feat: added text-to-speech in browser, updated e2e playwright test cases 6957865 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 25
test: update playwright package, add e2e tests (english rec) for gradio app e259e97 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 24
feat: substitute sample table selection with direct input, update TestDataset tests 023235e alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 15
feat: frontend, add a table with all entries from language df and pick the and their API 3fdcb38 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 15
refactor: remove use of utilsFileIO.py, update jquery@3.7.1 and bootstrap@5.3.3 5abbb8c alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 15
refactor: organize project with tests in a package, start following suggestions from pycharm, sonarlint and snyk 74a35d9 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Nov 15