middleschool / list_scripts /2_per_set_json_files.py
Alejandro Cremades
Bonus: better instructions on scripts
# Important: run this script from the parent directory
# (the root directory in this repository)
# python3 list_scripts/2_per_set_json_files.py
# Then, run the newly generated bash script:
# sh list_scripts/3_separate_json_files_per_set.sh
# The Raw data is very large, so let's make JSON files for all relevant sets
# Note: this can take a couple minutes to run
setlist = [
with open("list_scripts/3_separate_json_files_per_set.sh", "w") as f:
for set in setlist:
# Write a separate JSON document for each Middle School legal set
line = f"cat data/AllPrintings.json | jq '.data.\"{set}\".cards' > data/set_{set}.json"
f.write(line + "\n")
line = "jq -s add data/set_* > data/middleschool.json"
f.write(line + "\n")