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//! Main module of the application
//! This module contains the main function which handles the logging of the application to the
//! stdout and handles the command line arguments provided and launches the `websurfx` server.
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use websurfx::server::routes;
use actix_files as fs;
use actix_web::{middleware::Logger, web, App, HttpServer};
use clap::{command, Parser};
use env_logger::Env;
use handlebars::Handlebars;
/// A commandline arguments struct.
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Default)]
#[clap(author = "neon_arch", version, about = "Websurfx server application")]
#[command(propagate_version = true)]
struct CliArgs {
#[clap(default_value_t = 8080, short, long,value_parser = is_port_in_range)]
/// provide port number in range [1024-65536] to launch the server on.
port: u16,
const PORT_RANGE: RangeInclusive<usize> = 1024..=65535;
/// A function to check whether port is valid u32 number or is in range
/// between [1024-65536] otherwise display an appropriate error message.
/// # Arguments
/// * `s` - Takes a commandline argument port as a string.
/// # Error
/// Check whether the provided argument to `--port` commandline option is a valid
/// u16 argument and returns it as a u16 value otherwise returns an error with an
/// appropriate error message.
fn is_port_in_range(s: &str) -> Result<u16, String> {
let port: usize = s
.map_err(|_| format!("`{s}` is not a valid port number"))?;
if PORT_RANGE.contains(&port) {
Ok(port as u16)
} else {
"port not found in range {}-{}",
/// The function that launches the main server and registers all the routes of the website.
/// # Error
/// Returns an error if the port is being used by something else on the system and is not
/// available for being used for other applications.
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let args = CliArgs::parse();
// Initializing logging middleware with level set to default or info.
log::info!("started server on port {}", args.port);
let mut handlebars: Handlebars = Handlebars::new();
.register_templates_directory(".html", "./public/templates")
let handlebars_ref: web::Data<Handlebars> = web::Data::new(handlebars);
HttpServer::new(move || {
.wrap(Logger::default()) // added logging middleware for logging.
// Serve images and static files (css and js files).
.service(fs::Files::new("/static", "./public/static").show_files_listing())
.service(fs::Files::new("/images", "./public/images").show_files_listing())
.service(routes::robots_data) // robots.txt
.service(routes::index) // index page
.service(routes::search) // search page
.service(routes::about) // about page
.service(routes::settings) // settings page
.default_service(web::route().to(routes::not_found)) // error page
// Start server on with the user provided port number. for example
.bind(("", args.port))?