--- sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.25.0 app_file: "Middle_School_Card_Search.py" --- # middleschool-cardlist Composes a list of Magic cards legal in the Middle School format. ## List of Middle School legal cards You can download the list in the following formats: - [JSON (Oracle IDs and card names only)](output/middleschool.json) - [CSV (Oracle IDs and card names only)](output/middleschool.csv) - [JSON (with additional columns)](output/middleschool_extra_fields.json) - [CSV (with additional columns)](output/middleschool_extra_fields.csv) ## Composing the list Feel free to take a look at [the Jupyter notebook](https://github.com/alecrem/middleschool-cardlist/blob/main/middleschool-cardlist.ipynb) for a quick idea of the process (outdated version). To actually compose the list, please run the shell and python scripts in the `list_scripts` directory in order. ### Requirements Command line utilities: - [wget](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/) - [bzip2](https://sourceware.org/bzip2/) - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) Python modules: - json - pandas - requests_html ## Streamlit web interface This repository also hosts a web app where users can search for Middle School legal cards or check the legality of cards in a list. The app is deployed here: [alecrem-middleschool.hf.space](https://alecrem-middleschool.hf.space/). To run the Streamlit app locally, install the [streamlit](https://docs.streamlit.io/library/get-started) module and run: ```sh streamlit run Middle_School_Card_Search.py ```