Runtime error
Runtime error
"""EchoNet-Dynamic Dataset.""" | |
import os | |
import collections | |
import pandas | |
import numpy as np | |
import skimage.draw | |
import torchvision | |
import echonet | |
class Echo(torchvision.datasets.VisionDataset): | |
"""EchoNet-Dynamic Dataset. | |
Args: | |
root (string): Root directory of dataset (defaults to `echonet.config.DATA_DIR`) | |
split (string): One of {``train'', ``val'', ``test'', ``all'', or ``external_test''} | |
target_type (string or list, optional): Type of target to use, | |
``Filename'', ``EF'', ``EDV'', ``ESV'', ``LargeIndex'', | |
``SmallIndex'', ``LargeFrame'', ``SmallFrame'', ``LargeTrace'', | |
or ``SmallTrace'' | |
Can also be a list to output a tuple with all specified target types. | |
The targets represent: | |
``Filename'' (string): filename of video | |
``EF'' (float): ejection fraction | |
``EDV'' (float): end-diastolic volume | |
``ESV'' (float): end-systolic volume | |
``LargeIndex'' (int): index of large (diastolic) frame in video | |
``SmallIndex'' (int): index of small (systolic) frame in video | |
``LargeFrame'' (np.array shape=(3, height, width)): normalized large (diastolic) frame | |
``SmallFrame'' (np.array shape=(3, height, width)): normalized small (systolic) frame | |
``LargeTrace'' (np.array shape=(height, width)): left ventricle large (diastolic) segmentation | |
value of 0 indicates pixel is outside left ventricle | |
1 indicates pixel is inside left ventricle | |
``SmallTrace'' (np.array shape=(height, width)): left ventricle small (systolic) segmentation | |
value of 0 indicates pixel is outside left ventricle | |
1 indicates pixel is inside left ventricle | |
Defaults to ``EF''. | |
mean (int, float, or np.array shape=(3,), optional): means for all (if scalar) or each (if np.array) channel. | |
Used for normalizing the video. Defaults to 0 (video is not shifted). | |
std (int, float, or np.array shape=(3,), optional): standard deviation for all (if scalar) or each (if np.array) channel. | |
Used for normalizing the video. Defaults to 0 (video is not scaled). | |
length (int or None, optional): Number of frames to clip from video. If ``None'', longest possible clip is returned. | |
Defaults to 16. | |
period (int, optional): Sampling period for taking a clip from the video (i.e. every ``period''-th frame is taken) | |
Defaults to 2. | |
max_length (int or None, optional): Maximum number of frames to clip from video (main use is for shortening excessively | |
long videos when ``length'' is set to None). If ``None'', shortening is not applied to any video. | |
Defaults to 250. | |
clips (int, optional): Number of clips to sample. Main use is for test-time augmentation with random clips. | |
Defaults to 1. | |
pad (int or None, optional): Number of pixels to pad all frames on each side (used as augmentation). | |
and a window of the original size is taken. If ``None'', no padding occurs. | |
Defaults to ``None''. | |
noise (float or None, optional): Fraction of pixels to black out as simulated noise. If ``None'', no simulated noise is added. | |
Defaults to ``None''. | |
target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the target and transforms it. | |
external_test_location (string): Path to videos to use for external testing. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, root=None, | |
split="train", target_type="EF", | |
mean=0., std=1., | |
length=16, period=2, | |
max_length=250, | |
clips=1, | |
pad=None, | |
noise=None, | |
target_transform=None, | |
external_test_location=None): | |
if root is None: | |
root = echonet.config.DATA_DIR | |
super().__init__(root, target_transform=target_transform) | |
self.split = split.upper() | |
if not isinstance(target_type, list): | |
target_type = [target_type] | |
self.target_type = target_type | |
self.mean = mean | |
self.std = std | |
self.length = length | |
self.max_length = max_length | |
self.period = period | |
self.clips = clips | |
self.pad = pad | |
self.noise = noise | |
self.target_transform = target_transform | |
self.external_test_location = external_test_location | |
self.fnames, self.outcome = [], [] | |
if self.split == "EXTERNAL_TEST": | |
self.fnames = sorted(os.listdir(self.external_test_location)) | |
else: | |
# Load video-level labels | |
with open(os.path.join(self.root, "FileList.csv")) as f: | |
data = pandas.read_csv(f) | |
data["Split"].map(lambda x: x.upper()) | |
if self.split != "ALL": | |
data = data[data["Split"] == self.split] | |
self.header = data.columns.tolist() | |
self.fnames = data["FileName"].tolist() | |
self.fnames = [fn + ".avi" for fn in self.fnames if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] == ""] # Assume avi if no suffix | |
self.outcome = data.values.tolist() | |
# Check that files are present | |
missing = set(self.fnames) - set(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, "Videos"))) | |
if len(missing) != 0: | |
print("{} videos could not be found in {}:".format(len(missing), os.path.join(self.root, "Videos"))) | |
for f in sorted(missing): | |
print("\t", f) | |
raise FileNotFoundError(os.path.join(self.root, "Videos", sorted(missing)[0])) | |
# Load traces | |
self.frames = collections.defaultdict(list) | |
self.trace = collections.defaultdict(_defaultdict_of_lists) | |
with open(os.path.join(self.root, "VolumeTracings.csv")) as f: | |
header = f.readline().strip().split(",") | |
assert header == ["FileName", "X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "Frame"] | |
for line in f: | |
filename, x1, y1, x2, y2, frame = line.strip().split(',') | |
x1 = float(x1) | |
y1 = float(y1) | |
x2 = float(x2) | |
y2 = float(y2) | |
frame = int(frame) | |
if frame not in self.trace[filename]: | |
self.frames[filename].append(frame) | |
self.trace[filename][frame].append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) | |
for filename in self.frames: | |
for frame in self.frames[filename]: | |
self.trace[filename][frame] = np.array(self.trace[filename][frame]) | |
# A small number of videos are missing traces; remove these videos | |
keep = [len(self.frames[f]) >= 2 for f in self.fnames] | |
self.fnames = [f for (f, k) in zip(self.fnames, keep) if k] | |
self.outcome = [f for (f, k) in zip(self.outcome, keep) if k] | |
def __getitem__(self, index): | |
# Find filename of video | |
if self.split == "EXTERNAL_TEST": | |
video = os.path.join(self.external_test_location, self.fnames[index]) | |
elif self.split == "CLINICAL_TEST": | |
video = os.path.join(self.root, "ProcessedStrainStudyA4c", self.fnames[index]) | |
else: | |
video = os.path.join(self.root, "Videos", self.fnames[index]) | |
# Load video into np.array | |
video = echonet.utils.loadvideo(video).astype(np.float32) | |
# Add simulated noise (black out random pixels) | |
# 0 represents black at this point (video has not been normalized yet) | |
if self.noise is not None: | |
n = video.shape[1] * video.shape[2] * video.shape[3] | |
ind = np.random.choice(n, round(self.noise * n), replace=False) | |
f = ind % video.shape[1] | |
ind //= video.shape[1] | |
i = ind % video.shape[2] | |
ind //= video.shape[2] | |
j = ind | |
video[:, f, i, j] = 0 | |
# Apply normalization | |
if isinstance(self.mean, (float, int)): | |
video -= self.mean | |
else: | |
video -= self.mean.reshape(3, 1, 1, 1) | |
if isinstance(self.std, (float, int)): | |
video /= self.std | |
else: | |
video /= self.std.reshape(3, 1, 1, 1) | |
# Set number of frames | |
c, f, h, w = video.shape | |
if self.length is None: | |
# Take as many frames as possible | |
length = f // self.period | |
else: | |
# Take specified number of frames | |
length = self.length | |
if self.max_length is not None: | |
# Shorten videos to max_length | |
length = min(length, self.max_length) | |
if f < length * self.period: | |
# Pad video with frames filled with zeros if too short | |
# 0 represents the mean color (dark grey), since this is after normalization | |
video = np.concatenate((video, np.zeros((c, length * self.period - f, h, w), video.dtype)), axis=1) | |
c, f, h, w = video.shape # pylint: disable=E0633 | |
if self.clips == "all": | |
# Take all possible clips of desired length | |
start = np.arange(f - (length - 1) * self.period) | |
else: | |
# Take random clips from video | |
start = np.random.choice(f - (length - 1) * self.period, self.clips) | |
# Gather targets | |
target = [] | |
for t in self.target_type: | |
key = self.fnames[index] | |
if t == "Filename": | |
target.append(self.fnames[index]) | |
elif t == "LargeIndex": | |
# Traces are sorted by cross-sectional area | |
# Largest (diastolic) frame is last | |
target.append([key][-1])) | |
elif t == "SmallIndex": | |
# Largest (diastolic) frame is first | |
target.append([key][0])) | |
elif t == "LargeFrame": | |
target.append(video[:, self.frames[key][-1], :, :]) | |
elif t == "SmallFrame": | |
target.append(video[:, self.frames[key][0], :, :]) | |
elif t in ["LargeTrace", "SmallTrace"]: | |
if t == "LargeTrace": | |
t = self.trace[key][self.frames[key][-1]] | |
else: | |
t = self.trace[key][self.frames[key][0]] | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = t[:, 0], t[:, 1], t[:, 2], t[:, 3] | |
x = np.concatenate((x1[1:], np.flip(x2[1:]))) | |
y = np.concatenate((y1[1:], np.flip(y2[1:]))) | |
r, c = skimage.draw.polygon(np.rint(y).astype(, np.rint(x).astype(, (video.shape[2], video.shape[3])) | |
mask = np.zeros((video.shape[2], video.shape[3]), np.float32) | |
mask[r, c] = 1 | |
target.append(mask) | |
else: | |
if self.split == "CLINICAL_TEST" or self.split == "EXTERNAL_TEST": | |
target.append(np.float32(0)) | |
else: | |
target.append(np.float32(self.outcome[index][self.header.index(t)])) | |
if target != []: | |
target = tuple(target) if len(target) > 1 else target[0] | |
if self.target_transform is not None: | |
target = self.target_transform(target) | |
# Select clips from video | |
video = tuple(video[:, s + self.period * np.arange(length), :, :] for s in start) | |
if self.clips == 1: | |
video = video[0] | |
else: | |
video = np.stack(video) | |
if self.pad is not None: | |
# Add padding of zeros (mean color of videos) | |
# Crop of original size is taken out | |
# (Used as augmentation) | |
c, l, h, w = video.shape | |
temp = np.zeros((c, l, h + 2 * self.pad, w + 2 * self.pad), dtype=video.dtype) | |
temp[:, :, self.pad:-self.pad, self.pad:-self.pad] = video # pylint: disable=E1130 | |
i, j = np.random.randint(0, 2 * self.pad, 2) | |
video = temp[:, :, i:(i + h), j:(j + w)] | |
return video, target | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len(self.fnames) | |
def extra_repr(self) -> str: | |
"""Additional information to add at end of __repr__.""" | |
lines = ["Target type: {target_type}", "Split: {split}"] | |
return '\n'.join(lines).format(**self.__dict__) | |
def _defaultdict_of_lists(): | |
"""Returns a defaultdict of lists. | |
This is used to avoid issues with Windows (if this function is anonymous, | |
the Echo dataset cannot be used in a dataloader). | |
""" | |
return collections.defaultdict(list) | |