import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import json import torch from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu import time from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie_spinner import speech_recognition as s with st.sidebar: selected = option_menu( menu_title="Main Menu", options=["Home","Information"] ) ################# Animation of the title st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) if selected == "Home": col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8 = st.columns(8) def load_lottiefile(filepath: str): with open(filepath, "r") as f: return json.load(f) Tbr = load_lottiefile("t.json") with col1: st_lottie(Tbr, loop=True, speed=0.28, key="hello") Obr = load_lottiefile("o.json") with col2: st_lottie(Obr, speed=0.28, key="O") Xbr = load_lottiefile("x.json") with col3: st_lottie(Xbr, speed=0.28, key="X") Ibr = load_lottiefile("i.json") with col4: st_lottie(Ibr, speed=0.28, key="I") Cbr = load_lottiefile("c.json") with col5: st_lottie(Cbr, speed=0.28, key="C") with col6: st_lottie(Ibr, speed=0.28, key="II") with col7: st_lottie(Tbr, speed=0.28, key="TT") Ybr = load_lottiefile("y.json") with col8: st_lottie(Ybr, speed=0.28, key="Y") ########################END OF ANIMATIONS st.markdown(f'

{"Analysis of Text/Speech"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('unitary/toxic-bert') model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('unitary/toxic-bert') labels=('Toxic','Severe Toxic','Obscene/Sexual','Threat/Violent','Insulting','Identity Hate') st.markdown(f'

{"👉 Input Method"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) t1="", ('Text','Speech')) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) bar = st.progress(0) if t1 == "Text": st.markdown(f'

{"Enter Text : "}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) text = st.text_area("👇") if st.button("Done"): with st.spinner("Analysing Toxicity of the Text"): time.sleep(1.5) tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512, truncation=True) result = model(tokens) toxic_array=[] for i in range(6): toxic_array.append((labels[i],round(float(result.logits[0][i]),3))) bar.progress(50) bar.progress(100) max_= max(toxic_array[1:5], key= lambda tup:tup[1]) st.success("Result", icon="✅") if ((toxic_array[0][1]<=0) and (max_[1]<0)): st.markdown(f'

{"Not Toxic"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown(f'


', unsafe_allow_html=True) count=0 for i in range(1,6): if toxic_array[i][1]>0: count+=1 if count>1: st.markdown(f'

{"Other Toxicity:"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) for i in range(1,6): if (toxic_array[i][1]>0) and (toxic_array[i]!=max_): st.markdown(f'


', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown(f'

{"🤏 Click on the Mic to Record"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) if st.button("🎙️"): sr=s.Recognizer() with s.Microphone() as m: st.markdown(f'

{"Speak Now..."}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) audio=sr.listen(m) query=sr.recognize_google(audio,language='eng-in') #st.image(query) st.markdown(f'


', unsafe_allow_html=True) tokens = tokenizer.encode(query, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512, truncation=True) result = model(tokens) toxic_array=[] with st.spinner("Analysing Toxicity of the Text"): time.sleep(1.5) for i in range(6): toxic_array.append((labels[i],round(float(result.logits[0][i]),3))) bar.progress(50) bar.progress(100) max_= max(toxic_array[1:5], key= lambda tup:tup[1]) st.success('Result', icon="✅") if ((toxic_array[0][1]<=0) and (max_[1]<0)): st.markdown(f'

{"Not Toxic"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.markdown(f'


', unsafe_allow_html=True) count=0 for i in range(1,6): if toxic_array[i][1]>0: count+=1 if count>1: st.markdown(f'

{"Other Toxicity:"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) for i in range(1,6): if (toxic_array[i][1]>0) and (toxic_array[i]!=max_): st.markdown(f'


', unsafe_allow_html=True) if selected == "Information": st.markdown(f'

{"This Application uses BERT Model for Analysing Toxicity of Text/Speech"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f'

{"Made by :"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f'

{"🪶Aman Kaintura"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f'

{"🪶Yuvraj Chakravarty"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(f'

{"🪶Bharat Kumar"}

', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" """,unsafe_allow_html=True)