//! A build module of the application which minifies the project's css and js files on build which //! helps reduce the initial page by loading the files faster. #![forbid(unsafe_code, clippy::panic)] #![deny(missing_docs, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items, clippy::perf)] #![warn(clippy::cognitive_complexity, rust_2018_idioms)] // ------- Imports ------- use lightningcss::stylesheet::{MinifyOptions, ParserOptions, PrinterOptions, StyleSheet}; use minify_js::{minify, Session, TopLevelMode}; use std::{ fs::{read_dir, read_to_string, File, OpenOptions}, io::{Read, Write}, }; // ------- Constants ------- /// A constant for the path to the public/theme folder in the codebase. const COMMON_STATIC_SOURCE_CODE_FOLDER: &str = "./public/static/"; /// A constant for the names of the folders located in the "/public/static/" /// folder in the codebase which contains the css files to be minified. const STYLE_FOLDERS: [&str; 2] = ["themes", "colorschemes"]; /// A constant for the environment variable name. const PACKAGE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: &str = "PKG_ENV"; /// A constant for the `prod` value of the `pkg_env` environment variable. const PRODUCTION_PKG_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE: &str = "prod"; /// A main function which minifies both css and js files using `lightningcss` and `minify_js` when /// the `PKG_ENV` environment and it is set to the value of `prod`. /// /// # Error /// /// This function returns the unit type when the minification process runs successfully otherwise /// it returns a standard error. fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { if let Ok(pkg_env_var) = std::env::var(PACKAGE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE) { if pkg_env_var.to_lowercase() == PRODUCTION_PKG_ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE { // A for loop that loops over each file name containing in the `colorschemes` and `themes` folders // and minifies it using the `lightningcss` minifier. for folder_name in STYLE_FOLDERS { for file in read_dir(format!("{COMMON_STATIC_SOURCE_CODE_FOLDER}{folder_name}/"))? { let file_path = file?.path(); let source = read_to_string(file_path.clone())?; let mut stylesheet = StyleSheet::parse(&source, ParserOptions::default()) .map_err(|err| format!("{err}\n{:?}", file_path.file_name().unwrap()))?; stylesheet.minify(MinifyOptions::default())?; let minified_css = stylesheet.to_css(PrinterOptions::default())?; let mut old_css_file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(file_path)?; old_css_file.write_all(minified_css.code.as_bytes())?; old_css_file.flush()?; } } // A for loop that loops over each file name containing in the `public/static` folder and minifies // it using the `minify-js` minifier. for file in read_dir(COMMON_STATIC_SOURCE_CODE_FOLDER)? { let file_path = file?.path(); if file_path.is_file() { let mut code = Vec::new(); let mut js_file = File::open(file_path.clone())?; js_file.read_to_end(&mut code)?; drop(js_file); let mut out = Vec::new(); minify(&Session::new(), TopLevelMode::Global, &code, &mut out) .map_err(|err| format!("{err}\n{:?}", file_path.file_name().unwrap()))?; let mut old_js_file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(file_path)?; old_js_file.write_all(&out)?; old_js_file.flush()?; } } } } Ok(()) }