from models.pipelines import TextToVideoSDPipelineSpatialAware import torch.nn.functional as F import torch import cv2 import sys import gradio as gr import os import numpy as np from gradio_utils import * def image_mod(image): return image.rotate(45) sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')) NUM_POINTS = 3 NUM_FRAMES = 16 LARGE_BOX_SIZE = 176 def generate_video(pipe, overall_prompt, latents, get_latents=False, num_frames=24, num_inference_steps=50, fg_masks=None, fg_masked_latents=None, frozen_steps=0, frozen_prompt=None, custom_attention_mask=None, fg_prompt=None): video_frames = pipe(overall_prompt, num_frames=num_frames, latents=latents, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, frozen_mask=fg_masks, frozen_steps=frozen_steps, latents_all_input=fg_masked_latents, frozen_prompt=frozen_prompt, custom_attention_mask=custom_attention_mask, fg_prompt=fg_prompt, make_attention_mask_2d=True, attention_mask_block_diagonal=True, height=256, width=256).frames if get_latents: video_latents = pipe(overall_prompt, num_frames=num_frames, latents=latents, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, output_type="latent").frames return video_frames, video_latents return video_frames # def generate_bb(prompt, fg_object, aspect_ratio, size, trajectory): # if len(trajectory['layers']) < NUM_POINTS: # raise ValueError # final_canvas = torch.zeros((NUM_FRAMES,320,576)) # bbox_size_x = LARGE_BOX_SIZE if size == "large" else int(LARGE_BOX_SIZE * 0.75) if size == "medium" else LARGE_BOX_SIZE//2 # bbox_size_y = bbox_size_x if aspect_ratio == "square" else int(bbox_size_x * 0.75) if aspect_ratio == "horizontal" else int(bbox_size_x * 1.25) # bbox_coords = [] # # TODO add checks for trajectory # for t in trajectory['layers']: # bbox_coords.append([int(t.sum(axis=-2).argmax()*576/800), int(t.sum(axis=-1)[140:460].argmax())]) # bbox_coords = np.array(bbox_coords) # # Make a list of length 24 # # Each element is a list of length 2 # # First element is the x coordinate of the bbox # # Second element is a set of y coordinates of the bbox # new_bbox_coords = [np.zeros(2,) for i in range(NUM_FRAMES)] # divisor = int(NUM_FRAMES / (NUM_POINTS-1)) # for i in range(NUM_POINTS-1): # new_bbox_coords[i*divisor] = bbox_coords[i] # new_bbox_coords[-1] = bbox_coords[-1] # # Linearly interpolate in the middle # for i in range(NUM_POINTS-1): # for j in range(1,divisor): # new_bbox_coords[i*divisor+j][1] = int((bbox_coords[i][0] * (divisor-j) + bbox_coords[(i+1)][0] * j) / divisor) # new_bbox_coords[i*divisor+j][0] = int((bbox_coords[i][1] * (divisor-j) + bbox_coords[(i+1)][1] * j) / divisor) # for i in range(NUM_FRAMES): # x = int(new_bbox_coords[i][0]) # y = int(new_bbox_coords[i][1]) # final_canvas[i,int(x-bbox_size_x/2):int(x+bbox_size_x/2), int(y-bbox_size_y/2):int(y+bbox_size_y/2)] = 1 # torch_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # try: # pipe = TextToVideoSDPipelineSpatialAware.from_pretrained( # "cerspense/zeroscope_v2_576w", torch_dtype=torch.float, variant="fp32").to(torch_device) # except: # pipe = TextToVideoSDPipelineSpatialAware.from_pretrained( # "cerspense/zeroscope_v2_576w", torch_dtype=torch.float, variant="fp32").to(torch_device) # fg_masks = F.interpolate(final_canvas.unsqueeze(1), size=(40,72), mode="nearest").to(torch_device) # # Save fg_masks as images # for i in range(NUM_FRAMES): # cv2.imwrite(f"./fg_masks/frame_{i:04d}.png", fg_masks[i,0].cpu().numpy()*255) # seed = 2 # random_latents = torch.randn([1, 4, NUM_FRAMES, 40, 72], generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed)).to(torch_device) # overall_prompt = f"A realistic lively {prompt}" # video_frames = generate_video(pipe, overall_prompt, random_latents, get_latents=False, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES, num_inference_steps=40, # fg_masks=fg_masks, fg_masked_latents=None, frozen_steps=2, frozen_prompt=None, fg_prompt=fg_object) # return create_video(video_frames,fps=8, type="final") def interpolate_points(points, target_length): print(points) if len(points) == target_length: return points elif len(points) > target_length: # Subsample the points uniformly indices = np.round(np.linspace( 0, len(points) - 1, target_length)).astype(int) return [points[i] for i in indices] else: # Linearly interpolate to get more points interpolated_points = [] num_points_to_add = target_length - len(points) points_added_per_segment = num_points_to_add // (len(points) - 1) for i in range(len(points) - 1): start, end = points[i], points[i + 1] interpolated_points.append(start) for j in range(1, points_added_per_segment + 1): fraction = j / (points_added_per_segment + 1) new_point = np.round(start + fraction * (end - start)) interpolated_points.append(new_point) # Add the last point interpolated_points.append(points[-1]) # If there are still not enough points, add extras at the end while len(interpolated_points) < target_length: interpolated_points.append(points[-1]) return interpolated_points torch_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") try: pipe = TextToVideoSDPipelineSpatialAware.from_pretrained( "damo-vilab/text-to-video-ms-1.7b", torch_dtype=torch.float, variant="fp32").to(torch_device) except: pipe = TextToVideoSDPipelineSpatialAware.from_pretrained( "damo-vilab/text-to-video-ms-1.7b", torch_dtype=torch.float, variant="fp32").to(torch_device) def generate_bb(prompt, fg_object, aspect_ratio, size, motion_direction, seed, peekaboo_steps, trajectory): if not set(fg_object.split()).issubset(set(prompt.split())): raise gr.Error("Foreground object should be present in the video prompt") # if len(trajectory['layers']) < NUM_POINTS: # raise ValueError final_canvas = torch.zeros((NUM_FRAMES, 256//8, 256//8)) bbox_size_x = LARGE_BOX_SIZE if size == "large" else int( LARGE_BOX_SIZE * 0.75) if size == "medium" else LARGE_BOX_SIZE//2 bbox_size_y = bbox_size_x if aspect_ratio == "square" else int( bbox_size_x * 1.33) if aspect_ratio == "horizontal" else int(bbox_size_x * 0.75) bbox_coords = [] image = trajectory['composite'] print(image.shape) image = cv2.resize(image, (256, 256)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) contours, _ = cv2.findContours( thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Process each contour bbox_points = [] for contour in contours: # You can approximate the contour to reduce the number of points epsilon = 0.01 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True) # Extracting and printing coordinates for point in approx: y, x = point.ravel() if x in range(1, 255) and y in range(1, 255): # bbox_points.append([min(max(x, 32), 256-32),min(max(y, 32), 256-32)]) bbox_points.append([min(max(x, 0), 256), min(max(y, 0), 256)]) if motion_direction in ['Left to Right', 'Right to Left']: sorted_points = sorted( bbox_points, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=motion_direction == "Right to Left") else: sorted_points = sorted( bbox_points, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=motion_direction == "Down to Up") target_length = NUM_FRAMES final_points = interpolate_points(np.array(sorted_points), target_length) # Remember to reverse the co-ordinates for i in range(NUM_FRAMES): x = int(final_points[i][0]) y = int(final_points[i][1]) # Added Padding final_canvas[i, max(int(x-bbox_size_x/2), 0) // 8:min(int(x+bbox_size_x/2), 256) // 8, max(int(y-bbox_size_y/2), 0) // 8:min(int(y+bbox_size_y/2), 256) // 8] = 1 torch_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") fg_masks = final_canvas.unsqueeze(1).to(torch_device) # # Save fg_masks as images for i in range(NUM_FRAMES): cv2.imwrite(f"./fg_masks/frame_{i:04d}.png", fg_masks[i, 0].cpu().numpy()*255) seed = seed random_latents = torch.randn([1, 4, NUM_FRAMES, 32, 32], generator=torch.Generator( ).manual_seed(seed)).to(torch_device) overall_prompt = f"{prompt} , high quality" video_frames = generate_video(pipe, overall_prompt, random_latents, get_latents=False, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES, num_inference_steps=40, fg_masks=fg_masks, fg_masked_latents=None, frozen_steps=int(peekaboo_steps), frozen_prompt=None, fg_prompt=fg_object) video_frames_original = generate_video(pipe, overall_prompt, random_latents, get_latents=False, num_frames=NUM_FRAMES, num_inference_steps=40, fg_masks=None, fg_masked_latents=None, frozen_steps=0, frozen_prompt=None, fg_prompt=None) return create_video(video_frames_original, fps=8, type="modelscope"), create_video(video_frames, fps=8, type="final") instructions_md = """ ## Usage Instructions - **Video Prompt**: Enter a brief description of the scene you want to generate. - **Foreground Object**: Specify the main object in the video. - **Aspect Ratio**: Choose the aspect ratio for the bounding box. - **Size of the Bounding Box**: Select how large the foreground object should be. - **Trajectory of the Bounding Box**: Draw the trajectory of the bounding box. - **Motion Direction**: Indicate the direction of movement for the object. - **Geek Settings**: Advanced settings for fine-tuning (optional). - **Generate Video**: Click the button to create your video. Feel free to experiment with different settings to see how they affect the output! """ with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(""" # Peekaboo Demo """) with gr.Row(): video_1 = gr.Video(label="Original Modelscope Video") video_2 = gr.Video(label="Peekaboo Video") with gr.Accordion(label="Usage Instructions", open=False): gr.Markdown(instructions_md) with gr.Group("User Input"): txt_1 = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Video Prompt", value="Darth Vader surfing on some waves") txt_2 = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Foreground Object in the Video Prompt", value="Darth Vader") aspect_ratio = gr.Radio(choices=["square", "horizontal", "vertical"], label="Aspect Ratio", value="vertical") trajectory = gr.Paint(value={'background': np.zeros((256, 256)), 'layers': [], 'composite': np.zeros((256, 256))}, type="numpy", image_mode="RGB", height=256, width=256, label="Trajectory of the Bounding Box") size = gr.Radio(choices=["small", "medium", "large"], label="Size of the Bounding Box", value="medium") motion_direction = gr.Radio(choices=["Left to Right", "Right to Left", "Up to Down", "Down to Up"], label="Motion Direction", value="Left to Right") with gr.Accordion(label="Geek settings", open=False): with gr.Group(): seed = gr.Slider(0, 10, step=1., value=2, label="Seed") peekaboo_steps = gr.Slider(0, 20, step=1., value=2, label="Number of Peekaboo Steps") btn = gr.Button(value="Generate Video"), inputs=[txt_1, txt_2, aspect_ratio, size, motion_direction, seed, peekaboo_steps, trajectory], outputs=[video_1, video_2]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(share=True)