spacex / src /results /
✨ feat: config option to timeout requests for fetching search results from the upstream search engines (#545)
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//! This module provides the functionality to scrape and gathers all the results from the upstream
//! search engines and then removes duplicate results.
use super::user_agent::random_user_agent;
use crate::config::parser::Config;
use crate::handler::{file_path, FileType};
use crate::models::{
aggregation_models::{EngineErrorInfo, SearchResult, SearchResults},
engine_models::{EngineError, EngineHandler},
use error_stack::Report;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use regex::Regex;
use reqwest::{Client, ClientBuilder};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader},
/// A constant for holding the prebuilt Client globally in the app.
static CLIENT: std::sync::OnceLock<Client> = std::sync::OnceLock::new();
/// Aliases for long type annotations
type FutureVec =
FuturesUnordered<JoinHandle<Result<Vec<(String, SearchResult)>, Report<EngineError>>>>;
/// The function aggregates the scraped results from the user-selected upstream search engines.
/// These engines can be chosen either from the user interface (UI) or from the configuration file.
/// The code handles this process by matching the selected search engines and adding them to a vector.
/// This vector is then used to create an asynchronous task vector using `tokio::spawn`, which returns
/// a future. This future is awaited in another loop. Once the results are collected, they are filtered
/// to remove any errors and ensure only proper results are included. If an error is encountered, it is
/// sent to the UI along with the name of the engine and the type of error. This information is finally
/// placed in the returned `SearchResults` struct.
/// Additionally, the function eliminates duplicate results. If two results are identified as coming from
/// multiple engines, their names are combined to indicate that the results were fetched from these upstream
/// engines. After this, all the data in the `Vec` is removed and placed into a struct that contains all
/// the aggregated results in a vector. Furthermore, the query used is also added to the struct. This step is
/// necessary to ensure that the search bar in the search remains populated even when searched from the query URL.
/// Overall, this function serves to aggregate scraped results from user-selected search engines, handling errors,
/// removing duplicates, and organizing the data for display in the UI.
/// # Example:
/// If you search from the url like `` then the search bar should
/// contain the word huston and not remain empty.
/// # Arguments
/// * `query` - Accepts a string to query with the above upstream search engines.
/// * `page` - Accepts an u32 page number.
/// * `random_delay` - Accepts a boolean value to add a random delay before making the request.
/// * `debug` - Accepts a boolean value to enable or disable debug mode option.
/// * `upstream_search_engines` - Accepts a vector of search engine names which was selected by the
/// * `request_timeout` - Accepts a time (secs) as a value which controls the server request timeout.
/// user through the UI or the config file.
/// # Error
/// Returns an error a reqwest and scraping selector errors if any error occurs in the results
/// function in either `searx` or `duckduckgo` or both otherwise returns a `SearchResults struct`
/// containing appropriate values.
pub async fn aggregate(
query: &str,
page: u32,
config: &Config,
upstream_search_engines: &[EngineHandler],
safe_search: u8,
) -> Result<SearchResults, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = CLIENT.get_or_init(|| {
.timeout(Duration::from_secs(config.request_timeout as u64)) // Add timeout to request to avoid DDOSing the server
.connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(config.request_timeout as u64)) // Add timeout to request to avoid DDOSing the server
let user_agent: &str = random_user_agent();
// Add a random delay before making the request.
if config.aggregator.random_delay || !config.debug {
let nanos = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)?.subsec_nanos() as f32;
let delay = ((nanos / 1_0000_0000 as f32).floor() as u64) + 1;
let mut names: Vec<&str> = Vec::with_capacity(0);
// create tasks for upstream result fetching
let tasks: FutureVec = FutureVec::new();
let query: Arc<String> = Arc::new(query.to_string());
for engine_handler in upstream_search_engines {
let (name, search_engine) = engine_handler.clone().into_name_engine();
let query_partially_cloned = query.clone();
tasks.push(tokio::spawn(async move {
// get upstream responses
let mut responses = Vec::with_capacity(tasks.len());
for task in tasks {
if let Ok(result) = task.await {
// aggregate search results, removing duplicates and handling errors the upstream engines returned
let mut result_map: Vec<(String, SearchResult)> = Vec::new();
let mut engine_errors_info: Vec<EngineErrorInfo> = Vec::new();
let mut handle_error = |error: &Report<EngineError>, engine_name: &'static str| {
log::error!("Engine Error: {:?}", error);
for _ in 0..responses.len() {
let response = responses.pop().unwrap();
let engine = names.pop().unwrap();
if result_map.is_empty() {
match response {
Ok(results) => result_map = results,
Err(error) => handle_error(&error, engine),
match response {
Ok(result) => {
result.into_iter().for_each(|(key, value)| {
match result_map.iter().find(|(key_s, _)| key_s == &key) {
Some(value) => value.1.to_owned().add_engines(engine),
None => result_map.push((key, value)),
Err(error) => handle_error(&error, engine),
if safe_search >= 3 {
let mut blacklist_map: Vec<(String, SearchResult)> = Vec::new();
&mut result_map,
&mut blacklist_map,
&mut blacklist_map,
&mut result_map,
let results: Vec<SearchResult> = result_map.iter().map(|(_, value)| value.clone()).collect();
Ok(SearchResults::new(results, &engine_errors_info))
/// Filters a map of search results using a list of regex patterns.
/// # Arguments
/// * `map_to_be_filtered` - A mutable reference to a `Vec` of search results to filter, where the filtered results will be removed from.
/// * `resultant_map` - A mutable reference to a `Vec` to hold the filtered results.
/// * `file_path` - A `&str` representing the path to a file containing regex patterns to use for filtering.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the file at `file_path` cannot be opened or read, or if a regex pattern is invalid.
pub async fn filter_with_lists(
map_to_be_filtered: &mut Vec<(String, SearchResult)>,
resultant_map: &mut Vec<(String, SearchResult)>,
file_path: &str,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(file_path).await?);
let mut lines = reader.lines();
while let Some(line) = lines.next_line().await? {
let re = Regex::new(line.trim())?;
let mut length = map_to_be_filtered.len();
let mut idx: usize = Default::default();
// Iterate over each search result in the map and check if it matches the regex pattern
while idx < length {
let ele = &map_to_be_filtered[idx];
let ele_inner = &ele.1;
match re.is_match(&ele.0.to_lowercase())
|| re.is_match(&ele_inner.title.to_lowercase())
|| re.is_match(&ele_inner.description.to_lowercase())
true => {
// If the search result matches the regex pattern, move it from the original map to the resultant map
length -= 1;
false => idx += 1,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use smallvec::smallvec;
use std::io::Write;
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
async fn test_filter_with_lists() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Create a map of search results to filter
let mut map_to_be_filtered = Vec::new();
SearchResult {
title: "Example Domain".to_owned(),
url: "".to_owned(),
description: "This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents."
engine: smallvec!["Google".to_owned(), "Bing".to_owned()],
SearchResult {
title: "Rust Programming Language".to_owned(),
url: "".to_owned(),
description: "A systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.".to_owned(),
engine: smallvec!["Google".to_owned(), "DuckDuckGo".to_owned()],
// Create a temporary file with regex patterns
let mut file = NamedTempFile::new()?;
writeln!(file, "example")?;
writeln!(file, "rust")?;
let mut resultant_map = Vec::new();
&mut map_to_be_filtered,
&mut resultant_map,
assert_eq!(resultant_map.len(), 2);
.any(|(key, _)| key == ""));
.any(|(key, _)| key == ""));
assert_eq!(map_to_be_filtered.len(), 0);
async fn test_filter_with_lists_wildcard() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut map_to_be_filtered = Vec::new();
SearchResult {
title: "Example Domain".to_owned(),
url: "".to_owned(),
description: "This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents."
engine: smallvec!["Google".to_owned(), "Bing".to_owned()],
SearchResult {
title: "Rust Programming Language".to_owned(),
url: "".to_owned(),
description: "A systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.".to_owned(),
engine: smallvec!["Google".to_owned(), "DuckDuckGo".to_owned()],
// Create a temporary file with a regex pattern containing a wildcard
let mut file = NamedTempFile::new()?;
writeln!(file, "ex.*le")?;
let mut resultant_map = Vec::new();
&mut map_to_be_filtered,
&mut resultant_map,
assert_eq!(resultant_map.len(), 1);
.any(|(key, _)| key == ""));
assert_eq!(map_to_be_filtered.len(), 1);
.any(|(key, _)| key == ""));
async fn test_filter_with_lists_file_not_found() {
let mut map_to_be_filtered = Vec::new();
let mut resultant_map = Vec::new();
// Call the `filter_with_lists` function with a non-existent file path
let result = filter_with_lists(
&mut map_to_be_filtered,
&mut resultant_map,
async fn test_filter_with_lists_invalid_regex() {
let mut map_to_be_filtered = Vec::new();
SearchResult {
title: "Example Domain".to_owned(),
url: "".to_owned(),
description: "This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents."
engine: smallvec!["Google".to_owned(), "Bing".to_owned()],
let mut resultant_map = Vec::new();
// Create a temporary file with an invalid regex pattern
let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
writeln!(file, "example(").unwrap();
let result = filter_with_lists(
&mut map_to_be_filtered,
&mut resultant_map,