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Update app.py
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import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
import yfinance as yf
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
# Set up the models for Named Entity Recognition, Sentiment Analysis, and Text Generation
ner_model = "Cassie-0121/fin-bert-finetuned-ner"
sentiment_model = "yiyanghkust/finbert-tone"
text_gen_model = "gpt2"
ner = pipeline("ner", model=ner_model)
sentiment_analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=sentiment_model)
text_generator = pipeline("text-generation", model=text_gen_model)
# App title
st.title("AI-Powered Investment Advisor")
# Sidebar for selecting stock
st.sidebar.header("Select Stock for Analysis")
top_100_stocks = [
"AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOGL", "AMZN", "TSLA", "META", "NVDA", "BRK-B", "JNJ", "JPM",
"V", "PG", "UNH", "DIS", "MA", "HD", "BAC", "XOM", "VZ", "PFE",
"KO", "PEP", "MRK", "WMT", "CSCO", "ABT", "CMCSA", "ADBE", "NKE", "CRM",
"T", "INTC", "ORCL", "IBM", "AVGO", "TXN", "LLY", "NFLX", "QCOM", "COST",
"MCD", "HON", "PM", "BMY", "WBA", "DHR", "UNP", "RTX", "ACN", "UPS",
"LOW", "CAT", "SCHW", "SPGI", "LIN", "NEE", "CVS", "MDT", "INTU", "BLK",
"GS", "AMT", "MS", "DE", "CI", "BA", "C", "ZTS", "PLD", "GE",
"NOW", "MO", "SBUX", "AMGN", "SYK", "MMM", "ADP", "TGT", "DUK", "SO",
"BKNG", "CB", "ANTM", "AXP", "BDX", "ISRG", "TJX", "MMC", "APD", "NSC",
"USB", "ECL", "CL", "CCI", "WM", "PGR", "MDLZ", "EQIX", "LMT", "ATVI"
selected_stock = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a stock for analysis:", top_100_stocks)
# Function to fetch latest stock data using yfinance
def get_stock_data(ticker):
stock = yf.Ticker(ticker)
stock_info = stock.history(period="1d")
return stock_info
# Function to fetch latest news from Yahoo Finance or fallback to Google News RSS feed
def get_latest_news(ticker):
# Attempt to fetch from Yahoo Finance
url = f"https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{ticker}?p={ticker}"
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
headlines = soup.find_all('h3', class_="Mb(5px)")
news = [headline.text for headline in headlines[:5]]
if news:
return news
except Exception as e:
st.warning("Yahoo Finance news not available. Switching to Google News.")
# Fallback to Google News RSS if Yahoo Finance fails
rss_url = f"https://news.google.com/rss/search?q={ticker}"
response = requests.get(rss_url)
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
news = [item.find('title').text for item in root.findall(".//item")][:5]
return news
# Display stock data
st.header(f"Latest Stock Data for {selected_stock}")
stock_data = get_stock_data(selected_stock)
# Display latest news
st.header(f"Latest News for {selected_stock}")
news = get_latest_news(selected_stock)
if news:
for article in news:
st.write(f"- {article}")
st.write("No news available for this stock at the moment.")
# Extract key financial entities with filtering
st.header("Extracted Key Financial Entities")
if news:
entities = ner(" ".join(news))
# Set a confidence threshold for filtering
confidence_threshold = 0.8
extracted_entities = []
for entity in entities:
# Filter entities with score above threshold and check for sub-word tokens
if entity['score'] >= confidence_threshold and not entity['word'].startswith("##"):
# Append only unique entities
extracted_entities.append((entity['word'], entity['entity'], entity['score']))
if extracted_entities:
for word, label, score in extracted_entities:
st.write(f"Entity: {word}, Label: {label}, Score: {score:.2f}")
st.write("No high-confidence financial entities detected.")
st.write("Entity extraction requires news data.")
# Sentiment analysis on news
st.header("Sentiment Analysis")
if news:
sentiment = sentiment_analyzer(" ".join(news))
if sentiment:
for result in sentiment:
st.write(f"Sentiment: {result['label']}, Score: {result['score']:.2f}")
st.write("No sentiment detected.")
st.write("Sentiment analysis requires news data.")
# Investment advice for a specific stock
st.header("Investment Advice or Strategy")
# Fetch stock data for the last month to calculate volatility
stock = yf.Ticker(selected_stock)
data = stock.history(period="1mo")
# Ensure data is available
if len(data) < 2:
st.warning(f"Not enough data available for {selected_stock}. Please check the stock symbol.")
# Get the latest closing price
latest_close = data['Close'][-1]
# Get the 50-day moving average (if enough data is available)
moving_avg_50 = data['Close'].rolling(window=50).mean().iloc[-1] if len(data) > 50 else None
# Calculate daily returns
data['Daily Return'] = data['Close'].pct_change()
# Calculate daily volatility (standard deviation of daily returns)
daily_volatility = data['Daily Return'].std()
# Annualize the daily volatility to match Yahoo Finance's convention
annualized_volatility = daily_volatility * np.sqrt(252)
# Prepare the investment advice based on stock data and trends
investment_advice = f"""
Investment Strategy for {selected_stock}:
- Latest Closing Price: ${latest_close:.2f}
# Add the 50-day moving average only if it's available
if moving_avg_50 is not None:
investment_advice += f"- 50-Day Moving Average: ${moving_avg_50:.2f}\n"
investment_advice += "- 50-Day Moving Average: Not available (insufficient data)\n"
investment_advice += f"""
- Stock Volatility (Annualized 1-Month): {annualized_volatility:.2%}
Based on recent stock data, {selected_stock} is currently trading at ${latest_close:.2f}. The stock has shown a recent uptrend and is supported by strong fundamentals, making it a solid investment for long-term growth. However, the volatility indicates some price fluctuations in the short term, so investors should be cautious of potential short-term risks.
### Suggested Actions:
1. **Consider Buying** if the stock is trading below its 50-day moving average, as this may indicate an undervalued opportunity for long-term investors.
2. **Watch for Volatility**: If the stock experiences significant price swings, it may indicate market uncertainty or external factors affecting the stock.
3. **Monitor Earnings Reports**: {selected_stock}'s quarterly earnings report will provide important insights into its revenue streams and future prospects.
4. **Long-term Investment**: Due to its strong market position and potential growth, {selected_stock} remains a good candidate for long-term portfolios.
### Risks:
- **Market Volatility**: As indicated by the volatility of returns, there could be some short-term price swings.
- **Competition**: The competitive landscape in the industry is constantly evolving, which could impact future performance.
### Expected Benefits:
- **Growth Potential**: {selected_stock}'s growth in its core business or new ventures should continue to drive long-term stock price appreciation.
- **Strong Cash Flow**: The company’s significant cash reserves may allow for innovation, stock buybacks, and dividend payments to shareholders.
In conclusion, {selected_stock} is a strong stock with long-term growth potential, but investors should monitor market trends and the stock's volatility to time their investments effectively.
# Display the generated investment strategy