File size: 1,869 Bytes
8e7dc68 d4df901 d8bd2fe 8e7dc68 5003c8e 4a505fb 4402168 0096154 5003c8e d3007e3 4a505fb 8eeaf19 5003c8e 71fae8b 89ee2e4 71fae8b 89ee2e4 71fae8b 89ee2e4 71fae8b 89ee2e4 71fae8b 4a505fb c170de8 5003c8e 4402168 7def296 0096154 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 |
-- ### General ###
logging = true -- an option to enable or disable logs.
debug = false -- an option to enable or disable debug mode.
threads = 10 -- the amount of threads that the app will use to run (the value should be greater than 0).
-- ### Server ###
port = "8080" -- port on which server should be launched
binding_ip = "" --ip address on the which server should be launched.
production_use = false -- whether to use production mode or not (in other words this option should be used if it is to be used to host it on the server to provide a service to a large number of users (more than one))
-- if production_use is set to true
-- There will be a random delay before sending the request to the search engines, this is to prevent DDoSing the upstream search engines from a large number of simultaneous requests.
request_timeout = 30 -- timeout for the search requests sent to the upstream search engines to be fetched (value in seconds).
-- ### Search ###
-- Filter results based on different levels. The levels provided are:
-- {{
-- 0 - None
-- 1 - Low
-- 2 - Moderate
-- 3 - High
-- 4 - Aggressive
-- }}
safe_search = 2
-- ### Website ###
-- The different colorschemes provided are:
-- {{
-- catppuccin-mocha
-- dark-chocolate
-- dracula
-- gruvbox-dark
-- monokai
-- nord
-- oceanic-next
-- one-dark
-- solarized-dark
-- solarized-light
-- tokyo-night
-- tomorrow-night
-- }}
colorscheme = "catppuccin-mocha" -- the colorscheme name which should be used for the website theme
theme = "simple" -- the theme name which should be used for the website
-- ### Caching ###
redis_url = "redis://" -- redis connection url address on which the client should connect on.
-- ### Search Engines ###
upstream_search_engines = { DuckDuckGo = true, Searx = false } -- select the upstream search engines from which the results should be fetched.