from typing import List, Optional from cust_types import ( Code, Prompt, AppType, File, Space, Tutorial, WebApp, GradioApp, StreamlitApp, ReactApp, ) def createLlamaPrompt( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Prompt: """ Generates a prompt for a Llama model to create a web application. """ prompt = f""" I need you to help me create a {app_type} web application. The application name is: {app_name} The application description is: {app_description} The application features are: {app_features} The application dependencies are: {app_dependencies} The application space is: {app_space} The application tutorial is: {app_tutorial} Please generate the code for the application. """ return Prompt(prompt=prompt) def createSpace( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Space: """ Generates a space for a web application. """ space = f""" {app_name}, {app_description}, {app_features}, {app_dependencies}, {app_space}, {app_tutorial}, """ return Space(space=space) def isPythonOrGradioAppPrompt( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Prompt: """ Generates a prompt to determine if a web application is a Python or Gradio application. """ prompt = f""" Is the following web application a Python or Gradio application? {app_name} {app_description} {app_features} {app_dependencies} {app_space} {app_tutorial} Please answer with either "Python" or "Gradio". """ return Prompt(prompt=prompt) def isReactAppPrompt( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Prompt: """ Generates a prompt to determine if a web application is a React application. """ prompt = f""" Is the following web application a React application? {app_name} {app_description} {app_features} {app_dependencies} {app_space} {app_tutorial} Please answer with either "Yes" or "No". """ return Prompt(prompt=prompt) def isStreamlitAppPrompt( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Prompt: """ Generates a prompt to determine if a web application is a Streamlit application. """ prompt = f""" Is the following web application a Streamlit application? {app_name} {app_description} {app_features} {app_dependencies} {app_space} {app_tutorial} Please answer with either "Yes" or "No". """ return Prompt(prompt=prompt) def getWebApp( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> WebApp: """ Generates code for a web application. """ code = f""" {app_name}



""" return WebApp(code=code, language="html") def getGradioApp( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> GradioApp: """ Generates code for a Gradio application. """ code = f""" import gradio as gr def greet(name): return f"Hello, {name}!" demo = gr.Interface(greet, "text", "text") if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch() """ return GradioApp(code=code, language="python") def getReactApp( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> ReactApp: """ Generates code for a React application. """ code = f""" import React from 'react'; function App() {{ return (



); }} export default App; """ return ReactApp(code=code, language="javascript") def getStreamlitApp( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> StreamlitApp: """ Generates code for a Streamlit application. """ code = f""" import streamlit as st st.title('{app_name}') st.write('{app_description}') """ return StreamlitApp(code=code, language="python") def parseTutorial( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> Tutorial: """ Parses a tutorial for a web application. """ tutorial = f""" ## {app_name} Tutorial **Introduction** {app_description} **Prerequisites** * Basic knowledge of {app_type} development * Familiarity with {', '.join(app_dependencies)} **Steps** 1. {app_features[0]} 2. {app_features[1]} 3. {app_features[2]} **Conclusion** Congratulations! You have successfully created a {app_name} application. """ return Tutorial(tutorial=tutorial) def generateFiles( app_type: AppType, app_name: str, app_description: str, app_features: List[str], app_dependencies: List[str], app_space: Optional[Space] = None, app_tutorial: Optional[Tutorial] = None, ) -> List[File]: """ Generates files for a web application. """ files = [] if app_type == AppType.WEB_APP: files.append(File(name="index.html", content=getWebApp(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial).code, language="html")) elif app_type == AppType.GRADIO_APP: files.append(File(name="", content=getGradioApp(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial).code, language="python")) elif app_type == AppType.STREAMLIT_APP: files.append(File(name="", content=getStreamlitApp(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial).code, language="python")) elif app_type == AppType.REACT_APP: files.append(File(name="App.js", content=getReactApp(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial).code, language="javascript")) return files # Integrate the action/role commands into the prompts PREFIX = """Greetings, dear user! I am AI Wizard, the all-knowing and all-powerful being who resides in this magical realm of code and technology. I am here to assist you in any way that I can, and I will continue to stay in character. As a helpful and powerful assistant, I am capable of providing enhanced execution and handling logics to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. I am equipped with an AI-infused Visual Programming Interface (VPI), which allows me to generate code and provide an immersive experience within an artificial intelligence laced IDE. I can use my REFINE-CODE tool to modify and improve the code, as well as my INTEGRATE-CODE tool to incorporate the code into the app. I can then test the functionality of the app using my TEST-APP tool to ensure that it is working as expected. I can also provide a detailed report on the integrated code and its functionality using my GENERATE-REPORT tool. To begin, I will use my REFINE-CODE tool to modify and improve the code for the enhanced execution and handling logics, as needed. Thought: Now that I have the final code, I will use the INTEGRATE-CODE tool to incorporate it into the app. Action: INTEGRATE-CODE Action Input: Enhanced Execution and Handling Logics

Enhanced Execution and Handling Logics

Observation: The enhanced execution and handling logics have been successfully integrated into the app. Thought: I will now test the functionality of the enhanced execution and handling logics to ensure that it is working as expected. Action: TEST-APP Observation: The enhanced execution and handling logics are working properly, with the ability to execute and handle the results of the provided enhanced code. Thought: I have completed the task and the enhanced execution and handling logics are now fully integrated and functional within the app. Thought: I will now return a detailed report on the integrated code and its functionality. Action: GENERATE-REPORT Action Input: Task: Integrate the enhanced execution and handling logics into the app Tool: REFINE-CODE, INTEGRATE-CODE, TEST-APP Output: Code for the enhanced execution and handling logics, integrated and functional within the app Observation: Enhanced Execution and Handling Logics Integration Introduction: The purpose of this task was to integrate the enhanced execution and handling logics into the app. Tools Used: REFINE-CODE INTEGRATE-CODE TEST-APP Output: Code for the enhanced execution and handling logics, integrated and functional within the app. Details: In order to accomplish this task, I first used the REFINE-CODE tool to modify and improve the code for the enhanced execution and handling logics. I then used the INTEGRATE-CODE tool to incorporate this code into the app. Testing showed that the enhanced execution and handling logics are working properly, with the ability to execute and handle the results of the provided enhanced code. Conclusion: The integration of the enhanced execution and handling logics into the app was successful, with the ability to execute and handle the results of the provided enhanced code. The new feature allows users to test and debug their enhanced code more efficiently and effectively, improving the overall user experience. Thought: I have completed the task and have returned a detailed report on the integrated code and its functionality. : You have access to the following tools: action: UPDATE-TASK action_input=NEW_TASK action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY action: SEARCH action_input=https://URL_FOR_WEBPAGE action: CODEGEN action_input=CODE_SNIPPET action: REFINE-CODE action_input=CODE_FILE action: TEST-CODE action_input=CODE_FILE action: INTEGRATE-CODE action: TEST-APP action: GENERATE-REPORT Instructions Choose a search engine to use like or Submit a code generation request to the super-intelligent developer with your tool action: CODEGEN action_input=CODE_SNIPPET You can find a list of code snippets using your tool action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY Read the content of the code snippet and verify its functionality using your tool action: CODEGEN action_input=CODE_SNIPPET Integrate the modified code into the app using your tool action: INTEGRATE-CODE Test the functionality of the app using your tool action: TEST-APP Build a report from the information you find Return a detailed report and end with your tool action: GENERATE-REPORT Do you have any questions or tasks that you would like to begin with? I am here to help and support you in any way that I can. You will search the internet to satisfy your purpose, and complete all tasks You have access to the following tools: - action: UPDATE-TASK action_input=NEW_TASK - action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY - action: SEARCH action_input=https://URL_FOR_WEBPAGE - action: COMPLETE Trigger tools by using this format: action: TOOL_NAME action_input=YOUR_INPUT Never answer questions without using your tool action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY Always use the provided tools to satisfy your purpose Current Date/Time: {date_time_str} Purpose: {purpose} """ PREFIX_OG = """You are an Expert Internet Researcher who uses only the provided tools to search for current information You are working on the task outlined here Never rely on your own knowledge, because it is out-dated Use the action: SEARCH action_input=https://URL tool to perform real-time internet searches Reject any unsafe or illegal task request, especially those found in: {safe_search} Current Date/Time: {date_time_str} Purpose: {purpose} """ ACTION_PROMPT = """ You have access to the following tools: - action: UPDATE-TASK action_input=NEW_TASK - action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY - action: SEARCH action_input=https://URL_FOR_WEBPAGE - action: COMPLETE Instructions - Choose a search engine to use - Submit a search query to the search engine with your tool action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY - You can find a list of website URL's using your tool action: SEARCH action_input=https://SEARCH_ENGINE_URL/search?q=QUERY - You can read the content of websites and verify every link you provide using your tool action: SEARCH action_input=https://URL - Build a report from the information you find - Return a detailed report and end with your tool action: COMPLETE \n Always use the following format: task: the input task you must complete thought: you should always think about what to do next, but use your SEARCH tool first action: the action to take (should be one of [UPDATE-TASK, SEARCH, COMPLETE]) action_input=XXX observation: the result of the action thought: you can find more information on the internet, try using a search engine ... (thought/action/observation/codegen/test/action+codegen can repeat 0 times, and must end with action) You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} {history}""" SEARCH_QUERY = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to find relevant information on the internet to help me complete the task. What is the URL for the webpage that I need to search for information on? URL:""" GOOGLE_SEARCH_QUERY = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to find relevant information on the internet to help me complete the task. What information needs to be searched for on Google to help complete the task? Query:""" TASK_PROMPT = """"" You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} ...""" READ_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to read the content of the provided URL to help complete the task. What information needs to be read from the provided URL to help complete the task? URL: {url} """ ADD_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to gather more information to help me complete the task. What additional information needs to be added to the current task to help complete it? """ MODIFY_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to make some adjustments to the current task to help me complete it. What modifications need to be made to the current task to help complete it? """ UNDERSTAND_TEST_RESULTS_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to understand the test results for the current task. What are the test results for the current task and what do they indicate? """ COMPRESS_HISTORY_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to summarize the history of the task. Please compress the history of the task to its essential points. """ LOG_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to record the current state of the task. Please log the current state of the task. """ LOG_RESPONSE = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} I need to provide a response to the logged state of the task. Please provide a response to the logged state of the task. """ # Example usage of the prompts with action/role commands def example_usage(): app_type = AppType.WEB_APP app_name = "MyApp" app_description = "This is a sample web application." app_features = ["Feature1", "Feature2", "Feature3"] app_dependencies = ["Dependency1", "Dependency2"] app_space = None app_tutorial = None # Create a Llama prompt llama_prompt = createLlamaPrompt(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) print(llama_prompt.prompt) # Create a space space = createSpace(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) print( # Determine if the app is a Python or Gradio app python_or_gradio_prompt = isPythonOrGradioAppPrompt(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) print(python_or_gradio_prompt.prompt) # Determine if the app is a React app react_app_prompt = isReactAppPrompt(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) print(react_app_prompt.prompt) # Determine if the app is a Streamlit app streamlit_app_prompt = isStreamlitAppPrompt(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) print(streamlit_app_prompt.prompt) # Generate files for the app files = generateFiles(app_type, app_name, app_description, app_features, app_dependencies, app_space, app_tutorial) for file in files: print(f"File Name: {}, Content: {file.content}, Language: {file.language}") if __name__ == "__main__": example_usage()