spacex / src /cache /
:zap: perf: several optimizations for improving the performance of the engine (#540)
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//! This module provides the functionality to cache the aggregated results fetched and aggregated
//! from the upstream search engines in a json format.
use super::error::CacheError;
use error_stack::Report;
use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered;
use redis::{aio::ConnectionManager, AsyncCommands, Client, RedisError};
/// A constant holding the redis pipeline size.
const REDIS_PIPELINE_SIZE: usize = 3;
/// A named struct which stores the redis Connection url address to which the client will
/// connect to.
pub struct RedisCache {
/// It stores a pool of connections ready to be used.
connection_pool: Vec<ConnectionManager>,
/// It stores the size of the connection pool (in other words the number of
/// connections that should be stored in the pool).
pool_size: u8,
/// It stores the index of which connection is being used at the moment.
current_connection: u8,
/// It stores the max TTL for keys.
cache_ttl: u16,
/// It stores the redis pipeline struct of size 3.
pipeline: redis::Pipeline,
impl RedisCache {
/// A function which fetches the cached json results as json string.
/// # Arguments
/// * `redis_connection_url` - It takes the redis Connection url address.
/// * `pool_size` - It takes the size of the connection pool (in other words the number of
/// connections that should be stored in the pool).
/// * `cache_ttl` - It takes the the time to live for cached results to live in the redis
/// server.
/// # Error
/// Returns a newly constructed `RedisCache` struct on success otherwise returns a standard
/// error type.
pub async fn new(
redis_connection_url: &str,
pool_size: u8,
cache_ttl: u16,
) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = Client::open(redis_connection_url)?;
let tasks: FuturesUnordered<_> = FuturesUnordered::new();
for _ in 0..pool_size {
let client_partially_cloned = client.clone();
tasks.push(tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut outputs = Vec::new();
for task in tasks {
let redis_cache = RedisCache {
connection_pool: outputs,
current_connection: Default::default(),
pipeline: redis::Pipeline::with_capacity(REDIS_PIPELINE_SIZE),
/// A function which fetches the cached json as json string from the redis server.
/// # Arguments
/// * `key` - It takes a string as key.
/// # Error
/// Returns the json as a String from the cache on success otherwise returns a `CacheError`
/// on a failure.
pub async fn cached_json(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<String, Report<CacheError>> {
self.current_connection = Default::default();
let mut result: Result<String, RedisError> = self.connection_pool
[self.current_connection as usize]
// Code to check whether the current connection being used is dropped with connection error
// or not. if it drops with the connection error then the current connection is replaced
// with a new connection from the pool which is then used to run the redis command then
// that connection is also checked whether it is dropped or not if it is not then the
// result is passed as a `Result` or else the same process repeats again and if all of the
// connections in the pool result in connection drop error then a custom pool error is
// returned.
loop {
match result {
Err(error) => match error.is_connection_dropped() {
true => {
self.current_connection += 1;
if self.current_connection == self.pool_size {
return Err(Report::new(
result = self.connection_pool[self.current_connection as usize]
false => return Err(Report::new(CacheError::RedisError(error))),
Ok(res) => return Ok(res),
/// A function which caches the json by using the key and
/// `json results` as the value and stores it in redis server with ttl(time to live)
/// set to 60 seconds.
/// # Arguments
/// * `json_results` - It takes the json results string as an argument.
/// * `key` - It takes the key as a String.
/// # Error
/// Returns an unit type if the results are cached succesfully otherwise returns a `CacheError`
/// on a failure.
pub async fn cache_json(
&mut self,
json_results: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
keys: impl Iterator<Item = String>,
) -> Result<(), Report<CacheError>> {
self.current_connection = Default::default();
for (key, json_result) in {
.set_ex(key, json_result, self.cache_ttl.into());
let mut result: Result<(), RedisError> = self
.query_async(&mut self.connection_pool[self.current_connection as usize])
// Code to check whether the current connection being used is dropped with connection error
// or not. if it drops with the connection error then the current connection is replaced
// with a new connection from the pool which is then used to run the redis command then
// that connection is also checked whether it is dropped or not if it is not then the
// result is passed as a `Result` or else the same process repeats again and if all of the
// connections in the pool result in connection drop error then a custom pool error is
// returned.
loop {
match result {
Err(error) => match error.is_connection_dropped() {
true => {
self.current_connection += 1;
if self.current_connection == self.pool_size {
return Err(Report::new(
result = self
&mut self.connection_pool[self.current_connection as usize],
false => return Err(Report::new(CacheError::RedisError(error))),
Ok(_) => return Ok(()),