import { test, expect, chromium } from "@playwright/test"; test("test: get a phonetic accuracy evaluation from a recorded audio.", async () => { /** * - DE: * - random choice (random, easy, medium, hard) * - choice from the examples accordion * - record a fake new audio * - upload * - EN: * - random choice (random, easy, medium, hard) */ const testAudioEnvPath = `test_de.wav` console.log("start"); console.log("testAudioEnvPath", testAudioEnvPath, "#"); const browser = await chromium.launch({ args: [ "--use-fake-device-for-media-stream", "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", `--use-file-for-fake-audio-capture=${testAudioEnvPath}`, ], ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--mute-audio'] }) const context = await browser.newContext(); context.grantPermissions(["microphone"]); const page = await browser.newPage({}); await page.goto('http://localhost:7860/'); const accordionExamples = page.getByText('Click here to expand the table examples ▼ Examples Learner Transcription');; const exampleMediumNth1 = page.getByRole('gridcell', { name: 'medium' }).nth(1); await; const buttonTTS = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Run TTS' }) await; // todo: improve this hardcoded timeout await page.waitForTimeout(3000); const buttonPlay = page.getByLabel('Play', { exact: true }) await; const waveFormTTS = page.locator('.scroll > .wrapper').first(); await waveFormTTS.waitFor({ state: 'attached' }); await waveFormTTS.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await expect(waveFormTTS).toBeVisible(); console.log("waveFormTTS??"); const buttonRecordTTS = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Record', exact: true }) await; console.log("buttonRecordTTS??"); const buttonStopTTS = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Stop', exact: true }) await; console.log("buttonStopTTS??"); const buttonRecognizeSpeechAccuracy = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Recognize speech accuracy' }) console.log("buttonRecognizeSpeechAccuracy??"); console.log("buttonRecognizeSpeechAccuracy??"); await; console.log("buttonRecognizeSpeechAccuracy=>click!"); console.log("buttonRecognizeSpeechAccuracy=>click!"); await page.waitForTimeout(300); const errorsElements = page.getByText(/Error/); const ErrorText = errorsElements.all() console.log("ErrorText:", (await ErrorText).length, "#"); await expect(errorsElements).toHaveCount(0); console.log("end"); await page.close(); });