# BSD 3-Clause License # # Copyright (c) 2021, Sberbank AI # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import einops import numpy as np import torch from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from PIL import Image from torch import nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn import init as init from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm # https://huggingface.co/ai-forever/Real-ESRGAN HF_MODELS = { 2: { "repo_id": "ai-forever/Real-ESRGAN", "filename": "RealESRGAN_x2.pth", }, 4: { "repo_id": "ai-forever/Real-ESRGAN", "filename": "RealESRGAN_x4.pth", }, # 8: { # "repo_id": "ai-forever/Real-ESRGAN", # "filename": "RealESRGAN_x8.pth", # }, } def pad_reflect(image, pad_size): # fmt: off image_size = image.shape height, width = image_size[:2] new_image = np.zeros([height + pad_size * 2, width + pad_size * 2, image_size[2]]).astype(np.uint8) new_image[pad_size:-pad_size, pad_size:-pad_size, :] = image new_image[0:pad_size, pad_size:-pad_size, :] = np.flip(image[0:pad_size, :, :], axis=0) # top new_image[-pad_size:, pad_size:-pad_size, :] = np.flip(image[-pad_size:, :, :], axis=0) # bottom new_image[:, 0:pad_size, :] = np.flip(new_image[:, pad_size : pad_size * 2, :], axis=1) # left new_image[:, -pad_size:, :] = np.flip(new_image[:, -pad_size * 2 : -pad_size, :], axis=1) # right return new_image # fmt: on def unpad_image(image, pad_size): return image[pad_size:-pad_size, pad_size:-pad_size, :] def pad_patch(image_patch, padding_size, channel_last=True): if channel_last: return np.pad( image_patch, ((padding_size, padding_size), (padding_size, padding_size), (0, 0)), "edge", ) else: return np.pad( image_patch, ((0, 0), (padding_size, padding_size), (padding_size, padding_size)), "edge", ) def unpad_patches(image_patches, padding_size): return image_patches[:, padding_size:-padding_size, padding_size:-padding_size, :] def split_image_into_overlapping_patches(image_array, patch_size, padding_size=2): xmax, ymax, _ = image_array.shape x_remainder = xmax % patch_size y_remainder = ymax % patch_size # modulo here is to avoid extending of patch_size instead of 0 x_extend = (patch_size - x_remainder) % patch_size y_extend = (patch_size - y_remainder) % patch_size # make sure the image is divisible into regular patches extended_image = np.pad(image_array, ((0, x_extend), (0, y_extend), (0, 0)), "edge") # add padding around the image to simplify computations padded_image = pad_patch(extended_image, padding_size, channel_last=True) patches = [] xmax, ymax, _ = padded_image.shape x_lefts = range(padding_size, xmax - padding_size, patch_size) y_tops = range(padding_size, ymax - padding_size, patch_size) for x in x_lefts: for y in y_tops: x_left = x - padding_size y_top = y - padding_size x_right = x + patch_size + padding_size y_bottom = y + patch_size + padding_size patch = padded_image[x_left:x_right, y_top:y_bottom, :] patches.append(patch) return np.array(patches), padded_image.shape def stitch_together(patches, padded_image_shape, target_shape, padding_size=4): xmax, ymax, _ = padded_image_shape patches = unpad_patches(patches, padding_size) patch_size = patches.shape[1] n_patches_per_row = ymax // patch_size complete_image = np.zeros((xmax, ymax, 3)) row = -1 col = 0 for i in range(len(patches)): if i % n_patches_per_row == 0: row += 1 col = 0 complete_image[ row * patch_size : (row + 1) * patch_size, col * patch_size : (col + 1) * patch_size, : ] = patches[i] col += 1 return complete_image[0 : target_shape[0], 0 : target_shape[1], :] @torch.no_grad() def default_init_weights(module_list, scale=1, bias_fill=0, **kwargs): if not isinstance(module_list, list): module_list = [module_list] for module in module_list: for m in module.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs) m.weight.data *= scale if m.bias is not None: m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill) elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, **kwargs) m.weight.data *= scale if m.bias is not None: m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill) elif isinstance(m, _BatchNorm): init.constant_(m.weight, 1) if m.bias is not None: m.bias.data.fill_(bias_fill) def make_layer(basic_block, num_basic_block, **kwarg): layers = [] for _ in range(num_basic_block): layers.append(basic_block(**kwarg)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def pixel_unshuffle(x, scale): _, _, h, w = x.shape assert h % scale == 0 and w % scale == 0, "Height and width must be divisible by scale" return einops.rearrange( x, "b c (h s1) (w s2) -> b (c s1 s2) h w", s1=scale, s2=scale, ) class ResidualDenseBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_feat=64, num_grow_ch=32): super(ResidualDenseBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 2 * num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 3 * num_grow_ch, num_grow_ch, 3, 1, 1) self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat + 4 * num_grow_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True) default_init_weights([self.conv1, self.conv2, self.conv3, self.conv4, self.conv5], 0.1) def forward(self, x): x1 = self.lrelu(self.conv1(x)) x2 = self.lrelu(self.conv2(torch.cat((x, x1), 1))) x3 = self.lrelu(self.conv3(torch.cat((x, x1, x2), 1))) x4 = self.lrelu(self.conv4(torch.cat((x, x1, x2, x3), 1))) x5 = self.conv5(torch.cat((x, x1, x2, x3, x4), 1)) return x5 * 0.2 + x # scale the residual by a factor of 0.2 class RRDB(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_feat, num_grow_ch=32): super(RRDB, self).__init__() self.rdb1 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch) self.rdb2 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch) self.rdb3 = ResidualDenseBlock(num_feat, num_grow_ch) def forward(self, x): out = self.rdb1(x) out = self.rdb2(out) out = self.rdb3(out) return out * 0.2 + x # scale the residual by a factor of 0.2 class RRDBNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_in_ch, num_out_ch, scale=4, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32): super(RRDBNet, self).__init__() self.scale = scale if scale == 2: num_in_ch = num_in_ch * 4 elif scale == 1: num_in_ch = num_in_ch * 16 self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(num_in_ch, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.body = make_layer(RRDB, num_block, num_feat=num_feat, num_grow_ch=num_grow_ch) self.conv_body = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.conv_up1 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.conv_up2 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) if scale == 8: self.conv_up3 = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_feat, 3, 1, 1) self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(num_feat, num_out_ch, 3, 1, 1) self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2, inplace=True) def forward(self, x): if self.scale == 2: feat = pixel_unshuffle(x, scale=2) elif self.scale == 1: feat = pixel_unshuffle(x, scale=4) else: feat = x feat = self.conv_first(feat) body_feat = self.conv_body(self.body(feat)) feat = feat + body_feat feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_up1(F.interpolate(feat, scale_factor=2, mode="nearest"))) feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_up2(F.interpolate(feat, scale_factor=2, mode="nearest"))) if self.scale == 8: feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_up3(F.interpolate(feat, scale_factor=2, mode="nearest"))) out = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(feat))) return out class RealESRGAN: def __init__(self, scale=2, device=None): self.device = device self.scale = scale self.model = RRDBNet( num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_block=23, num_grow_ch=32, scale=scale, ) def to(self, device): self.device = device self.model.to(device=device) def load_weights(self): assert self.scale in [2, 4], "You can download models only with scales: 2, 4" config = HF_MODELS[self.scale] cache_path = hf_hub_download(config["repo_id"], filename=config["filename"]) loadnet = torch.load(cache_path, weights_only=True) if "params" in loadnet: self.model.load_state_dict(loadnet["params"], strict=True) elif "params_ema" in loadnet: self.model.load_state_dict(loadnet["params_ema"], strict=True) else: self.model.load_state_dict(loadnet, strict=True) self.model.eval().to(device=self.device) @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict(self, lr_image, batch_size=4, patches_size=192, padding=24, pad_size=15): if not isinstance(lr_image, np.ndarray): lr_image = np.array(lr_image) if lr_image.min() < 0.0: lr_image = (lr_image + 1.0) / 2.0 if lr_image.max() <= 1.0: lr_image = lr_image * 255.0 lr_image = pad_reflect(lr_image, pad_size) patches, p_shape = split_image_into_overlapping_patches( lr_image, patch_size=patches_size, padding_size=padding, ) patches = torch.Tensor(patches / 255.0) image = einops.rearrange(patches, "b h w c -> b c h w").to(device=self.device) with torch.inference_mode(): res = self.model(image[0:batch_size]) for i in range(batch_size, image.shape[0], batch_size): res = torch.cat((res, self.model(image[i : i + batch_size])), 0) scale = self.scale sr_image = einops.rearrange(res.clamp(0, 1), "b c h w -> b h w c").cpu().numpy() padded_size_scaled = tuple(np.multiply(p_shape[0:2], scale)) + (3,) scaled_image_shape = tuple(np.multiply(lr_image.shape[0:2], scale)) + (3,) sr_image = stitch_together( sr_image, padded_image_shape=padded_size_scaled, target_shape=scaled_image_shape, padding_size=padding * scale, ) sr_image = (sr_image * 255).astype(np.uint8) sr_image = unpad_image(sr_image, pad_size * scale) sr_image = Image.fromarray(sr_image) return sr_image