HEADER_MD = """# 💬 BaseChat: Chat with Base LLMs by URIAL [📑 Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.01552) | [🛜 Website](https://allenai.github.io/re-align/) | [💻 GitHub](https://github.com/Re-Align/urial) | [🐦 X-1](https://x.com/billyuchenlin/status/1799885923045568531) [🐦 X-2](https://x.com/billyuchenlin/status/1759541978881311125) | 📮 Contact: [Yuchen Lin](https://yuchenlin.xyz/) **Talk with __BASE__ LLMs which are not fine-tuned at all. The used URIAL prompt is [here](https://github.com/Re-Align/URIAL/blob/main/urial_prompts/inst_1k_v4.help.txt.md).** """ js_code_label = """ function addApiKeyLink() { // Select the div with id 'api_key' const apiKeyDiv = document.getElementById('api_key'); // Find the span within that div with data-testid 'block-info' const blockInfoSpan = apiKeyDiv.querySelector('span[data-testid="block-info"]'); // Create the new link element const newLink = document.createElement('a'); newLink.href = 'https://api.together.ai/settings/api-keys'; newLink.textContent = ' View your keys here.'; newLink.target = '_blank'; // Open link in new tab newLink.style = 'color: #007bff; text-decoration: underline;'; // Create the additional text const additionalText = document.createTextNode(' (new account will have free credits to use.)'); // Append the link and additional text to the span if (blockInfoSpan) { // add a br apiKeyDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); apiKeyDiv.appendChild(newLink); apiKeyDiv.appendChild(additionalText); } else { console.error('Span with data-testid "block-info" not found'); } } """