import { alpine } from "./alpine.mts"
import { daisy } from "./daisy.mts"
export function getWebApp(prompt: string) {
const prefix = `# In index.html:\n\`\`\`
const instructions = [
role: "system",
content: [
`You are a JavaScript developer, expert at crafting applications using AlpineJS, DaisyUI and Tailwind.`,
`Here is an extract from the AlpineJS documentation:`,
`Here is an extract from the DaisyUI documentation:`,
].filter(item => item).join("\n")
role: "user",
content: `Please write, file by file, the source code for a HTML JS app.
Here are some recommended librairies:
- AlpineJS (use "")
- DaisyUI (use "")
- Tailwind (use ",typography,aspect-ratio")
- Three.js (use "")
Those library will be globally exposed thanks to the