth), Ie < je.height && (Ie = je.height), qe[l] = je;
- var ut = e.rowGaps[n], Mt = 0;
- ut && (Mt = Pe(ut, t), Mt > 0 && (Mt += de, ze < Mt && (ze = Mt), Mt = 0)), e.addJot && (ze += $), qe.height = Ie, qe.depth = ze, ge += Ie, qe.pos = ge, ge += ze + Mt, k[n] = qe, Be(m[n + 1]);
+ var ht = e.rowGaps[n], Et = 0;
+ ht && (Et = Pe(ht, t), Et > 0 && (Et += de, Ce < Et && (Ce = Et), Et = 0)), e.addJot && (Ce += J), qe.height = Ie, qe.depth = Ce, ve += Ie, qe.pos = ve, ve += Ce + Et, _[n] = qe, Be(m[n + 1]);
- var Ze = ge / 2 + t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, Q0 = e.cols || [], Ot = [], wt, B0, ur = [];
- if (e.tags && e.tags.some(function(gn) {
- return gn;
+ var Xe = ve / 2 + t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, Q0 = e.cols || [], qt = [], _t, D0, ur = [];
+ if (e.tags && e.tags.some(function(vn) {
+ return vn;
for (n = 0; n < c; ++n) {
- var cr = k[n], Aa = cr.pos - Ze, D0 = e.tags[n], N0 = void 0;
- D0 === !0 ? N0 = N.makeSpan(["eqn-num"], [], t) : D0 === !1 ? N0 = N.makeSpan([], [], t) : N0 = N.makeSpan([], it(D0, t, !0), t), N0.depth = cr.depth, N0.height = cr.height, ur.push({
+ var cr = _[n], Ta = cr.pos - Xe, N0 = e.tags[n], R0 = void 0;
+ N0 === !0 ? R0 = N.makeSpan(["eqn-num"], [], t) : N0 === !1 ? R0 = N.makeSpan([], [], t) : R0 = N.makeSpan([], at(N0, t, !0), t), R0.depth = cr.depth, R0.height = cr.height, ur.push({
type: "elem",
- elem: N0,
- shift: Aa
+ elem: R0,
+ shift: Ta
for (
- l = 0, B0 = 0;
+ l = 0, D0 = 0;
// Continue while either there are more columns or more column
// descriptions, so trailing separators don't get lost.
- l < b || B0 < Q0.length;
- ++l, ++B0
+ l < b || D0 < Q0.length;
+ ++l, ++D0
) {
- for (var qt = Q0[B0] || {}, Lr = !0; qt.type === "separator"; ) {
- if (Lr || (wt = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), wt.style.width = ee(t.fontMetrics().doubleRuleSep), Ot.push(wt)), qt.separator === "|" || qt.separator === ":") {
- var Ta = qt.separator === "|" ? "solid" : "dashed", hr = N.makeSpan(["vertical-separator"], [], t);
- hr.style.height = ee(ge), hr.style.borderRightWidth = ee(C), hr.style.borderRightStyle = Ta, hr.style.margin = "0 " + ee(-C / 2);
- var Tl = ge - Ze;
- Tl && (hr.style.verticalAlign = ee(-Tl)), Ot.push(hr);
+ for (var Pt = Q0[D0] || {}, Lr = !0; Pt.type === "separator"; ) {
+ if (Lr || (_t = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), _t.style.width = te(t.fontMetrics().doubleRuleSep), qt.push(_t)), Pt.separator === "|" || Pt.separator === ":") {
+ var Ma = Pt.separator === "|" ? "solid" : "dashed", hr = N.makeSpan(["vertical-separator"], [], t);
+ hr.style.height = te(ve), hr.style.borderRightWidth = te(C), hr.style.borderRightStyle = Ma, hr.style.margin = "0 " + te(-C / 2);
+ var Tl = ve - Xe;
+ Tl && (hr.style.verticalAlign = te(-Tl)), qt.push(hr);
} else
- throw new u("Invalid separator type: " + qt.separator);
- B0++, qt = Q0[B0] || {}, Lr = !1;
+ throw new u("Invalid separator type: " + Pt.separator);
+ D0++, Pt = Q0[D0] || {}, Lr = !1;
if (!(l >= b)) {
var fr = void 0;
- (l > 0 || e.hskipBeforeAndAfter) && (fr = V.deflt(qt.pregap, P), fr !== 0 && (wt = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), wt.style.width = ee(fr), Ot.push(wt)));
+ (l > 0 || e.hskipBeforeAndAfter) && (fr = W.deflt(Pt.pregap, q), fr !== 0 && (_t = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), _t.style.width = te(fr), qt.push(_t)));
var mr = [];
for (n = 0; n < c; ++n) {
- var dn = k[n], pn = dn[l];
- if (pn) {
- var cu = dn.pos - Ze;
- pn.depth = dn.depth, pn.height = dn.height, mr.push({
+ var pn = _[n], gn = pn[l];
+ if (gn) {
+ var du = pn.pos - Xe;
+ gn.depth = pn.depth, gn.height = pn.height, mr.push({
type: "elem",
- elem: pn,
- shift: cu
+ elem: gn,
+ shift: du
mr = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: mr
- }, t), mr = N.makeSpan(["col-align-" + (qt.align || "c")], [mr]), Ot.push(mr), (l < b - 1 || e.hskipBeforeAndAfter) && (fr = V.deflt(qt.postgap, P), fr !== 0 && (wt = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), wt.style.width = ee(fr), Ot.push(wt)));
+ }, t), mr = N.makeSpan(["col-align-" + (Pt.align || "c")], [mr]), qt.push(mr), (l < b - 1 || e.hskipBeforeAndAfter) && (fr = W.deflt(Pt.postgap, q), fr !== 0 && (_t = N.makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []), _t.style.width = te(fr), qt.push(_t)));
- if (k = N.makeSpan(["mtable"], Ot), x.length > 0) {
- for (var hu = N.makeLineSpan("hline", t, C), fu = N.makeLineSpan("hdashline", t, C), Ma = [{
+ if (_ = N.makeSpan(["mtable"], qt), x.length > 0) {
+ for (var pu = N.makeLineSpan("hline", t, C), gu = N.makeLineSpan("hdashline", t, C), za = [{
type: "elem",
- elem: k,
+ elem: _,
shift: 0
}]; x.length > 0; ) {
- var Ml = x.pop(), zl = Ml.pos - Ze;
- Ml.isDashed ? Ma.push({
+ var Ml = x.pop(), zl = Ml.pos - Xe;
+ Ml.isDashed ? za.push({
type: "elem",
- elem: fu,
+ elem: gu,
shift: zl
- }) : Ma.push({
+ }) : za.push({
type: "elem",
- elem: hu,
+ elem: pu,
shift: zl
- k = N.makeVList({
+ _ = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
- children: Ma
+ children: za
}, t);
if (ur.length === 0)
- return N.makeSpan(["mord"], [k], t);
- var za = N.makeVList({
+ return N.makeSpan(["mord"], [_], t);
+ var Ca = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: ur
}, t);
- return za = N.makeSpan(["tag"], [za], t), N.makeFragment([k, za]);
- }, O1 = {
+ return Ca = N.makeSpan(["tag"], [Ca], t), N.makeFragment([_, Ca]);
+ }, U1 = {
c: "center ",
l: "left ",
r: "right "
- }, $t = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = [], l = new K.MathNode("mtd", [], ["mtr-glue"]), c = new K.MathNode("mtd", [], ["mml-eqn-num"]), m = 0; m < e.body.length; m++) {
- for (var b = e.body[m], k = [], x = 0; x < b.length; x++)
- k.push(new K.MathNode("mtd", [Ue(b[x], t)]));
- e.tags && e.tags[m] && (k.unshift(l), k.push(l), e.leqno ? k.unshift(c) : k.push(c)), n.push(new K.MathNode("mtr", k));
+ }, e0 = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = [], l = new Q.MathNode("mtd", [], ["mtr-glue"]), c = new Q.MathNode("mtd", [], ["mml-eqn-num"]), m = 0; m < e.body.length; m++) {
+ for (var b = e.body[m], _ = [], x = 0; x < b.length; x++)
+ _.push(new Q.MathNode("mtd", [Ue(b[x], t)]));
+ e.tags && e.tags[m] && (_.unshift(l), _.push(l), e.leqno ? _.unshift(c) : _.push(c)), n.push(new Q.MathNode("mtr", _));
- var C = new K.MathNode("mtable", n), D = e.arraystretch === 0.5 ? 0.1 : 0.16 + e.arraystretch - 1 + (e.addJot ? 0.09 : 0);
- C.setAttribute("rowspacing", ee(D));
- var P = "", q = "";
+ var C = new Q.MathNode("mtable", n), D = e.arraystretch === 0.5 ? 0.1 : 0.16 + e.arraystretch - 1 + (e.addJot ? 0.09 : 0);
+ C.setAttribute("rowspacing", te(D));
+ var q = "", O = "";
if (e.cols && e.cols.length > 0) {
- var U = e.cols, $ = "", ie = !1, he = 0, de = U.length;
- U[0].type === "separator" && (P += "top ", he = 1), U[U.length - 1].type === "separator" && (P += "bottom ", de -= 1);
- for (var ge = he; ge < de; ge++)
- U[ge].type === "align" ? (q += O1[U[ge].align], ie && ($ += "none "), ie = !0) : U[ge].type === "separator" && ie && ($ += U[ge].separator === "|" ? "solid " : "dashed ", ie = !1);
- C.setAttribute("columnalign", q.trim()), /[sd]/.test($) && C.setAttribute("columnlines", $.trim());
+ var U = e.cols, J = "", ie = !1, he = 0, de = U.length;
+ U[0].type === "separator" && (q += "top ", he = 1), U[U.length - 1].type === "separator" && (q += "bottom ", de -= 1);
+ for (var ve = he; ve < de; ve++)
+ U[ve].type === "align" ? (O += U1[U[ve].align], ie && (J += "none "), ie = !0) : U[ve].type === "separator" && ie && (J += U[ve].separator === "|" ? "solid " : "dashed ", ie = !1);
+ C.setAttribute("columnalign", O.trim()), /[sd]/.test(J) && C.setAttribute("columnlines", J.trim());
if (e.colSeparationType === "align") {
for (var Be = e.cols || [], we = "", Ie = 1; Ie < Be.length; Ie++)
@@ -7909,67 +7909,67 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
C.setAttribute("columnspacing", we.trim());
} else
e.colSeparationType === "alignat" || e.colSeparationType === "gather" ? C.setAttribute("columnspacing", "0em") : e.colSeparationType === "small" ? C.setAttribute("columnspacing", "0.2778em") : e.colSeparationType === "CD" ? C.setAttribute("columnspacing", "0.5em") : C.setAttribute("columnspacing", "1em");
- var ze = "", qe = e.hLinesBeforeRow;
- P += qe[0].length > 0 ? "left " : "", P += qe[qe.length - 1].length > 0 ? "right " : "";
- for (var Ye = 1; Ye < qe.length - 1; Ye++)
- ze += qe[Ye].length === 0 ? "none " : qe[Ye][0] ? "dashed " : "solid ";
- return /[sd]/.test(ze) && C.setAttribute("rowlines", ze.trim()), P !== "" && (C = new K.MathNode("menclose", [C]), C.setAttribute("notation", P.trim())), e.arraystretch && e.arraystretch < 1 && (C = new K.MathNode("mstyle", [C]), C.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "1")), C;
- }, Wi = function(e, t) {
- e.envName.indexOf("ed") === -1 && fn(e);
- var n = [], l = e.envName.indexOf("at") > -1 ? "alignat" : "align", c = e.envName === "split", m = C0(e.parser, {
+ var Ce = "", qe = e.hLinesBeforeRow;
+ q += qe[0].length > 0 ? "left " : "", q += qe[qe.length - 1].length > 0 ? "right " : "";
+ for (var je = 1; je < qe.length - 1; je++)
+ Ce += qe[je].length === 0 ? "none " : qe[je][0] ? "dashed " : "solid ";
+ return /[sd]/.test(Ce) && C.setAttribute("rowlines", Ce.trim()), q !== "" && (C = new Q.MathNode("menclose", [C]), C.setAttribute("notation", q.trim())), e.arraystretch && e.arraystretch < 1 && (C = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", [C]), C.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "1")), C;
+ }, ji = function(e, t) {
+ e.envName.indexOf("ed") === -1 && mn(e);
+ var n = [], l = e.envName.indexOf("at") > -1 ? "alignat" : "align", c = e.envName === "split", m = E0(e.parser, {
cols: n,
addJot: !0,
- autoTag: c ? void 0 : fa(e.envName),
+ autoTag: c ? void 0 : ma(e.envName),
emptySingleRow: !0,
colSeparationType: l,
maxNumCols: c ? 2 : void 0,
leqno: e.parser.settings.leqno
- }, "display"), b, k = 0, x = {
+ }, "display"), b, _ = 0, x = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: e.mode,
body: []
if (t[0] && t[0].type === "ordgroup") {
for (var C = "", D = 0; D < t[0].body.length; D++) {
- var P = ye(t[0].body[D], "textord");
- C += P.text;
+ var q = ye(t[0].body[D], "textord");
+ C += q.text;
- b = Number(C), k = b * 2;
+ b = Number(C), _ = b * 2;
- var q = !k;
+ var O = !_;
m.body.forEach(function(he) {
for (var de = 1; de < he.length; de += 2) {
- var ge = ye(he[de], "styling"), Be = ye(ge.body[0], "ordgroup");
+ var ve = ye(he[de], "styling"), Be = ye(ve.body[0], "ordgroup");
- if (q)
- k < he.length && (k = he.length);
+ if (O)
+ _ < he.length && (_ = he.length);
else {
var we = he.length / 2;
if (b < we)
throw new u("Too many math in a row: " + ("expected " + b + ", but got " + we), he[0]);
- for (var U = 0; U < k; ++U) {
- var $ = "r", ie = 0;
- U % 2 === 1 ? $ = "l" : U > 0 && q && (ie = 1), n[U] = {
+ for (var U = 0; U < _; ++U) {
+ var J = "r", ie = 0;
+ U % 2 === 1 ? J = "l" : U > 0 && O && (ie = 1), n[U] = {
type: "align",
- align: $,
+ align: J,
pregap: ie,
postgap: 0
- return m.colSeparationType = q ? "align" : "alignat", m;
+ return m.colSeparationType = O ? "align" : "alignat", m;
- Qt({
+ Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["array", "darray"],
props: {
numArgs: 1
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = sn(t[0]), l = n ? [t[0]] : ye(t[0], "ordgroup").body, c = l.map(function(b) {
- var k = ea(b), x = k.text;
+ var n = on(t[0]), l = n ? [t[0]] : ye(t[0], "ordgroup").body, c = l.map(function(b) {
+ var _ = ta(b), x = _.text;
if ("lcr".indexOf(x) !== -1)
return {
type: "align",
@@ -7992,11 +7992,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// \@preamble in lttab.dtx
maxNumCols: c.length
- return C0(e.parser, m, ma(e.envName));
+ return E0(e.parser, m, da(e.envName));
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["matrix", "pmatrix", "bmatrix", "Bmatrix", "vmatrix", "Vmatrix", "matrix*", "pmatrix*", "bmatrix*", "Bmatrix*", "vmatrix*", "Vmatrix*"],
props: {
@@ -8028,8 +8028,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
- var m = C0(e.parser, l, ma(e.envName)), b = Math.max.apply(Math, [0].concat(m.body.map(function(k) {
- return k.length;
+ var m = E0(e.parser, l, da(e.envName)), b = Math.max.apply(Math, [0].concat(m.body.map(function(_) {
+ return _.length;
return m.cols = new Array(b).fill({
type: "align",
@@ -8044,9 +8044,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// \right uninfluenced by \color in array
} : m;
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["smallmatrix"],
props: {
@@ -8055,20 +8055,20 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e) {
var t = {
arraystretch: 0.5
- }, n = C0(e.parser, t, "script");
+ }, n = E0(e.parser, t, "script");
return n.colSeparationType = "small", n;
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["subarray"],
props: {
numArgs: 1
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = sn(t[0]), l = n ? [t[0]] : ye(t[0], "ordgroup").body, c = l.map(function(b) {
- var k = ea(b), x = k.text;
+ var n = on(t[0]), l = n ? [t[0]] : ye(t[0], "ordgroup").body, c = l.map(function(b) {
+ var _ = ta(b), x = _.text;
if ("lc".indexOf(x) !== -1)
return {
type: "align",
@@ -8083,13 +8083,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
hskipBeforeAndAfter: !1,
arraystretch: 0.5
- if (m = C0(e.parser, m, "script"), m.body.length > 0 && m.body[0].length > 1)
+ if (m = E0(e.parser, m, "script"), m.body.length > 0 && m.body[0].length > 1)
throw new u("{subarray} can contain only one column");
return m;
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["cases", "dcases", "rcases", "drcases"],
props: {
@@ -8114,7 +8114,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
pregap: 0,
postgap: 0
- }, n = C0(e.parser, t, ma(e.envName));
+ }, n = E0(e.parser, t, da(e.envName));
return {
type: "leftright",
mode: e.mode,
@@ -8124,25 +8124,25 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
rightColor: void 0
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["align", "align*", "aligned", "split"],
props: {
numArgs: 0
- handler: Wi,
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ handler: ji,
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["gathered", "gather", "gather*"],
props: {
numArgs: 0
handler: function(e) {
- V.contains(["gather", "gather*"], e.envName) && fn(e);
+ W.contains(["gather", "gather*"], e.envName) && mn(e);
var t = {
cols: [{
type: "align",
@@ -8150,54 +8150,54 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
addJot: !0,
colSeparationType: "gather",
- autoTag: fa(e.envName),
+ autoTag: ma(e.envName),
emptySingleRow: !0,
leqno: e.parser.settings.leqno
- return C0(e.parser, t, "display");
+ return E0(e.parser, t, "display");
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["alignat", "alignat*", "alignedat"],
props: {
numArgs: 1
- handler: Wi,
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ handler: ji,
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["equation", "equation*"],
props: {
numArgs: 0
handler: function(e) {
- fn(e);
+ mn(e);
var t = {
- autoTag: fa(e.envName),
+ autoTag: ma(e.envName),
emptySingleRow: !0,
singleRow: !0,
maxNumCols: 1,
leqno: e.parser.settings.leqno
- return C0(e.parser, t, "display");
+ return E0(e.parser, t, "display");
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), Qt({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), Jt({
type: "array",
names: ["CD"],
props: {
numArgs: 0
handler: function(e) {
- return fn(e), S1(e.parser);
+ return mn(e), z1(e.parser);
- htmlBuilder: Jt,
- mathmlBuilder: $t
- }), _("\\nonumber", "\\gdef\\@eqnsw{0}"), _("\\notag", "\\nonumber"), se({
+ htmlBuilder: $t,
+ mathmlBuilder: e0
+ }), k("\\nonumber", "\\gdef\\@eqnsw{0}"), k("\\notag", "\\nonumber"), se({
type: "text",
// Doesn't matter what this is.
names: ["\\hline", "\\hdashline"],
@@ -8210,7 +8210,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new u(e.funcName + " valid only within array environment");
- var q1 = Gi, Yi = q1;
+ var G1 = Gi, Yi = G1;
type: "environment",
names: ["\\begin", "\\end"],
@@ -8227,16 +8227,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (l === "\\begin") {
if (!Yi.hasOwnProperty(m))
throw new u("No such environment: " + m, c);
- var k = Yi[m], x = n.parseArguments("\\begin{" + m + "}", k), C = x.args, D = x.optArgs, P = {
+ var _ = Yi[m], x = n.parseArguments("\\begin{" + m + "}", _), C = x.args, D = x.optArgs, q = {
mode: n.mode,
envName: m,
parser: n
- }, q = k.handler(P, C, D);
+ }, O = _.handler(q, C, D);
n.expect("\\end", !1);
- var U = n.nextToken, $ = ye(n.parseFunction(), "environment");
- if ($.name !== m)
- throw new u("Mismatch: \\begin{" + m + "} matched by \\end{" + $.name + "}", U);
- return q;
+ var U = n.nextToken, J = ye(n.parseFunction(), "environment");
+ if (J.name !== m)
+ throw new u("Mismatch: \\begin{" + m + "} matched by \\end{" + J.name + "}", U);
+ return O;
return {
type: "environment",
@@ -8248,7 +8248,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var Xi = function(e, t) {
var n = e.font, l = t.withFont(n);
- return Me(e.body, l);
+ return ze(e.body, l);
}, Zi = function(e, t) {
var n = e.font, l = t.withFont(n);
return Ue(e.body, l);
@@ -8283,7 +8283,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
allowedInArgument: !0
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = an(t[0]), m = l;
+ var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = ln(t[0]), m = l;
return m in Ki && (m = Ki[m]), {
type: "font",
mode: n.mode,
@@ -8300,11 +8300,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
numArgs: 1
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.parser, l = t[0], c = V.isCharacterBox(l);
+ var n = e.parser, l = t[0], c = W.isCharacterBox(l);
return {
type: "mclass",
mode: n.mode,
- mclass: un(l),
+ mclass: cn(l),
body: [{
type: "font",
mode: n.mode,
@@ -8322,11 +8322,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
allowedInText: !0
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = e.breakOnTokenText, m = n.mode, b = n.parseExpression(!0, c), k = "math" + l.slice(1);
+ var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = e.breakOnTokenText, m = n.mode, b = n.parseExpression(!0, c), _ = "math" + l.slice(1);
return {
type: "font",
mode: m,
- font: k,
+ font: _,
body: {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: n.mode,
@@ -8339,25 +8339,25 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var Qi = function(e, t) {
var n = t;
- return e === "display" ? n = n.id >= Q.SCRIPT.id ? n.text() : Q.DISPLAY : e === "text" && n.size === Q.DISPLAY.size ? n = Q.TEXT : e === "script" ? n = Q.SCRIPT : e === "scriptscript" && (n = Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT), n;
- }, da = function(e, t) {
+ return e === "display" ? n = n.id >= ne.SCRIPT.id ? n.text() : ne.DISPLAY : e === "text" && n.size === ne.DISPLAY.size ? n = ne.TEXT : e === "script" ? n = ne.SCRIPT : e === "scriptscript" && (n = ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT), n;
+ }, pa = function(e, t) {
var n = Qi(e.size, t.style), l = n.fracNum(), c = n.fracDen(), m;
m = t.havingStyle(l);
- var b = Me(e.numer, m, t);
+ var b = ze(e.numer, m, t);
if (e.continued) {
- var k = 8.5 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, x = 3.5 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm;
- b.height = b.height < k ? k : b.height, b.depth = b.depth < x ? x : b.depth;
+ var _ = 8.5 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm, x = 3.5 / t.fontMetrics().ptPerEm;
+ b.height = b.height < _ ? _ : b.height, b.depth = b.depth < x ? x : b.depth;
m = t.havingStyle(c);
- var C = Me(e.denom, m, t), D, P, q;
- e.hasBarLine ? (e.barSize ? (P = Pe(e.barSize, t), D = N.makeLineSpan("frac-line", t, P)) : D = N.makeLineSpan("frac-line", t), P = D.height, q = D.height) : (D = null, P = 0, q = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness);
- var U, $, ie;
- n.size === Q.DISPLAY.size || e.size === "display" ? (U = t.fontMetrics().num1, P > 0 ? $ = 3 * q : $ = 7 * q, ie = t.fontMetrics().denom1) : (P > 0 ? (U = t.fontMetrics().num2, $ = q) : (U = t.fontMetrics().num3, $ = 3 * q), ie = t.fontMetrics().denom2);
+ var C = ze(e.denom, m, t), D, q, O;
+ e.hasBarLine ? (e.barSize ? (q = Pe(e.barSize, t), D = N.makeLineSpan("frac-line", t, q)) : D = N.makeLineSpan("frac-line", t), q = D.height, O = D.height) : (D = null, q = 0, O = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness);
+ var U, J, ie;
+ n.size === ne.DISPLAY.size || e.size === "display" ? (U = t.fontMetrics().num1, q > 0 ? J = 3 * O : J = 7 * O, ie = t.fontMetrics().denom1) : (q > 0 ? (U = t.fontMetrics().num2, J = O) : (U = t.fontMetrics().num3, J = 3 * O), ie = t.fontMetrics().denom2);
var he;
if (D) {
- var ge = t.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- U - b.depth - (ge + 0.5 * P) < $ && (U += $ - (U - b.depth - (ge + 0.5 * P))), ge - 0.5 * P - (C.height - ie) < $ && (ie += $ - (ge - 0.5 * P - (C.height - ie)));
- var Be = -(ge - 0.5 * P);
+ var ve = t.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
+ U - b.depth - (ve + 0.5 * q) < J && (U += J - (U - b.depth - (ve + 0.5 * q))), ve - 0.5 * q - (C.height - ie) < J && (ie += J - (ve - 0.5 * q - (C.height - ie)));
+ var Be = -(ve - 0.5 * q);
he = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [{
@@ -8376,7 +8376,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
} else {
var de = U - b.depth - (C.height - ie);
- de < $ && (U += 0.5 * ($ - de), ie += 0.5 * ($ - de)), he = N.makeVList({
+ de < J && (U += 0.5 * (J - de), ie += 0.5 * (J - de)), he = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [{
type: "elem",
@@ -8391,34 +8391,34 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
m = t.havingStyle(n), he.height *= m.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier, he.depth *= m.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier;
var we;
- n.size === Q.DISPLAY.size ? we = t.fontMetrics().delim1 : n.size === Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT.size ? we = t.havingStyle(Q.SCRIPT).fontMetrics().delim2 : we = t.fontMetrics().delim2;
- var Ie, ze;
- return e.leftDelim == null ? Ie = Br(t, ["mopen"]) : Ie = d0.customSizedDelim(e.leftDelim, we, !0, t.havingStyle(n), e.mode, ["mopen"]), e.continued ? ze = N.makeSpan([]) : e.rightDelim == null ? ze = Br(t, ["mclose"]) : ze = d0.customSizedDelim(e.rightDelim, we, !0, t.havingStyle(n), e.mode, ["mclose"]), N.makeSpan(["mord"].concat(m.sizingClasses(t)), [Ie, N.makeSpan(["mfrac"], [he]), ze], t);
- }, pa = function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mfrac", [Ue(e.numer, t), Ue(e.denom, t)]);
+ n.size === ne.DISPLAY.size ? we = t.fontMetrics().delim1 : n.size === ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT.size ? we = t.havingStyle(ne.SCRIPT).fontMetrics().delim2 : we = t.fontMetrics().delim2;
+ var Ie, Ce;
+ return e.leftDelim == null ? Ie = Br(t, ["mopen"]) : Ie = g0.customSizedDelim(e.leftDelim, we, !0, t.havingStyle(n), e.mode, ["mopen"]), e.continued ? Ce = N.makeSpan([]) : e.rightDelim == null ? Ce = Br(t, ["mclose"]) : Ce = g0.customSizedDelim(e.rightDelim, we, !0, t.havingStyle(n), e.mode, ["mclose"]), N.makeSpan(["mord"].concat(m.sizingClasses(t)), [Ie, N.makeSpan(["mfrac"], [he]), Ce], t);
+ }, ga = function(e, t) {
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mfrac", [Ue(e.numer, t), Ue(e.denom, t)]);
if (!e.hasBarLine)
n.setAttribute("linethickness", "0px");
else if (e.barSize) {
var l = Pe(e.barSize, t);
- n.setAttribute("linethickness", ee(l));
+ n.setAttribute("linethickness", te(l));
var c = Qi(e.size, t.style);
if (c.size !== t.style.size) {
- n = new K.MathNode("mstyle", [n]);
- var m = c.size === Q.DISPLAY.size ? "true" : "false";
+ n = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", [n]);
+ var m = c.size === ne.DISPLAY.size ? "true" : "false";
n.setAttribute("displaystyle", m), n.setAttribute("scriptlevel", "0");
if (e.leftDelim != null || e.rightDelim != null) {
var b = [];
if (e.leftDelim != null) {
- var k = new K.MathNode("mo", [new K.TextNode(e.leftDelim.replace("\\", ""))]);
- k.setAttribute("fence", "true"), b.push(k);
+ var _ = new Q.MathNode("mo", [new Q.TextNode(e.leftDelim.replace("\\", ""))]);
+ _.setAttribute("fence", "true"), b.push(_);
if (b.push(n), e.rightDelim != null) {
- var x = new K.MathNode("mo", [new K.TextNode(e.rightDelim.replace("\\", ""))]);
+ var x = new Q.MathNode("mo", [new Q.TextNode(e.rightDelim.replace("\\", ""))]);
x.setAttribute("fence", "true"), b.push(x);
- return Jn(b);
+ return $n(b);
return n;
@@ -8442,7 +8442,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
allowedInArgument: !0
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = t[0], m = t[1], b, k = null, x = null, C = "auto";
+ var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = t[0], m = t[1], b, _ = null, x = null, C = "auto";
switch (l) {
case "\\dfrac":
case "\\frac":
@@ -8455,13 +8455,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
case "\\dbinom":
case "\\binom":
case "\\tbinom":
- b = !1, k = "(", x = ")";
+ b = !1, _ = "(", x = ")";
case "\\\\bracefrac":
- b = !1, k = "\\{", x = "\\}";
+ b = !1, _ = "\\{", x = "\\}";
case "\\\\brackfrac":
- b = !1, k = "[", x = "]";
+ b = !1, _ = "[", x = "]";
throw new Error("Unrecognized genfrac command");
@@ -8483,14 +8483,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
numer: c,
denom: m,
hasBarLine: b,
- leftDelim: k,
+ leftDelim: _,
rightDelim: x,
size: C,
barSize: null
- htmlBuilder: da,
- mathmlBuilder: pa
+ htmlBuilder: pa,
+ mathmlBuilder: ga
}), se({
type: "genfrac",
names: ["\\cfrac"],
@@ -8563,16 +8563,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
argTypes: ["math", "math", "size", "text", "math", "math"]
handler: function(e, t) {
- var n = e.parser, l = t[4], c = t[5], m = an(t[0]), b = m.type === "atom" && m.family === "open" ? $i(m.text) : null, k = an(t[1]), x = k.type === "atom" && k.family === "close" ? $i(k.text) : null, C = ye(t[2], "size"), D, P = null;
- C.isBlank ? D = !0 : (P = C.value, D = P.number > 0);
- var q = "auto", U = t[3];
+ var n = e.parser, l = t[4], c = t[5], m = ln(t[0]), b = m.type === "atom" && m.family === "open" ? $i(m.text) : null, _ = ln(t[1]), x = _.type === "atom" && _.family === "close" ? $i(_.text) : null, C = ye(t[2], "size"), D, q = null;
+ C.isBlank ? D = !0 : (q = C.value, D = q.number > 0);
+ var O = "auto", U = t[3];
if (U.type === "ordgroup") {
if (U.body.length > 0) {
- var $ = ye(U.body[0], "textord");
- q = Ji[Number($.text)];
+ var J = ye(U.body[0], "textord");
+ O = Ji[Number(J.text)];
} else
- U = ye(U, "textord"), q = Ji[Number(U.text)];
+ U = ye(U, "textord"), O = Ji[Number(U.text)];
return {
type: "genfrac",
mode: n.mode,
@@ -8580,14 +8580,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
denom: c,
continued: !1,
hasBarLine: D,
- barSize: P,
+ barSize: q,
leftDelim: b,
rightDelim: x,
- size: q
+ size: O
- htmlBuilder: da,
- mathmlBuilder: pa
+ htmlBuilder: pa,
+ mathmlBuilder: ga
}), se({
type: "infix",
names: ["\\above"],
@@ -8618,7 +8618,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e, t) {
var n = e.parser;
- var l = t[0], c = ne(ye(t[1], "infix").size), m = t[2], b = c.number > 0;
+ var l = t[0], c = ae(ye(t[1], "infix").size), m = t[2], b = c.number > 0;
return {
type: "genfrac",
mode: n.mode,
@@ -8632,14 +8632,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
size: "auto"
- htmlBuilder: da,
- mathmlBuilder: pa
+ htmlBuilder: pa,
+ mathmlBuilder: ga
var el = function(e, t) {
var n = t.style, l, c;
- e.type === "supsub" ? (l = e.sup ? Me(e.sup, t.havingStyle(n.sup()), t) : Me(e.sub, t.havingStyle(n.sub()), t), c = ye(e.base, "horizBrace")) : c = ye(e, "horizBrace");
- var m = Me(c.base, t.havingBaseStyle(Q.DISPLAY)), b = m0.svgSpan(c, t), k;
- if (c.isOver ? (k = N.makeVList({
+ e.type === "supsub" ? (l = e.sup ? ze(e.sup, t.havingStyle(n.sup()), t) : ze(e.sub, t.havingStyle(n.sub()), t), c = ye(e.base, "horizBrace")) : c = ye(e, "horizBrace");
+ var m = ze(c.base, t.havingBaseStyle(ne.DISPLAY)), b = p0.svgSpan(c, t), _;
+ if (c.isOver ? (_ = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
@@ -8651,7 +8651,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "elem",
elem: b
- }, t), k.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align")) : (k = N.makeVList({
+ }, t), _.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align")) : (_ = N.makeVList({
positionType: "bottom",
positionData: m.depth + 0.1 + b.height,
children: [{
@@ -8664,9 +8664,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "elem",
elem: m
- }, t), k.children[0].children[0].children[0].classes.push("svg-align")), l) {
- var x = N.makeSpan(["mord", c.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [k], t);
- c.isOver ? k = N.makeVList({
+ }, t), _.children[0].children[0].children[0].classes.push("svg-align")), l) {
+ var x = N.makeSpan(["mord", c.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [_], t);
+ c.isOver ? _ = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
@@ -8678,7 +8678,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "elem",
elem: l
- }, t) : k = N.makeVList({
+ }, t) : _ = N.makeVList({
positionType: "bottom",
positionData: x.depth + 0.2 + l.height + l.depth,
children: [{
@@ -8693,10 +8693,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
- return N.makeSpan(["mord", c.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [k], t);
- }, P1 = function(e, t) {
- var n = m0.mathMLnode(e.label);
- return new K.MathNode(e.isOver ? "mover" : "munder", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
+ return N.makeSpan(["mord", c.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [_], t);
+ }, V1 = function(e, t) {
+ var n = p0.mathMLnode(e.label);
+ return new Q.MathNode(e.isOver ? "mover" : "munder", [Ue(e.base, t), n]);
type: "horizBrace",
@@ -8715,7 +8715,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: el,
- mathmlBuilder: P1
+ mathmlBuilder: V1
}), se({
type: "href",
names: ["\\href"],
@@ -8733,16 +8733,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "href",
mode: n.mode,
href: c,
- body: at(l)
+ body: tt(l)
} : n.formatUnsupportedCmd("\\href");
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t, !1);
+ var n = at(e.body, t, !1);
return N.makeAnchor(e.href, [], n, t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = M0(e.body, t);
- return n instanceof Lt || (n = new Lt("mrow", [n])), n.setAttribute("href", e.href), n;
+ var n = z0(e.body, t);
+ return n instanceof It || (n = new It("mrow", [n])), n.setAttribute("href", e.href), n;
}), se({
type: "href",
@@ -8767,7 +8767,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
text: b
- var k = {
+ var _ = {
type: "text",
mode: n.mode,
font: "\\texttt",
@@ -8777,7 +8777,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "href",
mode: n.mode,
href: l,
- body: at(k)
+ body: tt(_)
}), se({
@@ -8794,15 +8794,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "hbox",
mode: n.mode,
- body: at(t[0])
+ body: tt(t[0])
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t, !1);
+ var n = at(e.body, t, !1);
return N.makeFragment(n);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return new K.MathNode("mrow", St(e.body, t));
+ return new Q.MathNode("mrow", Tt(e.body, t));
}), se({
type: "html",
@@ -8817,22 +8817,22 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var c = ye(t[0], "raw").string, m = t[1];
n.settings.strict && n.settings.reportNonstrict("htmlExtension", "HTML extension is disabled on strict mode");
- var b, k = {};
+ var b, _ = {};
switch (l) {
case "\\htmlClass":
- k.class = c, b = {
+ _.class = c, b = {
command: "\\htmlClass",
class: c
case "\\htmlId":
- k.id = c, b = {
+ _.id = c, b = {
command: "\\htmlId",
id: c
case "\\htmlStyle":
- k.style = c, b = {
+ _.style = c, b = {
command: "\\htmlStyle",
style: c
@@ -8842,11 +8842,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var D = x[C].split("=");
if (D.length !== 2)
throw new u("Error parsing key-value for \\htmlData");
- k["data-" + D[0].trim()] = D[1].trim();
+ _["data-" + D[0].trim()] = D[1].trim();
b = {
command: "\\htmlData",
- attributes: k
+ attributes: _
@@ -8856,12 +8856,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return n.settings.isTrusted(b) ? {
type: "html",
mode: n.mode,
- attributes: k,
- body: at(m)
+ attributes: _,
+ body: tt(m)
} : n.formatUnsupportedCmd(l);
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t, !1), l = ["enclosing"];
+ var n = at(e.body, t, !1), l = ["enclosing"];
e.attributes.class && l.push.apply(l, e.attributes.class.trim().split(/\s+/));
var c = N.makeSpan(l, n, t);
for (var m in e.attributes)
@@ -8869,7 +8869,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return c;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return M0(e.body, t);
+ return z0(e.body, t);
}), se({
type: "htmlmathml",
@@ -8883,19 +8883,19 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "htmlmathml",
mode: n.mode,
- html: at(t[0]),
- mathml: at(t[1])
+ html: tt(t[0]),
+ mathml: tt(t[1])
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.html, t, !1);
+ var n = at(e.html, t, !1);
return N.makeFragment(n);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return M0(e.mathml, t);
+ return z0(e.mathml, t);
- var ga = function(e) {
+ var va = function(e) {
if (/^[-+]? *(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/.test(e))
return {
number: +e,
@@ -8932,38 +8932,38 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, b = {
number: 0,
unit: "em"
- }, k = "";
+ }, _ = "";
if (n[0])
for (var x = ye(n[0], "raw").string, C = x.split(","), D = 0; D < C.length; D++) {
- var P = C[D].split("=");
- if (P.length === 2) {
- var q = P[1].trim();
- switch (P[0].trim()) {
+ var q = C[D].split("=");
+ if (q.length === 2) {
+ var O = q[1].trim();
+ switch (q[0].trim()) {
case "alt":
- k = q;
+ _ = O;
case "width":
- c = ga(q);
+ c = va(O);
case "height":
- m = ga(q);
+ m = va(O);
case "totalheight":
- b = ga(q);
+ b = va(O);
- throw new u("Invalid key: '" + P[0] + "' in \\includegraphics.");
+ throw new u("Invalid key: '" + q[0] + "' in \\includegraphics.");
var U = ye(t[0], "url").url;
- return k === "" && (k = U, k = k.replace(/^.*[\\/]/, ""), k = k.substring(0, k.lastIndexOf("."))), l.settings.isTrusted({
+ return _ === "" && (_ = U, _ = _.replace(/^.*[\\/]/, ""), _ = _.substring(0, _.lastIndexOf("."))), l.settings.isTrusted({
command: "\\includegraphics",
url: U
}) ? {
type: "includegraphics",
mode: l.mode,
- alt: k,
+ alt: _,
width: c,
height: m,
totalheight: b,
@@ -8976,19 +8976,19 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var c = 0;
e.width.number > 0 && (c = Pe(e.width, t));
var m = {
- height: ee(n + l)
+ height: te(n + l)
- c > 0 && (m.width = ee(c)), l > 0 && (m.verticalAlign = ee(-l));
- var b = new Zr(e.src, e.alt, m);
+ c > 0 && (m.width = te(c)), l > 0 && (m.verticalAlign = te(-l));
+ var b = new Kr(e.src, e.alt, m);
return b.height = n, b.depth = l, b;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mglyph", []);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mglyph", []);
n.setAttribute("alt", e.alt);
var l = Pe(e.height, t), c = 0;
- if (e.totalheight.number > 0 && (c = Pe(e.totalheight, t) - l, n.setAttribute("valign", ee(-c))), n.setAttribute("height", ee(l + c)), e.width.number > 0) {
+ if (e.totalheight.number > 0 && (c = Pe(e.totalheight, t) - l, n.setAttribute("valign", te(-c))), n.setAttribute("height", te(l + c)), e.width.number > 0) {
var m = Pe(e.width, t);
- n.setAttribute("width", ee(m));
+ n.setAttribute("width", te(m));
return n.setAttribute("src", e.src), n;
@@ -9018,7 +9018,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = Pe(e.dimension, t);
- return new K.SpaceNode(n);
+ return new Q.SpaceNode(n);
}), se({
type: "lap",
@@ -9038,12 +9038,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n;
- e.alignment === "clap" ? (n = N.makeSpan([], [Me(e.body, t)]), n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [n], t)) : n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [Me(e.body, t)]);
+ e.alignment === "clap" ? (n = N.makeSpan([], [ze(e.body, t)]), n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [n], t)) : n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [ze(e.body, t)]);
var l = N.makeSpan(["fix"], []), c = N.makeSpan([e.alignment], [n, l], t), m = N.makeSpan(["strut"]);
- return m.style.height = ee(c.height + c.depth), c.depth && (m.style.verticalAlign = ee(-c.depth)), c.children.unshift(m), c = N.makeSpan(["thinbox"], [c], t), N.makeSpan(["mord", "vbox"], [c], t);
+ return m.style.height = te(c.height + c.depth), c.depth && (m.style.verticalAlign = te(-c.depth)), c.children.unshift(m), c = N.makeSpan(["thinbox"], [c], t), N.makeSpan(["mord", "vbox"], [c], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
if (e.alignment !== "rlap") {
var l = e.alignment === "llap" ? "-1" : "-0.5";
n.setAttribute("lspace", l + "width");
@@ -9084,13 +9084,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var tl = function(e, t) {
switch (t.style.size) {
- case Q.DISPLAY.size:
+ case ne.DISPLAY.size:
return e.display;
- case Q.TEXT.size:
+ case ne.TEXT.size:
return e.text;
- case Q.SCRIPT.size:
+ case ne.SCRIPT.size:
return e.script;
- case Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT.size:
+ case ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT.size:
return e.scriptscript;
return e.text;
@@ -9108,42 +9108,42 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "mathchoice",
mode: n.mode,
- display: at(t[0]),
- text: at(t[1]),
- script: at(t[2]),
- scriptscript: at(t[3])
+ display: tt(t[0]),
+ text: tt(t[1]),
+ script: tt(t[2]),
+ scriptscript: tt(t[3])
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = tl(e, t), l = it(n, t, !1);
+ var n = tl(e, t), l = at(n, t, !1);
return N.makeFragment(l);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = tl(e, t);
- return M0(n, t);
+ return z0(n, t);
var rl = function(e, t, n, l, c, m, b) {
e = N.makeSpan([], [e]);
- var k = n && V.isCharacterBox(n), x, C;
+ var _ = n && W.isCharacterBox(n), x, C;
if (t) {
- var D = Me(t, l.havingStyle(c.sup()), l);
+ var D = ze(t, l.havingStyle(c.sup()), l);
C = {
elem: D,
kern: Math.max(l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing1, l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing3 - D.depth)
if (n) {
- var P = Me(n, l.havingStyle(c.sub()), l);
+ var q = ze(n, l.havingStyle(c.sub()), l);
x = {
- elem: P,
- kern: Math.max(l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing2, l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing4 - P.height)
+ elem: q,
+ kern: Math.max(l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing2, l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing4 - q.height)
- var q;
+ var O;
if (C && x) {
var U = l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 + x.elem.height + x.elem.depth + x.kern + e.depth + b;
- q = N.makeVList({
+ O = N.makeVList({
positionType: "bottom",
positionData: U,
children: [{
@@ -9152,7 +9152,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, {
type: "elem",
elem: x.elem,
- marginLeft: ee(-m)
+ marginLeft: te(-m)
}, {
type: "kern",
size: x.kern
@@ -9165,24 +9165,24 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, {
type: "elem",
elem: C.elem,
- marginLeft: ee(m)
+ marginLeft: te(m)
}, {
type: "kern",
size: l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5
}, l);
} else if (x) {
- var $ = e.height - b;
- q = N.makeVList({
+ var J = e.height - b;
+ O = N.makeVList({
positionType: "top",
- positionData: $,
+ positionData: J,
children: [{
type: "kern",
size: l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5
}, {
type: "elem",
elem: x.elem,
- marginLeft: ee(-m)
+ marginLeft: te(-m)
}, {
type: "kern",
size: x.kern
@@ -9193,7 +9193,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, l);
} else if (C) {
var ie = e.depth + b;
- q = N.makeVList({
+ O = N.makeVList({
positionType: "bottom",
positionData: ie,
children: [{
@@ -9205,7 +9205,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, {
type: "elem",
elem: C.elem,
- marginLeft: ee(m)
+ marginLeft: te(m)
}, {
type: "kern",
size: l.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5
@@ -9213,22 +9213,22 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, l);
} else
return e;
- var he = [q];
- if (x && m !== 0 && !k) {
+ var he = [O];
+ if (x && m !== 0 && !_) {
var de = N.makeSpan(["mspace"], [], l);
- de.style.marginRight = ee(m), he.unshift(de);
+ de.style.marginRight = te(m), he.unshift(de);
return N.makeSpan(["mop", "op-limits"], he, l);
}, nl = ["\\smallint"], or = function(e, t) {
var n, l, c = !1, m;
e.type === "supsub" ? (n = e.sup, l = e.sub, m = ye(e.base, "op"), c = !0) : m = ye(e, "op");
- var b = t.style, k = !1;
- b.size === Q.DISPLAY.size && m.symbol && !V.contains(nl, m.name) && (k = !0);
+ var b = t.style, _ = !1;
+ b.size === ne.DISPLAY.size && m.symbol && !W.contains(nl, m.name) && (_ = !0);
var x;
if (m.symbol) {
- var C = k ? "Size2-Regular" : "Size1-Regular", D = "";
- if ((m.name === "\\oiint" || m.name === "\\oiiint") && (D = m.name.slice(1), m.name = D === "oiint" ? "\\iint" : "\\iiint"), x = N.makeSymbol(m.name, C, "math", t, ["mop", "op-symbol", k ? "large-op" : "small-op"]), D.length > 0) {
- var P = x.italic, q = N.staticSvg(D + "Size" + (k ? "2" : "1"), t);
+ var C = _ ? "Size2-Regular" : "Size1-Regular", D = "";
+ if ((m.name === "\\oiint" || m.name === "\\oiiint") && (D = m.name.slice(1), m.name = D === "oiint" ? "\\iint" : "\\iiint"), x = N.makeSymbol(m.name, C, "math", t, ["mop", "op-symbol", _ ? "large-op" : "small-op"]), D.length > 0) {
+ var q = x.italic, O = N.staticSvg(D + "Size" + (_ ? "2" : "1"), t);
x = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
children: [{
@@ -9237,34 +9237,34 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
shift: 0
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: q,
- shift: k ? 0.08 : 0
+ elem: O,
+ shift: _ ? 0.08 : 0
- }, t), m.name = "\\" + D, x.classes.unshift("mop"), x.italic = P;
+ }, t), m.name = "\\" + D, x.classes.unshift("mop"), x.italic = q;
} else if (m.body) {
- var U = it(m.body, t, !0);
- U.length === 1 && U[0] instanceof bt ? (x = U[0], x.classes[0] = "mop") : x = N.makeSpan(["mop"], U, t);
+ var U = at(m.body, t, !0);
+ U.length === 1 && U[0] instanceof yt ? (x = U[0], x.classes[0] = "mop") : x = N.makeSpan(["mop"], U, t);
} else {
- for (var $ = [], ie = 1; ie < m.name.length; ie++)
- $.push(N.mathsym(m.name[ie], m.mode, t));
- x = N.makeSpan(["mop"], $, t);
+ for (var J = [], ie = 1; ie < m.name.length; ie++)
+ J.push(N.mathsym(m.name[ie], m.mode, t));
+ x = N.makeSpan(["mop"], J, t);
var he = 0, de = 0;
- return (x instanceof bt || m.name === "\\oiint" || m.name === "\\oiiint") && !m.suppressBaseShift && (he = (x.height - x.depth) / 2 - t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, de = x.italic), c ? rl(x, n, l, t, b, de, he) : (he && (x.style.position = "relative", x.style.top = ee(he)), x);
+ return (x instanceof yt || m.name === "\\oiint" || m.name === "\\oiiint") && !m.suppressBaseShift && (he = (x.height - x.depth) / 2 - t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, de = x.italic), c ? rl(x, n, l, t, b, de, he) : (he && (x.style.position = "relative", x.style.top = te(he)), x);
}, Fr = function(e, t) {
var n;
if (e.symbol)
- n = new Lt("mo", [It(e.name, e.mode)]), V.contains(nl, e.name) && n.setAttribute("largeop", "false");
+ n = new It("mo", [Ot(e.name, e.mode)]), W.contains(nl, e.name) && n.setAttribute("largeop", "false");
else if (e.body)
- n = new Lt("mo", St(e.body, t));
+ n = new It("mo", Tt(e.body, t));
else {
- n = new Lt("mi", [new Dr(e.name.slice(1))]);
- var l = new Lt("mo", [It("", "text")]);
- e.parentIsSupSub ? n = new Lt("mrow", [n, l]) : n = wi([n, l]);
+ n = new It("mi", [new Dr(e.name.slice(1))]);
+ var l = new It("mo", [Ot("", "text")]);
+ e.parentIsSupSub ? n = new It("mrow", [n, l]) : n = wi([n, l]);
return n;
- }, H1 = {
+ }, W1 = {
"∏": "\\prod",
"∐": "\\coprod",
"∑": "\\sum",
@@ -9286,7 +9286,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e, t) {
var n = e.parser, l = e.funcName, c = l;
- return c.length === 1 && (c = H1[c]), {
+ return c.length === 1 && (c = W1[c]), {
type: "op",
mode: n.mode,
limits: !0,
@@ -9312,13 +9312,13 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
limits: !1,
parentIsSupSub: !1,
symbol: !1,
- body: at(l)
+ body: tt(l)
htmlBuilder: or,
mathmlBuilder: Fr
- var U1 = {
+ var j1 = {
"∫": "\\int",
"∬": "\\iint",
"∭": "\\iiint",
@@ -9372,7 +9372,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e) {
var t = e.parser, n = e.funcName, l = n;
- return l.length === 1 && (l = U1[l]), {
+ return l.length === 1 && (l = j1[l]), {
type: "op",
mode: t.mode,
limits: !1,
@@ -9389,26 +9389,26 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
e.type === "supsub" ? (n = e.sup, l = e.sub, m = ye(e.base, "operatorname"), c = !0) : m = ye(e, "operatorname");
var b;
if (m.body.length > 0) {
- for (var k = m.body.map(function(P) {
- var q = P.text;
- return typeof q == "string" ? {
+ for (var _ = m.body.map(function(q) {
+ var O = q.text;
+ return typeof O == "string" ? {
type: "textord",
- mode: P.mode,
- text: q
- } : P;
- }), x = it(k, t.withFont("mathrm"), !0), C = 0; C < x.length; C++) {
+ mode: q.mode,
+ text: O
+ } : q;
+ }), x = at(_, t.withFont("mathrm"), !0), C = 0; C < x.length; C++) {
var D = x[C];
- D instanceof bt && (D.text = D.text.replace(/\u2212/, "-").replace(/\u2217/, "*"));
+ D instanceof yt && (D.text = D.text.replace(/\u2212/, "-").replace(/\u2217/, "*"));
b = N.makeSpan(["mop"], x, t);
} else
b = N.makeSpan(["mop"], [], t);
return c ? rl(b, n, l, t, t.style, 0, 0) : b;
- }, G1 = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = St(e.body, t.withFont("mathrm")), l = !0, c = 0; c < n.length; c++) {
+ }, Y1 = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = Tt(e.body, t.withFont("mathrm")), l = !0, c = 0; c < n.length; c++) {
var m = n[c];
- if (!(m instanceof K.SpaceNode))
- if (m instanceof K.MathNode)
+ if (!(m instanceof Q.SpaceNode))
+ if (m instanceof Q.MathNode)
switch (m.type) {
case "mi":
case "mn":
@@ -9418,7 +9418,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
case "mo": {
var b = m.children[0];
- m.children.length === 1 && b instanceof K.TextNode ? b.text = b.text.replace(/\u2212/, "-").replace(/\u2217/, "*") : l = !1;
+ m.children.length === 1 && b instanceof Q.TextNode ? b.text = b.text.replace(/\u2212/, "-").replace(/\u2217/, "*") : l = !1;
@@ -9428,15 +9428,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
l = !1;
if (l) {
- var k = n.map(function(D) {
+ var _ = n.map(function(D) {
return D.toText();
- n = [new K.TextNode(k)];
+ n = [new Q.TextNode(_)];
- var x = new K.MathNode("mi", n);
+ var x = new Q.MathNode("mi", n);
x.setAttribute("mathvariant", "normal");
- var C = new K.MathNode("mo", [It("", "text")]);
- return e.parentIsSupSub ? new K.MathNode("mrow", [x, C]) : K.newDocumentFragment([x, C]);
+ var C = new Q.MathNode("mo", [Ot("", "text")]);
+ return e.parentIsSupSub ? new Q.MathNode("mrow", [x, C]) : Q.newDocumentFragment([x, C]);
type: "operatorname",
@@ -9449,21 +9449,21 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "operatorname",
mode: n.mode,
- body: at(c),
+ body: tt(c),
alwaysHandleSupSub: l === "\\operatornamewithlimits",
limits: !1,
parentIsSupSub: !1
htmlBuilder: al,
- mathmlBuilder: G1
- }), _("\\operatorname", "\\@ifstar\\operatornamewithlimits\\operatorname@"), K0({
+ mathmlBuilder: Y1
+ }), k("\\operatorname", "\\@ifstar\\operatornamewithlimits\\operatorname@"), K0({
type: "ordgroup",
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return e.semisimple ? N.makeFragment(it(e.body, t, !1)) : N.makeSpan(["mord"], it(e.body, t, !0), t);
+ return e.semisimple ? N.makeFragment(at(e.body, t, !1)) : N.makeSpan(["mord"], at(e.body, t, !0), t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return M0(e.body, t, !0);
+ return z0(e.body, t, !0);
}), se({
type: "overline",
@@ -9480,7 +9480,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.body, t.havingCrampedStyle()), l = N.makeLineSpan("overline-line", t), c = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, m = N.makeVList({
+ var n = ze(e.body, t.havingCrampedStyle()), l = N.makeLineSpan("overline-line", t), c = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, m = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
@@ -9499,9 +9499,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "overline"], [m], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mo", [new K.TextNode("‾")]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mo", [new Q.TextNode("‾")]);
n.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
- var l = new K.MathNode("mover", [Ue(e.body, t), n]);
+ var l = new Q.MathNode("mover", [Ue(e.body, t), n]);
return l.setAttribute("accent", "true"), l;
}), se({
@@ -9516,16 +9516,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "phantom",
mode: n.mode,
- body: at(l)
+ body: tt(l)
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = it(e.body, t.withPhantom(), !1);
+ var n = at(e.body, t.withPhantom(), !1);
return N.makeFragment(n);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = St(e.body, t);
- return new K.MathNode("mphantom", n);
+ var n = Tt(e.body, t);
+ return new Q.MathNode("mphantom", n);
}), se({
type: "hphantom",
@@ -9543,7 +9543,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = N.makeSpan([], [Me(e.body, t.withPhantom())]);
+ var n = N.makeSpan([], [ze(e.body, t.withPhantom())]);
if (n.height = 0, n.depth = 0, n.children)
for (var l = 0; l < n.children.length; l++)
n.children[l].height = 0, n.children[l].depth = 0;
@@ -9556,7 +9556,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t), N.makeSpan(["mord"], [n], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = St(at(e.body), t), l = new K.MathNode("mphantom", n), c = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [l]);
+ var n = Tt(tt(e.body), t), l = new Q.MathNode("mphantom", n), c = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [l]);
return c.setAttribute("height", "0px"), c.setAttribute("depth", "0px"), c;
}), se({
@@ -9575,11 +9575,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [Me(e.body, t.withPhantom())]), l = N.makeSpan(["fix"], []);
+ var n = N.makeSpan(["inner"], [ze(e.body, t.withPhantom())]), l = N.makeSpan(["fix"], []);
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "rlap"], [n, l], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = St(at(e.body), t), l = new K.MathNode("mphantom", n), c = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [l]);
+ var n = Tt(tt(e.body), t), l = new Q.MathNode("mphantom", n), c = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [l]);
return c.setAttribute("width", "0px"), c;
}), se({
@@ -9600,7 +9600,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.body, t), l = Pe(e.dy, t);
+ var n = ze(e.body, t), l = Pe(e.dy, t);
return N.makeVList({
positionType: "shift",
positionData: -l,
@@ -9611,7 +9611,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]), l = e.dy.number + e.dy.unit;
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]), l = e.dy.number + e.dy.unit;
return n.setAttribute("voffset", l), n;
}), se({
@@ -9648,23 +9648,23 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = N.makeSpan(["mord", "rule"], [], t), l = Pe(e.width, t), c = Pe(e.height, t), m = e.shift ? Pe(e.shift, t) : 0;
- return n.style.borderRightWidth = ee(l), n.style.borderTopWidth = ee(c), n.style.bottom = ee(m), n.width = l, n.height = c + m, n.depth = -m, n.maxFontSize = c * 1.125 * t.sizeMultiplier, n;
+ return n.style.borderRightWidth = te(l), n.style.borderTopWidth = te(c), n.style.bottom = te(m), n.width = l, n.height = c + m, n.depth = -m, n.maxFontSize = c * 1.125 * t.sizeMultiplier, n;
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Pe(e.width, t), l = Pe(e.height, t), c = e.shift ? Pe(e.shift, t) : 0, m = t.color && t.getColor() || "black", b = new K.MathNode("mspace");
- b.setAttribute("mathbackground", m), b.setAttribute("width", ee(n)), b.setAttribute("height", ee(l));
- var k = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [b]);
- return c >= 0 ? k.setAttribute("height", ee(c)) : (k.setAttribute("height", ee(c)), k.setAttribute("depth", ee(-c))), k.setAttribute("voffset", ee(c)), k;
+ var n = Pe(e.width, t), l = Pe(e.height, t), c = e.shift ? Pe(e.shift, t) : 0, m = t.color && t.getColor() || "black", b = new Q.MathNode("mspace");
+ b.setAttribute("mathbackground", m), b.setAttribute("width", te(n)), b.setAttribute("height", te(l));
+ var _ = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [b]);
+ return c >= 0 ? _.setAttribute("height", te(c)) : (_.setAttribute("height", te(c)), _.setAttribute("depth", te(-c))), _.setAttribute("voffset", te(c)), _;
function il(f, e, t) {
- for (var n = it(f, e, !1), l = e.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier, c = 0; c < n.length; c++) {
+ for (var n = at(f, e, !1), l = e.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier, c = 0; c < n.length; c++) {
var m = n[c].classes.indexOf("sizing");
m < 0 ? Array.prototype.push.apply(n[c].classes, e.sizingClasses(t)) : n[c].classes[m + 1] === "reset-size" + e.size && (n[c].classes[m + 1] = "reset-size" + t.size), n[c].height *= l, n[c].depth *= l;
return N.makeFragment(n);
- var ll = ["\\tiny", "\\sixptsize", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small", "\\normalsize", "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge"], V1 = function(e, t) {
+ var ll = ["\\tiny", "\\sixptsize", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small", "\\normalsize", "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge"], X1 = function(e, t) {
var n = t.havingSize(e.size);
return il(e.body, n, t);
@@ -9685,10 +9685,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
body: m
- htmlBuilder: V1,
+ htmlBuilder: X1,
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = t.havingSize(e.size), l = St(e.body, n), c = new K.MathNode("mstyle", l);
- return c.setAttribute("mathsize", ee(n.sizeMultiplier)), c;
+ var n = t.havingSize(e.size), l = Tt(e.body, n), c = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", l);
+ return c.setAttribute("mathsize", te(n.sizeMultiplier)), c;
}), se({
type: "smash",
@@ -9701,11 +9701,11 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
handler: function(e, t, n) {
var l = e.parser, c = !1, m = !1, b = n[0] && ye(n[0], "ordgroup");
if (b)
- for (var k = "", x = 0; x < b.body.length; ++x) {
+ for (var _ = "", x = 0; x < b.body.length; ++x) {
var C = b.body[x];
- if (k = C.text, k === "t")
+ if (_ = C.text, _ === "t")
c = !0;
- else if (k === "b")
+ else if (_ === "b")
m = !0;
else {
c = !1, m = !1;
@@ -9724,7 +9724,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = N.makeSpan([], [Me(e.body, t)]);
+ var n = N.makeSpan([], [ze(e.body, t)]);
if (!e.smashHeight && !e.smashDepth)
return n;
if (e.smashHeight && (n.height = 0, n.children))
@@ -9743,7 +9743,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeSpan(["mord"], [m], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)]);
return e.smashHeight && n.setAttribute("height", "0px"), e.smashDepth && n.setAttribute("depth", "0px"), n;
}), se({
@@ -9763,15 +9763,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.body, t.havingCrampedStyle());
+ var n = ze(e.body, t.havingCrampedStyle());
n.height === 0 && (n.height = t.fontMetrics().xHeight), n = N.wrapFragment(n, t);
var l = t.fontMetrics(), c = l.defaultRuleThickness, m = c;
- t.style.id < Q.TEXT.id && (m = t.fontMetrics().xHeight);
- var b = c + m / 4, k = n.height + n.depth + b + c, x = d0.sqrtImage(k, t), C = x.span, D = x.ruleWidth, P = x.advanceWidth, q = C.height - D;
- q > n.height + n.depth + b && (b = (b + q - n.height - n.depth) / 2);
+ t.style.id < ne.TEXT.id && (m = t.fontMetrics().xHeight);
+ var b = c + m / 4, _ = n.height + n.depth + b + c, x = g0.sqrtImage(_, t), C = x.span, D = x.ruleWidth, q = x.advanceWidth, O = C.height - D;
+ O > n.height + n.depth + b && (b = (b + O - n.height - n.depth) / 2);
var U = C.height - n.height - b - D;
- n.style.paddingLeft = ee(P);
- var $ = N.makeVList({
+ n.style.paddingLeft = te(q);
+ var J = N.makeVList({
positionType: "firstBaseline",
children: [{
type: "elem",
@@ -9789,28 +9789,28 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
if (e.index) {
- var ie = t.havingStyle(Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT), he = Me(e.index, ie, t), de = 0.6 * ($.height - $.depth), ge = N.makeVList({
+ var ie = t.havingStyle(ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT), he = ze(e.index, ie, t), de = 0.6 * (J.height - J.depth), ve = N.makeVList({
positionType: "shift",
positionData: -de,
children: [{
type: "elem",
elem: he
- }, t), Be = N.makeSpan(["root"], [ge]);
- return N.makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"], [Be, $], t);
+ }, t), Be = N.makeSpan(["root"], [ve]);
+ return N.makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"], [Be, J], t);
} else
- return N.makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"], [$], t);
+ return N.makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"], [J], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = e.body, l = e.index;
- return l ? new K.MathNode("mroot", [Ue(n, t), Ue(l, t)]) : new K.MathNode("msqrt", [Ue(n, t)]);
+ return l ? new Q.MathNode("mroot", [Ue(n, t), Ue(l, t)]) : new Q.MathNode("msqrt", [Ue(n, t)]);
var sl = {
- display: Q.DISPLAY,
- text: Q.TEXT,
- script: Q.SCRIPT,
- scriptscript: Q.SCRIPTSCRIPT
+ display: ne.DISPLAY,
+ text: ne.TEXT,
+ script: ne.SCRIPT,
+ scriptscript: ne.SCRIPTSCRIPT
type: "styling",
@@ -9836,27 +9836,27 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return il(e.body, l, t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = sl[e.style], l = t.havingStyle(n), c = St(e.body, l), m = new K.MathNode("mstyle", c), b = {
+ var n = sl[e.style], l = t.havingStyle(n), c = Tt(e.body, l), m = new Q.MathNode("mstyle", c), b = {
display: ["0", "true"],
text: ["0", "false"],
script: ["1", "false"],
scriptscript: ["2", "false"]
- }, k = b[e.style];
- return m.setAttribute("scriptlevel", k[0]), m.setAttribute("displaystyle", k[1]), m;
+ }, _ = b[e.style];
+ return m.setAttribute("scriptlevel", _[0]), m.setAttribute("displaystyle", _[1]), m;
- var j1 = function(e, t) {
+ var Z1 = function(e, t) {
var n = e.base;
if (n)
if (n.type === "op") {
- var l = n.limits && (t.style.size === Q.DISPLAY.size || n.alwaysHandleSupSub);
+ var l = n.limits && (t.style.size === ne.DISPLAY.size || n.alwaysHandleSupSub);
return l ? or : null;
} else if (n.type === "operatorname") {
- var c = n.alwaysHandleSupSub && (t.style.size === Q.DISPLAY.size || n.limits);
+ var c = n.alwaysHandleSupSub && (t.style.size === ne.DISPLAY.size || n.limits);
return c ? al : null;
} else {
if (n.type === "accent")
- return V.isCharacterBox(n.base) ? ta : null;
+ return W.isCharacterBox(n.base) ? ra : null;
if (n.type === "horizBrace") {
var m = !e.sub;
return m === n.isOver ? el : null;
@@ -9869,77 +9869,77 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "supsub",
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = j1(e, t);
+ var n = Z1(e, t);
if (n)
return n(e, t);
- var l = e.base, c = e.sup, m = e.sub, b = Me(l, t), k, x, C = t.fontMetrics(), D = 0, P = 0, q = l && V.isCharacterBox(l);
+ var l = e.base, c = e.sup, m = e.sub, b = ze(l, t), _, x, C = t.fontMetrics(), D = 0, q = 0, O = l && W.isCharacterBox(l);
if (c) {
var U = t.havingStyle(t.style.sup());
- k = Me(c, U, t), q || (D = b.height - U.fontMetrics().supDrop * U.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier);
+ _ = ze(c, U, t), O || (D = b.height - U.fontMetrics().supDrop * U.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier);
if (m) {
- var $ = t.havingStyle(t.style.sub());
- x = Me(m, $, t), q || (P = b.depth + $.fontMetrics().subDrop * $.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier);
+ var J = t.havingStyle(t.style.sub());
+ x = ze(m, J, t), O || (q = b.depth + J.fontMetrics().subDrop * J.sizeMultiplier / t.sizeMultiplier);
var ie;
- t.style === Q.DISPLAY ? ie = C.sup1 : t.style.cramped ? ie = C.sup3 : ie = C.sup2;
- var he = t.sizeMultiplier, de = ee(0.5 / C.ptPerEm / he), ge = null;
+ t.style === ne.DISPLAY ? ie = C.sup1 : t.style.cramped ? ie = C.sup3 : ie = C.sup2;
+ var he = t.sizeMultiplier, de = te(0.5 / C.ptPerEm / he), ve = null;
if (x) {
var Be = e.base && e.base.type === "op" && e.base.name && (e.base.name === "\\oiint" || e.base.name === "\\oiiint");
- (b instanceof bt || Be) && (ge = ee(-b.italic));
+ (b instanceof yt || Be) && (ve = te(-b.italic));
var we;
- if (k && x) {
- D = Math.max(D, ie, k.depth + 0.25 * C.xHeight), P = Math.max(P, C.sub2);
- var Ie = C.defaultRuleThickness, ze = 4 * Ie;
- if (D - k.depth - (x.height - P) < ze) {
- P = ze - (D - k.depth) + x.height;
- var qe = 0.8 * C.xHeight - (D - k.depth);
- qe > 0 && (D += qe, P -= qe);
+ if (_ && x) {
+ D = Math.max(D, ie, _.depth + 0.25 * C.xHeight), q = Math.max(q, C.sub2);
+ var Ie = C.defaultRuleThickness, Ce = 4 * Ie;
+ if (D - _.depth - (x.height - q) < Ce) {
+ q = Ce - (D - _.depth) + x.height;
+ var qe = 0.8 * C.xHeight - (D - _.depth);
+ qe > 0 && (D += qe, q -= qe);
- var Ye = [{
+ var je = [{
type: "elem",
elem: x,
- shift: P,
+ shift: q,
marginRight: de,
- marginLeft: ge
+ marginLeft: ve
}, {
type: "elem",
- elem: k,
+ elem: _,
shift: -D,
marginRight: de
we = N.makeVList({
positionType: "individualShift",
- children: Ye
+ children: je
}, t);
} else if (x) {
- P = Math.max(P, C.sub1, x.height - 0.8 * C.xHeight);
- var ut = [{
+ q = Math.max(q, C.sub1, x.height - 0.8 * C.xHeight);
+ var ht = [{
type: "elem",
elem: x,
- marginLeft: ge,
+ marginLeft: ve,
marginRight: de
we = N.makeVList({
positionType: "shift",
- positionData: P,
- children: ut
+ positionData: q,
+ children: ht
}, t);
- } else if (k)
- D = Math.max(D, ie, k.depth + 0.25 * C.xHeight), we = N.makeVList({
+ } else if (_)
+ D = Math.max(D, ie, _.depth + 0.25 * C.xHeight), we = N.makeVList({
positionType: "shift",
positionData: -D,
children: [{
type: "elem",
- elem: k,
+ elem: _,
marginRight: de
}, t);
throw new Error("supsub must have either sup or sub.");
- var Mt = Kn(b, "right") || "mord";
- return N.makeSpan([Mt], [b, N.makeSpan(["msupsub"], [we])], t);
+ var Et = Qn(b, "right") || "mord";
+ return N.makeSpan([Et], [b, N.makeSpan(["msupsub"], [we])], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = !1, l, c;
@@ -9952,16 +9952,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
else if (e.sub)
if (e.sup) {
var C = e.base;
- C && C.type === "op" && C.limits && t.style === Q.DISPLAY || C && C.type === "operatorname" && C.alwaysHandleSupSub && (t.style === Q.DISPLAY || C.limits) ? b = "munderover" : b = "msubsup";
+ C && C.type === "op" && C.limits && t.style === ne.DISPLAY || C && C.type === "operatorname" && C.alwaysHandleSupSub && (t.style === ne.DISPLAY || C.limits) ? b = "munderover" : b = "msubsup";
} else {
var x = e.base;
- x && x.type === "op" && x.limits && (t.style === Q.DISPLAY || x.alwaysHandleSupSub) || x && x.type === "operatorname" && x.alwaysHandleSupSub && (x.limits || t.style === Q.DISPLAY) ? b = "munder" : b = "msub";
+ x && x.type === "op" && x.limits && (t.style === ne.DISPLAY || x.alwaysHandleSupSub) || x && x.type === "operatorname" && x.alwaysHandleSupSub && (x.limits || t.style === ne.DISPLAY) ? b = "munder" : b = "msub";
else {
- var k = e.base;
- k && k.type === "op" && k.limits && (t.style === Q.DISPLAY || k.alwaysHandleSupSub) || k && k.type === "operatorname" && k.alwaysHandleSupSub && (k.limits || t.style === Q.DISPLAY) ? b = "mover" : b = "msup";
+ var _ = e.base;
+ _ && _.type === "op" && _.limits && (t.style === ne.DISPLAY || _.alwaysHandleSupSub) || _ && _.type === "operatorname" && _.alwaysHandleSupSub && (_.limits || t.style === ne.DISPLAY) ? b = "mover" : b = "msup";
- return new K.MathNode(b, m);
+ return new Q.MathNode(b, m);
}), K0({
type: "atom",
@@ -9969,9 +9969,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.mathsym(e.text, e.mode, t, ["m" + e.family]);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mo", [It(e.text, e.mode)]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mo", [Ot(e.text, e.mode)]);
if (e.family === "bin") {
- var l = $n(e, t);
+ var l = ea(e, t);
l === "bold-italic" && n.setAttribute("mathvariant", l);
} else
e.family === "punct" ? n.setAttribute("separator", "true") : (e.family === "open" || e.family === "close") && n.setAttribute("stretchy", "false");
@@ -9989,7 +9989,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeOrd(e, t, "mathord");
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mi", [It(e.text, e.mode, t)]), l = $n(e, t) || "italic";
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mi", [Ot(e.text, e.mode, t)]), l = ea(e, t) || "italic";
return l !== ol[n.type] && n.setAttribute("mathvariant", l), n;
}), K0({
@@ -9998,14 +9998,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeOrd(e, t, "textord");
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = It(e.text, e.mode, t), l = $n(e, t) || "normal", c;
- return e.mode === "text" ? c = new K.MathNode("mtext", [n]) : /[0-9]/.test(e.text) ? c = new K.MathNode("mn", [n]) : e.text === "\\prime" ? c = new K.MathNode("mo", [n]) : c = new K.MathNode("mi", [n]), l !== ol[c.type] && c.setAttribute("mathvariant", l), c;
+ var n = Ot(e.text, e.mode, t), l = ea(e, t) || "normal", c;
+ return e.mode === "text" ? c = new Q.MathNode("mtext", [n]) : /[0-9]/.test(e.text) ? c = new Q.MathNode("mn", [n]) : e.text === "\\prime" ? c = new Q.MathNode("mo", [n]) : c = new Q.MathNode("mi", [n]), l !== ol[c.type] && c.setAttribute("mathvariant", l), c;
- var va = {
+ var ba = {
"\\nobreak": "nobreak",
"\\allowbreak": "allowbreak"
- }, ba = {
+ }, ya = {
" ": {},
"\\ ": {},
"~": {
@@ -10019,39 +10019,39 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "spacing",
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- if (ba.hasOwnProperty(e.text)) {
- var n = ba[e.text].className || "";
+ if (ya.hasOwnProperty(e.text)) {
+ var n = ya[e.text].className || "";
if (e.mode === "text") {
var l = N.makeOrd(e, t, "textord");
return l.classes.push(n), l;
} else
return N.makeSpan(["mspace", n], [N.mathsym(e.text, e.mode, t)], t);
} else {
- if (va.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
- return N.makeSpan(["mspace", va[e.text]], [], t);
+ if (ba.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
+ return N.makeSpan(["mspace", ba[e.text]], [], t);
throw new u('Unknown type of space "' + e.text + '"');
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n;
- if (ba.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
- n = new K.MathNode("mtext", [new K.TextNode(" ")]);
+ if (ya.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
+ n = new Q.MathNode("mtext", [new Q.TextNode(" ")]);
else {
- if (va.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
- return new K.MathNode("mspace");
+ if (ba.hasOwnProperty(e.text))
+ return new Q.MathNode("mspace");
throw new u('Unknown type of space "' + e.text + '"');
return n;
var ul = function() {
- var e = new K.MathNode("mtd", []);
+ var e = new Q.MathNode("mtd", []);
return e.setAttribute("width", "50%"), e;
type: "tag",
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mtable", [new K.MathNode("mtr", [ul(), new K.MathNode("mtd", [M0(e.body, t)]), ul(), new K.MathNode("mtd", [M0(e.tag, t)])])]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mtable", [new Q.MathNode("mtr", [ul(), new Q.MathNode("mtd", [z0(e.body, t)]), ul(), new Q.MathNode("mtd", [z0(e.tag, t)])])]);
return n.setAttribute("width", "100%"), n;
@@ -10064,12 +10064,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, hl = {
"\\textbf": "textbf",
"\\textmd": "textmd"
- }, W1 = {
+ }, K1 = {
"\\textit": "textit",
"\\textup": "textup"
}, fl = function(e, t) {
var n = e.font;
- return n ? cl[n] ? t.withTextFontFamily(cl[n]) : hl[n] ? t.withTextFontWeight(hl[n]) : t.withTextFontShape(W1[n]) : t;
+ return n ? cl[n] ? t.withTextFontFamily(cl[n]) : hl[n] ? t.withTextFontWeight(hl[n]) : t.withTextFontShape(K1[n]) : t;
type: "text",
@@ -10098,17 +10098,17 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return {
type: "text",
mode: n.mode,
- body: at(c),
+ body: tt(c),
font: l
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = fl(e, t), l = it(e.body, n, !0);
+ var n = fl(e, t), l = at(e.body, n, !0);
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "text"], l, n);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
var n = fl(e, t);
- return M0(e.body, n);
+ return z0(e.body, n);
}), se({
type: "underline",
@@ -10126,7 +10126,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.body, t), l = N.makeLineSpan("underline-line", t), c = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, m = N.makeVList({
+ var n = ze(e.body, t), l = N.makeLineSpan("underline-line", t), c = t.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness, m = N.makeVList({
positionType: "top",
positionData: n.height,
children: [{
@@ -10146,9 +10146,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "underline"], [m], t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.MathNode("mo", [new K.TextNode("‾")]);
+ var n = new Q.MathNode("mo", [new Q.TextNode("‾")]);
n.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
- var l = new K.MathNode("munder", [Ue(e.body, t), n]);
+ var l = new Q.MathNode("munder", [Ue(e.body, t), n]);
return l.setAttribute("accentunder", "true"), l;
}), se({
@@ -10169,7 +10169,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
htmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = Me(e.body, t), l = t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, c = 0.5 * (n.height - l - (n.depth + l));
+ var n = ze(e.body, t), l = t.fontMetrics().axisHeight, c = 0.5 * (n.height - l - (n.depth + l));
return N.makeVList({
positionType: "shift",
positionData: c,
@@ -10180,7 +10180,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, t);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- return new K.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)], ["vcenter"]);
+ return new Q.MathNode("mpadded", [Ue(e.body, t)], ["vcenter"]);
}), se({
type: "verb",
@@ -10200,26 +10200,26 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return N.makeSpan(["mord", "text"].concat(c.sizingClasses(t)), N.tryCombineChars(l), c);
mathmlBuilder: function(e, t) {
- var n = new K.TextNode(ml(e)), l = new K.MathNode("mtext", [n]);
+ var n = new Q.TextNode(ml(e)), l = new Q.MathNode("mtext", [n]);
return l.setAttribute("mathvariant", "monospace"), l;
var ml = function(e) {
return e.body.replace(/ /g, e.star ? "␣" : " ");
- }, Y1 = vi, E0 = Y1, dl = `[ \r
- ]`, X1 = "\\\\[a-zA-Z@]+", Z1 = "\\\\[^\uD800-\uDFFF]", K1 = "(" + X1 + ")" + dl + "*", Q1 = `\\\\(
+ }, Q1 = vi, B0 = Q1, dl = `[ \r
+ ]`, J1 = "\\\\[a-zA-Z@]+", $1 = "\\\\[^\uD800-\uDFFF]", eu = "(" + J1 + ")" + dl + "*", tu = `\\\\(
|[ \r ]+
-?)[ \r ]*`, ya = "[̀-ͯ]", J1 = new RegExp(ya + "+$"), $1 = "(" + dl + "+)|" + // whitespace
- (Q1 + "|") + // \whitespace
+?)[ \r ]*`, wa = "[̀-ͯ]", ru = new RegExp(wa + "+$"), nu = "(" + dl + "+)|" + // whitespace
+ (tu + "|") + // \whitespace
"([!-\\[\\]-‧-豈-]" + // single codepoint
- (ya + "*") + // ...plus accents
+ (wa + "*") + // ...plus accents
"|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]" + // surrogate pair
- (ya + "*") + // ...plus accents
+ (wa + "*") + // ...plus accents
"|\\\\verb\\*([^]).*?\\4|\\\\verb([^*a-zA-Z]).*?\\5" + // \verb unstarred
- ("|" + K1) + // \macroName + spaces
- ("|" + Z1 + ")"), pl = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ ("|" + eu) + // \macroName + spaces
+ ("|" + $1 + ")"), pl = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
- this.input = void 0, this.settings = void 0, this.tokenRegex = void 0, this.catcodes = void 0, this.input = t, this.settings = n, this.tokenRegex = new RegExp($1, "g"), this.catcodes = {
+ this.input = void 0, this.settings = void 0, this.tokenRegex = void 0, this.catcodes = void 0, this.input = t, this.settings = n, this.tokenRegex = new RegExp(nu, "g"), this.catcodes = {
"%": 14,
// comment character
"~": 13
@@ -10232,19 +10232,19 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, e.lex = function() {
var n = this.input, l = this.tokenRegex.lastIndex;
if (l === n.length)
- return new z0("EOF", new Vt(this, l, l));
+ return new C0("EOF", new Wt(this, l, l));
var c = this.tokenRegex.exec(n);
if (c === null || c.index !== l)
- throw new u("Unexpected character: '" + n[l] + "'", new z0(n[l], new Vt(this, l, l + 1)));
+ throw new u("Unexpected character: '" + n[l] + "'", new C0(n[l], new Wt(this, l, l + 1)));
var m = c[6] || c[3] || (c[2] ? "\\ " : " ");
if (this.catcodes[m] === 14) {
var b = n.indexOf(`
`, this.tokenRegex.lastIndex);
return b === -1 ? (this.tokenRegex.lastIndex = n.length, this.settings.reportNonstrict("commentAtEnd", "% comment has no terminating newline; LaTeX would fail because of commenting the end of math mode (e.g. $)")) : this.tokenRegex.lastIndex = b + 1, this.lex();
- return new z0(m, new Vt(this, l, this.tokenRegex.lastIndex));
+ return new C0(m, new Wt(this, l, this.tokenRegex.lastIndex));
}, f;
- }(), eu = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }(), au = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = {}), n === void 0 && (n = {}), this.current = void 0, this.builtins = void 0, this.undefStack = void 0, this.current = n, this.builtins = t, this.undefStack = [];
@@ -10275,32 +10275,32 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
l == null ? delete this.current[n] : this.current[n] = l;
}, f;
- }(), tu = Vi, ru = tu;
- _("\\noexpand", function(f) {
+ }(), iu = Vi, lu = iu;
+ k("\\noexpand", function(f) {
var e = f.popToken();
return f.isExpandable(e.text) && (e.noexpand = !0, e.treatAsRelax = !0), {
tokens: [e],
numArgs: 0
- }), _("\\expandafter", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\expandafter", function(f) {
var e = f.popToken();
return f.expandOnce(!0), {
tokens: [e],
numArgs: 0
- }), _("\\@firstoftwo", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\@firstoftwo", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(2);
return {
tokens: e[0],
numArgs: 0
- }), _("\\@secondoftwo", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\@secondoftwo", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(2);
return {
tokens: e[1],
numArgs: 0
- }), _("\\@ifnextchar", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\@ifnextchar", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(3);
var t = f.future();
@@ -10311,7 +10311,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
tokens: e[2],
numArgs: 0
- }), _("\\@ifstar", "\\@ifnextchar *{\\@firstoftwo{#1}}"), _("\\TextOrMath", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\@ifstar", "\\@ifnextchar *{\\@firstoftwo{#1}}"), k("\\TextOrMath", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(2);
return f.mode === "text" ? {
tokens: e[0],
@@ -10345,7 +10345,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
f: 15,
F: 15
- _("\\char", function(f) {
+ k("\\char", function(f) {
var e = f.popToken(), t, n = "";
if (e.text === "'")
t = 8, e = f.popToken();
@@ -10369,7 +10369,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
return "\\@char{" + n + "}";
- var wa = function(e, t, n) {
+ var _a = function(e, t, n) {
var l = e.consumeArg().tokens;
if (l.length !== 1)
throw new u("\\newcommand's first argument must be a macro name");
@@ -10380,37 +10380,37 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new u("\\renewcommand{" + c + "} when command " + c + " does not yet exist; use \\newcommand");
var b = 0;
if (l = e.consumeArg().tokens, l.length === 1 && l[0].text === "[") {
- for (var k = "", x = e.expandNextToken(); x.text !== "]" && x.text !== "EOF"; )
- k += x.text, x = e.expandNextToken();
- if (!k.match(/^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/))
- throw new u("Invalid number of arguments: " + k);
- b = parseInt(k), l = e.consumeArg().tokens;
+ for (var _ = "", x = e.expandNextToken(); x.text !== "]" && x.text !== "EOF"; )
+ _ += x.text, x = e.expandNextToken();
+ if (!_.match(/^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/))
+ throw new u("Invalid number of arguments: " + _);
+ b = parseInt(_), l = e.consumeArg().tokens;
return e.macros.set(c, {
tokens: l,
numArgs: b
}), "";
- _("\\newcommand", function(f) {
- return wa(f, !1, !0);
- }), _("\\renewcommand", function(f) {
- return wa(f, !0, !1);
- }), _("\\providecommand", function(f) {
- return wa(f, !0, !0);
- }), _("\\message", function(f) {
+ k("\\newcommand", function(f) {
+ return _a(f, !1, !0);
+ }), k("\\renewcommand", function(f) {
+ return _a(f, !0, !1);
+ }), k("\\providecommand", function(f) {
+ return _a(f, !0, !0);
+ }), k("\\message", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(1)[0];
return console.log(e.reverse().map(function(t) {
return t.text;
}).join("")), "";
- }), _("\\errmessage", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\errmessage", function(f) {
var e = f.consumeArgs(1)[0];
return console.error(e.reverse().map(function(t) {
return t.text;
}).join("")), "";
- }), _("\\show", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\show", function(f) {
var e = f.popToken(), t = e.text;
- return console.log(e, f.macros.get(t), E0[t], Ve.math[t], Ve.text[t]), "";
- }), _("\\bgroup", "{"), _("\\egroup", "}"), _("~", "\\nobreakspace"), _("\\lq", "`"), _("\\rq", "'"), _("\\aa", "\\r a"), _("\\AA", "\\r A"), _("\\textcopyright", "\\html@mathml{\\textcircled{c}}{\\char`©}"), _("\\copyright", "\\TextOrMath{\\textcopyright}{\\text{\\textcopyright}}"), _("\\textregistered", "\\html@mathml{\\textcircled{\\scriptsize R}}{\\char`®}"), _("ℬ", "\\mathscr{B}"), _("ℰ", "\\mathscr{E}"), _("ℱ", "\\mathscr{F}"), _("ℋ", "\\mathscr{H}"), _("ℐ", "\\mathscr{I}"), _("ℒ", "\\mathscr{L}"), _("ℳ", "\\mathscr{M}"), _("ℛ", "\\mathscr{R}"), _("ℭ", "\\mathfrak{C}"), _("ℌ", "\\mathfrak{H}"), _("ℨ", "\\mathfrak{Z}"), _("\\Bbbk", "\\Bbb{k}"), _("·", "\\cdotp"), _("\\llap", "\\mathllap{\\textrm{#1}}"), _("\\rlap", "\\mathrlap{\\textrm{#1}}"), _("\\clap", "\\mathclap{\\textrm{#1}}"), _("\\mathstrut", "\\vphantom{(}"), _("\\underbar", "\\underline{\\text{#1}}"), _("\\not", '\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{\\mathrlap\\@not}}{\\char"338}'), _("\\neq", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{\\not=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≠}}"), _("\\ne", "\\neq"), _("≠", "\\neq"), _("\\notin", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{{\\in}\\mathllap{/\\mskip1mu}}}{\\mathrel{\\char`∉}}"), _("∉", "\\notin"), _("≘", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{=\\kern{-1em}\\raisebox{0.4em}{$\\scriptsize\\frown$}}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≘}}"), _("≙", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\wedge}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≘}}"), _("≚", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\vee}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≚}}"), _("≛", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\scriptsize\\star}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≛}}"), _("≝", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\mathrm{def}}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≝}}"), _("≞", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\mathrm{m}}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≞}}"), _("≟", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny?}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≟}}"), _("⟂", "\\perp"), _("‼", "\\mathclose{!\\mkern-0.8mu!}"), _("∌", "\\notni"), _("⌜", "\\ulcorner"), _("⌝", "\\urcorner"), _("⌞", "\\llcorner"), _("⌟", "\\lrcorner"), _("©", "\\copyright"), _("®", "\\textregistered"), _("️", "\\textregistered"), _("\\ulcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@ulcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231c}}'), _("\\urcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@urcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231d}}'), _("\\llcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@llcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231e}}'), _("\\lrcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@lrcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231f}}'), _("\\vdots", "\\mathord{\\varvdots\\rule{0pt}{15pt}}"), _("⋮", "\\vdots"), _("\\varGamma", "\\mathit{\\Gamma}"), _("\\varDelta", "\\mathit{\\Delta}"), _("\\varTheta", "\\mathit{\\Theta}"), _("\\varLambda", "\\mathit{\\Lambda}"), _("\\varXi", "\\mathit{\\Xi}"), _("\\varPi", "\\mathit{\\Pi}"), _("\\varSigma", "\\mathit{\\Sigma}"), _("\\varUpsilon", "\\mathit{\\Upsilon}"), _("\\varPhi", "\\mathit{\\Phi}"), _("\\varPsi", "\\mathit{\\Psi}"), _("\\varOmega", "\\mathit{\\Omega}"), _("\\substack", "\\begin{subarray}{c}#1\\end{subarray}"), _("\\colon", "\\nobreak\\mskip2mu\\mathpunct{}\\mathchoice{\\mkern-3mu}{\\mkern-3mu}{}{}{:}\\mskip6mu\\relax"), _("\\boxed", "\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}"), _("\\iff", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longleftrightarrow\\;"), _("\\implies", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longrightarrow\\;"), _("\\impliedby", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longleftarrow\\;");
+ return console.log(e, f.macros.get(t), B0[t], Ge.math[t], Ge.text[t]), "";
+ }), k("\\bgroup", "{"), k("\\egroup", "}"), k("~", "\\nobreakspace"), k("\\lq", "`"), k("\\rq", "'"), k("\\aa", "\\r a"), k("\\AA", "\\r A"), k("\\textcopyright", "\\html@mathml{\\textcircled{c}}{\\char`©}"), k("\\copyright", "\\TextOrMath{\\textcopyright}{\\text{\\textcopyright}}"), k("\\textregistered", "\\html@mathml{\\textcircled{\\scriptsize R}}{\\char`®}"), k("ℬ", "\\mathscr{B}"), k("ℰ", "\\mathscr{E}"), k("ℱ", "\\mathscr{F}"), k("ℋ", "\\mathscr{H}"), k("ℐ", "\\mathscr{I}"), k("ℒ", "\\mathscr{L}"), k("ℳ", "\\mathscr{M}"), k("ℛ", "\\mathscr{R}"), k("ℭ", "\\mathfrak{C}"), k("ℌ", "\\mathfrak{H}"), k("ℨ", "\\mathfrak{Z}"), k("\\Bbbk", "\\Bbb{k}"), k("·", "\\cdotp"), k("\\llap", "\\mathllap{\\textrm{#1}}"), k("\\rlap", "\\mathrlap{\\textrm{#1}}"), k("\\clap", "\\mathclap{\\textrm{#1}}"), k("\\mathstrut", "\\vphantom{(}"), k("\\underbar", "\\underline{\\text{#1}}"), k("\\not", '\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{\\mathrlap\\@not}}{\\char"338}'), k("\\neq", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{\\not=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≠}}"), k("\\ne", "\\neq"), k("≠", "\\neq"), k("\\notin", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{{\\in}\\mathllap{/\\mskip1mu}}}{\\mathrel{\\char`∉}}"), k("∉", "\\notin"), k("≘", "\\html@mathml{\\mathrel{=\\kern{-1em}\\raisebox{0.4em}{$\\scriptsize\\frown$}}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≘}}"), k("≙", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\wedge}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≘}}"), k("≚", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\vee}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≚}}"), k("≛", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\scriptsize\\star}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≛}}"), k("≝", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\mathrm{def}}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≝}}"), k("≞", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny\\mathrm{m}}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≞}}"), k("≟", "\\html@mathml{\\stackrel{\\tiny?}{=}}{\\mathrel{\\char`≟}}"), k("⟂", "\\perp"), k("‼", "\\mathclose{!\\mkern-0.8mu!}"), k("∌", "\\notni"), k("⌜", "\\ulcorner"), k("⌝", "\\urcorner"), k("⌞", "\\llcorner"), k("⌟", "\\lrcorner"), k("©", "\\copyright"), k("®", "\\textregistered"), k("️", "\\textregistered"), k("\\ulcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@ulcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231c}}'), k("\\urcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@urcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231d}}'), k("\\llcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@llcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231e}}'), k("\\lrcorner", '\\html@mathml{\\@lrcorner}{\\mathop{\\char"231f}}'), k("\\vdots", "\\mathord{\\varvdots\\rule{0pt}{15pt}}"), k("⋮", "\\vdots"), k("\\varGamma", "\\mathit{\\Gamma}"), k("\\varDelta", "\\mathit{\\Delta}"), k("\\varTheta", "\\mathit{\\Theta}"), k("\\varLambda", "\\mathit{\\Lambda}"), k("\\varXi", "\\mathit{\\Xi}"), k("\\varPi", "\\mathit{\\Pi}"), k("\\varSigma", "\\mathit{\\Sigma}"), k("\\varUpsilon", "\\mathit{\\Upsilon}"), k("\\varPhi", "\\mathit{\\Phi}"), k("\\varPsi", "\\mathit{\\Psi}"), k("\\varOmega", "\\mathit{\\Omega}"), k("\\substack", "\\begin{subarray}{c}#1\\end{subarray}"), k("\\colon", "\\nobreak\\mskip2mu\\mathpunct{}\\mathchoice{\\mkern-3mu}{\\mkern-3mu}{}{}{:}\\mskip6mu\\relax"), k("\\boxed", "\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}"), k("\\iff", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longleftrightarrow\\;"), k("\\implies", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longrightarrow\\;"), k("\\impliedby", "\\DOTSB\\;\\Longleftarrow\\;");
var vl = {
",": "\\dotsc",
"\\not": "\\dotsb",
@@ -10466,9 +10466,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// Symbols whose definition starts with \DOTSX:
"\\DOTSX": "\\dotsx"
- _("\\dots", function(f) {
+ k("\\dots", function(f) {
var e = "\\dotso", t = f.expandAfterFuture().text;
- return t in vl ? e = vl[t] : (t.slice(0, 4) === "\\not" || t in Ve.math && V.contains(["bin", "rel"], Ve.math[t].group)) && (e = "\\dotsb"), e;
+ return t in vl ? e = vl[t] : (t.slice(0, 4) === "\\not" || t in Ge.math && W.contains(["bin", "rel"], Ge.math[t].group)) && (e = "\\dotsb"), e;
var ka = {
// \rightdelim@ checks for the following:
@@ -10494,36 +10494,36 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
".": !0,
",": !0
- _("\\dotso", function(f) {
+ k("\\dotso", function(f) {
var e = f.future().text;
return e in ka ? "\\ldots\\," : "\\ldots";
- }), _("\\dotsc", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\dotsc", function(f) {
var e = f.future().text;
return e in ka && e !== "," ? "\\ldots\\," : "\\ldots";
- }), _("\\cdots", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\cdots", function(f) {
var e = f.future().text;
return e in ka ? "\\@cdots\\," : "\\@cdots";
- }), _("\\dotsb", "\\cdots"), _("\\dotsm", "\\cdots"), _("\\dotsi", "\\!\\cdots"), _("\\dotsx", "\\ldots\\,"), _("\\DOTSI", "\\relax"), _("\\DOTSB", "\\relax"), _("\\DOTSX", "\\relax"), _("\\tmspace", "\\TextOrMath{\\kern#1#3}{\\mskip#1#2}\\relax"), _("\\,", "\\tmspace+{3mu}{.1667em}"), _("\\thinspace", "\\,"), _("\\>", "\\mskip{4mu}"), _("\\:", "\\tmspace+{4mu}{.2222em}"), _("\\medspace", "\\:"), _("\\;", "\\tmspace+{5mu}{.2777em}"), _("\\thickspace", "\\;"), _("\\!", "\\tmspace-{3mu}{.1667em}"), _("\\negthinspace", "\\!"), _("\\negmedspace", "\\tmspace-{4mu}{.2222em}"), _("\\negthickspace", "\\tmspace-{5mu}{.277em}"), _("\\enspace", "\\kern.5em "), _("\\enskip", "\\hskip.5em\\relax"), _("\\quad", "\\hskip1em\\relax"), _("\\qquad", "\\hskip2em\\relax"), _("\\tag", "\\@ifstar\\tag@literal\\tag@paren"), _("\\tag@paren", "\\tag@literal{({#1})}"), _("\\tag@literal", function(f) {
+ }), k("\\dotsb", "\\cdots"), k("\\dotsm", "\\cdots"), k("\\dotsi", "\\!\\cdots"), k("\\dotsx", "\\ldots\\,"), k("\\DOTSI", "\\relax"), k("\\DOTSB", "\\relax"), k("\\DOTSX", "\\relax"), k("\\tmspace", "\\TextOrMath{\\kern#1#3}{\\mskip#1#2}\\relax"), k("\\,", "\\tmspace+{3mu}{.1667em}"), k("\\thinspace", "\\,"), k("\\>", "\\mskip{4mu}"), k("\\:", "\\tmspace+{4mu}{.2222em}"), k("\\medspace", "\\:"), k("\\;", "\\tmspace+{5mu}{.2777em}"), k("\\thickspace", "\\;"), k("\\!", "\\tmspace-{3mu}{.1667em}"), k("\\negthinspace", "\\!"), k("\\negmedspace", "\\tmspace-{4mu}{.2222em}"), k("\\negthickspace", "\\tmspace-{5mu}{.277em}"), k("\\enspace", "\\kern.5em "), k("\\enskip", "\\hskip.5em\\relax"), k("\\quad", "\\hskip1em\\relax"), k("\\qquad", "\\hskip2em\\relax"), k("\\tag", "\\@ifstar\\tag@literal\\tag@paren"), k("\\tag@paren", "\\tag@literal{({#1})}"), k("\\tag@literal", function(f) {
if (f.macros.get("\\df@tag"))
throw new u("Multiple \\tag");
return "\\gdef\\df@tag{\\text{#1}}";
- }), _("\\bmod", "\\mathchoice{\\mskip1mu}{\\mskip1mu}{\\mskip5mu}{\\mskip5mu}\\mathbin{\\rm mod}\\mathchoice{\\mskip1mu}{\\mskip1mu}{\\mskip5mu}{\\mskip5mu}"), _("\\pod", "\\allowbreak\\mathchoice{\\mkern18mu}{\\mkern8mu}{\\mkern8mu}{\\mkern8mu}(#1)"), _("\\pmod", "\\pod{{\\rm mod}\\mkern6mu#1}"), _("\\mod", "\\allowbreak\\mathchoice{\\mkern18mu}{\\mkern12mu}{\\mkern12mu}{\\mkern12mu}{\\rm mod}\\,\\,#1"), _("\\newline", "\\\\\\relax"), _("\\TeX", "\\textrm{\\html@mathml{T\\kern-.1667em\\raisebox{-.5ex}{E}\\kern-.125emX}{TeX}}");
- var bl = ee(Nt["Main-Regular"]["T".charCodeAt(0)][1] - 0.7 * Nt["Main-Regular"]["A".charCodeAt(0)][1]);
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var yl = function(e) {
return function(t) {
- var n = t.consumeArg().tokens, l = t.consumeArg().tokens, c = t.consumeArg().tokens, m = t.consumeArg().tokens, b = t.macros.get("|"), k = t.macros.get("\\|");
+ var n = t.consumeArg().tokens, l = t.consumeArg().tokens, c = t.consumeArg().tokens, m = t.consumeArg().tokens, b = t.macros.get("|"), _ = t.macros.get("\\|");
- var x = function(q) {
+ var x = function(O) {
return function(U) {
- e && (U.macros.set("|", b), c.length && U.macros.set("\\|", k));
- var $ = q;
- if (!q && c.length) {
+ e && (U.macros.set("|", b), c.length && U.macros.set("\\|", _));
+ var J = O;
+ if (!O && c.length) {
var ie = U.future();
- ie.text === "|" && (U.popToken(), $ = !0);
+ ie.text === "|" && (U.popToken(), J = !0);
return {
- tokens: $ ? c : l,
+ tokens: J ? c : l,
numArgs: 0
@@ -10536,7 +10536,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
- _("\\bra@ket", yl(!1)), _("\\bra@set", yl(!0)), _("\\Braket", "\\bra@ket{\\left\\langle}{\\,\\middle\\vert\\,}{\\,\\middle\\vert\\,}{\\right\\rangle}"), _("\\Set", "\\bra@set{\\left\\{\\:}{\\;\\middle\\vert\\;}{\\;\\middle\\Vert\\;}{\\:\\right\\}}"), _("\\set", "\\bra@set{\\{\\,}{\\mid}{}{\\,\\}}"), _("\\angln", "{\\angl n}"), _("\\blue", "\\textcolor{##6495ed}{#1}"), _("\\orange", "\\textcolor{##ffa500}{#1}"), _("\\pink", "\\textcolor{##ff00af}{#1}"), _("\\red", "\\textcolor{##df0030}{#1}"), _("\\green", "\\textcolor{##28ae7b}{#1}"), _("\\gray", "\\textcolor{gray}{#1}"), _("\\purple", "\\textcolor{##9d38bd}{#1}"), _("\\blueA", "\\textcolor{##ccfaff}{#1}"), _("\\blueB", "\\textcolor{##80f6ff}{#1}"), _("\\blueC", "\\textcolor{##63d9ea}{#1}"), _("\\blueD", "\\textcolor{##11accd}{#1}"), _("\\blueE", "\\textcolor{##0c7f99}{#1}"), _("\\tealA", "\\textcolor{##94fff5}{#1}"), _("\\tealB", "\\textcolor{##26edd5}{#1}"), _("\\tealC", "\\textcolor{##01d1c1}{#1}"), _("\\tealD", "\\textcolor{##01a995}{#1}"), _("\\tealE", "\\textcolor{##208170}{#1}"), _("\\greenA", "\\textcolor{##b6ffb0}{#1}"), _("\\greenB", "\\textcolor{##8af281}{#1}"), _("\\greenC", "\\textcolor{##74cf70}{#1}"), _("\\greenD", "\\textcolor{##1fab54}{#1}"), _("\\greenE", "\\textcolor{##0d923f}{#1}"), _("\\goldA", "\\textcolor{##ffd0a9}{#1}"), _("\\goldB", "\\textcolor{##ffbb71}{#1}"), _("\\goldC", "\\textcolor{##ff9c39}{#1}"), _("\\goldD", "\\textcolor{##e07d10}{#1}"), _("\\goldE", "\\textcolor{##a75a05}{#1}"), _("\\redA", "\\textcolor{##fca9a9}{#1}"), _("\\redB", "\\textcolor{##ff8482}{#1}"), _("\\redC", "\\textcolor{##f9685d}{#1}"), _("\\redD", "\\textcolor{##e84d39}{#1}"), _("\\redE", "\\textcolor{##bc2612}{#1}"), _("\\maroonA", "\\textcolor{##ffbde0}{#1}"), _("\\maroonB", "\\textcolor{##ff92c6}{#1}"), _("\\maroonC", "\\textcolor{##ed5fa6}{#1}"), _("\\maroonD", "\\textcolor{##ca337c}{#1}"), _("\\maroonE", "\\textcolor{##9e034e}{#1}"), _("\\purpleA", "\\textcolor{##ddd7ff}{#1}"), _("\\purpleB", "\\textcolor{##c6b9fc}{#1}"), _("\\purpleC", "\\textcolor{##aa87ff}{#1}"), _("\\purpleD", "\\textcolor{##7854ab}{#1}"), _("\\purpleE", "\\textcolor{##543b78}{#1}"), _("\\mintA", "\\textcolor{##f5f9e8}{#1}"), _("\\mintB", "\\textcolor{##edf2df}{#1}"), _("\\mintC", "\\textcolor{##e0e5cc}{#1}"), _("\\grayA", "\\textcolor{##f6f7f7}{#1}"), _("\\grayB", "\\textcolor{##f0f1f2}{#1}"), _("\\grayC", "\\textcolor{##e3e5e6}{#1}"), _("\\grayD", "\\textcolor{##d6d8da}{#1}"), _("\\grayE", "\\textcolor{##babec2}{#1}"), _("\\grayF", "\\textcolor{##888d93}{#1}"), _("\\grayG", "\\textcolor{##626569}{#1}"), _("\\grayH", "\\textcolor{##3b3e40}{#1}"), _("\\grayI", "\\textcolor{##21242c}{#1}"), _("\\kaBlue", "\\textcolor{##314453}{#1}"), _("\\kaGreen", "\\textcolor{##71B307}{#1}");
+ k("\\bra@ket", yl(!1)), k("\\bra@set", yl(!0)), k("\\Braket", "\\bra@ket{\\left\\langle}{\\,\\middle\\vert\\,}{\\,\\middle\\vert\\,}{\\right\\rangle}"), k("\\Set", "\\bra@set{\\left\\{\\:}{\\;\\middle\\vert\\;}{\\;\\middle\\Vert\\;}{\\:\\right\\}}"), k("\\set", "\\bra@set{\\{\\,}{\\mid}{}{\\,\\}}"), k("\\angln", "{\\angl n}"), k("\\blue", "\\textcolor{##6495ed}{#1}"), k("\\orange", "\\textcolor{##ffa500}{#1}"), k("\\pink", "\\textcolor{##ff00af}{#1}"), k("\\red", "\\textcolor{##df0030}{#1}"), k("\\green", "\\textcolor{##28ae7b}{#1}"), k("\\gray", "\\textcolor{gray}{#1}"), k("\\purple", "\\textcolor{##9d38bd}{#1}"), k("\\blueA", "\\textcolor{##ccfaff}{#1}"), k("\\blueB", "\\textcolor{##80f6ff}{#1}"), k("\\blueC", "\\textcolor{##63d9ea}{#1}"), k("\\blueD", "\\textcolor{##11accd}{#1}"), k("\\blueE", "\\textcolor{##0c7f99}{#1}"), k("\\tealA", "\\textcolor{##94fff5}{#1}"), k("\\tealB", "\\textcolor{##26edd5}{#1}"), k("\\tealC", "\\textcolor{##01d1c1}{#1}"), k("\\tealD", "\\textcolor{##01a995}{#1}"), k("\\tealE", "\\textcolor{##208170}{#1}"), k("\\greenA", "\\textcolor{##b6ffb0}{#1}"), k("\\greenB", "\\textcolor{##8af281}{#1}"), k("\\greenC", "\\textcolor{##74cf70}{#1}"), k("\\greenD", "\\textcolor{##1fab54}{#1}"), k("\\greenE", "\\textcolor{##0d923f}{#1}"), k("\\goldA", "\\textcolor{##ffd0a9}{#1}"), k("\\goldB", "\\textcolor{##ffbb71}{#1}"), k("\\goldC", "\\textcolor{##ff9c39}{#1}"), k("\\goldD", "\\textcolor{##e07d10}{#1}"), k("\\goldE", "\\textcolor{##a75a05}{#1}"), k("\\redA", "\\textcolor{##fca9a9}{#1}"), k("\\redB", "\\textcolor{##ff8482}{#1}"), k("\\redC", "\\textcolor{##f9685d}{#1}"), k("\\redD", "\\textcolor{##e84d39}{#1}"), k("\\redE", "\\textcolor{##bc2612}{#1}"), k("\\maroonA", "\\textcolor{##ffbde0}{#1}"), k("\\maroonB", "\\textcolor{##ff92c6}{#1}"), k("\\maroonC", "\\textcolor{##ed5fa6}{#1}"), k("\\maroonD", "\\textcolor{##ca337c}{#1}"), k("\\maroonE", "\\textcolor{##9e034e}{#1}"), k("\\purpleA", "\\textcolor{##ddd7ff}{#1}"), k("\\purpleB", "\\textcolor{##c6b9fc}{#1}"), k("\\purpleC", "\\textcolor{##aa87ff}{#1}"), k("\\purpleD", "\\textcolor{##7854ab}{#1}"), k("\\purpleE", "\\textcolor{##543b78}{#1}"), k("\\mintA", "\\textcolor{##f5f9e8}{#1}"), k("\\mintB", "\\textcolor{##edf2df}{#1}"), k("\\mintC", "\\textcolor{##e0e5cc}{#1}"), k("\\grayA", "\\textcolor{##f6f7f7}{#1}"), k("\\grayB", "\\textcolor{##f0f1f2}{#1}"), k("\\grayC", "\\textcolor{##e3e5e6}{#1}"), k("\\grayD", "\\textcolor{##d6d8da}{#1}"), k("\\grayE", "\\textcolor{##babec2}{#1}"), k("\\grayF", "\\textcolor{##888d93}{#1}"), k("\\grayG", "\\textcolor{##626569}{#1}"), k("\\grayH", "\\textcolor{##3b3e40}{#1}"), k("\\grayI", "\\textcolor{##21242c}{#1}"), k("\\kaBlue", "\\textcolor{##314453}{#1}"), k("\\kaGreen", "\\textcolor{##71B307}{#1}");
var wl = {
"^": !0,
// Parser.js
@@ -10546,9 +10546,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
// Parser.js
"\\nolimits": !0
// Parser.js
- }, nu = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
+ }, su = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n, l) {
- this.settings = void 0, this.expansionCount = void 0, this.lexer = void 0, this.macros = void 0, this.stack = void 0, this.mode = void 0, this.settings = n, this.expansionCount = 0, this.feed(t), this.macros = new eu(ru, n.macros), this.mode = l, this.stack = [];
+ this.settings = void 0, this.expansionCount = void 0, this.lexer = void 0, this.macros = void 0, this.stack = void 0, this.mode = void 0, this.settings = n, this.expansionCount = 0, this.feed(t), this.macros = new au(lu, n.macros), this.mode = l, this.stack = [];
var e = f.prototype;
return e.feed = function(n) {
@@ -10579,10 +10579,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var b = this.consumeArg(["]"]);
m = b.tokens, c = b.end;
} else {
- var k = this.consumeArg();
- m = k.tokens, l = k.start, c = k.end;
+ var _ = this.consumeArg();
+ m = _.tokens, l = _.start, c = _.end;
- return this.pushToken(new z0("EOF", c.loc)), this.pushTokens(m), l.range(c, "");
+ return this.pushToken(new C0("EOF", c.loc)), this.pushTokens(m), l.range(c, "");
}, e.consumeSpaces = function() {
for (; ; ) {
var n = this.future();
@@ -10594,24 +10594,24 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, e.consumeArg = function(n) {
var l = [], c = n && n.length > 0;
c || this.consumeSpaces();
- var m = this.future(), b, k = 0, x = 0;
+ var m = this.future(), b, _ = 0, x = 0;
do {
if (b = this.popToken(), l.push(b), b.text === "{")
- ++k;
+ ++_;
else if (b.text === "}") {
- if (--k, k === -1)
+ if (--_, _ === -1)
throw new u("Extra }", b);
} else if (b.text === "EOF")
throw new u("Unexpected end of input in a macro argument, expected '" + (n && c ? n[x] : "}") + "'", b);
if (n && c)
- if ((k === 0 || k === 1 && n[x] === "{") && b.text === n[x]) {
+ if ((_ === 0 || _ === 1 && n[x] === "{") && b.text === n[x]) {
if (++x, x === n.length) {
l.splice(-x, x);
} else
x = 0;
- } while (k !== 0 || c);
+ } while (_ !== 0 || c);
return m.text === "{" && l[l.length - 1].text === "}" && (l.pop(), l.shift()), l.reverse(), {
tokens: l,
start: m,
@@ -10627,9 +10627,9 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new u("Use of the macro doesn't match its definition", b);
- for (var k = [], x = 0; x < n; x++)
- k.push(this.consumeArg(l && l[x + 1]).tokens);
- return k;
+ for (var _ = [], x = 0; x < n; x++)
+ _.push(this.consumeArg(l && l[x + 1]).tokens);
+ return _;
}, e.expandOnce = function(n) {
var l = this.popToken(), c = l.text, m = l.noexpand ? null : this._getExpansion(c);
if (m == null || n && m.unexpandable) {
@@ -10639,7 +10639,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (this.expansionCount++, this.expansionCount > this.settings.maxExpand)
throw new u("Too many expansions: infinite loop or need to increase maxExpand setting");
- var b = m.tokens, k = this.consumeArgs(m.numArgs, m.delimiters);
+ var b = m.tokens, _ = this.consumeArgs(m.numArgs, m.delimiters);
if (m.numArgs) {
b = b.slice();
for (var x = b.length - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
@@ -10651,7 +10651,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
b.splice(x + 1, 1);
else if (/^[1-9]$/.test(C.text)) {
var D;
- (D = b).splice.apply(D, [x, 2].concat(k[+C.text - 1]));
+ (D = b).splice.apply(D, [x, 2].concat(_[+C.text - 1]));
} else
throw new u("Not a valid argument number", C);
@@ -10668,7 +10668,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new Error();
}, e.expandMacro = function(n) {
- return this.macros.has(n) ? this.expandTokens([new z0(n)]) : void 0;
+ return this.macros.has(n) ? this.expandTokens([new C0(n)]) : void 0;
}, e.expandTokens = function(n) {
var l = [], c = this.stack.length;
for (this.pushTokens(n); this.stack.length > c; )
@@ -10695,25 +10695,25 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
if (typeof m == "string") {
var b = 0;
if (m.indexOf("#") !== -1)
- for (var k = m.replace(/##/g, ""); k.indexOf("#" + (b + 1)) !== -1; )
+ for (var _ = m.replace(/##/g, ""); _.indexOf("#" + (b + 1)) !== -1; )
for (var x = new pl(m, this.settings), C = [], D = x.lex(); D.text !== "EOF"; )
C.push(D), D = x.lex();
- var P = {
+ var q = {
tokens: C,
numArgs: b
- return P;
+ return q;
return m;
}, e.isDefined = function(n) {
- return this.macros.has(n) || E0.hasOwnProperty(n) || Ve.math.hasOwnProperty(n) || Ve.text.hasOwnProperty(n) || wl.hasOwnProperty(n);
+ return this.macros.has(n) || B0.hasOwnProperty(n) || Ge.math.hasOwnProperty(n) || Ge.text.hasOwnProperty(n) || wl.hasOwnProperty(n);
}, e.isExpandable = function(n) {
var l = this.macros.get(n);
- return l != null ? typeof l == "string" || typeof l == "function" || !l.unexpandable : E0.hasOwnProperty(n) && !E0[n].primitive;
+ return l != null ? typeof l == "string" || typeof l == "function" || !l.unexpandable : B0.hasOwnProperty(n) && !B0[n].primitive;
}, f;
- }(), kl = /^[₊₋₌₍₎₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉ₐₑₕᵢⱼₖₗₘₙₒₚᵣₛₜᵤᵥₓᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪ]/, mn = Object.freeze({
+ }(), _l = /^[₊₋₌₍₎₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉ₐₑₕᵢⱼₖₗₘₙₒₚᵣₛₜᵤᵥₓᵦᵧᵨᵩᵪ]/, dn = Object.freeze({
"₊": "+",
"₋": "-",
"₌": "=",
@@ -10816,7 +10816,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
"ᵠ": "ϕ",
"ᵡ": "χ",
"ᶿ": "θ"
- }), _a = {
+ }), xa = {
"́": {
text: "\\'",
math: "\\acute"
@@ -10863,7 +10863,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
"̧": {
text: "\\c"
- }, _l = {
+ }, kl = {
á: "á",
à: "à",
ä: "ä",
@@ -11210,7 +11210,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
Ὼ: "Ὼ"
}, xl = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(t, n) {
- this.mode = void 0, this.gullet = void 0, this.settings = void 0, this.leftrightDepth = void 0, this.nextToken = void 0, this.mode = "math", this.gullet = new nu(t, n, this.mode), this.settings = n, this.leftrightDepth = 0;
+ this.mode = void 0, this.gullet = void 0, this.settings = void 0, this.leftrightDepth = void 0, this.nextToken = void 0, this.mode = "math", this.gullet = new su(t, n, this.mode), this.settings = n, this.leftrightDepth = 0;
var e = f.prototype;
return e.expect = function(n, l) {
@@ -11233,14 +11233,14 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
}, e.subparse = function(n) {
var l = this.nextToken;
- this.consume(), this.gullet.pushToken(new z0("}")), this.gullet.pushTokens(n);
+ this.consume(), this.gullet.pushToken(new C0("}")), this.gullet.pushTokens(n);
var c = this.parseExpression(!1);
return this.expect("}"), this.nextToken = l, c;
}, e.parseExpression = function(n, l) {
for (var c = []; ; ) {
this.mode === "math" && this.consumeSpaces();
var m = this.fetch();
- if (f.endOfExpression.indexOf(m.text) !== -1 || l && m.text === l || n && E0[m.text] && E0[m.text].infix)
+ if (f.endOfExpression.indexOf(m.text) !== -1 || l && m.text === l || n && B0[m.text] && B0[m.text].infix)
var b = this.parseAtom(l);
if (b) {
@@ -11259,18 +11259,18 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
l = m, c = n[m].replaceWith;
if (l !== -1 && c) {
- var b, k, x = n.slice(0, l), C = n.slice(l + 1);
+ var b, _, x = n.slice(0, l), C = n.slice(l + 1);
x.length === 1 && x[0].type === "ordgroup" ? b = x[0] : b = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: this.mode,
body: x
- }, C.length === 1 && C[0].type === "ordgroup" ? k = C[0] : k = {
+ }, C.length === 1 && C[0].type === "ordgroup" ? _ = C[0] : _ = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: this.mode,
body: C
var D;
- return c === "\\\\abovefrac" ? D = this.callFunction(c, [b, n[l], k], []) : D = this.callFunction(c, [b, k], []), [D];
+ return c === "\\\\abovefrac" ? D = this.callFunction(c, [b, n[l], _], []) : D = this.callFunction(c, [b, _], []), [D];
} else
return n;
}, e.handleSupSubscript = function(n) {
@@ -11307,8 +11307,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
var b = this.fetch();
if (b.text === "\\limits" || b.text === "\\nolimits") {
if (l && l.type === "op") {
- var k = b.text === "\\limits";
- l.limits = k, l.alwaysHandleSupSub = !0;
+ var _ = b.text === "\\limits";
+ l.limits = _, l.alwaysHandleSupSub = !0;
} else if (l && l.type === "operatorname")
l.alwaysHandleSupSub && (l.limits = b.text === "\\limits");
@@ -11337,16 +11337,16 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
mode: this.mode,
body: C
- } else if (mn[b.text]) {
- var D = mn[b.text], P = kl.test(b.text);
+ } else if (dn[b.text]) {
+ var D = dn[b.text], q = _l.test(b.text);
for (this.consume(); ; ) {
- var q = this.fetch().text;
- if (!mn[q] || kl.test(q) !== P)
+ var O = this.fetch().text;
+ if (!dn[O] || _l.test(O) !== q)
- this.consume(), D += mn[q];
+ this.consume(), D += dn[O];
var U = new f(D, this.settings).parse();
- P ? m = {
+ q ? m = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: "math",
body: U
@@ -11366,7 +11366,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
sub: m
} : l;
}, e.parseFunction = function(n, l) {
- var c = this.fetch(), m = c.text, b = E0[m];
+ var c = this.fetch(), m = c.text, b = B0[m];
if (!b)
return null;
if (this.consume(), l && l !== "atom" && !b.allowedInArgument)
@@ -11375,17 +11375,17 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
throw new u("Can't use function '" + m + "' in text mode", c);
if (this.mode === "math" && b.allowedInMath === !1)
throw new u("Can't use function '" + m + "' in math mode", c);
- var k = this.parseArguments(m, b), x = k.args, C = k.optArgs;
+ var _ = this.parseArguments(m, b), x = _.args, C = _.optArgs;
return this.callFunction(m, x, C, c, n);
}, e.callFunction = function(n, l, c, m, b) {
- var k = {
+ var _ = {
funcName: n,
parser: this,
token: m,
breakOnTokenText: b
- }, x = E0[n];
+ }, x = B0[n];
if (x && x.handler)
- return x.handler(k, l, c);
+ return x.handler(_, l, c);
throw new u("No function handler for " + n);
}, e.parseArguments = function(n, l) {
var c = l.numArgs + l.numOptionalArgs;
@@ -11394,10 +11394,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
args: [],
optArgs: []
- for (var m = [], b = [], k = 0; k < c; k++) {
- var x = l.argTypes && l.argTypes[k], C = k < l.numOptionalArgs;
+ for (var m = [], b = [], _ = 0; _ < c; _++) {
+ var x = l.argTypes && l.argTypes[_], C = _ < l.numOptionalArgs;
(l.primitive && x == null || // \sqrt expands into primitive if optional argument doesn't exist
- l.type === "sqrt" && k === 1 && b[0] == null) && (x = "primitive");
+ l.type === "sqrt" && _ === 1 && b[0] == null) && (x = "primitive");
var D = this.parseGroupOfType("argument to '" + n + "'", x, C);
if (C)
@@ -11442,10 +11442,10 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
case "primitive": {
if (c)
throw new u("A primitive argument cannot be optional");
- var k = this.parseGroup(n);
- if (k == null)
+ var _ = this.parseGroup(n);
+ if (_ == null)
throw new u("Expected group as " + n, this.fetch());
- return k;
+ return _;
case "original":
case null:
@@ -11465,8 +11465,8 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
m += b.text, this.consume();
return this.consume(), c.text = m, c;
}, e.parseRegexGroup = function(n, l) {
- for (var c = this.fetch(), m = c, b = "", k; (k = this.fetch()).text !== "EOF" && n.test(b + k.text); )
- m = k, b += m.text, this.consume();
+ for (var c = this.fetch(), m = c, b = "", _; (_ = this.fetch()).text !== "EOF" && n.test(b + _.text); )
+ m = _, b += m.text, this.consume();
if (b === "")
throw new u("Invalid " + l + ": '" + c.text + "'", c);
return c.range(m, b);
@@ -11523,24 +11523,24 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
l && this.switchMode(l), this.gullet.beginGroup();
var b = this.parseExpression(!1, "EOF");
this.expect("EOF"), this.gullet.endGroup();
- var k = {
+ var _ = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: this.mode,
loc: c.loc,
body: b
- return l && this.switchMode(m), k;
+ return l && this.switchMode(m), _;
}, e.parseGroup = function(n, l) {
var c = this.fetch(), m = c.text, b;
if (m === "{" || m === "\\begingroup") {
- var k = m === "{" ? "}" : "\\endgroup";
+ var _ = m === "{" ? "}" : "\\endgroup";
- var x = this.parseExpression(!1, k), C = this.fetch();
- this.expect(k), this.gullet.endGroup(), b = {
+ var x = this.parseExpression(!1, _), C = this.fetch();
+ this.expect(_), this.gullet.endGroup(), b = {
type: "ordgroup",
mode: this.mode,
- loc: Vt.range(c, C),
+ loc: Wt.range(c, C),
body: x,
// A group formed by \begingroup...\endgroup is a semi-simple group
// which doesn't affect spacing in math mode, i.e., is transparent.
@@ -11560,17 +11560,17 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
b === "-" && n[c + 1].text === "-" && (c + 1 < l && n[c + 2].text === "-" ? (n.splice(c, 3, {
type: "textord",
mode: "text",
- loc: Vt.range(m, n[c + 2]),
+ loc: Wt.range(m, n[c + 2]),
text: "---"
}), l -= 2) : (n.splice(c, 2, {
type: "textord",
mode: "text",
- loc: Vt.range(m, n[c + 1]),
+ loc: Wt.range(m, n[c + 1]),
text: "--"
}), l -= 1)), (b === "'" || b === "`") && n[c + 1].text === b && (n.splice(c, 2, {
type: "textord",
mode: "text",
- loc: Vt.range(m, n[c + 1]),
+ loc: Wt.range(m, n[c + 1]),
text: b + b
}), l -= 1);
@@ -11589,19 +11589,19 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
star: m
- _l.hasOwnProperty(l[0]) && !Ve[this.mode][l[0]] && (this.settings.strict && this.mode === "math" && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Accented Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n), l = _l[l[0]] + l.slice(1));
- var b = J1.exec(l);
+ kl.hasOwnProperty(l[0]) && !Ge[this.mode][l[0]] && (this.settings.strict && this.mode === "math" && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Accented Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n), l = kl[l[0]] + l.slice(1));
+ var b = ru.exec(l);
b && (l = l.substring(0, b.index), l === "i" ? l = "ı" : l === "j" && (l = "ȷ"));
- var k;
- if (Ve[this.mode][l]) {
- this.settings.strict && this.mode === "math" && Yn.indexOf(l) >= 0 && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Latin-1/Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n);
- var x = Ve[this.mode][l].group, C = Vt.range(n), D;
- if (c0.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
- var P = x;
+ var _;
+ if (Ge[this.mode][l]) {
+ this.settings.strict && this.mode === "math" && Xn.indexOf(l) >= 0 && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Latin-1/Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n);
+ var x = Ge[this.mode][l].group, C = Wt.range(n), D;
+ if (f0.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
+ var q = x;
D = {
type: "atom",
mode: this.mode,
- family: P,
+ family: q,
loc: C,
text: l
@@ -11612,40 +11612,40 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
loc: C,
text: l
- k = D;
+ _ = D;
} else if (l.charCodeAt(0) >= 128)
- this.settings.strict && (te(l.charCodeAt(0)) ? this.mode === "math" && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n) : this.settings.reportNonstrict("unknownSymbol", 'Unrecognized Unicode character "' + l[0] + '"' + (" (" + l.charCodeAt(0) + ")"), n)), k = {
+ this.settings.strict && (xt(l.charCodeAt(0)) ? this.mode === "math" && this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode", 'Unicode text character "' + l[0] + '" used in math mode', n) : this.settings.reportNonstrict("unknownSymbol", 'Unrecognized Unicode character "' + l[0] + '"' + (" (" + l.charCodeAt(0) + ")"), n)), _ = {
type: "textord",
mode: "text",
- loc: Vt.range(n),
+ loc: Wt.range(n),
text: l
return null;
if (this.consume(), b)
- for (var q = 0; q < b[0].length; q++) {
- var U = b[0][q];
- if (!_a[U])
+ for (var O = 0; O < b[0].length; O++) {
+ var U = b[0][O];
+ if (!xa[U])
throw new u("Unknown accent ' " + U + "'", n);
- var $ = _a[U][this.mode] || _a[U].text;
- if (!$)
+ var J = xa[U][this.mode] || xa[U].text;
+ if (!J)
throw new u("Accent " + U + " unsupported in " + this.mode + " mode", n);
- k = {
+ _ = {
type: "accent",
mode: this.mode,
- loc: Vt.range(n),
- label: $,
+ loc: Wt.range(n),
+ label: J,
isStretchy: !1,
isShifty: !0,
// $FlowFixMe
- base: k
+ base: _
- return k;
+ return _;
}, f;
xl.endOfExpression = ["}", "\\endgroup", "\\end", "\\right", "&"];
- var au = function(e, t) {
+ var ou = function(e, t) {
if (!(typeof e == "string" || e instanceof String))
throw new TypeError("KaTeX can only parse string typed expression");
var n = new xl(e, t);
@@ -11658,46 +11658,46 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "tag",
mode: "text",
body: l,
- tag: n.subparse([new z0("\\df@tag")])
+ tag: n.subparse([new C0("\\df@tag")])
return l;
- }, xa = au, Sl = function(e, t, n) {
+ }, Sa = ou, Sl = function(e, t, n) {
t.textContent = "";
- var l = Sa(e, n).toNode();
+ var l = Aa(e, n).toNode();
typeof document < "u" && document.compatMode !== "CSS1Compat" && (typeof console < "u" && console.warn("Warning: KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode. Make sure your website has a suitable doctype."), Sl = function() {
throw new u("KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode.");
- var iu = function(e, t) {
- var n = Sa(e, t).toMarkup();
+ var uu = function(e, t) {
+ var n = Aa(e, t).toMarkup();
return n;
- }, lu = function(e, t) {
+ }, cu = function(e, t) {
var n = new R(t);
- return xa(e, n);
+ return Sa(e, n);
}, Al = function(e, t, n) {
if (n.throwOnError || !(e instanceof u))
throw e;
- var l = N.makeSpan(["katex-error"], [new bt(t)]);
+ var l = N.makeSpan(["katex-error"], [new yt(t)]);
return l.setAttribute("title", e.toString()), l.setAttribute("style", "color:" + n.errorColor), l;
- }, Sa = function(e, t) {
+ }, Aa = function(e, t) {
var n = new R(t);
try {
- var l = xa(e, n);
- return h1(l, e, n);
+ var l = Sa(e, n);
+ return p1(l, e, n);
} catch (c) {
return Al(c, e, n);
- }, su = function(e, t) {
+ }, hu = function(e, t) {
var n = new R(t);
try {
- var l = xa(e, n);
- return f1(l, e, n);
+ var l = Sa(e, n);
+ return g1(l, e, n);
} catch (c) {
return Al(c, e, n);
- }, ou = {
+ }, fu = {
* Current KaTeX version
@@ -11711,7 +11711,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* Renders the given LaTeX into an HTML+MathML combination string,
* for sending to the client.
- renderToString: iu,
+ renderToString: uu,
* KaTeX error, usually during parsing.
@@ -11728,7 +11728,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* The internal tree representation is unstable and is very likely
* to change. Use at your own risk.
- __parse: lu,
+ __parse: cu,
* Renders the given LaTeX into an HTML+MathML internal DOM tree
* representation, without flattening that representation to a string.
@@ -11737,7 +11737,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* The internal tree representation is unstable and is very likely
* to change. Use at your own risk.
- __renderToDomTree: Sa,
+ __renderToDomTree: Aa,
* Renders the given LaTeX into an HTML internal DOM tree representation,
* without MathML and without flattening that representation to a string.
@@ -11746,12 +11746,12 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* The internal tree representation is unstable and is very likely
* to change. Use at your own risk.
- __renderToHTMLTree: su,
+ __renderToHTMLTree: hu,
* extends internal font metrics object with a new object
* each key in the new object represents a font name
- __setFontMetrics: _0,
+ __setFontMetrics: x0,
* adds a new symbol to builtin symbols table
@@ -11765,7 +11765,7 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* adds a new macro to builtin macro list
- __defineMacro: _,
+ __defineMacro: k,
* Expose the dom tree node types, which can be useful for type checking nodes.
@@ -11774,24 +11774,24 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
* to change. Use at your own risk.
__domTree: {
- Span: Rt,
+ Span: Ft,
Anchor: Tr,
- SymbolNode: bt,
- SvgNode: Ft,
- PathNode: Zt,
- LineNode: S0
+ SymbolNode: yt,
+ SvgNode: Lt,
+ PathNode: Kt,
+ LineNode: A0
- }, uu = ou;
+ }, mu = fu;
return i = i.default, i;
- }(Va)), Va.exports;
+ }(Wa)), Wa.exports;
(function(s, r) {
(function(i, o) {
- s.exports = o(F4());
- })(typeof self < "u" ? self : Nn, function(a) {
+ s.exports = o(q4());
+ })(typeof self < "u" ? self : Rn, function(a) {
return (
function() {
@@ -11851,38 +11851,38 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
default: function() {
return (
/* binding */
- V
+ W
var p = u(771), v = /* @__PURE__ */ u.n(p), w = function(M, R, B) {
- for (var H = B, W = 0, Z = M.length; H < R.length; ) {
- var G = R[H];
- if (W <= 0 && R.slice(H, H + Z) === M)
+ for (var H = B, G = 0, Z = M.length; H < R.length; ) {
+ var V = R[H];
+ if (G <= 0 && R.slice(H, H + Z) === M)
return H;
- G === "\\" ? H++ : G === "{" ? W++ : G === "}" && W--, H++;
+ V === "\\" ? H++ : V === "{" ? G++ : V === "}" && G--, H++;
return -1;
}, S = function(M) {
return M.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
- }, L = /^\\begin{/, O = function(M, R) {
- for (var B, H = [], W = new RegExp("(" + R.map(function(ve) {
- return S(ve.left);
- }).join("|") + ")"); B = M.search(W), B !== -1; ) {
+ }, L = /^\\begin{/, P = function(M, R) {
+ for (var B, H = [], G = new RegExp("(" + R.map(function(ge) {
+ return S(ge.left);
+ }).join("|") + ")"); B = M.search(G), B !== -1; ) {
B > 0 && (H.push({
type: "text",
data: M.slice(0, B)
}), M = M.slice(B));
- var Z = R.findIndex(function(ve) {
- return M.startsWith(ve.left);
+ var Z = R.findIndex(function(ge) {
+ return M.startsWith(ge.left);
if (B = w(R[Z].right, M, R[Z].left.length), B === -1)
- var G = M.slice(0, B + R[Z].right.length), ce = L.test(G) ? G : M.slice(R[Z].left.length, B);
+ var V = M.slice(0, B + R[Z].right.length), ce = L.test(V) ? V : M.slice(R[Z].left.length, B);
type: "math",
data: ce,
- rawData: G,
+ rawData: V,
display: R[Z].display
}), M = M.slice(B + R[Z].right.length);
@@ -11890,44 +11890,44 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
type: "text",
data: M
}), H;
- }, X = O, I = function(M, R) {
+ }, X = P, I = function(M, R) {
var B = X(M, R.delimiters);
if (B.length === 1 && B[0].type === "text")
return null;
- for (var H = document.createDocumentFragment(), W = 0; W < B.length; W++)
- if (B[W].type === "text")
- H.appendChild(document.createTextNode(B[W].data));
+ for (var H = document.createDocumentFragment(), G = 0; G < B.length; G++)
+ if (B[G].type === "text")
+ H.appendChild(document.createTextNode(B[G].data));
else {
- var Z = document.createElement("span"), G = B[W].data;
- R.displayMode = B[W].display;
+ var Z = document.createElement("span"), V = B[G].data;
+ R.displayMode = B[G].display;
try {
- R.preProcess && (G = R.preProcess(G)), v().render(G, Z, R);
+ R.preProcess && (V = R.preProcess(V)), v().render(V, Z, R);
} catch (ce) {
if (!(ce instanceof v().ParseError))
throw ce;
- R.errorCallback("KaTeX auto-render: Failed to parse `" + B[W].data + "` with ", ce), H.appendChild(document.createTextNode(B[W].rawData));
+ R.errorCallback("KaTeX auto-render: Failed to parse `" + B[G].data + "` with ", ce), H.appendChild(document.createTextNode(B[G].rawData));
return H;
- }, ne = function F(M, R) {
+ }, ae = function F(M, R) {
for (var B = 0; B < M.childNodes.length; B++) {
var H = M.childNodes[B];
if (H.nodeType === 3) {
- for (var W = H.textContent, Z = H.nextSibling, G = 0; Z && Z.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; )
- W += Z.textContent, Z = Z.nextSibling, G++;
- var ce = I(W, R);
+ for (var G = H.textContent, Z = H.nextSibling, V = 0; Z && Z.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; )
+ G += Z.textContent, Z = Z.nextSibling, V++;
+ var ce = I(G, R);
if (ce) {
- for (var ve = 0; ve < G; ve++)
+ for (var ge = 0; ge < V; ge++)
B += ce.childNodes.length - 1, M.replaceChild(ce, H);
} else
- B += G;
+ B += V;
} else
H.nodeType === 1 && function() {
- var Ee = " " + H.className + " ", xe = R.ignoredTags.indexOf(H.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === -1 && R.ignoredClasses.every(function(Ne) {
- return Ee.indexOf(" " + Ne + " ") === -1;
+ var Te = " " + H.className + " ", xe = R.ignoredTags.indexOf(H.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === -1 && R.ignoredClasses.every(function(Ne) {
+ return Te.indexOf(" " + Ne + " ") === -1;
xe && F(H, R);
@@ -11983,15 +11983,15 @@ l0,-` + (t + 144) + `c-2,-159.3,-10,-310.7,-24,-454c-53.3,-528,-210,-949.7,
right: "\\]",
display: !0
- ], B.ignoredTags = B.ignoredTags || ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "option"], B.ignoredClasses = B.ignoredClasses || [], B.errorCallback = B.errorCallback || console.error, B.macros = B.macros || {}, ne(M, B);
- }, V = re;
+ ], B.ignoredTags = B.ignoredTags || ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "option"], B.ignoredClasses = B.ignoredClasses || [], B.errorCallback = B.errorCallback || console.error, B.macros = B.macros || {}, ae(M, B);
+ }, W = re;
}(), g = g.default, g;
-var L4 = ko.exports;
-const I4 = /* @__PURE__ */ wo(L4);
+var P4 = xo.exports;
+const H4 = /* @__PURE__ */ ko(P4);
function ai() {
return {
async: !1,
@@ -12017,50 +12017,50 @@ function ai() {
let tr = ai();
-function _o(s) {
+function So(s) {
tr = s;
-const xo = /[&<>"']/, O4 = new RegExp(xo.source, "g"), So = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, q4 = new RegExp(So.source, "g"), P4 = {
+const Ao = /[&<>"']/, U4 = new RegExp(Ao.source, "g"), To = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, G4 = new RegExp(To.source, "g"), V4 = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'"
-}, Jl = (s) => P4[s];
-function mt(s, r) {
+}, Jl = (s) => V4[s];
+function bt(s, r) {
if (r) {
- if (xo.test(s))
- return s.replace(O4, Jl);
- } else if (So.test(s))
- return s.replace(q4, Jl);
+ if (Ao.test(s))
+ return s.replace(U4, Jl);
+ } else if (To.test(s))
+ return s.replace(G4, Jl);
return s;
-const H4 = /&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/ig;
-function Ao(s) {
- return s.replace(H4, (r, a) => (a = a.toLowerCase(), a === "colon" ? ":" : a.charAt(0) === "#" ? a.charAt(1) === "x" ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+a.substring(1)) : ""));
+const W4 = /&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/ig;
+function Mo(s) {
+ return s.replace(W4, (r, a) => (a = a.toLowerCase(), a === "colon" ? ":" : a.charAt(0) === "#" ? a.charAt(1) === "x" ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+a.substring(1)) : ""));
-const U4 = /(^|[^\[])\^/g;
+const j4 = /(^|[^\[])\^/g;
function Le(s, r) {
s = typeof s == "string" ? s : s.source, r = r || "";
const a = {
- replace: (i, o) => (o = typeof o == "object" && "source" in o ? o.source : o, o = o.replace(U4, "$1"), s = s.replace(i, o), a),
+ replace: (i, o) => (o = typeof o == "object" && "source" in o ? o.source : o, o = o.replace(j4, "$1"), s = s.replace(i, o), a),
getRegex: () => new RegExp(s, r)
return a;
-const G4 = /[^\w:]/g, V4 = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i;
+const Y4 = /[^\w:]/g, X4 = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i;
function $l(s, r, a) {
if (s) {
let i;
try {
- i = decodeURIComponent(Ao(a)).replace(G4, "").toLowerCase();
+ i = decodeURIComponent(Mo(a)).replace(Y4, "").toLowerCase();
} catch {
return null;
if (i.indexOf("javascript:") === 0 || i.indexOf("vbscript:") === 0 || i.indexOf("data:") === 0)
return null;
- r && !V4.test(a) && (a = X4(r, a));
+ r && !X4.test(a) && (a = J4(r, a));
try {
a = encodeURI(a).replace(/%25/g, "%");
} catch {
@@ -12068,13 +12068,13 @@ function $l(s, r, a) {
return a;
-const Sn = {}, j4 = /^[^:]+:\/*[^/]*$/, W4 = /^([^:]+:)[\s\S]*$/, Y4 = /^([^:]+:\/*[^/]*)[\s\S]*$/;
-function X4(s, r) {
- Sn[" " + s] || (j4.test(s) ? Sn[" " + s] = s + "/" : Sn[" " + s] = Bn(s, "/", !0)), s = Sn[" " + s];
+const An = {}, Z4 = /^[^:]+:\/*[^/]*$/, K4 = /^([^:]+:)[\s\S]*$/, Q4 = /^([^:]+:\/*[^/]*)[\s\S]*$/;
+function J4(s, r) {
+ An[" " + s] || (Z4.test(s) ? An[" " + s] = s + "/" : An[" " + s] = Dn(s, "/", !0)), s = An[" " + s];
const a = s.indexOf(":") === -1;
- return r.substring(0, 2) === "//" ? a ? r : s.replace(W4, "$1") + r : r.charAt(0) === "/" ? a ? r : s.replace(Y4, "$1") + r : s + r;
+ return r.substring(0, 2) === "//" ? a ? r : s.replace(K4, "$1") + r : r.charAt(0) === "/" ? a ? r : s.replace(Q4, "$1") + r : s + r;
-const Rn = { exec: () => null };
+const Fn = { exec: () => null };
function es(s, r) {
const a = s.replace(/\|/g, (u, g, p) => {
let v = !1, w = g;
@@ -12093,7 +12093,7 @@ function es(s, r) {
i[o] = i[o].trim().replace(/\\\|/g, "|");
return i;
-function Bn(s, r, a) {
+function Dn(s, r, a) {
const i = s.length;
if (i === 0)
return "";
@@ -12109,7 +12109,7 @@ function Bn(s, r, a) {
return s.slice(0, i - o);
-function Z4(s, r) {
+function $4(s, r) {
if (s.indexOf(r[1]) === -1)
return -1;
let a = 0;
@@ -12122,11 +12122,11 @@ function Z4(s, r) {
return i;
return -1;
-function K4(s, r) {
+function eh(s, r) {
!s || s.silent || (r && console.warn("marked(): callback is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/using_pro#async"), (s.sanitize || s.sanitizer) && console.warn("marked(): sanitize and sanitizer parameters are deprecated since version 0.7.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options"), (s.highlight || s.langPrefix !== "language-") && console.warn("marked(): highlight and langPrefix parameters are deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-highlight."), s.mangle && console.warn("marked(): mangle parameter is enabled by default, but is deprecated since version 5.0.0, and will be removed in the future. To clear this warning, install https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-mangle, or disable by setting `{mangle: false}`."), s.baseUrl && console.warn("marked(): baseUrl parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-base-url."), s.smartypants && console.warn("marked(): smartypants parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-smartypants."), s.xhtml && console.warn("marked(): xhtml parameter is deprecated since version 5.0.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-xhtml."), (s.headerIds || s.headerPrefix) && console.warn("marked(): headerIds and headerPrefix parameters enabled by default, but are deprecated since version 5.0.0, and will be removed in the future. To clear this warning, install https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked-gfm-heading-id, or disable by setting `{headerIds: false}`."));
function ts(s, r, a, i) {
- const o = r.href, u = r.title ? mt(r.title) : null, g = s[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, "$1");
+ const o = r.href, u = r.title ? bt(r.title) : null, g = s[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, "$1");
if (s[0].charAt(0) !== "!") {
i.state.inLink = !0;
const p = {
@@ -12144,10 +12144,10 @@ function ts(s, r, a, i) {
raw: a,
href: o,
title: u,
- text: mt(g)
+ text: bt(g)
-function Q4(s, r) {
+function th(s, r) {
const a = s.match(/^(\s+)(?:```)/);
if (a === null)
return r;
@@ -12162,7 +12162,7 @@ function Q4(s, r) {
-class Fn {
+class Ln {
constructor(r) {
Fe(this, "options");
// TODO: Fix this rules type
@@ -12186,7 +12186,7 @@ class Fn {
type: "code",
raw: a[0],
codeBlockStyle: "indented",
- text: this.options.pedantic ? i : Bn(i, `
+ text: this.options.pedantic ? i : Dn(i, `
@@ -12194,7 +12194,7 @@ class Fn {
fences(r) {
const a = this.rules.block.fences.exec(r);
if (a) {
- const i = a[0], o = Q4(i, a[3] || "");
+ const i = a[0], o = th(i, a[3] || "");
return {
type: "code",
raw: i,
@@ -12208,7 +12208,7 @@ class Fn {
if (a) {
let i = a[2].trim();
if (/#$/.test(i)) {
- const o = Bn(i, "#");
+ const o = Dn(i, "#");
(this.options.pedantic || !o || / $/.test(o)) && (i = o.trim());
return {
@@ -12263,37 +12263,37 @@ class Fn {
p = a[0], r = r.substring(p.length);
let L = a[2].split(`
-`, 1)[0].replace(/^\t+/, (V) => " ".repeat(3 * V.length)), O = r.split(`
+`, 1)[0].replace(/^\t+/, (W) => " ".repeat(3 * W.length)), P = r.split(`
`, 1)[0], X = 0;
this.options.pedantic ? (X = 2, v = L.trimLeft()) : (X = a[2].search(/[^ ]/), X = X > 4 ? 1 : X, v = L.slice(X), X += a[1].length);
let I = !1;
- if (!L && /^ *$/.test(O) && (p += O + `
-`, r = r.substring(O.length + 1), S = !0), !S) {
- const V = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}[.)])((?:[ ][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`), F = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$)`), M = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}(?:\`\`\`|~~~)`), R = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}#`);
+ if (!L && /^ *$/.test(P) && (p += P + `
+`, r = r.substring(P.length + 1), S = !0), !S) {
+ const W = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}[.)])((?:[ ][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`), F = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$)`), M = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}(?:\`\`\`|~~~)`), R = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, X - 1)}}#`);
for (; r; ) {
const B = r.split(`
`, 1)[0];
- if (O = B, this.options.pedantic && (O = O.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g, " ")), M.test(O) || R.test(O) || V.test(O) || F.test(r))
+ if (P = B, this.options.pedantic && (P = P.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g, " ")), M.test(P) || R.test(P) || W.test(P) || F.test(r))
- if (O.search(/[^ ]/) >= X || !O.trim())
+ if (P.search(/[^ ]/) >= X || !P.trim())
v += `
-` + O.slice(X);
+` + P.slice(X);
else {
if (I || L.search(/[^ ]/) >= 4 || M.test(L) || R.test(L) || F.test(L))
v += `
-` + O;
+` + P;
- !I && !O.trim() && (I = !0), p += B + `
-`, r = r.substring(B.length + 1), L = O.slice(X);
+ !I && !P.trim() && (I = !0), p += B + `
+`, r = r.substring(B.length + 1), L = P.slice(X);
u.loose || (w ? u.loose = !0 : /\n *\n *$/.test(p) && (w = !0));
- let ne = null, re;
- this.options.gfm && (ne = /^\[[ xX]\] /.exec(v), ne && (re = ne[0] !== "[ ] ", v = v.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, ""))), u.items.push({
+ let ae = null, re;
+ this.options.gfm && (ae = /^\[[ xX]\] /.exec(v), ae && (re = ae[0] !== "[ ] ", v = v.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, ""))), u.items.push({
type: "list_item",
raw: p,
- task: !!ne,
+ task: !!ae,
checked: re,
loose: !1,
text: v,
@@ -12303,8 +12303,8 @@ class Fn {
u.items[u.items.length - 1].raw = p.trimRight(), u.items[u.items.length - 1].text = v.trimRight(), u.raw = u.raw.trimRight();
for (let S = 0; S < u.items.length; S++)
if (this.lexer.state.top = !1, u.items[S].tokens = this.lexer.blockTokens(u.items[S].text, []), !u.loose) {
- const L = u.items[S].tokens.filter((X) => X.type === "space"), O = L.length > 0 && L.some((X) => /\n.*\n/.test(X.raw));
- u.loose = O;
+ const L = u.items[S].tokens.filter((X) => X.type === "space"), P = L.length > 0 && L.some((X) => /\n.*\n/.test(X.raw));
+ u.loose = P;
if (u.loose)
for (let S = 0; S < u.items.length; S++)
@@ -12323,7 +12323,7 @@ class Fn {
text: a[0]
if (this.options.sanitize) {
- const o = this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(a[0]) : mt(a[0]), u = i;
+ const o = this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(a[0]) : bt(a[0]), u = i;
u.type = "paragraph", u.text = o, u.tokens = this.lexer.inline(o);
return i;
@@ -12410,7 +12410,7 @@ class Fn {
return {
type: "escape",
raw: a[0],
- text: mt(a[1])
+ text: bt(a[1])
tag(r) {
@@ -12422,7 +12422,7 @@ class Fn {
inLink: this.lexer.state.inLink,
inRawBlock: this.lexer.state.inRawBlock,
block: !1,
- text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(a[0]) : mt(a[0]) : a[0]
+ text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(a[0]) : bt(a[0]) : a[0]
link(r) {
@@ -12432,11 +12432,11 @@ class Fn {
if (!this.options.pedantic && /^$/.test(i))
- const g = Bn(i.slice(0, -1), "\\");
+ const g = Dn(i.slice(0, -1), "\\");
if ((i.length - g.length) % 2 === 0)
} else {
- const g = Z4(a[2], "()");
+ const g = $4(a[2], "()");
if (g > -1) {
const v = (a[0].indexOf("!") === 0 ? 5 : 4) + a[1].length + g;
a[2] = a[2].substring(0, g), a[0] = a[0].substring(0, v).trim(), a[3] = "";
@@ -12490,20 +12490,20 @@ class Fn {
if (w -= v, w > 0)
v = Math.min(v, v + w + S);
- const O = [...r].slice(0, g + o.index + v + 1).join("");
+ const P = [...r].slice(0, g + o.index + v + 1).join("");
if (Math.min(g, v) % 2) {
- const I = O.slice(1, -1);
+ const I = P.slice(1, -1);
return {
type: "em",
- raw: O,
+ raw: P,
text: I,
tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(I)
- const X = O.slice(2, -2);
+ const X = P.slice(2, -2);
return {
type: "strong",
- raw: O,
+ raw: P,
text: X,
tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(X)
@@ -12515,7 +12515,7 @@ class Fn {
if (a) {
let i = a[2].replace(/\n/g, " ");
const o = /[^ ]/.test(i), u = /^ /.test(i) && / $/.test(i);
- return o && u && (i = i.substring(1, i.length - 1)), i = mt(i, !0), {
+ return o && u && (i = i.substring(1, i.length - 1)), i = bt(i, !0), {
type: "codespan",
raw: a[0],
text: i
@@ -12544,7 +12544,7 @@ class Fn {
const i = this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(r);
if (i) {
let o, u;
- return i[2] === "@" ? (o = mt(this.options.mangle ? a(i[1]) : i[1]), u = "mailto:" + o) : (o = mt(i[1]), u = o), {
+ return i[2] === "@" ? (o = bt(this.options.mangle ? a(i[1]) : i[1]), u = "mailto:" + o) : (o = bt(i[1]), u = o), {
type: "link",
raw: i[0],
text: o,
@@ -12564,13 +12564,13 @@ class Fn {
if (i = this.rules.inline.url.exec(r)) {
let o, u;
if (i[2] === "@")
- o = mt(this.options.mangle ? a(i[0]) : i[0]), u = "mailto:" + o;
+ o = bt(this.options.mangle ? a(i[0]) : i[0]), u = "mailto:" + o;
else {
let g;
g = i[0], i[0] = this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(i[0])[0];
while (g !== i[0]);
- o = mt(i[0]), i[1] === "www." ? u = "http://" + i[0] : u = i[0];
+ o = bt(i[0]), i[1] === "www." ? u = "http://" + i[0] : u = i[0];
return {
type: "link",
@@ -12591,7 +12591,7 @@ class Fn {
const i = this.rules.inline.text.exec(r);
if (i) {
let o;
- return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock ? o = this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(i[0]) : mt(i[0]) : i[0] : o = mt(this.options.smartypants ? a(i[0]) : i[0]), {
+ return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock ? o = this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(i[0]) : bt(i[0]) : i[0] : o = bt(this.options.smartypants ? a(i[0]) : i[0]), {
type: "text",
raw: i[0],
text: o
@@ -12609,7 +12609,7 @@ const pe = {
list: /^( {0,3}bull)([ \t][^\n]+?)?(?:\n|$)/,
html: "^ {0,3}(?:<(script|pre|style|textarea)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:\\1>[^\\n]*\\n+|$)|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)|<\\?[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\?>\\n*|$)|\\n*|$)|\\n*|$)|?(tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|<(?!script|pre|style|textarea)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|(?!script|pre|style|textarea)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$))",
def: /^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *(?:\n *)?([^<\s][^\s]*|<.*?>)(?:(?: +(?:\n *)?| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/,
- table: Rn,
+ table: Fn,
lheading: /^((?:(?!^bull ).|\n(?!\n|bull ))+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/,
// regex template, placeholders will be replaced according to different paragraph
// interruption rules of commonmark and the original markdown spec:
@@ -12641,7 +12641,7 @@ pe.pedantic = {
html: Le(`^ *(?:comment *(?:\\n|\\s*$)|<(tag)[\\s\\S]+?\\1> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$)|\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$))`).replace("comment", pe._comment).replace(/tag/g, "(?!(?:a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)\\b)\\w+(?!:|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b").getRegex(),
def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *([^\s>]+)>?(?: +(["(][^\n]+[")]))? *(?:\n+|$)/,
heading: /^(#{1,6})(.*)(?:\n+|$)/,
- fences: Rn,
+ fences: Fn,
lheading: /^(.+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/,
paragraph: Le(pe.normal._paragraph).replace("hr", pe.hr).replace("heading", ` *#{1,6} *[^
]`).replace("lheading", pe.lheading).replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("|fences", "").replace("|list", "").replace("|html", "").getRegex()
@@ -12649,7 +12649,7 @@ pe.pedantic = {
const ue = {
escape: /^\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/,
autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/,
- url: Rn,
+ url: Fn,
tag: "^comment|^[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^|^",
link: /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/,
reflink: /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/,
@@ -12665,7 +12665,7 @@ const ue = {
code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/,
br: /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/,
- del: Rn,
+ del: Fn,
text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\ {
- O = X.call({ lexer: this }, L), typeof O == "number" && O >= 0 && (S = Math.min(S, O));
+ P = X.call({ lexer: this }, L), typeof P == "number" && P >= 0 && (S = Math.min(S, P));
}), S < 1 / 0 && S >= 0 && (u = r.substring(0, S + 1));
- if (i = this.tokenizer.inlineText(u, J4)) {
+ if (i = this.tokenizer.inlineText(u, rh)) {
r = r.substring(i.raw.length), i.raw.slice(-1) !== "_" && (w = i.raw.slice(-1)), v = !0, o = a[a.length - 1], o && o.type === "text" ? (o.raw += i.raw, o.text += i.text) : a.push(i);
@@ -12958,7 +12958,7 @@ class r0 {
return a;
-class Ln {
+class In {
constructor(r) {
Fe(this, "options");
this.options = r || tr;
@@ -12971,8 +12971,8 @@ class Ln {
g != null && g !== r && (i = !0, r = g);
return r = r.replace(/\n$/, "") + `
-`, o ? '' + (i ? r : mt(r, !0)) + `
-` : "" + (i ? r : mt(r, !0)) + `
+`, o ? '' + (i ? r : bt(r, !0)) + `
+` : "" + (i ? r : bt(r, !0)) + `
blockquote(r) {
@@ -13128,25 +13128,25 @@ class li {
return this.getNextSafeSlug(i, a.dryrun);
-class n0 {
+class a0 {
constructor(r) {
Fe(this, "options");
Fe(this, "renderer");
Fe(this, "textRenderer");
Fe(this, "slugger");
- this.options = r || tr, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Ln(), this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options, this.textRenderer = new ii(), this.slugger = new li();
+ this.options = r || tr, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new In(), this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options, this.textRenderer = new ii(), this.slugger = new li();
* Static Parse Method
static parse(r, a) {
- return new n0(a).parse(r);
+ return new a0(a).parse(r);
* Static Parse Inline Method
static parseInline(r, a) {
- return new n0(a).parseInline(r);
+ return new a0(a).parseInline(r);
* Parse Loop
@@ -13171,7 +13171,7 @@ class n0 {
case "heading": {
const g = u;
- i += this.renderer.heading(this.parseInline(g.tokens), g.depth, Ao(this.parseInline(g.tokens, this.textRenderer)), this.slugger);
+ i += this.renderer.heading(this.parseInline(g.tokens), g.depth, Mo(this.parseInline(g.tokens, this.textRenderer)), this.slugger);
case "code": {
@@ -13189,8 +13189,8 @@ class n0 {
for (let S = 0; S < g.rows.length; S++) {
const L = g.rows[S];
v = "";
- for (let O = 0; O < L.length; O++)
- v += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(L[O].tokens), { header: !1, align: g.align[O] });
+ for (let P = 0; P < L.length; P++)
+ v += this.renderer.tablecell(this.parseInline(L[P].tokens), { header: !1, align: g.align[P] });
w += this.renderer.tablerow(v);
i += this.renderer.table(p, w);
@@ -13205,16 +13205,16 @@ class n0 {
const g = u, p = g.ordered, v = g.start, w = g.loose;
let S = "";
for (let L = 0; L < g.items.length; L++) {
- const O = g.items[L], X = O.checked, I = O.task;
- let ne = "";
- if (O.task) {
+ const P = g.items[L], X = P.checked, I = P.task;
+ let ae = "";
+ if (P.task) {
const re = this.renderer.checkbox(!!X);
- w ? O.tokens.length > 0 && O.tokens[0].type === "paragraph" ? (O.tokens[0].text = re + " " + O.tokens[0].text, O.tokens[0].tokens && O.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && O.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === "text" && (O.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = re + " " + O.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)) : O.tokens.unshift({
+ w ? P.tokens.length > 0 && P.tokens[0].type === "paragraph" ? (P.tokens[0].text = re + " " + P.tokens[0].text, P.tokens[0].tokens && P.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && P.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === "text" && (P.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = re + " " + P.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)) : P.tokens.unshift({
type: "text",
text: re
- }) : ne += re;
+ }) : ae += re;
- ne += this.parse(O.tokens, w), S += this.renderer.listitem(ne, I, !!X);
+ ae += this.parse(P.tokens, w), S += this.renderer.listitem(ae, I, !!X);
i += this.renderer.list(S, p, v);
@@ -13345,22 +13345,22 @@ Fe(Ur, "passThroughHooks", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
-var Gr, ei, Pn, To;
-class $4 {
+var Vr, ti, Hn, zo;
+class nh {
constructor(...r) {
- Ca(this, Gr);
- Ca(this, Pn);
+ Ea(this, Vr);
+ Ea(this, Hn);
Fe(this, "defaults", ai());
Fe(this, "options", this.setOptions);
- Fe(this, "parse", bn(this, Gr, ei).call(this, r0.lex, n0.parse));
- Fe(this, "parseInline", bn(this, Gr, ei).call(this, r0.lexInline, n0.parseInline));
- Fe(this, "Parser", n0);
- Fe(this, "parser", n0.parse);
- Fe(this, "Renderer", Ln);
+ Fe(this, "parse", yn(this, Vr, ti).call(this, n0.lex, a0.parse));
+ Fe(this, "parseInline", yn(this, Vr, ti).call(this, n0.lexInline, a0.parseInline));
+ Fe(this, "Parser", a0);
+ Fe(this, "parser", a0.parse);
+ Fe(this, "Renderer", In);
Fe(this, "TextRenderer", ii);
- Fe(this, "Lexer", r0);
- Fe(this, "lexer", r0.lex);
- Fe(this, "Tokenizer", Fn);
+ Fe(this, "Lexer", n0);
+ Fe(this, "lexer", n0.lex);
+ Fe(this, "Tokenizer", Ln);
Fe(this, "Slugger", li);
Fe(this, "Hooks", Ur);
@@ -13418,7 +13418,7 @@ class $4 {
"childTokens" in u && u.childTokens && (a.childTokens[u.name] = u.childTokens);
}), o.extensions = a), i.renderer) {
- const u = this.defaults.renderer || new Ln(this.defaults);
+ const u = this.defaults.renderer || new In(this.defaults);
for (const g in i.renderer) {
const p = i.renderer[g], v = g, w = u[v];
u[v] = (...S) => {
@@ -13429,7 +13429,7 @@ class $4 {
o.renderer = u;
if (i.tokenizer) {
- const u = this.defaults.tokenizer || new Fn(this.defaults);
+ const u = this.defaults.tokenizer || new Ln(this.defaults);
for (const g in i.tokenizer) {
const p = i.tokenizer[g], v = g, w = u[v];
u[v] = (...S) => {
@@ -13445,7 +13445,7 @@ class $4 {
const p = i.hooks[g], v = g, w = u[v];
Ur.passThroughHooks.has(g) ? u[v] = (S) => {
if (this.defaults.async)
- return Promise.resolve(p.call(u, S)).then((O) => w.call(u, O));
+ return Promise.resolve(p.call(u, S)).then((P) => w.call(u, P));
const L = p.call(u, S);
return w.call(u, L);
} : u[v] = (...S) => {
@@ -13469,17 +13469,17 @@ class $4 {
return this.defaults = { ...this.defaults, ...r }, this;
-Gr = new WeakSet(), ei = function(r, a) {
+Vr = new WeakSet(), ti = function(r, a) {
return (i, o, u) => {
typeof o == "function" && (u = o, o = null);
const g = { ...o }, p = { ...this.defaults, ...g };
this.defaults.async === !0 && g.async === !1 && (p.silent || console.warn("marked(): The async option was set to true by an extension. The async: false option sent to parse will be ignored."), p.async = !0);
- const v = bn(this, Pn, To).call(this, !!p.silent, !!p.async, u);
+ const v = yn(this, Hn, zo).call(this, !!p.silent, !!p.async, u);
if (typeof i > "u" || i === null)
return v(new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null"));
if (typeof i != "string")
return v(new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type " + Object.prototype.toString.call(i) + ", string expected"));
- if (K4(p, u), p.hooks && (p.hooks.options = p), u) {
+ if (eh(p, u), p.hooks && (p.hooks.options = p), u) {
const w = u, S = p.highlight;
let L;
try {
@@ -13487,28 +13487,28 @@ Gr = new WeakSet(), ei = function(r, a) {
} catch (I) {
return v(I);
- const O = (I) => {
- let ne;
+ const P = (I) => {
+ let ae;
if (!I)
try {
- p.walkTokens && this.walkTokens(L, p.walkTokens), ne = a(L, p), p.hooks && (ne = p.hooks.postprocess(ne));
+ p.walkTokens && this.walkTokens(L, p.walkTokens), ae = a(L, p), p.hooks && (ae = p.hooks.postprocess(ae));
} catch (re) {
I = re;
- return p.highlight = S, I ? v(I) : w(null, ne);
+ return p.highlight = S, I ? v(I) : w(null, ae);
if (!S || S.length < 3 || (delete p.highlight, !L.length))
- return O();
+ return P();
let X = 0;
this.walkTokens(L, (I) => {
I.type === "code" && (X++, setTimeout(() => {
- S(I.text, I.lang, (ne, re) => {
- if (ne)
- return O(ne);
- re != null && re !== I.text && (I.text = re, I.escaped = !0), X--, X === 0 && O();
+ S(I.text, I.lang, (ae, re) => {
+ if (ae)
+ return P(ae);
+ re != null && re !== I.text && (I.text = re, I.escaped = !0), X--, X === 0 && P();
}, 0));
- }), X === 0 && O();
+ }), X === 0 && P();
if (p.async)
@@ -13523,11 +13523,11 @@ Gr = new WeakSet(), ei = function(r, a) {
return v(w);
-}, Pn = new WeakSet(), To = function(r, a, i) {
+}, Hn = new WeakSet(), zo = function(r, a, i) {
return (o) => {
if (o.message += `
Please report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.`, r) {
- const u = "An error occurred:
" + mt(o.message + "", !0) + "
+ const u = "An error occurred:
" + bt(o.message + "", !0) + "
if (a)
return Promise.resolve(u);
if (i) {
@@ -13545,29 +13545,29 @@ Please report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.`, r) {
throw o;
-const er = new $4();
+const er = new nh();
function De(s, r, a) {
return er.parse(s, r, a);
De.options = De.setOptions = function(s) {
- return er.setOptions(s), De.defaults = er.defaults, _o(De.defaults), De;
+ return er.setOptions(s), De.defaults = er.defaults, So(De.defaults), De;
De.getDefaults = ai;
De.defaults = tr;
De.use = function(...s) {
- return er.use(...s), De.defaults = er.defaults, _o(De.defaults), De;
+ return er.use(...s), De.defaults = er.defaults, So(De.defaults), De;
De.walkTokens = function(s, r) {
return er.walkTokens(s, r);
De.parseInline = er.parseInline;
-De.Parser = n0;
-De.parser = n0.parse;
-De.Renderer = Ln;
+De.Parser = a0;
+De.parser = a0.parse;
+De.Renderer = In;
De.TextRenderer = ii;
-De.Lexer = r0;
-De.lexer = r0.lex;
-De.Tokenizer = Fn;
+De.Lexer = n0;
+De.lexer = n0.lex;
+De.Tokenizer = Ln;
De.Slugger = li;
De.Hooks = Ur;
De.parse = De;
@@ -13576,9 +13576,9 @@ De.setOptions;
-function eh(s) {
+function ah(s) {
if (typeof s == "function" && (s = {
highlight: s
}), !s || typeof s.highlight != "function")
@@ -13588,7 +13588,7 @@ function eh(s) {
walkTokens(r) {
if (r.type !== "code")
- const a = th(r);
+ const a = ih(r);
if (s.async)
return Promise.resolve(s.highlight(r.text, a)).then(ns(r));
const i = s.highlight(r.text, a);
@@ -13605,7 +13605,7 @@ function eh(s) {
-function th(s) {
+function ih(s) {
return (s.lang || "").match(/\S*/)[0];
function ns(s) {
@@ -13613,22 +13613,22 @@ function ns(s) {
typeof r == "string" && r !== s.text && (s.escaped = !0, s.text = r);
-const Mo = /[&<>"']/, rh = new RegExp(Mo.source, "g"), zo = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, nh = new RegExp(zo.source, "g"), ah = {
+const Co = /[&<>"']/, lh = new RegExp(Co.source, "g"), Eo = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, sh = new RegExp(Eo.source, "g"), oh = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'"
-}, as = (s) => ah[s];
+}, as = (s) => oh[s];
function is(s, r) {
if (r) {
- if (Mo.test(s))
- return s.replace(rh, as);
- } else if (zo.test(s))
- return s.replace(nh, as);
+ if (Co.test(s))
+ return s.replace(lh, as);
+ } else if (Eo.test(s))
+ return s.replace(sh, as);
return s;
-var Co = { exports: {} };
+var Bo = { exports: {} };
(function(s) {
var r = typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : {};
@@ -13745,8 +13745,8 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
return R[H];
B = /** @type {Record} */
{}, R[H] = B;
- for (var W in M)
- M.hasOwnProperty(W) && (B[W] = F(M[W], R));
+ for (var G in M)
+ M.hasOwnProperty(G) && (B[G] = F(M[G], R));
return (
/** @type {any} */
@@ -13754,8 +13754,8 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
case "Array":
return H = p.util.objId(M), R[H] ? R[H] : (B = [], R[H] = B, /** @type {Array} */
/** @type {any} */
- M.forEach(function(Z, G) {
- B[G] = F(Z, R);
+ M.forEach(function(Z, V) {
+ B[V] = F(Z, R);
}), /** @type {any} */
@@ -13975,28 +13975,28 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
insertBefore: function(F, M, R, B) {
B = B || /** @type {any} */
- var H = B[F], W = {};
+ var H = B[F], G = {};
for (var Z in H)
if (H.hasOwnProperty(Z)) {
if (Z == M)
- for (var G in R)
- R.hasOwnProperty(G) && (W[G] = R[G]);
- R.hasOwnProperty(Z) || (W[Z] = H[Z]);
+ for (var V in R)
+ R.hasOwnProperty(V) && (G[V] = R[V]);
+ R.hasOwnProperty(Z) || (G[Z] = H[Z]);
var ce = B[F];
- return B[F] = W, p.languages.DFS(p.languages, function(ve, Ee) {
- Ee === ce && ve != F && (this[ve] = W);
- }), W;
+ return B[F] = G, p.languages.DFS(p.languages, function(ge, Te) {
+ Te === ce && ge != F && (this[ge] = G);
+ }), G;
// Traverse a language definition with Depth First Search
DFS: function F(M, R, B, H) {
H = H || {};
- var W = p.util.objId;
+ var G = p.util.objId;
for (var Z in M)
if (M.hasOwnProperty(Z)) {
R.call(M, Z, M[Z], B || Z);
- var G = M[Z], ce = p.util.type(G);
- ce === "Object" && !H[W(G)] ? (H[W(G)] = !0, F(G, R, null, H)) : ce === "Array" && !H[W(G)] && (H[W(G)] = !0, F(G, R, Z, H));
+ var V = M[Z], ce = p.util.type(V);
+ ce === "Object" && !H[G(V)] ? (H[G(V)] = !0, F(V, R, null, H)) : ce === "Array" && !H[G(V)] && (H[G(V)] = !0, F(V, R, Z, H));
@@ -14038,8 +14038,8 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
selector: 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
p.hooks.run("before-highlightall", B), B.elements = Array.prototype.slice.apply(B.container.querySelectorAll(B.selector)), p.hooks.run("before-all-elements-highlight", B);
- for (var H = 0, W; W = B.elements[H++]; )
- p.highlightElement(W, M === !0, B.callback);
+ for (var H = 0, G; G = B.elements[H++]; )
+ p.highlightElement(G, M === !0, B.callback);
* Highlights the code inside a single element.
@@ -14072,36 +14072,36 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
highlightElement: function(F, M, R) {
var B = p.util.getLanguage(F), H = p.languages[B];
p.util.setLanguage(F, B);
- var W = F.parentElement;
- W && W.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "pre" && p.util.setLanguage(W, B);
- var Z = F.textContent, G = {
+ var G = F.parentElement;
+ G && G.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "pre" && p.util.setLanguage(G, B);
+ var Z = F.textContent, V = {
element: F,
language: B,
grammar: H,
code: Z
- function ce(Ee) {
- G.highlightedCode = Ee, p.hooks.run("before-insert", G), G.element.innerHTML = G.highlightedCode, p.hooks.run("after-highlight", G), p.hooks.run("complete", G), R && R.call(G.element);
+ function ce(Te) {
+ V.highlightedCode = Te, p.hooks.run("before-insert", V), V.element.innerHTML = V.highlightedCode, p.hooks.run("after-highlight", V), p.hooks.run("complete", V), R && R.call(V.element);
- if (p.hooks.run("before-sanity-check", G), W = G.element.parentElement, W && W.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "pre" && !W.hasAttribute("tabindex") && W.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), !G.code) {
- p.hooks.run("complete", G), R && R.call(G.element);
+ if (p.hooks.run("before-sanity-check", V), G = V.element.parentElement, G && G.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "pre" && !G.hasAttribute("tabindex") && G.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), !V.code) {
+ p.hooks.run("complete", V), R && R.call(V.element);
- if (p.hooks.run("before-highlight", G), !G.grammar) {
- ce(p.util.encode(G.code));
+ if (p.hooks.run("before-highlight", V), !V.grammar) {
+ ce(p.util.encode(V.code));
if (M && i.Worker) {
- var ve = new Worker(p.filename);
- ve.onmessage = function(Ee) {
- ce(Ee.data);
- }, ve.postMessage(JSON.stringify({
- language: G.language,
- code: G.code,
+ var ge = new Worker(p.filename);
+ ge.onmessage = function(Te) {
+ ce(Te.data);
+ }, ge.postMessage(JSON.stringify({
+ language: V.language,
+ code: V.code,
immediateClose: !0
} else
- ce(p.highlight(G.code, G.grammar, G.language));
+ ce(p.highlight(V.code, V.grammar, V.language));
* Low-level function, only use if you know what you’re doing. It accepts a string of text as input
@@ -14165,7 +14165,7 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
delete M.rest;
var H = new L();
- return O(H, H.head, F), S(F, H, M, H.head, 0), I(H);
+ return P(H, H.head, F), S(F, H, M, H.head, 0), I(H);
* @namespace
@@ -14228,65 +14228,65 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
classes: ["token", M.type],
attributes: {},
language: R
- }, W = M.alias;
- W && (Array.isArray(W) ? Array.prototype.push.apply(H.classes, W) : H.classes.push(W)), p.hooks.run("wrap", H);
+ }, G = M.alias;
+ G && (Array.isArray(G) ? Array.prototype.push.apply(H.classes, G) : H.classes.push(G)), p.hooks.run("wrap", H);
var Z = "";
- for (var G in H.attributes)
- Z += " " + G + '="' + (H.attributes[G] || "").replace(/"/g, """) + '"';
+ for (var V in H.attributes)
+ Z += " " + V + '="' + (H.attributes[V] || "").replace(/"/g, """) + '"';
return "<" + H.tag + ' class="' + H.classes.join(" ") + '"' + Z + ">" + H.content + "" + H.tag + ">";
function w(F, M, R, B) {
F.lastIndex = M;
var H = F.exec(R);
if (H && B && H[1]) {
- var W = H[1].length;
- H.index += W, H[0] = H[0].slice(W);
+ var G = H[1].length;
+ H.index += G, H[0] = H[0].slice(G);
return H;
- function S(F, M, R, B, H, W) {
+ function S(F, M, R, B, H, G) {
for (var Z in R)
if (!(!R.hasOwnProperty(Z) || !R[Z])) {
- var G = R[Z];
- G = Array.isArray(G) ? G : [G];
- for (var ce = 0; ce < G.length; ++ce) {
- if (W && W.cause == Z + "," + ce)
+ var V = R[Z];
+ V = Array.isArray(V) ? V : [V];
+ for (var ce = 0; ce < V.length; ++ce) {
+ if (G && G.cause == Z + "," + ce)
- var ve = G[ce], Ee = ve.inside, xe = !!ve.lookbehind, Ne = !!ve.greedy, rt = ve.alias;
- if (Ne && !ve.pattern.global) {
- var vt = ve.pattern.toString().match(/[imsuy]*$/)[0];
- ve.pattern = RegExp(ve.pattern.source, vt + "g");
+ var ge = V[ce], Te = ge.inside, xe = !!ge.lookbehind, Ne = !!ge.greedy, Ke = ge.alias;
+ if (Ne && !ge.pattern.global) {
+ var dt = ge.pattern.toString().match(/[imsuy]*$/)[0];
+ ge.pattern = RegExp(ge.pattern.source, dt + "g");
- for (var At = ve.pattern || ve, Oe = B.next, Ae = H; Oe !== M.tail && !(W && Ae >= W.reach); Ae += Oe.value.length, Oe = Oe.next) {
- var J = Oe.value;
+ for (var zt = ge.pattern || ge, Oe = B.next, Ae = H; Oe !== M.tail && !(G && Ae >= G.reach); Ae += Oe.value.length, Oe = Oe.next) {
+ var lt = Oe.value;
if (M.length > F.length)
- if (!(J instanceof v)) {
- var Q = 1, Qe;
+ if (!(lt instanceof v)) {
+ var ne = 1, K;
if (Ne) {
- if (Qe = w(At, Ae, F, xe), !Qe || Qe.index >= F.length)
+ if (K = w(zt, Ae, F, xe), !K || K.index >= F.length)
- var Ge = Qe.index, ae = Qe.index + Qe[0].length, Je = Ae;
- for (Je += Oe.value.length; Ge >= Je; )
- Oe = Oe.next, Je += Oe.value.length;
- if (Je -= Oe.value.length, Ae = Je, Oe.value instanceof v)
+ var pt = K.index, $ = K.index + K[0].length, Qe = Ae;
+ for (Qe += Oe.value.length; pt >= Qe; )
+ Oe = Oe.next, Qe += Oe.value.length;
+ if (Qe -= Oe.value.length, Ae = Qe, Oe.value instanceof v)
- for (var te = Oe; te !== M.tail && (Je < ae || typeof te.value == "string"); te = te.next)
- Q++, Je += te.value.length;
- Q--, J = F.slice(Ae, Je), Qe.index -= Ae;
- } else if (Qe = w(At, 0, J, xe), !Qe)
+ for (var xt = Oe; xt !== M.tail && (Qe < $ || typeof xt.value == "string"); xt = xt.next)
+ ne++, Qe += xt.value.length;
+ ne--, lt = F.slice(Ae, Qe), K.index -= Ae;
+ } else if (K = w(zt, 0, lt, xe), !K)
- var Ge = Qe.index, $e = Qe[0], Bt = J.slice(0, Ge), G0 = J.slice(Ge + $e.length), Dt = Ae + J.length;
- W && Dt > W.reach && (W.reach = Dt);
- var _t = Oe.prev;
- Bt && (_t = O(M, _t, Bt), Ae += Bt.length), X(M, _t, Q);
- var V0 = new v(Z, Ee ? p.tokenize($e, Ee) : $e, rt, $e);
- if (Oe = O(M, _t, V0), G0 && O(M, Oe, G0), Q > 1) {
- var u0 = {
+ var pt = K.index, ee = K[0], rt = lt.slice(0, pt), nt = lt.slice(pt + ee.length), gt = Ae + lt.length;
+ G && gt > G.reach && (G.reach = gt);
+ var St = Oe.prev;
+ rt && (St = P(M, St, rt), Ae += rt.length), X(M, St, ne);
+ var V0 = new v(Z, Te ? p.tokenize(ee, Te) : ee, Ke, ee);
+ if (Oe = P(M, St, V0), nt && P(M, Oe, nt), ne > 1) {
+ var h0 = {
cause: Z + "," + ce,
- reach: Dt
+ reach: gt
- S(F, M, R, Oe.prev, Ae, u0), W && u0.reach > W.reach && (W.reach = u0.reach);
+ S(F, M, R, Oe.prev, Ae, h0), G && h0.reach > G.reach && (G.reach = h0.reach);
@@ -14297,7 +14297,7 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
var F = { value: null, prev: null, next: null }, M = { value: null, prev: F, next: null };
F.next = M, this.head = F, this.tail = M, this.length = 0;
- function O(F, M, R) {
+ function P(F, M, R) {
var B = M.next, H = { value: R, prev: M, next: B };
return M.next = H, B.prev = H, F.length++, H;
@@ -14316,18 +14316,18 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
var M = JSON.parse(F.data), R = M.language, B = M.code, H = M.immediateClose;
i.postMessage(p.highlight(B, p.languages[R], R)), H && i.close();
}, !1)), p;
- var ne = p.util.currentScript();
- ne && (p.filename = ne.src, ne.hasAttribute("data-manual") && (p.manual = !0));
+ var ae = p.util.currentScript();
+ ae && (p.filename = ae.src, ae.hasAttribute("data-manual") && (p.manual = !0));
function re() {
p.manual || p.highlightAll();
if (!p.manual) {
- var V = document.readyState;
- V === "loading" || V === "interactive" && ne && ne.defer ? document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", re) : window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame(re) : window.setTimeout(re, 16);
+ var W = document.readyState;
+ W === "loading" || W === "interactive" && ae && ae.defer ? document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", re) : window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame(re) : window.setTimeout(re, 16);
return p;
- s.exports && (s.exports = a), typeof Nn < "u" && (Nn.Prism = a), a.languages.markup = {
+ s.exports && (s.exports = a), typeof Rn < "u" && (Rn.Prism = a), a.languages.markup = {
comment: {
pattern: //,
greedy: !0
@@ -14705,8 +14705,8 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
if (typeof a > "u" || typeof document > "u")
Element.prototype.matches || (Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector);
- var i = "Loading…", o = function(ne, re) {
- return "✖ Error " + ne + " while fetching file: " + re;
+ var i = "Loading…", o = function(ae, re) {
+ return "✖ Error " + ae + " while fetching file: " + re;
}, u = "✖ Error: File does not exist or is empty", g = {
js: "javascript",
py: "python",
@@ -14718,51 +14718,51 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
h: "c",
tex: "latex"
}, p = "data-src-status", v = "loading", w = "loaded", S = "failed", L = "pre[data-src]:not([" + p + '="' + w + '"]):not([' + p + '="' + v + '"])';
- function O(ne, re, V) {
+ function P(ae, re, W) {
var F = new XMLHttpRequest();
- F.open("GET", ne, !0), F.onreadystatechange = function() {
- F.readyState == 4 && (F.status < 400 && F.responseText ? re(F.responseText) : F.status >= 400 ? V(o(F.status, F.statusText)) : V(u));
+ F.open("GET", ae, !0), F.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ F.readyState == 4 && (F.status < 400 && F.responseText ? re(F.responseText) : F.status >= 400 ? W(o(F.status, F.statusText)) : W(u));
}, F.send(null);
- function X(ne) {
- var re = /^\s*(\d+)\s*(?:(,)\s*(?:(\d+)\s*)?)?$/.exec(ne || "");
+ function X(ae) {
+ var re = /^\s*(\d+)\s*(?:(,)\s*(?:(\d+)\s*)?)?$/.exec(ae || "");
if (re) {
- var V = Number(re[1]), F = re[2], M = re[3];
- return F ? M ? [V, Number(M)] : [V, void 0] : [V, V];
+ var W = Number(re[1]), F = re[2], M = re[3];
+ return F ? M ? [W, Number(M)] : [W, void 0] : [W, W];
- a.hooks.add("before-highlightall", function(ne) {
- ne.selector += ", " + L;
- }), a.hooks.add("before-sanity-check", function(ne) {
+ a.hooks.add("before-highlightall", function(ae) {
+ ae.selector += ", " + L;
+ }), a.hooks.add("before-sanity-check", function(ae) {
var re = (
/** @type {HTMLPreElement} */
- ne.element
+ ae.element
if (re.matches(L)) {
- ne.code = "", re.setAttribute(p, v);
- var V = re.appendChild(document.createElement("CODE"));
- V.textContent = i;
- var F = re.getAttribute("data-src"), M = ne.language;
+ ae.code = "", re.setAttribute(p, v);
+ var W = re.appendChild(document.createElement("CODE"));
+ W.textContent = i;
+ var F = re.getAttribute("data-src"), M = ae.language;
if (M === "none") {
var R = (/\.(\w+)$/.exec(F) || [, "none"])[1];
M = g[R] || R;
- a.util.setLanguage(V, M), a.util.setLanguage(re, M);
+ a.util.setLanguage(W, M), a.util.setLanguage(re, M);
var B = a.plugins.autoloader;
- B && B.loadLanguages(M), O(
+ B && B.loadLanguages(M), P(
function(H) {
re.setAttribute(p, w);
- var W = X(re.getAttribute("data-range"));
- if (W) {
- var Z = H.split(/\r\n?|\n/g), G = W[0], ce = W[1] == null ? Z.length : W[1];
- G < 0 && (G += Z.length), G = Math.max(0, Math.min(G - 1, Z.length)), ce < 0 && (ce += Z.length), ce = Math.max(0, Math.min(ce, Z.length)), H = Z.slice(G, ce).join(`
-`), re.hasAttribute("data-start") || re.setAttribute("data-start", String(G + 1));
+ var G = X(re.getAttribute("data-range"));
+ if (G) {
+ var Z = H.split(/\r\n?|\n/g), V = G[0], ce = G[1] == null ? Z.length : G[1];
+ V < 0 && (V += Z.length), V = Math.max(0, Math.min(V - 1, Z.length)), ce < 0 && (ce += Z.length), ce = Math.max(0, Math.min(ce, Z.length)), H = Z.slice(V, ce).join(`
+`), re.hasAttribute("data-start") || re.setAttribute("data-start", String(V + 1));
- V.textContent = H, a.highlightElement(V);
+ W.textContent = H, a.highlightElement(W);
function(H) {
- re.setAttribute(p, S), V.textContent = H;
+ re.setAttribute(p, S), W.textContent = H;
@@ -14775,7 +14775,7 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
* @param {ParentNode} [container=document]
highlight: function(re) {
- for (var V = (re || document).querySelectorAll(L), F = 0, M; M = V[F++]; )
+ for (var W = (re || document).querySelectorAll(L), F = 0, M; M = W[F++]; )
@@ -14784,9 +14784,9 @@ var Co = { exports: {} };
I || (console.warn("Prism.fileHighlight is deprecated. Use `Prism.plugins.fileHighlight.highlight` instead."), I = !0), a.plugins.fileHighlight.highlight.apply(this, arguments);
-var ih = Co.exports;
-const ja = /* @__PURE__ */ wo(ih);
+var uh = Bo.exports;
+const ja = /* @__PURE__ */ ko(uh);
Prism.languages.python = {
comment: {
pattern: /(^|[^\\])#.*/,
@@ -14912,7 +14912,7 @@ Prism.languages.py = Prism.languages.python;
function ls(s, r) {
return s ?? r();
-function lh(s) {
+function ch(s) {
let r, a = s[0], i = 1;
for (; i < s.length; ) {
const o = s[i], u = s[i + 1];
@@ -14922,7 +14922,7 @@ function lh(s) {
return a;
-const sh = ``, oh = ``, fh = ``, ss = ``, Eo = /[&<>"']/, uh = new RegExp(Eo.source, "g"), Bo = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, ch = new RegExp(Bo.source, "g"), hh = {
+`, Do = /[&<>"']/, mh = new RegExp(Do.source, "g"), No = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/, dh = new RegExp(No.source, "g"), ph = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'"
-}, os = (s) => hh[s] || "";
-function Wa(s, r) {
+}, os = (s) => ph[s] || "";
+function Ya(s, r) {
if (r) {
- if (Eo.test(s))
- return s.replace(uh, os);
- } else if (Bo.test(s))
- return s.replace(ch, os);
+ if (Do.test(s))
+ return s.replace(mh, os);
+ } else if (No.test(s))
+ return s.replace(dh, os);
return s;
-const fh = {
+const gh = {
code(s, r, a) {
- const i = ls(lh([ls(r, () => ""), "access", (o) => o.match, "call", (o) => o(/\S*/), "optionalAccess", (o) => o[0]]), () => "");
+ const i = ls(ch([ls(r, () => ""), "access", (o) => o.match, "call", (o) => o(/\S*/), "optionalAccess", (o) => o[0]]), () => "");
if (this.options.highlight) {
const o = this.options.highlight(s, i);
o != null && o !== s && (a = !0, s = o);
return s = s.replace(/\n$/, "") + `
-`, i ? '' + ss + '
' + (a ? s : Wa(s, !0)) + `
-` : '' + ss + "
" + (a ? s : Wa(s, !0)) + `
+`, i ? '' + ss + '
' + (a ? s : Ya(s, !0)) + `
+` : '' + ss + "
" + (a ? s : Ya(s, !0)) + `
@@ -14977,32 +14977,32 @@ De.use(
headerIds: !1,
mangle: !1
- eh({
+ ah({
highlight: (s, r) => ja.languages[r] ? ja.highlight(s, ja.languages[r], r) : s
- { renderer: fh }
+ { renderer: gh }
const {
- HtmlTag: mh,
- SvelteComponent: dh,
- attr: ph,
- binding_callbacks: gh,
+ HtmlTag: vh,
+ SvelteComponent: bh,
+ attr: yh,
+ binding_callbacks: wh,
detach: si,
- element: vh,
- empty: bh,
- init: yh,
+ element: _h,
+ empty: kh,
+ init: xh,
insert: oi,
noop: us,
- safe_not_equal: wh,
- set_data: kh,
- text: _h,
+ safe_not_equal: Sh,
+ set_data: Ah,
+ text: Th,
toggle_class: cs
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { afterUpdate: xh, createEventDispatcher: Em } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Sh(s) {
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { afterUpdate: Mh, createEventDispatcher: Dm } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+function zh(s) {
let r;
return {
c() {
- r = _h(
+ r = Th(
@@ -15012,7 +15012,7 @@ function Sh(s) {
p(a, i) {
i & /*html*/
- 8 && kh(
+ 8 && Ah(
@@ -15023,11 +15023,11 @@ function Sh(s) {
-function Ah(s) {
+function Ch(s) {
let r, a;
return {
c() {
- r = new mh(!1), a = bh(), r.a = a;
+ r = new vh(!1), a = kh(), r.a = a;
m(i, o) {
@@ -15049,18 +15049,18 @@ function Ah(s) {
-function Th(s) {
+function Eh(s) {
let r;
function a(u, g) {
return (
- u[1] ? Ah : Sh
+ u[1] ? Ch : zh
let i = a(s), o = i(s);
return {
c() {
- r = vh("span"), o.c(), ph(r, "class", "md svelte-hba3gc"), cs(
+ r = _h("span"), o.c(), yh(r, "class", "md svelte-hba3gc"), cs(
@@ -15086,7 +15086,7 @@ function Th(s) {
-function Mh(s, r, a) {
+function Bh(s, r, a) {
let { chatbot: i = !0 } = r, { message: o } = r, { sanitize_html: u = !0 } = r, { latex_delimiters: g = [] } = r, { render_markdown: p = !0 } = r, { line_breaks: v = !0 } = r, w, S;
De.use({ breaks: v }), Kl.addHook("afterSanitizeAttributes", function(I) {
"target" in I && (I.setAttribute("target", "_blank"), I.setAttribute("rel", "noopener noreferrer"));
@@ -15094,15 +15094,15 @@ function Mh(s, r, a) {
function L(I) {
return p && (I = De.parse(I)), u && (I = Kl.sanitize(I)), I;
- async function O(I) {
- g.length > 0 && I && I4(w, {
+ async function P(I) {
+ g.length > 0 && I && H4(w, {
delimiters: g,
throwOnError: !1
- xh(() => O(o));
+ Mh(() => P(o));
function X(I) {
- gh[I ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ wh[I ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
w = I, a(2, w);
@@ -15123,9 +15123,9 @@ function Mh(s, r, a) {
-class zh extends dh {
+class Dh extends bh {
constructor(r) {
- super(), yh(this, r, Mh, Th, wh, {
+ super(), xh(this, r, Bh, Eh, Sh, {
chatbot: 0,
message: 4,
sanitize_html: 5,
@@ -15142,22 +15142,22 @@ function gr(s) {
let i = r[a];
return (Number.isInteger(s) ? s : s.toFixed(1)) + i;
-function Dn() {
+function Nn() {
-function Ch(s, r) {
+function Nh(s, r) {
return s != s ? r == r : s !== r || s && typeof s == "object" || typeof s == "function";
-const Do = typeof window < "u";
-let hs = Do ? () => window.performance.now() : () => Date.now(), No = Do ? (s) => requestAnimationFrame(s) : Dn;
+const Ro = typeof window < "u";
+let hs = Ro ? () => window.performance.now() : () => Date.now(), Fo = Ro ? (s) => requestAnimationFrame(s) : Nn;
const br = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
-function Ro(s) {
+function Lo(s) {
br.forEach((r) => {
r.c(s) || (br.delete(r), r.f());
- }), br.size !== 0 && No(Ro);
+ }), br.size !== 0 && Fo(Lo);
-function Eh(s) {
+function Rh(s) {
let r;
- return br.size === 0 && No(Ro), {
+ return br.size === 0 && Fo(Lo), {
promise: new Promise((a) => {
br.add(r = { c: s, f: a });
@@ -15167,11 +15167,11 @@ function Eh(s) {
const pr = [];
-function Bh(s, r = Dn) {
+function Fh(s, r = Nn) {
let a;
const i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function o(p) {
- if (Ch(s, p) && (s = p, a)) {
+ if (Nh(s, p) && (s = p, a)) {
const v = !pr.length;
for (const w of i)
w[1](), pr.push(w, s);
@@ -15185,9 +15185,9 @@ function Bh(s, r = Dn) {
function u(p) {
- function g(p, v = Dn) {
+ function g(p, v = Nn) {
const w = [p, v];
- return i.add(w), i.size === 1 && (a = r(o, u) || Dn), p(s), () => {
+ return i.add(w), i.size === 1 && (a = r(o, u) || Nn), p(s), () => {
i.delete(w), i.size === 0 && a && (a(), a = null);
@@ -15196,40 +15196,40 @@ function Bh(s, r = Dn) {
function fs(s) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(s) === "[object Date]";
-function ti(s, r, a, i) {
+function ri(s, r, a, i) {
if (typeof a == "number" || fs(a)) {
const o = i - a, u = (a - r) / (s.dt || 1 / 60), g = s.opts.stiffness * o, p = s.opts.damping * u, v = (g - p) * s.inv_mass, w = (u + v) * s.dt;
return Math.abs(w) < s.opts.precision && Math.abs(o) < s.opts.precision ? i : (s.settled = !1, fs(a) ? new Date(a.getTime() + w) : a + w);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(a))
return a.map(
- (o, u) => ti(s, r[u], a[u], i[u])
+ (o, u) => ri(s, r[u], a[u], i[u])
if (typeof a == "object") {
const o = {};
for (const u in a)
- o[u] = ti(s, r[u], a[u], i[u]);
+ o[u] = ri(s, r[u], a[u], i[u]);
return o;
} else
throw new Error(`Cannot spring ${typeof a} values`);
function ms(s, r = {}) {
- const a = Bh(s), { stiffness: i = 0.15, damping: o = 0.8, precision: u = 0.01 } = r;
- let g, p, v, w = s, S = s, L = 1, O = 0, X = !1;
- function I(re, V = {}) {
+ const a = Fh(s), { stiffness: i = 0.15, damping: o = 0.8, precision: u = 0.01 } = r;
+ let g, p, v, w = s, S = s, L = 1, P = 0, X = !1;
+ function I(re, W = {}) {
S = re;
const F = v = {};
- return s == null || V.hard || ne.stiffness >= 1 && ne.damping >= 1 ? (X = !0, g = hs(), w = re, a.set(s = S), Promise.resolve()) : (V.soft && (O = 1 / ((V.soft === !0 ? 0.5 : +V.soft) * 60), L = 0), p || (g = hs(), X = !1, p = Eh((M) => {
+ return s == null || W.hard || ae.stiffness >= 1 && ae.damping >= 1 ? (X = !0, g = hs(), w = re, a.set(s = S), Promise.resolve()) : (W.soft && (P = 1 / ((W.soft === !0 ? 0.5 : +W.soft) * 60), L = 0), p || (g = hs(), X = !1, p = Rh((M) => {
if (X)
return X = !1, p = null, !1;
- L = Math.min(L + O, 1);
+ L = Math.min(L + P, 1);
const R = {
inv_mass: L,
- opts: ne,
+ opts: ae,
settled: !0,
dt: (M - g) * 60 / 1e3
- }, B = ti(R, w, s, S);
+ }, B = ri(R, w, s, S);
return g = M, w = s, a.set(s = B), R.settled && (p = null), !R.settled;
})), new Promise((M) => {
p.promise.then(() => {
@@ -15237,40 +15237,40 @@ function ms(s, r = {}) {
- const ne = {
+ const ae = {
set: I,
- update: (re, V) => I(re(S, s), V),
+ update: (re, W) => I(re(S, s), W),
subscribe: a.subscribe,
stiffness: i,
damping: o,
precision: u
- return ne;
+ return ae;
const {
- SvelteComponent: Dh,
+ SvelteComponent: Lh,
append: jt,
- attr: Ce,
+ attr: Ee,
component_subscribe: ds,
- detach: Nh,
- element: Rh,
- init: Fh,
- insert: Lh,
+ detach: Ih,
+ element: Oh,
+ init: qh,
+ insert: Ph,
noop: ps,
- safe_not_equal: Ih,
- set_style: An,
- svg_element: Wt,
+ safe_not_equal: Hh,
+ set_style: Tn,
+ svg_element: Yt,
toggle_class: gs
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Oh } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function qh(s) {
- let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S, L, O;
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Uh } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+function Gh(s) {
+ let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S, L, P;
return {
c() {
- r = Rh("div"), a = Wt("svg"), i = Wt("g"), o = Wt("path"), u = Wt("path"), g = Wt("path"), p = Wt("path"), v = Wt("g"), w = Wt("path"), S = Wt("path"), L = Wt("path"), O = Wt("path"), Ce(o, "d", "M255.926 0.754768L509.702 139.936V221.027L255.926 81.8465V0.754768Z"), Ce(o, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(o, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ce(o, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(u, "d", "M509.69 139.936L254.981 279.641V361.255L509.69 221.55V139.936Z"), Ce(u, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(u, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(g, "d", "M0.250138 139.937L254.981 279.641V361.255L0.250138 221.55V139.937Z"), Ce(g, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(g, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ce(g, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(p, "d", "M255.923 0.232622L0.236328 139.936V221.55L255.923 81.8469V0.232622Z"), Ce(p, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(p, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), An(i, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
+ r = Oh("div"), a = Yt("svg"), i = Yt("g"), o = Yt("path"), u = Yt("path"), g = Yt("path"), p = Yt("path"), v = Yt("g"), w = Yt("path"), S = Yt("path"), L = Yt("path"), P = Yt("path"), Ee(o, "d", "M255.926 0.754768L509.702 139.936V221.027L255.926 81.8465V0.754768Z"), Ee(o, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(o, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ee(o, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(u, "d", "M509.69 139.936L254.981 279.641V361.255L509.69 221.55V139.936Z"), Ee(u, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(u, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(g, "d", "M0.250138 139.937L254.981 279.641V361.255L0.250138 221.55V139.937Z"), Ee(g, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(g, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ee(g, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(p, "d", "M255.923 0.232622L0.236328 139.936V221.55L255.923 81.8469V0.232622Z"), Ee(p, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(p, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Tn(i, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
s[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/
- s[1][1] + "px)"), Ce(w, "d", "M255.926 141.5L509.702 280.681V361.773L255.926 222.592V141.5Z"), Ce(w, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(w, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ce(w, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(S, "d", "M509.69 280.679L254.981 420.384V501.998L509.69 362.293V280.679Z"), Ce(S, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(S, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(L, "d", "M0.250138 280.681L254.981 420.386V502L0.250138 362.295V280.681Z"), Ce(L, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(L, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ce(L, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(O, "d", "M255.923 140.977L0.236328 280.68V362.294L255.923 222.591V140.977Z"), Ce(O, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ce(O, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), An(v, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
+ s[1][1] + "px)"), Ee(w, "d", "M255.926 141.5L509.702 280.681V361.773L255.926 222.592V141.5Z"), Ee(w, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(w, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ee(w, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(S, "d", "M509.69 280.679L254.981 420.384V501.998L509.69 362.293V280.679Z"), Ee(S, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(S, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(L, "d", "M0.250138 280.681L254.981 420.386V502L0.250138 362.295V280.681Z"), Ee(L, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(L, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), Ee(L, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(P, "d", "M255.923 140.977L0.236328 280.68V362.294L255.923 222.591V140.977Z"), Ee(P, "fill", "#FF7C00"), Ee(P, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Tn(v, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
s[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/
- s[2][1] + "px)"), Ce(a, "viewBox", "-1200 -1200 3000 3000"), Ce(a, "fill", "none"), Ce(a, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ce(a, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ce(r, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), gs(
+ s[2][1] + "px)"), Ee(a, "viewBox", "-1200 -1200 3000 3000"), Ee(a, "fill", "none"), Ee(a, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ee(a, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Ee(r, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), gs(
@@ -15278,14 +15278,14 @@ function qh(s) {
m(X, I) {
- Lh(X, r, I), jt(r, a), jt(a, i), jt(i, o), jt(i, u), jt(i, g), jt(i, p), jt(a, v), jt(v, w), jt(v, S), jt(v, L), jt(v, O);
+ Ph(X, r, I), jt(r, a), jt(a, i), jt(i, o), jt(i, u), jt(i, g), jt(i, p), jt(a, v), jt(v, w), jt(v, S), jt(v, L), jt(v, P);
p(X, [I]) {
I & /*$top*/
- 2 && An(i, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
+ 2 && Tn(i, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
X[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/
X[1][1] + "px)"), I & /*$bottom*/
- 4 && An(v, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
+ 4 && Tn(v, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
X[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/
X[2][1] + "px)"), I & /*margin*/
1 && gs(
@@ -15298,16 +15298,16 @@ function qh(s) {
i: ps,
o: ps,
d(X) {
- X && Nh(r);
+ X && Ih(r);
-function Ph(s, r, a) {
+function Vh(s, r, a) {
let i, o, { margin: u = !0 } = r;
const g = ms([0, 0]);
- ds(s, g, (O) => a(1, i = O));
+ ds(s, g, (P) => a(1, i = P));
const p = ms([0, 0]);
- ds(s, p, (O) => a(2, o = O));
+ ds(s, p, (P) => a(2, o = P));
let v;
async function w() {
await Promise.all([g.set([125, 140]), p.set([-125, -140])]), await Promise.all([g.set([-125, 140]), p.set([125, -140])]), await Promise.all([g.set([-125, 0]), p.set([125, -0])]), await Promise.all([g.set([125, 0]), p.set([-125, 0])]);
@@ -15318,46 +15318,46 @@ function Ph(s, r, a) {
async function L() {
await Promise.all([g.set([125, 0]), p.set([-125, 0])]), S();
- return Oh(() => (L(), () => v = !0)), s.$$set = (O) => {
- "margin" in O && a(0, u = O.margin);
+ return Uh(() => (L(), () => v = !0)), s.$$set = (P) => {
+ "margin" in P && a(0, u = P.margin);
}, [u, i, o, g, p];
-class Hh extends Dh {
+class Wh extends Lh {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Fh(this, r, Ph, qh, Ih, { margin: 0 });
+ super(), qh(this, r, Vh, Gh, Hh, { margin: 0 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: Uh,
+ SvelteComponent: jh,
append: $0,
- attr: a0,
+ attr: i0,
binding_callbacks: vs,
- check_outros: Fo,
- create_component: Gh,
- create_slot: Vh,
- destroy_component: jh,
- destroy_each: Lo,
- detach: ke,
- element: g0,
+ check_outros: Io,
+ create_component: Yh,
+ create_slot: Xh,
+ destroy_component: Zh,
+ destroy_each: Oo,
+ detach: _e,
+ element: b0,
empty: Sr,
- ensure_array_like: In,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: Wh,
- get_slot_changes: Yh,
- group_outros: Io,
- init: Xh,
- insert: _e,
- mount_component: Zh,
- noop: ri,
- safe_not_equal: Kh,
- set_data: Ut,
- set_style: P0,
- space: i0,
- text: Ke,
- toggle_class: Pt,
+ ensure_array_like: On,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: Kh,
+ get_slot_changes: Qh,
+ group_outros: qo,
+ init: Jh,
+ insert: ke,
+ mount_component: $h,
+ noop: ni,
+ safe_not_equal: ef,
+ set_data: Gt,
+ set_style: H0,
+ space: l0,
+ text: Ze,
+ toggle_class: Ht,
transition_in: yr,
transition_out: wr,
- update_slot_base: Qh
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick: Jh } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: $h } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, ef = (s) => ({}), bs = (s) => ({});
+ update_slot_base: tf
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick: rf } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: nf } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, af = (s) => ({}), bs = (s) => ({});
function ys(s, r, a) {
const i = s.slice();
return i[38] = r[a], i[40] = a, i;
@@ -15366,7 +15366,7 @@ function ws(s, r, a) {
const i = s.slice();
return i[38] = r[a], i;
-function tf(s) {
+function lf(s) {
let r, a = (
s[1]("common.error") + ""
@@ -15374,7 +15374,7 @@ function tf(s) {
const g = (
- ), p = Vh(
+ ), p = Xh(
@@ -15383,28 +15383,28 @@ function tf(s) {
return {
c() {
- r = g0("span"), i = Ke(a), o = i0(), p && p.c(), a0(r, "class", "error svelte-14miwb5");
+ r = b0("span"), i = Ze(a), o = l0(), p && p.c(), i0(r, "class", "error svelte-14miwb5");
m(v, w) {
- _e(v, r, w), $0(r, i), _e(v, o, w), p && p.m(v, w), u = !0;
+ ke(v, r, w), $0(r, i), ke(v, o, w), p && p.m(v, w), u = !0;
p(v, w) {
(!u || w[0] & /*i18n*/
2) && a !== (a = /*i18n*/
- v[1]("common.error") + "") && Ut(i, a), p && p.p && (!u || w[0] & /*$$scope*/
- 268435456) && Qh(
+ v[1]("common.error") + "") && Gt(i, a), p && p.p && (!u || w[0] & /*$$scope*/
+ 268435456) && tf(
- u ? Yh(
+ u ? Qh(
- ef
- ) : Wh(
+ af
+ ) : Kh(
@@ -15418,42 +15418,42 @@ function tf(s) {
wr(p, v), u = !1;
d(v) {
- v && (ke(r), ke(o)), p && p.d(v);
+ v && (_e(r), _e(o)), p && p.d(v);
-function rf(s) {
+function sf(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S = (
s[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/
s[18] && /*show_progress*/
- s[6] === "full" && ks(s)
+ s[6] === "full" && _s(s)
function L(M, R) {
if (
- return lf;
+ return cf;
if (
M[2] !== null && /*queue_size*/
M[3] !== void 0 && /*queue_position*/
M[2] >= 0
- return af;
+ return uf;
if (
M[2] === 0
- return nf;
+ return of;
- let O = L(s), X = O && O(s), I = (
+ let P = L(s), X = P && P(s), I = (
s[5] && Ss(s)
- const ne = [cf, uf], re = [];
- function V(M, R) {
+ const ae = [df, mf], re = [];
+ function W(M, R) {
return (
M[15] != null ? 0 : (
@@ -15462,17 +15462,17 @@ function rf(s) {
- ~(u = V(s)) && (g = re[u] = ne[u](s));
+ ~(u = W(s)) && (g = re[u] = ae[u](s));
let F = !/*timer*/
s[5] && Bs(s);
return {
c() {
- S && S.c(), r = i0(), a = g0("div"), X && X.c(), i = i0(), I && I.c(), o = i0(), g && g.c(), p = i0(), F && F.c(), v = Sr(), a0(a, "class", "progress-text svelte-14miwb5"), Pt(
+ S && S.c(), r = l0(), a = b0("div"), X && X.c(), i = l0(), I && I.c(), o = l0(), g && g.c(), p = l0(), F && F.c(), v = Sr(), i0(a, "class", "progress-text svelte-14miwb5"), Ht(
s[8] === "center"
- ), Pt(
+ ), Ht(
@@ -15480,30 +15480,30 @@ function rf(s) {
m(M, R) {
- S && S.m(M, R), _e(M, r, R), _e(M, a, R), X && X.m(a, null), $0(a, i), I && I.m(a, null), _e(M, o, R), ~u && re[u].m(M, R), _e(M, p, R), F && F.m(M, R), _e(M, v, R), w = !0;
+ S && S.m(M, R), ke(M, r, R), ke(M, a, R), X && X.m(a, null), $0(a, i), I && I.m(a, null), ke(M, o, R), ~u && re[u].m(M, R), ke(M, p, R), F && F.m(M, R), ke(M, v, R), w = !0;
p(M, R) {
M[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/
M[18] && /*show_progress*/
- M[6] === "full" ? S ? S.p(M, R) : (S = ks(M), S.c(), S.m(r.parentNode, r)) : S && (S.d(1), S = null), O === (O = L(M)) && X ? X.p(M, R) : (X && X.d(1), X = O && O(M), X && (X.c(), X.m(a, i))), /*timer*/
+ M[6] === "full" ? S ? S.p(M, R) : (S = _s(M), S.c(), S.m(r.parentNode, r)) : S && (S.d(1), S = null), P === (P = L(M)) && X ? X.p(M, R) : (X && X.d(1), X = P && P(M), X && (X.c(), X.m(a, i))), /*timer*/
M[5] ? I ? I.p(M, R) : (I = Ss(M), I.c(), I.m(a, null)) : I && (I.d(1), I = null), (!w || R[0] & /*variant*/
- 256) && Pt(
+ 256) && Ht(
M[8] === "center"
), (!w || R[0] & /*variant*/
- 256) && Pt(
+ 256) && Ht(
M[8] === "default"
let B = u;
- u = V(M), u === B ? ~u && re[u].p(M, R) : (g && (Io(), wr(re[B], 1, 1, () => {
+ u = W(M), u === B ? ~u && re[u].p(M, R) : (g && (qo(), wr(re[B], 1, 1, () => {
re[B] = null;
- }), Fo()), ~u ? (g = re[u], g ? g.p(M, R) : (g = re[u] = ne[u](M), g.c()), yr(g, 1), g.m(p.parentNode, p)) : g = null), /*timer*/
+ }), Io()), ~u ? (g = re[u], g ? g.p(M, R) : (g = re[u] = ae[u](M), g.c()), yr(g, 1), g.m(p.parentNode, p)) : g = null), /*timer*/
M[5] ? F && (F.d(1), F = null) : F ? F.p(M, R) : (F = Bs(M), F.c(), F.m(v.parentNode, v));
i(M) {
@@ -15513,77 +15513,77 @@ function rf(s) {
wr(g), w = !1;
d(M) {
- M && (ke(r), ke(a), ke(o), ke(p), ke(v)), S && S.d(M), X && X.d(), I && I.d(), ~u && re[u].d(M), F && F.d(M);
+ M && (_e(r), _e(a), _e(o), _e(p), _e(v)), S && S.d(M), X && X.d(), I && I.d(), ~u && re[u].d(M), F && F.d(M);
-function ks(s) {
+function _s(s) {
let r, a = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/
(s[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`;
return {
c() {
- r = g0("div"), a0(r, "class", "eta-bar svelte-14miwb5"), P0(r, "transform", a);
+ r = b0("div"), i0(r, "class", "eta-bar svelte-14miwb5"), H0(r, "transform", a);
m(i, o) {
- _e(i, r, o);
+ ke(i, r, o);
p(i, o) {
o[0] & /*eta_level*/
131072 && a !== (a = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/
- (i[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`) && P0(r, "transform", a);
+ (i[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`) && H0(r, "transform", a);
d(i) {
- i && ke(r);
+ i && _e(r);
-function nf(s) {
+function of(s) {
let r;
return {
c() {
- r = Ke("processing |");
+ r = Ze("processing |");
m(a, i) {
- _e(a, r, i);
+ ke(a, r, i);
- p: ri,
+ p: ni,
d(a) {
- a && ke(r);
+ a && _e(r);
-function af(s) {
+function uf(s) {
let r, a = (
s[2] + 1 + ""
), i, o, u, g;
return {
c() {
- r = Ke("queue: "), i = Ke(a), o = Ke("/"), u = Ke(
+ r = Ze("queue: "), i = Ze(a), o = Ze("/"), u = Ze(
- ), g = Ke(" |");
+ ), g = Ze(" |");
m(p, v) {
- _e(p, r, v), _e(p, i, v), _e(p, o, v), _e(p, u, v), _e(p, g, v);
+ ke(p, r, v), ke(p, i, v), ke(p, o, v), ke(p, u, v), ke(p, g, v);
p(p, v) {
v[0] & /*queue_position*/
4 && a !== (a = /*queue_position*/
- p[2] + 1 + "") && Ut(i, a), v[0] & /*queue_size*/
- 8 && Ut(
+ p[2] + 1 + "") && Gt(i, a), v[0] & /*queue_size*/
+ 8 && Gt(
d(p) {
- p && (ke(r), ke(i), ke(o), ke(u), ke(g));
+ p && (_e(r), _e(i), _e(o), _e(u), _e(g));
-function lf(s) {
- let r, a = In(
+function cf(s) {
+ let r, a = On(
), i = [];
@@ -15598,12 +15598,12 @@ function lf(s) {
m(o, u) {
for (let g = 0; g < i.length; g += 1)
i[g] && i[g].m(o, u);
- _e(o, r, u);
+ ke(o, r, u);
p(o, u) {
if (u[0] & /*progress*/
128) {
- a = In(
+ a = On(
@@ -15618,11 +15618,11 @@ function lf(s) {
d(o) {
- o && ke(r), Lo(i, o);
+ o && _e(r), Oo(i, o);
-function _s(s) {
+function ks(s) {
let r, a = (
s[38].unit + ""
@@ -15630,52 +15630,52 @@ function _s(s) {
function p(S, L) {
return (
- S[38].length != null ? of : sf
+ S[38].length != null ? ff : hf
let v = p(s), w = v(s);
return {
c() {
- w.c(), r = i0(), i = Ke(a), o = Ke(" | "), g = Ke(u);
+ w.c(), r = l0(), i = Ze(a), o = Ze(" | "), g = Ze(u);
m(S, L) {
- w.m(S, L), _e(S, r, L), _e(S, i, L), _e(S, o, L), _e(S, g, L);
+ w.m(S, L), ke(S, r, L), ke(S, i, L), ke(S, o, L), ke(S, g, L);
p(S, L) {
v === (v = p(S)) && w ? w.p(S, L) : (w.d(1), w = v(S), w && (w.c(), w.m(r.parentNode, r))), L[0] & /*progress*/
128 && a !== (a = /*p*/
- S[38].unit + "") && Ut(i, a);
+ S[38].unit + "") && Gt(i, a);
d(S) {
- S && (ke(r), ke(i), ke(o), ke(g)), w.d(S);
+ S && (_e(r), _e(i), _e(o), _e(g)), w.d(S);
-function sf(s) {
+function hf(s) {
let r = gr(
s[38].index || 0
) + "", a;
return {
c() {
- a = Ke(r);
+ a = Ze(r);
m(i, o) {
- _e(i, a, o);
+ ke(i, a, o);
p(i, o) {
o[0] & /*progress*/
128 && r !== (r = gr(
i[38].index || 0
- ) + "") && Ut(a, r);
+ ) + "") && Gt(a, r);
d(i) {
- i && ke(a);
+ i && _e(a);
-function of(s) {
+function ff(s) {
let r = gr(
s[38].index || 0
@@ -15685,45 +15685,45 @@ function of(s) {
) + "", u;
return {
c() {
- a = Ke(r), i = Ke("/"), u = Ke(o);
+ a = Ze(r), i = Ze("/"), u = Ze(o);
m(g, p) {
- _e(g, a, p), _e(g, i, p), _e(g, u, p);
+ ke(g, a, p), ke(g, i, p), ke(g, u, p);
p(g, p) {
p[0] & /*progress*/
128 && r !== (r = gr(
g[38].index || 0
- ) + "") && Ut(a, r), p[0] & /*progress*/
+ ) + "") && Gt(a, r), p[0] & /*progress*/
128 && o !== (o = gr(
- ) + "") && Ut(u, o);
+ ) + "") && Gt(u, o);
d(g) {
- g && (ke(a), ke(i), ke(u));
+ g && (_e(a), _e(i), _e(u));
function xs(s) {
let r, a = (
- s[38].index != null && _s(s)
+ s[38].index != null && ks(s)
return {
c() {
a && a.c(), r = Sr();
m(i, o) {
- a && a.m(i, o), _e(i, r, o);
+ a && a.m(i, o), ke(i, r, o);
p(i, o) {
- i[38].index != null ? a ? a.p(i, o) : (a = _s(i), a.c(), a.m(r.parentNode, r)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null);
+ i[38].index != null ? a ? a.p(i, o) : (a = ks(i), a.c(), a.m(r.parentNode, r)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null);
d(i) {
- i && ke(r), a && a.d(i);
+ i && _e(r), a && a.d(i);
@@ -15735,43 +15735,43 @@ function Ss(s) {
), i, o;
return {
c() {
- r = Ke(
+ r = Ze(
- ), i = Ke(a), o = Ke("s");
+ ), i = Ze(a), o = Ze("s");
m(u, g) {
- _e(u, r, g), _e(u, i, g), _e(u, o, g);
+ ke(u, r, g), ke(u, i, g), ke(u, o, g);
p(u, g) {
g[0] & /*formatted_timer*/
- 1048576 && Ut(
+ 1048576 && Gt(
), g[0] & /*eta, formatted_eta*/
524289 && a !== (a = /*eta*/
u[0] ? `/${/*formatted_eta*/
- u[19]}` : "") && Ut(i, a);
+ u[19]}` : "") && Gt(i, a);
d(u) {
- u && (ke(r), ke(i), ke(o));
+ u && (_e(r), _e(i), _e(o));
-function uf(s) {
+function mf(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Hh({
+ return r = new Wh({
props: { margin: (
s[8] === "default"
) }
}), {
c() {
- Gh(r.$$.fragment);
+ Yh(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- Zh(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ $h(r, i, o), a = !0;
p(i, o) {
const u = {};
@@ -15786,11 +15786,11 @@ function uf(s) {
wr(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- jh(r, i);
+ Zh(r, i);
-function cf(s) {
+function df(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g = `${/*last_progress_level*/
s[15] * 100}%`, p = (
@@ -15798,26 +15798,26 @@ function cf(s) {
return {
c() {
- r = g0("div"), a = g0("div"), p && p.c(), i = i0(), o = g0("div"), u = g0("div"), a0(a, "class", "progress-level-inner svelte-14miwb5"), a0(u, "class", "progress-bar svelte-14miwb5"), P0(u, "width", g), a0(o, "class", "progress-bar-wrap svelte-14miwb5"), a0(r, "class", "progress-level svelte-14miwb5");
+ r = b0("div"), a = b0("div"), p && p.c(), i = l0(), o = b0("div"), u = b0("div"), i0(a, "class", "progress-level-inner svelte-14miwb5"), i0(u, "class", "progress-bar svelte-14miwb5"), H0(u, "width", g), i0(o, "class", "progress-bar-wrap svelte-14miwb5"), i0(r, "class", "progress-level svelte-14miwb5");
m(v, w) {
- _e(v, r, w), $0(r, a), p && p.m(a, null), $0(r, i), $0(r, o), $0(o, u), s[30](u);
+ ke(v, r, w), $0(r, a), p && p.m(a, null), $0(r, i), $0(r, o), $0(o, u), s[30](u);
p(v, w) {
v[7] != null ? p ? p.p(v, w) : (p = As(v), p.c(), p.m(a, null)) : p && (p.d(1), p = null), w[0] & /*last_progress_level*/
32768 && g !== (g = `${/*last_progress_level*/
- v[15] * 100}%`) && P0(u, "width", g);
+ v[15] * 100}%`) && H0(u, "width", g);
- i: ri,
- o: ri,
+ i: ni,
+ o: ni,
d(v) {
- v && ke(r), p && p.d(), s[30](null);
+ v && _e(r), p && p.d(), s[30](null);
function As(s) {
- let r, a = In(
+ let r, a = On(
), i = [];
@@ -15832,12 +15832,12 @@ function As(s) {
m(o, u) {
for (let g = 0; g < i.length; g += 1)
i[g] && i[g].m(o, u);
- _e(o, r, u);
+ ke(o, r, u);
p(o, u) {
if (u[0] & /*progress_level, progress*/
16512) {
- a = In(
+ a = On(
@@ -15852,14 +15852,14 @@ function As(s) {
d(o) {
- o && ke(r), Lo(i, o);
+ o && _e(r), Oo(i, o);
function Ts(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u = (
- s[40] !== 0 && hf()
+ s[40] !== 0 && pf()
), g = (
s[38].desc != null && Ms(s)
@@ -15877,10 +15877,10 @@ function Ts(s) {
return {
c() {
- u && u.c(), r = i0(), g && g.c(), a = i0(), p && p.c(), i = i0(), v && v.c(), o = Sr();
+ u && u.c(), r = l0(), g && g.c(), a = l0(), p && p.c(), i = l0(), v && v.c(), o = Sr();
m(w, S) {
- u && u.m(w, S), _e(w, r, S), g && g.m(w, S), _e(w, a, S), p && p.m(w, S), _e(w, i, S), v && v.m(w, S), _e(w, o, S);
+ u && u.m(w, S), ke(w, r, S), g && g.m(w, S), ke(w, a, S), p && p.m(w, S), ke(w, i, S), v && v.m(w, S), ke(w, o, S);
p(w, S) {
@@ -15894,21 +15894,21 @@ function Ts(s) {
w[14] != null ? v ? v.p(w, S) : (v = Cs(w), v.c(), v.m(o.parentNode, o)) : v && (v.d(1), v = null);
d(w) {
- w && (ke(r), ke(a), ke(i), ke(o)), u && u.d(w), g && g.d(w), p && p.d(w), v && v.d(w);
+ w && (_e(r), _e(a), _e(i), _e(o)), u && u.d(w), g && g.d(w), p && p.d(w), v && v.d(w);
-function hf(s) {
+function pf(s) {
let r;
return {
c() {
- r = Ke(" /");
+ r = Ze(" /");
m(a, i) {
- _e(a, r, i);
+ ke(a, r, i);
d(a) {
- a && ke(r);
+ a && _e(r);
@@ -15919,18 +15919,18 @@ function Ms(s) {
), a;
return {
c() {
- a = Ke(r);
+ a = Ze(r);
m(i, o) {
- _e(i, a, o);
+ ke(i, a, o);
p(i, o) {
o[0] & /*progress*/
128 && r !== (r = /*p*/
- i[38].desc + "") && Ut(a, r);
+ i[38].desc + "") && Gt(a, r);
d(i) {
- i && ke(a);
+ i && _e(a);
@@ -15938,13 +15938,13 @@ function zs(s) {
let r;
return {
c() {
- r = Ke("-");
+ r = Ze("-");
m(a, i) {
- _e(a, r, i);
+ ke(a, r, i);
d(a) {
- a && ke(r);
+ a && _e(r);
@@ -15956,10 +15956,10 @@ function Cs(s) {
] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "", a, i;
return {
c() {
- a = Ke(r), i = Ke("%");
+ a = Ze(r), i = Ze("%");
m(o, u) {
- _e(o, a, u), _e(o, i, u);
+ ke(o, a, u), ke(o, i, u);
p(o, u) {
u[0] & /*progress_level*/
@@ -15967,10 +15967,10 @@ function Cs(s) {
- ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "") && Ut(a, r);
+ ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "") && Gt(a, r);
d(o) {
- o && (ke(a), ke(i));
+ o && (_e(a), _e(i));
@@ -15989,7 +15989,7 @@ function Es(s) {
a && a.c(), r = Sr();
m(i, o) {
- a && a.m(i, o), _e(i, r, o);
+ a && a.m(i, o), ke(i, r, o);
p(i, o) {
@@ -16001,7 +16001,7 @@ function Es(s) {
] != null ? a ? a.p(i, o) : (a = Ts(i), a.c(), a.m(r.parentNode, r)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null);
d(i) {
- i && ke(r), a && a.d(i);
+ i && _e(r), a && a.d(i);
@@ -16009,30 +16009,30 @@ function Bs(s) {
let r, a;
return {
c() {
- r = g0("p"), a = Ke(
+ r = b0("p"), a = Ze(
- ), a0(r, "class", "loading svelte-14miwb5");
+ ), i0(r, "class", "loading svelte-14miwb5");
m(i, o) {
- _e(i, r, o), $0(r, a);
+ ke(i, r, o), $0(r, a);
p(i, o) {
o[0] & /*loading_text*/
- 512 && Ut(
+ 512 && Gt(
d(i) {
- i && ke(r);
+ i && _e(r);
-function ff(s) {
+function gf(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u;
- const g = [rf, tf], p = [];
+ const g = [sf, lf], p = [];
function v(w, S) {
return (
@@ -16044,12 +16044,12 @@ function ff(s) {
return ~(a = v(s)) && (i = p[a] = g[a](s)), {
c() {
- r = g0("div"), i && i.c(), a0(r, "class", o = "wrap " + /*variant*/
+ r = b0("div"), i && i.c(), i0(r, "class", o = "wrap " + /*variant*/
s[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/
- s[6] + " svelte-14miwb5"), Pt(r, "hide", !/*status*/
+ s[6] + " svelte-14miwb5"), Ht(r, "hide", !/*status*/
s[4] || /*status*/
s[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/
- s[6] === "hidden"), Pt(
+ s[6] === "hidden"), Ht(
@@ -16058,22 +16058,22 @@ function ff(s) {
s[4] === "error") || /*translucent*/
s[11] || /*show_progress*/
s[6] === "minimal"
- ), Pt(
+ ), Ht(
s[4] === "generating"
- ), Pt(
+ ), Ht(
- ), P0(
+ ), H0(
s[10] ? "absolute" : "static"
- ), P0(
+ ), H0(
@@ -16081,21 +16081,21 @@ function ff(s) {
m(w, S) {
- _e(w, r, S), ~a && p[a].m(r, null), s[31](r), u = !0;
+ ke(w, r, S), ~a && p[a].m(r, null), s[31](r), u = !0;
p(w, S) {
let L = a;
- a = v(w), a === L ? ~a && p[a].p(w, S) : (i && (Io(), wr(p[L], 1, 1, () => {
+ a = v(w), a === L ? ~a && p[a].p(w, S) : (i && (qo(), wr(p[L], 1, 1, () => {
p[L] = null;
- }), Fo()), ~a ? (i = p[a], i ? i.p(w, S) : (i = p[a] = g[a](w), i.c()), yr(i, 1), i.m(r, null)) : i = null), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress*/
+ }), Io()), ~a ? (i = p[a], i ? i.p(w, S) : (i = p[a] = g[a](w), i.c()), yr(i, 1), i.m(r, null)) : i = null), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress*/
320 && o !== (o = "wrap " + /*variant*/
w[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/
- w[6] + " svelte-14miwb5")) && a0(r, "class", o), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status, show_progress*/
- 336) && Pt(r, "hide", !/*status*/
+ w[6] + " svelte-14miwb5")) && i0(r, "class", o), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status, show_progress*/
+ 336) && Ht(r, "hide", !/*status*/
w[4] || /*status*/
w[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/
w[6] === "hidden"), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress, variant, status, translucent, show_progress*/
- 2384) && Pt(
+ 2384) && Ht(
@@ -16105,25 +16105,25 @@ function ff(s) {
w[11] || /*show_progress*/
w[6] === "minimal"
), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status*/
- 336) && Pt(
+ 336) && Ht(
w[4] === "generating"
), (!u || S[0] & /*variant, show_progress, border*/
- 4416) && Pt(
+ 4416) && Ht(
), S[0] & /*absolute*/
- 1024 && P0(
+ 1024 && H0(
w[10] ? "absolute" : "static"
), S[0] & /*absolute*/
- 1024 && P0(
+ 1024 && H0(
@@ -16137,69 +16137,69 @@ function ff(s) {
wr(i), u = !1;
d(w) {
- w && ke(r), ~a && p[a].d(), s[31](null);
+ w && _e(r), ~a && p[a].d(), s[31](null);
-let Tn = [], Ya = !1;
-async function mf(s, r = !0) {
+let Mn = [], Xa = !1;
+async function vf(s, r = !0) {
if (!(window.__gradio_mode__ === "website" || window.__gradio_mode__ !== "app" && r !== !0)) {
- if (Tn.push(s), !Ya)
- Ya = !0;
+ if (Mn.push(s), !Xa)
+ Xa = !0;
- await Jh(), requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ await rf(), requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let a = [0, 0];
- for (let i = 0; i < Tn.length; i++) {
- const u = Tn[i].getBoundingClientRect();
+ for (let i = 0; i < Mn.length; i++) {
+ const u = Mn[i].getBoundingClientRect();
(i === 0 || u.top + window.scrollY <= a[0]) && (a[0] = u.top + window.scrollY, a[1] = i);
- window.scrollTo({ top: a[0] - 20, behavior: "smooth" }), Ya = !1, Tn = [];
+ window.scrollTo({ top: a[0] - 20, behavior: "smooth" }), Xa = !1, Mn = [];
-function df(s, r, a) {
- let i, { $$slots: o = {}, $$scope: u } = r, { i18n: g } = r, { eta: p = null } = r, { queue: v = !1 } = r, { queue_position: w } = r, { queue_size: S } = r, { status: L } = r, { scroll_to_output: O = !1 } = r, { timer: X = !0 } = r, { show_progress: I = "full" } = r, { message: ne = null } = r, { progress: re = null } = r, { variant: V = "default" } = r, { loading_text: F = "Loading..." } = r, { absolute: M = !0 } = r, { translucent: R = !1 } = r, { border: B = !1 } = r, { autoscroll: H } = r, W, Z = !1, G = 0, ce = 0, ve = null, Ee = 0, xe = null, Ne, rt = null, vt = !0;
- const At = () => {
- a(25, G = performance.now()), a(26, ce = 0), Z = !0, Oe();
+function bf(s, r, a) {
+ let i, { $$slots: o = {}, $$scope: u } = r, { i18n: g } = r, { eta: p = null } = r, { queue: v = !1 } = r, { queue_position: w } = r, { queue_size: S } = r, { status: L } = r, { scroll_to_output: P = !1 } = r, { timer: X = !0 } = r, { show_progress: I = "full" } = r, { message: ae = null } = r, { progress: re = null } = r, { variant: W = "default" } = r, { loading_text: F = "Loading..." } = r, { absolute: M = !0 } = r, { translucent: R = !1 } = r, { border: B = !1 } = r, { autoscroll: H } = r, G, Z = !1, V = 0, ce = 0, ge = null, Te = 0, xe = null, Ne, Ke = null, dt = !0;
+ const zt = () => {
+ a(25, V = performance.now()), a(26, ce = 0), Z = !0, Oe();
function Oe() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- a(26, ce = (performance.now() - G) / 1e3), Z && Oe();
+ a(26, ce = (performance.now() - V) / 1e3), Z && Oe();
function Ae() {
a(26, ce = 0), Z && (Z = !1);
- $h(() => {
+ nf(() => {
Z && Ae();
- let J = null;
- function Q(ae) {
- vs[ae ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- rt = ae, a(16, rt), a(7, re), a(14, xe), a(15, Ne);
+ let lt = null;
+ function ne($) {
+ vs[$ ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ Ke = $, a(16, Ke), a(7, re), a(14, xe), a(15, Ne);
- function Qe(ae) {
- vs[ae ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- W = ae, a(13, W);
+ function K($) {
+ vs[$ ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ G = $, a(13, G);
- return s.$$set = (ae) => {
- "i18n" in ae && a(1, g = ae.i18n), "eta" in ae && a(0, p = ae.eta), "queue" in ae && a(21, v = ae.queue), "queue_position" in ae && a(2, w = ae.queue_position), "queue_size" in ae && a(3, S = ae.queue_size), "status" in ae && a(4, L = ae.status), "scroll_to_output" in ae && a(22, O = ae.scroll_to_output), "timer" in ae && a(5, X = ae.timer), "show_progress" in ae && a(6, I = ae.show_progress), "message" in ae && a(23, ne = ae.message), "progress" in ae && a(7, re = ae.progress), "variant" in ae && a(8, V = ae.variant), "loading_text" in ae && a(9, F = ae.loading_text), "absolute" in ae && a(10, M = ae.absolute), "translucent" in ae && a(11, R = ae.translucent), "border" in ae && a(12, B = ae.border), "autoscroll" in ae && a(24, H = ae.autoscroll), "$$scope" in ae && a(28, u = ae.$$scope);
+ return s.$$set = ($) => {
+ "i18n" in $ && a(1, g = $.i18n), "eta" in $ && a(0, p = $.eta), "queue" in $ && a(21, v = $.queue), "queue_position" in $ && a(2, w = $.queue_position), "queue_size" in $ && a(3, S = $.queue_size), "status" in $ && a(4, L = $.status), "scroll_to_output" in $ && a(22, P = $.scroll_to_output), "timer" in $ && a(5, X = $.timer), "show_progress" in $ && a(6, I = $.show_progress), "message" in $ && a(23, ae = $.message), "progress" in $ && a(7, re = $.progress), "variant" in $ && a(8, W = $.variant), "loading_text" in $ && a(9, F = $.loading_text), "absolute" in $ && a(10, M = $.absolute), "translucent" in $ && a(11, R = $.translucent), "border" in $ && a(12, B = $.border), "autoscroll" in $ && a(24, H = $.autoscroll), "$$scope" in $ && a(28, u = $.$$scope);
}, s.$$.update = () => {
s.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, old_eta, queue, timer_start*/
- 169869313 && (p === null ? a(0, p = ve) : v && a(0, p = (performance.now() - G) / 1e3 + p), p != null && (a(19, J = p.toFixed(1)), a(27, ve = p))), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, timer_diff*/
- 67108865 && a(17, Ee = p === null || p <= 0 || !ce ? null : Math.min(ce / p, 1)), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress*/
- 128 && re != null && a(18, vt = !1), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress, progress_level, progress_bar, last_progress_level*/
- 114816 && (re != null ? a(14, xe = re.map((ae) => {
- if (ae.index != null && ae.length != null)
- return ae.index / ae.length;
- if (ae.progress != null)
- return ae.progress;
- })) : a(14, xe = null), xe ? (a(15, Ne = xe[xe.length - 1]), rt && (Ne === 0 ? a(16, rt.style.transition = "0", rt) : a(16, rt.style.transition = "150ms", rt))) : a(15, Ne = void 0)), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*status*/
- 16 && (L === "pending" ? At() : Ae()), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*el, scroll_to_output, status, autoscroll*/
- 20979728 && W && O && (L === "pending" || L === "complete") && mf(W, H), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*status, message*/
+ 169869313 && (p === null ? a(0, p = ge) : v && a(0, p = (performance.now() - V) / 1e3 + p), p != null && (a(19, lt = p.toFixed(1)), a(27, ge = p))), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, timer_diff*/
+ 67108865 && a(17, Te = p === null || p <= 0 || !ce ? null : Math.min(ce / p, 1)), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress*/
+ 128 && re != null && a(18, dt = !1), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress, progress_level, progress_bar, last_progress_level*/
+ 114816 && (re != null ? a(14, xe = re.map(($) => {
+ if ($.index != null && $.length != null)
+ return $.index / $.length;
+ if ($.progress != null)
+ return $.progress;
+ })) : a(14, xe = null), xe ? (a(15, Ne = xe[xe.length - 1]), Ke && (Ne === 0 ? a(16, Ke.style.transition = "0", Ke) : a(16, Ke.style.transition = "150ms", Ke))) : a(15, Ne = void 0)), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*status*/
+ 16 && (L === "pending" ? zt() : Ae()), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*el, scroll_to_output, status, autoscroll*/
+ 20979728 && G && P && (L === "pending" || L === "complete") && vf(G, H), s.$$.dirty[0] & /*status, message*/
8388624, s.$$.dirty[0] & /*timer_diff*/
67108864 && a(20, i = ce.toFixed(1));
}, [
@@ -16211,40 +16211,40 @@ function df(s, r, a) {
- V,
+ W,
- W,
+ G,
- rt,
- Ee,
- vt,
- J,
+ Ke,
+ Te,
+ dt,
+ lt,
- O,
- ne,
+ P,
+ ae,
- G,
+ V,
- ve,
+ ge,
- Q,
- Qe
+ ne,
+ K
-class pf extends Uh {
+class yf extends jh {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Xh(
+ super(), Jh(
- df,
- ff,
- Kh,
+ bf,
+ gf,
+ ef,
i18n: 1,
eta: 0,
@@ -16270,27 +16270,27 @@ class pf extends Uh {
new Intl.Collator(0, { numeric: 1 }).compare;
-function Oo(s, r, a) {
+function Po(s, r, a) {
if (s == null)
return null;
if (Array.isArray(s)) {
const i = [];
for (const o of s)
- o == null ? i.push(null) : i.push(Oo(o, r, a));
+ o == null ? i.push(null) : i.push(Po(o, r, a));
return i;
- return s.is_stream ? a == null ? new Xa({
+ return s.is_stream ? a == null ? new Za({
url: r + "/stream/" + s.path
- }) : new Xa({
+ }) : new Za({
url: "/proxy=" + a + "stream/" + s.path
- }) : new Xa({
+ }) : new Za({
- url: ni(s.path, r, a)
+ url: Gr(s.path, r, a)
-function gf(s) {
+function wf(s) {
try {
const r = new URL(s);
return r.protocol === "http:" || r.protocol === "https:";
@@ -16298,10 +16298,10 @@ function gf(s) {
return !1;
-function ni(s, r, a) {
- return s == null ? a ? `/proxy=${a}file=` : `${r}/file=` : gf(s) ? s : a ? `/proxy=${a}file=${s}` : `${r}/file=${s}`;
+function Gr(s, r, a) {
+ return s == null ? a ? `/proxy=${a}file=` : `${r}/file=` : wf(s) ? s : a ? `/proxy=${a}file=${s}` : `${r}/file=${s}`;
-class Xa {
+class Za {
path: r,
url: a,
@@ -16316,65 +16316,65 @@ class Xa {
const {
- SvelteComponent: vf,
- append: bf,
- attr: Mn,
+ SvelteComponent: _f,
+ append: kf,
+ attr: zn,
check_outros: Ds,
- create_component: qo,
- destroy_component: Po,
- detach: yf,
- element: wf,
+ create_component: Ho,
+ destroy_component: Uo,
+ detach: xf,
+ element: Sf,
group_outros: Ns,
- init: kf,
- insert: _f,
- listen: xf,
- mount_component: Ho,
- safe_not_equal: Sf,
- space: Af,
- transition_in: O0,
+ init: Af,
+ insert: Tf,
+ listen: Mf,
+ mount_component: Go,
+ safe_not_equal: zf,
+ space: Cf,
+ transition_in: q0,
transition_out: vr
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: Tf } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: Ef } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Rs(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Gc({}), {
+ return r = new Yc({}), {
c() {
- qo(r.$$.fragment);
+ Ho(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- Ho(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ Go(r, i, o), a = !0;
i(i) {
- a || (O0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (q0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
vr(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- Po(r, i);
+ Uo(r, i);
function Fs(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new zc({}), {
+ return r = new Dc({}), {
c() {
- qo(r.$$.fragment);
+ Ho(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- Ho(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ Go(r, i, o), a = !0;
i(i) {
- a || (O0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (q0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
vr(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- Po(r, i);
+ Uo(r, i);
-function Mf(s) {
+function Bf(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g, p = !/*copied*/
s[0] && Rs(), v = (
@@ -16382,11 +16382,11 @@ function Mf(s) {
return {
c() {
- r = wf("button"), p && p.c(), a = Af(), v && v.c(), Mn(r, "title", "copy"), Mn(r, "aria-label", i = /*copied*/
- s[0] ? "Copied message" : "Copy message"), Mn(r, "class", "svelte-1hlmuz8");
+ r = Sf("button"), p && p.c(), a = Cf(), v && v.c(), zn(r, "title", "copy"), zn(r, "aria-label", i = /*copied*/
+ s[0] ? "Copied message" : "Copy message"), zn(r, "class", "svelte-1hlmuz8");
m(w, S) {
- _f(w, r, S), p && p.m(r, null), bf(r, a), v && v.m(r, null), o = !0, u || (g = xf(
+ Tf(w, r, S), p && p.m(r, null), kf(r, a), v && v.m(r, null), o = !0, u || (g = Mf(
@@ -16398,26 +16398,26 @@ function Mf(s) {
w[0] ? p && (Ns(), vr(p, 1, 1, () => {
p = null;
}), Ds()) : p ? S & /*copied*/
- 1 && O0(p, 1) : (p = Rs(), p.c(), O0(p, 1), p.m(r, a)), /*copied*/
+ 1 && q0(p, 1) : (p = Rs(), p.c(), q0(p, 1), p.m(r, a)), /*copied*/
w[0] ? v ? S & /*copied*/
- 1 && O0(v, 1) : (v = Fs(), v.c(), O0(v, 1), v.m(r, null)) : v && (Ns(), vr(v, 1, 1, () => {
+ 1 && q0(v, 1) : (v = Fs(), v.c(), q0(v, 1), v.m(r, null)) : v && (Ns(), vr(v, 1, 1, () => {
v = null;
}), Ds()), (!o || S & /*copied*/
1 && i !== (i = /*copied*/
- w[0] ? "Copied message" : "Copy message")) && Mn(r, "aria-label", i);
+ w[0] ? "Copied message" : "Copy message")) && zn(r, "aria-label", i);
i(w) {
- o || (O0(p), O0(v), o = !0);
+ o || (q0(p), q0(v), o = !0);
o(w) {
vr(p), vr(v), o = !1;
d(w) {
- w && yf(r), p && p.d(), v && v.d(), u = !1, g();
+ w && xf(r), p && p.d(), v && v.d(), u = !1, g();
-function zf(s, r, a) {
+function Df(s, r, a) {
let i = !1, { value: o } = r, u;
function g() {
a(0, i = !0), u && clearTimeout(u), u = setTimeout(
@@ -16442,34 +16442,34 @@ function zf(s, r, a) {
- return Tf(() => {
+ return Ef(() => {
u && clearTimeout(u);
}), s.$$set = (v) => {
"value" in v && a(2, o = v.value);
}, [i, p, o];
-class Cf extends vf {
+class Nf extends _f {
constructor(r) {
- super(), kf(this, r, zf, Mf, Sf, { value: 2 });
+ super(), Af(this, r, Df, Bf, zf, { value: 2 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: Ef,
+ SvelteComponent: Rf,
attr: Hr,
- create_component: Bf,
- destroy_component: Df,
- detach: Nf,
- element: Rf,
- init: Ff,
- insert: Lf,
+ create_component: Ff,
+ destroy_component: Lf,
+ detach: If,
+ element: Of,
+ init: qf,
+ insert: Pf,
listen: Ls,
- mount_component: If,
- run_all: Of,
- safe_not_equal: qf,
- transition_in: Pf,
- transition_out: Hf
+ mount_component: Hf,
+ run_all: Uf,
+ safe_not_equal: Gf,
+ transition_in: Vf,
+ transition_out: Wf
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Uf(s) {
+function jf(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g, p;
return a = new /*Icon*/
s[3]({ props: { actioned: (
@@ -16477,7 +16477,7 @@ function Uf(s) {
) } }), {
c() {
- r = Rf("button"), Bf(a.$$.fragment), Hr(r, "title", i = /*action*/
+ r = Of("button"), Ff(a.$$.fragment), Hr(r, "title", i = /*action*/
s[0] + " message"), Hr(r, "aria-label", o = /*actioned*/
s[2] ? `clicked ${/*action*/
s[0]}` : (
@@ -16486,7 +16486,7 @@ function Uf(s) {
)), Hr(r, "class", "svelte-1nphhme");
m(v, w) {
- Lf(v, r, w), If(a, r, null), u = !0, g || (p = [
+ Pf(v, r, w), Hf(a, r, null), u = !0, g || (p = [
@@ -16516,18 +16516,18 @@ function Uf(s) {
))) && Hr(r, "aria-label", o);
i(v) {
- u || (Pf(a.$$.fragment, v), u = !0);
+ u || (Vf(a.$$.fragment, v), u = !0);
o(v) {
- Hf(a.$$.fragment, v), u = !1;
+ Wf(a.$$.fragment, v), u = !1;
d(v) {
- v && Nf(r), Df(a), g = !1, Of(p);
+ v && If(r), Lf(a), g = !1, Uf(p);
-function Gf(s, r, a) {
- let { action: i } = r, { handle_action: o } = r, u = !1, g = i === "like" ? i4 : Qc;
+function Yf(s, r, a) {
+ let { action: i } = r, { handle_action: o } = r, u = !1, g = i === "like" ? u4 : t4;
function p() {
a(2, u = !0);
@@ -16548,31 +16548,31 @@ function Gf(s, r, a) {
-class Is extends Ef {
+class Is extends Rf {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Ff(this, r, Gf, Uf, qf, { action: 0, handle_action: 1 });
+ super(), qf(this, r, Yf, jf, Gf, { action: 0, handle_action: 1 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: Vf,
- attr: zn,
- detach: jf,
- element: Wf,
- init: Yf,
- insert: Xf,
+ SvelteComponent: Xf,
+ attr: Cn,
+ detach: Zf,
+ element: Kf,
+ init: Qf,
+ insert: Jf,
noop: Os,
- safe_not_equal: Zf,
+ safe_not_equal: $f,
set_style: qs
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Kf(s) {
+function em(s) {
let r;
return {
c() {
- r = Wf("div"), r.innerHTML = `Loading content
+ r = Kf("div"), r.innerHTML = `Loading content
- `, zn(r, "class", "message pending svelte-1pwlswb"), zn(r, "role", "status"), zn(r, "aria-label", "Loading response"), zn(r, "aria-live", "polite"), qs(
+ `, Cn(r, "class", "message pending svelte-1pwlswb"), Cn(r, "role", "status"), Cn(r, "aria-label", "Loading response"), Cn(r, "aria-live", "polite"), qs(
@@ -16580,7 +16580,7 @@ function Kf(s) {
m(a, i) {
- Xf(a, r, i);
+ Jf(a, r, i);
p(a, [i]) {
i & /*layout*/
@@ -16594,71 +16594,71 @@ function Kf(s) {
i: Os,
o: Os,
d(a) {
- a && jf(r);
+ a && Zf(r);
-function Qf(s, r, a) {
+function tm(s, r, a) {
let { layout: i = "bubble" } = r;
return s.$$set = (o) => {
"layout" in o && a(0, i = o.layout);
}, [i];
-class Jf extends Vf {
+class rm extends Xf {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Yf(this, r, Qf, Kf, Zf, { layout: 0 });
+ super(), Qf(this, r, tm, em, $f, { layout: 0 });
const {
- SvelteComponent: $f,
- action_destroyer: Uo,
- append: dt,
- attr: me,
+ SvelteComponent: nm,
+ action_destroyer: Vo,
+ append: Mt,
+ attr: fe,
binding_callbacks: Ps,
- bubble: I0,
- check_outros: l0,
- create_component: kr,
- destroy_component: _r,
- destroy_each: Go,
- detach: pt,
- element: lt,
+ bubble: O0,
+ check_outros: s0,
+ create_component: _r,
+ destroy_component: kr,
+ destroy_each: Wo,
+ detach: ot,
+ element: it,
empty: ui,
- ensure_array_like: On,
- group_outros: s0,
- init: em,
- insert: gt,
- listen: H0,
+ ensure_array_like: qn,
+ group_outros: o0,
+ init: am,
+ insert: ut,
+ listen: U0,
mount_component: xr,
- noop: o0,
- null_to_empty: qn,
+ noop: u0,
+ null_to_empty: Pn,
run_all: ci,
- safe_not_equal: tm,
- set_data: rm,
+ safe_not_equal: im,
+ set_data: jo,
set_style: Hs,
- space: v0,
- src_url_equal: U0,
- text: nm,
- toggle_class: tt,
- transition_in: Te,
+ space: G0,
+ src_url_equal: c0,
+ text: Yo,
+ toggle_class: $e,
+ transition_in: Me,
transition_out: We
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { beforeUpdate: am, afterUpdate: im, createEventDispatcher: lm } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { beforeUpdate: lm, afterUpdate: sm, createEventDispatcher: om } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Us(s, r, a) {
const i = s.slice();
- return i[38] = r[a], i[40] = a, i;
+ return i[40] = r[a], i[42] = a, i;
function Gs(s, r, a) {
const i = s.slice();
- return i[41] = r[a], i[43] = a, i;
+ return i[43] = r[a], i[45] = a, i;
function Vs(s) {
let r, a, i;
- return a = new v4({
+ return a = new _4({
props: {
i18n: (
- formatter: yu,
+ formatter: xu,
value: (
@@ -16667,17 +16667,17 @@ function Vs(s) {
}), a.$on(
- s[28]
+ s[30]
), a.$on(
- s[29]
+ s[31]
), {
c() {
- r = lt("div"), kr(a.$$.fragment), me(r, "class", "share-button svelte-j0hgix");
+ r = it("div"), _r(a.$$.fragment), fe(r, "class", "share-button svelte-dax3u4");
m(o, u) {
- gt(o, r, u), xr(a, r, null), i = !0;
+ ut(o, r, u), xr(a, r, null), i = !0;
p(o, u) {
const g = {};
@@ -16688,18 +16688,18 @@ function Vs(s) {
o[0]), a.$set(g);
i(o) {
- i || (Te(a.$$.fragment, o), i = !0);
+ i || (Me(a.$$.fragment, o), i = !0);
o(o) {
We(a.$$.fragment, o), i = !1;
d(o) {
- o && pt(r), _r(a);
+ o && ot(r), kr(a);
-function sm(s) {
- let r, a, i, o = On(
+function um(s) {
+ let r, a, i, o = qn(
), u = [];
@@ -16716,40 +16716,40 @@ function sm(s) {
c() {
for (let v = 0; v < u.length; v += 1)
- r = v0(), p && p.c(), a = ui();
+ r = G0(), p && p.c(), a = ui();
m(v, w) {
for (let S = 0; S < u.length; S += 1)
u[S] && u[S].m(v, w);
- gt(v, r, w), p && p.m(v, w), gt(v, a, w), i = !0;
+ ut(v, r, w), p && p.m(v, w), ut(v, a, w), i = !0;
p(v, w) {
if (w[0] & /*value, layout, avatar_images, bubble_full_width, show_copy_button, handle_like, likeable, render_markdown, rtl, selectable, handle_select, latex_delimiters, sanitize_html, line_breaks, scroll, root, proxy_url*/
- 1933275) {
- o = On(
+ 7438299) {
+ o = qn(
let S;
for (S = 0; S < o.length; S += 1) {
const L = Us(v, o, S);
- u[S] ? (u[S].p(L, w), Te(u[S], 1)) : (u[S] = Qs(L), u[S].c(), Te(u[S], 1), u[S].m(r.parentNode, r));
+ u[S] ? (u[S].p(L, w), Me(u[S], 1)) : (u[S] = Qs(L), u[S].c(), Me(u[S], 1), u[S].m(r.parentNode, r));
- for (s0(), S = o.length; S < u.length; S += 1)
+ for (o0(), S = o.length; S < u.length; S += 1)
- l0();
+ s0();
v[2] ? p ? (p.p(v, w), w[0] & /*pending_message*/
- 4 && Te(p, 1)) : (p = Js(v), p.c(), Te(p, 1), p.m(a.parentNode, a)) : p && (s0(), We(p, 1, 1, () => {
+ 4 && Me(p, 1)) : (p = Js(v), p.c(), Me(p, 1), p.m(a.parentNode, a)) : p && (o0(), We(p, 1, 1, () => {
p = null;
- }), l0());
+ }), s0());
i(v) {
if (!i) {
for (let w = 0; w < o.length; w += 1)
- Te(u[w]);
- Te(p), i = !0;
+ Me(u[w]);
+ Me(p), i = !0;
o(v) {
@@ -16759,450 +16759,458 @@ function sm(s) {
We(p), i = !1;
d(v) {
- v && (pt(r), pt(a)), Go(u, v), p && p.d(v);
+ v && (ot(r), ot(a)), Wo(u, v), p && p.d(v);
-function om(s) {
- let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S, L;
+function cm(s) {
+ let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v = (
+ /*placeholder_image*/
+ s[17] && $s(s)
+ ), w = (
+ /*placeholder_title*/
+ s[18] && eo(s)
+ );
return {
c() {
- r = lt("div"), a = lt("div"), a.innerHTML = '', i = v0(), o = lt("p"), o.textContent = "How can I help you today?", u = v0(), g = lt("div"), g.innerHTML = "", p = v0(), v = lt("div"), v.innerHTML = ' ', me(a, "class", "logo-container svelte-j0hgix"), me(o, "class", "placeholder-text svelte-j0hgix"), me(g, "class", "message-wrap svelte-j0hgix"), tt(
- g,
+ r = it("div"), v && v.c(), a = G0(), w && w.c(), i = G0(), o = it("div"), o.innerHTML = "", fe(o, "class", "message-wrap svelte-dax3u4"), $e(
+ o,
s[16] === "bubble"
- ), me(v, "class", "buttons-container svelte-j0hgix"), me(r, "class", w = qn(
+ ), fe(r, "class", u = Pn(
s[16] === "bubble" ? "bubble-wrap" : "panel-wrap"
- ) + " svelte-j0hgix"), me(r, "role", "log"), me(r, "aria-label", "chatbot conversation"), me(r, "aria-live", "polite");
+ ) + " svelte-dax3u4"), fe(r, "role", "log"), fe(r, "aria-label", "chatbot conversation"), fe(r, "aria-live", "polite");
- m(O, X) {
- gt(O, r, X), dt(r, a), dt(r, i), dt(r, o), dt(r, u), dt(r, g), dt(r, p), dt(r, v), s[30](r), S || (L = Uo(oo.call(null, g)), S = !0);
+ m(S, L) {
+ ut(S, r, L), v && v.m(r, null), Mt(r, a), w && w.m(r, null), Mt(r, i), Mt(r, o), s[32](r), g || (p = Vo(co.call(null, o)), g = !0);
- p(O, X) {
- X[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536 && tt(
- g,
+ p(S, L) {
+ /*placeholder_image*/
+ S[17] ? v ? v.p(S, L) : (v = $s(S), v.c(), v.m(r, a)) : v && (v.d(1), v = null), /*placeholder_title*/
+ S[18] ? w ? w.p(S, L) : (w = eo(S), w.c(), w.m(r, i)) : w && (w.d(1), w = null), L[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536 && $e(
+ o,
- O[16] === "bubble"
- ), X[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536 && w !== (w = qn(
+ S[16] === "bubble"
+ ), L[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536 && u !== (u = Pn(
- O[16] === "bubble" ? "bubble-wrap" : "panel-wrap"
- ) + " svelte-j0hgix") && me(r, "class", w);
+ S[16] === "bubble" ? "bubble-wrap" : "panel-wrap"
+ ) + " svelte-dax3u4") && fe(r, "class", u);
- i: o0,
- o: o0,
- d(O) {
- O && pt(r), s[30](null), S = !1, L();
+ i: u0,
+ o: u0,
+ d(S) {
+ S && ot(r), v && v.d(), w && w.d(), s[32](null), g = !1, p();
-function js(s) {
- let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S, L, O, X, I, ne, re, V = (
+function Ws(s) {
+ let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S, L, P, X, I, ae, re, W = (
- s[43]
- ] !== null && Ws(s)
+ s[45]
+ ] !== null && js(s)
const F = [
+ pm,
+ dm,
- hm,
- cm,
- um
+ hm
], M = [];
- function R(Z, G) {
- var ce, ve, Ee, xe, Ne, rt, vt;
- return G[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && (u = null), G[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && (g = null), G[0] & /*value*/
+ function R(Z, V) {
+ var ce, ge, Te, xe, Ne, Ke, dt;
+ return V[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && (u = null), V[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && (g = null), V[0] & /*value*/
1 && (p = null), typeof /*message*/
- Z[41] == "string" ? 0 : (u == null && (u = !!/*message*/
- (Z[41] !== null && /*message*/
- ((ve = (ce = Z[41].file) == null ? void 0 : ce.mime_type) != null && ve.includes("audio")))), u ? 1 : (g == null && (g = !!/*message*/
- (Z[41] !== null && /*message*/
- ((xe = (Ee = Z[41].file) == null ? void 0 : Ee.mime_type) != null && xe.includes("video")))), g ? 2 : (p == null && (p = !!/*message*/
- (Z[41] !== null && /*message*/
- ((rt = (Ne = Z[41].file) == null ? void 0 : Ne.mime_type) != null && rt.includes("image")))), p ? 3 : (
+ Z[43] == "string" ? 0 : (u == null && (u = !!/*message*/
+ (Z[43] !== null && /*message*/
+ ((ge = (ce = Z[43].file) == null ? void 0 : ce.mime_type) != null && ge.includes("audio")))), u ? 1 : (g == null && (g = !!/*message*/
+ (Z[43] !== null && /*message*/
+ ((xe = (Te = Z[43].file) == null ? void 0 : Te.mime_type) != null && xe.includes("video")))), g ? 2 : (p == null && (p = !!/*message*/
+ (Z[43] !== null && /*message*/
+ ((Ke = (Ne = Z[43].file) == null ? void 0 : Ne.mime_type) != null && Ke.includes("image")))), p ? 3 : (
- Z[41] !== null && /*message*/
- ((vt = Z[41].file) == null ? void 0 : vt.url) !== null ? 4 : -1
+ Z[43] !== null && /*message*/
+ ((dt = Z[43].file) == null ? void 0 : dt.url) !== null ? 4 : -1
~(v = R(s, [-1, -1])) && (w = M[v] = F[v](s));
function B() {
return (
- s[31](
+ s[33](
- s[40],
+ s[42],
- s[43],
+ s[45],
- s[41]
+ s[43]
function H(...Z) {
return (
- s[32](
+ s[34](
- s[40],
+ s[42],
- s[43],
+ s[45],
- s[41],
+ s[43],
- let W = (
+ let G = (
(s[4] && /*j*/
- s[43] !== 0 || /*show_copy_button*/
+ s[45] !== 0 || /*show_copy_button*/
s[7] && /*message*/
- s[41] && typeof /*message*/
- s[41] == "string") && Ys(s)
+ s[43] && typeof /*message*/
+ s[43] == "string") && Ys(s)
return {
c() {
- r = lt("div"), V && V.c(), a = v0(), i = lt("div"), o = lt("button"), w && w.c(), O = v0(), W && W.c(), me(
+ r = it("div"), W && W.c(), a = G0(), i = it("div"), o = it("button"), w && w.c(), P = G0(), G && G.c(), fe(
- s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot"
- ), me(o, "dir", S = /*rtl*/
- s[6] ? "rtl" : "ltr"), me(o, "aria-label", L = /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + "'s message:' " + /*message*/
- s[41]), me(o, "class", "svelte-j0hgix"), tt(
+ s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot"
+ ), fe(o, "dir", S = /*rtl*/
+ s[6] ? "rtl" : "ltr"), fe(o, "aria-label", L = /*j*/
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + "'s message:' " + /*message*/
+ s[43]), fe(o, "class", "svelte-dax3u4"), $e(
- s[40] === /*value*/
+ s[42] === /*value*/
s[0].length - 1
- ), tt(o, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
- s[11]), tt(
+ ), $e(o, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
+ s[11]), $e(
- ), Hs(o, "user-select", "text"), Hs(o, "text-align", "left"), me(i, "class", "message " + /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " svelte-j0hgix"), tt(
+ ), Hs(o, "user-select", "text"), Hs(o, "text-align", "left"), fe(i, "class", "message " + /*j*/
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " svelte-dax3u4"), $e(
s[16] === "bubble" && !/*bubble_full_width*/
- ), tt(
+ ), $e(
s[16] === "panel"
- ), tt(
+ ), $e(
s[16] === "bubble"
- ), tt(i, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
- s[11]), me(r, "class", X = "message-row " + /*layout*/
+ ), $e(i, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
+ s[11]), fe(r, "class", X = "message-row " + /*layout*/
s[16] + " " + /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user-row" : "bot-row") + " svelte-j0hgix");
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user-row" : "bot-row") + " svelte-dax3u4");
- m(Z, G) {
- gt(Z, r, G), V && V.m(r, null), dt(r, a), dt(r, i), dt(i, o), ~v && M[v].m(o, null), dt(r, O), W && W.m(r, null), I = !0, ne || (re = [
- H0(o, "click", B),
- H0(o, "keydown", H)
- ], ne = !0);
+ m(Z, V) {
+ ut(Z, r, V), W && W.m(r, null), Mt(r, a), Mt(r, i), Mt(i, o), ~v && M[v].m(o, null), Mt(r, P), G && G.m(r, null), I = !0, ae || (re = [
+ U0(o, "click", B),
+ U0(o, "keydown", H)
+ ], ae = !0);
- p(Z, G) {
+ p(Z, V) {
s = Z, /*avatar_images*/
- s[43]
- ] !== null ? V ? V.p(s, G) : (V = Ws(s), V.c(), V.m(r, a)) : V && (V.d(1), V = null);
+ s[45]
+ ] !== null ? W ? W.p(s, V) : (W = js(s), W.c(), W.m(r, a)) : W && (W.d(1), W = null);
let ce = v;
- v = R(s, G), v === ce ? ~v && M[v].p(s, G) : (w && (s0(), We(M[ce], 1, 1, () => {
+ v = R(s, V), v === ce ? ~v && M[v].p(s, V) : (w && (o0(), We(M[ce], 1, 1, () => {
M[ce] = null;
- }), l0()), ~v ? (w = M[v], w ? w.p(s, G) : (w = M[v] = F[v](s), w.c()), Te(w, 1), w.m(o, null)) : w = null), (!I || G[0] & /*rtl*/
+ }), s0()), ~v ? (w = M[v], w ? w.p(s, V) : (w = M[v] = F[v](s), w.c()), Me(w, 1), w.m(o, null)) : w = null), (!I || V[0] & /*rtl*/
64 && S !== (S = /*rtl*/
- s[6] ? "rtl" : "ltr")) && me(o, "dir", S), (!I || G[0] & /*value*/
+ s[6] ? "rtl" : "ltr")) && fe(o, "dir", S), (!I || V[0] & /*value*/
1 && L !== (L = /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + "'s message:' " + /*message*/
- s[41])) && me(o, "aria-label", L), (!I || G[0] & /*value*/
- 1) && tt(
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + "'s message:' " + /*message*/
+ s[43])) && fe(o, "aria-label", L), (!I || V[0] & /*value*/
+ 1) && $e(
- s[40] === /*value*/
+ s[42] === /*value*/
s[0].length - 1
- ), (!I || G[0] & /*render_markdown*/
- 2048) && tt(o, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
- s[11]), (!I || G[0] & /*selectable*/
- 8) && tt(
+ ), (!I || V[0] & /*render_markdown*/
+ 2048) && $e(o, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
+ s[11]), (!I || V[0] & /*selectable*/
+ 8) && $e(
- ), (!I || G[0] & /*layout, bubble_full_width*/
- 66560) && tt(
+ ), (!I || V[0] & /*layout, bubble_full_width*/
+ 66560) && $e(
s[16] === "bubble" && !/*bubble_full_width*/
- ), (!I || G[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536) && tt(
+ ), (!I || V[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536) && $e(
s[16] === "panel"
- ), (!I || G[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536) && tt(
+ ), (!I || V[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536) && $e(
s[16] === "bubble"
- ), (!I || G[0] & /*render_markdown*/
- 2048) && tt(i, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
+ ), (!I || V[0] & /*render_markdown*/
+ 2048) && $e(i, "message-markdown-disabled", !/*render_markdown*/
s[11]), /*likeable*/
s[4] && /*j*/
- s[43] !== 0 || /*show_copy_button*/
+ s[45] !== 0 || /*show_copy_button*/
s[7] && /*message*/
- s[41] && typeof /*message*/
- s[41] == "string" ? W ? (W.p(s, G), G[0] & /*likeable, show_copy_button, value*/
- 145 && Te(W, 1)) : (W = Ys(s), W.c(), Te(W, 1), W.m(r, null)) : W && (s0(), We(W, 1, 1, () => {
- W = null;
- }), l0()), (!I || G[0] & /*layout*/
+ s[43] && typeof /*message*/
+ s[43] == "string" ? G ? (G.p(s, V), V[0] & /*likeable, show_copy_button, value*/
+ 145 && Me(G, 1)) : (G = Ys(s), G.c(), Me(G, 1), G.m(r, null)) : G && (o0(), We(G, 1, 1, () => {
+ G = null;
+ }), s0()), (!I || V[0] & /*layout*/
65536 && X !== (X = "message-row " + /*layout*/
s[16] + " " + /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user-row" : "bot-row") + " svelte-j0hgix")) && me(r, "class", X);
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user-row" : "bot-row") + " svelte-dax3u4")) && fe(r, "class", X);
i(Z) {
- I || (Te(w), Te(W), I = !0);
+ I || (Me(w), Me(G), I = !0);
o(Z) {
- We(w), We(W), I = !1;
+ We(w), We(G), I = !1;
d(Z) {
- Z && pt(r), V && V.d(), ~v && M[v].d(), W && W.d(), ne = !1, ci(re);
+ Z && ot(r), W && W.d(), ~v && M[v].d(), G && G.d(), ae = !1, ci(re);
-function Ws(s) {
+function js(s) {
let r, a, i;
return {
c() {
- r = lt("div"), a = lt("img"), me(a, "class", "avatar-image svelte-j0hgix"), U0(a.src, i = ni(
+ r = it("div"), a = it("img"), fe(a, "class", "avatar-image svelte-dax3u4"), c0(a.src, i = Gr(
- s[43]
+ s[45]
- )) || me(a, "src", i), me(
+ )) || fe(a, "src", i), fe(
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " avatar"
- ), me(r, "class", "avatar-container svelte-j0hgix");
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " avatar"
+ ), fe(r, "class", "avatar-container svelte-dax3u4");
m(o, u) {
- gt(o, r, u), dt(r, a);
+ ut(o, r, u), Mt(r, a);
p(o, u) {
u[0] & /*avatar_images, root, proxy_url*/
- 24832 && !U0(a.src, i = ni(
+ 24832 && !c0(a.src, i = Gr(
- o[43]
+ o[45]
- )) && me(a, "src", i);
+ )) && fe(a, "src", i);
d(o) {
- o && pt(r);
+ o && ot(r);
-function um(s) {
+function hm(s) {
var g, p;
let r, a = (
- (((g = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : g.orig_name) || /*message*/
- ((p = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : p.path)) + ""
+ (((g = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : g.orig_name) || /*message*/
+ ((p = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : p.path)) + ""
), i, o, u;
return {
c() {
var v, w, S;
- r = lt("a"), i = nm(a), me(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-file"), me(r, "href", o = /*message*/
- (v = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : v.url), me(r, "target", "_blank"), me(r, "download", u = window.__is_colab__ ? null : (
+ r = it("a"), i = Yo(a), fe(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-file"), fe(r, "href", o = /*message*/
+ (v = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : v.url), fe(r, "target", "_blank"), fe(r, "download", u = window.__is_colab__ ? null : (
- ((w = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : w.orig_name) || /*message*/
- ((S = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : S.path)
- )), me(r, "class", "svelte-j0hgix");
+ ((w = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : w.orig_name) || /*message*/
+ ((S = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : S.path)
+ )), fe(r, "class", "svelte-dax3u4");
m(v, w) {
- gt(v, r, w), dt(r, i);
+ ut(v, r, w), Mt(r, i);
p(v, w) {
- var S, L, O, X, I;
+ var S, L, P, X, I;
w[0] & /*value*/
1 && a !== (a = /*message*/
- (((S = v[41].file) == null ? void 0 : S.orig_name) || /*message*/
- ((L = v[41].file) == null ? void 0 : L.path)) + "") && rm(i, a), w[0] & /*value*/
+ (((S = v[43].file) == null ? void 0 : S.orig_name) || /*message*/
+ ((L = v[43].file) == null ? void 0 : L.path)) + "") && jo(i, a), w[0] & /*value*/
1 && o !== (o = /*message*/
- (O = v[41].file) == null ? void 0 : O.url) && me(r, "href", o), w[0] & /*value*/
+ (P = v[43].file) == null ? void 0 : P.url) && fe(r, "href", o), w[0] & /*value*/
1 && u !== (u = window.__is_colab__ ? null : (
- ((X = v[41].file) == null ? void 0 : X.orig_name) || /*message*/
- ((I = v[41].file) == null ? void 0 : I.path)
- )) && me(r, "download", u);
+ ((X = v[43].file) == null ? void 0 : X.orig_name) || /*message*/
+ ((I = v[43].file) == null ? void 0 : I.path)
+ )) && fe(r, "download", u);
- i: o0,
- o: o0,
+ i: u0,
+ o: u0,
d(v) {
- v && pt(r);
+ v && ot(r);
-function cm(s) {
+function fm(s) {
let r, a, i;
return {
c() {
var o;
- r = lt("img"), me(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-image"), U0(r.src, a = /*message*/
- (o = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : o.url) || me(r, "src", a), me(r, "alt", i = /*message*/
- s[41].alt_text), me(r, "class", "svelte-j0hgix");
+ r = it("img"), fe(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-image"), c0(r.src, a = /*message*/
+ (o = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : o.url) || fe(r, "src", a), fe(r, "alt", i = /*message*/
+ s[43].alt_text), fe(r, "class", "svelte-dax3u4");
m(o, u) {
- gt(o, r, u);
+ ut(o, r, u);
p(o, u) {
var g;
u[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && !U0(r.src, a = /*message*/
- (g = o[41].file) == null ? void 0 : g.url) && me(r, "src", a), u[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && !c0(r.src, a = /*message*/
+ (g = o[43].file) == null ? void 0 : g.url) && fe(r, "src", a), u[0] & /*value*/
1 && i !== (i = /*message*/
- o[41].alt_text) && me(r, "alt", i);
+ o[43].alt_text) && fe(r, "alt", i);
- i: o0,
- o: o0,
+ i: u0,
+ o: u0,
d(o) {
- o && pt(r);
+ o && ot(r);
-function hm(s) {
+function mm(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g;
return {
c() {
var p;
- r = lt("video"), a = lt("track"), me(a, "kind", "captions"), me(a, "class", "svelte-j0hgix"), me(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-video"), r.controls = !0, U0(r.src, i = /*message*/
- (p = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : p.url) || me(r, "src", i), me(r, "title", o = /*message*/
- s[41].alt_text), me(r, "preload", "auto"), me(r, "class", "svelte-j0hgix");
+ r = it("video"), a = it("track"), fe(a, "kind", "captions"), fe(a, "class", "svelte-dax3u4"), fe(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-video"), r.controls = !0, c0(r.src, i = /*message*/
+ (p = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : p.url) || fe(r, "src", i), fe(r, "title", o = /*message*/
+ s[43].alt_text), fe(r, "preload", "auto"), fe(r, "class", "svelte-dax3u4");
m(p, v) {
- gt(p, r, v), dt(r, a), u || (g = [
- H0(
+ ut(p, r, v), Mt(r, a), u || (g = [
+ U0(
- s[25]
+ s[27]
- H0(
+ U0(
- s[26]
+ s[28]
- H0(
+ U0(
- s[27]
+ s[29]
], u = !0);
p(p, v) {
var w;
v[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && !U0(r.src, i = /*message*/
- (w = p[41].file) == null ? void 0 : w.url) && me(r, "src", i), v[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && !c0(r.src, i = /*message*/
+ (w = p[43].file) == null ? void 0 : w.url) && fe(r, "src", i), v[0] & /*value*/
1 && o !== (o = /*message*/
- p[41].alt_text) && me(r, "title", o);
+ p[43].alt_text) && fe(r, "title", o);
- i: o0,
- o: o0,
+ i: u0,
+ o: u0,
d(p) {
- p && pt(r), u = !1, ci(g);
+ p && ot(r), u = !1, ci(g);
-function fm(s) {
+function dm(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u;
return {
c() {
var g;
- r = lt("audio"), me(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-audio"), r.controls = !0, me(r, "preload", "metadata"), U0(r.src, a = /*message*/
- (g = s[41].file) == null ? void 0 : g.url) || me(r, "src", a), me(r, "title", i = /*message*/
- s[41].alt_text), me(r, "class", "svelte-j0hgix");
+ r = it("audio"), fe(r, "data-testid", "chatbot-audio"), r.controls = !0, fe(r, "preload", "metadata"), c0(r.src, a = /*message*/
+ (g = s[43].file) == null ? void 0 : g.url) || fe(r, "src", a), fe(r, "title", i = /*message*/
+ s[43].alt_text), fe(r, "class", "svelte-dax3u4");
m(g, p) {
- gt(g, r, p), o || (u = [
- H0(
+ ut(g, r, p), o || (u = [
+ U0(
- s[22]
+ s[24]
- H0(
+ U0(
- s[23]
+ s[25]
- H0(
+ U0(
- s[24]
+ s[26]
], o = !0);
p(g, p) {
var v;
p[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && !U0(r.src, a = /*message*/
- (v = g[41].file) == null ? void 0 : v.url) && me(r, "src", a), p[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && !c0(r.src, a = /*message*/
+ (v = g[43].file) == null ? void 0 : v.url) && fe(r, "src", a), p[0] & /*value*/
1 && i !== (i = /*message*/
- g[41].alt_text) && me(r, "title", i);
+ g[43].alt_text) && fe(r, "title", i);
- i: o0,
- o: o0,
+ i: u0,
+ o: u0,
d(g) {
- g && pt(r), o = !1, ci(u);
+ g && ot(r), o = !1, ci(u);
-function mm(s) {
+function pm(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new zh({
+ return r = new Dh({
props: {
message: (
- s[41]
+ s[43]
latex_delimiters: (
@@ -17224,10 +17232,10 @@ function mm(s) {
}), r.$on(
- s[18]
+ s[20]
), {
c() {
- kr(r.$$.fragment);
+ _r(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
xr(r, i, o), a = !0;
@@ -17236,7 +17244,7 @@ function mm(s) {
const u = {};
o[0] & /*value*/
1 && (u.message = /*message*/
- i[41]), o[0] & /*latex_delimiters*/
+ i[43]), o[0] & /*latex_delimiters*/
2 && (u.latex_delimiters = /*latex_delimiters*/
i[1]), o[0] & /*sanitize_html*/
512 && (u.sanitize_html = /*sanitize_html*/
@@ -17247,13 +17255,13 @@ function mm(s) {
i[12]), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (Te(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (Me(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
We(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- _r(r, i);
+ kr(r, i);
@@ -17261,28 +17269,28 @@ function Ys(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u = (
s[4] && /*j*/
- s[43] == 1 && Xs(s)
+ s[45] == 1 && Xs(s)
), g = (
s[7] && /*message*/
- s[41] && typeof /*message*/
- s[41] == "string" && Zs(s)
+ s[43] && typeof /*message*/
+ s[43] == "string" && Zs(s)
return {
c() {
- r = lt("div"), u && u.c(), a = v0(), g && g.c(), me(r, "class", i = "message-buttons-" + /*j*/
- (s[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " message-buttons-" + /*layout*/
+ r = it("div"), u && u.c(), a = G0(), g && g.c(), fe(r, "class", i = "message-buttons-" + /*j*/
+ (s[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " message-buttons-" + /*layout*/
s[16] + " " + /*avatar_images*/
- s[43]
- ] !== null && "with-avatar") + " svelte-j0hgix"), tt(
+ s[45]
+ ] !== null && "with-avatar") + " svelte-dax3u4"), $e(
s[16] === "bubble" && !/*bubble_full_width*/
- ), tt(
+ ), $e(
@@ -17290,36 +17298,36 @@ function Ys(s) {
m(p, v) {
- gt(p, r, v), u && u.m(r, null), dt(r, a), g && g.m(r, null), o = !0;
+ ut(p, r, v), u && u.m(r, null), Mt(r, a), g && g.m(r, null), o = !0;
p(p, v) {
p[4] && /*j*/
- p[43] == 1 ? u ? (u.p(p, v), v[0] & /*likeable*/
- 16 && Te(u, 1)) : (u = Xs(p), u.c(), Te(u, 1), u.m(r, a)) : u && (s0(), We(u, 1, 1, () => {
+ p[45] == 1 ? u ? (u.p(p, v), v[0] & /*likeable*/
+ 16 && Me(u, 1)) : (u = Xs(p), u.c(), Me(u, 1), u.m(r, a)) : u && (o0(), We(u, 1, 1, () => {
u = null;
- }), l0()), /*show_copy_button*/
+ }), s0()), /*show_copy_button*/
p[7] && /*message*/
- p[41] && typeof /*message*/
- p[41] == "string" ? g ? (g.p(p, v), v[0] & /*show_copy_button, value*/
- 129 && Te(g, 1)) : (g = Zs(p), g.c(), Te(g, 1), g.m(r, null)) : g && (s0(), We(g, 1, 1, () => {
+ p[43] && typeof /*message*/
+ p[43] == "string" ? g ? (g.p(p, v), v[0] & /*show_copy_button, value*/
+ 129 && Me(g, 1)) : (g = Zs(p), g.c(), Me(g, 1), g.m(r, null)) : g && (o0(), We(g, 1, 1, () => {
g = null;
- }), l0()), (!o || v[0] & /*layout, avatar_images*/
+ }), s0()), (!o || v[0] & /*layout, avatar_images*/
65792 && i !== (i = "message-buttons-" + /*j*/
- (p[43] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " message-buttons-" + /*layout*/
+ (p[45] == 0 ? "user" : "bot") + " message-buttons-" + /*layout*/
p[16] + " " + /*avatar_images*/
- p[43]
- ] !== null && "with-avatar") + " svelte-j0hgix")) && me(r, "class", i), (!o || v[0] & /*layout, avatar_images, layout, bubble_full_width*/
- 66816) && tt(
+ p[45]
+ ] !== null && "with-avatar") + " svelte-dax3u4")) && fe(r, "class", i), (!o || v[0] & /*layout, avatar_images, layout, bubble_full_width*/
+ 66816) && $e(
p[16] === "bubble" && !/*bubble_full_width*/
), (!o || v[0] & /*layout, avatar_images, layout*/
- 65792) && tt(
+ 65792) && $e(
@@ -17327,13 +17335,13 @@ function Ys(s) {
i(p) {
- o || (Te(u), Te(g), o = !0);
+ o || (Me(u), Me(g), o = !0);
o(p) {
We(u), We(g), o = !1;
d(p) {
- p && pt(r), u && u.d(), g && g.d();
+ p && ot(r), u && u.d(), g && g.d();
@@ -17342,13 +17350,13 @@ function Xs(s) {
function u() {
return (
- s[33](
+ s[35](
- s[40],
+ s[42],
- s[43],
+ s[45],
- s[41]
+ s[43]
@@ -17358,13 +17366,13 @@ function Xs(s) {
function g() {
return (
- s[34](
+ s[36](
- s[40],
+ s[42],
- s[43],
+ s[45],
- s[41]
+ s[43]
@@ -17372,10 +17380,10 @@ function Xs(s) {
props: { action: "dislike", handle_action: g }
}), {
c() {
- kr(r.$$.fragment), a = v0(), kr(i.$$.fragment);
+ _r(r.$$.fragment), a = G0(), _r(i.$$.fragment);
m(p, v) {
- xr(r, p, v), gt(p, a, v), xr(i, p, v), o = !0;
+ xr(r, p, v), ut(p, a, v), xr(i, p, v), o = !0;
p(p, v) {
s = p;
@@ -17387,24 +17395,24 @@ function Xs(s) {
1 && (S.handle_action = g), i.$set(S);
i(p) {
- o || (Te(r.$$.fragment, p), Te(i.$$.fragment, p), o = !0);
+ o || (Me(r.$$.fragment, p), Me(i.$$.fragment, p), o = !0);
o(p) {
We(r.$$.fragment, p), We(i.$$.fragment, p), o = !1;
d(p) {
- p && pt(a), _r(r, p), _r(i, p);
+ p && ot(a), kr(r, p), kr(i, p);
function Zs(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Cf({ props: { value: (
+ return r = new Nf({ props: { value: (
- s[41]
+ s[43]
) } }), {
c() {
- kr(r.$$.fragment);
+ _r(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
xr(r, i, o), a = !0;
@@ -17413,53 +17421,53 @@ function Zs(s) {
const u = {};
o[0] & /*value*/
1 && (u.value = /*message*/
- i[41]), r.$set(u);
+ i[43]), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (Te(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (Me(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
We(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- _r(r, i);
+ kr(r, i);
function Ks(s) {
let r, a, i = (
- s[41] !== null && js(s)
+ s[43] !== null && Ws(s)
return {
c() {
i && i.c(), r = ui();
m(o, u) {
- i && i.m(o, u), gt(o, r, u), a = !0;
+ i && i.m(o, u), ut(o, r, u), a = !0;
p(o, u) {
- o[41] !== null ? i ? (i.p(o, u), u[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && Te(i, 1)) : (i = js(o), i.c(), Te(i, 1), i.m(r.parentNode, r)) : i && (s0(), We(i, 1, 1, () => {
+ o[43] !== null ? i ? (i.p(o, u), u[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && Me(i, 1)) : (i = Ws(o), i.c(), Me(i, 1), i.m(r.parentNode, r)) : i && (o0(), We(i, 1, 1, () => {
i = null;
- }), l0());
+ }), s0());
i(o) {
- a || (Te(i), a = !0);
+ a || (Me(i), a = !0);
o(o) {
We(i), a = !1;
d(o) {
- o && pt(r), i && i.d(o);
+ o && ot(r), i && i.d(o);
function Qs(s) {
- let r, a, i = On(
+ let r, a, i = qn(
- s[38]
+ s[40]
), o = [];
for (let g = 0; g < i.length; g += 1)
o[g] = Ks(Gs(s, i, g));
@@ -17475,29 +17483,29 @@ function Qs(s) {
m(g, p) {
for (let v = 0; v < o.length; v += 1)
o[v] && o[v].m(g, p);
- gt(g, r, p), a = !0;
+ ut(g, r, p), a = !0;
p(g, p) {
if (p[0] & /*layout, avatar_images, bubble_full_width, value, show_copy_button, handle_like, likeable, render_markdown, rtl, selectable, handle_select, latex_delimiters, sanitize_html, line_breaks, scroll, root, proxy_url*/
- 1933275) {
- i = On(
+ 7438299) {
+ i = qn(
- g[38]
+ g[40]
let v;
for (v = 0; v < i.length; v += 1) {
const w = Gs(g, i, v);
- o[v] ? (o[v].p(w, p), Te(o[v], 1)) : (o[v] = Ks(w), o[v].c(), Te(o[v], 1), o[v].m(r.parentNode, r));
+ o[v] ? (o[v].p(w, p), Me(o[v], 1)) : (o[v] = Ks(w), o[v].c(), Me(o[v], 1), o[v].m(r.parentNode, r));
- for (s0(), v = i.length; v < o.length; v += 1)
+ for (o0(), v = i.length; v < o.length; v += 1)
- l0();
+ s0();
i(g) {
if (!a) {
for (let p = 0; p < i.length; p += 1)
- Te(o[p]);
+ Me(o[p]);
a = !0;
@@ -17508,18 +17516,18 @@ function Qs(s) {
a = !1;
d(g) {
- g && pt(r), Go(o, g);
+ g && ot(r), Wo(o, g);
function Js(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Jf({ props: { layout: (
+ return r = new rm({ props: { layout: (
) } }), {
c() {
- kr(r.$$.fragment);
+ _r(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
xr(r, i, o), a = !0;
@@ -17531,144 +17539,201 @@ function Js(s) {
i[16]), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (Te(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (Me(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
We(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- _r(r, i);
+ kr(r, i);
-function dm(s) {
+function $s(s) {
+ let r, a, i;
+ return {
+ c() {
+ r = it("div"), a = it("img"), fe(a, "class", "centered-logo svelte-dax3u4"), c0(a.src, i = Gr(
+ /*placeholder_image*/
+ s[17],
+ /*root*/
+ s[13],
+ /*proxy_url*/
+ s[14]
+ )) || fe(a, "src", i), fe(a, "alt", "logo"), fe(r, "class", "logo-container svelte-dax3u4");
+ },
+ m(o, u) {
+ ut(o, r, u), Mt(r, a);
+ },
+ p(o, u) {
+ u[0] & /*placeholder_image, root, proxy_url*/
+ 155648 && !c0(a.src, i = Gr(
+ /*placeholder_image*/
+ o[17],
+ /*root*/
+ o[13],
+ /*proxy_url*/
+ o[14]
+ )) && fe(a, "src", i);
+ },
+ d(o) {
+ o && ot(r);
+ }
+ };
+function eo(s) {
+ let r, a;
+ return {
+ c() {
+ r = it("p"), a = Yo(
+ /*placeholder_title*/
+ s[18]
+ ), fe(r, "class", "placeholder-text svelte-dax3u4");
+ },
+ m(i, o) {
+ ut(i, r, o), Mt(r, a);
+ },
+ p(i, o) {
+ o[0] & /*placeholder_title*/
+ 262144 && jo(
+ a,
+ /*placeholder_title*/
+ i[18]
+ );
+ },
+ d(i) {
+ i && ot(r);
+ }
+ };
+function gm(s) {
let r, a, i, o, u, g, p, v, w, S = (
s[5] && /*value*/
s[0] !== null && /*value*/
s[0].length > 0 && Vs(s)
- const L = [om, sm], O = [];
- function X(I, ne) {
+ const L = [cm, um], P = [];
+ function X(I, ae) {
return (
I[0] === null || /*value*/
I[0].length == 0 ? 0 : 1
- return o = X(s), u = O[o] = L[o](s), {
+ return o = X(s), u = P[o] = L[o](s), {
c() {
- S && S.c(), r = v0(), a = lt("div"), i = lt("div"), u.c(), me(i, "class", "message-wrap svelte-j0hgix"), tt(
+ S && S.c(), r = G0(), a = it("div"), i = it("div"), u.c(), fe(i, "class", "message-wrap svelte-dax3u4"), $e(
s[16] === "bubble"
- ), me(a, "class", g = qn(
+ ), fe(a, "class", g = Pn(
s[16] === "bubble" ? "bubble-wrap" : "panel-wrap"
- ) + " svelte-j0hgix"), me(a, "role", "log"), me(a, "aria-label", "chatbot conversation"), me(a, "aria-live", "polite");
+ ) + " svelte-dax3u4"), fe(a, "role", "log"), fe(a, "aria-label", "chatbot conversation"), fe(a, "aria-live", "polite");
- m(I, ne) {
- S && S.m(I, ne), gt(I, r, ne), gt(I, a, ne), dt(a, i), O[o].m(i, null), s[35](a), p = !0, v || (w = Uo(oo.call(null, i)), v = !0);
+ m(I, ae) {
+ S && S.m(I, ae), ut(I, r, ae), ut(I, a, ae), Mt(a, i), P[o].m(i, null), s[37](a), p = !0, v || (w = Vo(co.call(null, i)), v = !0);
- p(I, ne) {
+ p(I, ae) {
I[5] && /*value*/
I[0] !== null && /*value*/
- I[0].length > 0 ? S ? (S.p(I, ne), ne[0] & /*show_share_button, value*/
- 33 && Te(S, 1)) : (S = Vs(I), S.c(), Te(S, 1), S.m(r.parentNode, r)) : S && (s0(), We(S, 1, 1, () => {
+ I[0].length > 0 ? S ? (S.p(I, ae), ae[0] & /*show_share_button, value*/
+ 33 && Me(S, 1)) : (S = Vs(I), S.c(), Me(S, 1), S.m(r.parentNode, r)) : S && (o0(), We(S, 1, 1, () => {
S = null;
- }), l0());
+ }), s0());
let re = o;
- o = X(I), o === re ? O[o].p(I, ne) : (s0(), We(O[re], 1, 1, () => {
- O[re] = null;
- }), l0(), u = O[o], u ? u.p(I, ne) : (u = O[o] = L[o](I), u.c()), Te(u, 1), u.m(i, null)), (!p || ne[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536) && tt(
+ o = X(I), o === re ? P[o].p(I, ae) : (o0(), We(P[re], 1, 1, () => {
+ P[re] = null;
+ }), s0(), u = P[o], u ? u.p(I, ae) : (u = P[o] = L[o](I), u.c()), Me(u, 1), u.m(i, null)), (!p || ae[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536) && $e(
I[16] === "bubble"
- ), (!p || ne[0] & /*layout*/
- 65536 && g !== (g = qn(
+ ), (!p || ae[0] & /*layout*/
+ 65536 && g !== (g = Pn(
I[16] === "bubble" ? "bubble-wrap" : "panel-wrap"
- ) + " svelte-j0hgix")) && me(a, "class", g);
+ ) + " svelte-dax3u4")) && fe(a, "class", g);
i(I) {
- p || (Te(S), Te(u), p = !0);
+ p || (Me(S), Me(u), p = !0);
o(I) {
We(S), We(u), p = !1;
d(I) {
- I && (pt(r), pt(a)), S && S.d(I), O[o].d(), s[35](null), v = !1, w();
+ I && (ot(r), ot(a)), S && S.d(I), P[o].d(), s[37](null), v = !1, w();
-function pm(s, r, a) {
- let { value: i } = r, o = null, { latex_delimiters: u } = r, { pending_message: g = !1 } = r, { selectable: p = !1 } = r, { likeable: v = !1 } = r, { show_share_button: w = !1 } = r, { rtl: S = !1 } = r, { show_copy_button: L = !1 } = r, { avatar_images: O = [null, null] } = r, { sanitize_html: X = !0 } = r, { bubble_full_width: I = !0 } = r, { render_markdown: ne = !0 } = r, { line_breaks: re = !0 } = r, { root: V } = r, { proxy_url: F } = r, { i18n: M } = r, { layout: R = "bubble" } = r, B, H;
- const W = lm();
- am(() => {
- H = B && B.offsetHeight + B.scrollTop > B.scrollHeight - 100;
+function vm(s, r, a) {
+ let { value: i } = r, o = null, { latex_delimiters: u } = r, { pending_message: g = !1 } = r, { selectable: p = !1 } = r, { likeable: v = !1 } = r, { show_share_button: w = !1 } = r, { rtl: S = !1 } = r, { show_copy_button: L = !1 } = r, { avatar_images: P = [null, null] } = r, { sanitize_html: X = !0 } = r, { bubble_full_width: I = !0 } = r, { render_markdown: ae = !0 } = r, { line_breaks: re = !0 } = r, { root: W } = r, { proxy_url: F } = r, { i18n: M } = r, { layout: R = "bubble" } = r, { placeholder_image: B = null } = r, { placeholder_title: H = null } = r, G, Z;
+ const V = om();
+ lm(() => {
+ Z = G && G.offsetHeight + G.scrollTop > G.scrollHeight - 100;
- const Z = () => {
- H && B.scrollTo(0, B.scrollHeight);
+ const ce = () => {
+ Z && G.scrollTo(0, G.scrollHeight);
- im(() => {
- H && (Z(), B.querySelectorAll("img").forEach((te) => {
- te.addEventListener("load", () => {
- Z();
+ sm(() => {
+ Z && (ce(), G.querySelectorAll("img").forEach((ee) => {
+ ee.addEventListener("load", () => {
+ ce();
- function G(te, Ge, $e) {
- W("select", { index: [te, Ge], value: $e });
+ function ge(ee, rt, nt) {
+ V("select", { index: [ee, rt], value: nt });
- function ce(te, Ge, $e, Bt) {
- W("like", { index: [te, Ge], value: $e, liked: Bt });
+ function Te(ee, rt, nt, gt) {
+ V("like", { index: [ee, rt], value: nt, liked: gt });
- function ve(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function xe(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function Ee(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function Ne(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function xe(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function Ke(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function Ne(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function dt(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function rt(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function zt(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function vt(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function Oe(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function At(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function Ae(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function Oe(te) {
- I0.call(this, s, te);
+ function lt(ee) {
+ O0.call(this, s, ee);
- function Ae(te) {
- Ps[te ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- B = te, a(17, B);
+ function ne(ee) {
+ Ps[ee ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ G = ee, a(19, G);
- const J = (te, Ge, $e) => G(te, Ge, $e), Q = (te, Ge, $e, Bt) => {
- Bt.key === "Enter" && G(te, Ge, $e);
- }, Qe = (te, Ge, $e) => ce(te, Ge, $e, !0), ae = (te, Ge, $e) => ce(te, Ge, $e, !1);
- function Je(te) {
- Ps[te ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- B = te, a(17, B);
+ const K = (ee, rt, nt) => ge(ee, rt, nt), $ = (ee, rt, nt, gt) => {
+ gt.key === "Enter" && ge(ee, rt, nt);
+ }, Qe = (ee, rt, nt) => Te(ee, rt, nt, !0), xt = (ee, rt, nt) => Te(ee, rt, nt, !1);
+ function pt(ee) {
+ Ps[ee ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ G = ee, a(19, G);
- return s.$$set = (te) => {
- "value" in te && a(0, i = te.value), "latex_delimiters" in te && a(1, u = te.latex_delimiters), "pending_message" in te && a(2, g = te.pending_message), "selectable" in te && a(3, p = te.selectable), "likeable" in te && a(4, v = te.likeable), "show_share_button" in te && a(5, w = te.show_share_button), "rtl" in te && a(6, S = te.rtl), "show_copy_button" in te && a(7, L = te.show_copy_button), "avatar_images" in te && a(8, O = te.avatar_images), "sanitize_html" in te && a(9, X = te.sanitize_html), "bubble_full_width" in te && a(10, I = te.bubble_full_width), "render_markdown" in te && a(11, ne = te.render_markdown), "line_breaks" in te && a(12, re = te.line_breaks), "root" in te && a(13, V = te.root), "proxy_url" in te && a(14, F = te.proxy_url), "i18n" in te && a(15, M = te.i18n), "layout" in te && a(16, R = te.layout);
+ return s.$$set = (ee) => {
+ "value" in ee && a(0, i = ee.value), "latex_delimiters" in ee && a(1, u = ee.latex_delimiters), "pending_message" in ee && a(2, g = ee.pending_message), "selectable" in ee && a(3, p = ee.selectable), "likeable" in ee && a(4, v = ee.likeable), "show_share_button" in ee && a(5, w = ee.show_share_button), "rtl" in ee && a(6, S = ee.rtl), "show_copy_button" in ee && a(7, L = ee.show_copy_button), "avatar_images" in ee && a(8, P = ee.avatar_images), "sanitize_html" in ee && a(9, X = ee.sanitize_html), "bubble_full_width" in ee && a(10, I = ee.bubble_full_width), "render_markdown" in ee && a(11, ae = ee.render_markdown), "line_breaks" in ee && a(12, re = ee.line_breaks), "root" in ee && a(13, W = ee.root), "proxy_url" in ee && a(14, F = ee.proxy_url), "i18n" in ee && a(15, M = ee.i18n), "layout" in ee && a(16, R = ee.layout), "placeholder_image" in ee && a(17, B = ee.placeholder_image), "placeholder_title" in ee && a(18, H = ee.placeholder_title);
}, s.$$.update = () => {
s.$$.dirty[0] & /*value, old_value*/
- 2097153 && (Za(i, o) || (a(21, o = i), W("change")));
+ 8388609 && (Ka(i, o) || (a(23, o = i), V("change")));
}, [
@@ -17678,44 +17743,46 @@ function pm(s, r, a) {
- O,
+ P,
- ne,
+ ae,
- V,
+ W,
- Z,
+ H,
+ ge,
+ Te,
- ve,
- Ee,
- rt,
- vt,
- At,
+ Ke,
+ dt,
+ zt,
- J,
- Q,
+ lt,
+ ne,
+ K,
+ $,
- ae,
- Je
+ xt,
+ pt
-class gm extends $f {
+class bm extends nm {
constructor(r) {
- super(), em(
+ super(), am(
- pm,
- dm,
- tm,
+ vm,
+ gm,
+ im,
value: 0,
latex_delimiters: 1,
@@ -17733,7 +17800,9 @@ class gm extends $f {
root: 13,
proxy_url: 14,
i18n: 15,
- layout: 16
+ layout: 16,
+ placeholder_image: 17,
+ placeholder_title: 18
[-1, -1]
@@ -17741,27 +17810,27 @@ class gm extends $f {
const {
- SvelteComponent: vm,
- append: bm,
- assign: ym,
- attr: wm,
- check_outros: $s,
- create_component: Hn,
- destroy_component: Un,
- detach: eo,
- element: km,
- get_spread_object: _m,
- get_spread_update: xm,
- group_outros: to,
- init: Sm,
- insert: ro,
- mount_component: Gn,
- safe_not_equal: Am,
- space: no,
- transition_in: t0,
- transition_out: q0
+ SvelteComponent: ym,
+ append: wm,
+ assign: _m,
+ attr: km,
+ check_outros: to,
+ create_component: Un,
+ destroy_component: Gn,
+ detach: ro,
+ element: xm,
+ get_spread_object: Sm,
+ get_spread_update: Am,
+ group_outros: no,
+ init: Tm,
+ insert: ao,
+ mount_component: Vn,
+ safe_not_equal: Mm,
+ space: io,
+ transition_in: r0,
+ transition_out: P0
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function ao(s) {
+function lo(s) {
let r, a;
const i = [
@@ -17775,27 +17844,27 @@ function ao(s) {
) },
- s[23],
+ s[25],
show_progress: (
- s[23].show_progress === "hidden" ? "hidden" : "minimal"
+ s[25].show_progress === "hidden" ? "hidden" : "minimal"
let o = {};
for (let u = 0; u < i.length; u += 1)
- o = ym(o, i[u]);
- return r = new pf({ props: o }), {
+ o = _m(o, i[u]);
+ return r = new yf({ props: o }), {
c() {
- Hn(r.$$.fragment);
+ Un(r.$$.fragment);
m(u, g) {
- Gn(r, u, g), a = !0;
+ Vn(r, u, g), a = !0;
p(u, g) {
const p = g[0] & /*gradio, loading_status*/
- 10485760 ? xm(i, [
+ 35651584 ? Am(i, [
g[0] & /*gradio*/
2097152 && {
autoscroll: (
@@ -17809,40 +17878,40 @@ function ao(s) {
) },
g[0] & /*loading_status*/
- 8388608 && _m(
+ 33554432 && Sm(
- u[23]
+ u[25]
g[0] & /*loading_status*/
- 8388608 && {
+ 33554432 && {
show_progress: (
- u[23].show_progress === "hidden" ? "hidden" : "minimal"
+ u[25].show_progress === "hidden" ? "hidden" : "minimal"
]) : {};
i(u) {
- a || (t0(r.$$.fragment, u), a = !0);
+ a || (r0(r.$$.fragment, u), a = !0);
o(u) {
- q0(r.$$.fragment, u), a = !1;
+ P0(r.$$.fragment, u), a = !1;
d(u) {
- Un(r, u);
+ Gn(r, u);
-function io(s) {
+function so(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Qu({
+ return r = new tc({
props: {
show_label: (
- Icon: wc,
+ Icon: Sc,
float: !1,
label: (
@@ -17851,10 +17920,10 @@ function io(s) {
}), {
c() {
- Hn(r.$$.fragment);
+ Un(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- Gn(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ Vn(r, i, o), a = !0;
p(i, o) {
const u = {};
@@ -17865,26 +17934,26 @@ function io(s) {
i[6] || "Chatbot"), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (t0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (r0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
- q0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
+ P0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- Un(r, i);
+ Gn(r, i);
-function Tm(s) {
+function zm(s) {
var v;
let r, a, i, o, u, g = (
- s[23] && ao(s)
+ s[25] && lo(s)
), p = (
- s[7] && io(s)
+ s[7] && so(s)
- return o = new gm({
+ return o = new bm({
props: {
i18n: (
@@ -17904,7 +17973,7 @@ function Tm(s) {
value: (
- s[25]
+ s[27]
latex_delimiters: (
@@ -17916,7 +17985,7 @@ function Tm(s) {
pending_message: (
- ((v = s[23]) == null ? void 0 : v.status) === "pending"
+ ((v = s[25]) == null ? void 0 : v.status) === "pending"
rtl: (
@@ -17953,46 +18022,54 @@ function Tm(s) {
root: (
+ ),
+ placeholder_image: (
+ /*placeholder_image*/
+ s[23]
+ ),
+ placeholder_title: (
+ /*placeholder_title*/
+ s[24]
}), o.$on(
- s[26]
+ s[28]
), o.$on(
- s[27]
+ s[29]
), o.$on(
- s[28]
+ s[30]
), o.$on(
- s[29]
+ s[31]
), o.$on(
- s[30]
+ s[32]
), {
c() {
- g && g.c(), r = no(), a = km("div"), p && p.c(), i = no(), Hn(o.$$.fragment), wm(a, "class", "wrapper svelte-r8zcdo");
+ g && g.c(), r = io(), a = xm("div"), p && p.c(), i = io(), Un(o.$$.fragment), km(a, "class", "wrapper svelte-r8zcdo");
m(w, S) {
- g && g.m(w, S), ro(w, r, S), ro(w, a, S), p && p.m(a, null), bm(a, i), Gn(o, a, null), u = !0;
+ g && g.m(w, S), ao(w, r, S), ao(w, a, S), p && p.m(a, null), wm(a, i), Vn(o, a, null), u = !0;
p(w, S) {
- var O;
+ var P;
- w[23] ? g ? (g.p(w, S), S[0] & /*loading_status*/
- 8388608 && t0(g, 1)) : (g = ao(w), g.c(), t0(g, 1), g.m(r.parentNode, r)) : g && (to(), q0(g, 1, 1, () => {
+ w[25] ? g ? (g.p(w, S), S[0] & /*loading_status*/
+ 33554432 && r0(g, 1)) : (g = lo(w), g.c(), r0(g, 1), g.m(r.parentNode, r)) : g && (no(), P0(g, 1, 1, () => {
g = null;
- }), $s()), /*show_label*/
+ }), to()), /*show_label*/
w[7] ? p ? (p.p(w, S), S[0] & /*show_label*/
- 128 && t0(p, 1)) : (p = io(w), p.c(), t0(p, 1), p.m(a, i)) : p && (to(), q0(p, 1, 1, () => {
+ 128 && r0(p, 1)) : (p = so(w), p.c(), r0(p, 1), p.m(a, i)) : p && (no(), P0(p, 1, 1, () => {
p = null;
- }), $s());
+ }), to());
const L = {};
S[0] & /*gradio*/
2097152 && (L.i18n = /*gradio*/
@@ -18003,14 +18080,14 @@ function Tm(s) {
w[11]), S[0] & /*show_share_button*/
4096 && (L.show_share_button = /*show_share_button*/
w[12]), S[0] & /*_value*/
- 33554432 && (L.value = /*_value*/
- w[25]), S[0] & /*latex_delimiters*/
+ 134217728 && (L.value = /*_value*/
+ w[27]), S[0] & /*latex_delimiters*/
1048576 && (L.latex_delimiters = /*latex_delimiters*/
w[20]), S[0] & /*render_markdown*/
262144 && (L.render_markdown = /*render_markdown*/
w[18]), S[0] & /*loading_status*/
- 8388608 && (L.pending_message = /*loading_status*/
- ((O = w[23]) == null ? void 0 : O.status) === "pending"), S[0] & /*rtl*/
+ 33554432 && (L.pending_message = /*loading_status*/
+ ((P = w[25]) == null ? void 0 : P.status) === "pending"), S[0] & /*rtl*/
8192 && (L.rtl = /*rtl*/
w[13]), S[0] & /*show_copy_button*/
16384 && (L.show_copy_button = /*show_copy_button*/
@@ -18028,22 +18105,26 @@ function Tm(s) {
512 && (L.proxy_url = /*proxy_url*/
w[9]), S[0] & /*root*/
256 && (L.root = /*root*/
- w[8]), o.$set(L);
+ w[8]), S[0] & /*placeholder_image*/
+ 8388608 && (L.placeholder_image = /*placeholder_image*/
+ w[23]), S[0] & /*placeholder_title*/
+ 16777216 && (L.placeholder_title = /*placeholder_title*/
+ w[24]), o.$set(L);
i(w) {
- u || (t0(g), t0(p), t0(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !0);
+ u || (r0(g), r0(p), r0(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !0);
o(w) {
- q0(g), q0(p), q0(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !1;
+ P0(g), P0(p), P0(o.$$.fragment, w), u = !1;
d(w) {
- w && (eo(r), eo(a)), g && g.d(w), p && p.d(), Un(o);
+ w && (ro(r), ro(a)), g && g.d(w), p && p.d(), Gn(o);
-function Mm(s) {
+function Cm(s) {
let r, a;
- return r = new Fu({
+ return r = new qu({
props: {
elem_id: (
@@ -18068,18 +18149,18 @@ function Mm(s) {
height: (
- s[24]
+ s[26]
allow_overflow: !1,
- $$slots: { default: [Tm] },
+ $$slots: { default: [zm] },
$$scope: { ctx: s }
}), {
c() {
- Hn(r.$$.fragment);
+ Un(r.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- Gn(r, i, o), a = !0;
+ Vn(r, i, o), a = !0;
p(i, o) {
const u = {};
@@ -18094,23 +18175,23 @@ function Mm(s) {
i[4]), o[0] & /*min_width*/
32 && (u.min_width = /*min_width*/
i[5]), o[0] & /*height*/
- 16777216 && (u.height = /*height*/
- i[24]), o[0] & /*gradio, _selectable, likeable, show_share_button, _value, latex_delimiters, render_markdown, loading_status, rtl, show_copy_button, avatar_images, sanitize_html, bubble_full_width, line_breaks, layout, proxy_url, root, value, show_label, label*/
- 50331592 | o[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 4 && (u.$$scope = { dirty: o, ctx: i }), r.$set(u);
+ 67108864 && (u.height = /*height*/
+ i[26]), o[0] & /*gradio, _selectable, likeable, show_share_button, _value, latex_delimiters, render_markdown, loading_status, rtl, show_copy_button, avatar_images, sanitize_html, bubble_full_width, line_breaks, layout, proxy_url, root, placeholder_image, placeholder_title, value, show_label, label*/
+ 201326536 | o[1] & /*$$scope*/
+ 16 && (u.$$scope = { dirty: o, ctx: i }), r.$set(u);
i(i) {
- a || (t0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
+ a || (r0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !0);
o(i) {
- q0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
+ P0(r.$$.fragment, i), a = !1;
d(i) {
- Un(r, i);
+ Gn(r, i);
-function lo(s) {
+function oo(s) {
let r, a = s[0], i = 1;
for (; i < s.length; ) {
const o = s[i], u = s[i + 1];
@@ -18120,24 +18201,24 @@ function lo(s) {
return a;
-function zm(s, r, a) {
- let { elem_id: i = "" } = r, { elem_classes: o = [] } = r, { visible: u = !0 } = r, { value: g = [] } = r, { scale: p = null } = r, { min_width: v = void 0 } = r, { label: w } = r, { show_label: S = !0 } = r, { root: L } = r, { proxy_url: O } = r, { _selectable: X = !1 } = r, { likeable: I = !1 } = r, { show_share_button: ne = !1 } = r, { rtl: re = !1 } = r, { show_copy_button: V = !1 } = r, { sanitize_html: F = !0 } = r, { bubble_full_width: M = !0 } = r, { layout: R = "bubble" } = r, { render_markdown: B = !0 } = r, { line_breaks: H = !0 } = r, { latex_delimiters: W } = r, { gradio: Z } = r, { avatar_images: G = [null, null] } = r, ce;
- const ve = (J) => J.replace('src="/file', `src="${L}file`);
- function Ee(J) {
- return J === null ? J : {
- file: Oo(lo([J, "optionalAccess", (Q) => Q.file]), L, O),
- alt_text: lo([J, "optionalAccess", (Q) => Q.alt_text])
+function Em(s, r, a) {
+ let { elem_id: i = "" } = r, { elem_classes: o = [] } = r, { visible: u = !0 } = r, { value: g = [] } = r, { scale: p = null } = r, { min_width: v = void 0 } = r, { label: w } = r, { show_label: S = !0 } = r, { root: L } = r, { proxy_url: P } = r, { _selectable: X = !1 } = r, { likeable: I = !1 } = r, { show_share_button: ae = !1 } = r, { rtl: re = !1 } = r, { show_copy_button: W = !1 } = r, { sanitize_html: F = !0 } = r, { bubble_full_width: M = !0 } = r, { layout: R = "bubble" } = r, { render_markdown: B = !0 } = r, { line_breaks: H = !0 } = r, { latex_delimiters: G } = r, { gradio: Z } = r, { avatar_images: V = [null, null] } = r, { placeholder_image: ce = null } = r, { placeholder_title: ge = null } = r, Te;
+ const xe = (K) => K.replace('src="/file', `src="${L}file`);
+ function Ne(K) {
+ return K === null ? K : {
+ file: Po(oo([K, "optionalAccess", ($) => $.file]), L, P),
+ alt_text: oo([K, "optionalAccess", ($) => $.alt_text])
- let { loading_status: xe = void 0 } = r, { height: Ne = 400 } = r;
- const rt = () => Z.dispatch("change", g), vt = (J) => Z.dispatch("select", J.detail), At = (J) => Z.dispatch("like", J.detail), Oe = (J) => Z.dispatch("share", J.detail), Ae = (J) => Z.dispatch("error", J.detail);
- return s.$$set = (J) => {
- "elem_id" in J && a(0, i = J.elem_id), "elem_classes" in J && a(1, o = J.elem_classes), "visible" in J && a(2, u = J.visible), "value" in J && a(3, g = J.value), "scale" in J && a(4, p = J.scale), "min_width" in J && a(5, v = J.min_width), "label" in J && a(6, w = J.label), "show_label" in J && a(7, S = J.show_label), "root" in J && a(8, L = J.root), "proxy_url" in J && a(9, O = J.proxy_url), "_selectable" in J && a(10, X = J._selectable), "likeable" in J && a(11, I = J.likeable), "show_share_button" in J && a(12, ne = J.show_share_button), "rtl" in J && a(13, re = J.rtl), "show_copy_button" in J && a(14, V = J.show_copy_button), "sanitize_html" in J && a(15, F = J.sanitize_html), "bubble_full_width" in J && a(16, M = J.bubble_full_width), "layout" in J && a(17, R = J.layout), "render_markdown" in J && a(18, B = J.render_markdown), "line_breaks" in J && a(19, H = J.line_breaks), "latex_delimiters" in J && a(20, W = J.latex_delimiters), "gradio" in J && a(21, Z = J.gradio), "avatar_images" in J && a(22, G = J.avatar_images), "loading_status" in J && a(23, xe = J.loading_status), "height" in J && a(24, Ne = J.height);
+ let { loading_status: Ke = void 0 } = r, { height: dt = 400 } = r;
+ const zt = () => Z.dispatch("change", g), Oe = (K) => Z.dispatch("select", K.detail), Ae = (K) => Z.dispatch("like", K.detail), lt = (K) => Z.dispatch("share", K.detail), ne = (K) => Z.dispatch("error", K.detail);
+ return s.$$set = (K) => {
+ "elem_id" in K && a(0, i = K.elem_id), "elem_classes" in K && a(1, o = K.elem_classes), "visible" in K && a(2, u = K.visible), "value" in K && a(3, g = K.value), "scale" in K && a(4, p = K.scale), "min_width" in K && a(5, v = K.min_width), "label" in K && a(6, w = K.label), "show_label" in K && a(7, S = K.show_label), "root" in K && a(8, L = K.root), "proxy_url" in K && a(9, P = K.proxy_url), "_selectable" in K && a(10, X = K._selectable), "likeable" in K && a(11, I = K.likeable), "show_share_button" in K && a(12, ae = K.show_share_button), "rtl" in K && a(13, re = K.rtl), "show_copy_button" in K && a(14, W = K.show_copy_button), "sanitize_html" in K && a(15, F = K.sanitize_html), "bubble_full_width" in K && a(16, M = K.bubble_full_width), "layout" in K && a(17, R = K.layout), "render_markdown" in K && a(18, B = K.render_markdown), "line_breaks" in K && a(19, H = K.line_breaks), "latex_delimiters" in K && a(20, G = K.latex_delimiters), "gradio" in K && a(21, Z = K.gradio), "avatar_images" in K && a(22, V = K.avatar_images), "placeholder_image" in K && a(23, ce = K.placeholder_image), "placeholder_title" in K && a(24, ge = K.placeholder_title), "loading_status" in K && a(25, Ke = K.loading_status), "height" in K && a(26, dt = K.height);
}, s.$$.update = () => {
s.$$.dirty[0] & /*value*/
- 8 && a(25, ce = g ? g.map(([J, Q]) => [
- typeof J == "string" ? ve(J) : Ee(J),
- typeof Q == "string" ? ve(Q) : Ee(Q)
+ 8 && a(27, Te = g ? g.map(([K, $]) => [
+ typeof K == "string" ? xe(K) : Ne(K),
+ typeof $ == "string" ? xe($) : Ne($)
]) : []);
}, [
@@ -18149,38 +18230,40 @@ function zm(s, r, a) {
- O,
+ P,
- ne,
+ ae,
- V,
+ W,
- W,
- Z,
- xe,
- Ne,
+ Z,
+ V,
- rt,
- vt,
- At,
+ ge,
+ Ke,
+ dt,
+ Te,
+ zt,
- Ae
+ Ae,
+ lt,
+ ne
-class Bm extends vm {
+class Nm extends ym {
constructor(r) {
- super(), Sm(
+ super(), Tm(
- zm,
+ Em,
+ Cm,
- Am,
elem_id: 0,
elem_classes: 1,
@@ -18205,8 +18288,10 @@ class Bm extends vm {
latex_delimiters: 20,
gradio: 21,
avatar_images: 22,
- loading_status: 23,
- height: 24
+ placeholder_image: 23,
+ placeholder_title: 24,
+ loading_status: 25,
+ height: 26
[-1, -1]
@@ -18214,6 +18299,6 @@ class Bm extends vm {
export {
- gm as BaseChatBot,
- Bm as default
+ bm as BaseChatBot,
+ Nm as default