//! Main module of the application //! //! This module contains the main function which handles the logging of the application to the //! stdout and handles the command line arguments provided and launches the `websurfx` server. use std::net::TcpListener; use websurfx::{config::parser::Config, run}; /// The function that launches the main server and registers all the routes of the website. /// /// # Error /// /// Returns an error if the port is being used by something else on the system and is not /// available for being used for other applications. #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { // Initialize the parsed config file. let config = Config::parse().unwrap(); // Initializing logging middleware with level set to default or info. if config.logging || config.debug { use env_logger::Env; env_logger::Builder::from_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("info")).init(); } log::info!("started server on port {}", config.port); let listener = TcpListener::bind((config.binding_ip.clone(), config.port))?; run(listener, config)?.await }