# Import required libraries import PIL import cv2 import streamlit as st from ultralytics import YOLO import tempfile # Replace the relative path to your weight file model_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/wildfire_augmented_final/experiment_113/weights/best.pt' # Setting page layout st.set_page_config( page_title="Object Detection using YOLOv8", # Setting page title page_icon="🤖", # Setting page icon layout="wide", # Setting layout to wide initial_sidebar_state="expanded" # Expanding sidebar by default ) # Creating sidebar with st.sidebar: st.header("Image/Video Config") # Adding header to sidebar # Adding file uploader to sidebar for selecting images and videos source_file = st.file_uploader( "Choose an image or video...", type=("jpg", "jpeg", "png", 'bmp', 'webp', 'mp4')) # Model Options confidence = float(st.slider( "Select Model Confidence", 25, 100, 40)) / 100 # Creating main page heading st.title("Object Detection using YOLOv8") # Creating two columns on the main page col1, col2 = st.columns(2) # Adding image to the first column if image is uploaded with col1: if source_file: # Check if the file is an image if source_file.type.split('/')[0] == 'image': # Opening the uploaded image uploaded_image = PIL.Image.open(source_file) # Adding the uploaded image to the page with a caption st.image(source_file, caption="Uploaded Image", use_column_width=True ) else: tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tfile.write(source_file.read()) vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(tfile.name) try: model = YOLO(model_path) except Exception as ex: st.error( f"Unable to load model. Check the specified path: {model_path}") st.error(ex) if st.sidebar.button('Detect Objects'): if source_file.type.split('/')[0] == 'image': res = model.predict(uploaded_image, conf=confidence ) boxes = res[0].boxes res_plotted = res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1] with col2: st.image(res_plotted, caption='Detected Image', use_column_width=True ) try: with st.expander("Detection Results"): for box in boxes: st.write(box.xywh) except Exception as ex: st.write("No image is uploaded yet!") else: # Open the video file success, image = vidcap.read() while success: res = model.predict(image, conf=confidence ) boxes = res[0].boxes res_plotted = res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1] with col2: st.image(res_plotted, caption='Detected Frame', use_column_width=True ) try: with st.expander("Detection Results"): for box in boxes: st.write(box.xywh) except Exception as ex: st.write("No video is uploaded yet!") success, image = vidcap.read()