// Audio context initialization let mediaRecorder, audioChunks, audioBlob, stream, audioRecorded; const ctx = new AudioContext(); let currentAudioForPlaying; let lettersOfWordAreCorrect = []; // UI-related variables const page_title = "AI Pronunciation Trainer"; const accuracy_colors = ["green", "orange", "red"]; let badScoreThreshold = 30; let mediumScoreThreshold = 70; let currentSample = 0; let currentScore = 0.; let sample_difficult = 0; let scoreMultiplier = 1; let playAnswerSounds = true; let isNativeSelectedForPlayback = true; let isRecording = false; let serverIsInitialized = false; let serverWorking = true; let languageFound = true; let currentSoundRecorded = false; let currentText, currentIpa, real_transcripts_ipa, matched_transcripts_ipa; let wordCategories; let startTime, endTime; // API related variables let AILanguage = "de"; // Standard is German let STScoreAPIKey = ''; let apiMainPathSample = '';// '';// 'https://a3hj0l2j2m.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/Prod'; let apiMainPathSTS = '';// 'https://wrg7ayuv7i.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/Prod'; // Variables to playback accuracy sounds let soundsPath = '../static';//'https://stscore-sounds-bucket.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com'; let soundFileGood = null; let soundFileOkay = null; let soundFileBad = null; // Speech generation var synth = window.speechSynthesis; let voice_idx = 0; let voice_synth = null; //############################ UI general control functions ################### const unblockUI = () => { document.getElementById("recordAudio").classList.remove('disabled'); document.getElementById("playSampleAudio").classList.remove('disabled'); document.getElementById("buttonNext").onclick = () => getNextSample(); document.getElementById("nextButtonDiv").classList.remove('disabled'); document.getElementById("original_script").classList.remove('disabled'); document.getElementById("buttonNext").style["background-color"] = '#58636d'; if (currentSoundRecorded) document.getElementById("playRecordedAudio").classList.remove('disabled'); }; const blockUI = () => { document.getElementById("recordAudio").classList.add('disabled'); document.getElementById("playSampleAudio").classList.add('disabled'); document.getElementById("buttonNext").onclick = null; document.getElementById("original_script").classList.add('disabled'); document.getElementById("playRecordedAudio").classList.add('disabled'); document.getElementById("buttonNext").style["background-color"] = '#adadad'; }; const UIError = () => { blockUI(); document.getElementById("buttonNext").onclick = () => getNextSample(); //If error, user can only try to get a new sample document.getElementById("buttonNext").style["background-color"] = '#58636d'; document.getElementById("recorded_ipa_script").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("single_word_ipa_pair").innerText = "Error"; document.getElementById("ipa_script").innerText = "Error" document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = 'Server Error'; document.getElementById("original_script").innerText = 'Server error. Either the daily quota of the server is over or there was some internal error. You can try to generate a new sample in a few seconds. If the error persist, try comming back tomorrow or download the local version from Github :)'; }; const UINotSupported = () => { unblockUI(); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Browser unsupported"; } const UIRecordingError = () => { unblockUI(); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Recording error, please try again or restart page."; startMediaDevice(); } //################### Application state functions ####################### function updateScore(currentPronunciationScore) { if (Number.isNaN(currentPronunciationScore)) return; currentScore += currentPronunciationScore * scoreMultiplier; currentScore = Math.round(currentScore); } const cacheSoundFiles = async () => { await fetch(soundsPath + '/ASR_good.wav').then(dataSound1 => dataSound1.arrayBuffer()). then(arrayBuffer => ctx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)). then(decodeAudioData => { soundFileGood = decodeAudioData; }); await fetch(soundsPath + '/ASR_okay.wav').then(dataSound2 => dataSound2.arrayBuffer()). then(arrayBuffer => ctx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)). then(decodeAudioData => { soundFileOkay = decodeAudioData; }); await fetch(soundsPath + '/ASR_bad.wav').then(dataSound3 => dataSound3.arrayBuffer()). then(arrayBuffer => ctx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)). then(decodeAudioData => { soundFileBad = decodeAudioData; }); } const getNextSample = async () => { await prepareUiForNextSample() if (document.getElementById('lengthCat1').checked) { sample_difficult = 0; scoreMultiplier = 1.3; } else if (document.getElementById('lengthCat2').checked) { sample_difficult = 1; scoreMultiplier = 1; } else if (document.getElementById('lengthCat3').checked) { sample_difficult = 2; scoreMultiplier = 1.3; } else if (document.getElementById('lengthCat4').checked) { sample_difficult = 3; scoreMultiplier = 1.6; } try { await fetch(apiMainPathSample + '/getSample', { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify({ "category": sample_difficult.toString(), "language": AILanguage }), }).then(res => res.json()).then(dataFromNextSample => { // console.debug(`getNextSample:: dataFromNextSample: `, typeof dataFromNextSample, "=>", dataFromNextSample, "#"); populateSampleById(dataFromNextSample) }) } catch { UIError(); } }; const prepareUiForNextSample = async () => { blockUI(); if (!serverIsInitialized) await initializeServer(); if (!serverWorking) { UIError(); return; } if (soundFileBad == null) cacheSoundFiles(); updateScore(parseFloat(document.getElementById("pronunciation_accuracy").innerText)); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Processing new sample..."; } const populateSampleById = (dataById) => { // console.debug(`populateSampleById:: dataById: `, typeof dataById, "=>", dataById, "#"); let doc = document.getElementById("original_script"); currentText = dataById.real_transcript; doc.innerText = currentText; currentIpa = dataById.ipa_transcript let doc_ipa = document.getElementById("ipa_script"); doc_ipa.innerText = `/ ${String(currentIpa)} /` document.getElementById("recorded_ipa_script").innerText = "" document.getElementById("pronunciation_accuracy").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("single_word_ipa_pair").innerText = "Reference | Spoken" document.getElementById("section_accuracy").innerText = `| Score: ${currentScore.toString()} - sample n: ${currentSample.toString()}`; currentSample += 1; document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = page_title; document.getElementById("translated_script").innerText = dataById.transcript_translation; currentSoundRecorded = false; unblockUI(); document.getElementById("playRecordedAudio").classList.add('disabled'); } const updateRecordingState = async () => { if (isRecording) { stopRecording(); return } else { recordSample() return; } } const generateWordModal = (word_idx) => { innerText0 = wrapWordForPlayingLink(real_transcripts_ipa[word_idx], word_idx, false, "black") innerText1 = wrapWordForPlayingLink(matched_transcripts_ipa[word_idx], word_idx, true, accuracy_colors[parseInt(wordCategories[word_idx])]) document.getElementById("single_word_ipa_pair").innerText = `${innerText0} | ${innerText1}` } const recordSample = async () => { document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Recording... click again when done speaking"; document.getElementById("recordIcon").innerText = 'pause_presentation'; blockUI(); document.getElementById("recordAudio").classList.remove('disabled'); audioChunks = []; isRecording = true; mediaRecorder.start(); } const changeLanguage = (language, generateNewSample = false) => { voices = synth.getVoices(); AILanguage = language; languageFound = false; let languageIdentifier, languageName; document.getElementById("field-filter-samples").value = ""; switch (language) { case 'de': document.getElementById("languageBox").innerText = "German"; languageIdentifier = 'de'; languageName = 'Anna'; break; case 'en': document.getElementById("languageBox").innerText = "English"; languageIdentifier = 'en'; languageName = 'Daniel'; break; }; for (idx = 0; idx < voices.length; idx++) { if (voices[idx].lang.slice(0, 2) == languageIdentifier && voices[idx].name == languageName) { voice_synth = voices[idx]; languageFound = true; break; } } // If specific voice not found, search anything with the same language if (!languageFound) { for (idx = 0; idx < voices.length; idx++) { if (voices[idx].lang.slice(0, 2) == languageIdentifier) { voice_synth = voices[idx]; languageFound = true; break; } } } if (generateNewSample) getNextSample(); } //################### Speech-To-Score function ######################## const mediaStreamConstraints = { audio: { channelCount: 1, sampleRate: 48000 } } const startMediaDevice = () => { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(mediaStreamConstraints).then(_stream => { stream = _stream mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream); let currentSamplesN = 0 mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = event => { currentSamplesN += event.data.length audioChunks.push(event.data); }; mediaRecorder.onstop = async () => { document.getElementById("recordIcon").innerHTML = 'mic'; blockUI(); audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks, { type: 'audio/ogg;' }); let audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob); audioRecorded = new Audio(audioUrl); let audioBase64 = await convertBlobToBase64(audioBlob); let minimumAllowedLength = 6; if (audioBase64.length < minimumAllowedLength) { setTimeout(UIRecordingError, 50); // Make sure this function finished after get called again return; } try { await fetch(apiMainPathSTS + '/GetAccuracyFromRecordedAudio', { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify({ "title": currentText, "base64Audio": audioBase64, "language": AILanguage }), }).then(res => res.json()). then(mediaData => { if (playAnswerSounds) playSoundForAnswerAccuracy(parseFloat(mediaData.pronunciation_accuracy)) document.getElementById("recorded_ipa_script").innerText = `/ ${mediaData.ipa_transcript} /` document.getElementById("recordAudio").classList.add('disabled'); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = page_title; document.getElementById("pronunciation_accuracy").innerText = `${mediaData.pronunciation_accuracy}%`; lettersOfWordAreCorrect = mediaData.is_letter_correct_all_words.split(" ") startTime = mediaData.start_time; endTime = mediaData.end_time; real_transcripts_ipa = mediaData.real_transcripts_ipa.split(" ") matched_transcripts_ipa = mediaData.matched_transcripts_ipa.split(" ") wordCategories = mediaData.pair_accuracy_category.split(" ") let currentTextWords = currentText.split(" ") coloredWords = ""; for (let word_idx = 0; word_idx < currentTextWords.length; word_idx++) { wordTemp = ''; for (let letter_idx = 0; letter_idx < currentTextWords[word_idx].length; letter_idx++) { letter_is_correct = lettersOfWordAreCorrect[word_idx][letter_idx] == '1' if (letter_is_correct) color_letter = 'green' else color_letter = 'red' wordTemp += '' + currentTextWords[word_idx][letter_idx] + "" } currentTextWords[word_idx] coloredWords += " " + wrapWordForIndividualPlayback(wordTemp, word_idx) } document.getElementById("original_script").innerHTML = coloredWords currentSoundRecorded = true; unblockUI(); document.getElementById("playRecordedAudio").classList.remove('disabled'); }); } catch { UIError(); } }; }); }; startMediaDevice(); // ################### Audio playback ################## const playSoundForAnswerAccuracy = async (accuracy) => { currentAudioForPlaying = soundFileGood; if (accuracy < mediumScoreThreshold) { if (accuracy < badScoreThreshold) { currentAudioForPlaying = soundFileBad; } else { currentAudioForPlaying = soundFileOkay; } } playback(); } const playAudio = async () => { document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Generating sound..."; // console.debug(`playAudio:: currentText: `, typeof currentText, "=>", currentText, "#"); playWithMozillaApi(currentText); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Current Sound was played"; }; function playback() { const playSound = ctx.createBufferSource(); playSound.buffer = currentAudioForPlaying; playSound.connect(ctx.destination); playSound.start(ctx.currentTime) } const playRecording = async (start = null, end = null) => { blockUI(); try { if (start == null || end == null) { endTimeInMs = Math.round(audioRecorded.duration * 1000) audioRecorded.addEventListener("ended", function () { audioRecorded.currentTime = 0; unblockUI(); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Recorded Sound was played"; }); await audioRecorded.play(); } else { audioRecorded.currentTime = start; audioRecorded.play(); durationInSeconds = end - start; endTimeInMs = Math.round(durationInSeconds * 1000); setTimeout(function () { unblockUI(); audioRecorded.pause(); audioRecorded.currentTime = 0; document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Recorded Sound was played"; }, endTimeInMs); } } catch { UINotSupported(); } }; const playNativeAndRecordedWord = async (word_idx) => { if (isNativeSelectedForPlayback) playCurrentWord(word_idx) else playRecordedWord(word_idx); isNativeSelectedForPlayback = !isNativeSelectedForPlayback; } const stopRecording = () => { isRecording = false mediaRecorder.stop() document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Processing audio..."; } const playCurrentWord = async (word_idx) => { document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Generating word..."; // console.debug(`playCurrentWord:: currentText: `, typeof currentText, "=>", currentText, "#"); playWithMozillaApi(currentText.split(' ')[word_idx]); document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = "Word was played"; } // TODO: Check if fallback is correct const playWithMozillaApi = (text) => { if (languageFound) { blockUI(); if (voice_synth == null) changeLanguage(AILanguage); var utterThis = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text); utterThis.voice = voice_synth; utterThis.rate = 0.7; utterThis.onend = function (event) { unblockUI(); } synth.speak(utterThis); } else { UINotSupported(); } } const playRecordedWord = (word_idx) => { wordStartTime = parseFloat(startTime.split(' ')[word_idx]); wordEndTime = parseFloat(endTime.split(' ')[word_idx]); playRecording(wordStartTime, wordEndTime); } // ############# Utils ##################### const convertBlobToBase64 = async (blob) => { return await blobToBase64(blob); } const blobToBase64 = blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = error => reject(error); }); const wrapWordForPlayingLink = (word, word_idx, isFromRecording, word_accuracy_color) => { if (isFromRecording) return '' + word + ' ' else return '' + word + ' ' } const wrapWordForIndividualPlayback = (word, word_idx) => { return '' + word + ' ' } // ########## Function to initialize server ############### // This is to try to avoid aws lambda cold start try { fetch(apiMainPathSTS + '/GetAccuracyFromRecordedAudio', { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify({ "title": '', "base64Audio": '', "language": AILanguage }), }); } catch { } const initializeServer = async () => { valid_response = false; document.getElementById("main_title").innerText = 'Initializing server, this may take up to 2 minutes...'; let number_of_tries = 0; let maximum_number_of_tries = 4; while (!valid_response) { if (number_of_tries > maximum_number_of_tries) { serverWorking = false; break; } try { await fetch(apiMainPathSTS + '/GetAccuracyFromRecordedAudio', { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify({ "title": '', "base64Audio": '', "language": AILanguage }), }).then(valid_response = true); serverIsInitialized = true; } catch { number_of_tries += 1; } } } const getSampleFromTextInput = async (AILanguage, textInput) => { await fetch(apiMainPathSample + '/getSample', { method: "post", body: JSON.stringify({ "language": AILanguage, "transcript": textInput }), }).then(res => { let res2json = res.json() // console.debug(`getSampleFromTextInput:: res2json: `, typeof res2json, "=>", res2json, "#"); return res2json }).then(dataOnInput => { console.log(`getSampleFromTextInput:: dataOnInput: `, typeof dataOnInput, "=>", dataOnInput, "#"); populateSampleById(dataOnInput) }) } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#field-filter-samples").on("keyup", async function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if (keycode === 13 || e.key === 'Enter') { var valueFilter = $(this).val() // console.debug(`input:: valueFilter: `, typeof valueFilter, "=>", valueFilter, ", AILanguage: ", AILanguage, "#"); await getSampleFromTextInput(AILanguage, valueFilter); } }); });