Runtime error
Runtime error
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import torch
import torch.fft as fft
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional
from math import sqrt
from einops import rearrange
import math
import numbers
from typing import List
# adapted from
# and
def gaussian_smoothing_kernel(shape, kernel_size, sigma, dim=2):
Apply gaussian smoothing on a
1d, 2d or 3d tensor. Filtering is performed seperately for each channel
in the input using a depthwise convolution.
channels (int, sequence): Number of channels of the input tensors. Output will
have this number of channels as well.
kernel_size (int, sequence): Size of the gaussian kernel.
sigma (float, sequence): Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel.
dim (int, optional): The number of dimensions of the data.
Default value is 2 (spatial).
if isinstance(kernel_size, numbers.Number):
kernel_size = [kernel_size] * dim
if isinstance(sigma, numbers.Number):
sigma = [sigma] * dim
# The gaussian kernel is the product of the
# gaussian function of each dimension.
kernel = 1
meshgrids = torch.meshgrid(
torch.arange(size, dtype=torch.float32)
for size in kernel_size
for size, std, mgrid in zip(kernel_size, sigma, meshgrids):
mean = (size - 1) / 2
kernel *= torch.exp(-((mgrid - mean) / std) ** 2 / 2)
# kernel *= 1 / (std * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)) * \
# torch.exp(-((mgrid - mean) / std) ** 2 / 2)
# Make sure sum of values in gaussian kernel equals 1.
kernel = kernel / torch.sum(kernel)
pad_length = (math.floor(
(shape[-1]-kernel_size[-1])/2), math.floor((shape[-1]-kernel_size[-1])/2), math.floor((shape[-2]-kernel_size[-2])/2), math.floor((shape[-2]-kernel_size[-2])/2), math.floor((shape[-3]-kernel_size[-3])/2), math.floor((shape[-3]-kernel_size[-3])/2))
kernel = functional.pad(kernel, pad_length)
assert kernel.shape == shape[-3:]
return kernel
# Reshape to depthwise convolutional weight
kernel = kernel.view(1, 1, *kernel.size())
kernel = kernel.repeat(channels, *[1] * (kernel.dim() - 1))
self.register_buffer('weight', kernel)
self.groups = channels
if dim == 1:
self.conv = functional.conv1d
elif dim == 2:
self.conv = functional.conv2d
elif dim == 3:
self.conv = functional.conv3d
raise RuntimeError(
'Only 1, 2 and 3 dimensions are supported. Received {}.'.format(
class NoiseGenerator():
def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.0, shared_noise_across_chunks: bool = False, mode="vanilla", forward_steps: int = 850, radius: List[float] = None) -> None:
self.mode = mode
self.alpha = alpha
self.shared_noise_across_chunks = shared_noise_across_chunks
self.forward_steps = forward_steps
self.radius = radius
def set_seed(self, seed: int):
self.seed = seed
def reset_seed(self, seed: int):
def reset_noise_generator_state(self):
if hasattr(self, "e_shared"):
del self.e_shared
def sample_noise(self, z_0: torch.tensor = None, shape=None, device=None, dtype=None, generator=None, content=None):
assert (z_0 is not None) != (
shape is not None), f"either z_0 must be None, or shape must be None. Both provided."
kwargs = {}
noise = torch.randn(shape, **kwargs)
if z_0 is None:
if device is not None:
kwargs["device"] = device
if dtype is not None:
kwargs["dtype"] = dtype
kwargs["device"] = z_0.device
kwargs["dtype"] = z_0.dtype
shape = z_0.shape
if generator is not None:
kwargs["generator"] = generator
B, F, C, W, H = shape
if F == 4 and C > 4:
frame_idx = 2
F, C = C, F
frame_idx = 1
if "mixed_noise" in self.mode:
shape_per_frame = [dim for dim in shape]
shape_per_frame[frame_idx] = 1
zero_mean = torch.zeros(
shape_per_frame, device=kwargs["device"], dtype=kwargs["dtype"])
std = torch.ones(
shape_per_frame, device=kwargs["device"], dtype=kwargs["dtype"])
alpha = self.alpha
std_coeff_shared = (alpha**2) / (1 + alpha**2)
if self.shared_noise_across_chunks and hasattr(self, "e_shared"):
e_shared = self.e_shared
e_shared = torch.normal(mean=zero_mean, std=sqrt(
std_coeff_shared)*std, generator=kwargs["generator"] if "generator" in kwargs else None)
if self.shared_noise_across_chunks:
self.e_shared = e_shared
e_inds = []
for frame in range(shape[frame_idx]):
std_coeff_ind = 1 / (1 + alpha**2)
e_ind = torch.normal(
mean=zero_mean, std=sqrt(std_coeff_ind)*std, generator=kwargs["generator"] if "generator" in kwargs else None)
noise =
[e_shared + e_ind for e_ind in e_inds], dim=frame_idx)
if "consistI2V" in self.mode and content is not None:
# if self.mode == "mixed_noise_consistI2V", we will use 'noise' from 'mixed_noise'. Otherwise, it is randn noise.
if frame_idx == 1:
assert content.shape[0] == noise.shape[0] and content.shape[2:] == noise.shape[2:]
content = torch.concat([content, content[:, -1:].repeat(
1, noise.shape[1]-content.shape[1], 1, 1, 1)], dim=1)
noise = rearrange(noise, "B F C W H -> (B C) F W H")
content = rearrange(content, "B F C W H -> (B C) F W H")
assert content.shape[:2] == noise.shape[:
2] and content.shape[3:] == noise.shape[3:]
content = torch.concat(
[content, content[:, :, -1:].repeat(1, 1, noise.shape[2]-content.shape[2], 1, 1)], dim=2)
noise = rearrange(noise, "B C F W H -> (B C) F W H")
content = rearrange(content, "B C F W H -> (B C) F W H")
# TODO implement DDPM_forward using diffusers framework
content_noisy = ddpm_forward(
content, noise, self.forward_steps)
# A 2D low pass filter was given in the blog:
# see
# alternative
# do we have to specify more (s,dim,norm?)
noise_fft = fft.fftn(noise)
content_noisy_fft = fft.fftn(content_noisy)
# shift low frequency parts to center
noise_fft_shifted = fft.fftshift(noise_fft)
content_noisy_fft_shifted = fft.fftshift(content_noisy_fft)
# create gaussian low pass filter 'gaussian_low_pass_filter' (specify std!)
# mask out high frequencies using 'cutoff_frequence', something like gaussian_low_pass_filter[freq > cut_off_frequency] = 0.0
# TODO define 'gaussian_low_pass_filter', apply frequency cutoff filter using self.cutoff_frequency. We need to apply fft.fftshift too probably.
# TODO what exactly is the "normalized space-time stop frequency" used for the cutoff?
gaussian_3d = gaussian_smoothing_kernel(noise_fft.shape, kernel_size=(
noise_fft.shape[-3], noise_fft.shape[-2], noise_fft.shape[-1]), sigma=1, dim=3).to(noise.device)
# define cutoff frequency around the kernel center
# TODO define center and cut off radius, e.g. somethink like gaussian_3d[...,:c_x-r_x,:c_y-r_y:,:c_z-r_z] = 0.0 and gaussian_3d[...,c_x+r_x:,c_y+r_y:,c_z+r_z:] = 0.0
# as we have 16 x 32 x 32, center should be (7.5,15.5,15.5)
radius = self.radius
# TODO we need to use rounding (ceil?)
gaussian_3d[:center[0]-radius[0], :center[1] -
radius[1], :center[2]-radius[2]] = 0.0
center[1]+radius[1]:, center[2]+radius[2]:] = 0.0
noise_fft_shifted_hp = noise_fft_shifted * (1 - gaussian_3d)
content_noisy_fft_shifted_lp = content_noisy_fft_shifted * gaussian_3d
noise = fft.ifftn(fft.ifftshift(
if frame_idx == 1:
noise = rearrange(
noise, "(B C) F W H -> B F C W H", B=B)
noise = rearrange(
noise, "(B C) F W H -> B C F W H", B=B)
assert noise.shape == shape
return noise