#!/bin/bash |
set -eo pipefail |
source /home/pn/.env |
handle_error() { |
echo "错误发生在第 $1 行" |
exit 1 |
} |
trap 'handle_error $LINENO' ERR |
timeout_handler() { |
echo "操作超时" |
exit 1 |
} |
wait_for_service() { |
local service=$1 |
local host=$2 |
local port=$3 |
local timeout=${4:-$WAIT_TIMEOUT} |
echo "等待 $service 就绪..." |
local end=$((SECONDS + timeout)) |
while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do |
if nc -z "$host" "$port" >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "$service 已就绪" |
return 0 |
fi |
echo "尝试连接 $service at $host:$port..." |
sleep 1 |
done |
echo "$service 启动超时" |
exit 1 |
} |
start_redis() { |
echo "Starting Redis server..." |
redis-server --daemonize yes |
sleep 1 |
if ! redis-cli ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "Failed to start Redis server" |
exit 1 |
fi |
redis-cli config set maxmemory 512mb |
redis-cli config set maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru |
echo "" |
echo "Redis server started successfully" |
echo "" |
} |
start_qdrant() { |
echo "Starting Qdrant server..." |
mkdir -p /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/storage |
mkdir -p /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/config |
mkdir -p /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/snapshots |
mkdir -p /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs |
chmod -R 755 /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant |
chown -R pn:pn /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant |
cat > /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/config/config.yaml <<EOF |
service: |
host: |
http_port: 6333 |
grpc_port: 6334 |
enable_cors: true |
enable_tls: false |
max_request_size_mb: 64 |
max_workers: 0 |
storage: |
storage_path: /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/storage |
snapshots_path: /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/snapshots |
on_disk_payload: true |
performance: |
max_search_threads: 0 |
max_optimization_threads: 0 |
optimizers: |
deleted_threshold: 0.2 |
vacuum_min_vector_number: 1000 |
default_segment_number: 0 |
max_segment_size_kb: null |
indexing_threshold_kb: 20000 |
flush_interval_sec: 5 |
hnsw_index: |
m: 16 |
ef_construct: 100 |
full_scan_threshold_kb: 10000 |
max_indexing_threads: 0 |
on_disk: false |
logger: |
on_disk: |
enabled: true |
log_file: /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs/qdrant.log |
log_level: INFO |
telemetry_disabled: true |
chmod 644 /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/config/config.yaml |
qdrant --config-path /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/config/config.yaml > /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs/startup.log 2>&1 & |
local timeout=30 |
local end=$((SECONDS + timeout)) |
while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do |
if curl -s http://localhost:6333/health >/dev/null; then |
echo "Qdrant server started successfully" |
echo "Creating default collections..." |
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:6333/collections/text_vectors' \ |
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ |
-d '{ |
"vectors": { |
"size": 768, |
"distance": "Cosine", |
"on_disk": true |
}, |
"optimizers_config": { |
"default_segment_number": 2, |
"indexing_threshold": 20000, |
"memmap_threshold": 10000 |
}, |
"hnsw_config": { |
"m": 16, |
"ef_construct": 100, |
"full_scan_threshold": 10000, |
"max_indexing_threads": 0, |
"on_disk": true |
}, |
"init_from": { |
"collection_name": "text_vectors" |
} |
}' |
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:6333/collections/image_vectors' \ |
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ |
-d '{ |
"vectors": { |
"size": 512, |
"distance": "Cosine" |
}, |
"optimizers_config": { |
"default_segment_number": 2, |
"indexing_threshold": 20000 |
}, |
"hnsw_config": { |
"m": 16, |
"ef_construct": 100, |
"full_scan_threshold": 10000 |
} |
}' |
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:6333/collections/openai_vectors' \ |
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ |
-d '{ |
"vectors": { |
"size": 1536, |
"distance": "Cosine" |
}, |
"optimizers_config": { |
"default_segment_number": 2, |
"indexing_threshold": 20000 |
}, |
"hnsw_config": { |
"m": 16, |
"ef_construct": 100, |
"full_scan_threshold": 10000 |
} |
}' |
echo -e "\nVerifying collections:" |
curl -s 'http://localhost:6333/collections' | jq '.' |
echo -e "\nTesting Qdrant connection:" |
curl -v http://localhost:6333/health |
return 0 |
fi |
echo "Waiting for Qdrant to start..." |
sleep 1 |
if grep -i "error" /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs/startup.log >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "Error found in Qdrant logs:" |
tail -n 10 /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs/startup.log |
fi |
done |
echo "Failed to start Qdrant server" |
echo "Last 10 lines of Qdrant log:" |
tail -n 10 /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/logs/startup.log |
exit 1 |
} |
check_services() { |
echo "检查服务状态..." |
echo "Redis 状态:" |
redis-cli info | grep 'used_memory\|connected_clients\|total_connections_received' |
echo "Qdrant 状态:" |
if curl -s http://localhost:6333/metrics >/dev/null; then |
echo "Qdrant 运行正常" |
curl -s http://localhost:6333/metrics |
echo "Qdrant 集合列表:" |
curl -s http://localhost:6333/collections |
else |
echo "Qdrant 服务异常" |
tail -n 10 /home/pn/.n8n/qdrant/qdrant.log |
fi |
} |
main() { |
current_time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
echo "Starting services at $current_time" |
echo "Database Configuration:" |
echo "Host: ${DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST}" |
echo "Port: ${DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT}" |
echo "User: ${DB_POSTGRESDB_USER}" |
echo "Database: ${DB_POSTGRESDB_DATABASE}" |
echo "Type: ${DB_TYPE}" |
wait_for_service "PostgreSQL" "${DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST}" "${DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT}" |
echo "" |
start_redis |
echo "" |
start_qdrant |
echo "" |
check_services |
source /home/pn/n8n/config/n8n_env.sh |
echo "" |
echo "Starting n8n..." |
exec n8n start |
} |
main "$@" |